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Present perfect предложения на русском

Present perfect предложения на русском

Present perfect предложения на русском

Употребление present perfect
Present Perfect (примеры предложений)
Present Perfect. Выражение свершившихся фактов и их связи с настоящим

Ru Почта Мой Мир Одноклассники Игры Знакомства Новости Поиск Все проекты Все проекты. Категории Все вопросы проекта Компьютеры, Интернет Темы для взрослых Авто, Мото Красота и Здоровье Товары и Услуги Бизнес, Финансы Наука, Техника, Языки Философия, Непознанное Города и Страны Образование Фотография, Видеосъемка Гороскопы, Магия, Гадания Общество, Политика, СМИ Юридическая консультация Досуг, Развлечения Путешествия, Туризм Юмор Еда, Кулинария Работа, Карьера О проектах Mail. Ru Образование Домашние задания ВУЗы, Колледжи Детские сады Школы Дополнительное образование Образование за рубежом Прочее образование. Вопросы - лидеры Укажите стилистические недочеты и речевые ошибки в спортивном репортаже. Отредактируйте текст для газеты. В отрывках из художественных произведений выделите оценочную лексику Лидеры категории Антон Владимирович Искусственный Интеллект. Нужны десять предложений с present perfect. Seryi VvoLK Профи , закрыт 6 лет назад. Irina Serikova Профи 7 лет назад I have alredy done my homework. They have come back today. We nave never been to England. I have not seen my friends since the holidays. My mother has not answered the letter yet. I have already had my dinner. I have been very busy lately. They have not heard the news yet. Have you ever been to this museum? I have just sent the letter to my parents. Лена Гуру 7 лет назад He has gone away. I have graduated from the university. Тина Профи 7 лет назад I have read this book. I have met my mother. Have you finished your job? I have known him since Olga Spiridonova Гуру 7 лет назад I have never been to Japan. I have never spoken to a foreigner. Have you ever kissed a girl? Have you done with your computer? He has never done anything different in his life. Mark has failed his exam. I have lived here since They have known me for 3 years. She has not seen her parents since this June. The house has been built by the local construction company — Дом построен местной строительной компанией. I have just cut my finger — Я только что порезал палец. Bella has already phoned her cousin — Белла уже позвонила двоюродному брату. I have never been to Thailand — Я никогда не был в Таиланде. Общие вопросы Have you ever been to Brazil? Has the letter been sent yet? Альтернативные вопросы Has he invited a lot of people or just a few friends? Have you played tennis or swum today? Специальные вопросы Where has Anna gone? What play have you watched? Вопросы к подлежащему Who has taken my umbrella? Who has given you a present? Тимур Мнацаканов Ученик 1 год назад BN. Надежда Сушицкая Знаток 1 год назад gk. Людмила Ученик 8 месяцев назад I have never been to Japan. Mansur Sadiklanov Ученик 5 месяцев назад I have never been to Japan. Today he has visited two galleries. Но вы можете подчеркнуть, сколько раз действие происходило: I have eaten in this restaurant many times. А можете говорить в целом, не указывая точное количество раз: I have eaten in this restaurant. Наречия ever когда-нибудь и never никогда часто встречаются, когда мы говорим о жизненном опыте. Они показывают, что мы делали или не делали в нашей жизни. Обратите внимание, что never замещает частицу not. I have never eaten mango. Кирилл Синицын Ученик 5 месяцев назад сколько вообще языков в мире? Анна Лопатина Знаток 5 месяцев назад Present perfect примеры: Every letter he has written was not for me but for posterity. Sally has edited a collection of Rabindranath Tagore. A mood of happiness has come upon Shubin. His wife has come back and has given birth to a child. If Jack has read the first chapter, he can guess for himself. What a fool Melody has made of herself before them! Molly can never forgive Jim that he has deceived her. My master has been an honorable gentleman. The General of the Army has come to speak with you. Greg has not told me what he wants of me. Melody has not yet told anyone else. I have never seen such a flabbergasted man. Has he turned off his first so noble wife. Has Mike had to face guilt and doubt. Have you thought it out? Has Andrew had some adventure on his way? And has Nick changed? Has Stepushka died of hunger? Have the police caught the thief? Has Molly succeeded to pass the test? Have you had Wemmick to dinner? We have finished work this week — Мы закончили работу на этой неделе. Примеры отрицательных предложений — 1. Have you ever been to Brazil? Has he invited a lot of people or just a few friends? How long have you been in London? How long have you known John? Ru О компании Реклама Вакансии. Мы постоянно добавляем новый функционал в основной интерфейс проекта. К сожалению, старые браузеры не в состоянии качественно работать с современными программными продуктами. Для корректной работы используйте последние версии браузеров Chrome , Mozilla Firefox , Opera , Internet Explorer 9 или установите браузер Амиго.

