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Last active December 23, 2021 10:46
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  • Save bbpbuildbot/533ff24a0e8e6612fc1b6b6b0dfc5f8f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bbpbuildbot/533ff24a0e8e6612fc1b6b6b0dfc5f8f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Logfiles for GitLab pipeline (:no_entry:) running on GitHub PR BlueBrain/CoreNeuron#699.
Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640250625:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640250625:resolve_secrets section_start:1640250625:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114685
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=6
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114685_PROD_P112_CP10_C12
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=6, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=1 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 144604
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J114685_PROD_P112_CP10_C12 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=1 --jobid=144604 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M
section_end:1640250627:prepare_executor section_start:1640250627:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i5n32 via
section_end:1640250632:prepare_script section_start:1640250632:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640250632:get_sources section_start:1640250632:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for coreneuron-nvhpc-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=168578 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1640250700:restore_cache section_start:1640250700:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for spack_setup (114679)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=171888 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=114679 responseStatus=200 OK token=jyqzz_qA
section_end:1640250701:download_artifacts section_start:1640250701:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ SPACK_CONFIG=${PWD}/spack-config
$ mkdir ${SPACK_CONFIG}
$ cat > ${SPACK_CONFIG}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ - $tempdir/$user/spack-stage
/gpfs/ - ~/.spack/stage
/gpfs/ # - $spack/var/spack/stage
/gpfs/ # Directory in which to run tests and store test results.
/gpfs/ # Tests will be stored in directories named by date/time and package
/gpfs/ # name/hash.
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ root: $spack/opt/spack
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 36
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Locations where different types of modules should be installed.
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $spack/share/spack/modules
/gpfs/ lmod: $spack/share/spack/lmod
/gpfs/ test_stage: ~/.spack/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: ~/.spack/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ concretizer: original
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
_builtin package_lock_timeout: !!null 'None'
$ if [ "${SPACK_EXPORT_SPECS}" ]; then
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${PWD}/local_config
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE="$(spack location -p ${SPACK_PACKAGE})/"
$ if [ "${PACKAGE_REF}" ]; then
$ echo New ref for ${SPACK_PACKAGE} is ${PACKAGE_REF}
New ref for coreneuron is commit="7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336"
$ sed -i -e "/^\s*version\s*(\s*\(['\"]\)develop\1/ { s/,\s*\(commit\|tag\|branch\)=\([\"']\)[^\"']\+\2//g; s#)#, ${PACKAGE_REF})#; }" "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}"
$ (cd $(dirname "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}") && git diff "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
index d2ab4ef..ca44375 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class Coreneuron(CMakePackage):
url = ""
git = ""
- version('develop', branch='master')
+ version('develop', commit="7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336")
# 1.0.1 > > 1.0 as far as Spack is concerned
version('', commit='e265f9d')
version('', commit='846b3a6')
$ fi
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install coreneuron@develop%nvhpc+gpu+tests~legacy-unit~report build_type=RelWithDebInfo
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][0][\"${SPACK_PACKAGE}\"][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be 7r3a4d2rmvk5oeb6vt52s4zg2hppmnjp
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_DIR=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_BASEDIR}
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 10:13:25 2021
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.40 / 0.51 (78.07 %)
Files: 9774
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: '7r3a4d2rmvk5oeb6vt52s4zg2hppmnjp'
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- coreneuron@develop%nvhpc+gpu~legacy-unit~report+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo
- 7r3a4d2 coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@21.11~caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi~nmodl~openmp~profile~report+shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- ilh3i6h ^bison@3.6.4%nvhpc@21.11 patches=ad81ef1b088459a396d908295afc3809f9a25076efaa459cdd2f21eabd1f4b16 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ugnnauj ^boost@1.73.0%nvhpc@21.11+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 patches=246508e052c44b6f4e8c2542a71c06cacaa72cd1447ab8d2a542b987bc35ace9,4dd507e1f5a29e3b87b15321a4d8c74afdc8331433edabf7aeab89b3c405d556,d56f31f2a3956630e5372b987d39cb79b5d2c71760fa150b8eb4a3f1a07e2658 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 3id4xmv ^cmake@3.15.7%nvhpc@21.11~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release patches=1c540040c7e203dd8e27aa20345ecb07fe06570d56410a24a266ae570b1c4c39,bf695e3febb222da2ed94b3beea600650e4318975da90e4a71d6f31a6d5d8c3d arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] rtdgzju ^cuda@11.5.1%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- o7642tm ^flex@2.6.4%nvhpc@21.11+lex patches=09c22e5c6fef327d3e48eb23f0d610dcd3a35ab9207f12e0f875701c677978d3 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] rvmqyas ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 6yf3e2o ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] boepiq7 ^python@3.8.3%nvhpc@21.11+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
==> bison@3.6.4 : has external module in ['bison/3.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.6.4-ilh3i6hsazuqblyjs46wno4wkyhcaycx)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.73.0-ugnnaujozxx7u35zmkozzxs42p6ujetq)
==> cmake@3.15.7 : has external module in ['cmake/3.15.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.15.7-3id4xmvyepn3luv5kvzabnojgl4kjbvv)
==> cuda@11.5.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.5.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.5.1-rtdgzjuarsbhlad5e2q6z6hb35poq3ba)
==> flex@2.6.4 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.4-o7642tm7j36qtzmyzthrmdbfctyfsdnn)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-rvmqyashdppnfjw5xoegvqeeaassuana)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-6yf3e2oymeefngifdautp2wd347lcijn)
==> python@3.8.3 : has external module in ['python/3.8.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.8.3-boepiq7qwlm3d6e5almdw67q65o5quqn)
==> Installing coreneuron-develop-7r3a4d2rmvk5oeb6vt52s4zg2hppmnjp
==> No binary for coreneuron-develop-7r3a4d2rmvk5oeb6vt52s4zg2hppmnjp found: installing from source
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 10:24:45 2021
Hits: 115 / 117 (98.29 %)
Direct: 99 / 117 (84.62 %)
Preprocessed: 16 / 18 (88.89 %)
Misses: 2
Direct: 18
Preprocessed: 2
Uncacheable: 18
Primary storage:
Hits: 229 / 234 (97.86 %)
Misses: 5
Cache size (GB): 0.40 / 0.51 (78.08 %)
Files: 9778
Called for linking: 15
No input file: 3
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.8.3
Autoloading py-virtualenv/16.7.6
Autoloading py-numpy/1.19.4
Autoloading py-mpi4py/3.0.3
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
Autoloading py-h5py/3.1.0
Autoloading hdf5/1.10.7
$ echo "Returning the number of failed builds, ${num_failures}"
Returning the number of failed builds, 0
$ exit ${num_failures}
section_end:1640251494:step_script section_start:1640251494:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache coreneuron-nvhpc-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=194134 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache/: found 10339 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1640251556:archive_cache section_start:1640251556:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=194848 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114685 responseStatus=201 Created token=RSsJqaY9
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=194875 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=114685 responseStatus=201 Created token=RSsJqaY9
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=194906 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=114685 responseStatus=201 Created token=RSsJqaY9
section_end:1640251557:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1640251557:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640251558:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640250624:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640250624:resolve_secrets section_start:1640250624:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114683
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=6
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114683_PROD_P112_CP9_C11
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=6, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=1 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 144603
job state: PD
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J114683_PROD_P112_CP9_C11 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=1 --jobid=144603 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M
section_end:1640250628:prepare_executor section_start:1640250628:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i5n32 via
section_end:1640250632:prepare_script section_start:1640250632:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640250632:get_sources section_start:1640250632:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for coreneuron-intel-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=168554 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1640250687:restore_cache section_start:1640250687:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for spack_setup (114679)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=170995 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=114679 responseStatus=200 OK token=jyqzz_qA
section_end:1640250688:download_artifacts section_start:1640250688:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ SPACK_CONFIG=${PWD}/spack-config
$ mkdir ${SPACK_CONFIG}
$ cat > ${SPACK_CONFIG}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ - $tempdir/$user/spack-stage
/gpfs/ - ~/.spack/stage
/gpfs/ # - $spack/var/spack/stage
/gpfs/ # Directory in which to run tests and store test results.
/gpfs/ # Tests will be stored in directories named by date/time and package
/gpfs/ # name/hash.
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ root: $spack/opt/spack
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 36
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Locations where different types of modules should be installed.
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $spack/share/spack/modules
/gpfs/ lmod: $spack/share/spack/lmod
/gpfs/ test_stage: ~/.spack/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: ~/.spack/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ concretizer: original
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
_builtin package_lock_timeout: !!null 'None'
$ if [ "${SPACK_EXPORT_SPECS}" ]; then
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${PWD}/local_config
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE="$(spack location -p ${SPACK_PACKAGE})/"
$ if [ "${PACKAGE_REF}" ]; then
$ echo New ref for ${SPACK_PACKAGE} is ${PACKAGE_REF}
New ref for coreneuron is commit="7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336"
$ sed -i -e "/^\s*version\s*(\s*\(['\"]\)develop\1/ { s/,\s*\(commit\|tag\|branch\)=\([\"']\)[^\"']\+\2//g; s#)#, ${PACKAGE_REF})#; }" "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}"
$ (cd $(dirname "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}") && git diff "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
index d2ab4ef..ca44375 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class Coreneuron(CMakePackage):
url = ""
git = ""
- version('develop', branch='master')
+ version('develop', commit="7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336")
# 1.0.1 > > 1.0 as far as Spack is concerned
version('', commit='e265f9d')
version('', commit='846b3a6')
$ fi
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install coreneuron@develop%intel+tests~legacy-unit build_type=Debug
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][0][\"${SPACK_PACKAGE}\"][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be aevgkbdozl3htdtjhrd5w65n3c6mb2jh
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_DIR=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_BASEDIR}
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 10:13:26 2021
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.36 / 0.51 (70.62 %)
Files: 7637
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'aevgkbdozl3htdtjhrd5w65n3c6mb2jh'
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- coreneuron@develop%intel~legacy-unit+tests build_type=Debug
- aevgkbd coreneuron@develop%intel@ build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- ymcya3l ^bison@3.6.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] pvpzjkl ^boost@1.73.0%intel@ cxxstd=98 patches=246508e052c44b6f4e8c2542a71c06cacaa72cd1447ab8d2a542b987bc35ace9,4dd507e1f5a29e3b87b15321a4d8c74afdc8331433edabf7aeab89b3c405d556 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- mxqypex ^cmake@3.15.7%intel@ build_type=Release patches=1c540040c7e203dd8e27aa20345ecb07fe06570d56410a24a266ae570b1c4c39,bf695e3febb222da2ed94b3beea600650e4318975da90e4a71d6f31a6d5d8c3d arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 5mabxtb ^flex@2.6.4%intel@ patches=09c22e5c6fef327d3e48eb23f0d610dcd3a35ab9207f12e0f875701c677978d3 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] nnhu6zi ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 2gn7wjx ^libsonata-report@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] pjaxv63 ^hdf5@1.10.7%intel@ api=none arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] wjshhip ^zlib@1.2.11%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] gwht6mm ^spdlog@1.8.1%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- nayogh4 ^ninja@1.10.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] icfhbit ^python@3.8.3%intel@ patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 7eg3tqe ^reportinglib@2.5.6%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
==> bison@3.6.4 : has external module in ['bison/3.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.6.4-ymcya3lbfxylkvsbomj2rbzbvecsldu2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.73.0-pvpzjklfqyl55rerdxp63j32kpqkfr4z)
==> cmake@3.15.7 : has external module in ['cmake/3.15.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.15.7-mxqypexiy6wmh4hpnmf4lbwwwqhxzscg)
==> flex@2.6.4 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.4-5mabxtbvp5xw7gfjcac32iffw27sdssk)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-nnhu6ziqp6ramcgkmky7i3e2ll5vl5ey)
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-wjshhipoj5m66agnke3p2dsjf32qntuf)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-nayogh4gvnag7ybxc2ud5dt4ckxod3cc)
==> python@3.8.3 : has external module in ['python/3.8.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.8.3-icfhbitmltpoj6w6vghr23ac5erldiic)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing coreneuron-develop-aevgkbdozl3htdtjhrd5w65n3c6mb2jh
==> No binary for coreneuron-develop-aevgkbdozl3htdtjhrd5w65n3c6mb2jh found: installing from source
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 10:18:50 2021
Hits: 108 / 117 (92.31 %)
Direct: 92 / 118 (77.97 %)
Preprocessed: 16 / 26 (61.54 %)
Misses: 9
Direct: 26
Preprocessed: 10
Uncacheable: 20
Primary storage:
Hits: 215 / 236 (91.10 %)
Misses: 21
Cache size (GB): 0.36 / 0.51 (70.64 %)
Files: 7655
Called for linking: 16
Compiler produced no output: 1
No input file: 3
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.8.3
Autoloading py-virtualenv/16.7.6
Autoloading py-numpy/1.19.4
Autoloading py-mpi4py/3.0.3
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
Autoloading py-h5py/3.1.0
Autoloading hdf5/1.10.7
$ echo "Returning the number of failed builds, ${num_failures}"
Returning the number of failed builds, 0
$ exit ${num_failures}
section_end:1640251135:step_script section_start:1640251135:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache coreneuron-intel-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=185727 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache/: found 8216 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1640251178:archive_cache section_start:1640251178:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=186809 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114683 responseStatus=201 Created token=QBkoW31L
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=186834 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=114683 responseStatus=201 Created token=QBkoW31L
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=186860 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=114683 responseStatus=201 Created token=QBkoW31L
section_end:1640251179:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1640251179:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640251180:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640253269:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640253269:resolve_secrets section_start:1640253269:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114721
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=6
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114721_PROD_P112_CP3_C5
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=6, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=1 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 144715
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J114721_PROD_P112_CP3_C5 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=1 --jobid=144715 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M
section_end:1640253271:prepare_executor section_start:1640253271:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i5n30 via
section_end:1640253272:prepare_script section_start:1640253272:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640253273:get_sources section_start:1640253273:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for coreneuron-nvhpc-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=257111 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1640253371:restore_cache section_start:1640253371:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:nmodl:gpu (114681)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=262375 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=114681 responseStatus=200 OK token=dytEAHjM
section_end:1640253372:download_artifacts section_start:1640253372:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ SPACK_CONFIG=${PWD}/spack-config
$ mkdir ${SPACK_CONFIG}
$ cat > ${SPACK_CONFIG}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ - $tempdir/$user/spack-stage
/gpfs/ - ~/.spack/stage
/gpfs/ # - $spack/var/spack/stage
/gpfs/ # Directory in which to run tests and store test results.
/gpfs/ # Tests will be stored in directories named by date/time and package
/gpfs/ # name/hash.
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ root: $spack/opt/spack
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 36
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Locations where different types of modules should be installed.
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $spack/share/spack/modules
/gpfs/ lmod: $spack/share/spack/lmod
/gpfs/ test_stage: ~/.spack/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: ~/.spack/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ concretizer: original
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
_builtin package_lock_timeout: !!null 'None'
$ if [ "${SPACK_EXPORT_SPECS}" ]; then
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${PWD}/local_config
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE="$(spack location -p ${SPACK_PACKAGE})/"
$ if [ "${PACKAGE_REF}" ]; then
$ echo New ref for ${SPACK_PACKAGE} is ${PACKAGE_REF}
New ref for coreneuron is commit="7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336"
$ sed -i -e "/^\s*version\s*(\s*\(['\"]\)develop\1/ { s/,\s*\(commit\|tag\|branch\)=\([\"']\)[^\"']\+\2//g; s#)#, ${PACKAGE_REF})#; }" "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}"
$ (cd $(dirname "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}") && git diff "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
index d2ab4ef..ca44375 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class Coreneuron(CMakePackage):
url = ""
git = ""
- version('develop', branch='master')
+ version('develop', commit="7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336")
# 1.0.1 > > 1.0 as far as Spack is concerned
version('', commit='e265f9d')
version('', commit='846b3a6')
$ fi
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install coreneuron@develop%nvhpc+nmodl+gpu+tests~legacy-unit~report build_type=RelWithDebInfo ^/zfakioujxsm45dlnonboqvphrxexao57
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for nmodl@develop
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][0][\"${SPACK_PACKAGE}\"][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be qnf2dk3mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_DIR=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_BASEDIR}
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 10:59:32 2021
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.40 / 0.51 (78.08 %)
Files: 9778
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'qnf2dk3mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo'
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- coreneuron@develop%nvhpc+gpu~legacy-unit+nmodl~report+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo
[+] ^nmodl@develop%nvhpc@21.11~ipo~legacy-unit~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-jinja2@2.10.3%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-babel@2.7.0%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-pytz@2020.1%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^python@3.8.3%nvhpc@21.11+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-setuptools@50.3.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-markupsafe@1.1.1%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-pytest@5.3.4%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-attrs@20.3.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-more-itertools@8.7.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-packaging@19.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-pyparsing@2.4.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-six@1.16.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-py@1.8.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-wcwidth@0.1.7%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@9.3.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^libyaml@0.2.4%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-sympy@1.4%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- qnf2dk3 coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@21.11~caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile~report+shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- ilh3i6h ^bison@3.6.4%nvhpc@21.11 patches=ad81ef1b088459a396d908295afc3809f9a25076efaa459cdd2f21eabd1f4b16 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ugnnauj ^boost@1.73.0%nvhpc@21.11+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 patches=246508e052c44b6f4e8c2542a71c06cacaa72cd1447ab8d2a542b987bc35ace9,4dd507e1f5a29e3b87b15321a4d8c74afdc8331433edabf7aeab89b3c405d556,d56f31f2a3956630e5372b987d39cb79b5d2c71760fa150b8eb4a3f1a07e2658 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 3id4xmv ^cmake@3.15.7%nvhpc@21.11~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release patches=1c540040c7e203dd8e27aa20345ecb07fe06570d56410a24a266ae570b1c4c39,bf695e3febb222da2ed94b3beea600650e4318975da90e4a71d6f31a6d5d8c3d arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] rtdgzju ^cuda@11.5.1%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- o7642tm ^flex@2.6.4%nvhpc@21.11+lex patches=09c22e5c6fef327d3e48eb23f0d610dcd3a35ab9207f12e0f875701c677978d3 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] rvmqyas ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 6yf3e2o ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] zfakiou ^nmodl@develop%nvhpc@21.11~ipo~legacy-unit~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] 56d4qrp ^py-jinja2@2.10.3%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] wmslpld ^py-babel@2.7.0%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] oy6pnkw ^py-pytz@2020.1%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] boepiq7 ^python@3.8.3%nvhpc@21.11+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] qtsnebc ^py-setuptools@50.3.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] 7ap4eon ^py-markupsafe@1.1.1%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] nklcaqd ^py-pytest@5.3.4%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] hv3l6m3 ^py-attrs@20.3.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ric2ffi ^py-more-itertools@8.7.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] tnxvjns ^py-packaging@19.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] nqd6d4a ^py-pyparsing@2.4.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] dt3gjsu ^py-six@1.16.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] rlm5oq3 ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] auxibxx ^py-py@1.8.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] a5khbku ^py-wcwidth@0.1.7%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] 4tb344r ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@9.3.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ggibzjm ^libyaml@0.2.4%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] qqqe57g ^py-sympy@1.4%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] 7efatr5 ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
==> bison@3.6.4 : has external module in ['bison/3.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.6.4-ilh3i6hsazuqblyjs46wno4wkyhcaycx)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.73.0-ugnnaujozxx7u35zmkozzxs42p6ujetq)
==> cmake@3.15.7 : has external module in ['cmake/3.15.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.15.7-3id4xmvyepn3luv5kvzabnojgl4kjbvv)
==> cuda@11.5.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.5.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.5.1-rtdgzjuarsbhlad5e2q6z6hb35poq3ba)
==> flex@2.6.4 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.4-o7642tm7j36qtzmyzthrmdbfctyfsdnn)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-rvmqyashdppnfjw5xoegvqeeaassuana)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-6yf3e2oymeefngifdautp2wd347lcijn)
==> python@3.8.3 : has external module in ['python/3.8.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.8.3-boepiq7qwlm3d6e5almdw67q65o5quqn)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing coreneuron-develop-qnf2dk3mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo
==> No binary for coreneuron-develop-qnf2dk3mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for nmodl@develop
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> Error: ProcessError: Command exited with status 1:
'ninja' '-j6' '-v'
2 errors found in build log:
217 [81/103] /gpfs/
2/J114679/_/spack/lib/spack/env/nvhpc/nvc++ -DCORENEURON_BUILD -DC
7-x86_64/nvhpc-21.11/nmodl-develop-zfakio/include -I/gpfs/bbp.cscs.
ck-src/coreneuron/utils/randoms -I/gpfs/
uron-develop-qnf2dk3mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src -Icoreneuro
n -Iinclude -I/gpfs/
mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src/external/Random123/include -I/g
ihwd75gxo/spack-src/external/CLI11/include -mno-abm -g -O2 -fPIC
--diag_suppress=111,550 -acc -gpu=cuda11.5,cc60,cc70,cc80 --c++14
-o coreneuron/CMakeFiles/coreneuron.dir/utils/nrnoc_aux.cpp.o -c /
218 [82/103] /gpfs/
2/J114679/_/spack/lib/spack/env/nvhpc/nvc++ -DCORENEURON_BUILD -DC
7-x86_64/nvhpc-21.11/nmodl-develop-zfakio/include -I/gpfs/bbp.cscs.
