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Created June 4, 2021 11:08
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import { Translators } from "../translators";
import { getItemsAsync } from "../get-items-async";
import { Preference } from "../../gen/preferences";
import { log } from "../logger";
import { fromEntries } from "../object";
import * as unicode_table from "unicode2latex/tables/unicode.json";
const unicode2latex = fromEntries(Object.entries(unicode_table).map(([unicode, latex]) => [unicode, { text: latex.text || latex.math, math: !latex.text }]));
function tolatex(s) {
if (!s)
return "";
return s.split("").map((c) => ({ ...unicode2latex[c] || { text: c, math: false } })).reduce((acc, c) => {
const last = acc[acc.length - 1];
if (last && last.math === c.math) {
last.text += c.text;
} else {
return acc;
}, []).map((c) => c.math ? `$${c.text}$` : c.text).join("");
function shortLabel(label, options) {
if (typeof options[label] === "string")
return options[label];
return {
article: "art.",
chapter: "ch.",
subchapter: "subch.",
column: "col.",
figure: "fig.",
line: "l.",
note: "n.",
issue: "no.",
opus: "op.",
page: "p.",
paragraph: "para.",
subparagraph: "subpara.",
part: "pt.",
rule: "r.",
section: "sec.",
subsection: "subsec.",
Section: "Sec.",
"sub verbo": "sv.",
schedule: "sch.",
title: "tit.",
verse: "vrs.",
volume: "vol."
}[label] || label;
function citation2latex(citation, options) {
let formatted = "";
const label = `${shortLabel(citation.label, { page: "", ...options })} `.trimLeft();
if (citation.prefix)
formatted += `[${tolatex(citation.prefix)}]`;
if (citation.locator && citation.suffix) {
formatted += `[${tolatex(label)}${tolatex(citation.locator)}, ${tolatex(citation.suffix)}]`;
} else if (citation.locator) {
formatted += `[${tolatex(label)}${tolatex(citation.locator)}]`;
} else if (citation.suffix) {
formatted += `[${tolatex(citation.suffix)}]`;
} else if (citation.prefix) {
formatted += "[]";
formatted += `{${citation.citekey}}`;
return formatted;
export const Formatter = new class {
async playground(citations, options) {
const formatted = await => `${options.keyprefix || ""}${cit.citekey}${options.keypostfix || ""}`);
return formatted.length ? `${options.citeprefix || ""}${formatted.join(options.separator || ",")}${options.citekeypostfix || ""}` : "";
async citationLinks(citations, _options) {
return await => `cites: ${citation.citekey}`).join("\n");
async cite(citations, options) {
return this.natbib(citations, options);
async citet(citations, options) {
return this.natbib(citations, { command: "citet", ...options });
async citep(citations, options) {
return this.natbib(citations, { command: "citep", ...options });
async latex(citations, options) {
return this.natbib(citations, options);
async natbib(citations, options) {
if (!options.command)
options.command = "cite";
if (citations.length === 0)
return "";
if (citations.length > 1) {
const state = citations.reduce((acc, cit) => {
for (const field of ["prefix", "suffix", "suppressAuthor", "locator", "label"]) {
acc[field] = (acc[field] || 0) + (cit[field] ? 1 : 0);
return acc;
}, {});
if (state.suffix === 0 && state.prefix === 0 && state.locator === 0 && (state.suppressAuthor === 0 || state.suppressAuthor === citations.length)) {
return `\\${citations[0].suppressAuthor ? "citeyear" : options.command}{${ => citation.citekey).join(",")}}`;
let formatted = "";
for (const citation of citations) {
formatted += `\\${citation.suppressAuthor ? "citeyear" : options.command}${citation2latex(citation, options)}`;
return formatted;
async biblatex(citations, options) {
if (citations.length === 0)
return "";
let command = options.command ? options.command : "autocite";
if (citations.length === 1) {
const citation = citations[0];
const suppressAuthor = citation.suppressAuthor && /^(auto|paren|)cite$/.exec(command) ? "*" : "";
return `\\${command}${suppressAuthor}${citation2latex(citation, options)}`;
citations ="");
if (citations.includes("[")) {
command = command.endsWith("s") ? command : `${command}s`;
} else {
citations = citations.replace(/\}\{/g, ",");
return `\\${command}${citations}`;
async mmd(citations, _options) {
const formatted = [];
for (const citation of citations) {
if (citation.prefix) {
} else {
return formatted.join("");
async pandoc(citations, options) {
const formatted = [];
for (const citation of citations) {
let cite = "";