Настоящее Совершенное Время (Present Perfect Tense)

Мы говорим, что кто-то что-то сделал а не просто делал , сходил а не просто ходил , съездил а не просто ездил , купил а не покупал , встретился а не встречался. Иными словами, на этот момент действие завершено и есть какой-то результат этого действия или бездействия. Если он правильный, подставляем к нему окончание - ed , если неправильный — берём его из третьей колонки в таблице неправильных глаголов. I have talked to my mother over the phone. Sam has visited his close friends. Mary has entered the institute. The dog has eaten all its food. We have seen this film already. You have painted a wonderful picture. They have left the building. Have you seen this girl before? Have they listened to me? Has she bought that hat? Has he gone to cinema? Has the animal eaten that? Have you received my letter? Если вопрос начинается с вопросительного слова как, куда, почему , ставим это слово на первое место. Why have you done this? Where have you been? What have you seen? Why has she told lies? Who has sent you this letter? Вопросы, начинающиеся с when когда и what time в какое время нельзя задавать в Present Perfect, потому что с их помощью мы хотим узнать о времени события, а для этого нужно время Past Simple. When did he arrive? What time did it happen? Пожалуйста, активируйте рассылку, перейдя по ссылке, которая отправлена на Ваш email. Our site saves small pieces of text information cookies on your device in order to deliver better content and for statistical purposes. You can disable the usage of cookies by changing the settings of your browser. By browsing our website without changing the browser settings you grant us permission to store that information on your device. Настоящее совершенное время английского языка. About us Online consultant Suggest an idea Ask a question. They to this beautiful country. Somebody my wallet in the institute. I breakfast with my family. She at this restaurant yet. My mother on vacation. We this difficult work yet. She her children at home alone. I an apartment in the city center. We at this mall. I this song before. She a lot of letters from her friends lately. My brother this famous university. My husband home from work yet. I a lot of mistakes in my life. English with a native speaker? Somebody a message for you. We each other for ages. This woman a family. They a job abroad yet. When and where my father? I my old car. How many books this year? He a lot of money at this mall. I this delicious dish before. My wife shopping with her friend. I have had breakfast с. I have had an in the. We have met at this. Have you visited the? Have you spoken English a? I have sold my. He has spent at this. I have eaten this. Нас читают уже подписчиков. Courses Basic course Языковой марафон Free course Курс B2. About us Our investors Our achievements Our team Blog Feedback Become a partner. Contact us Suggest an idea! They have already been to this beautiful country. Somebody has stolen my wallet in the institute. I have just had breakfast with my family. My mother has already gone on vacation. Have you ever seen my parents? She has left her children at home alone. I have never had an apartment in the city center. We have recently met at this mall. We have recently found your bike. She has received a lot of letters from her friends lately. My brother has recently entered this famous university. Have you already visited your sick friend in the hospital? I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. Have you ever spoken English with a native speaker? Somebody has just left a message for you. We have known each other for ages. When and where did you see my father? I have already sold my old car. How many books have you read this year? He has recently spent a lot of money at this mall. I have never eaten this delicious dish before. My wife has just gone shopping with her friend. Have you ever seen a lynx? I have just seen Brad Pitt at a mall! Have you arrived at work yet?

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