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Last active January 26, 2018 13:50
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# [2017-01-05] 基準となるプログラム
# [2017-01-06] 全列挙探索(左詰め)を実装
import subprocess
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
from time import sleep
from sys import argv
from itertools import product
# Global
R = None
C = None
row_keys = None
col_keys = None
def usage():
print('python3 {f} puzzle_file'.format(f=__file__))
def main(puzzle_file):
# 問題の入力
# rowinfo[keyix] = (r, ix)
rowinfo, num_keys = get_rowinfo()
# 全列挙
B = power(rowinfo, num_keys)
printB(B, 'Finish!')
def power(rowinfo, num_keys):
imgix = 0
# key2pos[keyix] = (r, c, key)
key2pos = set_B(0, rowinfo, num_keys) # 初期状態
B = gene_B(key2pos, num_keys)
while not feasible(B):
printB(B, imgix); imgix += 1
l = 0
keyix = num_keys - 1
while not can_slide(keyix-l, rowinfo, key2pos):
l = l + 1
key2pos[keyix-l][1] += 1 # keyix-lを1つ右にスライド
key2pos = set_B(keyix-l+1, rowinfo, num_keys, key2pos)
B = gene_B(key2pos, num_keys)
return B
def gene_B(key2pos, num_keys):
B = [[-1 for c in range(C)] for r in range(R)]
for keyix in range(num_keys):
r, c, key = key2pos[keyix]
for k in range(key):
B[r][c+k] = 1
return B
def set_B(keyix, rowinfo, num_keys, key2pos=dict()):
# update key2pos
if keyix < num_keys:
for kix in range(keyix, num_keys):
r, ix = rowinfo[kix]
cor_key = row_keys[r][ix]
if ix == 0:
key2pos[kix] = [r, 0, cor_key]
pre_r, pre_ix, pre_key = key2pos[kix-1]
key2pos[kix] = [pre_r, pre_ix+pre_key+1, cor_key]
return key2pos
def can_slide(keyix, rowinfo, key2pos):
r, ix = rowinfo[keyix]
_, c, _ = key2pos[keyix]
keys = row_keys[r]
if c < C-sum(keys[ix:])-len(keys[ix:])+1:
return True
return False
def get_rowinfo():
dic = dict()
keyix = 0
for r in range(R):
keys = row_keys[r]
for ix in range(len(keys)):
dic[keyix] = (r, ix)
keyix = keyix + 1
return dic, keyix
def feasible(B):
"""Bが列に関して, 制約を満たしているかを調べる"""
for c in range(C):
e = ''
for r in range(R):
e += ['a', 'b'][B[r][c] == -1]
e = [elm for elm in e.split('b') if elm]
e = list(map(len, e))
if col_keys[c] != e:
return False
return True
def printB(B, msg=''):['clear'])
for r in range(R):
for c in range(C):
if B[r][c] == 1:
sq = '■'
elif B[r][c] == -1:
sq = ' '
sq = '-'
print(sq+' ', end='')
def imageB(B, title=None, savename=None):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_xlim([0, C])
ax.set_ylim([0, R])
for r, c in product(range(R), range(C)):
if B[r][c] == 1:
pos = (c, R-r-1)
ax.add_patch(plt.Rectangle(pos, 1, 1, color='k'))
if B[r][c] == 0:
x = (c+0.3, c+0.7)
y = (R-r-0.5, R-r-0.5)
ax.plot(x, y, color='k', linewidth=0.2)
if title is not None:
if savename is not None:
def get_puzzle(puzzle_file):
global R, C, row_keys, col_keys
row_keys = []
col_keys = []
for line in open(puzzle_file, 'r'):
if not line.strip():
sigh, *keys = line.split()
if sigh == 'R':
R = int(keys[0])
if sigh == 'C':
C = int(keys[0])
if sigh == 'r':
keys = list(map(int, keys))
if sigh == 'c':
keys = list(map(int, keys))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(argv) == 2:
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