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rcombs/stdin Secret

Created October 12, 2015 20:44
lavu AES-128 size: 1048576 runs: 1024 time: 0.641 +- 0.169
crypto AES-128 size: 1048576 runs: 1024 time: 17.072 +- 4.007
gcrypt AES-128 size: 1048576 runs: 1024 time: 1.292 +- 0.668
tomcrypt AES-128 size: 1048576 runs: 1024 time: 9.867 +- 1.164
lavu AES-192 size: 1048576 runs: 1024 time: 0.862 +- 0.232
crypto AES-192 size: 1048576 runs: 1024 time: 19.632 +- 2.017
gcrypt AES-192 size: 1048576 runs: 1024 time: 1.427 +- 0.254
tomcrypt AES-192 size: 1048576 runs: 1024 time: 11.246 +- 1.283
lavu AES-256 size: 1048576 runs: 1024 time: 0.980 +- 0.158
crypto AES-256 size: 1048576 runs: 1024 time: 23.786 +- 3.736
gcrypt AES-256 size: 1048576 runs: 1024 time: 1.771 +- 0.439
tomcrypt AES-256 size: 1048576 runs: 1024 time: 13.174 +- 2.123
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