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Стих про спорт на английском языке

Стих про спорт на английском языке

Стих про спорт на английском языке

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Стихи про спорт на английском языке

Pen Friends Club Login: Top 10 Join us! Ru Английский для детей Дружественные рассылки Полезные советы из интернета Не молчи! Читаем про рыцарей и королей без перевода Учим английский язык, читая классическую литературу Голосование Какие виды дополнительных занятий Вы используете для обучения детей иностранным языкам? This is the season When children ski And Father Frost brings The New Year Tree! New things to learn, new friends to meet. New songs to sing, new books to read. New things to see, new things to hear. New things to do in this New Year! New Year Day New Year Day, happy day! We are all glad and very gay. We all dance and sing and say: Chill December brings the sleet, Blazing fire and Christmas treat. January brings the snow, Makes our feet and fingers glow. February brings the rain, Thaws the frozen lake again. Here is my broomstick, here is my hat. When the jolly sunshine comes to stay Then I slowly melt away! Oh, New Year Tree, Oh, New Year Tree, Who we love to see you! Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh, Christmas Tree You give us so much pleasure. You do not fade with winter snow. You bloom with lights when cold wind blow. Who comes around on a special night? Santa comes around on a special night. Who wears a long cap on his head? Santa wears a long cap on his head? Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way. Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh! So softy came the snowflakes down That no one heard in all the town. And right-side up they landed too, As parachuting elves would do. So when the morning came — surprise! The world lay white before your eyes. With cotton roof and hills a-blur And avenues of rabbit fur Snowflakes. They float and drift, and drift and float, And then settle down on the ground. There is snow on my coat And snow on my shoes. There is snow on the plants And snow on the trees. And snowflakes all around me Like many white bees! And all the toys for girls and boys Into his great big sack. Soldiers are you ready? Then march round one, two, three! I am a fairy doll on the Christmas tree. Boys and girls come and look at me! Look at me, see what I can do. Then all of you can do it too! Snow, snow, snowman grow. Oh, the sun — snowman, run! Here is my pipe and here is my hat. Will you count them all with me? Rain, Wind and Snow. Rain, rain, April rain! Bring the flowers back again, Yellow cowslip, violet blue, Butter-cups and daisies too. He the leafy trees has thinned, Loudly hear him roar and shout; Bar the door and keep him out. Snow, snow, pure white snow! Cover up the seed so warm Through the winter safe from harm. Rain, wind, snow, all three, Each in turn shall welcome be, Each and all in turn are sent On the earth with good intend. Look at the snow, Over the garden way. So deep and so white, It has fallen all night; We cannot go out to-day! Father Frost, bring many toys For little girls and little boys! In winter when fields are white. In winter, when the fields are white, I sing this song for your delight. In autumn, when the leaves are brown, Take a pen and ink, and write it down. January brings the snow, Makes our feet and fingers glows. February brings the rains, Thaws the frozen lake again. March brings breezes sharp and chill, Shakes the dancing daffodil. April brings the primrose sweet, Scatters daisies at our feet. May brings flocks of pretty lambs, Sporting round their fleecy dams. Hot July brings thunder-showers, Apricots, and gilly-flowers. August brings the sheaves of corn; Then the harvest home is borne. Warm September brings the fruit; Sportsmen then begin to shoot. Brown October brings the pheasant, Then to gather nuts is pleasant. Dull November brings the blast— Hark! Cold December brings the sleet, Blazing fire, and Christmas treat. Winter is snowy, winter is frosty. The ground is white all day and all night! The snow is falling, the wind is blowing. Skating, skating, skating, round and round we go Over frosty ice and through the frosty snow. Skating, skating, skating boys and girls so gay! They like to skate together on a winter day! All the leaves are falling down, Falling down, falling down. Falling , falling to the ground It is autumn! As they fall they twirl around, Twirl around, twirl around. Twirling, swirling to the ground. Lots of colours touch the ground, Touch the ground, touch the ground. Red and yellow, green and brown. Warm September brings the fruit, Sportsmen then begin to shoot. October brings the pheasant, Then to gather nuts is pleasant. Dull November brings the blast, Then the leaves are wiring fast. Rain on the green grass, Rain on the tree. Rain on the house-top But not on me! Rain, rain, go away! Come again another day! This is a season when fruit is sweet, This is a season when friends meet, This is a season when leaves fall down Red, orange, yellow, brown. The song of seasons. Sing the song of seasons! Something bright in all. Flowers in the summer, Fires in the fall. Come and stand in the sun So I pick you one by one. Yellow, red and green and brown, See, the little leaves come down. Dancing, dancing in the breeze, Falling, falling from the trees Dance of the leaves. First they dance upon the trees, Then they float on the breeze. About rain… When the dew is on the grass Rain will never come to pass. Rain, rain, Go to Spain Fair weather Come again. Oh, where do you come from, You little drops of rain, Pitter- patter, pitter- patter, Down the window-pane? They put away my playthings Because I broke them all, And then they locked up all my bricks, And took away my ball. Tell me little raindrops, Is that the way you play , Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, All the rainy day? The little raindrops cannot speak, But pitter-patter pat Means "We can play on this side: Please to remember The fifth of November, Gunpowder, treason, and plot I know no reason Why gunpowder and treason Should ever be forgot. In September, last July. One fine October morning In September, last July The moon lay thick upon the ground, The snow shone in the sky. The flowers were singing gaily And the birds were in full bloom. I went down to the cellar To sweep the upstairs room. This is the season. This is the season When vegetables grow. I come to the garden And make water flow. На главную Сказки Стихи Игры Азбука Песенки Веселые уроки Карточки Домана Словарь Английские договорки Game of the day Пословицы Обучающие материалы Интересные ссылки Объявления Download Игры Книги Статьи Советы Веселые картинки Обо всем на свете Клуб друзей по переписке Скороговорки Архив песен Отгадай-ка Тест Фотогалерея Куда пойти учиться. Английский для детей Дружественные рассылки Полезные советы из интернета Не молчи! Читаем про рыцарей и королей без перевода Учим английский язык, читая классическую литературу. Какие виды дополнительных занятий Вы используете для обучения детей иностранным языкам? Другие голосования на сайте. Времена года Цвета Стихи о людях Стихи о животных Стихи о природе Рифмовки и небылицы Считалки Веселые школьные стихотворения. Все эти замечательные стихотворения присланы Анной Кинк и Людмилой Верховцевой. January The windows are blue at night. But in the morning they are white. And snowflakes are falling Come out they are calling. February Get out of bed and take your sled This cold and frosty day. The sun is bright, the snow is right For outdoor winter day. New Year Come, children, gather round my knee, Something is about to be. New Year A happy New Year! The day is so clear, The snow is so white, The sky is so bright, We shout with all our might: What a lot of snow! Let us make some snowballs We all like to throw. Let us sledge and ski! Robin In winter-time When the days are chill, A robin sits on my window-sill. I putout bread For him to eat, And cake-crumbs too As a little treat. This is the season When mornings are dark, And birds do not sing In the forests and park. Slide, slide, the ice is strong. Quickly, quickly slide along! Christmas is coming the goose are getting fat. The north wind blow. The north wind doth blow, And we shall have snow, And what will poor robin do then, Poor thing? Bells on bobtail ring, making spirit bright, What fun it is to ride and sing The sleighing song tonight!