if (citation.prefix)
cite += `${citation.prefix} `;
if (citation.suppressAuthor)
cite += "-";
cite += `@${citation.citekey}`;
if (citation.locator)
cite += `, ${shortLabel(citation.label, options)} ${citation.locator}`.replace(/\s+/, " ");
if (citation.suffix)
cite += ` ${citation.suffix}`;
return `${options.brackets ? "[" : ""}${formatted.join("; ")}${options.brackets ? "]" : ""}`;
async "asciidoctor-bibtex"(citations, options) {
const formatted = [];
for (const citation of citations) {
let cite = citation.citekey;
if (citation.locator) {
const label = `${shortLabel(citation.label, { page: "", ...options })} ${citation.locator}`.trim();
cite += `(${label})`;
return `${options.cite || "cite"}:[${formatted.join(", ")}]`;
async "scannable-cite"(citations, options) {
const odfScan = await new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
AddonManager.getAddonByID("", (addon) => resolve(addon && addon.isActive));
if (!odfScan)
throw new Error('scannable-cite needs the "RTF/ODF Scan for Zotero" plugin to be installed');
const items = await getItemsAsync( =>;
const labels = (await Translators.exportItems("248bebf1-46ab-4067-9f93-ec3d2960d0cd", null, { type: "items", items })).split(/[{}]+/).filter((cite) => cite).reduce((result, item) => {
const [, text, , , id] = item.split("|").map((v) => v.trim());
result[id] = text;
return result;
}, {});
if (citations.length !== Object.keys(labels).length)
throw new Error(`Scannable Cite parse error: picked ${citations.length}, found ${Object.keys(labels).length}`);
let citation = "";
for (const item of citations) {
const [, kind, lib, key] = item.uri.match(/^http:\/\/zotero\.org\/(users|groups)\/((?:local\/)?[^/]+)\/items\/(.+)/);
const id = `${kind === "users" ? "zu" : "zg"}:${lib.startsWith("local/") ? "0" : lib}:${key}`;
if (!labels[id])
throw new Error(`No formatted citation found for ${id}`);
const enriched = [
item.prefix || "",
`${item.suppressAuthor ? "-" : ""}${labels[id]}`,
item.locator ? `${shortLabel(item.label, options)} ${item.locator}`.trim() : "",
item.suffix || "",
Preference.testing ? "zu:0:ITEMKEY" : id
].join(" | ").replace(/ +/g, " ");
citation += `{ ${enriched.trim()} }`;
return citation;
async "formatted-citation"(citations, options) {
let quickCopy = Zotero.Prefs.get("export.quickCopy.setting");
log.debug("CAYW.formatted-citation: format=", quickCopy, "options=", options);
if ( {
quickCopy = `bibliography/${options.contentType || "text"}=`;
if (!"http://"))
quickCopy += "";
quickCopy +=;
const format = Zotero.QuickCopy.unserializeSetting(quickCopy);
log.debug("CAYW.formatted-citation: format=", quickCopy, format);
if (format.mode !== "bibliography") {
throw new Error(`formatted-citations requires the Zotero default quick-copy format to be set to a citation style; it is currently ${format}`);
await getItemsAsync( =>;
const locale = format.locale ? format.locale : Zotero.Prefs.get("export.quickCopy.locale");
const csl = Zotero.Styles.get(;
csl.updateItems( =>;
const citation = {
citationItems: => ({ ...item, "suppress-author": item.suppressAuthor })),
properties: {}
return csl.previewCitationCluster(citation, [], [], format.contentType);
async "formatted-bibliography"(citations) {
const format = Zotero.Prefs.get("export.quickCopy.setting");
if (Zotero.QuickCopy.unserializeSetting(format).mode !== "bibliography") {
throw new Error(`formatted-bibliography requires the Zotero default quick-copy format to be set to a citation style; it is currently ${format}`);
const items = await getItemsAsync( =>;
return Zotero.QuickCopy.getContentFromItems(items, format, null, false).text;
async translate(citations, options) {
const items = await getItemsAsync( =>;
const label = (options.translator || "biblatex").replace(/\s/g, "").toLowerCase().replace("better", "");
const translator = Object.keys(Translators.byId).find((id) => Translators.byId[id].label.replace(/\s/g, "").toLowerCase().replace("better", "") === label) || options.translator;
const exportOptions = {
exportNotes: ["yes", "y", "true"].includes((options.exportNotes || "").toLowerCase()),
useJournalAbbreviation: ["yes", "y", "true"].includes((options.useJournalAbbreviation || "").toLowerCase())
return await Translators.exportItems(translator, exportOptions, { type: "items", items });
async json(citations, _options) {
return JSON.stringify(citations);
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