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Created June 14, 2022 20:57
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  • Save lexming/53be3bff4225c96598eb2ddcfe3889a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lexming/53be3bff4225c96598eb2ddcfe3889a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
using tox.ini: /home/alex/src/vsc-base/tox.ini (pid 26585)
using tox-3.25.0 from /home/alex/.local/vsc/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/tox/ (pid 26585)
py27 reusing: /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27
[26591] /home/alex/src/vsc-base$ /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/bin/python -m pip freeze >.tox/py27/log/py27-3.log
py27 installed: DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 reached the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 is no longer maintained. pip 21.0 will drop support for Python 2.7 in January 2021. More details about Python 2 support in pip can be found at pip 21.0 will remove support for this functionality.,funcsigs==1.0.2,mock==3.0.5,six==1.16.0,vsc-install==0.17.24
py27 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='1981006963'
py27 run-test-pre: commands[0] | pip install 'setuptools<42.0'
[26597] /home/alex/src/vsc-base$ /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/bin/pip install 'setuptools<42.0'
DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 reached the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 is no longer maintained. pip 21.0 will drop support for Python 2.7 in January 2021. More details about Python 2 support in pip can be found at pip 21.0 will remove support for this functionality.
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools<42.0 in ./.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages (41.6.0)
py27 run-test-pre: commands[1] | python -m easy_install -U vsc-install
[26631] /home/alex/src/vsc-base$ /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/bin/python -m easy_install -U vsc-install
Searching for vsc-install
Best match: vsc-install 0.17.24
Processing vsc_install-0.17.24-py2.7.egg
vsc-install 0.17.24 is already the active version in easy-install.pth
Installing python-noenv script to /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/bin
Installing python-stripped-env script to /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/bin
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vsc_install-0.17.24-py2.7.egg
Processing dependencies for vsc-install
Finished processing dependencies for vsc-install
py27 run-test: commands[0] | python test
[26637] /home/alex/src/vsc-base$ /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/bin/python test
INFO: This is (based on) vsc.install.shared_setup 0.17.24
INFO: (using setuptools version 41.6.0 located at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/__init__.pyc)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
WARN: cleanup lib/vsc_base.egg-info
INFO: initial packages list: ['vsc.utils.py2vs3', 'vsc.utils', 'vsc']
INFO: generated list: ['vsc.utils.py2vs3', 'vsc.utils', 'vsc']
INFO: generated packages list: ['vsc.utils.py2vs3', 'vsc.utils', 'vsc']
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: setting license LGPLv2+
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: Removing None download_url
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: using long_description Common tools used within our organization. Originally created by the HPC team of Ghent University (
INFO: generated list: ['bin/', 'bin/', 'bin/optcomplete.bash']
INFO: generated scripts list: ['bin/', 'bin/', 'bin/optcomplete.bash']
INFO: adding prospector to tests_require
new target {'packages': ['vsc.utils.py2vs3', 'vsc.utils', 'vsc'], 'long_description_content_type': 'text/markdown', 'setup_requires': ['vsc-install >= 0.17.19'], 'classifiers': ['License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)'], 'description': 'Common tools used within our organization. Originally created by the HPC team of Ghent University (', 'test_suite': 'test', 'namespace_packages': ['vsc'], 'version': '3.4.7', 'license': 'LGPLv2+', 'maintainer_email': ',,,', 'install_requires': ['vsc-install >= 0.17.19', 'future >= 0.16.0'], 'author_email': ',,,', 'tests_require': ['prospector', 'coloredlogs < 6.0', 'humanfriendly', 'zipp < 2.0', 'configparser < 5.0', 'pydocstyle < 4.0', 'prospector >=, < 1.3', 'mock < 4.0', 'isort < 5.0', 'pyyaml >= 5.4.1, < 6.0', 'lazy_object_proxy < 1.7.0', 'requirements-detector < 1.0.0'], 'maintainer': 'Stijn De Weirdt;Jens Timmerman;Andy Georges;Kenneth Hoste', 'scripts': ['bin/', 'bin/', 'bin/optcomplete.bash'], 'author': 'Stijn De Weirdt;Jens Timmerman;Andy Georges;Kenneth Hoste', 'url': '', 'long_description': "# vsc-base\n\n### Build Status\n\n- Python 2.6 : [![Build Status](](\n- Python 2.7 : [![Build Status](](\n\n# Description\n\nCommon tools used within our organization.\nOriginally created by the HPC team of Ghent University (\n\n# Documentation\n\n\n# Namespaces and tools\n\n## lib/utils\npython utilities to be used as libraries\n\n- __fancylogger__: an extention of the default python logger designed to be easy to use and have a couple of `fancy` features.\n\n - custom specifiers for mpi loggin (the mpirank) with autodetection of mpi\n - custom specifier for always showing the calling function's name\n - rotating file handler\n - a default formatter.\n - logging to an UDP server ( f.ex.)\n - easily setting loglevel\n\n- __daemon.py__ : Daemon class written by Sander Marechal ( to start a python script as a daemon.\n- __missing.py__: Small functions and tools that are commonly used but not available in the Python (2.x) API.\n- ~~__cache.py__ : File cache to store pickled data identified by a key accompanied by a timestamp.~~ (moved to [vsc-utils](\n- __generaloption.py__ : A general option parser for python. It will fetch options (in this order) from config files, from environment variables and from the command line and parse them in a way compatible with the default python optionparser. Thus allowing a very flexible way to configure your scripts. It also adds a few other useful extras.\n- __affinity.py__ : Linux cpu affinity.\n\n - Based on `sched.h` and `bits/sched.h`,\n - see man pages for `sched_getaffinity` and `sched_setaffinity`\n - also provides a `cpuset` class to convert between human readable cpusets and the bit version Linux priority\n - Based on sys/resources.h and bits/resources.h see man pages for `getpriority` and `setpriority`\n\n- __asyncprocess.py__ : Module to allow Asynchronous subprocess use on Windows and Posix platforms\n\n - Based on a [python recipe]( by Josiah Carlson\n - added STDOUT handle and recv_some\n\n- __daemon.py__ : [A generic daemon class by Sander Marechal](\n- __dateandtime.py__ : A module with various convenience functions and classes to deal with date, time and timezone.\n- __nagios.py__ : This module provides functionality to cache and report results of script executions that can readily be interpreted by nagios/icinga.\n- __run.py__ : Python module to execute a command, can make use of asyncprocess, answer questions based on a dictionary\n\n - supports a whole lot of ways to input, process and output the command. (filehandles, PIPE, pty, stdout, logging...)\n\n- __mail.py__ : Wrapper around the standard Python mail library.\n\n - Send a plain text message\n - Send an HTML message, with a plain text alternative\n\n## bin\nA collection of python scripts, these are examples of how you could use fancylogger to log to a daemon, but should not be used directly.\n- __logdaemon.py__: A daemon that listens on a port for udp packets and logs them to file, works toghether with fancylogger.\n- __startlogdaemon.py__ : Script that will start the logdaemon for you and set environment variables for fancylogger.\n\n# License\nvsc-base is made available under the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or any later version.\n\n# Acknowledgements\nvsc-base was created with support of [Ghent University](,\nthe [Flemish Supercomputer Centre (VSC)](,\nthe [Flemish Research Foundation (FWO)](,\nand [the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI)](\n\n", 'download_url': '', 'cmdclass': {'test': <class vsc.install.shared_setup.VscTestCommand at 0x7fce4578d598>, 'install_scripts': <class vsc.install.shared_setup.vsc_install_scripts at 0x7fce4578d460>, 'vsc_release': <class vsc.install.shared_setup.vsc_release at 0x7fce4578d600>, 'egg_info': <class vsc.install.shared_setup.vsc_egg_info at 0x7fce4578d390>, 'bdist_rpm': <class vsc.install.shared_setup.vsc_bdist_rpm at 0x7fce4578d530>, 'sdist': <class vsc.install.shared_setup.vsc_sdist at 0x7fce4578d2c0>}, 'command_packages': ['vsc.install.shared_setup', 'shared_setup_dist_only', 'setuptools.command', 'distutils.command'], 'extras_require': {'coloredlogs': ['coloredlogs < 6.0', 'humanfriendly']}, 'package_dir': {'': 'lib'}, 'dependency_links': ['git+', 'git+ssh://', 'git+ssh://'], 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: makesetupcfg set to True, (re)creating setup.cfg
INFO: running test
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: test_loader set to vsc.install.shared_setup:vsc_setup.VscScanningLoader
WARNING: Testing via this command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Users looking for a generic test entry point independent of test runner are encouraged to use tox.
INFO: Searching for future>=0.16.0
INFO: Best match: future 0.18.2
INFO: Processing future-0.18.2-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/future-0.18.2-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for requirements-detector<1.0.0
INFO: Best match: requirements-detector 0.7
INFO: Processing requirements_detector-0.7-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/requirements_detector-0.7-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for lazy_object_proxy<1.7.0
INFO: Best match: lazy-object-proxy 1.6.0
INFO: Processing lazy_object_proxy-1.6.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/lazy_object_proxy-1.6.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg
INFO: Searching for pyyaml<6.0,>=5.4.1
INFO: Best match: PyYAML 5.4.1
INFO: Processing PyYAML-5.4.1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/PyYAML-5.4.1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg
INFO: Searching for isort<5.0
INFO: Best match: isort 4.3.21
INFO: Processing isort-4.3.21-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/isort-4.3.21-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for prospector<1.3,>=
INFO: Best match: prospector 1.2.0
INFO: Processing prospector-1.2.0-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/prospector-1.2.0-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for pydocstyle<4.0
INFO: Best match: pydocstyle 3.0.0
INFO: Processing pydocstyle-3.0.0-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/pydocstyle-3.0.0-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for configparser<5.0
INFO: Best match: configparser 4.0.2
INFO: Processing configparser-4.0.2-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/configparser-4.0.2-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for zipp<2.0
INFO: Best match: zipp 1.2.0
INFO: Processing zipp-1.2.0-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/zipp-1.2.0-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for humanfriendly
INFO: Best match: humanfriendly 10.0
INFO: Processing humanfriendly-10.0-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/humanfriendly-10.0-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for coloredlogs<6.0
INFO: Best match: coloredlogs 5.2
INFO: Processing coloredlogs-5.2-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/coloredlogs-5.2-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for astroid<2.0,>=1.4
INFO: Best match: astroid 1.6.6
INFO: Processing astroid-1.6.6-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/astroid-1.6.6-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for futures
INFO: Best match: futures 3.3.0
INFO: Processing futures-3.3.0-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/futures-3.3.0-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for backports.functools-lru-cache
INFO: Best match: backports.functools-lru-cache 1.6.4
INFO: Processing backports.functools_lru_cache-1.6.4-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/backports.functools_lru_cache-1.6.4-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for pylint-django<0.9
INFO: Best match: pylint-django 0.8.1
INFO: Processing pylint_django-0.8.1-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/pylint_django-0.8.1-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for pylint<2
INFO: Best match: pylint 1.9.5
INFO: Processing pylint-1.9.5-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/pylint-1.9.5-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for pep8-naming<=0.4.1,>=0.3.3
INFO: Best match: pep8-naming 0.4.1
INFO: Processing pep8_naming-0.4.1-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/pep8_naming-0.4.1-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for pycodestyle<=2.4.0,>=2.0.0
INFO: Best match: pycodestyle 2.4.0
INFO: Processing pycodestyle-2.4.0-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/pycodestyle-2.4.0-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for pyflakes<2.2.0,>=0.8.1
INFO: Best match: pyflakes 2.1.1
INFO: Processing pyflakes-2.1.1-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/pyflakes-2.1.1-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for mccabe>=0.5.0
INFO: Best match: mccabe 0.7.0
INFO: Processing mccabe-0.7.0-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/mccabe-0.7.0-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for dodgy>=0.1.9
INFO: Best match: dodgy 0.2.1
INFO: Processing dodgy-0.2.1-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/dodgy-0.2.1-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for setoptconf>=0.2.0
INFO: Best match: setoptconf 0.3.0
INFO: Processing setoptconf-0.3.0-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/setoptconf-0.3.0-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for pylint-flask==0.6
INFO: Best match: pylint-flask 0.6
INFO: Processing pylint_flask-0.6-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/pylint_flask-0.6-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for pylint-celery==0.3
INFO: Best match: pylint-celery 0.3
INFO: Processing pylint_celery-0.3-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/pylint_celery-0.3-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for pylint-plugin-utils>=0.2.6
INFO: Best match: pylint-plugin-utils 0.7
INFO: Processing pylint_plugin_utils-0.7-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/pylint_plugin_utils-0.7-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for snowballstemmer
INFO: Best match: snowballstemmer 2.2.0
INFO: Processing snowballstemmer-2.2.0-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/snowballstemmer-2.2.0-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for contextlib2
INFO: Best match: contextlib2 21.6.0
INFO: Processing contextlib2-21.6.0-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/contextlib2-21.6.0-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for monotonic
INFO: Best match: monotonic 1.6
INFO: Processing monotonic-1.6-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/monotonic-1.6-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for wrapt
INFO: Best match: wrapt 1.14.1
INFO: Processing wrapt-1.14.1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/wrapt-1.14.1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg
INFO: Searching for singledispatch
INFO: Best match: singledispatch 3.7.0
INFO: Processing singledispatch-3.7.0-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/singledispatch-3.7.0-py2.7.egg
INFO: Searching for enum34>=1.1.3
INFO: Best match: enum34 1.1.10
INFO: Processing enum34-1.1.10-py2.7.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py2/enum34-1.1.10-py2.7.egg
INFO: running egg_info
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: creating lib/vsc_base.egg-info
INFO: writing lib/vsc_base.egg-info/PKG-INFO
INFO: writing top-level names to lib/vsc_base.egg-info/top_level.txt
INFO: writing requirements to lib/vsc_base.egg-info/requires.txt
INFO: writing namespace_packages to lib/vsc_base.egg-info/namespace_packages.txt
INFO: writing dependency_links to lib/vsc_base.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
INFO: writing manifest file 'lib/vsc_base.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
INFO: reading manifest file 'lib/vsc_base.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
INFO: writing manifest file 'lib/vsc_base.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
INFO: looking for extra dist files
INFO: running build_ext
test_async_stdout_glob ( ... 2022-06-14 22:12:14,598 WARNING setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
test_cmdlist (
Tests for CmdList. ... ok
test_env ( ... ok
test_noshell_async_stdout_glob ( ... ok
test_noshell_async_stdout_stdin ( ... ok
test_noshell_executable ( ... ok
test_noshell_glob ( ... 2022-06-14 22:12:15,822 ERROR setup.RunNoShell MainThread _post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ls test/sandbox/testpkg/*: (shellcmd ['ls', 'test/sandbox/testpkg/*']) output ls: cannot access test/sandbox/testpkg/*: No such file or directory
_post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ls test/sandbox/testpkg/*: (shellcmd ['ls', 'test/sandbox/testpkg/*']) output ls: cannot access test/sandbox/testpkg/*: No such file or directory
2022-06-14 22:12:15,832 WARNING setup.Run MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
test_qa_legacy_regex (
Test regex based q and a (works only for qa_reg) ... 2022-06-14 22:12:15,863 WARNING setup.RunLegQAShort MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
2022-06-14 22:12:16,078 WARNING setup.RunLegQAShort MainThread answer '1655237535.95
' not fully written: 56 out of 14 bytes
answer '1655237535.95
' not fully written: 56 out of 14 bytes
test_qa_list_of_answers (
Test qa with list of answers. ... 2022-06-14 22:12:17,187 WARNING setup.RunQAShort MainThread Invalid type for answer, not a string or list: <type 'int'> (1)
Invalid type for answer, not a string or list: <type 'int'> (1)
test_qa_no_newline (
Test we do not add newline to the answer. ... ok
test_qa_noqa (
Test noqa ... 2022-06-14 22:12:23,126 ERROR setup.RunQAShort MainThread _post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/bin/python', '/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', 'waitforit']: (shellcmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/bin/python', '/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', 'waitforit']) output Wait for it (5 seconds)
_post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/bin/python', '/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', 'waitforit']: (shellcmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/bin/python', '/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', 'waitforit']) output Wait for it (5 seconds)
test_qa_regex (
Test regex based q and a (works only for qa_reg) ... 2022-06-14 22:12:29,195 WARNING setup.RunQAShort MainThread answer '1655237549.05
' not fully written: 56 out of 14 bytes
answer '1655237549.05
' not fully written: 56 out of 14 bytes
test_qa_simple (
Simple testing ... ok
test_simple ( ... 2022-06-14 22:12:29,588 WARNING setup.Run MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
test_simple_asyncloop ( ... 2022-06-14 22:12:29,766 WARNING setup.RunAsyncLoop MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
test_simple_glob ( ... 2022-06-14 22:12:29,949 WARNING setup.Run MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
2022-06-14 22:12:29,969 WARNING setup.Run MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
test_simple_ns_asyncloop ( ... ok
test_startpath ( ... 2022-06-14 22:12:30,162 WARNING setup.Run MainThread _start_in_path: startpath /no/such/directory does not exist ('install' is not in list
File "/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vsc_install-0.17.24-py2.7.egg/vsc/install/", line 1675, in action_target
install_ind = sys.argv.index('install')
_start_in_path: startpath /no/such/directory does not exist ('install' is not in list
File "/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vsc_install-0.17.24-py2.7.egg/vsc/install/", line 1675, in action_target
install_ind = sys.argv.index('install')
2022-06-14 22:12:30,167 WARNING setup.Run MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
test_timeout ( ... 2022-06-14 22:12:30,184 WARNING setup.RunTimeout MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
2022-06-14 22:12:33,709 ERROR setup.RunTimeout MainThread _post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/bin/python', '/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', 'longsleep']: (shellcmd /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/bin/python /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/ longsleep) output
_post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/bin/python', '/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', 'longsleep']: (shellcmd /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/bin/python /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/ longsleep) output
