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Created August 23, 2010 09:30
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use feature':5.12';
sub S(&){pop}
$,=S{goto pop};
sub p{push@{+shift},@_}
sub c{my$l=$,;for my$r(@_){my$L=$l;
sub a{my@A=@_;S{my($i,$c,$o)=@_;$o=&$_($i,$c)and return$o for@A;0}}
sub A{$#_?a(map c(@$_),@_):c(@{+pop})}
sub k{my($I,$k)=@_;$k=a c($I,S{&$k}),$,}
p\@a,$r=[]when'|';p$r,k pop@$r when'*';
p$r,c $$r[-1],k pop@$r when'+';p$r,a pop@$r,$,when '?';
say&$P($_,S{!length pop})?"true":"false"for@ARGV
use feature ':5.10';
sub nil { # $, in golf
my ($input, $cont) = @_;
sub EOI { # inlined in the parser call in golf
my ($input) = @_;
length($input) == 0;
sub literal { # inlined in the builder in golf
my ($match) = @_;
sub {
my ($input, $cont) = @_;
if ($input =~ s/^\Q$match//) {
sub concat_2 { # not in golf
my ($left, $right) = @_;
sub {
my ($input, $cont) = @_;
my $matchright = sub {
my ($input) = @_;
$right->($input, $cont); # $cont from outer
$left->($input, $matchright);
sub concat { # sub c
my $left = \&nil;
for my $right (@_) {
$left = concat_2($left, $right);
sub alternate { # sub a
my @alternatives = @_;
sub {
my ($input, $cont) = @_;
for my $alt (@alternatives) {
if (my $result = $alt->($input, $cont)) {
return $result;
return; # all failed
sub star { # sub k
my ($inner) = @_;
my $star;
$star = alternate(
concat_2( $inner, sub { $star->(@_) } ),
sub plus { # not in golfed
my ($inner) = @_;
return concat_2($inner, star($inner)),
sub maybe { # not in golfed
my ($inner) = @_;
return alternate($inner, \&nil);
# Takes a list of alternatives, each one of which is an arrayref holding
# a list of concatenated atoms. Calls concatenate() and alternate() on them
# in turn to build up a matcher. This is how we finalize either a paren group
# or the whole regex.
sub flatten {
my @alternates = @_;
if (@alternates > 1) {
return alternate(
map { concat(@$_) } @alternates
} else {
return concat(@{ $alternates[0] });
sub build_regex {
my ($regex) = @_;
my @alternatives =
$concat = [];
my @paren_groups;
for (split //, $regex) {
when ('(') {
push @paren_groups, [ @alternatives ]; # Save on the stack
@alternatives = $concat = []; # Clear the working space
when (')') {
# Turn the current workspace into a real matcher
my $current_group = flatten( @alternatives );
# Pop back to where we were before we entered this paren
@alternatives = @{ pop @paren_groups };
$concat = @alternatives[-1];
# And add the matcher for this paren group to the outer scope
push @$concat, $current_group;
when ('|') {
# Start a new empty concat list and push it on the alternatives
$concat = [];
push @alternatives, $concat;
when ('*') { # Replace last atom with a starred version of itself
$concat->[-1] = star( $concat->[-1] );
when ('+') { # Replace last atom with a plussed version of itself
$concat->[-1] = plus( $concat->[-1] );
when ('?') { # Replace last atom with a maybe'd version of itself
$concat->[-1] = maybe( $concat->[-1] );
default { # Generate a literal char matcher
push @$concat, literal($_); # inline in golf
# Build the top-level matcher
return flatten(@alternatives);
my $regex = shift(@ARGV);
my $parser = build_regex($regex);
for my $str (@ARGV) {
if ($parser->($str, \&EOI)) { # EOI is inline in golf
say "true";
} else {
say "false";
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