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Last active September 14, 2017 18:21
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Grass перевод на русский язык

Grass перевод на русский язык

“GRASS” на русском языке
Grass - перевод на русский язык. Синонимы
Перевод слова grass на русский язык

Этот перевод был полезным? Определение слова " grass ":. Поместите код ниже, где вы хотите словарь виджет, чтобы появиться на вашем сайте: Встроить этот словарь на вашем сайте:. Grass was involved in the Hitler Youth, was drafted at age 16 and wounded in battle and became a prisoner of war. His extraordinary first novel, The Tin Drum , brought him international fame and he became the literary spokesman for the German generation that grew up in the Nazi era. His other works, all politically topical, include The Flounder ; The Call of the Toad , about the uneasy relationship between Poland and reunified Germany; A Broad Field , controversial for expressing his view that reunification was a mistake; and My Century He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in Any of many low, green, nonwoody plants that make up the families Poaceae or Gramineae , Cyperaceae sedges and Juncaceae rushes. Only the approximately 8,—10, species in the family Poaceae are true grasses. They are the most economically important of all flowering plants because of their nutritious grains and soil-forming function and they are the most widespread and most numerous of plants. The cereal grasses include wheat, corn, rice, rye, oats, barley and millet. Grasses provide forage for grazing animals, shelter for wildlife and construction materials, furniture, utensils and food for humans. Some species are grown as garden ornamentals, cultivated as turf for lawns and recreational areas, or used as cover plants for erosion control. Most have hollow, segmented, round stems, bladelike leaves and extensively branching fibrous root systems. There are many grasslike members of other flowering plant families, but only the approximately 8, to 10, species in the family Poaceae, which belongs to the order Cyperales, are true grasses. They are economically the most important of all flowering plants because of their nutritious grains and soil-forming function and they also have the most widespread distribution and the largest number of individuals. Grasses provide forage for grazing animals, shelter for wildlife, construction materials, furniture, utensils and food for man. Some species are grown as garden ornamentals, cultivated as turf for lawns and recreational areas or used as cover plants for erosion control. Most grasses have round stems that are hollow between the joints, bladelike leaves and extensively branching fibrous root systems. Dream symbol Heart, circulatory system, emotions. Dream symbol Weedy or water logged Circulatory system, lymph system. Нажмите здесь, чтобы получить необходимый HTML-кода.

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