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План конспектпо английскому языку 11

План конспектпо английскому языку 11

План конспектпо английскому языку 11

План-конспект урока английского языка в 11 классе по теме "Изобретения" (Верисоцкая И.Л. и Попова Г.А.)
План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе на тему «Медицина: вчера и сегодня»
План-конспект урока английского языка на тему: "Искусство" для 11 класса

Grammar in Use Тип урока: Spotlight для 11 класса. Языковой и речевой материал: Новый материал Материал для повторения лексический: I Начало урока 2 мин: III Заключительный этап 3 мин: Этап урока Речевая деятельность учителя Речевая деятельность учащихся Используемое оснащение урока Начало урока Приветствие Организационный момент Объявление темы урока Stand up! Today we will repeat the grammatical material about the relative clauses. Thanks, we are fine! Today it is… …. Основная часть урока Проверка домашнего задания Повторение лексики Повторение темы Relative Clauses Закрепление темы на практике Введение новой грамматической темы Закрепление на практике новой грамматической темы Ok, and now your home task. At home you had to do exercise 2 a, page Now, we will repeat the words from our last lesson. Look at the blackboard, there is the table! Tell me please, what is the relative clause? What two types of the relative clause do you know? Open your textbooks page 32, exercise 2b. Igor, read the task, please! Open the grammar reference in your textbooks. Please, write this expressions down at home. The relative clause is….. There are two types of the relative clause: Учебник Таблица с правилами на доске Учебник Учебник Учебник Заключительный этап Объяснение домашнего задания Подведение итогов, выставление оценок And now your home task. Exercise number 4a in your textbooks, page There you should join the sentences using the expressions given in brackets. You have done a good job! Учителю Иностранные языки План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе. X Чтобы скачать данный файл, порекомендуйте его своим друзьям в любой соц. После этого кнопка ЗАГРУЗКИ станет активной!

Планы-конспекты уроков по английскому языку в 11 классе. Урок 1. Проблемы молодежи

The topic of the lesson: It is autumn now. If you look out of the window you see the colourful playing of light. Great Aristotle noticed the relationship between a sound and a colour. There are seven musical notes and seven rainbow colours. The note has its own colour. Everyone can understand and should learn to understand the language of colours and sounds. Today we are going to speak about beauty of our world expressed in music, poems and paintings. The aim of the lesson is to know much more information about famous artists of the world, their paintings, their feeling and dive into great world of Art. Listening to it we can first hear the dance of spirits upon the lawn, then breathless movement, descriptive of flight and uncertainly and then vague impulsive terror, which carried us away on its rustling wings and left us in emotion and wonder. A sudden eruption of Vesuvius happened early in the morning in 79 AD and the town was covered with 7 meters of ashes for 18 centuries. The opera inspired a great Russian painter Briullov to create his famous painting under the same title. All of you have your favourite actors, singers, composers, painters. In our gallery there are many reproductions of the paintings of all the times. So you have seen the masterpieces of the greatest artists. Could you describe your favourite painting? Give a short description of your favourite painting. The pupils tell about Repin, Monet, Cezanne, Degas, Renoir, and Leonardo da Vinci. A great Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci was not only the great painter but also a sculpture, made a great contribution in mechanics and optics. Read some interesting information about him. Put down the verbs in the brackets in the right tense forms. Today we shall pay attention to the great British painters of the 18th century. They are William Hogarth, Thomas Gainsborough with his lyrical landscapes and portraits, the intellectual Sir Joshua Reynolds who painted charming society portraits and became the first president of the Royal Academy. Arts play an important part in our life. If you want to enjoy it you must know and understand it. What should we do to understand and enjoy it? I think we should read books about arts. We should learn songs, folk dances, handicrafts. We should visit museums, art galleries, concert halls, because it is impossible to understand classical music sonatas symphonies, operas or masterpieces of great painters without previous preparation. Write an essay about the role of arts in your self — education, what works of arts have impressed you greatly. Поблагодарить автора 2 Добавить в избранное! Сертификаты и призы участникам! Возможности сайта Ответы на популярные вопросы Как принять участие в конкурсах. Новости для педагогов Формирование 21 выпуска новостей от урок. Материал опубликовала Балак Яна Олеговна Ростов-на-Дону. План-конспект урока английского языка для 11 класса На тему: Beethoven Procedure INTRODUCTION 1. Beethoven is sounded during the lesson. What emotions did you feel listening to this music? A word can unite a sound and a colour in itself. The aim of the lesson is to know much more information about famous artists of the world, their paintings, their feeling and dive into great world of Art II. The Main part of the lesson listening, speaking Teacher: Here we can see how a sound and colour can unite. How can arts help us to understand the world? What makes good arts? How do you consider arts, music, painting? Listen to the discussion Aquarium Introducing the presentation Teacher: There are some paintings which have their own history. His Mona Lisa has a strange and fantastic one. Some children tell about the most famous paintings Mona Lisa, Guernica. Introducing the presentation, speaking Teacher: Some students tell about the artists and their masterpieces. Did you enjoy the excursion? Did it help you to understand arts better? Комментарии доступны только участникам группы. Конкурсы по английскому языку.

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