2022-06-14 22:12:33,718 WARNING setup.RunTimeout MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
2022-06-14 22:12:37,235 ERROR setup.RunTimeout MainThread _post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', '2', '/tmp/tmpRf5ygM/nested_kill_pgid_False']: (shellcmd /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/ 2 /tmp/tmpRf5ygM/nested_kill_pgid_False) output
_post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', '2', '/tmp/tmpRf5ygM/nested_kill_pgid_False']: (shellcmd /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/ 2 /tmp/tmpRf5ygM/nested_kill_pgid_False) output
check_pid in test_timeout: [Errno 3] No such process
runTest (test.asyncprocess.AsyncProcessTest)
try echoing some text and see if it comes back out ... ok
test_all_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test the AllCompleter class ... ok
test_base_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test the base Completer class ... ok
test_dir_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test DirCompleter ... ok
test_extract_word (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test the extract_word function ... ok
test_file_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test FileCompleter ... ok
test_gen_cmdline (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test generation of commndline ... ok
test_known_hosts_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test KnownHostsCompleter ... ok
test_list_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test ListCompleter class ... ok
test_none_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test NoneCompleter class ... ok
test_regex_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test RegexCompleter ... ok
test_getgrouplist (test.groups.GroupsTest)
Test getgrouplist ... ok
test_date_parser (test.dateandtime.DateAndTimeTest)
Test the date_parser ... ok
test_datetime_parser (test.dateandtime.DateAndTimeTest)
Test the date_parser ... ok
test_fancymonth (test.dateandtime.DateAndTimeTest)
Test some of the FancyMonth functions ... ok
test_mk_rst_table (
Test mk_rst_table function. ... ok
test_ensure_ascii_string (test.py2vs3.TestPy2vs3)
Tests for ensure_ascii_string function. ... ok
test_is_py_ver (test.py2vs3.TestPy2vs3)
Tests for is_py_ver, is_py2, is_py3 functions. ... ok
test_is_string (test.py2vs3.TestPy2vs3)
Tests for is_string function. ... ok
test_os_exceptions (test.py2vs3.TestPy2vs3)
Test importing urllib* stuff from py2vs3. ... ok
test_picke (test.py2vs3.TestPy2vs3)
Tests for pickle module provided by py2vs3. ... ok
test_temporary_directory (test.py2vs3.TestPy2vs3)
Test the class TemporaryDirectory. ... ok
test_urllib_imports (test.py2vs3.TestPy2vs3)
Test importing urllib* stuff from py2vs3. ... ok
test_config_file (test.mail.TestVscMail) ... Reading config file: /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/data/mailconfig.ini
mail.mail_host: config_host
test_send (test.mail.TestVscMail) ... ok
test_wrapper (test.wrapper.TestWrapper)
Use the tests provided by the stackoverflow page ... ok
test_client (
Do a test api call ... Skipping test_client, since no GitHub token is available
test_get_connection (
Test for Client.get_connection. ... ok
test_get_method (
A quick test of a GET to the github API ... ok
test_request_methods (
Test all request methods ... Skipping test_request_methods, since no GitHub token is available
test_get_callers_logger (test.exceptions.ExceptionsTest)
Test get_callers_logger function. ... ok
test_loggedexception_callerlogger (test.exceptions.ExceptionsTest)
Test LoggedException custom exception class. ... 2022-06-14 22:19:07,299 ERROR setup.testlogger_local MainThread BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
test_loggedexception_defaultlogger (test.exceptions.ExceptionsTest)
Test LoggedException custom exception class. ... 2022-06-14 22:19:07,329 ERROR setup MainThread BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
2022-06-14 22:19:07,350 ERROR setup MainThread BOOMBAF (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
BOOMBAF (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
2022-06-14 22:19:07,369 ERROR setup MainThread BOOM '%s' (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
BOOM '%s' (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
test_loggedexception_location (test.exceptions.ExceptionsTest)
Test inclusion of location information in log message for LoggedException. ... 2022-06-14 22:19:07,383 ERROR setup MainThread BOOM
2022-06-14 22:19:07,412 ERROR setup MainThread BOOM (at vsc/install/ in assertErrorRegex)
BOOM (at vsc/install/ in assertErrorRegex)
2022-06-14 22:19:07,436 ERROR setup MainThread BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vsc_install-0.17.24-py2.7.egg/vsc/install/ in assertErrorRegex)
BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vsc_install-0.17.24-py2.7.egg/vsc/install/ in assertErrorRegex)
test_loggedexception_specifiedlogger (test.exceptions.ExceptionsTest)
Test LoggedException custom exception class. ... 2022-06-14 22:19:07,461 ERROR setup.testlogger_one MainThread BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
test_fixed_topological_sort (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_frozendictknownkeys (test.missing.TestMissing)
Tests for FrozenDictKnownKeys. ... Encountered unknown keys ['foo'] (known keys: [])
Encountered unknown keys ['foo3'] (known keys: ['foo', 'foo2'])
test_frozendictknownkeys_singleton (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_get_class_for (test.missing.TestMissing)
Test get_class_for. ... ok
test_get_subclasses (test.missing.TestMissing)
Test get_subclasses functions. ... ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__']
test_monoid (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_monoid_concat (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_namedtuple_with_defaults (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_nub_length (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_nub_membership (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_nub_order (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_random_topological_sort (test.missing.TestMissing) ... testing with random seed 4348361705610021197
testing with random seed 8495404472931955301
testing with random seed 6419459200398758665
testing with random seed 4757496986724008361
testing with random seed 1438046590607847543
testing with random seed 1373861148913668831
testing with random seed 1545860130085722368
testing with random seed 6816933509476068954
testing with random seed 1660678615021498050
testing with random seed 1123983524135962850
test_tryorfail_no_sleep (test.missing.TestMissing)
test for a retry that succeeds. ... try_or_fail caught an exception - attempt 0:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "lib/vsc/utils/", line 329, in new_function
return function(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/", line 185, in f
raise Exception
try_or_fail caught an exception - attempt 0:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "lib/vsc/utils/", line 329, in new_function
return function(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/", line 185, in f
raise Exception
test_configfiles (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test configfiles (base section for empty prefix from auto_section_name) ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
2022-06-14 22:19:08,587 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, INFO), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, INFO), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
2022-06-14 22:19:08,588 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: options from configfile ['--store=notok2', '--disable-longbase', '--store-with-dash=XX', '--disable-justatest', '--enable-debug', '--ext-extend=one,two,three', '--ext-strtuple=a,b', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY']
parseconfigfiles: options from configfile ['--store=notok2', '--disable-longbase', '--store-with-dash=XX', '--disable-justatest', '--enable-debug', '--ext-extend=one,two,three', '--ext-strtuple=a,b', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY']
2022-06-14 22:19:08,588 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {'ext_extend': ['one', 'two', 'three'], 'longbase': False, 'store': 'notok2', 'debug': True, 'justatest': False, 'level_prefix_and_dash': 'YY', 'ext_strtuple': ('a', 'b'), 'ext_strlist': ['x', 'y'], 'store_with_dash': 'XX'}
parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {'ext_extend': ['one', 'two', 'three'], 'longbase': False, 'store': 'notok2', 'debug': True, 'justatest': False, 'level_prefix_and_dash': 'YY', 'ext_strtuple': ('a', 'b'), 'ext_strlist': ['x', 'y'], 'store_with_dash': 'XX'}
2022-06-14 22:19:08,588 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option ext_extend not found in _action_taken, setting to ['one', 'two', 'three']
parseconfigfiles: option ext_extend not found in _action_taken, setting to ['one', 'two', 'three']
2022-06-14 22:19:08,588 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option longbase not found in _action_taken, setting to False
parseconfigfiles: option longbase not found in _action_taken, setting to False
2022-06-14 22:19:08,588 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option store already found in _action_taken
parseconfigfiles: option store already found in _action_taken
2022-06-14 22:19:08,589 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option debug not found in _action_taken, setting to True
parseconfigfiles: option debug not found in _action_taken, setting to True
2022-06-14 22:19:08,589 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option justatest not found in _action_taken, setting to False
parseconfigfiles: option justatest not found in _action_taken, setting to False
2022-06-14 22:19:08,589 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option level_prefix_and_dash not found in _action_taken, setting to YY
parseconfigfiles: option level_prefix_and_dash not found in _action_taken, setting to YY
2022-06-14 22:19:08,589 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option ext_strtuple not found in _action_taken, setting to ('a', 'b')
parseconfigfiles: option ext_strtuple not found in _action_taken, setting to ('a', 'b')
2022-06-14 22:19:08,589 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option ext_strlist not found in _action_taken, setting to ['x', 'y']
parseconfigfiles: option ext_strlist not found in _action_taken, setting to ['x', 'y']
2022-06-14 22:19:08,590 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option store_with_dash not found in _action_taken, setting to XX
parseconfigfiles: option store_with_dash not found in _action_taken, setting to XX
2022-06-14 22:19:08,606 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:19:08,607 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:08,607 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:08,607 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
2022-06-14 22:19:08,622 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
2022-06-14 22:19:08,622 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:19:08,622 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:08,622 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:08,623 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:08,633 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:08,634 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
2022-06-14 22:19:08,634 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:08,634 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
2022-06-14 22:19:08,634 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
2022-06-14 22:19:08,659 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
2022-06-14 22:19:08,660 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
2022-06-14 22:19:08,660 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:08,660 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:19:08,660 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:19:08,738 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
2022-06-14 22:19:08,738 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
2022-06-14 22:19:08,739 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:08,739 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
2022-06-14 22:19:08,739 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
2022-06-14 22:19:08,756 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
2022-06-14 22:19:08,756 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread setting autocomplete with args {}
setting autocomplete with args {}
2022-06-14 22:19:08,757 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_SHORTHELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_SHORTHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,757 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_HELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_HELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,757 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGHELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,757 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,758 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,758 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,758 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,758 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,758 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,758 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,759 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,759 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,759 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGFILES is not set
Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,759 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_IGNORECONFIGFILES is not set
Environment variable SETUP_IGNORECONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,759 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_AREGEXOPT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_AREGEXOPT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,760 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,760 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,760 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,760 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,760 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,760 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,761 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,761 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,761 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,761 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_STORE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_STORE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,761 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
Environment variable SETUP_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,762 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,762 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,762 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,762 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_DEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,762 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,762 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,763 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_PATHLIST_FLEX is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_PATHLIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,763 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,763 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATETIME is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATETIME is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,763 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTEND is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTEND is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,763 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTENDDEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTENDDEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,764 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,764 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONALCHOICE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONALCHOICE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,764 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,764 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,764 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE2 is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE2 is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,765 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,765 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRLIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,765 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,765 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,766 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,766 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,766 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,766 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,766 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,766 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_PREFIX_AND_DASH is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_PREFIX_AND_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:08,767 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable options with prefix SETUP: []
Environment variable options with prefix SETUP: []
2022-06-14 22:19:08,767 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from environment []
parseoptions: options from environment []
2022-06-14 22:19:08,767 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from commandline ['--ignoreconfigfiles=/tmp/tmpo0NDgp']
parseoptions: options from commandline ['--ignoreconfigfiles=/tmp/tmpo0NDgp']
2022-06-14 22:19:08,768 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Found options {'ext_extend': None, 'info': False, 'level_level': False, 'quiet': False, 'ext_pathliststorenone2': None, 'ext_datetime': None, 'store_with_dash': None, 'aregexopt': None, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'help': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': None, 'justatest': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': True, 'level_longlevel': True, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'longbase': True, 'store': None, 'base': False, 'debug': False, 'ext_strlist': ['x'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p2', 'p3'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_add_list_first': ['now'], 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ['/tmp/tmpo0NDgp']} args []
Found options {'ext_extend': None, 'info': False, 'level_level': False, 'quiet': False, 'ext_pathliststorenone2': None, 'ext_datetime': None, 'store_with_dash': None, 'aregexopt': None, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'help': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': None, 'justatest': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': True, 'level_longlevel': True, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'longbase': True, 'store': None, 'base': False, 'debug': False, 'ext_strlist': ['x'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p2', 'p3'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_add_list_first': ['now'], 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ['/tmp/tmpo0NDgp']} args []
2022-06-14 22:19:08,768 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Initialise case sensitive configparser
Initialise case sensitive configparser
2022-06-14 22:19:08,768 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set ['/tmp/tmpGAX0tq', '/tmp/tmpo0NDgp']
parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set ['/tmp/tmpGAX0tq', '/tmp/tmpo0NDgp']
2022-06-14 22:19:08,769 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:19:08,769 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline ['/tmp/tmpo0NDgp']
parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline ['/tmp/tmpo0NDgp']
2022-06-14 22:19:08,769 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfile /tmp/tmpo0NDgp will be ignored
parseconfigfiles: configfile /tmp/tmpo0NDgp will be ignored
2022-06-14 22:19:08,769 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
2022-06-14 22:19:08,770 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed ['/tmp/tmpGAX0tq']
parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed ['/tmp/tmpGAX0tq']
2022-06-14 22:19:08,770 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:19:08,770 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) ['base']
parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) ['base']
2022-06-14 22:19:08,770 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
2022-06-14 22:19:08,770 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:08,771 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: section base option FROMINIT val woohoo
parseconfigfiles: section base option FROMINIT val woohoo
2022-06-14 22:19:08,771 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no option corresponding with opt FROMINIT dest FROMINIT in section base but found all uppercase in DEFAULT section. Skipping.
parseconfigfiles: no option corresponding with opt FROMINIT dest FROMINIT in section base but found all uppercase in DEFAULT section. Skipping.
