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Created January 24, 2023 11:55
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Counter Flutter app
module fsharp.Main
open Flutter.Foundation
open Flutter.Rendering
open Flutter.Widgets
open Flutter.Material
open Elmish
open Elmish.Flutter
type Model = { count: int }
type Msg =
| Increment
| Decrement
let init () = { count = 0 }, Cmd.none
let update msg model =
match msg with
| Increment -> { model with count = model.count + 1 }, Cmd.none
| Decrement -> { model with count = model.count - 1 }, Cmd.none
let buttons dispatch : Widget =
mainAxisAlignment =,
children =
[| MaterialButton(child = Text("Increment"), onPressed = fun () -> Increment |> dispatch)
MaterialButton(child = Text("Decrement"), onPressed = fun () -> Decrement |> dispatch)
SizedBox(width = 8) |]
let view model dispatch context : Widget =
appBar = AppBar(title = Text("Hello from F#!")),
body =
child =
mainAxisAlignment =,
children =
[| Text("Count:")
Text(model.count |> string)
SizedBox(height = 8)
buttons dispatch |]
type MyApp(?key: Key) =
inherit StatelessWidget(?key = key)
override =
MaterialApp(title = "Hello from F#!", home = ElmishWidget.From(init, update, view))
let main () = MyApp() |> runApp
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