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Created September 20, 2011 13:32
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~/auditor (master) > rake
rake/rdoctask is deprecated. Use rdoc/task instead (in RDoc 2.4.2+)
/Users/priddle/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p352/bin/ruby -S bundle exec rspec -fs --color ./spec/audit_spec.rb ./spec/auditable_spec.rb ./spec/config_spec.rb ./spec/recorder_spec.rb ./spec/status_spec.rb ./spec/user_spec.rb
-- create_table(:users, {:force=>true})
-> 0.0103s
-- create_table(:models, {:force=>true})
-> 0.0029s
-- create_table(:audits, {:force=>true})
-> 0.0081s
-- add_index(:audits, [:auditable_id, :auditable_type], {:name=>"auditable_index"})
-> 0.0030s
-- add_index(:audits, [:user_id, :user_type], {:name=>"user_index"})
-> 0.0026s
-- add_index(:audits, :created_at)
-> 0.0021s
should set the version number on save
should provide access to the audited model object
should provide access to the user associated with the audit
should create a snapshot of the audited objects attributes at the time of the audit
modifying scope
should return all audit records that were a result of modifying the audited object attributes (FAILED - 1)
predecessors scope
should return all previous audit records for the same auditable
should audit find
should audit create
should audit update
should audit destroy
should allow multiple actions to be specified with one audit statment
should record the comment returned from a comment block
should provide the model object and user as parameters to the comment block
should provide a snapshot of the object attributes at a given date or time
should not save an update record that does not have any audited changes
should parse actions and options from a config array
should parse actions and options from a config array when options are absent
should parse actions
Configuration Validation
should raise a Auditor::Error if no action is specified
should raise a Auditor::Error if an invalid action is specified
should create an audit record for create actions
should create an audit record for find actions
should create an audit record for update actions
should create an audit record for destroy actions
should set comment details to nil if they are not given
should not save change details for excepted attributes
should only save change details for onlyed attributes
should associate audit records with an owner
should pass the model, user, and action to any supplied block
should be enabled if set to enabled
should be disabled if set to disabled
should allow auditing as a specified user for a block of code
should allow a block of code to be executed with auditing disabled
should allow a block of code to be executed with auditing enabled
should return the same user that's set on the same thread
should not return the same user from a different thread
1) Audit modifying scope should return all audit records that were a result of modifying the audited object attributes
Failure/Error: Audit.modifying.should_not include(audit3)
expected [#<Audit id: 1, auditable_id: 1, auditable_type: "Model", owner_id: 1, owner_type: "Model", user_id: 1, user_type: "User", action: "create", audited_changes: {"name"=>[nil, "n0"]}, version: 1, comment: nil, created_at: "2011-09-20 09:30:48">, #<Audit id: 2, auditable_id: 1, auditable_type: "Model", owner_id: 1, owner_type: "Model", user_id: 1, user_type: "User", action: "update", audited_changes: {"name"=>["n0", "n1"], "value"=>[nil, "v1"]}, version: 2, comment: nil, created_at: "2011-09-20 09:30:48">, #<Audit id: 3, auditable_id: 1, auditable_type: "Model", owner_id: 1, owner_type: "Model", user_id: 1, user_type: "User", action: "find", audited_changes: nil, version: 2, comment: nil, created_at: "2011-09-20 09:30:48">, #<Audit id: 4, auditable_id: 1, auditable_type: "Model", owner_id: 1, owner_type: "Model", user_id: 1, user_type: "User", action: "update", audited_changes: {"value"=>[nil, "v2"]}, version: 3, comment: nil, created_at: "2011-09-20 09:30:48">] not to include #<Audit id: 3, auditable_id: 1, auditable_type: "Model", owner_id: 1, owner_type: "Model", user_id: 1, user_type: "User", action: :find, audited_changes: nil, version: 2, comment: nil, created_at: "2011-09-20 09:30:48">
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-#<Audit id: 3, auditable_id: 1, auditable_type: "Model", owner_id: 1, owner_type: "Model", user_id: 1, user_type: "User", action: :find, audited_changes: nil, version: 2, comment: nil, created_at: "2011-09-20 09:30:48">
+[#<Audit id: 1, auditable_id: 1, auditable_type: "Model", owner_id: 1, owner_type: "Model", user_id: 1, user_type: "User", action: "create", audited_changes: {"name"=>[nil, "n0"]}, version: 1, comment: nil, created_at: "2011-09-20 09:30:48">, #<Audit id: 2, auditable_id: 1, auditable_type: "Model", owner_id: 1, owner_type: "Model", user_id: 1, user_type: "User", action: "update", audited_changes: {"name"=>["n0", "n1"], "value"=>[nil, "v1"]}, version: 2, comment: nil, created_at: "2011-09-20 09:30:48">, #<Audit id: 3, auditable_id: 1, auditable_type: "Model", owner_id: 1, owner_type: "Model", user_id: 1, user_type: "User", action: "find", audited_changes: nil, version: 2, comment: nil, created_at: "2011-09-20 09:30:48">, #<Audit id: 4, auditable_id: 1, auditable_type: "Model", owner_id: 1, owner_type: "Model", user_id: 1, user_type: "User", action: "update", audited_changes: {"value"=>[nil, "v2"]}, version: 3, comment: nil, created_at: "2011-09-20 09:30:48">]
# ./spec/audit_spec.rb:44
# ./spec/support/transactional_specs.rb:8:in `call'
# ./spec/support/transactional_specs.rb:8:in `included'
# ./spec/support/transactional_specs.rb:6:in `included'
# ./spec/support/transactional_specs.rb:8:in `call'
# ./spec/support/transactional_specs.rb:8:in `included'
# ./spec/support/transactional_specs.rb:6:in `included'
Finished in 0.76417 seconds
36 examples, 1 failure
rake aborted!
ruby -S bundle exec rspec -fs --color ./spec/audit_spec.rb ./spec/auditable_spec.rb ./spec/config_spec.rb ./spec/recorder_spec.rb ./spec/status_spec.rb ./spec/user_spec.rb failed
Tasks: TOP => default => spec
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
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