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import React from "react";
import { motion } from "framer-motion";
import { BeatLoader } from "react-spinners";
import { faCopy } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";
import { toast } from "react-hot-toast";
import Icon from "atoms/icon";
import useStopwatch from "hooks/use-stopwatch";
import useDebounceFn from "hooks/use-debounceFn";
import * as theme from "modules/theme";
55Cancri / index.ts
Last active May 24, 2023 20:11
theme modules
// modules/theme/index.ts
// spread the scales in your light and dark themes
import { createStitches } from "@stitches/react";
import type * as Stitches from "@stitches/react";
import * as Dict from "shared/dict";
import * as _l from "./literals";
import { Token } from "@stitches/react/types/theme";
55Cancri / dict.ts
Created May 24, 2023 20:12
import clone_deep from "lodash.clonedeep"
* dicts are homogeneous- their values must be of the same type
* records can hold values of different types
type t = Record<string, unknown> | object
export { clone_deep }
// atoms/grid/index.ts
import React from "react";
import { motion, MotionConfig, Transition } from "framer-motion";
import * as theme from "modules/theme";
const Stitch = theme.styled(motion.div, {
// base styles
display: "grid",