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Created November 27, 2019 13:01
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# Start a nix shell with extra-container (
nix-shell -p '
(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage (builtins.fetchTarball {
url = "";
sha256 = "0qvsrggp85dvgmln4d9xwdqa6nva5rlcp9d25iy1pnisdyykrycs";
}) {}
sudo extra-container destroy tmp
## Demo: Start a container running nix-bitcoin and showcase some features
# I also like to run containers on live mainchain data by bind-mounting a unionfs
# with my main bitcoin node data into it.
NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=$(nix eval --raw -f $nixBitcoin/pkgs/nixpkgs-pinned.nix nixpkgs):nix-bitcoin=$nixBitcoin \
sudo extra-container create --start <<'EOF'
{ pkgs, lib, ... }: let
containerName = "tmp";
localAddress = ""; # container address
hostAddress = "";
in {
containers.${containerName} = {
privateNetwork = true;
inherit localAddress hostAddress;
config = { pkgs, config, lib, ... }: with lib; {
imports = [
services.nix-bitcoin.enable = true;
services.bitcoind.extraConfig = mkForce ''
services.electrs.enable = true; = mkForce [];
services.clightning.enable = true;
# disable waiting for rpc socket due to a systemd-nspawn bug = mkForce "";
services.spark-wallet.enable = true;
services.lightning-charge.enable = true;
services.nanopos.enable = true;
services.liquidd = {
enable = true;
listen = mkForce false;
extraConfig = ''
services.lnd.enable = true; = mkForce [];
services.lnd.extraConfig = "externalip="; # for nodeinfo
services.nix-bitcoin-webindex.enable = true;
networking.firewall.enable = mkForce false;
# For easier testing, make the container localhost accessible via localAddress (the container's address) = {
wantedBy = [ "" ];
script = ''
${pkgs.procps}/bin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet=1
${pkgs.iptables}/bin/iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp -d ${localAddress} ! --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
# Allow WAN access"container@${containerName}" = {
preStart = "${pkgs.iptables}/bin/iptables -w -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ${localAddress} -j MASQUERADE";
postStop = "${pkgs.iptables}/bin/iptables -w -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s ${localAddress} -j MASQUERADE || true";
set -o pipefail
c() { sudo nixos-container run tmp -- "$@" | cat; }
# bitcoind
c systemctl status bitcoind
c systemctl cat bitcoind
c journalctl -b -u bitcoind
c bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo
c bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo
# liquid
c systemctl status liquidd
c elements-cli getpeerinfo
c elements-cli getnetworkinfo
c liquidswap-cli --help
# clightning
c lightning-cli getinfo
# spark wallet
c systemctl status spark-wallet
c spark-wallet --help
sparkAuth=$(c cat /secrets/spark-wallet-login | grep -ohP '(?<=login=).*')
curl http://$sparkAuth@$machine:9737
xdg-open http://$sparkAuth@$machine:9737
# lightning charge
c systemctl status lightning-charge
chargeAuth=$(c cat /secrets/lightning-charge-api-token | grep -ohP '(?<=API_TOKEN=).*')
curl -s http://api-token:${chargeAuth}@$machine:9112/info | jq
# nanopos
c systemctl status nanopos
curl $machine:9116
xdg-open $machine:9116
# onion-chef
c systemctl status onion-chef
c ls -al /var/lib/onion-chef/operator
c cat /var/lib/onion-chef/operator/bitcoind
# nodeinfo
c nodeinfo
# webindex
c systemctl status create-web-index
c systemctl restart create-web-index
c journalctl -b -u create-web-index
c curl $machine
xdg-open $machine
# lnd
c systemctl stop clightning
c systemctl start lnd
c lncli getinfo
c nodeinfo
c journalctl -b -u lnd
# tor
c cat /var/lib/tor/state
c ls -al /var/lib/tor/onion/
c ls -al /var/lib/tor/onion/bitcoind
c ls -al /var/lib/tor/onion/clightning
# meta
sudo extra-container stop tmp
sudo extra-container restart tmp
sudo extra-container destroy tmp
# stats
c netstat -nlp
sudo du -sh /var/lib/containers/tmp
# The container root filesystem
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