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Last active June 4, 2022 15:07
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import numpy as np
import copy
from pprint import pprint
# 目的行の列が0だった場合に入れ替える
def swap_row(mtx, rev_mtx, row, col):
num = mtx[row][col]
if num == 0.0:
org_vec = mtx[row]
org_rev_vec = rev_mtx[row]
for trg_row in range(row + 1, len(mtx)):
trg_vec = mtx[trg_row]
if trg_vec[col] == 0.0:
temp_vec = mtx[trg_row]
temp_rev_vec = rev_mtx[trg_row]
mtx[row] = temp_vec
mtx[trg_row] = org_vec
rev_mtx[row] = temp_rev_vec
rev_mtx[trg_row] = org_rev_vec
# 入れ替え先が全部0.0だったらNoneを返す
return None, None
return mtx, rev_mtx
# 掃き出し法
def calc_inv_matrix(mtx):
row_count = len(mtx)
org_mtx = copy.copy(mtx)
# 単位行列で逆行列を初期化
rev_mtx = []
for i in range(row_count):
rev_vec = [.0] * row_count
rev_vec[i] = 1.0
# 掃き出し開始
for i in range(row_count): # 行ループ
# 行入れ替え
mtx, rev_mtx = swap_row(mtx, rev_mtx, i, i)
# 入れ替え先も全部0.0だったらエラー
if mtx is None:
print('error :')
return None
# 現在の基準行をそれぞれ取得
base_vec = mtx[i]
base_rev_vec = rev_mtx[i]
# 目的行の目的列が1.0になるように逆数を掛ける
if base_vec[i] != 1.0:
inv_num = 1.0 / base_vec[i] # 逆数
base_vec = list(map(lambda x: x * inv_num, base_vec))
mtx[i] = base_vec
base_rev_vec = list(map(lambda x: x * inv_num, rev_mtx[i]))
rev_mtx[i] = base_rev_vec
# 他の行の列を0にする
for j in range(row_count):
if i == j: # 現在の基準行はスキップ
trg_vec = mtx[j]
trg_rev_vec = rev_mtx[j]
# すでに0になっていたらスキップ
if trg_vec[i] == 0:
# 0にするための比率を算出
base_num = base_vec[i]
trg_num = trg_vec[i]
ratio = trg_num / base_num
new_rev_vec = []
new_vec = []
# 他の列に対しては同様の比率で引き算する
for k in range(row_count):
# 元の行列を定数倍して引き算
base_num = base_vec[k]
trg_num = trg_vec[k]
new_num = trg_num - (base_num * ratio)
# 逆行列も同様に定数倍して引き算
base_rev_num = base_rev_vec[k]
trg_rev_num = trg_rev_vec[k]
new_rev_num = trg_rev_num - (base_rev_num * ratio)
# 補正後の行ベクトルに置き換え
rev_mtx[j] = new_rev_vec
mtx[j] = new_vec
return rev_mtx
# 適当な行列
mtx = [
[0, 7, 9, 5],
[0, 5, 7, 10],
[1, 3, 4, 8],
[2, 3, 1, 4],
# 自前計算
inv_mtx = calc_inv_matrix(mtx[:])
# numpyで答えあわせ
np_inv_mtx = np.linalg.inv(np.array(mtx))
print('元の行列 :')
pprint(mtx, width=20)
print('自前計算の逆行列 :')
pprint(inv_mtx, width=100)
# numpyで直接計算した逆行列
print('numpyの逆行列答え :\n', np_inv_mtx)
# 自前計算の逆行列を元の行列に掛けて単位行列になるか検算
print('numpy検算 :\n',, mtx))
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