2022-06-14 22:19:08,771 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: section base option store val woohoo
parseconfigfiles: section base option store val woohoo
2022-06-14 22:19:08,771 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ext
parseconfigfiles: no section ext
2022-06-14 22:19:08,772 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section level
parseconfigfiles: no section level
2022-06-14 22:19:08,772 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline ['--store=woohoo']
parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline ['--store=woohoo']
2022-06-14 22:19:08,772 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Not processing environment for options
Not processing environment for options
2022-06-14 22:19:08,772 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: options from configfile ['--store=woohoo']
parseconfigfiles: options from configfile ['--store=woohoo']
2022-06-14 22:19:08,773 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {'store': 'woohoo'}
parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {'store': 'woohoo'}
2022-06-14 22:19:08,773 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option store not found in _action_taken, setting to woohoo
parseconfigfiles: option store not found in _action_taken, setting to woohoo
test_dest_with_dash (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test the renaming of long opts to dest ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_enable_disable (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test the enable/disable prefix ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_error_env_options (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test log error on unknown environment option ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
2022-06-14 22:19:09,533 ERROR setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Found 1 environment variable(s) that are prefixed with GENERALOPTIONTEST but do not match valid option(s): GENERALOPTIONTEST_XYZ
Found 1 environment variable(s) that are prefixed with GENERALOPTIONTEST but do not match valid option(s): GENERALOPTIONTEST_XYZ
[{'args': ('Found %s environment variable(s) that are prefixed with %s but do not match valid option(s): %s', 1, 'GENERALOPTIONTEST', 'GENERALOPTIONTEST_XYZ'), 'kwargs': {}}]
test_ext_add (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test add and add_first action ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_ext_add_multi (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test behaviour when 'add' options are used multiple times. ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_ext_date_datetime (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test date and datetime action ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_generate_cmdline (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test the creation of cmd_line args to match options ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
2022-06-14 22:19:14,407 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, INFO), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, INFO), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
2022-06-14 22:19:14,408 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from environment []
parseoptions: options from environment []
2022-06-14 22:19:14,408 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from commandline ['--level-level', '--longbase', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', '--store=some whitespace', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-add-list-flex=a,,b', '--ext-add-pathlist-flex=p1/foo::p4', '--debug']
parseoptions: options from commandline ['--level-level', '--longbase', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', '--store=some whitespace', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-add-list-flex=a,,b', '--ext-add-pathlist-flex=p1/foo::p4', '--debug']
2022-06-14 22:19:14,409 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Found options {'ext_extend': None, 'info': False, 'level_level': True, 'quiet': False, 'ext_pathliststorenone2': ['y2', 'z2'], 'ext_datetime': None, 'store_with_dash': None, 'aregexopt': None, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'help': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': ['x'], 'justatest': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': 'YY', 'level_longlevel': True, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'longbase': True, 'store': 'some whitespace', 'base': False, 'debug': True, 'ext_strlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['a', 'x', 'y', 'b'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p1/foo', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_add_list_first': ['two', 'three', 'now'], 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ignoreconfigfiles': None} args []
Found options {'ext_extend': None, 'info': False, 'level_level': True, 'quiet': False, 'ext_pathliststorenone2': ['y2', 'z2'], 'ext_datetime': None, 'store_with_dash': None, 'aregexopt': None, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'help': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': ['x'], 'justatest': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': 'YY', 'level_longlevel': True, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'longbase': True, 'store': 'some whitespace', 'base': False, 'debug': True, 'ext_strlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['a', 'x', 'y', 'b'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p1/foo', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_add_list_first': ['two', 'three', 'now'], 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ignoreconfigfiles': None} args []
2022-06-14 22:19:14,409 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Initialise case sensitive configparser
Initialise case sensitive configparser
2022-06-14 22:19:14,409 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set []
parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set []
2022-06-14 22:19:14,410 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:19:14,410 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline None
parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline None
2022-06-14 22:19:14,410 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
2022-06-14 22:19:14,410 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed []
parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed []
2022-06-14 22:19:14,411 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:19:14,411 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) []
parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) []
2022-06-14 22:19:14,411 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
2022-06-14 22:19:14,411 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:14,411 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section base
parseconfigfiles: no section base
2022-06-14 22:19:14,412 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ext
parseconfigfiles: no section ext
2022-06-14 22:19:14,412 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section level
parseconfigfiles: no section level
2022-06-14 22:19:14,412 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline []
parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline []
2022-06-14 22:19:14,412 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Not processing environment for options
Not processing environment for options
2022-06-14 22:19:14,412 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: options from configfile []
parseconfigfiles: options from configfile []
2022-06-14 22:19:14,413 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {}
parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {}
2022-06-14 22:19:14,413 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line ignore (^(base|debug|info|quiet)$)|(^ext(?!_(?:strlist|pathlist|add_list_first)))
generate_cmd_line ignore (^(base|debug|info|quiet)$)|(^ext(?!_(?:strlist|pathlist|add_list_first)))
2022-06-14 22:19:14,414 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding aregexopt value None default found. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding aregexopt value None default found. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,415 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding base value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding base value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,415 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding configfiles value ['/not/a/real/configfile'] default found. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding configfiles value ['/not/a/real/configfile'] default found. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,415 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding debug value True matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding debug value True matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,415 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,416 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-default value now matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-default value now matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,416 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,416 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-default value ['now'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-default value ['now'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,416 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-first value ['two', 'three']. add_first action, return as comma-separated list
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-first value ['two', 'three']. add_first action, return as comma-separated list
2022-06-14 22:19:14,417 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-flex value ['a', 'x', 'y', 'b'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-flex value ['a', 'x', 'y', 'b'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,417 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-pathlist-flex value ['p1/foo', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-pathlist-flex value ['p1/foo', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,417 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-date value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-date value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,418 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-datetime value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-datetime value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,418 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-extend value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-extend value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,418 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-extenddefault value ['zero', 'one'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-extenddefault value ['zero', 'one'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,418 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-optional value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-optional value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,418 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-optionalchoice value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-optionalchoice value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,419 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathliststorenone value ['x'] default found.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathliststorenone value ['x'] default found.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,419 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone (value is default value ['x'])
generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone (value is default value ['x'])
2022-06-14 22:19:14,419 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone2 non-default value ['y2', 'z2']
generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone2 non-default value ['y2', 'z2']
2022-06-14 22:19:14,419 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,419 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-strtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-strtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,420 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ignoreconfigfiles value None default found. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ignoreconfigfiles value None default found. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,420 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding info value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding info value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,420 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding justatest value True default found. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding justatest value True default found. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,420 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding level-level value True. store action found
generate_cmd_line adding level-level value True. store action found
2022-06-14 22:19:14,420 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding level-longlevel value True default found. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding level-longlevel value True default found. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,421 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding level-prefix-and-dash value YY
generate_cmd_line adding level-prefix-and-dash value YY
2022-06-14 22:19:14,421 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding longbase value True default found. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding longbase value True default found. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,421 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding quiet value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding quiet value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,421 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding store value some whitespace
generate_cmd_line adding store value some whitespace
2022-06-14 22:19:14,421 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding store-with-dash value None default found. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding store-with-dash value None default found. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,422 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread commandline args ['--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--level-level', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', "--store='some whitespace'"]
commandline args ['--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--level-level', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', "--store='some whitespace'"]
2022-06-14 22:19:14,422 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line ignore (^(base|debug|info|quiet)$)|(^ext(?!_(?:strlist|pathlist|add_list_first)))
generate_cmd_line ignore (^(base|debug|info|quiet)$)|(^ext(?!_(?:strlist|pathlist|add_list_first)))
2022-06-14 22:19:14,422 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding aregexopt value None default found.
generate_cmd_line adding aregexopt value None default found.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,422 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding aregexopt value None. None found. not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding aregexopt value None. None found. not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,423 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding base value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding base value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,423 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding configfiles value ['/not/a/real/configfile'] default found.
generate_cmd_line adding configfiles value ['/not/a/real/configfile'] default found.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,423 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line no value left, skipping.
generate_cmd_line no value left, skipping.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,423 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding debug value True matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding debug value True matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,423 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,423 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-default value now matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-default value now matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,424 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,424 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-default value ['now'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-default value ['now'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,424 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-first value ['two', 'three']. add_first action, return as comma-separated list
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-first value ['two', 'three']. add_first action, return as comma-separated list
2022-06-14 22:19:14,424 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-flex value ['a', 'x', 'y', 'b'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-flex value ['a', 'x', 'y', 'b'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,425 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-pathlist-flex value ['p1/foo', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-pathlist-flex value ['p1/foo', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,425 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-date value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-date value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,425 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-datetime value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-datetime value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,426 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-extend value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-extend value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,426 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-extenddefault value ['zero', 'one'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-extenddefault value ['zero', 'one'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,427 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-optional value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-optional value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,427 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-optionalchoice value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-optionalchoice value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,427 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathliststorenone value ['x'] default found.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathliststorenone value ['x'] default found.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,427 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone (value is default value ['x'])
generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone (value is default value ['x'])
2022-06-14 22:19:14,427 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone2 non-default value ['y2', 'z2']
generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone2 non-default value ['y2', 'z2']
2022-06-14 22:19:14,428 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,428 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-strtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-strtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,428 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ignoreconfigfiles value None default found.
generate_cmd_line adding ignoreconfigfiles value None default found.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,428 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ignoreconfigfiles value None. None found. not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ignoreconfigfiles value None. None found. not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,428 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding info value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding info value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,429 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding justatest value True default found.
generate_cmd_line adding justatest value True default found.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,429 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding justatest value True. store action found
generate_cmd_line adding justatest value True. store action found
2022-06-14 22:19:14,429 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding level-level value True. store action found
generate_cmd_line adding level-level value True. store action found
2022-06-14 22:19:14,429 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding level-longlevel value True default found.
generate_cmd_line adding level-longlevel value True default found.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,429 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding level-longlevel value True. store action found
generate_cmd_line adding level-longlevel value True. store action found
2022-06-14 22:19:14,430 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding level-prefix-and-dash value YY
generate_cmd_line adding level-prefix-and-dash value YY
2022-06-14 22:19:14,430 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding longbase value True default found.
generate_cmd_line adding longbase value True default found.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,430 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding longbase value True. store action found
generate_cmd_line adding longbase value True. store action found
2022-06-14 22:19:14,430 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding quiet value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding quiet value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,430 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding store value some whitespace
generate_cmd_line adding store value some whitespace
2022-06-14 22:19:14,431 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding store-with-dash value None default found.
generate_cmd_line adding store-with-dash value None default found.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,431 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding store-with-dash value None. None found. not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding store-with-dash value None. None found. not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:19:14,431 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread commandline args ['--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--justatest', '--level-level', '--level-longlevel', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', '--longbase', "--store='some whitespace'"]
commandline args ['--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--justatest', '--level-level', '--level-longlevel', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', '--longbase', "--store='some whitespace'"]
2022-06-14 22:19:14,450 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:19:14,451 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:14,451 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:14,451 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
2022-06-14 22:19:14,466 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
2022-06-14 22:19:14,467 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:19:14,467 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:14,467 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:14,467 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:14,479 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:14,479 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
2022-06-14 22:19:14,479 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:14,479 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
2022-06-14 22:19:14,480 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
2022-06-14 22:19:14,507 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
2022-06-14 22:19:14,507 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
2022-06-14 22:19:14,508 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:14,508 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:19:14,508 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:19:14,588 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
2022-06-14 22:19:14,588 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
2022-06-14 22:19:14,588 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:14,588 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
2022-06-14 22:19:14,589 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
2022-06-14 22:19:14,603 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
2022-06-14 22:19:14,603 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread setting autocomplete with args {}
setting autocomplete with args {}
2022-06-14 22:19:14,603 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_SHORTHELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_SHORTHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,603 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_HELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_HELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,604 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGHELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,604 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,604 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,604 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,604 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,605 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,605 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,605 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,605 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,605 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,606 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGFILES is not set
Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,606 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_IGNORECONFIGFILES is not set
Environment variable SETUP_IGNORECONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,606 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_AREGEXOPT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_AREGEXOPT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,606 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,606 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,607 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,607 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,607 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,607 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,607 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,608 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,608 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,608 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_STORE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_STORE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,608 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
Environment variable SETUP_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,608 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,608 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,609 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,609 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_DEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,609 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,609 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,609 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_PATHLIST_FLEX is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_PATHLIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,610 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,610 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATETIME is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATETIME is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,610 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTEND is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTEND is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,610 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTENDDEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTENDDEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,610 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,610 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONALCHOICE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONALCHOICE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,611 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,611 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,611 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE2 is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE2 is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,611 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,611 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRLIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,612 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,612 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,612 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,612 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,612 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,613 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,613 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,613 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_PREFIX_AND_DASH is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_PREFIX_AND_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:14,613 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable options with prefix SETUP: []
Environment variable options with prefix SETUP: []
2022-06-14 22:19:14,614 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from environment []
parseoptions: options from environment []
2022-06-14 22:19:14,614 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from commandline ['--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--justatest', '--level-level', '--level-longlevel', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', '--longbase', '--store=some whitespace']
parseoptions: options from commandline ['--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--justatest', '--level-level', '--level-longlevel', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', '--longbase', '--store=some whitespace']
2022-06-14 22:19:14,614 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Found options {'ext_extend': None, 'info': False, 'level_level': True, 'quiet': False, 'ext_pathliststorenone2': ['y2', 'z2'], 'ext_datetime': None, 'store_with_dash': None, 'aregexopt': None, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'help': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': ['x'], 'justatest': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': 'YY', 'level_longlevel': True, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'longbase': True, 'store': 'some whitespace', 'base': False, 'debug': False, 'ext_strlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p2', 'p3'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_add_list_first': ['two', 'three', 'now'], 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ignoreconfigfiles': None} args []
Found options {'ext_extend': None, 'info': False, 'level_level': True, 'quiet': False, 'ext_pathliststorenone2': ['y2', 'z2'], 'ext_datetime': None, 'store_with_dash': None, 'aregexopt': None, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'help': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': ['x'], 'justatest': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': 'YY', 'level_longlevel': True, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'longbase': True, 'store': 'some whitespace', 'base': False, 'debug': False, 'ext_strlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p2', 'p3'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_add_list_first': ['two', 'three', 'now'], 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ignoreconfigfiles': None} args []
2022-06-14 22:19:14,615 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Initialise case sensitive configparser
Initialise case sensitive configparser
2022-06-14 22:19:14,616 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set []
parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set []
2022-06-14 22:19:14,616 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:19:14,616 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline None
parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline None
2022-06-14 22:19:14,616 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
2022-06-14 22:19:14,616 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed []
parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed []
2022-06-14 22:19:14,617 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:19:14,617 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) []
parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) []
2022-06-14 22:19:14,617 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
2022-06-14 22:19:14,617 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:14,617 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section base
parseconfigfiles: no section base
2022-06-14 22:19:14,618 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ext
parseconfigfiles: no section ext
2022-06-14 22:19:14,618 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section level
parseconfigfiles: no section level
2022-06-14 22:19:14,618 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline []
parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline []
2022-06-14 22:19:14,618 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Not processing environment for options
Not processing environment for options
2022-06-14 22:19:14,619 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: options from configfile []
parseconfigfiles: options from configfile []
2022-06-14 22:19:14,619 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {}
parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {}
test_get_by_prefix (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test dict by prefix ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_get_options_by_property (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test get_options_by_property and firends like get_options_by_prefix ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_help (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Generate (long) help message ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_help_confighelp (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Generate long help message ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_help_long (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Generate long help message ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_help_outputformats (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Generate (long) rst help message ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_help_short (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Generate short help message ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_is_value_a_commandline_option (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test ExtOptionParser is_value_a_commandline_option method ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_loggers (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test getloggers ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_loglevel (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test the loglevel default setting ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
2022-06-14 22:19:17,093 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, INFO), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, INFO), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
2022-06-14 22:19:17,093 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from environment []
parseoptions: options from environment []
2022-06-14 22:19:17,094 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from commandline ['--debug']
parseoptions: options from commandline ['--debug']
2022-06-14 22:19:17,094 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Found options {'ext_extend': None, 'info': False, 'level_level': False, 'quiet': False, 'ext_pathliststorenone2': None, 'ext_datetime': None, 'store_with_dash': None, 'aregexopt': None, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'help': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': None, 'justatest': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': True, 'level_longlevel': True, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'longbase': True, 'store': None, 'base': False, 'debug': True, 'ext_strlist': ['x'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p2', 'p3'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_add_list_first': ['now'], 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ignoreconfigfiles': None} args []
