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Created December 14, 2018 23:44
Bisecting: 31 revisions left to test after this (roughly 5 steps)
[8b13655c38626f97b835eb0da833f85bae68363e] [js] Update our release making procedure
»»»»» Testing 8b13655c38626f97b835eb0da833f85bae68363e
»»»»» Script output:
»»»»» Script exit code: 0
»»»»» Bisecting by exit code
»»»»» Current exit code is 0, exit code on “old” revision is 0
»»»»» If exit code is not the same as on “old” revision, this revision will be marked as “new”
»»»»» Therefore, marking this revision as “old”
»»»»» -------------------------------------------------------------------------
»»»»» Testing 2a761ca7af3e66f6a5cad90ea9f483cd19066ba7
»»»»» Script output:
»»»»» Script exit code: 0
»»»»» Bisecting by exit code
»»»»» Current exit code is 0, exit code on “old” revision is 0
»»»»» If exit code is not the same as on “old” revision, this revision will be marked as “new”
»»»»» Therefore, marking this revision as “old”
»»»»» -------------------------------------------------------------------------
»»»»» Testing fecfb22d705204faaaa70a3f73fba0823079db21
»»»»» Script output:
»»»»» Script exit code: 0
»»»»» Bisecting by exit code
»»»»» Current exit code is 0, exit code on “old” revision is 0
»»»»» If exit code is not the same as on “old” revision, this revision will be marked as “new”
»»»»» Therefore, marking this revision as “old”
»»»»» -------------------------------------------------------------------------
»»»»» Testing f18432ea32861cd8b01006c889430c4af3933647
»»»»» Script output:
Missing serialize REPR function for REPR MVMContext (BOOTContext)
»»»»» Script exit code: 1
»»»»» Bisecting by exit code
»»»»» Current exit code is 1, exit code on “old” revision is 0
»»»»» If exit code is not the same as on “old” revision, this revision will be marked as “new”
»»»»» Therefore, marking this revision as “new”
»»»»» -------------------------------------------------------------------------
»»»»» Testing adb85609c8ac7223d0ff5c2ccc4f4f1c379cfee1
»»»»» Script output:
Missing serialize REPR function for REPR MVMContext (BOOTContext)
»»»»» Script exit code: 1
»»»»» Bisecting by exit code
»»»»» Current exit code is 1, exit code on “old” revision is 0
»»»»» If exit code is not the same as on “old” revision, this revision will be marked as “new”
»»»»» Therefore, marking this revision as “new”
»»»»» -------------------------------------------------------------------------
»»»»» Testing e747b19a792d7c610845135bd2ef6b6ca1de9407
»»»»» Script output:
Missing serialize REPR function for REPR MVMContext (BOOTContext)
»»»»» Script exit code: 1
»»»»» Bisecting by exit code
»»»»» Current exit code is 1, exit code on “old” revision is 0
»»»»» If exit code is not the same as on “old” revision, this revision will be marked as “new”
»»»»» Therefore, marking this revision as “new”
»»»»» -------------------------------------------------------------------------
e747b19a792d7c610845135bd2ef6b6ca1de9407 is the first new commit
commit e747b19a792d7c610845135bd2ef6b6ca1de9407
Author: Jonathan Worthington <>
Date: Thu Dec 13 16:08:27 2018 +0100
Avoid repeated PseudoStash creation in regexes
If we do something like:
my $r = q|\d+|;
"asdf123fdsa321" ~~ /<$r>/ for ^300_000;
Then we would previously created 5 PseudoContext objects to pass to
INTERPOLATE_MATCH, one for each position we visited in the string. That
is clearly wasteful: one per time the regex is invoked will do. So, do
that. This saves about 20% of runtime in the code sample above, meaning
that #2537 has now won back more than the 10%-15% it was reported to
have regressed by previously.
:040000 040000 2eae868291a5f921a5c10e1786971d383b97cf2f a6b1ecd9bbeb806ddd50bc9773a78d3a59ff8211 M src
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