ck-src/coreneuron/utils/randoms -I/gpfs/
uron-develop-qnf2dk3mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src -Icoreneuro
n -Iinclude -I/gpfs/
mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src/external/Random123/include -I/g
ihwd75gxo/spack-src/external/CLI11/include -mno-abm -g -O2 -fPIC
--diag_suppress=111,550 -acc -gpu=cuda11.5,cc60,cc70,cc80 --c++14
-o coreneuron/CMakeFiles/coreneuron.dir/config/config.cpp.o -c cor
219 [83/103] /gpfs/
2/J114679/_/spack/lib/spack/env/nvhpc/nvc++ -DCORENEURON_BUILD -DC
7-x86_64/nvhpc-21.11/nmodl-develop-zfakio/include -I/gpfs/bbp.cscs.
ck-src/coreneuron/utils/randoms -I/gpfs/
uron-develop-qnf2dk3mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src -Icoreneuro
n -Iinclude -I/gpfs/
mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src/external/Random123/include -I/g
ihwd75gxo/spack-src/external/CLI11/include -mno-abm -g -O2 -fPIC
--diag_suppress=111,550 -acc -gpu=cuda11.5,cc60,cc70,cc80 --c++14
-o coreneuron/CMakeFiles/coreneuron.dir/utils/vrecord.cpp.o -c /gp
220 [84/103] /gpfs/
2/J114679/_/spack/lib/spack/env/nvhpc/nvc++ -DCORENEURON_BUILD -DC
7-x86_64/nvhpc-21.11/nmodl-develop-zfakio/include -I/gpfs/bbp.cscs.
ck-src/coreneuron/utils/randoms -I/gpfs/
uron-develop-qnf2dk3mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src -Icoreneuro
n -Iinclude -I/gpfs/
mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src/external/Random123/include -I/g
ihwd75gxo/spack-src/external/CLI11/include -mno-abm -g -O2 -fPIC
--diag_suppress=111,550 -acc -gpu=cuda11.5,cc60,cc70,cc80 --c++14
-o coreneuron/CMakeFiles/coreneuron.dir/utils/utils.cpp.o -c /gpfs
221 [85/103] /gpfs/
2/J114679/_/spack/lib/spack/env/nvhpc/nvc++ -DCORENEURON_BUILD -DC
7-x86_64/nvhpc-21.11/nmodl-develop-zfakio/include -I/gpfs/bbp.cscs.
ck-src/coreneuron/utils/randoms -I/gpfs/
uron-develop-qnf2dk3mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src -Icoreneuro
n -Iinclude -I/gpfs/
mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src/external/Random123/include -I/g
ihwd75gxo/spack-src/external/CLI11/include -mno-abm -g -O2 -fPIC
--diag_suppress=111,550 -acc -gpu=cuda11.5,cc60,cc70,cc80 --c++14
-o coreneuron/CMakeFiles/coreneuron.dir/mpi/core/nrnmpi_def_cinc.c
pp.o -c /gpfs/
222 [86/103] /gpfs/
21-01-06/linux-rhel7-x86_64/gcc-9.3.0/cuda-11.5.1-gygt6u/bin/nvcc -
01-06/linux-rhel7-x86_64/gcc-4.8.5/gcc-9.3.0-45gzrp/bin/gcc -DCOREN
pack/linux-rhel7-x86_64/nvhpc-21.11/nmodl-develop-zfakio/include -I
u5ihwd75gxo/spack-src/coreneuron/utils/randoms -I/gpfs/
src -Icoreneuron -Iinclude -isystem=/gpfs/
Random123/include -isystem=/gpfs/
lude --generate-code=arch=compute_60,code=[compute_60,sm_60] --gene
rate-code=arch=compute_70,code=[compute_70,sm_70] --generate-code=a
rch=compute_80,code=[compute_80,sm_80] --expt-relaxed-constexpr -Xc
udafe --diag_suppress=3057,--diag_suppress=3085 -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -Xc
ompiler=-fPIC -x cu -dc /gpfs/
u -o coreneuron/CMakeFiles/coreneuron.dir/gpfs/
/ && /gpfs/
gt6u/bin/nvcc -ccbin=/gpfs/
akio/include -I/gpfs/
3mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src/coreneuron/utils/randoms -I/gp
hwd75gxo/spack-src -Icoreneuron -Iinclude -isystem=/gpfs/bbp.cscs.c
k-src/external/Random123/include -isystem=/gpfs/
ernal/CLI11/include --generate-code=arch=compute_60,code=[compute_6
0,sm_60] --generate-code=arch=compute_70,code=[compute_70,sm_70] --
generate-code=arch=compute_80,code=[compute_80,sm_80] --expt-relaxe
d-constexpr -Xcudafe --diag_suppress=3057,--diag_suppress=3085 -O2
-g -DNDEBUG -Xcompiler=-fPIC -x cu -M /gpfs/
7-x86_64/nvhpc-21.11/nmodl-develop-zfakio/include/partial_piv_lu/pa -MT coreneuron/CMakeFiles/coreneuron.dir/gpfs/bbp.c
/partial_piv_lu/ -o coreneuron/CMakeFiles/corene
>> 223 FAILED: coreneuron/CMakeFiles/coreneuron.dir/gpfs/
224 /gpfs/
linux-rhel7-x86_64/gcc-9.3.0/cuda-11.5.1-gygt6u/bin/nvcc -ccbin=/gp
ux-rhel7-x86_64/gcc-4.8.5/gcc-9.3.0-45gzrp/bin/gcc -DCORENEURON_BUI
x-rhel7-x86_64/nvhpc-21.11/nmodl-develop-zfakio/include -I/gpfs/bbp
xo/spack-src/coreneuron/utils/randoms -I/gpfs/
coreneuron-develop-qnf2dk3mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src -Icor
eneuron -Iinclude -isystem=/gpfs/
/include -isystem=/gpfs/
2dk3mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src/external/CLI11/include --ge
nerate-code=arch=compute_60,code=[compute_60,sm_60] --generate-code
=arch=compute_70,code=[compute_70,sm_70] --generate-code=arch=compu
te_80,code=[compute_80,sm_80] --expt-relaxed-constexpr -Xcudafe --d
iag_suppress=3057,--diag_suppress=3085 -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -Xcompiler=-
fPIC -x cu -dc /gpfs/
odl-develop-zfakio/include/partial_piv_lu/ -o core
64/nvhpc-21.11/nmodl-develop-zfakio/include/partial_piv_lu/partial_ && /gpfs/
nvcc -ccbin=/gpfs/
/2021-01-06/linux-rhel7-x86_64/gcc-4.8.5/gcc-9.3.0-45gzrp/bin/gcc -
ude -I/gpfs/
5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src/coreneuron/utils/randoms -I/gpfs/bbp.cs
spack-src -Icoreneuron -Iinclude -isystem=/gpfs/
ernal/Random123/include -isystem=/gpfs/
11/include --generate-code=arch=compute_60,code=[compute_60,sm_60]
--generate-code=arch=compute_70,code=[compute_70,sm_70] --generate-
code=arch=compute_80,code=[compute_80,sm_80] --expt-relaxed-constex
pr -Xcudafe --diag_suppress=3057,--diag_suppress=3085 -O2 -g -DNDEB
UG -Xcompiler=-fPIC -x cu -M /gpfs/
nvhpc-21.11/nmodl-develop-zfakio/include/partial_piv_lu/partial_piv -MT coreneuron/CMakeFiles/coreneuron.dir/gpfs/
piv_lu/ -o coreneuron/CMakeFiles/coreneuron.dir/
225 In file included from /gpfs/
>> 226 /gpfs/
kio/include/partial_piv_lu/partial_piv_lu.h:10:10: fatal error: cor
eneuron/utils/offload.hpp: No such file or directory
227 10 | #include "coreneuron/utils/offload.hpp"
228 | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
229 compilation terminated.
230 [87/103] /gpfs/
2/J114679/_/spack/lib/spack/env/nvhpc/nvc++ -DCORENEURON_BUILD -DC
7-x86_64/nvhpc-21.11/nmodl-develop-zfakio/include -I/gpfs/bbp.cscs.
ck-src/coreneuron/utils/randoms -I/gpfs/
uron-develop-qnf2dk3mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src -Icoreneuro
n -Iinclude -I/gpfs/
mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src/external/Random123/include -I/g
ihwd75gxo/spack-src/external/CLI11/include -mno-abm -g -O2 -fPIC
--diag_suppress=111,550 -acc -gpu=cuda11.5,cc60,cc70,cc80 --c++14
-o coreneuron/CMakeFiles/coreneuron.dir/mpi/core/nrnmpidec.cpp.o -
c /gpfs/
231 [88/103] /gpfs/
2/J114679/_/spack/lib/spack/env/nvhpc/nvc++ -DCORENEURON_BUILD -DC
7-x86_64/nvhpc-21.11/nmodl-develop-zfakio/include -I/gpfs/bbp.cscs.
ck-src/coreneuron/utils/randoms -I/gpfs/
uron-develop-qnf2dk3mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src -Icoreneuro
n -Iinclude -I/gpfs/
mbbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src/external/Random123/include -I/g
ihwd75gxo/spack-src/external/CLI11/include -mno-abm -g -O2 -fPIC
--diag_suppress=111,550 -acc -gpu=cuda11.5,cc60,cc70,cc80 --c++14
-o coreneuron/CMakeFiles/coreneuron.dir/mpi/core/nrnmpi.cpp.o -c /
232 [89/103] /gpfs/
21-01-06/linux-rhel7-x86_64/gcc-9.3.0/cuda-11.5.1-gygt6u/bin/nvcc -
01-06/linux-rhel7-x86_64/gcc-4.8.5/gcc-9.3.0-45gzrp/bin/gcc -DCOREN
pack/linux-rhel7-x86_64/nvhpc-21.11/nmodl-develop-zfakio/include -I
u5ihwd75gxo/spack-src/coreneuron/utils/randoms -I/gpfs/
src -Icoreneuron -Iinclude -isystem=/gpfs/
Random123/include -isystem=/gpfs/
lude --generate-code=arch=compute_60,code=[compute_60,sm_60] --gene
rate-code=arch=compute_70,code=[compute_70,sm_70] --generate-code=a
rch=compute_80,code=[compute_80,sm_80] --expt-relaxed-constexpr -Xc
udafe --diag_suppress=3057,--diag_suppress=3085 -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -Xc
ompiler=-fPIC -x cu -dc /gpfs/
oms/ -o coreneuron/CMakeFiles/coreneuron.dir/utils/rand
oms/ && /gpfs/
6u/bin/nvcc -ccbin=/gpfs/
io/include -I/gpfs/
bbkroyf5ykaxhu5ihwd75gxo/spack-src/coreneuron/utils/randoms -I/gpfs
d75gxo/spack-src -Icoreneuron -Iinclude -isystem=/gpfs/
src/external/Random123/include -isystem=/gpfs/
nal/CLI11/include --generate-code=arch=compute_60,code=[compute_60,
sm_60] --generate-code=arch=compute_70,code=[compute_70,sm_70] --ge
nerate-code=arch=compute_80,code=[compute_80,sm_80] --expt-relaxed-
constexpr -Xcudafe --diag_suppress=3057,--diag_suppress=3085 -O2 -g
-DNDEBUG -Xcompiler=-fPIC -x cu -M /gpfs/
n/utils/randoms/ -MT coreneuron/CMakeFiles/coreneuron.d
ir/utils/randoms/ -o coreneuron/CMakeFiles/coreneuron
See build log for details:
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 11:08:54 2021
Hits: 79 / 79 (100.0 %)
Direct: 1 / 79 (1.27 %)
Preprocessed: 78 / 78 (100.0 %)
Misses: 0
Direct: 78
Preprocessed: 0
Uncacheable: 9
Primary storage:
Hits: 80 / 158 (50.63 %)
Misses: 78
Cache size (GB): 0.40 / 0.51 (78.27 %)
Files: 9856
Called for linking: 6
No input file: 3
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.8.3
Autoloading py-virtualenv/16.7.6
Autoloading py-numpy/1.19.4
Autoloading py-mpi4py/3.0.3
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
Autoloading py-h5py/3.1.0
Autoloading hdf5/1.10.7
$ echo "Returning the number of failed builds, ${num_failures}"
Returning the number of failed builds, 1
$ exit ${num_failures}
srun: error: r1i5n30: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1640254136:step_script section_start:1640254136:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=283257 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114721 responseStatus=201 Created token=fHdyK5H8
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=283300 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=114721 responseStatus=201 Created token=fHdyK5H8
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=283339 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=114721 responseStatus=201 Created token=fHdyK5H8
section_end:1640254137:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1640254137:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640254138:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640252891:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640252891:resolve_secrets section_start:1640252891:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114682
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=6
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114682_PROD_P112_CP4_C1
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=6, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=1 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 144712
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J114682_PROD_P112_CP4_C1 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=1 --jobid=144712 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M
section_end:1640252893:prepare_executor section_start:1640252893:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i5n30 via
section_end:1640252895:prepare_script section_start:1640252895:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640252895:get_sources section_start:1640252895:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for coreneuron-intel-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=248205 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1640252933:restore_cache section_start:1640252933:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:nmodl:intel (114680)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=248756 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=114680 responseStatus=200 OK token=JM2s-zns
section_end:1640252934:download_artifacts section_start:1640252934:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ SPACK_CONFIG=${PWD}/spack-config
$ mkdir ${SPACK_CONFIG}
$ cat > ${SPACK_CONFIG}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ - $tempdir/$user/spack-stage
/gpfs/ - ~/.spack/stage
/gpfs/ # - $spack/var/spack/stage
/gpfs/ # Directory in which to run tests and store test results.
/gpfs/ # Tests will be stored in directories named by date/time and package
/gpfs/ # name/hash.
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ root: $spack/opt/spack
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 36
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Locations where different types of modules should be installed.
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $spack/share/spack/modules
/gpfs/ lmod: $spack/share/spack/lmod
/gpfs/ test_stage: ~/.spack/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: ~/.spack/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ concretizer: original
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
_builtin package_lock_timeout: !!null 'None'
$ if [ "${SPACK_EXPORT_SPECS}" ]; then
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${PWD}/local_config
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE="$(spack location -p ${SPACK_PACKAGE})/"
$ if [ "${PACKAGE_REF}" ]; then
$ echo New ref for ${SPACK_PACKAGE} is ${PACKAGE_REF}
New ref for coreneuron is commit="7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336"
$ sed -i -e "/^\s*version\s*(\s*\(['\"]\)develop\1/ { s/,\s*\(commit\|tag\|branch\)=\([\"']\)[^\"']\+\2//g; s#)#, ${PACKAGE_REF})#; }" "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}"
$ (cd $(dirname "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}") && git diff "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
index d2ab4ef..ca44375 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class Coreneuron(CMakePackage):
url = ""
git = ""
- version('develop', branch='master')
+ version('develop', commit="7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336")
# 1.0.1 > > 1.0 as far as Spack is concerned
version('', commit='e265f9d')
version('', commit='846b3a6')
$ fi
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install coreneuron@develop%intel+nmodl+tests~legacy-unit build_type=Debug ^/lqyttqytclxdwwickak7uvjmb6a3au3g
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for nmodl@develop
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][0][\"${SPACK_PACKAGE}\"][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be cwjs4t3f4wyl5jax3fb2obxbvjopwgn3
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_DIR=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_BASEDIR}
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 10:51:01 2021
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.36 / 0.51 (71.01 %)
Files: 7764
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'cwjs4t3f4wyl5jax3fb2obxbvjopwgn3'
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- coreneuron@develop%intel~legacy-unit+nmodl+tests build_type=Debug
[+] ^nmodl@develop%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-jinja2@2.10.3%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-babel@2.7.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-pytz@2020.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^python@3.8.3%intel@ patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-setuptools@50.3.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-markupsafe@1.1.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-pytest@5.3.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-attrs@20.3.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-more-itertools@8.7.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-packaging@19.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-pyparsing@2.4.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-six@1.16.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-py@1.8.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-wcwidth@0.1.7%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^libyaml@0.2.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-sympy@1.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- cwjs4t3 coreneuron@develop%intel@ build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- ymcya3l ^bison@3.6.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] pvpzjkl ^boost@1.73.0%intel@ cxxstd=98 patches=246508e052c44b6f4e8c2542a71c06cacaa72cd1447ab8d2a542b987bc35ace9,4dd507e1f5a29e3b87b15321a4d8c74afdc8331433edabf7aeab89b3c405d556 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- mxqypex ^cmake@3.15.7%intel@ build_type=Release patches=1c540040c7e203dd8e27aa20345ecb07fe06570d56410a24a266ae570b1c4c39,bf695e3febb222da2ed94b3beea600650e4318975da90e4a71d6f31a6d5d8c3d arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 5mabxtb ^flex@2.6.4%intel@ patches=09c22e5c6fef327d3e48eb23f0d610dcd3a35ab9207f12e0f875701c677978d3 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] nnhu6zi ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 2gn7wjx ^libsonata-report@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] pjaxv63 ^hdf5@1.10.7%intel@ api=none arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] wjshhip ^zlib@1.2.11%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] gwht6mm ^spdlog@1.8.1%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- nayogh4 ^ninja@1.10.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] lqyttqy ^nmodl@develop%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ubiktsv ^py-jinja2@2.10.3%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] yrbfda2 ^py-babel@2.7.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] oe2c27i ^py-pytz@2020.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] icfhbit ^python@3.8.3%intel@ patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] xfgkmkd ^py-setuptools@50.3.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] oe2hrft ^py-markupsafe@1.1.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] jo63uk3 ^py-pytest@5.3.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] kcyedyh ^py-attrs@20.3.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] mikhjgq ^py-more-itertools@8.7.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] hziuwhj ^py-packaging@19.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] vpsqgcg ^py-pyparsing@2.4.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] xgnwei3 ^py-six@1.16.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] gc3zsis ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] 557icag ^py-py@1.8.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] za7jmvs ^py-wcwidth@0.1.7%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] chpzzlm ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 4237mpr ^libyaml@0.2.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] runxrmn ^py-sympy@1.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] d6t5uhn ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 7eg3tqe ^reportinglib@2.5.6%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
==> bison@3.6.4 : has external module in ['bison/3.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.6.4-ymcya3lbfxylkvsbomj2rbzbvecsldu2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.73.0-pvpzjklfqyl55rerdxp63j32kpqkfr4z)
==> cmake@3.15.7 : has external module in ['cmake/3.15.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.15.7-mxqypexiy6wmh4hpnmf4lbwwwqhxzscg)
==> flex@2.6.4 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.4-5mabxtbvp5xw7gfjcac32iffw27sdssk)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-nnhu6ziqp6ramcgkmky7i3e2ll5vl5ey)
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-wjshhipoj5m66agnke3p2dsjf32qntuf)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-nayogh4gvnag7ybxc2ud5dt4ckxod3cc)
==> python@3.8.3 : has external module in ['python/3.8.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.8.3-icfhbitmltpoj6w6vghr23ac5erldiic)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing coreneuron-develop-cwjs4t3f4wyl5jax3fb2obxbvjopwgn3
==> No binary for coreneuron-develop-cwjs4t3f4wyl5jax3fb2obxbvjopwgn3 found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for nmodl@develop
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 11:07:19 2021
Hits: 81 / 95 (85.26 %)
Direct: 0 / 96 (0.00 %)
Preprocessed: 81 / 96 (84.38 %)
Misses: 14
Direct: 96
Preprocessed: 15
Uncacheable: 17
Primary storage:
Hits: 81 / 192 (42.19 %)
Misses: 111
Cache size (GB): 0.37 / 0.51 (71.43 %)
Files: 7873
Called for linking: 13
Compiler produced no output: 1
No input file: 3
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.8.3
Autoloading py-virtualenv/16.7.6
Autoloading py-numpy/1.19.4
Autoloading py-mpi4py/3.0.3
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
Autoloading py-h5py/3.1.0
Autoloading hdf5/1.10.7
$ echo "Returning the number of failed builds, ${num_failures}"
Returning the number of failed builds, 0
$ exit ${num_failures}
section_end:1640254044:step_script section_start:1640254044:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache coreneuron-intel-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=279740 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache/: found 8434 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1640254083:archive_cache section_start:1640254083:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=280826 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114682 responseStatus=201 Created token=odsoSjbc
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=280853 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=114682 responseStatus=201 Created token=odsoSjbc
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=280880 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=114682 responseStatus=201 Created token=odsoSjbc
section_end:1640254084:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1640254084:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640254085:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640251565:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640251565:resolve_secrets section_start:1640251565:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114693
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=6
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114693_PROD_P112_CP11_C12
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=6, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=1 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 144683
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J114693_PROD_P112_CP11_C12 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=1 --jobid=144683 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M
section_end:1640251568:prepare_executor section_start:1640251568:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i7n21 via
section_end:1640251570:prepare_script section_start:1640251570:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640251571:get_sources section_start:1640251571:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for neuron-nvhpc-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=301688 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1640251594:restore_cache section_start:1640251594:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:gpu (114685)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=301764 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=114685 responseStatus=200 OK token=RSsJqaY9
section_end:1640251594:download_artifacts section_start:1640251594:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ SPACK_CONFIG=${PWD}/spack-config
$ mkdir ${SPACK_CONFIG}
$ cat > ${SPACK_CONFIG}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ - $tempdir/$user/spack-stage
/gpfs/ - ~/.spack/stage
/gpfs/ # - $spack/var/spack/stage
/gpfs/ # Directory in which to run tests and store test results.
/gpfs/ # Tests will be stored in directories named by date/time and package
/gpfs/ # name/hash.
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ root: $spack/opt/spack
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 36
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Locations where different types of modules should be installed.