Found options {'ext_extend': None, 'info': False, 'level_level': False, 'quiet': False, 'ext_pathliststorenone2': None, 'ext_datetime': None, 'store_with_dash': None, 'aregexopt': None, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'help': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': None, 'justatest': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': True, 'level_longlevel': True, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'longbase': True, 'store': None, 'base': False, 'debug': True, 'ext_strlist': ['x'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p2', 'p3'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_add_list_first': ['now'], 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ignoreconfigfiles': None} args []
2022-06-14 22:19:17,094 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Initialise case sensitive configparser
Initialise case sensitive configparser
2022-06-14 22:19:17,094 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set []
parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set []
2022-06-14 22:19:17,095 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:19:17,095 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline None
parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline None
2022-06-14 22:19:17,095 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
2022-06-14 22:19:17,096 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed []
parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed []
2022-06-14 22:19:17,096 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:19:17,096 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) []
parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) []
2022-06-14 22:19:17,096 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
2022-06-14 22:19:17,096 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:17,097 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section base
parseconfigfiles: no section base
2022-06-14 22:19:17,097 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ext
parseconfigfiles: no section ext
2022-06-14 22:19:17,097 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section level
parseconfigfiles: no section level
2022-06-14 22:19:17,097 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline []
parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline []
2022-06-14 22:19:17,097 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Not processing environment for options
Not processing environment for options
2022-06-14 22:19:17,098 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: options from configfile []
parseconfigfiles: options from configfile []
2022-06-14 22:19:17,098 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {}
parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {}
2022-06-14 22:19:17,117 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:19:17,118 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:17,118 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:17,118 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
2022-06-14 22:19:17,134 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
2022-06-14 22:19:17,135 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:19:17,135 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:17,135 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:17,136 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:17,147 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:17,148 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
2022-06-14 22:19:17,148 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:17,148 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
2022-06-14 22:19:17,148 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
2022-06-14 22:19:17,175 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
2022-06-14 22:19:17,175 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
2022-06-14 22:19:17,175 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:17,175 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:19:17,176 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:19:17,258 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
2022-06-14 22:19:17,258 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
2022-06-14 22:19:17,258 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:17,258 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
2022-06-14 22:19:17,258 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
2022-06-14 22:19:17,274 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
2022-06-14 22:19:17,274 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread setting autocomplete with args {}
setting autocomplete with args {}
2022-06-14 22:19:17,274 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_SHORTHELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_SHORTHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,274 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_HELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_HELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,274 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGHELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,275 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,275 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,275 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,276 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,276 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,276 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,276 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,276 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,277 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,277 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGFILES is not set
Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,277 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_IGNORECONFIGFILES is not set
Environment variable SETUP_IGNORECONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,277 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_AREGEXOPT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_AREGEXOPT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,277 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,278 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,278 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,278 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,278 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,278 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,278 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,279 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,279 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,279 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_STORE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_STORE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,279 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
Environment variable SETUP_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,279 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,280 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,280 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,280 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_DEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,281 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,281 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,281 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_PATHLIST_FLEX is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_PATHLIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,281 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,281 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATETIME is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATETIME is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,281 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTEND is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTEND is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,282 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTENDDEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTENDDEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,282 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,282 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONALCHOICE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONALCHOICE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,282 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,282 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,283 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE2 is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE2 is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,283 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,283 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRLIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,283 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,283 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,284 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,284 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,284 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,284 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,284 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,285 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_PREFIX_AND_DASH is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_PREFIX_AND_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,286 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable options with prefix SETUP: []
Environment variable options with prefix SETUP: []
2022-06-14 22:19:17,286 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changing loglevel to INFO, current state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, DEBUG), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
changing loglevel to INFO, current state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, DEBUG), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
2022-06-14 22:19:17,621 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, WARNING), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, WARNING), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
2022-06-14 22:19:17,622 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changing loglevel to INFO, current state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, DEBUG), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
changing loglevel to INFO, current state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, DEBUG), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
2022-06-14 22:19:17,798 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, WARNING), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, WARNING), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
2022-06-14 22:19:17,798 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: options from configfile ['--enable-debug']
parseconfigfiles: options from configfile ['--enable-debug']
2022-06-14 22:19:17,799 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {'debug': True}
parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {'debug': True}
2022-06-14 22:19:17,799 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option debug not found in _action_taken, setting to True
parseconfigfiles: option debug not found in _action_taken, setting to True
2022-06-14 22:19:17,816 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:19:17,816 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:17,816 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:17,816 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
2022-06-14 22:19:17,831 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
2022-06-14 22:19:17,831 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:19:17,831 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:17,831 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:17,832 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:17,843 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:19:17,843 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
2022-06-14 22:19:17,844 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:17,844 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
2022-06-14 22:19:17,844 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
2022-06-14 22:19:17,871 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
2022-06-14 22:19:17,871 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
2022-06-14 22:19:17,871 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:17,871 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:19:17,871 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:19:17,945 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
2022-06-14 22:19:17,946 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
2022-06-14 22:19:17,946 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
2022-06-14 22:19:17,946 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
2022-06-14 22:19:17,946 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
2022-06-14 22:19:17,961 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
2022-06-14 22:19:17,961 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread setting autocomplete with args {}
setting autocomplete with args {}
2022-06-14 22:19:17,962 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_SHORTHELP is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_SHORTHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,962 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_HELP is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_HELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,962 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_CONFIGHELP is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_CONFIGHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,962 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,963 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,963 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,963 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,963 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,963 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_QUIET is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,964 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,964 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,964 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_CONFIGFILES is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_CONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,965 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_IGNORECONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,965 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_AREGEXOPT is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_AREGEXOPT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,965 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_BASE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,966 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,966 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,966 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,966 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,966 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,967 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,967 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,967 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,968 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_STORE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_STORE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,968 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,968 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,968 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,968 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,968 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_LIST_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,969 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,969 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,969 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_PATHLIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,969 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_DATE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_DATE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,969 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_DATETIME is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_DATETIME is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,970 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_EXTEND is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_EXTEND is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,970 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_EXTENDDEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,970 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,970 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_OPTIONALCHOICE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,970 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,971 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,971 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE2 is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,971 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,971 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_STRLIST is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_STRLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,971 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,972 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,972 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,972 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,972 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,972 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,973 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,973 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_LEVEL_PREFIX_AND_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:19:17,973 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable options with prefix LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST: ['--info']
Environment variable options with prefix LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST: ['--info']
2022-06-14 22:19:17,973 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changing loglevel to INFO, current state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, DEBUG), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
changing loglevel to INFO, current state: (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (future_stdlib, WARNING), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (astroid.raw_building, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup, DEBUG), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET)
test_multiple_init (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test behaviour when creating multiple instances of same GO class ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_nosuchoption (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test catching of non-existing options. ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_optcomplete (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test optcomplete support ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
2022-06-14 22:19:18,770 WARNING setup.Run MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
2022-06-14 22:19:19,593 WARNING setup.Run MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
COMPREPLY=(--configfiles --confighelp --debug --disable-debug --disable-info --disable-quiet --enable-debug --enable-info --enable-quiet --help --ignoreconfigfiles --info --long1 --quiet --shorthelp -H -L -d -h)
test_option_as_value (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test how valid options being used as values are handled. ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
2022-06-14 22:19:20,806 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread '-b' is a valid option. Use '--store=b' if the value is correct.
'-b' is a valid option. Use '--store=b' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:19:20,968 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread '-b' is a valid option. Use '--store=b' if the value is correct.
'-b' is a valid option. Use '--store=b' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:19:21,127 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread '-b' is a valid option. Use '--store=b' if the value is correct.
'-b' is a valid option. Use '--store=b' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:19:21,292 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread '--base' is a valid option. Use '--store=-base' if the value is correct.
'--base' is a valid option. Use '--store=-base' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:19:21,468 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread '--base' is a valid option. Use '--store=-base' if the value is correct.
'--base' is a valid option. Use '--store=-base' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:19:21,643 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread '--base' is a valid option. Use '--store=-base' if the value is correct.
'--base' is a valid option. Use '--store=-base' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:19:21,822 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread Value '-b' is also a valid option. Use '--store=-b' if the value is correct.
Value '-b' is also a valid option. Use '--store=-b' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:19:21,997 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread Value '-b' is also a valid option. Use '--store=-b' if the value is correct.
Value '-b' is also a valid option. Use '--store=-b' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:19:22,173 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread Value '--base' is also a valid option. Use '--store=--base' if the value is correct.
Value '--base' is also a valid option. Use '--store=--base' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:19:22,342 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread Value '-f' starts with a '-'. Use '--store=-f' if the value is correct.
Value '-f' starts with a '-'. Use '--store=-f' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:19:22,516 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread Value '--foo' starts with a '-'. Use '--store=--foo' if the value is correct.
Value '--foo' starts with a '-'. Use '--store=--foo' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:19:22,878 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread Value '--foo' starts with a '-'. Use '--store=--foo' if the value is correct.
Value '--foo' starts with a '-'. Use '--store=--foo' if the value is correct.
test_quote (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test quote/unquote ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_set_columns (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test set_columns function. ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_store_or_None (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test store_or_None action ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_str_list_tuple (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test strlist / strtuple type ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_import_modules (test.00-import.ImportTest)
Try to import each module ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: generated list: ['vsc.utils.affinity', 'vsc.utils.missing', 'vsc.utils.generaloption', 'vsc.utils.daemon', 'vsc.utils.patterns', '', 'vsc.utils.wrapper', 'vsc.utils.groups', '', 'vsc.utils.exceptions', 'vsc.utils.asyncprocess', '', 'vsc.utils.mail', 'vsc.utils.frozendict', 'vsc.utils.optcomplete', 'vsc.utils.testing', 'vsc.utils.fancylogger', 'vsc.utils.dateandtime']
INFO: generated modules list: ['vsc.utils.affinity', 'vsc.utils.missing', 'vsc.utils.generaloption', 'vsc.utils.daemon', 'vsc.utils.patterns', '', 'vsc.utils.wrapper', 'vsc.utils.groups', '', 'vsc.utils.exceptions', 'vsc.utils.asyncprocess', '', 'vsc.utils.mail', 'vsc.utils.frozendict', 'vsc.utils.optcomplete', 'vsc.utils.testing', 'vsc.utils.fancylogger', 'vsc.utils.dateandtime']
test_import_packages (test.00-import.ImportTest)
Try to import each namespace ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: initial packages list: ['vsc.utils.py2vs3', 'vsc.utils', 'vsc']
INFO: generated list: ['vsc.utils.py2vs3', 'vsc.utils', 'vsc']
INFO: generated packages list: ['vsc.utils.py2vs3', 'vsc.utils', 'vsc']
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: Header is an external compatible license. Leaving the header as-is.
INFO: Header is an external compatible license. Leaving the header as-is.
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: Header is an external compatible license. Leaving the header as-is.
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: Header is an external compatible license. Leaving the header as-is.
INFO: Header is an external compatible license. Leaving the header as-is.
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: Header is an external compatible license. Leaving the header as-is.
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
test_importscripts (test.00-import.ImportTest)
Try to import each python script as a module ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: generated list: ['bin/__pycache__', 'bin/', 'bin/', 'bin/optcomplete.bash']
INFO: generated scripts list: ['bin/__pycache__', 'bin/', 'bin/', 'bin/optcomplete.bash']
INFO: get_header for script /home/alex/src/vsc-base/bin/
INFO: Shebang found in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/bin/ (ext: .py): #!/usr/bin/env python
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'url': '', 'download_url': '', 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
test_jenkinsfile (test.00-import.ImportTest)
Test whether Jenkinsfile is in place, and was auto-generated by vsc-install. ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_prospector (test.00-import.ImportTest)
Test prospector failures ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: Using prosector version 1.2.0
test_tox_ini (test.00-import.ImportTest)
Test whether tox.ini is in place, and was auto-generated by vsc-install. ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_env_to_boolean_false (test.fancylogger.EnvToBooleanTest) ... ok
test_env_to_boolean_true (test.fancylogger.EnvToBooleanTest) ... ok
test_env_to_boolean_undef_with_default (test.fancylogger.EnvToBooleanTest) ... ok
test_env_to_boolean_undef_without_default (test.fancylogger.EnvToBooleanTest) ... ok
test_logtofile (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerLogToFileTest)
Test to see if logtofile doesn't fail when logging to a non existing file /directory ... ok
test_classname_in_log (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest)
Do a log and check if the classname is correctly in it ... ok
test_deprecated (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest)
Test deprecated log function. ... ok
test_fail (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest)
Test fail log method. ... ok
test_fancyrecord (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest) ... ok
test_getDetailsLogLevels (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest) ... ok
test_getlevelint (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest)
Test the getLevelInt ... ok
test_normal_warning_logging (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest) ... ok
test_parentinfo (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest)
Test the collection of parentinfo ... ok
test_raiseException (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest)
Test raiseException log method. ... ok
test_stream_stdout_stderr (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest) ... ok
test_utf8_decoding (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest)
Test UTF8 decoding. ... ok
test_zzz_fancylogger_as_rootlogger_logging (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest) ... ok
test_colorize_always (test.fancylogger.ScreenLogFormatterFactoryTest) ... ok
test_colorize_auto_nontty (test.fancylogger.ScreenLogFormatterFactoryTest) ... ok
test_colorize_auto_tty (test.fancylogger.ScreenLogFormatterFactoryTest) ... skipped 'cannot get a stream connected to a TTY'
test_colorize_never (test.fancylogger.ScreenLogFormatterFactoryTest) ... ok
Ran 120 tests in 514.624s
OK (skipped=1)
py36 reusing: /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36
[1841] /home/alex/src/vsc-base$ /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/bin/python -m pip freeze >.tox/py36/log/py36-2.log
py36 installed: mock==4.0.3,vsc-install==0.17.24
py36 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='1981006963'
py36 run-test-pre: commands[0] | pip install 'setuptools<42.0'
[1844] /home/alex/src/vsc-base$ /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/bin/pip install 'setuptools<42.0'
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools<42.0 in ./.tox/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages (41.6.0)
py36 run-test-pre: commands[1] | python -m easy_install -U vsc-install
[1875] /home/alex/src/vsc-base$ /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/bin/python -m easy_install -U vsc-install
Searching for vsc-install
Best match: vsc-install 0.17.24
Processing vsc_install-0.17.24-py3.6.egg
vsc-install 0.17.24 is already the active version in easy-install.pth
Installing python-noenv script to /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/bin
Installing python-stripped-env script to /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/bin
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vsc_install-0.17.24-py3.6.egg
Processing dependencies for vsc-install
Finished processing dependencies for vsc-install
py36 run-test: commands[0] | python test
[1880] /home/alex/src/vsc-base$ /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/bin/python test
INFO: This is (based on) vsc.install.shared_setup 0.17.24
INFO: (using setuptools version 41.6.0 located at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/setuptools/
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
WARN: cleanup lib/vsc_base.egg-info
INFO: initial packages list: dict_keys(['vsc', 'vsc.utils', 'vsc.utils.py2vs3'])
INFO: generated list: dict_keys(['vsc', 'vsc.utils', 'vsc.utils.py2vs3'])
INFO: generated packages list: dict_keys(['vsc', 'vsc.utils', 'vsc.utils.py2vs3'])
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: setting license LGPLv2+
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: Removing None download_url
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': ''}
INFO: using long_description Common tools used within our organization. Originally created by the HPC team of Ghent University (
INFO: generated list: ['bin/', 'bin/', 'bin/optcomplete.bash']
INFO: generated scripts list: ['bin/', 'bin/', 'bin/optcomplete.bash']
new target {'cmdclass': {'bdist_rpm': <class 'vsc.install.shared_setup.vsc_setup.vsc_bdist_rpm'>, 'egg_info': <class 'vsc.install.shared_setup.vsc_setup.vsc_egg_info'>, 'install_scripts': <class 'vsc.install.shared_setup.vsc_setup.vsc_install_scripts'>, 'sdist': <class 'vsc.install.shared_setup.vsc_setup.vsc_sdist'>, 'test': <class 'vsc.install.shared_setup.vsc_setup.VscTestCommand'>, 'vsc_release': <class 'vsc.install.shared_setup.vsc_setup.vsc_release'>}, 'command_packages': ['vsc.install.shared_setup', 'shared_setup_dist_only', 'setuptools.command', 'distutils.command'], 'download_url': '', 'package_dir': {'': 'lib'}, 'setup_requires': ['vsc-install >= 0.17.19'], 'test_suite': 'test', 'url': '', 'dependency_links': ['git+', 'git+ssh://', 'git+ssh://'], 'install_requires': ['vsc-install >= 0.17.19', 'future >= 0.16.0'], 'tests_require': ['prospector', 'coloredlogs < 6.0', 'humanfriendly', 'pyflakes~=2.3.0', 'pycodestyle~=2.7.0', 'pylint~=2.12.2', 'flake8~=3.9.2', 'prospector~=', 'pylint-plugin-utils < 0.7', 'pylint-django~=2.4.4', 'platformdirs < 2.4.0', 'typing-extensions < 4.2.0', 'mock'], 'packages': dict_keys(['vsc', 'vsc.utils', 'vsc.utils.py2vs3']), 'classifiers': ['License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)'], 'license': 'LGPLv2+', 'description': 'Common tools used within our organization. Originally created by the HPC team of Ghent University (', 'long_description': "# vsc-base\n\n### Build Status\n\n- Python 2.6 : [![Build Status](](\n- Python 2.7 : [![Build Status](](\n\n# Description\n\nCommon tools used within our organization.\nOriginally created by the HPC team of Ghent University (\n\n# Documentation\n\n\n# Namespaces and tools\n\n## lib/utils\npython utilities to be used as libraries\n\n- __fancylogger__: an extention of the default python logger designed to be easy to use and have a couple of `fancy` features.\n\n - custom specifiers for mpi loggin (the mpirank) with autodetection of mpi\n - custom specifier for always showing the calling function's name\n - rotating file handler\n - a default formatter.\n - logging to an UDP server ( f.ex.)\n - easily setting loglevel\n\n- __daemon.py__ : Daemon class written by Sander Marechal ( to start a python script as a daemon.\n- __missing.py__: Small functions and tools that are commonly used but not available in the Python (2.x) API.\n- ~~__cache.py__ : File cache to store pickled data identified by a key accompanied by a timestamp.~~ (moved to [vsc-utils](\n- __generaloption.py__ : A general option parser for python. It will fetch options (in this order) from config files, from environment variables and from the command line and parse them in a way compatible with the default python optionparser. Thus allowing a very flexible way to configure your scripts. It also adds a few other useful extras.\n- __affinity.py__ : Linux cpu affinity.\n\n - Based on `sched.h` and `bits/sched.h`,\n - see man pages for `sched_getaffinity` and `sched_setaffinity`\n - also provides a `cpuset` class to convert between human readable cpusets and the bit version Linux priority\n - Based on sys/resources.h and bits/resources.h see man pages for `getpriority` and `setpriority`\n\n- __asyncprocess.py__ : Module to allow Asynchronous subprocess use on Windows and Posix platforms\n\n - Based on a [python recipe]( by Josiah Carlson\n - added STDOUT handle and recv_some\n\n- __daemon.py__ : [A generic daemon class by Sander Marechal](\n- __dateandtime.py__ : A module with various convenience functions and classes to deal with date, time and timezone.\n- __nagios.py__ : This module provides functionality to cache and report results of script executions that can readily be interpreted by nagios/icinga.\n- __run.py__ : Python module to execute a command, can make use of asyncprocess, answer questions based on a dictionary\n\n - supports a whole lot of ways to input, process and output the command. (filehandles, PIPE, pty, stdout, logging...)\n\n- __mail.py__ : Wrapper around the standard Python mail library.\n\n - Send a plain text message\n - Send an HTML message, with a plain text alternative\n\n## bin\nA collection of python scripts, these are examples of how you could use fancylogger to log to a daemon, but should not be used directly.\n- __logdaemon.py__: A daemon that listens on a port for udp packets and logs them to file, works toghether with fancylogger.\n- __startlogdaemon.py__ : Script that will start the logdaemon for you and set environment variables for fancylogger.\n\n# License\nvsc-base is made available under the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or any later version.\n\n# Acknowledgements\nvsc-base was created with support of [Ghent University](,\nthe [Flemish Supercomputer Centre (VSC)](,\nthe [Flemish Research Foundation (FWO)](,\nand [the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI)](\n\n", 'long_description_content_type': 'text/markdown', 'scripts': ['bin/', 'bin/', 'bin/optcomplete.bash'], 'namespace_packages': ['vsc'], 'version': '3.4.7', 'author': 'Stijn De Weirdt;Jens Timmerman;Andy Georges;Kenneth Hoste', 'author_email': ',,,', 'maintainer': 'Stijn De Weirdt;Jens Timmerman;Andy Georges;Kenneth Hoste', 'maintainer_email': ',,,', 'extras_require': {'coloredlogs': ['coloredlogs < 6.0', 'humanfriendly']}, 'name': 'vsc-base'}
INFO: makesetupcfg set to True, (re)creating setup.cfg
INFO: running test
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: test_loader set to vsc.install.shared_setup:vsc_setup.VscScanningLoader
WARNING: Testing via this command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Users looking for a generic test entry point independent of test runner are encouraged to use tox.
