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Created September 28, 2010 21:48
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#! /usr/bin/env perl6
use v6;
my $article_template = slurp("templates/post.html");
my $default_template = slurp("templates/default.html");
my $root_url = "";
my @monthnames = <Jan Feb Mar Apr
May Jun Jul Aug
Sep Oct Nov Dec>;
my %all_posts;
sub subst_all(Str $string is copy, *@substitutions) {
for @substitutions {
$string .= subst(.key, .value, :g)
sub html_escape {
# RAKUDO: Need this unnecessary prefix:<~> to make it work
return (~$^original).trans:
['&', '<', '>' ]
=> ['&amp;', '&lt;', '&gt;']
for dir('posts', :test( / '.markdown' $ / )) -> $markdown_filename {
given open "posts/$markdown_filename" -> $infile {
my %info;
until (my $line = $infile.get) eq '---' {
my ($key, $value) = $line.split(': ', 2);
%info{$key} = $value;
%info<created> ~~ /(\d\d\d\d) '-' (\d\d) '-' (\d\d)/;
%info<humandate> = "$2.Int() @monthnames[$1-1], $0";
%info<url> = "$markdown_filename.subst(/'.' <-[.]>+ $/, '')";
%all_posts{%info<created>} = {
filename =>"posts/$markdown_filename",
my $html_filename = $markdown_filename.subst(/'.' <-[.]>+ $/, '.html');
# if "_site/$html_filename".IO ~~ :e
# && [<] ("_site/$html_filename",
# "posts/$markdown_filename")».IO».modified {
# $infile.close();
# next;
# }
# say "Modified: $markdown_filename";
my $temp_filename = "/tmp/justmarkdown";
given open $temp_filename, :w -> $tempfile {
my $converted_content
= qx[Markdown_1.0.1/ --html4tags /tmp/justmarkdown];
unlink $temp_filename;
my $article = $article_template.&subst_all(
'$root' => $root_url,
'$url' => %info<url>,
'$title' => %info<title>,
'$created' => %info<created>,
'$humandate' => %info<humandate>,
'$body' => $converted_content,
my $page = $default_template.&subst_all(
'$title' => %info<title>,
'$root' => $root_url,
'$body' => $article,
given open "_site/$html_filename", :w -> $outfile {
my $postitem_template = slurp("templates/postitem.html");
my $postlist_template = slurp("templates/postlist.html");
my $post_list = '';
for %all_posts{reverse sort { %all_posts{$_}<created> }, keys %all_posts} {
$post_list ~= $postitem_template.&subst_all(
'$root' => $root_url,
'$url' => .<url>,
'$title' => .<title>,
'$humandate' => .<humandate>,
my $post_list_page = $postlist_template.&subst_all(
'$title' => "All posts",
'$root' => $root_url,
'$body' => $post_list,
given open "_site/list-of-posts.html", :w -> $outfile {
my @all_posts_newest_first = reverse sort { %all_posts{$_}<created> },
keys %all_posts;
my $index_posts_content = '';
for %all_posts{@all_posts_newest_first[^3]} -> %info {
my $markdown_filename = %info<url> ~ ".markdown";
given open "posts/$markdown_filename" -> $infile {
1 until $infile.get eq '---';
my $temp_filename = "/tmp/justmarkdown";
given open $temp_filename, :w -> $tempfile {
my $converted_content
= qx[Markdown_1.0.1/ /tmp/justmarkdown];
unlink $temp_filename;
my $article = $article_template.&subst_all(
'$root' => $root_url,
'$url' => %info<url>,
'$title' => %info<title>,
'$created' => %info<created>,
'$humandate' => %info<humandate>,
'$body' => $converted_content,
$index_posts_content ~= $article;
my $index_page = $default_template.&subst_all(
'$title' => "Main page",
'$root' => $root_url,
'$body' => $index_posts_content,
given open "_site/index.html", :w -> $outfile {
my $atom_entry_template = slurp("templates/entry.atom");
my $atom_template = slurp("templates/default.atom");
my $atom_content = '';
for %all_posts{@all_posts_newest_first[^10]} -> %info {
my $markdown_filename = %info<url> ~ ".markdown";
given open "posts/$markdown_filename" -> $infile {
1 until $infile.get eq '---';
my $temp_filename = "/tmp/justmarkdown";
given open $temp_filename, :w -> $tempfile {
my $converted_content
= qx[Markdown_1.0.1/ /tmp/justmarkdown];
unlink $temp_filename;
my $date = %info<created>.substr(0, 10);
my $id = ($root_url ~ '/' ~ %info<url>).&subst_all(
'http://' => 'tag:',
'.org/' => ".org,$date:",
my $article = $atom_entry_template.&subst_all(
'$id' => $id,
'$root' => $root_url,
'$url' => %info<url>,
'$title' => %info<title>,
'$created' => %info<created>,
'$body' => html_escape($converted_content),
$atom_content ~= $article;
my $atom_feed = $atom_template.&subst_all(
'$updated' => %all_posts{@all_posts_newest_first[0]}<created>,
'$body' => $atom_content,
given open "_site/feed.atom", :w -> $outfile {
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