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $spack/share/spack/modules
/gpfs/ lmod: $spack/share/spack/lmod
/gpfs/ test_stage: ~/.spack/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: ~/.spack/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ concretizer: original
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
_builtin package_lock_timeout: !!null 'None'
$ if [ "${SPACK_EXPORT_SPECS}" ]; then
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${PWD}/local_config
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE="$(spack location -p ${SPACK_PACKAGE})/"
$ if [ "${PACKAGE_REF}" ]; then
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install neuron@develop%nvhpc+coreneuron+debug+tests~legacy-unit model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory ^/7r3a4d2rmvk5oeb6vt52s4zg2hppmnjp^py-cython%gcc^py-numpy%gcc
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for neuron@develop
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][0][\"${SPACK_PACKAGE}\"][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be bh5ipdlugcszf7h2tpm3kznvd5y74yr4
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_DIR=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_BASEDIR}
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 10:27:12 2021
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.50 / 0.51 (98.46 %)
Files: 33717
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'bh5ipdlugcszf7h2tpm3kznvd5y74yr4'
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- neuron@develop%nvhpc+coreneuron+debug~legacy-unit+tests model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory
[+] ^coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@21.11~caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi~nmodl~openmp~profile~report+shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^boost@1.73.0%nvhpc@21.11+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 patches=246508e052c44b6f4e8c2542a71c06cacaa72cd1447ab8d2a542b987bc35ace9,4dd507e1f5a29e3b87b15321a4d8c74afdc8331433edabf7aeab89b3c405d556,d56f31f2a3956630e5372b987d39cb79b5d2c71760fa150b8eb4a3f1a07e2658 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^cuda@11.5.1%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- ^py-cython%gcc
- ^py-numpy%gcc
- bh5ipdl neuron@develop%nvhpc@21.11+binary+cmake~codechecks+coreneuron~cross-compile+debug~interviews~ipo+legacy-fr~legacy-unit+memacs+mod-compatibility+mpi+multisend~profile+pysetup+python+rx3d+shared+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory patches=708cb04826b394a858069d93e8c08e1e81e914c23e1ef3da0486e8233834ff6c arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- ilh3i6h ^bison@3.6.4%nvhpc@21.11 patches=ad81ef1b088459a396d908295afc3809f9a25076efaa459cdd2f21eabd1f4b16 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 3id4xmv ^cmake@3.15.7%nvhpc@21.11~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release patches=1c540040c7e203dd8e27aa20345ecb07fe06570d56410a24a266ae570b1c4c39,bf695e3febb222da2ed94b3beea600650e4318975da90e4a71d6f31a6d5d8c3d arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] 7r3a4d2 ^coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@21.11~caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi~nmodl~openmp~profile~report+shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ugnnauj ^boost@1.73.0%nvhpc@21.11+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 patches=246508e052c44b6f4e8c2542a71c06cacaa72cd1447ab8d2a542b987bc35ace9,4dd507e1f5a29e3b87b15321a4d8c74afdc8331433edabf7aeab89b3c405d556,d56f31f2a3956630e5372b987d39cb79b5d2c71760fa150b8eb4a3f1a07e2658 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] rtdgzju ^cuda@11.5.1%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] rvmqyas ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- o7642tm ^flex@2.6.4%nvhpc@21.11+lex patches=09c22e5c6fef327d3e48eb23f0d610dcd3a35ab9207f12e0f875701c677978d3 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 5hjnqo3 ^gettext@0.21%nvhpc@21.11+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz patches=6e530daaae14725d578d6cafbf7d523accc9ed29fd817bd421cf98a5f51e9e1b,bbe9f0539aa504966ac104224d25a9260faa1015ed3adda936467be9c7de4eae,fb27a3fb5e414bdc50ffebbbe2da986473df70a493caa4396226f51a67c55424 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] uipobjs ^bzip2@1.0.8%nvhpc@21.11+shared arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ruu3jsw ^libiconv@1.16%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] bt3jq7e ^libxml2@2.9.10%nvhpc@21.11~python patches=05ff238cf435825ef835c7ae39376b52dc83d8caf19e962f0766c841386a305a,10a88ad47f9797cf7cf2d7d07241f665a3b6d1f31fa026728c8c2ae93e1664e9 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] av5lrep ^pkgconf@1.7.3%nvhpc@21.11 patches=6e94c68d45d4cb8148c8c53699921d10b13784f758f0563ce64c838e0ca48ceb arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] l6r3lhl ^xz@5.2.5%nvhpc@21.11~pic arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] tx5mit7 ^zlib@1.2.11%nvhpc@21.11+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] zuul7ic ^ncurses@6.2%nvhpc@21.11~symlinks+termlib arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] tnkl573 ^tar@1.28%nvhpc@21.11 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,4e8cdf69294c376c45c39d059f11769c5c996c2d84cdfb56eb69890e0aa4e991,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 6yf3e2o ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] arjv2hk ^py-cython@0.29.21%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] qtsnebc ^py-setuptools@50.3.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] boepiq7 ^python@3.8.3%nvhpc@21.11+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 6upm4ih ^py-mpi4py@3.0.3%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] k3gs7u3 ^py-numpy@1.19.4%gcc@9.3.0+blas+lapack arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] syahjjg ^intel-mkl@2018.3.222%gcc@9.3.0~ilp64+shared threads=none arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] nklcaqd ^py-pytest@5.3.4%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] hv3l6m3 ^py-attrs@20.3.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ric2ffi ^py-more-itertools@8.7.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] tnxvjns ^py-packaging@19.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] nqd6d4a ^py-pyparsing@2.4.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] dt3gjsu ^py-six@1.16.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] rlm5oq3 ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] qbjsyll ^py-setuptools-scm@4.1.2%nvhpc@21.11+toml arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] jtaqy3k ^py-toml@0.10.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] auxibxx ^py-py@1.8.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] a5khbku ^py-wcwidth@0.1.7%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ghwc5fz ^py-pytest-cov@2.8.1%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] vnepfwd ^py-coverage@5.3%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] rx3mekq ^readline@8.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
==> bison@3.6.4 : has external module in ['bison/3.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.6.4-ilh3i6hsazuqblyjs46wno4wkyhcaycx)
==> cmake@3.15.7 : has external module in ['cmake/3.15.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.15.7-3id4xmvyepn3luv5kvzabnojgl4kjbvv)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.73.0-ugnnaujozxx7u35zmkozzxs42p6ujetq)
==> cuda@11.5.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.5.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.5.1-rtdgzjuarsbhlad5e2q6z6hb35poq3ba)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-rvmqyashdppnfjw5xoegvqeeaassuana)
==> flex@2.6.4 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.4-o7642tm7j36qtzmyzthrmdbfctyfsdnn)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-uipobjsrjwxnpkcrag4phvugoj7kn6h7)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-tx5mit7opia6t3thbrdiubnz57rttfux)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-zuul7ickymna5aj5244q6ttogpw3o7wr)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-tnkl5732tb2dcrmu5z5kndpoiolmqzwh)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-6yf3e2oymeefngifdautp2wd347lcijn)
==> python@3.8.3 : has external module in ['python/3.8.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.8.3-boepiq7qwlm3d6e5almdw67q65o5quqn)
[+] /gpfs/ (external intel-mkl-2018.3.222-syahjjgpawq4c4jicb753yciaowfyr75)
[+] /gpfs/ (external readline-8.0-rx3mekqaza7t4ajd57wqkzlm2yi7pihm)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing neuron-develop-bh5ipdlugcszf7h2tpm3kznvd5y74yr4
==> No binary for neuron-develop-bh5ipdlugcszf7h2tpm3kznvd5y74yr4 found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for neuron@develop
==> neuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> neuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> neuron: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 10:42:46 2021
Hits: 526 / 901 (58.38 %)
Direct: 12 / 910 (1.32 %)
Preprocessed: 514 / 892 (57.62 %)
Misses: 375
Direct: 898
Preprocessed: 378
Uncacheable: 134
Primary storage:
Hits: 575 / 1814 (31.70 %)
Misses: 1239
Cache size (GB): 0.51 / 0.51 (98.66 %)
Files: 33639
Cleanups: 15
Autoconf compile/link: 7
Called for linking: 111
Called for preprocessing: 1
Compilation failed: 3
No input file: 6
Preprocessing failed: 6
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.8.3
Autoloading py-virtualenv/16.7.6
Autoloading py-numpy/1.19.4
Autoloading py-mpi4py/3.0.3
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
Autoloading py-h5py/3.1.0
Autoloading hdf5/1.10.7
$ echo "Returning the number of failed builds, ${num_failures}"
Returning the number of failed builds, 0
$ exit ${num_failures}
section_end:1640252571:step_script section_start:1640252571:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache neuron-nvhpc-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=35829 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache/: found 34200 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1640252669:archive_cache section_start:1640252669:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=37020 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114693 responseStatus=201 Created token=DYZ7GRBE
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=37044 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=114693 responseStatus=201 Created token=DYZ7GRBE
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=37088 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=114693 responseStatus=201 Created token=DYZ7GRBE
section_end:1640252670:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1640252670:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640252671:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640251184:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640251184:resolve_secrets section_start:1640251184:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114691
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=6
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114691_PROD_P112_CP9_C9
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=6, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=1 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 144615
job state: PD
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J114691_PROD_P112_CP9_C9 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=1 --jobid=144615 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M
section_end:1640251188:prepare_executor section_start:1640251188:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i5n32 via
section_end:1640251191:prepare_script section_start:1640251191:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640251192:get_sources section_start:1640251192:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for neuron-intel-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=187806 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1640251342:restore_cache section_start:1640251342:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:intel (114683)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=189739 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=114683 responseStatus=200 OK token=QBkoW31L
section_end:1640251343:download_artifacts section_start:1640251343:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ SPACK_CONFIG=${PWD}/spack-config
$ mkdir ${SPACK_CONFIG}
$ cat > ${SPACK_CONFIG}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ - $tempdir/$user/spack-stage
/gpfs/ - ~/.spack/stage
/gpfs/ # - $spack/var/spack/stage
/gpfs/ # Directory in which to run tests and store test results.
/gpfs/ # Tests will be stored in directories named by date/time and package
/gpfs/ # name/hash.
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ root: $spack/opt/spack
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 36
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Locations where different types of modules should be installed.
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $spack/share/spack/modules
/gpfs/ lmod: $spack/share/spack/lmod
/gpfs/ test_stage: ~/.spack/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: ~/.spack/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ concretizer: original
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
_builtin package_lock_timeout: !!null 'None'
$ if [ "${SPACK_EXPORT_SPECS}" ]; then
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${PWD}/local_config
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE="$(spack location -p ${SPACK_PACKAGE})/"
$ if [ "${PACKAGE_REF}" ]; then
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install neuron@develop%intel+coreneuron+debug+tests~legacy-unit model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory ^/aevgkbdozl3htdtjhrd5w65n3c6mb2jh
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for neuron@develop
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][0][\"${SPACK_PACKAGE}\"][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be mvn7s3za436y6xrhbspwpy7pbewubnvm
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_DIR=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_BASEDIR}
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 10:25:21 2021
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.42 / 0.51 (82.64 %)
Files: 22526
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'mvn7s3za436y6xrhbspwpy7pbewubnvm'
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- neuron@develop%intel+coreneuron+debug~legacy-unit+tests model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory
[+] ^coreneuron@develop%intel@ build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^boost@1.73.0%intel@ cxxstd=98 patches=246508e052c44b6f4e8c2542a71c06cacaa72cd1447ab8d2a542b987bc35ace9,4dd507e1f5a29e3b87b15321a4d8c74afdc8331433edabf7aeab89b3c405d556 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^libsonata-report@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^hdf5@1.10.7%intel@ api=none arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^zlib@1.2.11%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^spdlog@1.8.1%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^reportinglib@2.5.6%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- mvn7s3z neuron@develop%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory patches=708cb04826b394a858069d93e8c08e1e81e914c23e1ef3da0486e8233834ff6c arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- ymcya3l ^bison@3.6.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- mxqypex ^cmake@3.15.7%intel@ build_type=Release patches=1c540040c7e203dd8e27aa20345ecb07fe06570d56410a24a266ae570b1c4c39,bf695e3febb222da2ed94b3beea600650e4318975da90e4a71d6f31a6d5d8c3d arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] aevgkbd ^coreneuron@develop%intel@ build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] pvpzjkl ^boost@1.73.0%intel@ cxxstd=98 patches=246508e052c44b6f4e8c2542a71c06cacaa72cd1447ab8d2a542b987bc35ace9,4dd507e1f5a29e3b87b15321a4d8c74afdc8331433edabf7aeab89b3c405d556 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] nnhu6zi ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 2gn7wjx ^libsonata-report@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] pjaxv63 ^hdf5@1.10.7%intel@ api=none arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] wjshhip ^zlib@1.2.11%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] gwht6mm ^spdlog@1.8.1%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 7eg3tqe ^reportinglib@2.5.6%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 5mabxtb ^flex@2.6.4%intel@ patches=09c22e5c6fef327d3e48eb23f0d610dcd3a35ab9207f12e0f875701c677978d3 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 6vrzcuv ^gettext@0.21%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 6zbb66a ^bzip2@1.0.8%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] qlmq4dv ^libiconv@1.16%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 6lr2umn ^libxml2@2.9.10%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 2qyzkdl ^pkgconf@1.7.3%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] wzx3yy4 ^xz@5.2.5%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] nedfnju ^ncurses@6.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] d4pg4b2 ^tar@1.28%intel@ patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- nayogh4 ^ninja@1.10.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] i3t5fut ^py-cython@0.29.21%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] xfgkmkd ^py-setuptools@50.3.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] icfhbit ^python@3.8.3%intel@ patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] mr7m2z7 ^py-mpi4py@3.0.3%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] l643i7a ^py-numpy@1.19.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] nnxc4wm ^intel-mkl@2018.3.222%intel@ threads=none arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] jo63uk3 ^py-pytest@5.3.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] kcyedyh ^py-attrs@20.3.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] mikhjgq ^py-more-itertools@8.7.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] hziuwhj ^py-packaging@19.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] vpsqgcg ^py-pyparsing@2.4.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] xgnwei3 ^py-six@1.16.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] gc3zsis ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ze65gmo ^py-setuptools-scm@4.1.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] p553wsa ^py-toml@0.10.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] 557icag ^py-py@1.8.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] za7jmvs ^py-wcwidth@0.1.7%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- zniig3b ^py-pytest-cov@2.8.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 2v5wfwa ^py-coverage@5.3%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] kej56sd ^readline@8.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
==> bison@3.6.4 : has external module in ['bison/3.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.6.4-ymcya3lbfxylkvsbomj2rbzbvecsldu2)
==> cmake@3.15.7 : has external module in ['cmake/3.15.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.15.7-mxqypexiy6wmh4hpnmf4lbwwwqhxzscg)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.73.0-pvpzjklfqyl55rerdxp63j32kpqkfr4z)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-nnhu6ziqp6ramcgkmky7i3e2ll5vl5ey)
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-wjshhipoj5m66agnke3p2dsjf32qntuf)
[+] /gpfs/
==> flex@2.6.4 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.4-5mabxtbvp5xw7gfjcac32iffw27sdssk)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-6zbb66a3uunskwyljh6sbgo36hbo7lj4)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-nedfnju3ptngli3lpj3occtiuoe2x6e3)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-d4pg4b2ncvxd3p2ptw3j4os6jb5a7yvy)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-nayogh4gvnag7ybxc2ud5dt4ckxod3cc)
==> python@3.8.3 : has external module in ['python/3.8.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.8.3-icfhbitmltpoj6w6vghr23ac5erldiic)
[+] /gpfs/ (external intel-mkl-2018.3.222-nnxc4wmon4s26gfyily3n6tqa43p36rj)
[+] /gpfs/ (external readline-8.0-kej56sdf2cwo7ximwd5foo34wzwveqxc)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-coverage-5.3-2v5wfwapuwn63xqjymkn5jpew7mdm6uk
==> No binary for py-coverage-5.3-2v5wfwapuwn63xqjymkn5jpew7mdm6uk found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for neuron@develop
==> Fetching
==> py-coverage: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-coverage: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-pytest-cov-2.8.1-zniig3b6klz2ibslrfa3digiozwp46fe
==> No binary for py-pytest-cov-2.8.1-zniig3b6klz2ibslrfa3digiozwp46fe found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-pytest-cov: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-pytest-cov: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing neuron-develop-mvn7s3za436y6xrhbspwpy7pbewubnvm
==> No binary for neuron-develop-mvn7s3za436y6xrhbspwpy7pbewubnvm found: installing from source
==> neuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> neuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> neuron: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 11:01:23 2021
Hits: 454 / 903 (50.28 %)
Direct: 17 / 912 (1.86 %)
Preprocessed: 437 / 889 (49.16 %)
Misses: 449
Direct: 895
Preprocessed: 452
Uncacheable: 144
Primary storage:
Hits: 506 / 1818 (27.83 %)
Misses: 1312
Cache size (GB): 0.44 / 0.51 (86.10 %)
Files: 23502
Cleanups: 4
Autoconf compile/link: 7
Called for linking: 121
Called for preprocessing: 1
Compilation failed: 3
No input file: 6
Preprocessing failed: 6
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.8.3
Autoloading py-virtualenv/16.7.6
Autoloading py-numpy/1.19.4
Autoloading py-mpi4py/3.0.3
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
Autoloading py-h5py/3.1.0
Autoloading hdf5/1.10.7
$ echo "Returning the number of failed builds, ${num_failures}"
Returning the number of failed builds, 0
$ exit ${num_failures}
section_end:1640253684:step_script section_start:1640253684:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache neuron-intel-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=256464 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache/: found 24063 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1640253715:archive_cache section_start:1640253715:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=256550 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114691 responseStatus=201 Created token=hQccjxbz
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=256574 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=114691 responseStatus=201 Created token=hQccjxbz
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=256597 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=114691 responseStatus=201 Created token=hQccjxbz
section_end:1640253717:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1640253717:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640253717:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640254089:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640254089:resolve_secrets section_start:1640254089:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114690
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=6
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114690_PROD_P112_CP6_C6
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=6, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=1 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 144731
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J114690_PROD_P112_CP6_C6 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=1 --jobid=144731 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M
section_end:1640254090:prepare_executor section_start:1640254090:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i5n30 via
section_end:1640254093:prepare_script section_start:1640254093:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640254094:get_sources section_start:1640254094:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for neuron-intel-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=281610 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1640254137:restore_cache section_start:1640254137:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron+nmodl:intel (114682)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=283407 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=114682 responseStatus=200 OK token=odsoSjbc
section_end:1640254137:download_artifacts section_start:1640254137:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ SPACK_CONFIG=${PWD}/spack-config
$ mkdir ${SPACK_CONFIG}
$ cat > ${SPACK_CONFIG}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ - $tempdir/$user/spack-stage
/gpfs/ - ~/.spack/stage
/gpfs/ # - $spack/var/spack/stage
/gpfs/ # Directory in which to run tests and store test results.
/gpfs/ # Tests will be stored in directories named by date/time and package
/gpfs/ # name/hash.
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ root: $spack/opt/spack
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 36
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Locations where different types of modules should be installed.
