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Created April 21, 2016 18:28
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(defelem currency-typeahead [{:keys [value options currency id cell] :as attr :or {id (gensym)}} _]
(cell= (.log js/console "options " (clj->js options)))
(let [id (if (cell? id) @id id)
matcher (fn [options]
(fn [q cb]
(let [os (mapv str (js->clj options))]
(= q "")
(do (cb (clj->js os)))
(let [bs (filterv #(startsWith % q) os)]
(cb (clj->js bs)))))))]
(with-let [t (div
(currency-span :currency currency
(input :id id :type "text" :placeholder value :change #(do (.log js/console @%) (when (cell? cell) (reset! cell @%))))))]
(when-dom t #(do
(.log js/console "initialize typeahead")
(js/jQuery (str "#" id))
(clj->js {:minLength 0 :highlight true})
(clj->js {:limit 100 :name "amounts" :source (matcher (clj->js @options))})))))))
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