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Created August 28, 2011 19:32
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custom connect with CloudSponge
function CloudSponge(domainKey, domainPassword, opts) {
var $ = jQuery;
var API_ROOT = '';
var SERVICES = {
'gmail': { auth: 'user_consent', width: 987, height: 600 },
'yahoo': { auth: 'user_consent', width: 500, height: 500 },
'windowslive': { auth: 'user_consent', width: 987, height: 600 },
'outlook': { auth: 'desktop_applet' },
'addressbook': { auth: 'desktop_applet' },
'aol': { auth: 'import' },
'plaxo': { auth: 'import' }
var options = {
domainKey: domainKey,
domainPassword: domainPassword,
updateInterval: 1000,
popupURL: '',
appletContainer: document.body,
includeMailingAddress: false,
update: function(){},
$.extend(options, opts || {});
// public methods
this.beginImport = function(serviceName, opts) {
var importId = null, interval = null;
opts = $.extend({}, options, opts || {});
var service = SERVICES[serviceName];
var params = {
'domain_key': opts.domainKey,
'domain_password': opts.domainPassword
if(service.auth == 'import') {
params['username'] = opts.username;
params['password'] = opts.password;
// open the popup right away to avoid popup blockers
if(opts.popupURL.indexOf('?') < 0) opts.popupURL += '?';
opts.popupURL += '&service=' + serviceName;
if(service.auth == 'user_consent') {
var popup =, "mywindow", 'height='+service.height+',width='+service.width+',location=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,status=no,toolbar=no');
// private callbacks and timers
var contactsCallback = function(result) {
opts.complete(result.contacts, result, serviceName);
var getContacts = function() {
url: API_ROOT + 'contacts.json/' + importId,
dataType: 'jsonp',
type: 'GET',
data: params,
success: contactsCallback
var eventsCallback = function(result) {
var checkAgain = true;
if(typeof( !== 'undefined') {
for(var i=0;i<;i++) {
var event =[i];
if(event.event_type === 'COMPLETE') {
checkAgain = false;
if(checkAgain) setTimeout(checkEvents, opts.updateInterval);
var checkEvents = function() {
if(importId == null) return;
url: API_ROOT + 'events.json/' + importId,
dataType: 'jsonp',
type: 'GET',
success: eventsCallback,
data: params
var beginImportCallback = function(result) {
if(result.status === 'success') {
importId = result.import_id;
if(typeof(opts.begin) === 'function') opts.begin(result);
if(service.auth === 'user_consent') {
popup.location = result.url;
// opts.popup(result.url, service.width, service.height);
} else if(service.auth === 'desktop_applet') {
var appletURL = opts.appletURL || result.url,
appletHTML = '';
if(!$.browser.msie) {
appletHTML += '<!--[if !IE]> Firefox and others will use outer object -->\
<object classid="java:ContactsApplet" type="application/x-java-applet" archive="' + appletURL + '" height="1" width="1" >\
<!-- Konqueror browser needs the following param -->\
<param name="archive" value="' + appletURL + '" />\
<param name="cookieValue" value="document.cookie"/>\
<param name="importId" value="' + importId + '"/>';
appletHTML += '\
<object classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" codebase="" height="0" width="0" >\
<param name="code" value="ContactsApplet" />\
<param name="archive" value="' + appletURL + '" />\
<param name="cookieValue" value="document.cookie"/>\
<param name="importId" value="' + importId + '"/> <strong>\
To import contacts from Microsoft Outlook or Mac Address Book, you must have the Java Plug-in installed.\
<a href="">\
Get the latest Java Plug-in here.\
if(!$.browser.msie) {
appletHTML += '</object>';
$(opts.appletContainer).append(appletHTML);//'<div id="cs_applet_' + importId + '"><APPLET archive="' + appletURL + '" code="ContactsApplet" id="Contact_Importer_' + importId + '" width="0" height="0"><PARAM name="cookieValue" value="document.cookie"/><PARAM name="importActionID" value="' + importId + '">Your browser does not support Java which is required for this utility to operate correctly.</APPLET></div>')
} else {
// console.log(result);
var includeParam = opts.includeMailingAddress ? 'mailing_address' : '';
// make the request
url: API_ROOT + 'begin_import/' + service.auth + '.json',
dataType: 'jsonp',
type: 'GET',
data: $.extend({ service: serviceName, 'include': includeParam }, params),
success: beginImportCallback,
error: function() {
// console.log('error');console.log(arguments)
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadContacts(contacts, result, serviceName) {
(new CloudSponge(this.cloudspongeKey, this.cloudspongePassword, { complete: this.loadContacts })).beginImport("gmail");
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