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $spack/share/spack/modules
/gpfs/ lmod: $spack/share/spack/lmod
/gpfs/ test_stage: ~/.spack/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: ~/.spack/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ concretizer: original
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
_builtin package_lock_timeout: !!null 'None'
$ if [ "${SPACK_EXPORT_SPECS}" ]; then
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${PWD}/local_config
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE="$(spack location -p ${SPACK_PACKAGE})/"
$ if [ "${PACKAGE_REF}" ]; then
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install neuron@develop%intel+coreneuron+debug+tests~legacy-unit model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory ^/cwjs4t3f4wyl5jax3fb2obxbvjopwgn3
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for neuron@develop
==> Warning: Missing a source id for nmodl@develop
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][0][\"${SPACK_PACKAGE}\"][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be jhigcl7ephcbe47kbyz2znl76v2kaeev
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_DIR=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_BASEDIR}
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 11:09:42 2021
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.44 / 0.51 (86.10 %)
Files: 23502
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'jhigcl7ephcbe47kbyz2znl76v2kaeev'
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- neuron@develop%intel+coreneuron+debug~legacy-unit+tests model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory
[+] ^coreneuron@develop%intel@ build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^boost@1.73.0%intel@ cxxstd=98 patches=246508e052c44b6f4e8c2542a71c06cacaa72cd1447ab8d2a542b987bc35ace9,4dd507e1f5a29e3b87b15321a4d8c74afdc8331433edabf7aeab89b3c405d556 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^libsonata-report@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^hdf5@1.10.7%intel@ api=none arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^zlib@1.2.11%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^spdlog@1.8.1%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^nmodl@develop%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-jinja2@2.10.3%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-babel@2.7.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-pytz@2020.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^python@3.8.3%intel@ patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-setuptools@50.3.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-markupsafe@1.1.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-pytest@5.3.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-attrs@20.3.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-more-itertools@8.7.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-packaging@19.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-pyparsing@2.4.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-six@1.16.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-py@1.8.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-wcwidth@0.1.7%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^libyaml@0.2.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-sympy@1.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ^reportinglib@2.5.6%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- jhigcl7 neuron@develop%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory patches=708cb04826b394a858069d93e8c08e1e81e914c23e1ef3da0486e8233834ff6c arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- ymcya3l ^bison@3.6.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- mxqypex ^cmake@3.15.7%intel@ build_type=Release patches=1c540040c7e203dd8e27aa20345ecb07fe06570d56410a24a266ae570b1c4c39,bf695e3febb222da2ed94b3beea600650e4318975da90e4a71d6f31a6d5d8c3d arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] cwjs4t3 ^coreneuron@develop%intel@ build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] pvpzjkl ^boost@1.73.0%intel@ cxxstd=98 patches=246508e052c44b6f4e8c2542a71c06cacaa72cd1447ab8d2a542b987bc35ace9,4dd507e1f5a29e3b87b15321a4d8c74afdc8331433edabf7aeab89b3c405d556 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] nnhu6zi ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 2gn7wjx ^libsonata-report@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] pjaxv63 ^hdf5@1.10.7%intel@ api=none arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] wjshhip ^zlib@1.2.11%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] gwht6mm ^spdlog@1.8.1%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] lqyttqy ^nmodl@develop%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] ubiktsv ^py-jinja2@2.10.3%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] yrbfda2 ^py-babel@2.7.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] oe2c27i ^py-pytz@2020.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] icfhbit ^python@3.8.3%intel@ patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] xfgkmkd ^py-setuptools@50.3.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] oe2hrft ^py-markupsafe@1.1.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] jo63uk3 ^py-pytest@5.3.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] kcyedyh ^py-attrs@20.3.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] mikhjgq ^py-more-itertools@8.7.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] hziuwhj ^py-packaging@19.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] vpsqgcg ^py-pyparsing@2.4.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] xgnwei3 ^py-six@1.16.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] gc3zsis ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] 557icag ^py-py@1.8.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] za7jmvs ^py-wcwidth@0.1.7%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] chpzzlm ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 4237mpr ^libyaml@0.2.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] runxrmn ^py-sympy@1.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] d6t5uhn ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 7eg3tqe ^reportinglib@2.5.6%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 5mabxtb ^flex@2.6.4%intel@ patches=09c22e5c6fef327d3e48eb23f0d610dcd3a35ab9207f12e0f875701c677978d3 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 6vrzcuv ^gettext@0.21%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 6zbb66a ^bzip2@1.0.8%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] qlmq4dv ^libiconv@1.16%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 6lr2umn ^libxml2@2.9.10%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 2qyzkdl ^pkgconf@1.7.3%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] wzx3yy4 ^xz@5.2.5%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] nedfnju ^ncurses@6.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] d4pg4b2 ^tar@1.28%intel@ patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- nayogh4 ^ninja@1.10.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] i3t5fut ^py-cython@0.29.21%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] mr7m2z7 ^py-mpi4py@3.0.3%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] l643i7a ^py-numpy@1.19.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] nnxc4wm ^intel-mkl@2018.3.222%intel@ threads=none arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] zniig3b ^py-pytest-cov@2.8.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[+] 2v5wfwa ^py-coverage@5.3%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] kej56sd ^readline@8.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
==> bison@3.6.4 : has external module in ['bison/3.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.6.4-ymcya3lbfxylkvsbomj2rbzbvecsldu2)
==> cmake@3.15.7 : has external module in ['cmake/3.15.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.15.7-mxqypexiy6wmh4hpnmf4lbwwwqhxzscg)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.73.0-pvpzjklfqyl55rerdxp63j32kpqkfr4z)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-nnhu6ziqp6ramcgkmky7i3e2ll5vl5ey)
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-wjshhipoj5m66agnke3p2dsjf32qntuf)
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.8.3 : has external module in ['python/3.8.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.8.3-icfhbitmltpoj6w6vghr23ac5erldiic)
[+] /gpfs/
==> flex@2.6.4 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.4-5mabxtbvp5xw7gfjcac32iffw27sdssk)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-6zbb66a3uunskwyljh6sbgo36hbo7lj4)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-nedfnju3ptngli3lpj3occtiuoe2x6e3)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-d4pg4b2ncvxd3p2ptw3j4os6jb5a7yvy)
[+] /gpfs/ (external intel-mkl-2018.3.222-nnxc4wmon4s26gfyily3n6tqa43p36rj)
[+] /gpfs/ (external readline-8.0-kej56sdf2cwo7ximwd5foo34wzwveqxc)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-nayogh4gvnag7ybxc2ud5dt4ckxod3cc)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing neuron-develop-jhigcl7ephcbe47kbyz2znl76v2kaeev
==> No binary for neuron-develop-jhigcl7ephcbe47kbyz2znl76v2kaeev found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for nmodl@develop
==> Warning: Missing a source id for neuron@develop
==> neuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> neuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> neuron: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 11:31:12 2021
Hits: 451 / 899 (50.17 %)
Direct: 11 / 908 (1.21 %)
Preprocessed: 440 / 891 (49.38 %)
Misses: 448
Direct: 897
Preprocessed: 451
Uncacheable: 143
Primary storage:
Hits: 469 / 1810 (25.91 %)
Misses: 1341
Cache size (GB): 0.46 / 0.51 (89.87 %)
Files: 24531
Cleanups: 6
Autoconf compile/link: 7
Called for linking: 120
Called for preprocessing: 1
Compilation failed: 3
No input file: 6
Preprocessing failed: 6
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.8.3
Autoloading py-virtualenv/16.7.6
Autoloading py-numpy/1.19.4
Autoloading py-mpi4py/3.0.3
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
Autoloading py-h5py/3.1.0
Autoloading hdf5/1.10.7
$ echo "Returning the number of failed builds, ${num_failures}"
Returning the number of failed builds, 0
$ exit ${num_failures}
section_end:1640255473:step_script section_start:1640255473:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache neuron-intel-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=25351 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache/: found 25092 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1640255503:archive_cache section_start:1640255503:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=26616 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114690 responseStatus=201 Created token=duWMMoB6
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=26650 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=114690 responseStatus=201 Created token=duWMMoB6
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=26707 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=114690 responseStatus=201 Created token=duWMMoB6
section_end:1640255505:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1640255505:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640255505:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640250624:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640250624:resolve_secrets section_start:1640250624:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114681
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=6
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114681_PROD_P112_CP8_C10
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=6, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=1 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 144602
job state: PD
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J114681_PROD_P112_CP8_C10 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=1 --jobid=144602 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M
section_end:1640250627:prepare_executor section_start:1640250627:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i5n32 via
section_end:1640250632:prepare_script section_start:1640250632:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640250632:get_sources section_start:1640250632:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for nmodl-nvhpc-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=168507 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1640250654:restore_cache section_start:1640250654:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for spack_setup (114679)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=169686 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=114679 responseStatus=200 OK token=jyqzz_qA
section_end:1640250654:download_artifacts section_start:1640250654:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ SPACK_CONFIG=${PWD}/spack-config
$ mkdir ${SPACK_CONFIG}
$ cat > ${SPACK_CONFIG}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ - $tempdir/$user/spack-stage
/gpfs/ - ~/.spack/stage
/gpfs/ # - $spack/var/spack/stage
/gpfs/ # Directory in which to run tests and store test results.
/gpfs/ # Tests will be stored in directories named by date/time and package
/gpfs/ # name/hash.
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ root: $spack/opt/spack
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 36
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Locations where different types of modules should be installed.
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $spack/share/spack/modules
/gpfs/ lmod: $spack/share/spack/lmod
/gpfs/ test_stage: ~/.spack/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: ~/.spack/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ concretizer: original
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
_builtin package_lock_timeout: !!null 'None'
$ if [ "${SPACK_EXPORT_SPECS}" ]; then
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${PWD}/local_config
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE="$(spack location -p ${SPACK_PACKAGE})/"
$ if [ "${PACKAGE_REF}" ]; then
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install nmodl@develop%nvhpc~legacy-unit ^bison%gcc^flex%gcc^py-jinja2%gcc^py-sympy%gcc^py-pyyaml%gcc
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for nmodl@develop
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][0][\"${SPACK_PACKAGE}\"][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be zfakioujxsm45dlnonboqvphrxexao57
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_DIR=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_BASEDIR}
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 10:13:17 2021
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.46 / 0.51 (89.05 %)
Files: 1753
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'zfakioujxsm45dlnonboqvphrxexao57'
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- nmodl@develop%nvhpc~legacy-unit
- ^bison%gcc
- ^flex%gcc
- ^py-jinja2%gcc
- ^py-pyyaml%gcc
- ^py-sympy%gcc
- zfakiou nmodl@develop%nvhpc@21.11~ipo~legacy-unit~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- ilh3i6h ^bison@3.6.4%nvhpc@21.11 patches=ad81ef1b088459a396d908295afc3809f9a25076efaa459cdd2f21eabd1f4b16 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 3id4xmv ^cmake@3.15.7%nvhpc@21.11~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release patches=1c540040c7e203dd8e27aa20345ecb07fe06570d56410a24a266ae570b1c4c39,bf695e3febb222da2ed94b3beea600650e4318975da90e4a71d6f31a6d5d8c3d arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- o7642tm ^flex@2.6.4%nvhpc@21.11+lex patches=09c22e5c6fef327d3e48eb23f0d610dcd3a35ab9207f12e0f875701c677978d3 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 6yf3e2o ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 56d4qrp ^py-jinja2@2.10.3%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- wmslpld ^py-babel@2.7.0%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- oy6pnkw ^py-pytz@2020.1%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] qtsnebc ^py-setuptools@50.3.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] boepiq7 ^python@3.8.3%nvhpc@21.11+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 7ap4eon ^py-markupsafe@1.1.1%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] nklcaqd ^py-pytest@5.3.4%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] hv3l6m3 ^py-attrs@20.3.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ric2ffi ^py-more-itertools@8.7.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] tnxvjns ^py-packaging@19.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] nqd6d4a ^py-pyparsing@2.4.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] dt3gjsu ^py-six@1.16.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] rlm5oq3 ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] qbjsyll ^py-setuptools-scm@4.1.2%nvhpc@21.11+toml arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] jtaqy3k ^py-toml@0.10.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] auxibxx ^py-py@1.8.0%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] a5khbku ^py-wcwidth@0.1.7%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 4tb344r ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@9.3.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ggibzjm ^libyaml@0.2.4%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- qqqe57g ^py-sympy@1.4%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 7efatr5 ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@9.3.0 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
==> bison@3.6.4 : has external module in ['bison/3.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.6.4-ilh3i6hsazuqblyjs46wno4wkyhcaycx)
==> cmake@3.15.7 : has external module in ['cmake/3.15.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.15.7-3id4xmvyepn3luv5kvzabnojgl4kjbvv)
==> flex@2.6.4 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.4-o7642tm7j36qtzmyzthrmdbfctyfsdnn)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-6yf3e2oymeefngifdautp2wd347lcijn)
==> python@3.8.3 : has external module in ['python/3.8.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.8.3-boepiq7qwlm3d6e5almdw67q65o5quqn)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-mpmath-1.1.0-7efatr5xp6ijytyys53hdbzdcfizj6f7
==> No binary for py-mpmath-1.1.0-7efatr5xp6ijytyys53hdbzdcfizj6f7 found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for nmodl@develop
==> Fetching
==> py-mpmath: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-mpmath: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-pyyaml-5.3.1-4tb344rji4vizzqbe7vutaodgeetbxnt
==> No binary for py-pyyaml-5.3.1-4tb344rji4vizzqbe7vutaodgeetbxnt found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-pyyaml: Executing phase: 'build_ext'
==> py-pyyaml: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-markupsafe-1.1.1-7ap4eonjj5kjovymydraam2pebih5ygm
==> No binary for py-markupsafe-1.1.1-7ap4eonjj5kjovymydraam2pebih5ygm found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-markupsafe: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-markupsafe: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-pytz-2020.1-oy6pnkwkgv6v554uiepxhhrc33tbwxd7
==> No binary for py-pytz-2020.1-oy6pnkwkgv6v554uiepxhhrc33tbwxd7 found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-pytz: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-pytz: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-sympy-1.4-qqqe57g6iljndfgfmziodof6y4csagzm
==> No binary for py-sympy-1.4-qqqe57g6iljndfgfmziodof6y4csagzm found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-sympy: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-sympy: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-babel-2.7.0-wmslplddrwaswc2jxsg42t2n6qwxcpxr
==> No binary for py-babel-2.7.0-wmslplddrwaswc2jxsg42t2n6qwxcpxr found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-babel: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-babel: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-jinja2-2.10.3-56d4qrpcad4eylgllie3r3mhklzapldd
==> No binary for py-jinja2-2.10.3-56d4qrpcad4eylgllie3r3mhklzapldd found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-jinja2: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-jinja2: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing nmodl-develop-zfakioujxsm45dlnonboqvphrxexao57
==> No binary for nmodl-develop-zfakioujxsm45dlnonboqvphrxexao57 found: installing from source
==> nmodl: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> nmodl: Executing phase: 'build'
==> nmodl: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 10:44:59 2021
Hits: 63 / 137 (45.99 %)
Direct: 33 / 137 (24.09 %)
Preprocessed: 30 / 104 (28.85 %)
Misses: 74
Direct: 104
Preprocessed: 74
Uncacheable: 26
Primary storage:
Hits: 96 / 274 (35.04 %)
Misses: 178
Cache size (GB): 0.45 / 0.51 (87.83 %)
Files: 1712
Cleanups: 8
Called for linking: 26
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.8.3
Autoloading py-virtualenv/16.7.6
Autoloading py-numpy/1.19.4
Autoloading py-mpi4py/3.0.3
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
Autoloading py-h5py/3.1.0
Autoloading hdf5/1.10.7
$ echo "Returning the number of failed builds, ${num_failures}"
Returning the number of failed builds, 0
$ exit ${num_failures}
section_end:1640252715:step_script section_start:1640252715:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache nmodl-nvhpc-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=225321 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache/: found 2273 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1640252752:archive_cache section_start:1640252752:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=225652 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114681 responseStatus=201 Created token=dytEAHjM
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=225684 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=114681 responseStatus=201 Created token=dytEAHjM
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=225718 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=114681 responseStatus=201 Created token=dytEAHjM
section_end:1640252754:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1640252754:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640252755:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640250623:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640250623:resolve_secrets section_start:1640250623:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114680
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=6
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114680_PROD_P112_CP4_C7
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=6, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=1 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 144601
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J114680_PROD_P112_CP4_C7 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=1 --jobid=144601 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M
section_end:1640250624:prepare_executor section_start:1640250624:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i5n32 via
section_end:1640250627:prepare_script section_start:1640250627:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640250627:get_sources section_start:1640250627:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for nmodl-intel-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=167678 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1640250640:restore_cache section_start:1640250640:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for spack_setup (114679)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=168903 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=114679 responseStatus=200 OK token=jyqzz_qA
section_end:1640250641:download_artifacts section_start:1640250641:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ SPACK_CONFIG=${PWD}/spack-config
$ mkdir ${SPACK_CONFIG}
$ cat > ${SPACK_CONFIG}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ - $tempdir/$user/spack-stage
/gpfs/ - ~/.spack/stage
/gpfs/ # - $spack/var/spack/stage
/gpfs/ # Directory in which to run tests and store test results.
/gpfs/ # Tests will be stored in directories named by date/time and package
/gpfs/ # name/hash.
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ root: $spack/opt/spack
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 36
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Locations where different types of modules should be installed.
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $spack/share/spack/modules
/gpfs/ lmod: $spack/share/spack/lmod
/gpfs/ test_stage: ~/.spack/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: ~/.spack/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ concretizer: original
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
_builtin package_lock_timeout: !!null 'None'
$ if [ "${SPACK_EXPORT_SPECS}" ]; then
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${PWD}/local_config
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE="$(spack location -p ${SPACK_PACKAGE})/"
$ if [ "${PACKAGE_REF}" ]; then
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install nmodl@develop%intel~legacy-unit
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for nmodl@develop
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][0][\"${SPACK_PACKAGE}\"][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be lqyttqytclxdwwickak7uvjmb6a3au3g
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_DIR=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_BASEDIR}
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 10:13:17 2021
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.47 / 0.51 (91.43 %)
Files: 504
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'lqyttqytclxdwwickak7uvjmb6a3au3g'
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- nmodl@develop%intel~legacy-unit
- lqyttqy nmodl@develop%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- ymcya3l ^bison@3.6.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- mxqypex ^cmake@3.15.7%intel@ build_type=Release patches=1c540040c7e203dd8e27aa20345ecb07fe06570d56410a24a266ae570b1c4c39,bf695e3febb222da2ed94b3beea600650e4318975da90e4a71d6f31a6d5d8c3d arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 5mabxtb ^flex@2.6.4%intel@ patches=09c22e5c6fef327d3e48eb23f0d610dcd3a35ab9207f12e0f875701c677978d3 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- nayogh4 ^ninja@1.10.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- ubiktsv ^py-jinja2@2.10.3%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- yrbfda2 ^py-babel@2.7.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] oe2c27i ^py-pytz@2020.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] xfgkmkd ^py-setuptools@50.3.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] icfhbit ^python@3.8.3%intel@ patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- oe2hrft ^py-markupsafe@1.1.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- jo63uk3 ^py-pytest@5.3.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] kcyedyh ^py-attrs@20.3.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- mikhjgq ^py-more-itertools@8.7.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- hziuwhj ^py-packaging@19.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] vpsqgcg ^py-pyparsing@2.4.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] xgnwei3 ^py-six@1.16.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- gc3zsis ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ze65gmo ^py-setuptools-scm@4.1.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] p553wsa ^py-toml@0.10.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 557icag ^py-py@1.8.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- za7jmvs ^py-wcwidth@0.1.7%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] chpzzlm ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 4237mpr ^libyaml@0.2.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- runxrmn ^py-sympy@1.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- d6t5uhn ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
==> bison@3.6.4 : has external module in ['bison/3.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.6.4-ymcya3lbfxylkvsbomj2rbzbvecsldu2)
==> cmake@3.15.7 : has external module in ['cmake/3.15.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.15.7-mxqypexiy6wmh4hpnmf4lbwwwqhxzscg)
==> flex@2.6.4 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.4-5mabxtbvp5xw7gfjcac32iffw27sdssk)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-nayogh4gvnag7ybxc2ud5dt4ckxod3cc)
==> python@3.8.3 : has external module in ['python/3.8.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.8.3-icfhbitmltpoj6w6vghr23ac5erldiic)
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-mpmath-1.1.0-d6t5uhnfv6vz76zvbq6dxzezju47q4b2
==> No binary for py-mpmath-1.1.0-d6t5uhnfv6vz76zvbq6dxzezju47q4b2 found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for nmodl@develop
==> Fetching
==> py-mpmath: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-mpmath: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-sympy-1.4-runxrmnc6ccdqey2sq7njyz4u4i2x7xw
==> No binary for py-sympy-1.4-runxrmnc6ccdqey2sq7njyz4u4i2x7xw found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-sympy: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-sympy: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-more-itertools-8.7.0-mikhjgqoad5w4yqy27gs5e6resjbaofw
==> No binary for py-more-itertools-8.7.0-mikhjgqoad5w4yqy27gs5e6resjbaofw found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-more-itertools: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-more-itertools: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-wcwidth-0.1.7-za7jmvshfdsnmghmumjvxfinateuen3k
==> No binary for py-wcwidth-0.1.7-za7jmvshfdsnmghmumjvxfinateuen3k found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-wcwidth: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-wcwidth: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-markupsafe-1.1.1-oe2hrfthehpamljikolcjblr7mt52724
==> No binary for py-markupsafe-1.1.1-oe2hrfthehpamljikolcjblr7mt52724 found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-markupsafe: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-markupsafe: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-packaging-19.2-hziuwhjrhckeozwekkhwxabvm4onfilt
==> No binary for py-packaging-19.2-hziuwhjrhckeozwekkhwxabvm4onfilt found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-packaging: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-packaging: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-babel-2.7.0-yrbfda2telivet3ruvwscmtafc7zoys7
==> No binary for py-babel-2.7.0-yrbfda2telivet3ruvwscmtafc7zoys7 found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-babel: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-babel: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-pluggy-0.13.0-gc3zsisoxxbiopoa44i536m232c65zb4
==> No binary for py-pluggy-0.13.0-gc3zsisoxxbiopoa44i536m232c65zb4 found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-pluggy: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-pluggy: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-py-1.8.0-557icag4kia4rysswd2uxdettfkewclq
==> No binary for py-py-1.8.0-557icag4kia4rysswd2uxdettfkewclq found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-py: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-py: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-jinja2-2.10.3-ubiktsvw22gxnvhwzsoloqliz7czyhab
==> No binary for py-jinja2-2.10.3-ubiktsvw22gxnvhwzsoloqliz7czyhab found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-jinja2: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-jinja2: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing py-pytest-5.3.4-jo63uk3qcowoxe2ogccodpfmsdr2r557
==> No binary for py-pytest-5.3.4-jo63uk3qcowoxe2ogccodpfmsdr2r557 found: installing from source
==> Fetching
==> py-pytest: Executing phase: 'build'
==> py-pytest: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing nmodl-develop-lqyttqytclxdwwickak7uvjmb6a3au3g
==> No binary for nmodl-develop-lqyttqytclxdwwickak7uvjmb6a3au3g found: installing from source
==> nmodl: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> nmodl: Executing phase: 'build'
==> nmodl: Executing phase: 'install'
[+] /gpfs/
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Thu Dec 23 10:47:42 2021
Hits: 58 / 137 (42.34 %)
Direct: 26 / 137 (18.98 %)
Preprocessed: 32 / 111 (28.83 %)
Misses: 79
Direct: 111
Preprocessed: 79
Uncacheable: 28
Primary storage:
Hits: 84 / 274 (30.66 %)
Misses: 190
Cache size (GB): 0.47 / 0.51 (91.82 %)
Files: 503
Cleanups: 14
Called for linking: 28
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.8.3
Autoloading py-virtualenv/16.7.6
Autoloading py-numpy/1.19.4
Autoloading py-mpi4py/3.0.3
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
Autoloading py-h5py/3.1.0
Autoloading hdf5/1.10.7
$ echo "Returning the number of failed builds, ${num_failures}"
Returning the number of failed builds, 0
$ exit ${num_failures}
section_end:1640252863:step_script section_start:1640252863:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache nmodl-intel-6...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=228810 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache/: found 1064 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1640252885:archive_cache section_start:1640252885:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=229388 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114680 responseStatus=201 Created token=JM2s-zns
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=229421 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=114680 responseStatus=201 Created token=JM2s-zns
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=229458 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=114680 responseStatus=201 Created token=JM2s-zns
section_end:1640252886:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1640252886:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640252887:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640250473:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640250473:resolve_secrets section_start:1640250473:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114679
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114679_PROD_P112_CP4_C7
Job parameters: memory=512M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=10:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=1 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 144598
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=512M --job-name=GL_J114679_PROD_P112_CP4_C7 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=10:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=1 --jobid=144598 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=512M
section_end:1640250474:prepare_executor section_start:1640250474:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i5n30 via
section_end:1640250476:prepare_script section_start:1640250476:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640250477:get_sources section_start:1640250477:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ touch spack_clone_variables.env
$ if [[ "${PARSE_GITHUB_PR_DESCRIPTIONS}" == "true" && "${CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE}" == "external_pull_request_event" ]]; then
$ cat > << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ cat
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import re
import requests
pr_info = requests.get("{}/pulls/{}".format(
headers={'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'})
pr_body = pr_info.json()["body"]
# match something like NEURON_BRANCH=foo/bar
pat = re.compile('^([A-Z0-9_]+)_([A-Z]+)=([A-Z0-9\-\_\/]+)$', re.IGNORECASE)
def parse_term(m):
ref_type =
if ref_type not in {'branch', 'tag', 'ref'}: return
print('SPACK_PACKAGE_REF_' + + '=' + ref_type + '="' + + '"')
if pr_body is not None:
for pr_body_line in pr_body.splitlines():
if not pr_body_line.startswith('CI_BRANCHES:'): continue
for config_term in pr_body_line[12:].split(','):
pat.sub(parse_term, config_term)
$ python > spack_clone_variables.env
$ cat spack_clone_variables.env
$ fi
$ echo Using ${PWD} as a working directory common to the whole pipeline...
