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Forked from soffes/install.markdown
Created September 12, 2010 16:37
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Save jakemarsh/576223 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
What I do after I do a fresh install. Things are sorta grouped by type.

New Machine

What I do after I do a fresh install. Things are sorta grouped by type.

General Config

  1. Start downloading Xcode
  2. Disable auto-bright and turn brightness all the way up
  3. Turn up trackpad tracking
  4. Disable trackpad pinch open & close
  5. Control-F7 to enable better tabbing
  6. Setup MobileMe syncing
  7. Remove sync from menubar
  8. Disable energy saver dimming and up sleep times
  9. Clean up dock
  10. Remove Bluetooth from menubar
  11. Remove sound from menubar
  12. Turn on auto-hiding dock and magnification
  13. Change default Finder sorting
  14. Snap desktop items to grid
  15. Remote stupid MyBook drive sudo sh -c "echo UUID=diskutil info /Volumes/WD\ SmartWare/ | grep 'UUID' | awk '{print $NF}' none hfs rw,noauto 0 0 >> /etc/fstab"

Install Apps

  1. Install Growl
  2. Install Rogie HUD Growl Theme
  3. Install Dropbox
  4. Change Dropbox menubar color
  5. Install Chrome and make default browser
  6. Install JSON extension
  7. Setup Chrome sync
  8. Install FireFox
  9. Install FireBug
  10. Install Quicksilver
  11. Setup Quicksilver
  12. Change Spotlight shortcut
  13. Install Wallet
  14. Setup Wallet syncing
  15. Install Transmit
  16. Install Coda
  17. Install CoverSutra
  18. Setup iChat
  19. Install Chax
  20. Install Cloud App
  21. Install HTTP Client
  22. Install AppZapper
  23. Install ScreenFlow
  24. Install Tweetie
  25. Install xScope
  26. Install Linkinus
  27. Install Charles

Install Unix Stuff

  1. Create and own /usr/local $ sudo mkdir /usr/local $ sudo chown -R samsoffes /usr/local $ sudo chmod -R 775 /usr/local
  2. Create /usr/local/bin $ mkdir /usr/local/bin
  3. Download TextMate
  4. Setup TextMate mate command
  5. Run Software Update
  6. Install Xcode
  7. Change Terminal fonts
  8. Install Homebrew $ curl -LsSf | sudo tar xvz -C/usr/local --strip 1
  9. Install Git $ brew install git
  10. Install my dotfiles and use zsh $ chsh -s /bin/zsh $ cd ~ $ git init $ git remote add origin
  11. Ignore everything in home (add a * line to the ~/.git/info/exclude file)
  12. Install rvm $ bash < <( curl )
  13. Install Enterprise Ruby 1.8.7 $ rvm install ree

Install TextMate Plugins

  1. Install MissingSidebar $ curl -Lo $ unzip $ open MissingDrawer/MissingDrawer.tmplugin $ rm -rf MissingDrawer
  2. Install SASS TextMate plugin $ git clone git:// "Ruby-Saas-Alternative-Syntax.tmbundle" $ open Ruby-Saas-Alternative-Syntax.tmbundle
  3. Install SCSS TextMate plugin $ git clone $ open SCSS.tmbundle
  4. Install Less TextMate plugin $ git clone $ open less.tmbundle
  5. Install my TextMate theme $ git clone git:// $ open samsoffes-tmtheme/Sam\ Soffes.tmTheme $ rm -rf samsoffes-tmtheme
  6. Install Railscasts TextMate themes $ git clone $ open textmate-themes/railscasts.tmTheme $ open textmate-themes/ryan-light.tmTheme $ rm -rf textmate-themes

Install Rails Environment Stuff

  1. Set REE as default Ruby $ rvm use ree --default
  2. Install Bundler $ gem install bundler --pre
  3. Install PostgreSQL $ brew install postgresql $ initdb /usr/local/var/postgres
  4. Run Software Update again

Install Disc Apps

  1. iLife
  2. iWork
  3. Install Final Cut Express 4
  4. Install Creative Suite 4
  5. Install Logic Studio
  6. Install Live
  7. Run Software Update for the last time

Done. Yays.

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