INFO: Searching for future>=0.16.0
INFO: Best match: future 0.18.2
INFO: Processing future-0.18.2-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/future-0.18.2-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for typing-extensions<4.2.0
INFO: Best match: typing-extensions 4.1.1
INFO: Processing typing_extensions-4.1.1-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/typing_extensions-4.1.1-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for platformdirs<2.4.0
INFO: Best match: platformdirs 2.3.0
INFO: Processing platformdirs-2.3.0-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/platformdirs-2.3.0-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for pylint-django~=2.4.4
INFO: Best match: pylint-django 2.4.4
INFO: Processing pylint_django-2.4.4-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/pylint_django-2.4.4-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for pylint-plugin-utils<0.7
INFO: Best match: pylint-plugin-utils 0.6
INFO: Processing pylint_plugin_utils-0.6-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/pylint_plugin_utils-0.6-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for prospector~=
INFO: Best match: prospector
INFO: Processing prospector-
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/prospector-
INFO: Searching for flake8~=3.9.2
INFO: Best match: flake8 3.9.2
INFO: Processing flake8-3.9.2-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/flake8-3.9.2-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for pylint~=2.12.2
INFO: Best match: pylint 2.12.2
INFO: Processing pylint-2.12.2-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/pylint-2.12.2-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for pycodestyle~=2.7.0
INFO: Best match: pycodestyle 2.7.0
INFO: Processing pycodestyle-2.7.0-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/pycodestyle-2.7.0-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for pyflakes~=2.3.0
INFO: Best match: pyflakes 2.3.1
INFO: Processing pyflakes-2.3.1-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/pyflakes-2.3.1-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for humanfriendly
INFO: Best match: humanfriendly 10.0
INFO: Processing humanfriendly-10.0-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/humanfriendly-10.0-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for coloredlogs<6.0
INFO: Best match: coloredlogs 5.2
INFO: Processing coloredlogs-5.2-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/coloredlogs-5.2-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for toml<0.11.0,>=0.10.2
INFO: Best match: toml 0.10.2
INFO: Processing toml-0.10.2-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/toml-0.10.2-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for setoptconf-tmp<0.4.0,>=0.3.1
INFO: Best match: setoptconf-tmp 0.3.1
INFO: Processing setoptconf_tmp-0.3.1-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/setoptconf_tmp-0.3.1-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for requirements-detector<0.8,>=0.7
INFO: Best match: requirements-detector 0.7
INFO: Processing requirements_detector-0.7-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/requirements_detector-0.7-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for pylint-flask==0.6
INFO: Best match: pylint-flask 0.6
INFO: Processing pylint_flask-0.6-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/pylint_flask-0.6-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for pylint-celery==0.3
INFO: Best match: pylint-celery 0.3
INFO: Processing pylint_celery-0.3-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/pylint_celery-0.3-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for pydocstyle>=2.0.0
INFO: Best match: pydocstyle 6.1.1
INFO: Processing pydocstyle-6.1.1-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/pydocstyle-6.1.1-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for pep8-naming<=0.10.0,>=0.3.3
INFO: Best match: pep8-naming 0.10.0
INFO: Processing pep8_naming-0.10.0-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/pep8_naming-0.10.0-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for mccabe<0.7.0,>=0.6.0
INFO: Best match: mccabe 0.6.1
INFO: Processing mccabe-0.6.1-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/mccabe-0.6.1-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for dodgy<0.3.0,>=0.2.1
INFO: Best match: dodgy 0.2.1
INFO: Processing dodgy-0.2.1-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/dodgy-0.2.1-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for PyYAML
INFO: Best match: PyYAML 6.0
INFO: Processing PyYAML-6.0-py3.6-linux-x86_64.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/PyYAML-6.0-py3.6-linux-x86_64.egg
INFO: Searching for importlib-metadata
INFO: Best match: importlib-metadata 4.11.4
INFO: Processing importlib_metadata-4.11.4-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/importlib_metadata-4.11.4-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for isort<6,>=4.2.5
INFO: Best match: isort 5.10.1
INFO: Processing isort-5.10.1-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/isort-5.10.1-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for astroid<2.10,>=2.9.0
INFO: Best match: astroid 2.9.3
INFO: Processing astroid-2.9.3-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/astroid-2.9.3-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for snowballstemmer
INFO: Best match: snowballstemmer 2.2.0
INFO: Processing snowballstemmer-2.2.0-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/snowballstemmer-2.2.0-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for flake8-polyfill<2,>=1.0.2
INFO: Best match: flake8-polyfill 1.0.2
INFO: Processing flake8_polyfill-1.0.2-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/flake8_polyfill-1.0.2-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for zipp>=0.5
INFO: Best match: zipp 3.8.0
INFO: Processing zipp-3.8.0-py3.6.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/zipp-3.8.0-py3.6.egg
INFO: Searching for wrapt<1.14,>=1.11
INFO: Best match: wrapt 1.13.3
INFO: Processing wrapt-1.13.3-py3.6-linux-x86_64.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/wrapt-1.13.3-py3.6-linux-x86_64.egg
INFO: Searching for typed-ast<2.0,>=1.4.0
INFO: Best match: typed-ast 1.5.4
INFO: Processing typed_ast-1.5.4-py3.6-linux-x86_64.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/typed_ast-1.5.4-py3.6-linux-x86_64.egg
INFO: Searching for lazy-object-proxy>=1.4.0
INFO: Best match: lazy-object-proxy 1.7.1
INFO: Processing lazy_object_proxy-1.7.1-py3.6-linux-x86_64.egg
Using /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.eggs.py3/lazy_object_proxy-1.7.1-py3.6-linux-x86_64.egg
INFO: running egg_info
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: creating lib/vsc_base.egg-info
INFO: writing lib/vsc_base.egg-info/PKG-INFO
INFO: writing dependency_links to lib/vsc_base.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
INFO: writing namespace_packages to lib/vsc_base.egg-info/namespace_packages.txt
INFO: writing requirements to lib/vsc_base.egg-info/requires.txt
INFO: writing top-level names to lib/vsc_base.egg-info/top_level.txt
INFO: writing manifest file 'lib/vsc_base.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
INFO: reading manifest file 'lib/vsc_base.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
INFO: writing manifest file 'lib/vsc_base.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
INFO: looking for extra dist files
INFO: running build_ext
test_async_stdout_glob ( ... 2022-06-14 22:21:06,262 WARNING setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
test_cmdlist (
Tests for CmdList. ... ok
test_env ( ... ok
test_noshell_async_stdout_glob ( ... ok
test_noshell_async_stdout_stdin ( ... ok
test_noshell_executable ( ... ok
test_noshell_glob ( ... 2022-06-14 22:21:07,439 ERROR setup.RunNoShell MainThread _post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ls test/sandbox/testpkg/*: (shellcmd ['ls', 'test/sandbox/testpkg/*']) output ls: cannot access test/sandbox/testpkg/*: No such file or directory
_post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ls test/sandbox/testpkg/*: (shellcmd ['ls', 'test/sandbox/testpkg/*']) output ls: cannot access test/sandbox/testpkg/*: No such file or directory
2022-06-14 22:21:07,451 WARNING setup.Run MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
test_qa_legacy_regex (
Test regex based q and a (works only for qa_reg) ... 2022-06-14 22:21:07,480 WARNING setup.RunLegQAShort MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=4>
ec, output = run_legacy_qas([sys.executable, SCRIPT_QA, 'whattime'], qa_reg=qa_dict)
test_qa_list_of_answers (
Test qa with list of answers. ... /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=4>
ec, output = run_qas([sys.executable, SCRIPT_QA, 'ask_number', '4'], qa=qa_dict)
/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=4>
ec, output = run_qas([sys.executable, SCRIPT_QA, 'ask_number', '100'], qa_reg=qa_reg_dict)
2022-06-14 22:21:08,817 WARNING setup.RunQAShort MainThread Invalid type for answer, not a string or list: <class 'int'> (1)
Invalid type for answer, not a string or list: <class 'int'> (1)
/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=4>
ec, output = run_qas([sys.executable, SCRIPT_QA, 'ask_number', '4'], qa_reg=qa_reg_dict)
/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=4>
ec, output = run_qas([sys.executable, SCRIPT_QA, 'ask_number', '4'], qa_reg=qa_reg_dict)
test_qa_no_newline (
Test we do not add newline to the answer. ... /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=4>
ec, _ = run_qas([sys.executable, SCRIPT_QA, 'nonewline'], qa=qa_dict, add_newline=False)
test_qa_noqa (
Test noqa ... 2022-06-14 22:21:14,758 ERROR setup.RunQAShort MainThread _post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/bin/python', '/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', 'waitforit']: (shellcmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/bin/python', '/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', 'waitforit']) output Wait for it (5 seconds)
_post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/bin/python', '/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', 'waitforit']: (shellcmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/bin/python', '/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', 'waitforit']) output Wait for it (5 seconds)
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ ResourceWarning: subprocess 1934 is still running
ResourceWarning, source=self)
/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=4>
ec, output = run_qas([sys.executable, SCRIPT_QA, 'waitforit'], qa=qa_dict)
/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=4>
ec, output = run_qas([sys.executable, SCRIPT_QA, 'waitforit'], qa=qa_dict, no_qa=no_qa)
test_qa_regex (
Test regex based q and a (works only for qa_reg) ... /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=4>
ec, output = run_qas([sys.executable, SCRIPT_QA, 'whattime'], qa_reg=qa_dict)
test_qa_simple (
Simple testing ... /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=4>
ec, output = run_qas([sys.executable, SCRIPT_QA, 'noquestion'])
/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=4>
ec, output = run_qas([sys.executable, SCRIPT_QA, 'simple'], qa=qa_dict)
test_simple ( ... 2022-06-14 22:21:21,231 WARNING setup.Run MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
test_simple_asyncloop ( ... 2022-06-14 22:21:21,431 WARNING setup.RunAsyncLoop MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
test_simple_glob ( ... 2022-06-14 22:21:21,627 WARNING setup.Run MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
2022-06-14 22:21:21,646 WARNING setup.Run MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
test_simple_ns_asyncloop ( ... ok
test_startpath ( ... 2022-06-14 22:21:21,870 WARNING setup.Run MainThread _start_in_path: startpath /no/such/directory does not exist
_start_in_path: startpath /no/such/directory does not exist
2022-06-14 22:21:21,878 WARNING setup.Run MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/tmp0vcev60z/bar' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
txt = open(os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'bar')).read()
test_timeout ( ... 2022-06-14 22:21:21,899 WARNING setup.RunTimeout MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
2022-06-14 22:21:25,410 ERROR setup.RunTimeout MainThread _post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/bin/python', '/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', 'longsleep']: (shellcmd /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/bin/python /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/ longsleep) output
_post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/bin/python', '/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', 'longsleep']: (shellcmd /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/bin/python /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/ longsleep) output
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ ResourceWarning: subprocess 1957 is still running
ResourceWarning, source=self)
2022-06-14 22:21:25,420 WARNING setup.RunTimeout MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
2022-06-14 22:21:28,931 ERROR setup.RunTimeout MainThread _post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', '2', '/tmp/tmpfi8u584m/nested_kill_pgid_False']: (shellcmd /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/ 2 /tmp/tmpfi8u584m/nested_kill_pgid_False) output
_post_exitcode: problem occured with cmd ['/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/', '2', '/tmp/tmpfi8u584m/nested_kill_pgid_False']: (shellcmd /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/runtests/ 2 /tmp/tmpfi8u584m/nested_kill_pgid_False) output
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ ResourceWarning: subprocess 1961 is still running
ResourceWarning, source=self)
check_pid in test_timeout: [Errno 3] No such process
runTest (test.asyncprocess.AsyncProcessTest)
try echoing some text and see if it comes back out ... ok
/usr/lib64/python3.6/ ResourceWarning: subprocess 1982 is still running
ResourceWarning, source=self)
/usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedWriter name=4>
return*args, **kwds)
test_all_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test the AllCompleter class ... ok
test_base_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test the base Completer class ... ok
test_dir_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test DirCompleter ... ok
test_extract_word (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test the extract_word function ... ok
test_file_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test FileCompleter ... ok
test_gen_cmdline (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test generation of commndline ... ok
test_known_hosts_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test KnownHostsCompleter ... ok
test_list_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test ListCompleter class ... ok
test_none_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test NoneCompleter class ... ok
test_regex_completer (test.optcomplete.OptcompleteTest)
Test RegexCompleter ... ok
test_getgrouplist (test.groups.GroupsTest)
Test getgrouplist ... ok
test_date_parser (test.dateandtime.DateAndTimeTest)
Test the date_parser ... ok
test_datetime_parser (test.dateandtime.DateAndTimeTest)
Test the date_parser ... ok
test_fancymonth (test.dateandtime.DateAndTimeTest)
Test some of the FancyMonth functions ... ok
test_mk_rst_table (
Test mk_rst_table function. ... ok
test_ensure_ascii_string (test.py2vs3.TestPy2vs3)
Tests for ensure_ascii_string function. ... ok
test_is_py_ver (test.py2vs3.TestPy2vs3)
Tests for is_py_ver, is_py2, is_py3 functions. ... ok
test_is_string (test.py2vs3.TestPy2vs3)
Tests for is_string function. ... ok
test_os_exceptions (test.py2vs3.TestPy2vs3)
Test importing urllib* stuff from py2vs3. ... ok
test_picke (test.py2vs3.TestPy2vs3)
Tests for pickle module provided by py2vs3. ... ok
test_temporary_directory (test.py2vs3.TestPy2vs3)
Test the class TemporaryDirectory. ... ok
test_urllib_imports (test.py2vs3.TestPy2vs3)
Test importing urllib* stuff from py2vs3. ... ok
test_config_file (test.mail.TestVscMail) ... Reading config file: /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/data/mailconfig.ini
mail.mail_host: config_host
test_send (test.mail.TestVscMail) ... ok
test_wrapper (test.wrapper.TestWrapper)
Use the tests provided by the stackoverflow page ... ok
test_client (
Do a test api call ... Skipping test_client, since no GitHub token is available
test_get_connection (
Test for Client.get_connection. ... ok
test_get_method (
A quick test of a GET to the github API ... ok
test_request_methods (
Test all request methods ... Skipping test_request_methods, since no GitHub token is available
test_get_callers_logger (test.exceptions.ExceptionsTest)
Test get_callers_logger function. ... ok
test_loggedexception_callerlogger (test.exceptions.ExceptionsTest)
Test LoggedException custom exception class. ... 2022-06-14 22:27:49,568 ERROR setup.testlogger_local MainThread BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
test_loggedexception_defaultlogger (test.exceptions.ExceptionsTest)
Test LoggedException custom exception class. ... 2022-06-14 22:27:49,591 ERROR setup MainThread BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
2022-06-14 22:27:49,615 ERROR setup MainThread BOOMBAF (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
BOOMBAF (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
2022-06-14 22:27:49,629 ERROR setup MainThread BOOM '%s' (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
BOOM '%s' (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
test_loggedexception_location (test.exceptions.ExceptionsTest)
Test inclusion of location information in log message for LoggedException. ... 2022-06-14 22:27:49,656 ERROR setup MainThread BOOM
2022-06-14 22:27:49,684 ERROR setup MainThread BOOM (at vsc/install/ in assertErrorRegex)
BOOM (at vsc/install/ in assertErrorRegex)
2022-06-14 22:27:49,709 ERROR setup MainThread BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vsc_install-0.17.24-py3.6.egg/vsc/install/ in assertErrorRegex)
BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vsc_install-0.17.24-py3.6.egg/vsc/install/ in assertErrorRegex)
test_loggedexception_specifiedlogger (test.exceptions.ExceptionsTest)
Test LoggedException custom exception class. ... 2022-06-14 22:27:49,731 ERROR setup.testlogger_one MainThread BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
BOOM (at /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ in raise_loggedexception)
test_fixed_topological_sort (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_frozendictknownkeys (test.missing.TestMissing)
Tests for FrozenDictKnownKeys. ... Encountered unknown keys ['foo'] (known keys: [])
Encountered unknown keys ['foo3'] (known keys: ['foo', 'foo2'])
test_frozendictknownkeys_singleton (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_get_class_for (test.missing.TestMissing)
Test get_class_for. ... ok
test_get_subclasses (test.missing.TestMissing)
Test get_subclasses functions. ... ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__']
test_monoid (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_monoid_concat (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_namedtuple_with_defaults (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_nub_length (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_nub_membership (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_nub_order (test.missing.TestMissing) ... ok
test_random_topological_sort (test.missing.TestMissing) ... testing with random seed 4082642355237392533
testing with random seed 2759058543838107278
testing with random seed 6773692050992894232
testing with random seed 7350298692400690458
testing with random seed 2396174354330143173
testing with random seed 5252794935124132173
testing with random seed 3499279730138968440
testing with random seed 5406248333109727224
testing with random seed 8287570472642869428
testing with random seed 1710764478876323972
test_tryorfail_no_sleep (test.missing.TestMissing)
test for a retry that succeeds. ... try_or_fail caught an exception - attempt 0:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "lib/vsc/utils/", line 329, in new_function
return function(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/", line 185, in f
raise Exception
try_or_fail caught an exception - attempt 0:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "lib/vsc/utils/", line 329, in new_function
return function(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/", line 185, in f
raise Exception
test_configfiles (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test configfiles (base section for empty prefix from auto_section_name) ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
lib/vsc/utils/ DeprecationWarning: The SafeConfigParser class has been renamed to ConfigParser in Python 3.2. This alias will be removed in future versions. Use ConfigParser directly instead.