Using /gpfs/ as a working directory common to the whole pipeline...
$ SPACK_BRANCH_PARSED=$(sed -n -e "s/^SPACK_PACKAGE_REF_spack=branch=\(['\"]\)\([^\1]\+\)\1/\2/p" spack_clone_variables.env)
$ echo Checking out the ${SPACK_BRANCH} of Spack...
Checking out the develop of Spack...
$ git clone --depth 1 --single-branch --branch ${SPACK_BRANCH} ${SPACK_URL} spack
Cloning into 'spack'...
Checking out files: 1% (135/7697) Checking out files: 2% (154/7697) Checking out files: 3% (231/7697) Checking out files: 3% (298/7697) Checking out files: 4% (308/7697) Checking out files: 5% (385/7697) Checking out files: 5% (407/7697) Checking out files: 6% (462/7697) Checking out files: 6% (514/7697) Checking out files: 7% (539/7697) Checking out files: 7% (598/7697) Checking out files: 8% (616/7697) Checking out files: 8% (688/7697) Checking out files: 9% (693/7697) Checking out files: 9% (752/7697) Checking out files: 10% (770/7697) Checking out files: 10% (793/7697) Checking out files: 10% (835/7697) Checking out files: 11% (847/7697) Checking out files: 11% (868/7697) Checking out files: 12% (924/7697) Checking out files: 12% (938/7697) Checking out files: 13% (1001/7697) Checking out files: 14% (1078/7697) Checking out files: 14% (1084/7697) Checking out files: 14% (1109/7697) Checking out files: 14% (1143/7697) Checking out files: 15% (1155/7697) Checking out files: 15% (1169/7697) Checking out files: 15% (1195/7697) Checking out files: 16% (1232/7697) Checking out files: 16% (1265/7697) Checking out files: 16% (1304/7697) Checking out files: 17% (1309/7697) Checking out files: 18% (1386/7697) Checking out files: 18% (1434/7697) Checking out files: 19% (1463/7697) Checking out files: 19% (1497/7697) Checking out files: 20% (1540/7697) Checking out files: 20% (1566/7697) Checking out files: 21% (1617/7697) Checking out files: 21% (1664/7697) Checking out files: 22% (1694/7697) Checking out files: 22% (1727/7697) Checking out files: 23% (1771/7697) Checking out files: 23% (1786/7697) Checking out files: 24% (1848/7697) Checking out files: 24% (1853/7697) Checking out files: 24% (1874/7697) Checking out files: 25% (1925/7697) Checking out files: 25% (1928/7697) Checking out files: 25% (1966/7697) Checking out files: 26% (2002/7697) Checking out files: 26% (2018/7697) Checking out files: 27% (2079/7697) Checking out files: 27% (2096/7697) Checking out files: 28% (2156/7697) Checking out files: 28% (2184/7697) Checking out files: 29% (2233/7697) Checking out files: 29% (2236/7697) Checking out files: 30% (2310/7697) Checking out files: 30% (2319/7697) Checking out files: 31% (2387/7697) Checking out files: 31% (2413/7697) Checking out files: 32% (2464/7697) Checking out files: 32% (2534/7697) Checking out files: 33% (2541/7697) Checking out files: 34% (2617/7697) Checking out files: 34% (2676/7697) Checking out files: 35% (2694/7697) Checking out files: 36% (2771/7697) Checking out files: 36% (2792/7697) Checking out files: 37% (2848/7697) Checking out files: 37% (2893/7697) Checking out files: 38% (2925/7697) Checking out files: 38% (2957/7697) Checking out files: 39% (3002/7697) Checking out files: 39% (3021/7697) Checking out files: 40% (3079/7697) Checking out files: 40% (3107/7697) Checking out files: 41% (3156/7697) Checking out files: 42% (3233/7697) Checking out files: 43% (3310/7697) Checking out files: 44% (3387/7697) Checking out files: 44% (3406/7697) Checking out files: 45% (3464/7697) Checking out files: 46% (3541/7697) Checking out files: 46% (3576/7697) Checking out files: 47% (3618/7697) Checking out files: 48% (3695/7697) Checking out files: 48% (3744/7697) Checking out files: 49% (3772/7697) Checking out files: 50% (3849/7697) Checking out files: 51% (3926/7697) Checking out files: 51% (3932/7697) Checking out files: 52% (4003/7697) Checking out files: 53% (4080/7697) Checking out files: 53% (4082/7697) Checking out files: 54% (4157/7697) Checking out files: 55% (4234/7697) Checking out files: 55% (4245/7697) Checking out files: 56% (4311/7697) Checking out files: 57% (4388/7697) Checking out files: 57% (4404/7697) Checking out files: 58% (4465/7697) Checking out files: 59% (4542/7697) Checking out files: 59% (4551/7697) Checking out files: 60% (4619/7697) Checking out files: 60% (4643/7697) Checking out files: 61% (4696/7697) Checking out files: 62% (4773/7697) Checking out files: 62% (4788/7697) Checking out files: 63% (4850/7697) Checking out files: 63% (4925/7697) Checking out files: 64% (4927/7697) Checking out files: 65% (5004/7697) Checking out files: 65% (5063/7697) Checking out files: 66% (5081/7697) Checking out files: 67% (5157/7697) Checking out files: 67% (5200/7697) Checking out files: 68% (5234/7697) Checking out files: 69% (5311/7697) Checking out files: 69% (5317/7697) Checking out files: 70% (5388/7697) Checking out files: 70% (5441/7697) Checking out files: 71% (5465/7697) Checking out files: 72% (5542/7697) Checking out files: 72% (5553/7697) Checking out files: 73% (5619/7697) Checking out files: 73% (5673/7697) Checking out files: 74% (5696/7697) Checking out files: 75% (5773/7697) Checking out files: 75% (5813/7697) Checking out files: 76% (5850/7697) Checking out files: 77% (5927/7697) Checking out files: 77% (5945/7697) Checking out files: 78% (6004/7697) Checking out files: 78% (6037/7697) Checking out files: 79% (6081/7697) Checking out files: 79% (6154/7697) Checking out files: 80% (6158/7697) Checking out files: 80% (6225/7697) Checking out files: 81% (6235/7697) Checking out files: 81% (6294/7697) Checking out files: 82% (6312/7697) Checking out files: 82% (6378/7697) Checking out files: 83% (6389/7697) Checking out files: 83% (6447/7697) Checking out files: 84% (6466/7697) Checking out files: 85% (6543/7697) Checking out files: 85% (6544/7697) Checking out files: 86% (6620/7697) Checking out files: 86% (6645/7697) Checking out files: 87% (6697/7697) Checking out files: 87% (6772/7697) Checking out files: 88% (6774/7697) Checking out files: 89% (6851/7697) Checking out files: 89% (6868/7697) Checking out files: 90% (6928/7697) Checking out files: 90% (6956/7697) Checking out files: 91% (7005/7697) Checking out files: 92% (7082/7697) Checking out files: 92% (7098/7697) Checking out files: 93% (7159/7697) Checking out files: 93% (7221/7697) Checking out files: 94% (7236/7697) Checking out files: 94% (7310/7697) Checking out files: 95% (7313/7697) Checking out files: 96% (7390/7697) Checking out files: 96% (7409/7697) Checking out files: 97% (7467/7697) Checking out files: 97% (7502/7697) Checking out files: 98% (7544/7697) Checking out files: 99% (7621/7697) Checking out files: 99% (7629/7697) Checking out files: 100% (7697/7697) Checking out files: 100% (7697/7697), done.
$ cp /gpfs/*.yaml spack/etc/spack
$ SPACK_ROOT=${PWD}/spack
$ echo "SPACK_ROOT=${SPACK_ROOT}" >> spack_clone_variables.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ spack config --scope site add "config:ccache:true"
$ spack config get config
root: $spack/opt/spack
build_jobs: 36
ccache: true
- $spack/share/spack/templates
# Locations where different types of modules should be installed.
tcl: $spack/share/spack/modules
lmod: $spack/share/spack/lmod
- $tempdir/$user/spack-stage
- ~/.spack/stage
# - $spack/var/spack/stage
# Directory in which to run tests and store test results.
# Tests will be stored in directories named by date/time and package
# name/hash.
test_stage: ~/.spack/test
source_cache: $spack/var/spack/cache
misc_cache: ~/.spack/cache
connect_timeout: 10
verify_ssl: true
suppress_gpg_warnings: false
install_missing_compilers: false
checksum: true
dirty: false
build_language: C
locks: true
concretizer: original
db_lock_timeout: 300
shared_linking: rpath
allow_sgid: true
debug: false
$ echo "SPACK_USE_CCACHE=true" >> spack_clone_variables.env
$ if [[ "${CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE}" == "pipeline" ]]; then
section_end:1640250612:step_script section_start:1640250612:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=179432 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114679 responseStatus=201 Created token=jyqzz_qA
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=179454 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=114679 responseStatus=201 Created token=jyqzz_qA
section_end:1640250614:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1640250614:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640250614:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640251565:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640251565:resolve_secrets section_start:1640251565:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114689
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114689_PROD_P112_CP10_C11
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=volta ntasks=8 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
Submitted batch job 144682
job state: PD
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=8 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J114689_PROD_P112_CP10_C11 -C volta --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=8 --jobid=144682 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M
section_end:1640251568:prepare_executor section_start:1640251568:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on via
section_end:1640251569:prepare_script section_start:1640251569:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640251570:get_sources section_start:1640251570:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:gpu (114685)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=69957 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=114685 responseStatus=200 OK token=RSsJqaY9
section_end:1640251570:download_artifacts section_start:1640251570:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i5n32
Build name: Linux-nvc++
Create new tag: 20211223-0926 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 1: cmd_interface_test
Start 2: interleave_info_constructor_test
Start 3: alignment_test
Start 4: queuing_test
Start 5: lfp_test
Start 6: ring_TEST
1/18 Test #1: cmd_interface_test ..................... Passed 2.34 sec
Start 7: ring_binqueue_TEST
2/18 Test #3: alignment_test ......................... Passed 2.94 sec
3/18 Test #5: lfp_test ............................... Passed 3.64 sec
Start 8: ring_multisend_TEST
4/18 Test #2: interleave_info_constructor_test ....... Passed 3.69 sec
5/18 Test #4: queuing_test ........................... Passed 3.70 sec
Start 9: ring_spike_buffer_TEST
6/18 Test #6: ring_TEST .............................. Passed 27.89 sec
Start 10: ring_permute1_TEST
7/18 Test #9: ring_spike_buffer_TEST ................. Passed 37.38 sec
Start 11: ring_permute2_TEST
8/18 Test #7: ring_binqueue_TEST ..................... Passed 39.03 sec
Start 12: ring_gap_TEST
9/18 Test #8: ring_multisend_TEST .................... Passed 37.85 sec
Start 13: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST
10/18 Test #10: ring_permute1_TEST ..................... Passed 15.76 sec
Start 14: ring_gap_multisend_TEST
11/18 Test #11: ring_permute2_TEST ..................... Passed 49.06 sec
Start 15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST
12/18 Test #12: ring_gap_TEST .......................... Passed 1495.35 sec
Start 16: ring_gap_permute2_TEST
13/18 Test #13: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST .................***Timeout 1500.04 sec
Info : 4 GPUs shared by 8 ranks per node
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 1.0 7295f4a6 (2021-12-21 14:06:59 +0100)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 216.8984, Min 216.7148, Avg 216.7412
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 1413.500000, Free = 31097.000000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 216.9727, Min 216.8984, Avg 216.9565
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 1413.500000, Free = 31097.000000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 217.2539, Min 217.1172, Avg 217.1343
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 1443.500000, Free = 31067.000000, Total = 32510.500000
WARNING : GPU execution requires --cell-permute type 1 or 2. Setting it to 1.
Model uses gap junctions
Info : The number of input datasets are less than ranks, some ranks will be idle!
Setup Done : 0.21 seconds
Model size : 93.06 kB
Memory (MBs) : After nrn_setup : Max 217.4609, Min 217.1406, Avg 217.2031
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 1445.500000, Free = 31065.000000, Total = 32510.500000
Start time (t) = 0
Memory (MBs) : After mk_spikevec_buffer : Max 217.4609, Min 217.1406, Avg 217.2031
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 1695.500000, Free = 30815.000000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : After nrn_finitialize : Max 281.7305, Min 217.3047, Avg 233.3940
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 1957.500000, Free = 30553.000000, Total = 32510.500000
Start 17: ring_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST
14/18 Test #14: ring_gap_multisend_TEST ................***Timeout 1500.03 sec
Info : 4 GPUs shared by 8 ranks per node
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 1.0 7295f4a6 (2021-12-21 14:06:59 +0100)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 216.8945, Min 216.7148, Avg 216.7402
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 2465.500000, Free = 30045.000000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 217.1328, Min 216.9609, Avg 216.9854
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 2465.500000, Free = 30045.000000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 217.2539, Min 217.1172, Avg 217.1343
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 2465.500000, Free = 30045.000000, Total = 32510.500000
WARNING : GPU execution requires --cell-permute type 1 or 2. Setting it to 1.
Model uses gap junctions
Info : The number of input datasets are less than ranks, some ranks will be idle!
Setup Done : 2.70 seconds
Model size : 93.34 kB
Memory (MBs) : After nrn_setup : Max 217.4570, Min 217.1406, Avg 217.2026
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 2469.500000, Free = 30041.000000, Total = 32510.500000
Start time (t) = 0
Memory (MBs) : After mk_spikevec_buffer : Max 217.4570, Min 217.1406, Avg 217.2026
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 2469.500000, Free = 30041.000000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : After nrn_finitialize : Max 281.6914, Min 217.2734, Avg 233.3618
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 2471.500000, Free = 30039.000000, Total = 32510.500000
Start 18: ring_gap_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST
15/18 Test #15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST .................***Timeout 1500.02 sec
Info : 4 GPUs shared by 8 ranks per node
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 1.0 7295f4a6 (2021-12-21 14:06:59 +0100)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 216.8945, Min 216.7148, Avg 216.7402
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 2469.500000, Free = 30041.000000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 217.1328, Min 216.9570, Avg 216.9849
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 2469.500000, Free = 30041.000000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 217.2539, Min 217.1172, Avg 217.1348
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 2469.500000, Free = 30041.000000, Total = 32510.500000
Model uses gap junctions
Info : The number of input datasets are less than ranks, some ranks will be idle!
