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Working from home

Avijit Gupta 526avijitgupta

Working from home
View GitHub Profile
Checking if node.js is installed in /Users/aviato/github/oppia/oppia_tools
Generating list of installed node modules...
Generation completed.
Checking whether Google App Engine is installed in /Users/aviato/github/oppia/oppia_tools/google_appengine_1.9.19/google_appengine
Environment setup completed.
Installing third-party JS libraries and zip files.
Checking whether gulp is installed
Checking whether through2 is installed
Checking whether yargs is installed
Checking whether gulp-concat is installed
[GitRef(local_ref='refs/heads/draft-autosave-frontend', local_sha1='cbd18a7972ba64108906e544ab22e3a7aba97ed5', remote_ref='refs/heads/draft-autosave-frontend', remote_sha1='28791728ece3c3a40362b9fc23c12d16fa4cea72')]
Modified files in draft-autosave-frontend:
[FileDiff(status='M', name='core/templates/dev/head/exploration_editor/EditorServices.js')]
Files to lint in draft-autosave-frontend:

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install Oppia ?

Oppia can be installed on your machine running Linux, Mac OS or Windows. Or if you want to ensure that you always have a clean machine identical to other developers, you may want to install Oppia through Vagrant. Vagrant will also provide isolation between your host machine and things that Oppia needs to install and change, or allow you to build different development versions of Oppia on different branches.

If you just want to create and share explorations, you may be able to use the hosted server at (in which case you don't need to install anything).

How do I start contributing to Oppia ?

Checking if node.js is installed in /home/avijit/github/oppia_tools
Generating list of installed node modules...
Generation completed.
Checking whether GAE is installed in /home/avijit/github/oppia_tools/google_appengine_1.9.19/google_appengine
Environment setup completed.
Installing third-party JS libraries and zip files.
Checking whether gulp is installed
Checking whether through2 is installed
Checking whether yargs is installed
Checking whether gulp-concat is installed
Tasks still running:
core.controllers.reader_test (started 12:58:33)
core.domain.stats_jobs_continuous_test (started 12:58:11)
core.domain.exp_services_test (started 12:58:11)
core.domain.user_jobs_one_off_test (started 12:57:53)
core.domain.feedback_jobs_continuous_test (started 12:57:53)
core.domain.user_jobs_continuous_test (started 12:57:33)
core.domain.stats_services_test (started 12:57:32)
[GitRef(local_ref='refs/heads/logged-in-replace-splash', local_sha1='34c88250c1253a68b6bf84ef26d19291a06fdb90', remote_ref='refs/heads/logged-in-replace-splash', remote_sha1='0000000000000000000000000000000000000000')]
Modified files in logged-in-replace-splash:
[FileDiff(status='A', name='.gitignore'),
FileDiff(status='A', name='.jscsrc'),
FileDiff(status='A', name='.pylintrc'),
FileDiff(status='A', name='.travis.yml'),
FileDiff(status='A', name='AUTHORS'),
FileDiff(status='A', name='CHANGELOG'),
$scope.$on('$ionicView.beforeEnter', function() {
elem = angular.element(document.querySelectorAll('ion-nav-bar ion-header-bar'));
Works with bootstrap 2.x , not with bootstrap 3.x
<div class="container">
<div class="container-fluid attackercallout">
<div class="row-fluid">
<span class="id">Rank #1</span>
<div class="row-fluid">
<span class="id">Region</span>
.attackercallout {
width: 120px;
height: 160px;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 12px rgba(0,255,255,0.5);
border: 1px solid rgba(127,255,255,0.25);
text-align: center;
cursor: default;
z-index: 99;
# MOZDEF run script
sudo invoke-rc.d rabbitmq-server start
sudo service elasticsearch start
sudo service nginx start
cd /opt/MozDef/loginput && sudo uwsgi --socket loginput.socket --wsgi-file --buffer-size 32768 --master --listen 100 --uid root --pp /opt/MozDef/loginput --chmod-socket --logto /var/log/mozdef/uwsgi.loginput.log
cd /opt/MozDef/rest && sudo uwsgi --socket rest.socket --wsgi-file --buffer-size 32768 --master --listen 100 --uid root --pp /opt/MozDef/rest --chmod-socket --logto /var/log/mozdef/
cd /opt/MozDef/mq && sudo uwsgi --socket /opt/MozDef/esworker.socket --buffer-size 32768 --master --listen 100 --uid root --pp /opt/MozDef/mq --stats --logto /var/log/mozdef/uwsgi.esworker.log --master-fifo /run/uwsgi/apps/esworker.fifo
cd /opt/MozDef/meteor && meteor run
cd /opt/MozDef/alerts && sudo celery -A celeryconfig worker --loglevel=info --beat