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Created August 7, 2013 20:46
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Gets successful logins from a specified computer and domain and then determines their type.
Get-Logins digs through a computer's local security logs to find successful logon events from any user from a specified domain and determines their logon type and time.
This is accomplished through the local RemoteRegistry service running on a machine. If this service is stopped, Get-Logins will start it.
NOTE: This function will also return the number of Spiceworks logins to the specified computer. Please modify the function to reflect your Spiceworks domain account name.
The computer that you would like to determine login times for.
Defaults to the computer that the script is executing on.
The domain from which you would like to view user logings.
Defaults to the domain of the user running the script.
.PARAMETER LeaveServiceRunning
Tells the script to stopped the RemoteRegistry service or to leave it running.
Defaults to $true.
This returns the login times for any user from the same domain as the user running the script from the computer the script is running on.
Get-Logins DC01 -UserDomain DC01 -LeaveServiceRunning $false
Returns all logins to DC01 of any users local to DC01 and stops the RemoteRegistry service upon completion.
Actual: Login from login screen
Network: Accessing shared files or a resource on the computer
Batch: Scheduled task
Service: Generated by a service
Unlock: User unlocks computer
Remote Interactive: RDP
Cached Interactive: Cached credentials used
Author: Twon of An
Function Get-Logins
[String]$Computer = $env:computername
[String]$UserDomain = $env:userdomain
[Bool]$LeaveServiceRunning = $true
$x = 0
$users = @()
If($Computer -ne $env:computername)
$RegServ = Get-Service remoteregistry -ComputerName $Computer
If($RegServ.status -ne "Running")
Set-Service remoteregistry -ComputerName $Computer -status Running #start RemoteRegistry service to allow remote viewing of Security Logs
$events = Get-EventLog Security -ComputerName $Computer | Where-Object {($_.InstanceID -eq "4624") -and ($_.replacementstrings[6] -eq $UserDomain)}
ForEach($event in $events)
If($event.replacementstrings[5] -ne "spiceworks") #My Spiceworks domain account is called: Spiceworks. I already know that it logs in a lot.
If($event.replacementstrings[5] -ne "$Computer`$") #Avoid grabbing the computers self logins.
Switch($event.replacementstrings[8]) #Logon type code
2{$type = "Actual"}
3{$type = "Network"}
4{$type = "Batch"}
5{$type = "Service"}
7{$type = "Unlock"}
10{$type = "Remote Interactive"}
11{$type = "Cached Interactive"}
default{$type = $event.replacementstrings[8]} #If it returns a different code then defaults to the code number
$obj = New-Object System.Object
$obj | add-member -type NoteProperty -name Account -value $event.replacementstrings[5]
$obj | add-member -type NoteProperty -name Type -value $type
$obj | add-member -type NoteProperty -name Time -value $event.timewritten
$users += $obj
If($LeaveServiceRunning = $false)
Write-Host Turning RemoteRegistry service off...
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter 'name="remoteregistry"' -ComputerName $Computer | Invoke-WmiMethod -Name StopService | out-null
If($UserDomain -ne $Computer) #Spiceworks is a domain account. This skips it if searching for a local computer account.
Write-Host `nSpiceworks logon count: $spiceworks
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