Setup Done : 1.59 seconds
Model size : 93.06 kB
Memory (MBs) : After nrn_setup : Max 217.4609, Min 217.1406, Avg 217.2036
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 2469.500000, Free = 30041.000000, Total = 32510.500000
Start time (t) = 0
Memory (MBs) : After mk_spikevec_buffer : Max 217.4609, Min 217.1406, Avg 217.2036
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 2469.500000, Free = 30041.000000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : After nrn_finitialize : Max 281.7305, Min 217.3047, Avg 233.3945
GPU Memory (MBs) : Used = 2471.500000, Free = 30039.000000, Total = 32510.500000
psolve | | t: 0.00 ETA: 0h00m00s psolve | | t: 0.50 ETA: 0h19m54s psolve | | t: 1.00 ETA: 0h19m48s psolve | | t: 1.37 ETA: 0h20m19s psolve |= | t: 1.87 ETA: 0h20m03s psolve |= | t: 2.38 ETA: 0h19m10s psolve |= | t: 2.75 ETA: 0h19m27s psolve |= | t: 3.13 ETA: 0h19m38s psolve |== | t: 3.63 ETA: 0h19m29s psolve |== | t: 4.00 ETA: 0h19m36s psolve |== | t: 4.50 ETA: 0h19m27s psolve |== | t: 5.00 ETA: 0h19m19s psolve |=== | t: 5.50 ETA: 0h18m54s psolve |=== | t: 6.00 ETA: 0h18m48s psolve |=== | t: 6.50 ETA: 0h18m42s psolve |==== | t: 7.50 ETA: 0h17m03s psolve |==== | t: 8.00 ETA: 0h17m03s psolve |==== | t: 8.50 ETA: 0h17m02s psolve |===== | t: 9.00 ETA: 0h17m01s psolve |===== | t: 9.50 ETA: 0h16m59s psolve |===== | t: 10.00 ETA: 0h16m56s psolve |===== | t: 10.25 ETA: 0h17m13s psolve |====== | t: 10.62 ETA: 0h17m23s psolve |====== | t: 11.00 ETA: 0h17m31s psolve |====== | t: 11.25 ETA: 0h17m45s psolve |====== | t: 11.87 ETA: 0h17m18s psolve |====== | t: 12.25 ETA: 0h17m25s psolve |======= | t: 12.62 ETA: 0h17m31s psolve |======= | t: 13.00 ETA: 0h17m37s psolve |======= | t: 13.25 ETA: 0h17m47s psolve |======= | t: 13.62 ETA: 0h17m51s psolve |======= | t: 14.00 ETA: 0h17m55s psolve |======== | t: 14.37 ETA: 0h17m58s psolve |======== | t: 14.75 ETA: 0h18m00s psolve |======== | t: 15.12 ETA: 0h18m08s psolve |======== | t: 15.50 ETA: 0h18m10s psolve |========= | t: 15.87 ETA: 0h18m16s psolve |========= | t: 16.25 ETA: 0h18m17s psolve |========= | t: 16.62 ETA: 0h18m18s psolve |========= | t: 17.00 ETA: 0h18m18s psolve |========= | t: 17.37 ETA: 0h18m18s psolve |========== | t: 17.62 ETA: 0h18m23s psolve |========== | t: 18.00 ETA: 0h18m22s psolve |========== | t: 18.37 ETA: 0h18m21s psolve |========== | t: 18.75 ETA: 0h18m20s psolve |========== | t: 19.12 ETA: 0h18m23s psolve |=========== | t: 19.50 ETA: 0h18m22s psolve |=========== | t: 19.87 ETA: 0h18m20s psolve |=========== | t: 20.25 ETA: 0h18m18s psolve |=========== | t: 20.62 ETA: 0h18m16s psolve |=========== | t: 20.87 ETA: 0h18m19s psolve |============ | t: 21.25 ETA: 0h18m16s psolve |============ | t: 21.62 ETA: 0h18m14s psolve |============ | t: 22.00 ETA: 0h18m12s psolve |============ | t: 22.37 ETA: 0h18m09s psolve |============ | t: 22.75 ETA: 0h18m06s psolve |============= | t: 23.00 ETA: 0h18m08s psolve |============= | t: 23.37 ETA: 0h18m05s psolve |============= | t: 23.75 ETA: 0h18m01s psolve |============= | t: 24.12 ETA: 0h17m58s psolve |============= | t: 24.50 ETA: 0h17m55s psolve |============== | t: 24.87 ETA: 0h17m52s psolve |============== | t: 25.12 ETA: 0h17m52s psolve |============== | t: 25.50 ETA: 0h17m49s psolve |============== | t: 25.87 ETA: 0h17m45s psolve |============== | t: 26.25 ETA: 0h17m42s psolve |=============== | t: 26.62 ETA: 0h17m35s psolve |=============== | t: 27.00 ETA: 0h17m31s psolve |=============== | t: 27.37 ETA: 0h17m27s psolve |=============== | t: 27.75 ETA: 0h17m24s psolve |================ | t: 28.12 ETA: 0h17m22s psolve |================ | t: 28.50 ETA: 0h17m18s psolve |================ | t: 28.87 ETA: 0h17m14s psolve |================ | t: 29.12 ETA: 0h17m14s psolve |================ | t: 29.50 ETA: 0h17m10s psolve |================= | t: 29.87 ETA: 0h17m05s psolve |================= | t: 30.12 ETA: 0h17m05s psolve |================= | t: 30.50 ETA: 0h17m00s psolve |================= | t: 30.87 ETA: 0h16m56s psolve |================= | t: 31.25 ETA: 0h16m52s psolve |================== | t: 31.62 ETA: 0h16m47s psolve |================== | t: 32.00 ETA: 0h16m43s psolve |================== | t: 32.37 ETA: 0h16m38s psolve |================== | t: 32.75 ETA: 0h16m33s psolve |================== | t: 33.12 ETA: 0h16m29s psolve |=================== | t: 33.37 ETA: 0h16m28s psolve |=================== | t: 33.75 ETA: 0h16m23s psolve |=================== | t: 34.12 ETA: 0h16m16s psolve |=================== | t: 34.37 ETA: 0h16m15s psolve |=================== | t: 34.75 ETA: 0h16m10s psolve |==================== | t: 35.12 ETA: 0h16m05s psolve |==================== | t: 35.50 ETA: 0h16m01s psolve |==================== | t: 35.87 ETA: 0h15m56s psolve |==================== | t: 36.25 ETA: 0h15m51s psolve |==================== | t: 36.62 ETA: 0h15m46s psolve |===================== | t: 36.87 ETA: 0h15m44s psolve |===================== | t: 37.25 ETA: 0h15m39s psolve |===================== | t: 37.62 ETA: 0h15m36s psolve |===================== | t: 38.00 ETA: 0h15m31s psolve |===================== | t: 38.38 ETA: 0h15m26s psolve |====================== | t: 38.75 ETA: 0h15m19s psolve |====================== | t: 39.13 ETA: 0h15m14s psolve |====================== | t: 39.50 ETA: 0h15m09s psolve |====================== | t: 39.88 ETA: 0h15m04s psolve |====================== | t: 40.25 ETA: 0h15m01s psolve |======================= | t: 40.63 ETA: 0h14m55s psolve |======================= | t: 41.00 ETA: 0h14m50s psolve |======================= | t: 41.38 ETA: 0h14m45s psolve |======================= | t: 41.75 ETA: 0h14m40s psolve |======================== | t: 42.13 ETA: 0h14m35s psolve |======================== | t: 42.50 ETA: 0h14m29s psolve |======================== | t: 42.88 ETA: 0h14m24s psolve |======================== | t: 43.13 ETA: 0h14m22s psolve |======================== | t: 43.50 ETA: 0h14m17s psolve |========================= | t: 43.88 ETA: 0h14m11s psolve |========================= | t: 44.88 ETA: 0h13m45s psolve |========================= | t: 45.25 ETA: 0h13m40s psolve |========================== | t: 45.63 ETA: 0h13m35s psolve |========================== | t: 46.00 ETA: 0h13m30s psolve |========================== | t: 46.38 ETA: 0h13m25s psolve |========================== | t: 46.75 ETA: 0h13m20s psolve |========================== | t: 47.13 ETA: 0h13m15s psolve |=========================== | t: 47.50 ETA: 0h13m10s psolve |=========================== | t: 47.88 ETA: 0h13m06s psolve |=========================== | t: 48.25 ETA: 0h13m00s psolve |=========================== | t: 48.63 ETA: 0h12m55s psolve |=========================== | t: 49.00 ETA: 0h12m50s psolve |============================ | t: 49.38 ETA: 0h12m44s psolve |============================ | t: 49.75 ETA: 0h12m40s psolve |============================ | t: 50.13 ETA: 0h12m35s psolve |============================ | t: 50.50 ETA: 0h12m29s psolve |============================ | t: 50.88 ETA: 0h12m25s psolve |============================= | t: 51.25 ETA: 0h12m20s psolve |============================= | t: 51.63 ETA: 0h12m13s psolve |============================= | t: 52.00 ETA: 0h12m08s psolve |============================= | t: 52.25 ETA: 0h12m05s psolve |============================= | t: 52.63 ETA: 0h12m00s psolve |============================== | t: 53.00 ETA: 0h11m53s psolve |============================== | t: 53.38 ETA: 0h11m48s psolve |============================== | t: 53.75 ETA: 0h11m43s psolve |============================== | t: 54.13 ETA: 0h11m37s psolve |=============================== | t: 54.50 ETA: 0h11m32s psolve |=============================== | t: 54.75 ETA: 0h11m29s psolve |=============================== | t: 55.13 ETA: 0h11m23s psolve |=============================== | t: 55.50 ETA: 0h11m18s psolve |=============================== | t: 55.75 ETA: 0h11m15s psolve |=============================== | t: 56.13 ETA: 0h11m09s psolve |================================ | t: 56.50 ETA: 0h11m04s psolve |================================ | t: 56.88 ETA: 0h10m58s psolve |================================ | t: 57.25 ETA: 0h10m53s psolve |================================ | t: 57.63 ETA: 0h10m47s psolve |================================= | t: 58.00 ETA: 0h10m43s psolve |================================= | t: 58.38 ETA: 0h10m37s psolve |================================= | t: 58.75 ETA: 0h10m31s psolve |================================= | t: 59.13 ETA: 0h10m25s psolve |================================= | t: 59.50 ETA: 0h10m20s psolve |================================== | t: 59.88 ETA: 0h10m14s psolve |================================== | t: 60.25 ETA: 0h10m08s psolve |================================== | t: 60.50 ETA: 0h10m05s psolve |================================== | t: 60.88 ETA: 0h10m00s psolve |================================== | t: 61.25 ETA: 0h09m54s psolve |=================================== | t: 61.50 ETA: 0h09m51s psolve |=================================== | t: 61.88 ETA: 0h09m45s psolve |=================================== | t: 62.25 ETA: 0h09m40s psolve |=================================== | t: 62.63 ETA: 0h09m34s psolve |=================================== | t: 62.88 ETA: 0h09m31s psolve |==================================== | t: 63.25 ETA: 0h09m25s psolve |==================================== | t: 63.63 ETA: 0h09m20s psolve |==================================== | t: 64.00 ETA: 0h09m14s psolve |==================================== | t: 64.38 ETA: 0h09m08s psolve |==================================== | t: 64.75 ETA: 0h09m03s psolve |===================================== | t: 65.25 ETA: 0h08m54s psolve |===================================== | t: 65.63 ETA: 0h08m49s psolve |===================================== | t: 66.00 ETA: 0h08m43s psolve |===================================== | t: 66.38 ETA: 0h08m37s psolve |====================================== | t: 66.75 ETA: 0h08m32s psolve |====================================== | t: 67.13 ETA: 0h08m26s psolve |====================================== | t: 67.38 ETA: 0h08m23s psolve |====================================== | t: 67.75 ETA: 0h08m17s psolve |====================================== | t: 68.13 ETA: 0h08m11s psolve |======================================= | t: 68.50 ETA: 0h08m06s psolve |======================================= | t: 68.88 ETA: 0h08m00s psolve |======================================= | t: 69.25 ETA: 0h07m54s psolve |======================================= | t: 69.63 ETA: 0h07m48s psolve |======================================= | t: 70.00 ETA: 0h07m43s psolve |======================================== | t: 70.25 ETA: 0h07m39s psolve |======================================== | t: 70.63 ETA: 0h07m33s psolve |======================================== | t: 71.00 ETA: 0h07m28s psolve |======================================== | t: 71.38 ETA: 0h07m22s psolve |======================================== | t: 71.75 ETA: 0h07m16s psolve |========================================= | t: 72.00 ETA: 0h07m13s psolve |========================================= | t: 72.38 ETA: 0h07m07s psolve |========================================= | t: 72.75 ETA: 0h07m01s psolve |========================================= | t: 73.13 ETA: 0h06m55s psolve |========================================= | t: 73.38 ETA: 0h06m52s psolve |========================================== | t: 73.75 ETA: 0h06m46s psolve |========================================== | t: 74.13 ETA: 0h06m40s psolve |========================================== | t: 74.50 ETA: 0h06m34s psolve |========================================== | t: 74.88 ETA: 0h06m29s psolve |========================================== | t: 75.25 ETA: 0h06m23s psolve |=========================================== | t: 75.63 ETA: 0h06m17s psolve |=========================================== | t: 76.00 ETA: 0h06m12s psolve |=========================================== | t: 76.25 ETA: 0h06m08s psolve |=========================================== | t: 76.63 ETA: 0h06m02s psolve |=========================================== | t: 77.00 ETA: 0h05m56s psolve |============================================ | t: 77.38 ETA: 0h05m51s psolve |============================================ | t: 77.75 ETA: 0h05m45s psolve |============================================ | t: 78.13 ETA: 0h05m39s psolve |============================================ | t: 78.38 ETA: 0h05m36s psolve |============================================ | t: 78.75 ETA: 0h05m30s psolve |============================================= | t: 79.13 ETA: 0h05m24s psolve |============================================= | t: 79.50 ETA: 0h05m18s psolve |============================================= | t: 79.88 ETA: 0h05m12s psolve |============================================= | t: 80.13 ETA: 0h05m09s psolve |============================================= | t: 80.50 ETA: 0h05m03s psolve |============================================== | t: 80.88 ETA: 0h04m57s psolve |============================================== | t: 81.25 ETA: 0h04m51s psolve |============================================== | t: 81.63 ETA: 0h04m46s psolve |============================================== | t: 81.88 ETA: 0h04m42s psolve |============================================== | t: 82.25 ETA: 0h04m36s psolve |=============================================== | t: 82.63 ETA: 0h04m30s psolve |=============================================== | t: 83.00 ETA: 0h04m25s psolve |=============================================== | t: 83.25 ETA: 0h04m21s psolve |=============================================== | t: 83.63 ETA: 0h04m15s psolve |=============================================== | t: 84.00 ETA: 0h04m09s psolve |================================================ | t: 84.38 ETA: 0h04m04s psolve |================================================ | t: 84.75 ETA: 0h03m58s psolve |================================================ | t: 85.13 ETA: 0h03m52s psolve |================================================ | t: 85.38 ETA: 0h03m48s psolve |================================================ | t: 85.75 ETA: 0h03m42s psolve |================================================= | t: 86.13 ETA: 0h03m37s psolve |================================================= | t: 86.50 ETA: 0h03m31s psolve |================================================= | t: 86.75 ETA: 0h03m27s psolve |================================================= | t: 87.13 ETA: 0h03m21s psolve |================================================= | t: 87.38 ETA: 0h03m17s psolve |================================================== | t: 87.75 ETA: 0h03m11s psolve |================================================== | t: 88.00 ETA: 0h03m08s psolve |================================================== | t: 88.38 ETA: 0h03m02s psolve |================================================== | t: 88.63 ETA: 0h02m58s psolve |================================================== | t: 89.00 ETA: 0h02m52s psolve |================================================== | t: 89.38 ETA: 0h02m46s psolve |=================================================== | t: 90.00 ETA: 0h02m36s psolve |=================================================== | t: 90.63 ETA: 0h02m25s psolve |==================================================== | t: 91.38 ETA: 0h02m13s psolve |==================================================== | t: 92.00 ETA: 0h02m03s psolve |==================================================== | t: 92.63 ETA: 0h01m53s psolve |===================================================== | t: 93.13 ETA: 0h01m45s psolve |===================================================== | t: 93.75 ETA: 0h01m35s psolve |====================================================== | t: 94.88 ETA: 0h01m17s psolve |====================================================== | t: 95.88 ETA: 0h01m02s psolve |======================================================= | t: 96.50 ETA: 0h00m52s psolve |=========================================================| t: 100.00 ETA: 0h24m16s
Solver Time : 1456.22
Simulation Statistics
Number of cells: 20
Number of compartments: 804
Number of presyns: 21
Number of input presyns: 0
Number of synapses: 1
Number of point processes: 81
Number of transfer sources: 40
Number of transfer targets: 40
Number of spikes: 20
Number of spikes with non negative gid-s: 20
16/18 Test #17: ring_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST ....... Passed 66.67 sec
17/18 Test #16: ring_gap_permute2_TEST ................. Passed 157.48 sec
18/18 Test #18: ring_gap_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST ... Passed 151.09 sec
83% tests passed, 3 tests failed out of 18
Total Test time (real) = 1694.82 sec
The following tests FAILED:
13 - ring_gap_binqueue_TEST (Timeout)
14 - ring_gap_multisend_TEST (Timeout)
15 - ring_gap_permute1_TEST (Timeout)
Errors while running CTest
$ cp -r Testing/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ module load unstable unit-test-translator
Autoloading python/3.8.3
$ cmake2junit > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ctest.xml
$ exit ${i_am_a_failure}
srun: error: ldir01u13: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1640253302:step_script section_start:1640253302:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=76609 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Testing/: found 8 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114689 responseStatus=201 Created token=wKoyKDWy
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=76641 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ctest.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=114689 responseStatus=201 Created token=wKoyKDWy
section_end:1640253303:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1640253303:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640253304:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640251184:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640251184:resolve_secrets section_start:1640251184:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114687
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114687_PROD_P112_CP7_C1
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=8 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 144614
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=8 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J114687_PROD_P112_CP7_C1 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=8 --jobid=144614 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M
section_end:1640251185:prepare_executor section_start:1640251185:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i5n32 via
section_end:1640251187:prepare_script section_start:1640251187:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640251188:get_sources section_start:1640251188:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:intel (114683)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=187300 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=114683 responseStatus=200 OK token=QBkoW31L
section_end:1640251189:download_artifacts section_start:1640251189:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i5n32
Build name: Linux-icpc
Create new tag: 20211223-0923 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 1: cmd_interface_test
Start 2: interleave_info_constructor_test
Start 3: alignment_test
Start 4: queuing_test
Start 5: lfp_test
Start 6: ring_TEST
Start 17: reporting_1
1/17 Test #2: interleave_info_constructor_test ... Passed 3.17 sec
2/17 Test #1: cmd_interface_test ................. Passed 3.54 sec
Start 7: ring_binqueue_TEST
3/17 Test #3: alignment_test ..................... Passed 3.81 sec
4/17 Test #4: queuing_test ....................... Passed 3.86 sec
Start 8: ring_multisend_TEST
5/17 Test #5: lfp_test ........................... Passed 5.83 sec
6/17 Test #6: ring_TEST .......................... Passed 7.98 sec
Start 9: ring_spike_buffer_TEST
7/17 Test #17: reporting_1 ........................ Passed 8.01 sec
Start 10: ring_permute1_TEST
8/17 Test #7: ring_binqueue_TEST ................. Passed 17.96 sec
Start 11: ring_permute2_TEST
9/17 Test #8: ring_multisend_TEST ................ Passed 17.99 sec
Start 12: ring_gap_TEST
10/17 Test #9: ring_spike_buffer_TEST ............. Passed 14.96 sec
Start 13: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST
11/17 Test #10: ring_permute1_TEST ................. Passed 15.28 sec
Start 14: ring_gap_multisend_TEST
12/17 Test #11: ring_permute2_TEST ................. Passed 25.16 sec
Start 15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST
13/17 Test #12: ring_gap_TEST ...................... Passed 853.84 sec
Start 16: ring_gap_permute2_TEST
14/17 Test #13: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST ............. Passed 1378.73 sec
15/17 Test #14: ring_gap_multisend_TEST ............ Passed 1382.52 sec
16/17 Test #16: ring_gap_permute2_TEST ............. Passed 531.16 sec
17/17 Test #15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST ............. Passed 1360.75 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 17
Total Test time (real) = 1407.84 sec
$ cp -r Testing/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ module load unstable unit-test-translator
Autoloading python/3.8.3
$ cmake2junit > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ctest.xml
$ exit ${i_am_a_failure}
section_end:1640252805:step_script section_start:1640252805:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=226653 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Testing/: found 7 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114687 responseStatus=201 Created token=_keY-6sx
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=226689 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ctest.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=114687 responseStatus=201 Created token=_keY-6sx
section_end:1640252806:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1640252806:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640252807:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640254088:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640254088:resolve_secrets section_start:1640254088:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114686
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114686_PROD_P112_CP4_C1
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=8 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 144730
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=8 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J114686_PROD_P112_CP4_C1 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=8 --jobid=144730 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M
section_end:1640254090:prepare_executor section_start:1640254090:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i5n30 via
section_end:1640254094:prepare_script section_start:1640254094:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640254095:get_sources section_start:1640254095:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron+nmodl:intel (114682)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=281689 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=114682 responseStatus=200 OK token=odsoSjbc
section_end:1640254096:download_artifacts section_start:1640254096:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i5n30
Build name: Linux-icpc
Create new tag: 20211223-1009 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 1: cmd_interface_test
Start 2: interleave_info_constructor_test
Start 3: alignment_test
Start 4: queuing_test
Start 5: lfp_test
Start 6: ring_TEST
Start 17: reporting_1
1/17 Test #3: alignment_test ..................... Passed 2.80 sec
2/17 Test #2: interleave_info_constructor_test ... Passed 3.02 sec
Start 7: ring_binqueue_TEST
3/17 Test #1: cmd_interface_test ................. Passed 3.31 sec
4/17 Test #4: queuing_test ....................... Passed 3.51 sec
Start 8: ring_multisend_TEST
5/17 Test #5: lfp_test ........................... Passed 3.84 sec
6/17 Test #17: reporting_1 ........................ Passed 7.39 sec
Start 9: ring_spike_buffer_TEST
7/17 Test #6: ring_TEST .......................... Passed 7.42 sec
Start 10: ring_permute1_TEST
8/17 Test #7: ring_binqueue_TEST ................. Passed 4.56 sec
Start 11: ring_permute2_TEST
9/17 Test #8: ring_multisend_TEST ................ Passed 4.45 sec
Start 12: ring_gap_TEST
10/17 Test #9: ring_spike_buffer_TEST ............. Passed 19.14 sec
Start 13: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST
11/17 Test #10: ring_permute1_TEST ................. Passed 19.14 sec
Start 14: ring_gap_multisend_TEST
12/17 Test #11: ring_permute2_TEST ................. Passed 19.05 sec
Start 15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST
13/17 Test #12: ring_gap_TEST ...................... Passed 18.98 sec
Start 16: ring_gap_permute2_TEST
14/17 Test #13: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST ............. Passed 487.57 sec
15/17 Test #14: ring_gap_multisend_TEST ............ Passed 744.09 sec
16/17 Test #16: ring_gap_permute2_TEST ............. Passed 807.48 sec
17/17 Test #15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST ............. Passed 808.03 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 17
Total Test time (real) = 834.69 sec
$ cp -r Testing/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ module load unstable unit-test-translator
Autoloading python/3.8.3
$ cmake2junit > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ctest.xml
$ exit ${i_am_a_failure}
section_end:1640254995:step_script section_start:1640254995:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=3134 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Testing/: found 7 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114686 responseStatus=201 Created token=vVs-JyMP
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=3186 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ctest.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=114686 responseStatus=201 Created token=vVs-JyMP
section_end:1640254996:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1640254996:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640254997:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640252678:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640252678:resolve_secrets section_start:1640252678:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114697
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114697_PROD_P112_CP0_C3
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=volta ntasks=16 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
Submitted batch job 144710
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=16 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J114697_PROD_P112_CP0_C3 -C volta --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=16 --jobid=144710 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M
section_end:1640252679:prepare_executor section_start:1640252679:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on via
section_end:1640252680:prepare_script section_start:1640252680:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640252681:get_sources section_start:1640252681:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:neuron:gpu (114693)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=36172 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=114693 responseStatus=200 OK token=DYZ7GRBE
section_end:1640252682:download_artifacts section_start:1640252682:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i7n21
Build name: Linux-nvc++
Create new tag: 20211223-0945 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 48: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline::preparation
Start 52: external_ringtest::coreneuron_gpu_mpi_offline::preparation
Start 59: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation
Start 63: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 69: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation
Start 73: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 79: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation
Start 83: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 87: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation
Start 89: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 125: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation
1/162 Test #59: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation ............ Passed 2.66 sec
Start 129: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
2/162 Test #63: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............ Passed 3.66 sec
Start 135: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation
3/162 Test #69: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation ............. Passed 5.41 sec
Start 139: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
4/162 Test #125: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation .............. Passed 5.46 sec
Start 44: external_ringtest::neuron
5/162 Test #87: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation ........... Passed 5.53 sec
Start 55: testcorenrn_bbcore::neuron
6/162 Test #73: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............. Passed 5.62 sec
Start 56: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_gpu_online
7/162 Test #129: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation .............. Passed 3.70 sec
Start 57: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate
8/162 Test #89: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ........... Passed 6.45 sec
Start 95: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation
9/162 Test #79: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation ................ Passed 6.55 sec
Start 99: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
10/162 Test #135: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation ............... Passed 2.98 sec
Start 58: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_gpu_offline
11/162 Test #44: external_ringtest::neuron .......................................... Passed 1.35 sec
Start 60: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online
12/162 Test #83: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ................ Passed 7.28 sec
Start 115: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation
13/162 Test #139: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............... Passed 2.41 sec
Start 61: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
14/162 Test #55: testcorenrn_bbcore::neuron ......................................... Passed 2.38 sec
Start 62: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline
15/162 Test #95: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation ........... Passed 3.20 sec
Start 119: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
16/162 Test #99: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ........... Passed 3.47 sec
Start 45: external_ringtest::neuron_mpi
17/162 Test #52: external_ringtest::coreneuron_gpu_mpi_offline::preparation ......... Passed 10.08 sec
Start 46: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi
18/162 Test #48: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline::preparation ......... Passed 10.13 sec
Start 47: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline
19/162 Test #115: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation ............. Passed 3.57 sec