self.configfile_parser = self.CONFIGFILE_PARSER()
2022-06-14 22:27:51,027 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup, INFO), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup, INFO), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
2022-06-14 22:27:51,027 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: options from configfile ['--store=notok2', '--disable-longbase', '--store-with-dash=XX', '--disable-justatest', '--enable-debug', '--ext-extend=one,two,three', '--ext-strtuple=a,b', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY']
parseconfigfiles: options from configfile ['--store=notok2', '--disable-longbase', '--store-with-dash=XX', '--disable-justatest', '--enable-debug', '--ext-extend=one,two,three', '--ext-strtuple=a,b', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY']
2022-06-14 22:27:51,028 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {'store': 'notok2', 'longbase': False, 'store_with_dash': 'XX', 'justatest': False, 'debug': True, 'ext_extend': ['one', 'two', 'three'], 'ext_strtuple': ('a', 'b'), 'ext_strlist': ['x', 'y'], 'level_prefix_and_dash': 'YY'}
parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {'store': 'notok2', 'longbase': False, 'store_with_dash': 'XX', 'justatest': False, 'debug': True, 'ext_extend': ['one', 'two', 'three'], 'ext_strtuple': ('a', 'b'), 'ext_strlist': ['x', 'y'], 'level_prefix_and_dash': 'YY'}
2022-06-14 22:27:51,028 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option store already found in _action_taken
parseconfigfiles: option store already found in _action_taken
2022-06-14 22:27:51,028 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option longbase not found in _action_taken, setting to False
parseconfigfiles: option longbase not found in _action_taken, setting to False
2022-06-14 22:27:51,028 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option store_with_dash not found in _action_taken, setting to XX
parseconfigfiles: option store_with_dash not found in _action_taken, setting to XX
2022-06-14 22:27:51,028 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option justatest not found in _action_taken, setting to False
parseconfigfiles: option justatest not found in _action_taken, setting to False
2022-06-14 22:27:51,029 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option debug not found in _action_taken, setting to True
parseconfigfiles: option debug not found in _action_taken, setting to True
2022-06-14 22:27:51,029 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option ext_extend not found in _action_taken, setting to ['one', 'two', 'three']
parseconfigfiles: option ext_extend not found in _action_taken, setting to ['one', 'two', 'three']
2022-06-14 22:27:51,029 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option ext_strtuple not found in _action_taken, setting to ('a', 'b')
parseconfigfiles: option ext_strtuple not found in _action_taken, setting to ('a', 'b')
2022-06-14 22:27:51,030 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option ext_strlist not found in _action_taken, setting to ['x', 'y']
parseconfigfiles: option ext_strlist not found in _action_taken, setting to ['x', 'y']
2022-06-14 22:27:51,030 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option level_prefix_and_dash not found in _action_taken, setting to YY
parseconfigfiles: option level_prefix_and_dash not found in _action_taken, setting to YY
2022-06-14 22:27:51,052 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:27:51,052 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:27:51,053 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:27:51,053 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
2022-06-14 22:27:51,072 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
2022-06-14 22:27:51,072 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:27:51,073 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:27:51,073 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:27:51,073 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:27:51,087 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:27:51,087 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
2022-06-14 22:27:51,088 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:27:51,088 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
2022-06-14 22:27:51,088 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
2022-06-14 22:27:51,119 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
2022-06-14 22:27:51,119 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
2022-06-14 22:27:51,119 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
2022-06-14 22:27:51,120 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:27:51,120 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:27:51,211 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
2022-06-14 22:27:51,212 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
2022-06-14 22:27:51,212 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
2022-06-14 22:27:51,212 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
2022-06-14 22:27:51,212 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
2022-06-14 22:27:51,230 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
2022-06-14 22:27:51,230 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread setting autocomplete with args {}
setting autocomplete with args {}
2022-06-14 22:27:51,231 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_SHORTHELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_SHORTHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,231 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_HELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_HELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,231 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGHELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,232 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,232 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,232 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,233 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,233 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,233 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,233 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,234 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,234 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,234 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGFILES is not set
Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,234 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_IGNORECONFIGFILES is not set
Environment variable SETUP_IGNORECONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,236 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_AREGEXOPT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_AREGEXOPT is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,236 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,236 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,236 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,236 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,237 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,237 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,237 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,237 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,237 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,238 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_STORE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_STORE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,238 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
Environment variable SETUP_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,238 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,238 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,238 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,239 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_DEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,239 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,239 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,239 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_PATHLIST_FLEX is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_PATHLIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,239 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,240 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATETIME is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATETIME is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,240 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTEND is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTEND is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,240 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTENDDEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTENDDEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,240 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,240 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONALCHOICE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONALCHOICE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,241 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,241 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,241 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE2 is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE2 is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,241 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,241 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRLIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,242 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,242 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,242 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,242 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,243 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,243 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,243 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,243 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_PREFIX_AND_DASH is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_PREFIX_AND_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:51,243 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable options with prefix SETUP: []
Environment variable options with prefix SETUP: []
2022-06-14 22:27:51,244 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from environment []
parseoptions: options from environment []
2022-06-14 22:27:51,244 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from commandline ['--ignoreconfigfiles=/tmp/tmpf3wtjke4']
parseoptions: options from commandline ['--ignoreconfigfiles=/tmp/tmpf3wtjke4']
2022-06-14 22:27:51,244 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Found options {'help': None, 'debug': False, 'info': False, 'quiet': False, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'ignoreconfigfiles': ['/tmp/tmpf3wtjke4'], 'aregexopt': None, 'base': False, 'justatest': True, 'longbase': True, 'store': None, 'store_with_dash': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_add_list_first': ['now'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p2', 'p3'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_datetime': None, 'ext_extend': None, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': None, 'ext_pathliststorenone2': None, 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ext_strlist': ['x'], 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'level_level': False, 'level_longlevel': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': True} args []
Found options {'help': None, 'debug': False, 'info': False, 'quiet': False, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'ignoreconfigfiles': ['/tmp/tmpf3wtjke4'], 'aregexopt': None, 'base': False, 'justatest': True, 'longbase': True, 'store': None, 'store_with_dash': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_add_list_first': ['now'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p2', 'p3'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_datetime': None, 'ext_extend': None, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': None, 'ext_pathliststorenone2': None, 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ext_strlist': ['x'], 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'level_level': False, 'level_longlevel': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': True} args []
2022-06-14 22:27:51,245 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Initialise case sensitive configparser
Initialise case sensitive configparser
2022-06-14 22:27:51,245 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set ['/tmp/tmp4ufovqjv', '/tmp/tmpf3wtjke4']
parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set ['/tmp/tmp4ufovqjv', '/tmp/tmpf3wtjke4']
2022-06-14 22:27:51,246 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:27:51,246 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline ['/tmp/tmpf3wtjke4']
parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline ['/tmp/tmpf3wtjke4']
2022-06-14 22:27:51,246 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfile /tmp/tmpf3wtjke4 will be ignored
parseconfigfiles: configfile /tmp/tmpf3wtjke4 will be ignored
2022-06-14 22:27:51,246 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
2022-06-14 22:27:51,247 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed ['/tmp/tmp4ufovqjv']
parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed ['/tmp/tmp4ufovqjv']
2022-06-14 22:27:51,247 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:27:51,248 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) ['base']
parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) ['base']
2022-06-14 22:27:51,248 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
2022-06-14 22:27:51,248 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:27:51,250 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: section base option FROMINIT val woohoo
parseconfigfiles: section base option FROMINIT val woohoo
2022-06-14 22:27:51,250 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no option corresponding with opt FROMINIT dest FROMINIT in section base but found all uppercase in DEFAULT section. Skipping.
parseconfigfiles: no option corresponding with opt FROMINIT dest FROMINIT in section base but found all uppercase in DEFAULT section. Skipping.
2022-06-14 22:27:51,250 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: section base option store val woohoo
parseconfigfiles: section base option store val woohoo
2022-06-14 22:27:51,250 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ext
parseconfigfiles: no section ext
2022-06-14 22:27:51,251 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section level
parseconfigfiles: no section level
2022-06-14 22:27:51,251 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline ['--store=woohoo']
parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline ['--store=woohoo']
2022-06-14 22:27:51,251 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Not processing environment for options
Not processing environment for options
2022-06-14 22:27:51,251 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: options from configfile ['--store=woohoo']
parseconfigfiles: options from configfile ['--store=woohoo']
2022-06-14 22:27:51,251 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {'store': 'woohoo'}
parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {'store': 'woohoo'}
2022-06-14 22:27:51,252 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option store not found in _action_taken, setting to woohoo
parseconfigfiles: option store not found in _action_taken, setting to woohoo
test_dest_with_dash (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test the renaming of long opts to dest ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_enable_disable (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test the enable/disable prefix ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_error_env_options (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test log error on unknown environment option ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
2022-06-14 22:27:52,078 ERROR setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Found 1 environment variable(s) that are prefixed with GENERALOPTIONTEST but do not match valid option(s): GENERALOPTIONTEST_XYZ
Found 1 environment variable(s) that are prefixed with GENERALOPTIONTEST but do not match valid option(s): GENERALOPTIONTEST_XYZ
[{'args': ('Found %s environment variable(s) that are prefixed with %s but do not match valid option(s): %s', 1, 'GENERALOPTIONTEST', 'GENERALOPTIONTEST_XYZ'), 'kwargs': {}}]
test_ext_add (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test add and add_first action ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_ext_add_multi (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test behaviour when 'add' options are used multiple times. ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_ext_date_datetime (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test date and datetime action ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_generate_cmdline (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test the creation of cmd_line args to match options ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
2022-06-14 22:27:57,982 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup, INFO), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup, INFO), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
2022-06-14 22:27:57,982 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from environment []
parseoptions: options from environment []
2022-06-14 22:27:57,983 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from commandline ['--level-level', '--longbase', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', '--store=some whitespace', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-add-list-flex=a,,b', '--ext-add-pathlist-flex=p1/foo::p4', '--debug']
parseoptions: options from commandline ['--level-level', '--longbase', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', '--store=some whitespace', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-add-list-flex=a,,b', '--ext-add-pathlist-flex=p1/foo::p4', '--debug']
2022-06-14 22:27:57,983 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Found options {'help': None, 'debug': True, 'info': False, 'quiet': False, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'ignoreconfigfiles': None, 'aregexopt': None, 'base': False, 'justatest': True, 'longbase': True, 'store': 'some whitespace', 'store_with_dash': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_add_list_first': ['two', 'three', 'now'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['a', 'x', 'y', 'b'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p1/foo', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_datetime': None, 'ext_extend': None, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': ['x'], 'ext_pathliststorenone2': ['y2', 'z2'], 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ext_strlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'level_level': True, 'level_longlevel': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': 'YY'} args []
Found options {'help': None, 'debug': True, 'info': False, 'quiet': False, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'ignoreconfigfiles': None, 'aregexopt': None, 'base': False, 'justatest': True, 'longbase': True, 'store': 'some whitespace', 'store_with_dash': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_add_list_first': ['two', 'three', 'now'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['a', 'x', 'y', 'b'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p1/foo', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_datetime': None, 'ext_extend': None, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': ['x'], 'ext_pathliststorenone2': ['y2', 'z2'], 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ext_strlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'level_level': True, 'level_longlevel': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': 'YY'} args []
2022-06-14 22:27:57,983 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Initialise case sensitive configparser
Initialise case sensitive configparser
2022-06-14 22:27:57,984 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set []
parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set []
2022-06-14 22:27:57,984 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:27:57,984 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline None
parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline None
2022-06-14 22:27:57,986 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
2022-06-14 22:27:57,986 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed []
parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed []
2022-06-14 22:27:57,986 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:27:57,986 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) []
parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) []
2022-06-14 22:27:57,986 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
2022-06-14 22:27:57,987 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:27:57,987 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section base
parseconfigfiles: no section base
2022-06-14 22:27:57,987 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ext
parseconfigfiles: no section ext
2022-06-14 22:27:57,987 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section level
parseconfigfiles: no section level
2022-06-14 22:27:57,987 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline []
parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline []
2022-06-14 22:27:57,988 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Not processing environment for options
Not processing environment for options
2022-06-14 22:27:57,988 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: options from configfile []
parseconfigfiles: options from configfile []
2022-06-14 22:27:57,988 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {}
parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {}
2022-06-14 22:27:57,988 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line ignore (^(base|debug|info|quiet)$)|(^ext(?!_(?:strlist|pathlist|add_list_first)))
generate_cmd_line ignore (^(base|debug|info|quiet)$)|(^ext(?!_(?:strlist|pathlist|add_list_first)))
2022-06-14 22:27:57,990 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding aregexopt value None default found. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding aregexopt value None default found. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,990 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding base value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding base value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,990 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding configfiles value ['/not/a/real/configfile'] default found. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding configfiles value ['/not/a/real/configfile'] default found. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,990 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding debug value True matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding debug value True matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,991 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,991 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-default value now matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-default value now matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,991 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,991 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-default value ['now'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-default value ['now'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,991 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-first value ['two', 'three']. add_first action, return as comma-separated list
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-first value ['two', 'three']. add_first action, return as comma-separated list
2022-06-14 22:27:57,992 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-flex value ['a', 'x', 'y', 'b'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-flex value ['a', 'x', 'y', 'b'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,992 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-pathlist-flex value ['p1/foo', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-pathlist-flex value ['p1/foo', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,992 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-date value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-date value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,992 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-datetime value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-datetime value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,992 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-extend value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-extend value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,993 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-extenddefault value ['zero', 'one'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-extenddefault value ['zero', 'one'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,993 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-optional value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-optional value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,993 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-optionalchoice value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-optionalchoice value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,993 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathliststorenone value ['x'] default found.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathliststorenone value ['x'] default found.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,993 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone (value is default value ['x'])
generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone (value is default value ['x'])
2022-06-14 22:27:57,994 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone2 non-default value ['y2', 'z2']
generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone2 non-default value ['y2', 'z2']
2022-06-14 22:27:57,994 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,994 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-strtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-strtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,994 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ignoreconfigfiles value None default found. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ignoreconfigfiles value None default found. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,994 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding info value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding info value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,995 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding justatest value True default found. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding justatest value True default found. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,995 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding level-level value True. store action found
generate_cmd_line adding level-level value True. store action found
2022-06-14 22:27:57,995 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding level-longlevel value True default found. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding level-longlevel value True default found. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,996 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding level-prefix-and-dash value YY
generate_cmd_line adding level-prefix-and-dash value YY
2022-06-14 22:27:57,996 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding longbase value True default found. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding longbase value True default found. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,996 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding quiet value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding quiet value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,996 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding store value some whitespace
generate_cmd_line adding store value some whitespace
2022-06-14 22:27:57,997 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding store-with-dash value None default found. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding store-with-dash value None default found. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,997 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread commandline args ['--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--level-level', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', "--store='some whitespace'"]
commandline args ['--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--level-level', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', "--store='some whitespace'"]
2022-06-14 22:27:57,997 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line ignore (^(base|debug|info|quiet)$)|(^ext(?!_(?:strlist|pathlist|add_list_first)))
generate_cmd_line ignore (^(base|debug|info|quiet)$)|(^ext(?!_(?:strlist|pathlist|add_list_first)))
2022-06-14 22:27:57,997 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding aregexopt value None default found.
