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Еда топик на английском с переводом

Еда топик на английском с переводом

Сочинение на английском языке Еда/ Food с переводом на русский язык бесплатно
Английский ( Топики/Сочинения ): My everyday Meals - Моя повседневная еда
Food – Еда

I have usually meals four times a day. They are breakfast, lunch at the University rare , dinner and supper. Dinner is the substantial meal of a day. It consists of 3 courses. The second course is meat and fish with potatoes, macaronis, with vegetable salad, for dessert we eat a glass of juice, compote or tea. Potatoes, pancakes, cereals are usually cooked in my family as for me I can prepare a fried egg or a scrambled egg, make fraid tea. I am busy and spend much time at the University. Sometimes I eat here in the canteen or a snack bar cafe and restaurants offer a choice between the a la carte menu and the set menu or fixed-price menu. Foods may be useful or unhealthy. High fat food, sweets are bad for our teeth, make us fat. Juice, fruit and vegetables, meat gives my energy, contain a lot of vitamins. These groups are protein, fat and carbohydrates. English people have four meals: In the morning they have breakfast. Between 16 to 17 they have tea. In the evening they have dinner. Dinner is the most substantial meal of a day. Fish and chips is a popular traditional British dish: On Christmas they usually eat roast turkey and Christmas pudding. I want my food would be well prepared taste, full of protein, vitamins, minerals and I am against drinking alcohol, smoking and taking drugs. I am for health habits.

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