Start 50: external_ringtest::coreneuron_gpu_mpi
20/162 Test #62: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline ......................... Passed 3.69 sec
Start 65: testcorenrn_deriv::neuron
21/162 Test #119: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............. Passed 3.48 sec
Start 51: external_ringtest::coreneuron_gpu_mpi_offline
22/162 Test #60: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online .......................... Passed 6.93 sec
Start 66: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_gpu_online
23/162 Test #65: testcorenrn_deriv::neuron .......................................... Passed 2.35 sec
Start 67: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate
24/162 Test #58: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_gpu_offline ......................... Passed 7.78 sec
Start 68: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_gpu_offline
25/162 Test #45: external_ringtest::neuron_mpi ...................................... Passed 5.15 sec
Start 70: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online
Start 71: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
26/162 Test #56: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_gpu_online .......................... Passed 9.57 sec
Start 72: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline
27/162 Test #61: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ......... Passed 7.74 sec
Start 86: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_gpu_offline
28/162 Test #57: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate ......... Passed 17.08 sec
Start 121: testcorenrn_conc::neuron
29/162 Test #121: testcorenrn_conc::neuron ........................................... Passed 1.43 sec
Start 122: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_gpu_online
30/162 Test #47: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline ...................... Passed 18.46 sec
Start 75: testcorenrn_gf::neuron
31/162 Test #72: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline .......................... Passed 15.50 sec
Start 123: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate
32/162 Test #70: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online ........................... Passed 15.96 sec
Start 124: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_gpu_offline
33/162 Test #71: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate .......... Passed 19.22 sec
Start 126: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online
34/162 Test #75: testcorenrn_gf::neuron ............................................. Passed 8.77 sec
Start 76: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_gpu_online
35/162 Test #86: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_gpu_offline ........................ Passed 22.54 sec
Start 127: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
36/162 Test #68: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_gpu_offline .......................... Passed 24.46 sec
Start 128: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline
37/162 Test #66: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_gpu_online ........................... Passed 25.38 sec
Start 131: testcorenrn_kin::neuron
38/162 Test #46: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi .............................. Passed 29.14 sec
Start 77: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate
39/162 Test #122: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_gpu_online ............................ Passed 14.59 sec
Start 132: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_gpu_online
40/162 Test #124: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_gpu_offline ........................... Passed 8.39 sec
Start 133: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate
41/162 Test #67: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate .......... Passed 25.66 sec
Start 134: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_gpu_offline
42/162 Test #126: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online ............................ Passed 6.44 sec
Start 136: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online
43/162 Test #131: testcorenrn_kin::neuron ............................................ Passed 2.23 sec
Start 137: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
44/162 Test #128: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline ........................... Passed 4.45 sec
Start 138: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline
45/162 Test #51: external_ringtest::coreneuron_gpu_mpi_offline ...................... Passed 30.83 sec
Start 78: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_gpu_offline
46/162 Test #50: external_ringtest::coreneuron_gpu_mpi .............................. Passed 33.13 sec
Start 80: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online
47/162 Test #123: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate ........... Passed 16.02 sec
Start 144: channel_benchmark_hippo::neuron
48/162 Test #127: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ........... Passed 13.00 sec
Start 145: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_gpu_online
49/162 Test #136: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online ............................. Passed 19.38 sec
Start 146: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_gpu_filemode
50/162 Test #134: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_gpu_offline ............................ Passed 21.34 sec
Start 147: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_online
51/162 Test #137: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ............ Passed 21.58 sec
Start 148: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_filemode
52/162 Test #132: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_gpu_online ............................. Passed 24.50 sec
Start 150: channel_benchmark_sscx::neuron
53/162 Test #138: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline ............................ Passed 20.71 sec
Start 151: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_gpu_online
54/162 Test #133: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate ............ Passed 27.84 sec
Start 152: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_gpu_filemode
55/162 Test #80: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online .............................. Passed 26.02 sec
Start 81: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
56/162 Test #76: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_gpu_online .............................. Passed 34.66 sec
Start 82: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline
57/162 Test #78: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_gpu_offline ............................. Passed 42.40 sec
Start 85: testcorenrn_patstim::neuron
58/162 Test #85: testcorenrn_patstim::neuron ........................................ Passed 4.13 sec
Start 88: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline
59/162 Test #77: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate ............. Passed 61.10 sec
Start 91: testcorenrn_vecplay::neuron
60/162 Test #91: testcorenrn_vecplay::neuron ........................................ Passed 4.28 sec
Start 92: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_gpu_online
61/162 Test #82: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline ............................. Passed 33.47 sec
Start 93: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate
62/162 Test #88: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline ........................ Passed 25.96 sec
Start 94: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_gpu_offline
63/162 Test #81: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ............. Passed 54.50 sec
Start 96: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online
64/162 Test #96: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online ......................... Passed 23.70 sec
Start 97: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
65/162 Test #92: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_gpu_online ......................... Passed 54.73 sec
Start 98: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline
66/162 Test #94: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_gpu_offline ........................ Passed 49.57 sec
Start 111: testcorenrn_watch::neuron
67/162 Test #111: testcorenrn_watch::neuron .......................................... Passed 4.70 sec
Start 112: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_gpu_online
68/162 Test #98: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline ........................ Passed 23.65 sec
Start 113: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate
69/162 Test #144: channel_benchmark_hippo::neuron .................................... Passed 150.76 sec
Start 153: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_online
70/162 Test #97: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ........ Passed 52.38 sec
Start 114: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_gpu_offline
71/162 Test #93: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate ........ Passed 105.61 sec
Start 116: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online
72/162 Test #112: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_gpu_online ........................... Passed 40.68 sec
Start 117: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
73/162 Test #150: channel_benchmark_sscx::neuron ..................................... Passed 167.82 sec
Start 154: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_filemode
74/162 Test #145: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_gpu_online ..................... Passed 181.08 sec
Start 1: testneuron
75/162 Test #1: testneuron ......................................................... Passed 0.07 sec
Start 2: ringtest
76/162 Test #2: ringtest ........................................................... Passed 0.30 sec
Start 3: connect_dend
77/162 Test #3: connect_dend ....................................................... Passed 0.14 sec
Start 4: pynrn_tests::basic_tests
78/162 Test #113: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate .......... Passed 49.85 sec
Start 118: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline
79/162 Test #114: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_gpu_offline .......................... Passed 32.62 sec
Start 141: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect
80/162 Test #4: pynrn_tests::basic_tests ........................................... Passed 8.61 sec
Start 5: rxdmod_tests::rxd_tests
81/162 Test #116: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online ........................... Passed 36.32 sec
Start 142: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect_psolve_alternate
82/162 Test #151: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_gpu_online ...................... Passed 184.86 sec
Start 6: rxdmod_tests::rxd_mpi_tests
83/162 Test #117: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate .......... Passed 39.40 sec
Start 7: parallel_tests
Start 8: parallel_partrans
84/162 Test #146: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_gpu_filemode ................... Passed 192.69 sec
Start 9: parallel_bas
85/162 Test #152: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_gpu_filemode .................... Passed 188.55 sec
Start 10: coreneuron_modtests::fornetcon_py_cpu
86/162 Test #118: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline .......................... Passed 26.11 sec
Start 11: coreneuron_modtests::direct_py_cpu
Start 12: coreneuron_modtests::direct_hoc_cpu
87/162 Test #8: parallel_partrans .................................................. Passed 9.01 sec
Start 13: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_py_cpu
88/162 Test #147: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_online ..................... Passed 200.97 sec
Start 14: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_file_mode_py_cpu
89/162 Test #148: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_filemode ................... Passed 199.19 sec
Start 15: coreneuron_modtests::fast_imem_py_cpu
90/162 Test #7: parallel_tests ..................................................... Passed 11.44 sec
Start 16: coreneuron_modtests::datareturn_py_cpu
91/162 Test #141: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect .................... Passed 29.14 sec
Start 17: coreneuron_modtests::test_units_py_cpu
Start 18: coreneuron_modtests::test_netmove_py_cpu
92/162 Test #9: parallel_bas ....................................................... Passed 15.83 sec
Start 19: coreneuron_modtests::test_watchrange_py_cpu
93/162 Test #10: coreneuron_modtests::fornetcon_py_cpu .............................. Passed 16.08 sec
Start 20: coreneuron_modtests::test_psolve_py_cpu
94/162 Test #12: coreneuron_modtests::direct_hoc_cpu ................................ Passed 14.77 sec
Start 21: coreneuron_modtests::test_natrans_py_cpu
95/162 Test #11: coreneuron_modtests::direct_py_cpu ................................. Passed 16.59 sec
Start 25: coreneuron_modtests::direct_py_gpu
96/162 Test #14: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_file_mode_py_cpu ....................... Passed 14.06 sec
Start 26: coreneuron_modtests::direct_hoc_gpu
97/162 Test #142: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect_psolve_alternate ... Passed 28.99 sec
Start 22: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_py_cpu
98/162 Test #15: coreneuron_modtests::fast_imem_py_cpu .............................. Passed 14.52 sec
Start 27: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_py_gpu
99/162 Test #17: coreneuron_modtests::test_units_py_cpu ............................. Passed 15.96 sec
Start 28: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_file_mode_py_gpu
100/162 Test #16: coreneuron_modtests::datareturn_py_cpu ............................. Passed 16.61 sec
Start 29: coreneuron_modtests::fast_imem_py_gpu
101/162 Test #19: coreneuron_modtests::test_watchrange_py_cpu ........................ Passed 10.93 sec
Start 30: coreneuron_modtests::datareturn_py_gpu
102/162 Test #153: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_online ...................... Passed 87.20 sec
Start 31: coreneuron_modtests::test_units_py_gpu
103/162 Test #20: coreneuron_modtests::test_psolve_py_cpu ............................ Passed 13.38 sec
Start 32: coreneuron_modtests::test_netmove_py_gpu
104/162 Test #29: coreneuron_modtests::fast_imem_py_gpu .............................. Passed 7.79 sec
Start 33: coreneuron_modtests::test_watchrange_py_gpu
105/162 Test #13: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_py_cpu ................................. Passed 31.03 sec
Start 34: coreneuron_modtests::test_psolve_py_gpu
106/162 Test #21: coreneuron_modtests::test_natrans_py_cpu ........................... Passed 17.17 sec
Start 35: coreneuron_modtests::test_natrans_py_gpu
107/162 Test #26: coreneuron_modtests::direct_hoc_gpu ................................ Passed 24.13 sec
Start 39: external_nrntest
108/162 Test #18: coreneuron_modtests::test_netmove_py_cpu ........................... Passed 38.06 sec
Start 64: testcorenrn_bbcore::compare_results
109/162 Test #64: testcorenrn_bbcore::compare_results ................................ Passed 0.13 sec
Start 74: testcorenrn_deriv::compare_results
110/162 Test #74: testcorenrn_deriv::compare_results ................................. Passed 0.21 sec
Start 84: testcorenrn_gf::compare_results
111/162 Test #22: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_py_cpu ............................. Passed 24.59 sec
Start 23: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_file_mode_py_cpu
112/162 Test #84: testcorenrn_gf::compare_results .................................... Passed 0.17 sec
Start 90: testcorenrn_patstim::compare_results
113/162 Test #31: coreneuron_modtests::test_units_py_gpu ............................. Passed 16.35 sec
Start 100: testcorenrn_vecplay::compare_results
114/162 Test #25: coreneuron_modtests::direct_py_gpu ................................. Passed 25.82 sec
Start 120: testcorenrn_watch::compare_results
115/162 Test #90: testcorenrn_patstim::compare_results ............................... Passed 0.66 sec
Start 130: testcorenrn_conc::compare_results
116/162 Test #100: testcorenrn_vecplay::compare_results ............................... Passed 0.79 sec
Start 140: testcorenrn_kin::compare_results
117/162 Test #120: testcorenrn_watch::compare_results ................................. Passed 0.71 sec
Start 143: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::compare_results
118/162 Test #140: testcorenrn_kin::compare_results ................................... Passed 0.81 sec
Start 149: channel_benchmark_hippo::compare_results
119/162 Test #130: testcorenrn_conc::compare_results .................................. Passed 1.10 sec
120/162 Test #33: coreneuron_modtests::test_watchrange_py_gpu ........................ Passed 15.95 sec
Start 24: coreneuron_modtests::inputpresyn_py_cpu
121/162 Test #28: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_file_mode_py_gpu ....................... Passed 24.95 sec
122/162 Test #143: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::compare_results ......................... Passed 1.32 sec
Start 36: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_py_gpu
123/162 Test #149: channel_benchmark_hippo::compare_results ........................... Passed 1.30 sec
124/162 Test #27: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_py_gpu ................................. Passed 27.27 sec
Start 37: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_file_mode_py_gpu
125/162 Test #35: coreneuron_modtests::test_natrans_py_gpu ........................... Passed 13.33 sec
126/162 Test #34: coreneuron_modtests::test_psolve_py_gpu ............................ Passed 13.69 sec
Start 38: coreneuron_modtests::inputpresyn_py_gpu
127/162 Test #154: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_filemode .................... Passed 73.01 sec
Start 155: channel_benchmark_sscx::compare_results
128/162 Test #30: coreneuron_modtests::datareturn_py_gpu ............................. Passed 25.73 sec
129/162 Test #155: channel_benchmark_sscx::compare_results ............................ Passed 0.66 sec
130/162 Test #32: coreneuron_modtests::test_netmove_py_gpu ........................... Passed 21.83 sec
131/162 Test #38: coreneuron_modtests::inputpresyn_py_gpu ............................ Passed 14.31 sec
Start 105: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation
132/162 Test #23: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_file_mode_py_cpu ................... Passed 18.07 sec
133/162 Test #24: coreneuron_modtests::inputpresyn_py_cpu ............................ Passed 15.98 sec
Start 109: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
134/162 Test #36: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_py_gpu ............................. Passed 16.01 sec
135/162 Test #37: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_file_mode_py_gpu ................... Passed 16.57 sec
Start 157: olfactory-bulb-3d::neuron::preparation
136/162 Test #157: olfactory-bulb-3d::neuron::preparation ............................. Passed 0.37 sec
Start 159: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_gpu_online::preparation
137/162 Test #159: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_gpu_online::preparation .............. Passed 0.25 sec
Start 161: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_cpu_online::preparation
138/162 Test #161: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_cpu_online::preparation .............. Passed 0.02 sec
Start 40: reduced_dentate::neuron
139/162 Test #105: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_gpu_offline::preparation .......... Passed 4.94 sec
Start 41: reduced_dentate::coreneuron_cpu
140/162 Test #109: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation .......... Passed 4.82 sec
Start 42: reduced_dentate::coreneuron_gpu
141/162 Test #40: reduced_dentate::neuron ............................................ Passed 28.25 sec
Start 101: testcorenrn_vecevent::neuron
142/162 Test #101: testcorenrn_vecevent::neuron ....................................... Passed 3.12 sec
Start 102: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_gpu_online
143/162 Test #102: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_gpu_online ........................ Passed 28.62 sec
Start 103: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate
144/162 Test #42: reduced_dentate::coreneuron_gpu .................................... Passed 116.90 sec
Start 104: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_gpu_offline
145/162 Test #41: reduced_dentate::coreneuron_cpu .................................... Passed 118.81 sec
Start 106: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_online
Start 43: reduced_dentate::compare_results
146/162 Test #43: reduced_dentate::compare_results ................................... Passed 0.09 sec
147/162 Test #39: external_nrntest ................................................... Passed 164.99 sec
148/162 Test #103: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_gpu_online_psolve_alternate ....... Passed 84.58 sec
Start 49: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_threads
149/162 Test #5: rxdmod_tests::rxd_tests ............................................ Passed 241.77 sec
150/162 Test #106: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_online ........................ Passed 54.12 sec
Start 107: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
151/162 Test #104: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_gpu_offline ....................... Passed 57.83 sec
Start 108: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_offline
152/162 Test #49: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_threads ...................... Passed 58.00 sec
Start 53: external_ringtest::coreneuron_gpu_mpi_threads
153/162 Test #107: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ....... Passed 56.75 sec
Start 156: olfactory-bulb-3d::neuron
154/162 Test #108: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_offline ....................... Passed 54.97 sec
Start 158: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_gpu_online
Start 110: testcorenrn_vecevent::compare_results
155/162 Test #110: testcorenrn_vecevent::compare_results .............................. Passed 0.32 sec
156/162 Test #53: external_ringtest::coreneuron_gpu_mpi_threads ...................... Passed 46.65 sec
Start 160: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_cpu_online
Start 54: external_ringtest::compare_results
157/162 Test #54: external_ringtest::compare_results ................................. Passed 0.07 sec
158/162 Test #6: rxdmod_tests::rxd_mpi_tests ........................................ Passed 356.91 sec
159/162 Test #156: olfactory-bulb-3d::neuron .......................................... Passed 112.80 sec
160/162 Test #158: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_gpu_online ........................... Passed 153.09 sec
161/162 Test #160: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_cpu_online ........................... Passed 143.04 sec
Start 162: olfactory-bulb-3d::compare_results
162/162 Test #162: olfactory-bulb-3d::compare_results ................................. Passed 0.27 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 162
Total Test time (real) = 713.90 sec
$ cp -r Testing/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ module load unstable unit-test-translator
Autoloading python/3.8.3
$ cmake2junit > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ctest.xml
$ exit ${i_am_a_failure}
section_end:1640253443:step_script section_start:1640253443:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=54501 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Testing/: found 7 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114697 responseStatus=201 Created token=kDaUbwxf
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=54562 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ctest.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=114697 responseStatus=201 Created token=kDaUbwxf
section_end:1640253445:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1640253445:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640253446:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640253728:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640253728:resolve_secrets section_start:1640253728:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114695
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114695_PROD_P112_CP0_C3
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=16 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 144725
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=16 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J114695_PROD_P112_CP0_C3 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=16 --jobid=144725 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M
section_end:1640253730:prepare_executor section_start:1640253730:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i5n32 via
section_end:1640253732:prepare_script section_start:1640253732:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640253733:get_sources section_start:1640253733:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:neuron:intel (114691)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=257137 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=114691 responseStatus=200 OK token=hQccjxbz
section_end:1640253734:download_artifacts section_start:1640253734:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i5n32
Build name: Linux-icpc
Create new tag: 20211223-1002 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 33: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline::preparation
Start 40: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 46: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 52: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 56: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 62: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 68: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 74: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
1/103 Test #40: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............ Passed 2.41 sec
Start 80: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
2/103 Test #46: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............. Passed 2.45 sec
Start 86: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
3/103 Test #62: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ........... Passed 4.13 sec
Start 29: external_ringtest::neuron
Start 36: testcorenrn_bbcore::neuron
4/103 Test #56: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ........... Passed 4.27 sec
Start 30: external_ringtest::neuron_mpi
5/103 Test #52: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ................ Passed 5.15 sec
Start 31: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi
6/103 Test #74: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............. Passed 5.18 sec
Start 37: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online
Start 38: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
7/103 Test #68: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation .......... Passed 5.37 sec
Start 100: olfactory-bulb-3d::neuron::preparation
8/103 Test #100: olfactory-bulb-3d::neuron::preparation ............................. Passed 0.02 sec
Start 102: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_cpu_online::preparation
9/103 Test #102: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_cpu_online::preparation .............. Passed 0.02 sec
Start 26: reduced_dentate::neuron
10/103 Test #80: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation .............. Passed 3.12 sec
Start 39: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline
11/103 Test #33: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline::preparation ......... Passed 5.63 sec
Start 32: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline
12/103 Test #86: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............... Passed 3.36 sec
Start 42: testcorenrn_deriv::neuron
13/103 Test #36: testcorenrn_bbcore::neuron ......................................... Passed 1.73 sec
Start 43: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online
14/103 Test #29: external_ringtest::neuron .......................................... Passed 2.87 sec
Start 44: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
15/103 Test #30: external_ringtest::neuron_mpi ...................................... Passed 3.92 sec
Start 45: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline
Start 76: testcorenrn_conc::neuron
16/103 Test #39: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline ......................... Passed 3.79 sec
Start 77: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online
17/103 Test #32: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline ...................... Passed 4.31 sec
Start 48: testcorenrn_gf::neuron
18/103 Test #37: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online .......................... Passed 4.88 sec
Start 78: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
19/103 Test #42: testcorenrn_deriv::neuron .......................................... Passed 4.68 sec
Start 79: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline
20/103 Test #38: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ......... Passed 5.45 sec
Start 82: testcorenrn_kin::neuron
21/103 Test #45: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline .......................... Passed 3.40 sec
Start 83: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online
22/103 Test #76: testcorenrn_conc::neuron ........................................... Passed 3.86 sec
Start 84: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
23/103 Test #79: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline ........................... Passed 2.86 sec
Start 85: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline
24/103 Test #43: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online ........................... Passed 7.81 sec
Start 91: channel_benchmark_hippo::neuron
25/103 Test #82: testcorenrn_kin::neuron ............................................ Passed 3.34 sec
Start 92: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_online
26/103 Test #77: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online ............................ Passed 5.09 sec
Start 93: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_filemode
27/103 Test #85: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline ............................ Passed 1.74 sec
Start 95: channel_benchmark_sscx::neuron
28/103 Test #83: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online ............................. Passed 4.36 sec
Start 96: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_online
29/103 Test #44: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate .......... Passed 9.22 sec