generate_cmd_line adding aregexopt value None default found.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,998 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding aregexopt value None. None found. not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding aregexopt value None. None found. not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,998 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding base value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding base value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,998 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding configfiles value ['/not/a/real/configfile'] default found.
generate_cmd_line adding configfiles value ['/not/a/real/configfile'] default found.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,998 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line no value left, skipping.
generate_cmd_line no value left, skipping.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,998 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding debug value True matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding debug value True matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,999 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,999 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-default value now matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-default value now matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,999 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,999 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-default value ['now'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-default value ['now'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:57,999 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-first value ['two', 'three']. add_first action, return as comma-separated list
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-first value ['two', 'three']. add_first action, return as comma-separated list
2022-06-14 22:27:58,000 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-flex value ['a', 'x', 'y', 'b'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-list-flex value ['a', 'x', 'y', 'b'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,000 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-pathlist-flex value ['p1/foo', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-add-pathlist-flex value ['p1/foo', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,000 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-date value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-date value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,000 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-datetime value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-datetime value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,000 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-extend value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-extend value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,000 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-extenddefault value ['zero', 'one'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-extenddefault value ['zero', 'one'] matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,001 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-optional value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-optional value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,001 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-optionalchoice value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-optionalchoice value None matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,001 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathliststorenone value ['x'] default found.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathliststorenone value ['x'] default found.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,001 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone (value is default value ['x'])
generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone (value is default value ['x'])
2022-06-14 22:27:58,001 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone2 non-default value ['y2', 'z2']
generate_cmd_line store_or_None adding ext-pathliststorenone2 non-default value ['y2', 'z2']
2022-06-14 22:27:58,002 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-pathtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,002 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ext-strtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ext-strtuple value ('x',) matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,002 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ignoreconfigfiles value None default found.
generate_cmd_line adding ignoreconfigfiles value None default found.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,002 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding ignoreconfigfiles value None. None found. not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding ignoreconfigfiles value None. None found. not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,002 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding info value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding info value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,003 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding justatest value True default found.
generate_cmd_line adding justatest value True default found.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,003 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding justatest value True. store action found
generate_cmd_line adding justatest value True. store action found
2022-06-14 22:27:58,003 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding level-level value True. store action found
generate_cmd_line adding level-level value True. store action found
2022-06-14 22:27:58,003 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding level-longlevel value True default found.
generate_cmd_line adding level-longlevel value True default found.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,003 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding level-longlevel value True. store action found
generate_cmd_line adding level-longlevel value True. store action found
2022-06-14 22:27:58,004 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding level-prefix-and-dash value YY
generate_cmd_line adding level-prefix-and-dash value YY
2022-06-14 22:27:58,004 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding longbase value True default found.
generate_cmd_line adding longbase value True default found.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,004 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding longbase value True. store action found
generate_cmd_line adding longbase value True. store action found
2022-06-14 22:27:58,004 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding quiet value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding quiet value False matches ignore. Not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,004 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding store value some whitespace
generate_cmd_line adding store value some whitespace
2022-06-14 22:27:58,005 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding store-with-dash value None default found.
generate_cmd_line adding store-with-dash value None default found.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,005 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread generate_cmd_line adding store-with-dash value None. None found. not adding to args.
generate_cmd_line adding store-with-dash value None. None found. not adding to args.
2022-06-14 22:27:58,005 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread commandline args ['--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--justatest', '--level-level', '--level-longlevel', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', '--longbase', "--store='some whitespace'"]
commandline args ['--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--justatest', '--level-level', '--level-longlevel', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', '--longbase', "--store='some whitespace'"]
2022-06-14 22:27:58,029 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:27:58,030 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:27:58,030 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:27:58,030 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
2022-06-14 22:27:58,049 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
2022-06-14 22:27:58,049 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:27:58,049 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:27:58,050 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:27:58,050 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:27:58,071 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:27:58,071 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
2022-06-14 22:27:58,072 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:27:58,072 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
2022-06-14 22:27:58,072 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
2022-06-14 22:27:58,106 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
2022-06-14 22:27:58,107 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
2022-06-14 22:27:58,107 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
2022-06-14 22:27:58,107 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:27:58,107 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:27:58,212 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
2022-06-14 22:27:58,213 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
2022-06-14 22:27:58,213 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
2022-06-14 22:27:58,213 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
2022-06-14 22:27:58,213 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
2022-06-14 22:27:58,231 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
2022-06-14 22:27:58,231 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread setting autocomplete with args {}
setting autocomplete with args {}
2022-06-14 22:27:58,231 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_SHORTHELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_SHORTHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,231 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_HELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_HELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,232 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGHELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,232 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,232 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,232 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,232 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,233 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,233 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,233 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,233 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,233 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,234 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGFILES is not set
Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,234 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_IGNORECONFIGFILES is not set
Environment variable SETUP_IGNORECONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,234 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_AREGEXOPT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_AREGEXOPT is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,234 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,235 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,235 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,235 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,236 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,236 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,236 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,236 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,237 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,237 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_STORE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_STORE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,237 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
Environment variable SETUP_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,237 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,237 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,238 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,238 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_DEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,238 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,238 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,238 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_PATHLIST_FLEX is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_PATHLIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,239 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,239 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATETIME is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATETIME is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,239 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTEND is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTEND is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,239 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTENDDEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTENDDEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,240 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,240 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONALCHOICE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONALCHOICE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,240 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,240 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,240 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE2 is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE2 is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,241 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,241 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRLIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,241 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,241 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,241 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,242 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,242 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,242 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,242 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,242 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_PREFIX_AND_DASH is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_PREFIX_AND_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:27:58,243 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable options with prefix SETUP: []
Environment variable options with prefix SETUP: []
2022-06-14 22:27:58,243 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from environment []
parseoptions: options from environment []
2022-06-14 22:27:58,244 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from commandline ['--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--justatest', '--level-level', '--level-longlevel', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', '--longbase', '--store=some whitespace']
parseoptions: options from commandline ['--ext-add-list-first=two,three', '--ext-pathlist=x:y', '--ext-pathliststorenone', '--ext-pathliststorenone2=y2:z2', '--ext-strlist=x,y', '--justatest', '--level-level', '--level-longlevel', '--level-prefix-and-dash=YY', '--longbase', '--store=some whitespace']
2022-06-14 22:27:58,244 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Found options {'help': None, 'debug': False, 'info': False, 'quiet': False, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'ignoreconfigfiles': None, 'aregexopt': None, 'base': False, 'justatest': True, 'longbase': True, 'store': 'some whitespace', 'store_with_dash': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_add_list_first': ['two', 'three', 'now'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p2', 'p3'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_datetime': None, 'ext_extend': None, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': ['x'], 'ext_pathliststorenone2': ['y2', 'z2'], 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ext_strlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'level_level': True, 'level_longlevel': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': 'YY'} args []
Found options {'help': None, 'debug': False, 'info': False, 'quiet': False, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'ignoreconfigfiles': None, 'aregexopt': None, 'base': False, 'justatest': True, 'longbase': True, 'store': 'some whitespace', 'store_with_dash': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_add_list_first': ['two', 'three', 'now'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p2', 'p3'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_datetime': None, 'ext_extend': None, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': ['x'], 'ext_pathliststorenone2': ['y2', 'z2'], 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ext_strlist': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'level_level': True, 'level_longlevel': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': 'YY'} args []
2022-06-14 22:27:58,244 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Initialise case sensitive configparser
Initialise case sensitive configparser
2022-06-14 22:27:58,245 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set []
parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set []
2022-06-14 22:27:58,245 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:27:58,245 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline None
parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline None
2022-06-14 22:27:58,246 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
2022-06-14 22:27:58,246 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed []
parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed []
2022-06-14 22:27:58,246 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:27:58,246 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) []
parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) []
2022-06-14 22:27:58,246 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
2022-06-14 22:27:58,247 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:27:58,247 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section base
parseconfigfiles: no section base
2022-06-14 22:27:58,247 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ext
parseconfigfiles: no section ext
2022-06-14 22:27:58,247 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section level
parseconfigfiles: no section level
2022-06-14 22:27:58,247 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline []
parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline []
2022-06-14 22:27:58,248 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Not processing environment for options
Not processing environment for options
2022-06-14 22:27:58,248 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: options from configfile []
parseconfigfiles: options from configfile []
2022-06-14 22:27:58,248 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {}
parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {}
test_get_by_prefix (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test dict by prefix ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_get_options_by_property (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test get_options_by_property and firends like get_options_by_prefix ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_help (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Generate (long) help message ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_help_confighelp (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Generate long help message ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_help_long (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Generate long help message ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_help_outputformats (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Generate (long) rst help message ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_help_short (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Generate short help message ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_is_value_a_commandline_option (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test ExtOptionParser is_value_a_commandline_option method ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_loggers (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test getloggers ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_loglevel (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test the loglevel default setting ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
2022-06-14 22:28:01,558 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup, INFO), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup, INFO), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
2022-06-14 22:28:01,559 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from environment []
parseoptions: options from environment []
2022-06-14 22:28:01,559 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseoptions: options from commandline ['--debug']
parseoptions: options from commandline ['--debug']
2022-06-14 22:28:01,559 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Found options {'help': None, 'debug': True, 'info': False, 'quiet': False, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'ignoreconfigfiles': None, 'aregexopt': None, 'base': False, 'justatest': True, 'longbase': True, 'store': None, 'store_with_dash': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_add_list_first': ['now'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p2', 'p3'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_datetime': None, 'ext_extend': None, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': None, 'ext_pathliststorenone2': None, 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ext_strlist': ['x'], 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'level_level': False, 'level_longlevel': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': True} args []
Found options {'help': None, 'debug': True, 'info': False, 'quiet': False, 'configfiles': ['/not/a/real/configfile'], 'ignoreconfigfiles': None, 'aregexopt': None, 'base': False, 'justatest': True, 'longbase': True, 'store': None, 'store_with_dash': None, 'ext_add': None, 'ext_add_default': 'now', 'ext_add_list': None, 'ext_add_list_default': ['now'], 'ext_add_list_first': ['now'], 'ext_add_list_flex': ['x', 'y'], 'ext_add_pathlist_flex': ['p2', 'p3'], 'ext_date': None, 'ext_datetime': None, 'ext_extend': None, 'ext_extenddefault': ['zero', 'one'], 'ext_optional': None, 'ext_optionalchoice': None, 'ext_pathlist': ['x'], 'ext_pathliststorenone': None, 'ext_pathliststorenone2': None, 'ext_pathtuple': ('x',), 'ext_strlist': ['x'], 'ext_strtuple': ('x',), 'level_level': False, 'level_longlevel': True, 'level_prefix_and_dash': True} args []
2022-06-14 22:28:01,560 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Initialise case sensitive configparser
Initialise case sensitive configparser
2022-06-14 22:28:01,560 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set []
parseconfigfiles: configfiles initially set []
2022-06-14 22:28:01,560 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: configfiles set through commandline ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:28:01,561 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline None
parseconfigfiles: ignoreconfigfiles set through commandline None
2022-06-14 22:28:01,561 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
parseconfigfiles: configfile /not/a/real/configfile not found, will be skipped
2022-06-14 22:28:01,561 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed []
parseconfigfiles: following files were parsed []
2022-06-14 22:28:01,561 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
parseconfigfiles: following files were NOT parsed ['/not/a/real/configfile']
2022-06-14 22:28:01,562 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) []
parseconfigfiles: sections (w/o DEFAULT) []
2022-06-14 22:28:01,562 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
parseconfigfiles: no section MAIN
2022-06-14 22:28:01,562 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
parseconfigfiles: no section ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:28:01,562 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section base
parseconfigfiles: no section base
2022-06-14 22:28:01,562 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section ext
parseconfigfiles: no section ext
2022-06-14 22:28:01,563 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: no section level
parseconfigfiles: no section level
2022-06-14 22:28:01,563 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline []
parseconfigfiles: going to parse options through cmdline []
2022-06-14 22:28:01,563 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Not processing environment for options
Not processing environment for options
2022-06-14 22:28:01,563 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: options from configfile []
parseconfigfiles: options from configfile []
2022-06-14 22:28:01,564 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {}
parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {}
2022-06-14 22:28:01,584 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:28:01,585 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:28:01,585 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:28:01,585 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
2022-06-14 22:28:01,603 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
2022-06-14 22:28:01,603 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:28:01,603 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:28:01,603 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:28:01,603 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:28:01,617 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:28:01,617 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
2022-06-14 22:28:01,617 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:28:01,618 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
2022-06-14 22:28:01,618 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
2022-06-14 22:28:01,649 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
2022-06-14 22:28:01,649 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
2022-06-14 22:28:01,649 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
2022-06-14 22:28:01,650 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:28:01,650 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:28:01,749 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
2022-06-14 22:28:01,749 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
2022-06-14 22:28:01,749 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
2022-06-14 22:28:01,749 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
2022-06-14 22:28:01,750 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
2022-06-14 22:28:01,767 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
2022-06-14 22:28:01,767 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread setting autocomplete with args {}
setting autocomplete with args {}
2022-06-14 22:28:01,767 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_SHORTHELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_SHORTHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,768 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_HELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_HELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,768 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGHELP is not set
Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,768 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,768 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,769 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,769 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,769 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,769 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,769 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,770 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,770 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,770 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGFILES is not set
Environment variable SETUP_CONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,770 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_IGNORECONFIGFILES is not set
