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Created June 2, 2014 13:36
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date open high low close vol
May 30, 2014 560.80 561.35 555.91 559.89 1,766,300
May 29, 2014 563.35 564 558.71 560.08 1,350,400
May 28, 2014 564.57 567.84 561 561.68 1,647,500
May 27, 2014 556 566 554.35 565.95 2,098,400
May 23, 2014 547.26 553.64 543.7 552.7 1,926,900
May 22, 2014 541.13 547.6 540.78 545.06 1,611,400
May 21, 2014 532.9 539.18 531.91 538.94 1,193,000
May 20, 2014 529.74 536.23 526.3 529.77 1,779,900
May 19, 2014 519.7 529.78 517.58 528.86 1,274,300
May 16, 2014 521.39 521.8 515.44 520.63 1,481,200
May 15, 2014 525.7 525.87 517.42 519.98 1,699,700
May 14, 2014 533 533 525.29 526.65 1,188,500
May 13, 2014 530.89 536.07 529.51 533.09 1,646,400
May 12, 2014 523.51 530.19 519.01 529.92 1,907,300
May 9, 2014 510.75 519.9 504.2 518.73 2,431,800
May 8, 2014 508.46 517.23 506.45 511 2,015,800
May 7, 2014 515.79 516.68 503.3 509.96 3,215,500
May 6, 2014 525.23 526.81 515.06 515.14 1,684,400
May 5, 2014 524.82 528.9 521.32 527.81 1,021,300
May 2, 2014 533.76 534 525.61 527.93 1,683,900
May 1, 2014 527.11 532.93 523.88 531.35 1,900,300
Apr 30, 2014 527.6 528 522.52 526.66 1,746,400
Apr 29, 2014 516.9 529.46 516.32 527.7 2,691,700
Apr 28, 2014 517.18 518.6 502.8 517.15 3,326,400
Apr 25, 2014 522.51 524.7 515.42 516.18 2,094,600
Apr 24, 2014 530.07 531.65 522.12 525.16 1,878,000
Apr 23, 2014 533.79 533.87 526.25 526.94 2,046,700
Apr 22, 2014 528.64 537.23 527.51 534.81 2,358,900
Apr 21, 2014 536.1 536.7 525.6 528.62 2,559,700
Apr 17, 2014 548.81 549.5 531.15 536.1 6,790,900
Apr 16, 2014 543 557 540 556.54 4,879,900
Apr 15, 2014 536.82 538.45 518.46 536.44 3,844,500
Apr 14, 2014 538.25 544.1 529.56 532.52 2,568,000
Apr 11, 2014 532.55 540 526.53 530.6 3,914,100
Apr 10, 2014 565 565 539.9 540.95 4,025,800
Apr 9, 2014 559.62 565.37 552.95 564.14 3,321,700
Apr 8, 2014 542.6 555 541.61 554.9 3,142,600
Apr 7, 2014 540.74 548.48 527.15 538.15 4,389,600
Apr 4, 2014 574.65 577.77 543 543.14 6,351,900
Apr 3, 2014 569.85 587.28 564.13 569.74 5,085,200
Apr 2, 2014 599.99 604.83 562.19 567 146,700
Apr 1, 2014 558.71 568.45 558.71 567.16 7,900
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var format_date = function (raw) {
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d3.csv('data.csv', function (data) {
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x: 0,
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y: function (d, i) { return 8 + i*11; }
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cx: function (d, i) { return xs(i); },
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.text('GOOG Daily Performace')
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x: chart_w / 2,
y: 0 - / 2 - 25,
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'alignment-baseline': 'baseline'
.text('Apr 1 - May 30, 2014')
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y: 0 - / 2,
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'text-anchor': 'end'
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x: -20,
y: top_h + margin.mid - 35,
'text-anchor': 'end'
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id: function (d, i) { return 'sg' + i; },
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y: 40,
width: 14,
height: 30
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x: 250 / 2,
y: function (d, i) { return 20 + i * 70; },
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y1: function (d, i) { return 20 + i * 70; },
x2: 250 / 2 - 60 + 25,
y2: function (d, i) { return 20 + i * 70; }
x1: 250 / 2 + 60 - 25,
y1: function (d, i) { return 20 + i * 70; },
x2: 250 / 2 + 60 - 5,
y2: function (d, i) { return 20 + i * 70; }
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x: 45,
y: function (d, i) { return 40 + i * 30; },
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