Start 97: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_filemode
30/103 Test #78: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ........... Passed 8.23 sec
Start 1: testneuron
31/103 Test #1: testneuron ......................................................... Passed 0.08 sec
Start 2: ringtest
32/103 Test #2: ringtest ........................................................... Passed 0.35 sec
Start 3: connect_dend
33/103 Test #48: testcorenrn_gf::neuron ............................................. Passed 8.94 sec
Start 49: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online
34/103 Test #3: connect_dend ....................................................... Passed 0.19 sec
Start 4: pynrn_tests::basic_tests
35/103 Test #84: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ............ Passed 7.67 sec
Start 5: rxdmod_tests::rxd_tests
36/103 Test #31: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi .............................. Passed 20.17 sec
Start 50: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
37/103 Test #4: pynrn_tests::basic_tests ........................................... Passed 7.78 sec
Start 6: rxdmod_tests::rxd_mpi_tests
38/103 Test #49: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online .............................. Passed 15.12 sec
Start 51: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline
39/103 Test #51: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline ............................. Passed 10.75 sec
Start 54: testcorenrn_patstim::neuron
40/103 Test #54: testcorenrn_patstim::neuron ........................................ Passed 4.53 sec
Start 55: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline
41/103 Test #55: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline ........................ Passed 5.83 sec
Start 58: testcorenrn_vecplay::neuron
42/103 Test #58: testcorenrn_vecplay::neuron ........................................ Passed 4.78 sec
Start 59: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online
43/103 Test #50: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ............. Passed 35.37 sec
Start 60: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
44/103 Test #59: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online ......................... Passed 9.81 sec
Start 61: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline
45/103 Test #61: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline ........................ Passed 4.97 sec
Start 70: testcorenrn_watch::neuron
46/103 Test #70: testcorenrn_watch::neuron .......................................... Passed 7.48 sec
Start 71: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online
47/103 Test #60: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ........ Passed 21.95 sec
Start 72: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
48/103 Test #71: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online ........................... Passed 9.92 sec
Start 73: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline
49/103 Test #5: rxdmod_tests::rxd_tests ............................................ Passed 75.00 sec
Start 7: parallel_tests
50/103 Test #73: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline .......................... Passed 4.95 sec
Start 88: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect
51/103 Test #72: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate .......... Passed 25.75 sec
Start 89: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect_psolve_alternate
52/103 Test #88: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect .................... Passed 12.99 sec
Start 8: parallel_partrans
Start 9: parallel_bas
53/103 Test #89: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect_psolve_alternate ... Passed 28.00 sec
Start 10: coreneuron_modtests::fornetcon_py_cpu
Start 11: coreneuron_modtests::direct_py_cpu
54/103 Test #11: coreneuron_modtests::direct_py_cpu ................................. Passed 34.75 sec
Start 12: coreneuron_modtests::direct_hoc_cpu
55/103 Test #10: coreneuron_modtests::fornetcon_py_cpu .............................. Passed 34.76 sec
Start 13: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_py_cpu
56/103 Test #12: coreneuron_modtests::direct_hoc_cpu ................................ Passed 8.10 sec
Start 14: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_file_mode_py_cpu
57/103 Test #8: parallel_partrans .................................................. Passed 75.57 sec
Start 15: coreneuron_modtests::fast_imem_py_cpu
58/103 Test #7: parallel_tests ..................................................... Passed 105.39 sec
Start 16: coreneuron_modtests::datareturn_py_cpu
59/103 Test #9: parallel_bas ....................................................... Passed 95.45 sec
Start 17: coreneuron_modtests::test_units_py_cpu
60/103 Test #96: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_online ...................... Passed 189.74 sec
Start 18: coreneuron_modtests::test_netmove_py_cpu
61/103 Test #97: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_filemode .................... Passed 192.22 sec
Start 19: coreneuron_modtests::test_watchrange_py_cpu
62/103 Test #92: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_online ..................... Passed 199.19 sec
Start 20: coreneuron_modtests::test_psolve_py_cpu
63/103 Test #26: reduced_dentate::neuron ............................................ Passed 208.34 sec
Start 27: reduced_dentate::coreneuron_cpu
64/103 Test #91: channel_benchmark_hippo::neuron .................................... Passed 200.32 sec
Start 21: coreneuron_modtests::test_natrans_py_cpu
65/103 Test #13: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_py_cpu ................................. Passed 43.78 sec
Start 25: external_nrntest
66/103 Test #93: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_filemode ................... Passed 201.23 sec
Start 41: testcorenrn_bbcore::compare_results
67/103 Test #41: testcorenrn_bbcore::compare_results ................................ Passed 0.45 sec
Start 47: testcorenrn_deriv::compare_results
68/103 Test #95: channel_benchmark_sscx::neuron ..................................... Passed 201.07 sec
Start 53: testcorenrn_gf::compare_results
69/103 Test #47: testcorenrn_deriv::compare_results ................................. Passed 1.67 sec
Start 57: testcorenrn_patstim::compare_results
70/103 Test #53: testcorenrn_gf::compare_results .................................... Passed 1.51 sec
Start 63: testcorenrn_vecplay::compare_results
71/103 Test #63: testcorenrn_vecplay::compare_results ............................... Passed 0.44 sec
Start 75: testcorenrn_watch::compare_results
72/103 Test #57: testcorenrn_patstim::compare_results ............................... Passed 1.69 sec
Start 81: testcorenrn_conc::compare_results
73/103 Test #75: testcorenrn_watch::compare_results ................................. Passed 1.23 sec
Start 87: testcorenrn_kin::compare_results
74/103 Test #14: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_file_mode_py_cpu ....................... Passed 40.58 sec
Start 90: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::compare_results
75/103 Test #87: testcorenrn_kin::compare_results ................................... Passed 0.85 sec
Start 94: channel_benchmark_hippo::compare_results
76/103 Test #81: testcorenrn_conc::compare_results .................................. Passed 0.95 sec
Start 98: channel_benchmark_sscx::compare_results
77/103 Test #90: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::compare_results ......................... Passed 1.01 sec
78/103 Test #94: channel_benchmark_hippo::compare_results ........................... Passed 0.52 sec
Start 22: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_py_cpu
79/103 Test #98: channel_benchmark_sscx::compare_results ............................ Passed 0.74 sec
80/103 Test #15: coreneuron_modtests::fast_imem_py_cpu .............................. Passed 44.44 sec
Start 23: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_file_mode_py_cpu
81/103 Test #19: coreneuron_modtests::test_watchrange_py_cpu ........................ Passed 32.06 sec
82/103 Test #16: coreneuron_modtests::datareturn_py_cpu ............................. Passed 42.59 sec
Start 24: coreneuron_modtests::inputpresyn_py_cpu
83/103 Test #20: coreneuron_modtests::test_psolve_py_cpu ............................ Passed 29.89 sec
84/103 Test #23: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_file_mode_py_cpu ................... Passed 14.37 sec
85/103 Test #22: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_py_cpu ............................. Passed 24.21 sec
Start 64: testcorenrn_vecevent::neuron
86/103 Test #21: coreneuron_modtests::test_natrans_py_cpu ........................... Passed 33.05 sec
87/103 Test #24: coreneuron_modtests::inputpresyn_py_cpu ............................ Passed 8.37 sec
Start 65: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_online
88/103 Test #17: coreneuron_modtests::test_units_py_cpu ............................. Passed 45.81 sec
89/103 Test #64: testcorenrn_vecevent::neuron ....................................... Passed 6.57 sec
Start 66: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
90/103 Test #18: coreneuron_modtests::test_netmove_py_cpu ........................... Passed 52.77 sec
91/103 Test #27: reduced_dentate::coreneuron_cpu .................................... Passed 45.94 sec
Start 34: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_threads
92/103 Test #65: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_online ........................ Passed 10.81 sec
Start 67: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_offline
93/103 Test #66: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ....... Passed 13.49 sec
Start 99: olfactory-bulb-3d::neuron
94/103 Test #67: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_offline ....................... Passed 4.18 sec
Start 101: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_cpu_online
95/103 Test #34: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_threads ...................... Passed 7.12 sec
Start 28: reduced_dentate::compare_results
Start 35: external_ringtest::compare_results
Start 69: testcorenrn_vecevent::compare_results
96/103 Test #69: testcorenrn_vecevent::compare_results .............................. Passed 0.89 sec
97/103 Test #28: reduced_dentate::compare_results ................................... Passed 1.09 sec
98/103 Test #35: external_ringtest::compare_results ................................. Passed 1.08 sec
99/103 Test #6: rxdmod_tests::rxd_mpi_tests ........................................ Passed 279.18 sec
100/103 Test #25: external_nrntest ................................................... Passed 169.77 sec
101/103 Test #101: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_cpu_online ........................... Passed 157.90 sec
102/103 Test #99: olfactory-bulb-3d::neuron .......................................... Passed 159.63 sec
Start 103: olfactory-bulb-3d::compare_results
103/103 Test #103: olfactory-bulb-3d::compare_results ................................. Passed 0.19 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 103
Total Test time (real) = 425.09 sec
$ cp -r Testing/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ module load unstable unit-test-translator
Autoloading python/3.8.3
$ cmake2junit > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ctest.xml
$ exit ${i_am_a_failure}
section_end:1640254199:step_script section_start:1640254199:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=267424 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Testing/: found 7 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114695 responseStatus=201 Created token=gAz_bebW
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=267477 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ctest.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=114695 responseStatus=201 Created token=gAz_bebW
section_end:1640254201:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1640254201:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640254202:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1640255509:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1640255509:resolve_secrets section_start:1640255509:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30372, build ref 7295f4a667503ec4677262632bb0636f48812336, job ID 114694
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J114694_PROD_P112_CP4_C4
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=16 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 144751
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=16 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J114694_PROD_P112_CP4_C4 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=16 --jobid=144751 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M
section_end:1640255510:prepare_executor section_start:1640255510:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i5n30 via
section_end:1640255513:prepare_script section_start:1640255513:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1640255515:get_sources section_start:1640255515:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:neuron+nmodl:intel (114690)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=28516 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=114690 responseStatus=200 OK token=duWMMoB6
section_end:1640255516:download_artifacts section_start:1640255516:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i5n30
Build name: Linux-icpc
Create new tag: 20211223-1032 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 33: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline::preparation
Start 40: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 46: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 52: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 56: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 62: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 68: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 74: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
1/103 Test #40: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............ Passed 2.41 sec
Start 80: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
2/103 Test #46: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............. Passed 2.70 sec
Start 86: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
3/103 Test #62: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ........... Passed 7.04 sec
Start 29: external_ringtest::neuron
Start 36: testcorenrn_bbcore::neuron
4/103 Test #56: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ........... Passed 7.22 sec
Start 30: external_ringtest::neuron_mpi
5/103 Test #74: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............. Passed 9.85 sec
Start 31: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi
6/103 Test #52: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ................ Passed 10.42 sec
Start 37: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online
Start 38: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
7/103 Test #68: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation .......... Passed 12.29 sec
Start 100: olfactory-bulb-3d::neuron::preparation
8/103 Test #86: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............... Passed 9.68 sec
Start 39: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline
9/103 Test #100: olfactory-bulb-3d::neuron::preparation ............................. Passed 0.19 sec
Start 102: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_cpu_online::preparation
10/103 Test #36: testcorenrn_bbcore::neuron ......................................... Passed 5.45 sec
Start 42: testcorenrn_deriv::neuron
11/103 Test #80: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation .............. Passed 10.10 sec
Start 43: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online
12/103 Test #102: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_cpu_online::preparation .............. Passed 0.08 sec
Start 26: reduced_dentate::neuron
13/103 Test #33: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline::preparation ......... Passed 12.70 sec
Start 32: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline
14/103 Test #29: external_ringtest::neuron .......................................... Passed 6.82 sec
Start 44: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
15/103 Test #30: external_ringtest::neuron_mpi ...................................... Passed 7.98 sec
Start 45: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline
Start 76: testcorenrn_conc::neuron
16/103 Test #37: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online .......................... Passed 7.31 sec
Start 77: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online
17/103 Test #39: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline ......................... Passed 6.42 sec
Start 78: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
18/103 Test #38: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ......... Passed 8.72 sec
Start 79: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline
19/103 Test #32: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline ...................... Passed 6.93 sec
Start 48: testcorenrn_gf::neuron
20/103 Test #45: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline .......................... Passed 7.49 sec
Start 82: testcorenrn_kin::neuron
21/103 Test #79: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline ........................... Passed 4.33 sec
Start 83: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online
22/103 Test #42: testcorenrn_deriv::neuron .......................................... Passed 14.36 sec
Start 84: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
23/103 Test #76: testcorenrn_conc::neuron ........................................... Passed 12.66 sec
Start 85: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline
24/103 Test #82: testcorenrn_kin::neuron ............................................ Passed 10.73 sec
Start 91: channel_benchmark_hippo::neuron
25/103 Test #85: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline ............................ Passed 7.50 sec
Start 92: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_online
26/103 Test #43: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online ........................... Passed 23.72 sec
Start 93: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_filemode
27/103 Test #31: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi .............................. Passed 27.58 sec
Start 49: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online
28/103 Test #48: testcorenrn_gf::neuron ............................................. Passed 18.15 sec
Start 50: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
29/103 Test #78: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ........... Passed 19.80 sec
Start 95: channel_benchmark_sscx::neuron
30/103 Test #44: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate .......... Passed 25.05 sec
Start 96: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_online
31/103 Test #77: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online ............................ Passed 21.10 sec
Start 97: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_filemode
32/103 Test #83: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online ............................. Passed 16.74 sec
Start 1: testneuron
33/103 Test #1: testneuron ......................................................... Passed 1.82 sec
Start 2: ringtest
34/103 Test #84: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ............ Passed 17.58 sec
Start 3: connect_dend
35/103 Test #2: ringtest ........................................................... Passed 5.68 sec
Start 4: pynrn_tests::basic_tests
36/103 Test #3: connect_dend ....................................................... Passed 5.87 sec
Start 5: rxdmod_tests::rxd_tests
37/103 Test #26: reduced_dentate::neuron ............................................ Passed 51.21 sec
Start 27: reduced_dentate::coreneuron_cpu
38/103 Test #49: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online .............................. Passed 27.64 sec
Start 51: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline
39/103 Test #50: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ............. Passed 40.51 sec
Start 54: testcorenrn_patstim::neuron
40/103 Test #51: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline ............................. Passed 13.29 sec
Start 55: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline
41/103 Test #4: pynrn_tests::basic_tests ........................................... Passed 34.47 sec
Start 6: rxdmod_tests::rxd_mpi_tests
42/103 Test #55: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline ........................ Passed 4.32 sec
Start 58: testcorenrn_vecplay::neuron
43/103 Test #54: testcorenrn_patstim::neuron ........................................ Passed 10.28 sec
Start 59: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online
44/103 Test #58: testcorenrn_vecplay::neuron ........................................ Passed 14.25 sec
Start 60: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
45/103 Test #59: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online ......................... Passed 28.64 sec
Start 61: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline
46/103 Test #61: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline ........................ Passed 3.32 sec
Start 70: testcorenrn_watch::neuron
47/103 Test #70: testcorenrn_watch::neuron .......................................... Passed 31.77 sec
Start 71: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online
48/103 Test #71: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online ........................... Passed 8.46 sec
Start 72: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
49/103 Test #60: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ........ Passed 77.36 sec
Start 73: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline
50/103 Test #73: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline .......................... Passed 6.88 sec
Start 88: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect
51/103 Test #91: channel_benchmark_hippo::neuron .................................... Passed 163.15 sec
Start 7: parallel_tests
52/103 Test #72: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate .......... Passed 41.48 sec
Start 89: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect_psolve_alternate
53/103 Test #92: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_online ..................... Passed 167.77 sec
Start 8: parallel_partrans
54/103 Test #93: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_filemode ................... Passed 174.87 sec
Start 9: parallel_bas
55/103 Test #95: channel_benchmark_sscx::neuron ..................................... Passed 172.62 sec
Start 10: coreneuron_modtests::fornetcon_py_cpu
56/103 Test #96: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_online ...................... Passed 172.52 sec
Start 11: coreneuron_modtests::direct_py_cpu
57/103 Test #97: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_filemode .................... Passed 173.17 sec
Start 12: coreneuron_modtests::direct_hoc_cpu
58/103 Test #88: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect .................... Passed 35.70 sec
Start 13: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_py_cpu
Start 14: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_file_mode_py_cpu
59/103 Test #27: reduced_dentate::coreneuron_cpu .................................... Passed 160.33 sec
Start 64: testcorenrn_vecevent::neuron
60/103 Test #12: coreneuron_modtests::direct_hoc_cpu ................................ Passed 20.00 sec
Start 15: coreneuron_modtests::fast_imem_py_cpu
61/103 Test #7: parallel_tests ..................................................... Passed 37.11 sec
Start 16: coreneuron_modtests::datareturn_py_cpu
62/103 Test #8: parallel_partrans .................................................. Passed 33.24 sec
Start 17: coreneuron_modtests::test_units_py_cpu
63/103 Test #89: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect_psolve_alternate ... Passed 38.98 sec
Start 18: coreneuron_modtests::test_netmove_py_cpu
Start 19: coreneuron_modtests::test_watchrange_py_cpu
64/103 Test #64: testcorenrn_vecevent::neuron ....................................... Passed 29.35 sec
Start 65: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_online
65/103 Test #14: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_file_mode_py_cpu ....................... Passed 41.65 sec
Start 20: coreneuron_modtests::test_psolve_py_cpu
66/103 Test #10: coreneuron_modtests::fornetcon_py_cpu .............................. Passed 51.59 sec
Start 21: coreneuron_modtests::test_natrans_py_cpu
67/103 Test #13: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_py_cpu ................................. Passed 46.39 sec
Start 25: external_nrntest
68/103 Test #11: coreneuron_modtests::direct_py_cpu ................................. Passed 55.22 sec
Start 28: reduced_dentate::compare_results
69/103 Test #28: reduced_dentate::compare_results ................................... Passed 4.40 sec
Start 41: testcorenrn_bbcore::compare_results
70/103 Test #41: testcorenrn_bbcore::compare_results ................................ Passed 4.20 sec
Start 47: testcorenrn_deriv::compare_results
71/103 Test #47: testcorenrn_deriv::compare_results ................................. Passed 6.18 sec
Start 53: testcorenrn_gf::compare_results
72/103 Test #53: testcorenrn_gf::compare_results .................................... Passed 4.04 sec
Start 57: testcorenrn_patstim::compare_results
73/103 Test #57: testcorenrn_patstim::compare_results ............................... Passed 3.95 sec
Start 63: testcorenrn_vecplay::compare_results
74/103 Test #16: coreneuron_modtests::datareturn_py_cpu ............................. Passed 55.77 sec
Start 75: testcorenrn_watch::compare_results
75/103 Test #75: testcorenrn_watch::compare_results ................................. Passed 3.75 sec
Start 81: testcorenrn_conc::compare_results
76/103 Test #63: testcorenrn_vecplay::compare_results ............................... Passed 3.92 sec
Start 87: testcorenrn_kin::compare_results
77/103 Test #15: coreneuron_modtests::fast_imem_py_cpu .............................. Passed 62.12 sec
Start 90: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::compare_results
78/103 Test #81: testcorenrn_conc::compare_results .................................. Passed 1.42 sec
Start 94: channel_benchmark_hippo::compare_results
79/103 Test #87: testcorenrn_kin::compare_results ................................... Passed 1.86 sec
Start 98: channel_benchmark_sscx::compare_results
80/103 Test #90: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::compare_results ......................... Passed 2.73 sec
81/103 Test #94: channel_benchmark_hippo::compare_results ........................... Passed 2.54 sec
Start 22: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_py_cpu
82/103 Test #98: channel_benchmark_sscx::compare_results ............................ Passed 2.66 sec
83/103 Test #17: coreneuron_modtests::test_units_py_cpu ............................. Passed 62.20 sec
Start 23: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_file_mode_py_cpu
84/103 Test #19: coreneuron_modtests::test_watchrange_py_cpu ........................ Passed 60.56 sec
85/103 Test #18: coreneuron_modtests::test_netmove_py_cpu ........................... Passed 65.63 sec
Start 24: coreneuron_modtests::inputpresyn_py_cpu
86/103 Test #65: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_online ........................ Passed 55.37 sec
Start 66: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
87/103 Test #9: parallel_bas ....................................................... Passed 99.40 sec
88/103 Test #20: coreneuron_modtests::test_psolve_py_cpu ............................ Passed 54.77 sec
89/103 Test #21: coreneuron_modtests::test_natrans_py_cpu ........................... Passed 62.28 sec
90/103 Test #23: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_file_mode_py_cpu ................... Passed 34.01 sec
Start 67: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_offline
91/103 Test #22: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_mpi_py_cpu ............................. Passed 37.26 sec
92/103 Test #24: coreneuron_modtests::inputpresyn_py_cpu ............................ Passed 29.28 sec
Start 99: olfactory-bulb-3d::neuron
93/103 Test #67: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_offline ....................... Passed 9.19 sec
Start 101: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_cpu_online
94/103 Test #66: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ....... Passed 34.50 sec
Start 69: testcorenrn_vecevent::compare_results
95/103 Test #69: testcorenrn_vecevent::compare_results .............................. Passed 2.67 sec
96/103 Test #99: olfactory-bulb-3d::neuron .......................................... Passed 131.52 sec
Start 34: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_threads
97/103 Test #101: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_cpu_online ........................... Passed 135.87 sec
Start 103: olfactory-bulb-3d::compare_results
98/103 Test #103: olfactory-bulb-3d::compare_results ................................. Passed 3.01 sec
99/103 Test #34: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_threads ...................... Passed 20.65 sec
Start 35: external_ringtest::compare_results
100/103 Test #35: external_ringtest::compare_results ................................. Passed 3.08 sec
101/103 Test #5: rxdmod_tests::rxd_tests ............................................ Passed 485.24 sec
102/103 Test #6: rxdmod_tests::rxd_mpi_tests ........................................ Passed 612.85 sec
103/103 Test #25: external_nrntest ................................................... Passed 517.53 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 103
Total Test time (real) = 781.40 sec
$ cp -r Testing/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ module load unstable unit-test-translator
Autoloading python/3.8.3
$ cmake2junit > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ctest.xml
$ exit ${i_am_a_failure}
section_end:1640256342:step_script section_start:1640256342:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=51989 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Testing/: found 7 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=114694 responseStatus=201 Created token=X-krMY1P
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=52042 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ctest.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=114694 responseStatus=201 Created token=X-krMY1P
section_end:1640256344:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1640256344:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1640256346:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
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