Environment variable SETUP_IGNORECONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,770 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_AREGEXOPT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_AREGEXOPT is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,771 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,771 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,771 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,771 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,771 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,772 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,772 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,772 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,772 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,773 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_STORE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_STORE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,773 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
Environment variable SETUP_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,773 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,773 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,773 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,774 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_DEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,774 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,774 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,774 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_PATHLIST_FLEX is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_ADD_PATHLIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,774 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,775 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATETIME is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_DATETIME is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,775 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTEND is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTEND is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,775 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTENDDEFAULT is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_EXTENDDEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,776 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,776 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONALCHOICE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_OPTIONALCHOICE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,776 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,776 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,776 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE2 is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE2 is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,777 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,777 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRLIST is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,777 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
Environment variable SETUP_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,777 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,778 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,778 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,778 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,778 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_ENABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,778 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
Environment variable SETUP_DISABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,779 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_PREFIX_AND_DASH is not set
Environment variable SETUP_LEVEL_PREFIX_AND_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:01,779 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable options with prefix SETUP: []
Environment variable options with prefix SETUP: []
2022-06-14 22:28:01,779 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changing loglevel to INFO, current state: (setup, DEBUG), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
changing loglevel to INFO, current state: (setup, DEBUG), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
2022-06-14 22:28:02,187 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup, WARNING), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup, WARNING), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
2022-06-14 22:28:02,187 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changing loglevel to INFO, current state: (setup, DEBUG), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
changing loglevel to INFO, current state: (setup, DEBUG), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
2022-06-14 22:28:02,401 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup, WARNING), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
changed loglevel to DEBUG, previous state: (setup, WARNING), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
2022-06-14 22:28:02,401 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: options from configfile ['--enable-debug']
parseconfigfiles: options from configfile ['--enable-debug']
2022-06-14 22:28:02,402 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {'debug': True}
parseconfigfiles: parsed values from configfiles: {'debug': True}
2022-06-14 22:28:02,402 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread parseconfigfiles: option debug not found in _action_taken, setting to True
parseconfigfiles: option debug not found in _action_taken, setting to True
2022-06-14 22:28:02,425 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
Add debug and logging options descr ['Debug and logging options', ''] opts {'debug': ('Enable debug log mode', None, 'store_debuglog', False, 'd'), 'info': ('Enable info log mode', None, 'store_infolog', False), 'quiet': ('Enable quiet/warning log mode', None, 'store_warninglog', False)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:28:02,426 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:28:02,426 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:28:02,426 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name MAIN
2022-06-14 22:28:02,444 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for MAIN
2022-06-14 22:28:02,444 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
Add configfiles options descr ['Configfile options', ''] opts {'configfiles': ('Parse (additional) configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', ['/not/a/real/configfile']), 'ignoreconfigfiles': ('Ignore configfiles', 'strlist', 'add', None)} (no prefix)
2022-06-14 22:28:02,444 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:28:02,444 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name None
2022-06-14 22:28:02,444 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:28:02,458 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for ('NO', 'SECTION')
2022-06-14 22:28:02,459 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
main_options: adding options from base_options (auto_section_name base)
2022-06-14 22:28:02,459 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix None section_name None
2022-06-14 22:28:02,459 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name base
2022-06-14 22:28:02,459 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
add_group_parser: set prefix section_name base
2022-06-14 22:28:02,490 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
Added prefix to list of sectionnames for base
2022-06-14 22:28:02,491 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
main_options: adding options from ext_options (auto_section_name ext)
2022-06-14 22:28:02,491 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix ext section_name None
2022-06-14 22:28:02,491 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:28:02,491 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
add_group_parser: set prefix ext section_name ext
2022-06-14 22:28:02,588 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
Added prefix ext to list of sectionnames for ext
2022-06-14 22:28:02,588 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
main_options: adding options from level1_options (auto_section_name level1)
2022-06-14 22:28:02,588 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
add_group_parser: passed prefix level section_name None
2022-06-14 22:28:02,588 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
add_group_parser: auto_prefix None auto_section_name level1
2022-06-14 22:28:02,588 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
add_group_parser: set prefix level section_name level
2022-06-14 22:28:02,606 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
Added prefix level to list of sectionnames for level
2022-06-14 22:28:02,607 DEBUG setup.TestOption1 MainThread setting autocomplete with args {}
setting autocomplete with args {}
2022-06-14 22:28:02,607 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_SHORTHELP is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_SHORTHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,607 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_HELP is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_HELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,607 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_CONFIGHELP is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_CONFIGHELP is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,608 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,608 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,608 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_DEBUG is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,608 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,609 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_INFO is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_INFO is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,609 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_QUIET is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,610 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,611 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_QUIET is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,611 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_CONFIGFILES is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_CONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,611 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_IGNORECONFIGFILES is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,611 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_AREGEXOPT is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_AREGEXOPT is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,611 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_BASE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,612 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,612 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_BASE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_BASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,612 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_JUSTATEST is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,613 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,613 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_JUSTATEST is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,613 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_LONGBASE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,614 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,614 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_LONGBASE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,614 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_STORE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_STORE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,614 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_STORE_WITH_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,615 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,616 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,616 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_LIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,616 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_LIST_DEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,616 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_LIST_FIRST is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,616 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_LIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,617 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_ADD_PATHLIST_FLEX is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,617 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_DATE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_DATE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,617 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_DATETIME is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_DATETIME is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,617 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_EXTEND is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_EXTEND is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,617 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_EXTENDDEFAULT is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,618 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_OPTIONAL is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,619 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_OPTIONALCHOICE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,619 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_PATHLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,620 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,620 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_PATHLISTSTORENONE2 is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,620 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_PATHTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,620 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_STRLIST is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_STRLIST is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,621 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_EXT_STRTUPLE is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,621 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,621 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,621 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_LEVEL_LEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,621 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,622 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_ENABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,622 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_DISABLE_LEVEL_LONGLEVEL is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,622 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST_LEVEL_PREFIX_AND_DASH is not set
2022-06-14 22:28:02,622 DEBUG setup.ExtOptionParser MainThread Environment variable options with prefix LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST: ['--info']
Environment variable options with prefix LOGACTIONOPTIONTEST: ['--info']
2022-06-14 22:28:02,623 DEBUG setup.ExtOption MainThread changing loglevel to INFO, current state: (setup, DEBUG), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
changing loglevel to INFO, current state: (setup, DEBUG), (concurrent.futures, NOTSET), (asyncio, NOTSET), (pydocstyle.utils, NOTSET), (setup.fake_load_test, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShell, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoopStdout, NOTSET), (setup.Run, NOTSET), (setup.RunLegQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunQAShort, NOTSET), (setup.RunAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunNoShellAsyncLoop, NOTSET), (setup.RunTimeout, NOTSET), (, NOTSET), (setup.Test, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_local, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_one, NOTSET), (setup.testlogger_two, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionParser, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOption, NOTSET), (setup.TestOption1, NOTSET), (setup.ExtOptionGroup, NOTSET)
test_multiple_init (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test behaviour when creating multiple instances of same GO class ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_nosuchoption (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test catching of non-existing options. ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_optcomplete (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test optcomplete support ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
2022-06-14 22:28:03,473 WARNING setup.Run MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
2022-06-14 22:28:04,404 WARNING setup.Run MainThread using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
using potentialy unsafe shell commands, use or instead of run.run_simple or
COMPREPLY=(--configfiles --confighelp --debug --disable-debug --disable-info --disable-quiet --enable-debug --enable-info --enable-quiet --help --ignoreconfigfiles --info --long1 --quiet --shorthelp -H -L -d -h)
test_option_as_value (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test how valid options being used as values are handled. ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
2022-06-14 22:28:05,960 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread '-b' is a valid option. Use '--store=b' if the value is correct.
'-b' is a valid option. Use '--store=b' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:28:06,164 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread '-b' is a valid option. Use '--store=b' if the value is correct.
'-b' is a valid option. Use '--store=b' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:28:06,363 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread '-b' is a valid option. Use '--store=b' if the value is correct.
'-b' is a valid option. Use '--store=b' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:28:06,576 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread '--base' is a valid option. Use '--store=-base' if the value is correct.
'--base' is a valid option. Use '--store=-base' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:28:06,786 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread '--base' is a valid option. Use '--store=-base' if the value is correct.
'--base' is a valid option. Use '--store=-base' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:28:07,015 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread '--base' is a valid option. Use '--store=-base' if the value is correct.
'--base' is a valid option. Use '--store=-base' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:28:07,256 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread Value '-b' is also a valid option. Use '--store=-b' if the value is correct.
Value '-b' is also a valid option. Use '--store=-b' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:28:07,463 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread Value '-b' is also a valid option. Use '--store=-b' if the value is correct.
Value '-b' is also a valid option. Use '--store=-b' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:28:07,657 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread Value '--base' is also a valid option. Use '--store=--base' if the value is correct.
Value '--base' is also a valid option. Use '--store=--base' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:28:07,858 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread Value '-f' starts with a '-'. Use '--store=-f' if the value is correct.
Value '-f' starts with a '-'. Use '--store=-f' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:28:08,068 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread Value '--foo' starts with a '-'. Use '--store=--foo' if the value is correct.
Value '--foo' starts with a '-'. Use '--store=--foo' if the value is correct.
2022-06-14 22:28:08,474 WARNING setup.ExtOption MainThread Value '--foo' starts with a '-'. Use '--store=--foo' if the value is correct.
Value '--foo' starts with a '-'. Use '--store=--foo' if the value is correct.
test_quote (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test quote/unquote ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_set_columns (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test set_columns function. ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_store_or_None (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test store_or_None action ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_str_list_tuple (test.generaloption.GeneralOptionTest)
Test strlist / strtuple type ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
test_import_modules (test.00-import.ImportTest)
Try to import each module ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: generated list: ['', 'vsc.utils.asyncprocess', 'vsc.utils.daemon', 'vsc.utils.affinity', 'vsc.utils.patterns', 'vsc.utils.optcomplete', 'vsc.utils.groups', 'vsc.utils.dateandtime', '', 'vsc.utils.mail', 'vsc.utils.wrapper', '', 'vsc.utils.exceptions', 'vsc.utils.missing', 'vsc.utils.testing', 'vsc.utils.generaloption', 'vsc.utils.frozendict', 'vsc.utils.fancylogger']
INFO: generated modules list: ['', 'vsc.utils.asyncprocess', 'vsc.utils.daemon', 'vsc.utils.affinity', 'vsc.utils.patterns', 'vsc.utils.optcomplete', 'vsc.utils.groups', 'vsc.utils.dateandtime', '', 'vsc.utils.mail', 'vsc.utils.wrapper', '', 'vsc.utils.exceptions', 'vsc.utils.missing', 'vsc.utils.testing', 'vsc.utils.generaloption', 'vsc.utils.frozendict', 'vsc.utils.fancylogger']
test_import_packages (test.00-import.ImportTest)
Try to import each namespace ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: initial packages list: dict_keys(['vsc', 'vsc.utils', 'vsc.utils.py2vs3'])
INFO: generated list: dict_keys(['vsc', 'vsc.utils', 'vsc.utils.py2vs3'])
INFO: generated packages list: dict_keys(['vsc', 'vsc.utils', 'vsc.utils.py2vs3'])
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: Header is an external compatible license. Leaving the header as-is.
INFO: Header is an external compatible license. Leaving the header as-is.
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: Header is an external compatible license. Leaving the header as-is.
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: Header is an external compatible license. Leaving the header as-is.
INFO: Header is an external compatible license. Leaving the header as-is.
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: Header is an external compatible license. Leaving the header as-is.
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
test_importscripts (test.00-import.ImportTest)
Try to import each python script as a module ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: generated list: ['bin/__pycache__', 'bin/', 'bin/', 'bin/optcomplete.bash']
INFO: generated scripts list: ['bin/__pycache__', 'bin/', 'bin/', 'bin/optcomplete.bash']
INFO: get_header for script /home/alex/src/vsc-base/bin/
INFO: Shebang found in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/bin/ (ext: .py): #!/usr/bin/env python
INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: found match name vsc-base in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: found match url in /home/alex/src/vsc-base/.git/config
INFO: reg found: ('', 'hpcugent/vsc-base')
INFO: get_name_url returns {'name': 'vsc-base', 'url': '', 'download_url': ''}
INFO: found license /home/alex/src/vsc-base/LICENSE with md5sum 5f30f0716dfdd0d91eb439ebec522ec2
INFO: Found license name LGPLv2+ and classifier License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+)
test_jenkinsfile (test.00-import.ImportTest)
Test whether Jenkinsfile is in place, and was auto-generated by vsc-install. ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vsc_install-0.17.24-py3.6.egg/vsc/install/ DeprecationWarning: The SafeConfigParser class has been renamed to ConfigParser in Python 3.2. This alias will be removed in future versions. Use ConfigParser directly instead.
cfgparser = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
test_prospector (test.00-import.ImportTest)
Test prospector failures ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
INFO: Using prosector version
test_tox_ini (test.00-import.ImportTest)
Test whether tox.ini is in place, and was auto-generated by vsc-install. ... INFO: run_tests from base dir /home/alex/src/vsc-base (using executable /home/alex/src/vsc-base/
/home/alex/src/vsc-base/.tox/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vsc_install-0.17.24-py3.6.egg/vsc/install/ DeprecationWarning: The SafeConfigParser class has been renamed to ConfigParser in Python 3.2. This alias will be removed in future versions. Use ConfigParser directly instead.
cfgparser = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
test_env_to_boolean_false (test.fancylogger.EnvToBooleanTest) ... ok
test_env_to_boolean_true (test.fancylogger.EnvToBooleanTest) ... ok
test_env_to_boolean_undef_with_default (test.fancylogger.EnvToBooleanTest) ... ok
test_env_to_boolean_undef_without_default (test.fancylogger.EnvToBooleanTest) ... ok
test_logtofile (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerLogToFileTest)
Test to see if logtofile doesn't fail when logging to a non existing file /directory ... ok
test_classname_in_log (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest)
Do a log and check if the classname is correctly in it ... ok
test_deprecated (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest)
Test deprecated log function. ... /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/tmp73xempb_' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
return open(self.logfn, 'r').read()
test_fail (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest)
Test fail log method. ... /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/tmpw9d1odc_' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
return open(self.logfn, 'r').read()
/usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/tmpw9d1odc_' mode='a' encoding='UTF-8'>
for index, test in enumerate(self):
test_fancyrecord (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest) ... ok
/usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/tmpxzdzytvs' mode='a' encoding='UTF-8'>
for index, test in enumerate(self):
test_getDetailsLogLevels (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest) ... ok
/usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/tmpkug75jp2' mode='a' encoding='UTF-8'>
for index, test in enumerate(self):
test_getlevelint (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest)
Test the getLevelInt ... ok
/usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/tmpjjxhzc7c' mode='a' encoding='UTF-8'>
for index, test in enumerate(self):
test_normal_warning_logging (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest) ... ok
/usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/tmpdt8v9pto' mode='a' encoding='UTF-8'>
for index, test in enumerate(self):
test_parentinfo (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest)
Test the collection of parentinfo ... ok
test_raiseException (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest)
Test raiseException log method. ... /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/tmp/tmpp4i65wp9' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
return open(self.logfn, 'r').read()
test_stream_stdout_stderr (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest) ... /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
sys.stderr = _stderr
/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name=15 mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
self._stream_stdouterr(False, True)
/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name=15 mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
self._stream_stdouterr(True, False)
/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name=15 mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
self._stream_stdouterr(False, False)
/home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
self._stream_stdouterr(False, False)
test_utf8_decoding (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest)
Test UTF8 decoding. ... /home/alex/src/vsc-base/test/ DeprecationWarning: The 'warn' method is deprecated, use 'warning' instead
test_zzz_fancylogger_as_rootlogger_logging (test.fancylogger.FancyLoggerTest) ... ok
test_colorize_always (test.fancylogger.ScreenLogFormatterFactoryTest) ... ok
test_colorize_auto_nontty (test.fancylogger.ScreenLogFormatterFactoryTest) ... /usr/lib64/python3.6/unittest/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='/dev/null' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
test_colorize_auto_tty (test.fancylogger.ScreenLogFormatterFactoryTest) ... skipped 'cannot get a stream connected to a TTY'
test_colorize_never (test.fancylogger.ScreenLogFormatterFactoryTest) ... ok
Ran 120 tests in 487.269s
OK (skipped=1)
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
py27: commands succeeded
py36: commands succeeded
congratulations :)
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