Стихи про спорт на английском языке

I dribble up and down the court. The ball goes bouncing off my toes. He stumbles back and grabs his nose. The other players stop and stare. With no one playing anymore. I grab the ball. I love this game! The teacher cried, but, hey--we won. I Played a Game. I played a game. I rode my bike. I had a snack. I took a hike. I read a book. I built a fort. I climbed a tree. I surfed the web. I caught a bug. I called my friends. I dug a hole. I kicked a ball. I scored a goal. I had a swim. I learned to skate. I played with toys. I stayed up late. I do like school,. My Bunny Lies Over My Doggy. My pets were out practicing football. My frog intercepted a pass. My cat and my dog and my bunny. My bunny lies over my doggy. My kitty is over my froggy,. He cannot eat flies now for dinner. If you see your pets playing football,. I am a skateboard. Flying through the air. With all my might. Once I catch some air,. With my natural-born flair. Swirling like the blade. That is cutting my hair. Being watched by my fans,. While doing my best. With the sweat running down my chest,. I know in my heart. But I have to confess. Why I am the best? It is the heart that my God gave me. Planted in my chest. Sliding, slipping, gliding, tripping. Slapping, slopping, frosted topping. To my chest my. I wheeze and gasp. My mouth is dry. My heart beats fast. My voice has gone. My throat is sore. My hands both shake. I can take no more. I lay my head. Now blow the whistle. Too foggy for football. Come hail and tempest,. The master of cunning. Will, with a sly smile, suggest. Some cross country running. Еще много стихов для детей можно найти на сайте http: По умолчанию Сначала новые Сначала старые. The ball goes bouncing off my toes and beans the teacher on the nose. He stumbles back and grabs his nose and hits the wall and down he goes. Я не понял, зачем копировать уже имеющееся здесь стихотворение? Предложили бы что-то новое: I caught a bug inside a jar. My cat and my dog and my bunny then tackled him flat on the grass. He cannot eat flies now for dinner except when I flatten them first. Flipping and grinding With all my might. Spinning and twisting With my natural-born flair. Swirling like the blade That is cutting my hair. Being watched by my fans, While doing my best. But I have to confess Why I am the best? It is the heart that my God gave me Planted in my chest. Come hail and tempest, The master of cunning Will, with a sly smile, suggest Some cross country running. Сайт управляется системой uCoz Служебный вход.

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