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Playing with depth first search (dfs) algorithm. / published by #54f07fc8-3aa5-4200-bbe3-84f70644073a/466e7d8c8ca243697ea1dbddf2813d7281d475e5
// summary : Playing with depth first search (dfs) algorithm.
// keywords : scala, algorithm, scalatest, dfs, search, labyrinth, @testable
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : 54f07fc8-3aa5-4200-bbe3-84f70644073a
// created-on : 2019-06-25T16:47:49Z
// managed-by :
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.1.1"
//> using dep "org.scalatest::scalatest:3.2.10"
// ---------------------
import org.scalatest._, flatspec.AnyFlatSpec, matchers.should.Matchers
// ==========================================================================
// generated with
val repr =
|# # # # # # # #
|# # ### ##### # ### # ### ### #
|# # # # # # #
|# ### ### ### # # ### ### #####
|# # # # # # # # # #
|# ##### # # ### # # # ### ### #
|# # # # # # # # # #
|##### # ### # # ### ######### #
|# # # S# # # # #
|# # # ### ####### # ### ### # #
|# # # # # # # #
|# # ### ####### ##### ####### #
|# # # # # #
|### ### # ##### ##### # ### ###
|# # # # # # # # # #
|# ### # ######### # ##### ### #
|# # # # # # # # # #
|# # # # ### ##### # ##### # # #
|# # # # # #E#
trait Part {
val repr: Char
object Floor extends Part {
override val repr = ' '
object Wall extends Part {
override val repr = '#'
object Exit extends Part {
override val repr = 'E'
object Entry extends Part {
override val repr = 'S'
object Explored extends Part {
override val repr = 'o'
case class Position(y: Int, x: Int) {
def up = Position(y - 1, x)
def down = Position(y + 1, x)
def right = Position(y, x + 1)
def left = Position(y, x - 1)
override def toString: String = s"($y,$x)"
trait World {
def moves(from:Position):Iterable[Position]
case class Labyrinth(parts: Array[Array[Part]]) extends World {
val width =
val height = parts.size
override def toString: String = {"\n")
def findFirst(part: Part): Option[Position] = {
val result = for {
(row, y) <- parts.zipWithIndex
(cell, x) <- row.zipWithIndex
if cell == part
} yield Position(y, x)
val entry: Option[Position] = findFirst(Entry)
val exit: Option[Position] = findFirst(Exit)
def isValidMove(pos: Position): Boolean = {
pos.x >= 0 && pos.x < width && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < height
def partAt(pos: Position): Option[Part] = {
if (isValidMove(pos)) Option(parts(pos.y)(pos.x))
else None
override def moves(from: Position): Iterable[Position] = {
List(from.up, from.down, from.left, from.right)
.filterNot(pos => partAt(pos) == Some(Wall))
def mark(pos: Position): Option[Labyrinth] = {
if (isValidMove(pos) && partAt(pos) == Some(Floor)) {
val clonedParts = parts.clone()
clonedParts(pos.y)(pos.x) = Explored
} else None
object Labyrinth {
def apply(input: String): Labyrinth = {
val data = input.split("\n").map { row => {
case Floor.repr => Floor
case Wall.repr => Wall
case Entry.repr => Entry
case Exit.repr => Exit
object LabyrinthTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers {
override val suiteName = "LabyrinthTest"
"Labyrinth" should "be loadable from a string" in {
val lab = Labyrinth(repr)
lab.toString shouldBe repr
it should "have an entry and an exit" in {
val lab = Labyrinth(repr)
lab.entry shouldBe defined
//lab.exit shouldBe defined
it should "be possible to know possible moves from a valid position" in {
val lab = Labyrinth(repr)
val moves = lab.moves(Position(1, 1))
moves should have size (1)
moves shouldBe List(Position(2, 1))
it should "be markable for example to display explored path" in {
val lab = Labyrinth(repr)
.mark(Position(2, 1))
.split("\n")(2)(1) shouldBe 'o'
// ==========================================================================
val lab = Labyrinth(repr)
type Solution = Vector[Position]
// first found solution
def dfs_recursive(world: World, from:Position, goal:Position): Solution = {
def worker(current: Position, visited: Vector[Position] = Vector.empty): Solution = {
if (current == goal) visited else {
val nextMoves = world.moves(current)
.map(move => worker(move, visited:+move))
.find(_.size > 0)
worker(from, Vector(from))
// first found solution
case class Work(currentPosition:Position, currentPath:Vector[Position])
def dfs_iterative(world:World, from:Position, goal:Position): Solution = {
var visited = Set.empty[Position]
var solutions = List.empty[Solution]
val works = scala.collection.mutable.Stack(Work(from, Vector(from)))
//while(!works.isEmpty) {
while(!works.isEmpty && solutions.isEmpty) {
val work = works.pop()
val current = work.currentPosition
if (current == goal) {
solutions ::= work.currentPath
} else {
visited += current
val nextMoves = world.moves(current).filterNot(visited.contains)
nextMoves.foreach { move =>
works.push(Work(move, work.currentPath :+ move))
val solution1 = dfs_recursive(lab, lab.entry.get, lab.exit.get) // TODO - of course dangerous ;)
println("Solution length : "+solution1.size)
println("Solution : "+solution1)
val solution2= dfs_iterative(lab, lab.entry.get, lab.exit.get) // TODO - of course dangerous ;)
println("Solution length : "+solution2.size)
println("Solution : "+solution2)
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