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Created December 2, 2016 05:21
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OBS 0.16.6 (64bit, windows) log file uploaded at 2016-12-01, 23:21:44
23:08:10.951: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
23:08:10.951: CPU Speed: 4000MHz
23:08:10.951: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 8
23:08:10.951: Physical Memory: 16326MB Total, 13289MB Free
23:08:10.951: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 14393 (revision: 447; 64-bit)
23:08:10.951: Running as administrator: true
23:08:10.951: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
23:08:10.951: Portable mode: false
23:08:10.959: OBS 0.16.6 (64bit, windows)
23:08:10.959: ---------------------------------
23:08:10.959: ---------------------------------
23:08:10.959: audio settings reset:
23:08:10.959: samples per sec: 48000
23:08:10.959: speakers: 2
23:08:10.959: ---------------------------------
23:08:10.960: Initializing D3D11..
23:08:10.960: Available Video Adapters:
23:08:10.960: Adapter 1: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 390 Series
23:08:10.960: Dedicated VRAM: 4270825472
23:08:10.960: Shared VRAM: 4264986624
23:08:10.961: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
23:08:10.961: output 2: pos={-1366, 0}, size={1366, 768}, attached=true
23:08:10.962: Loading up D3D11 on adapter AMD Radeon (TM) R9 390 Series (0)
23:08:10.969: D3D11 loaded sucessfully, feature level used: 45056
23:08:11.305: ---------------------------------
23:08:11.305: video settings reset:
23:08:11.305: base resolution: 1920x1080
23:08:11.305: output resolution: 1920x1080
23:08:11.305: downscale filter: Bicubic
23:08:11.305: fps: 30/1
23:08:11.305: format: NV12
23:08:11.305: ---------------------------------
23:08:11.309: [CoreAudio encoder]: Adding CoreAudio AAC encoder
23:08:11.310: [AMF Encoder] Version loaded (Compiled:, Runtime:, Library: 1;3;0;5;1.2;201611231859).
23:08:11.845: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed
23:08:11.845: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll' not found, loading of module failed
23:08:11.846: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libGLESv2.dll' not found, loading of module failed
23:08:11.846: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-browser.dll'
23:08:11.846: [browser_source: 'Version: 1.26.0']
23:08:11.847: LoadLibrary failed for 'nvEncodeAPI64.dll': The specified module could not be found.
23:08:11.847: (126)
23:08:12.033: Couldn't find VLC installation, VLC video source disabled
23:08:12.035: No blackmagic support
23:08:12.098: ---------------------------------
23:08:12.098: Loaded Modules:
23:08:12.098: win-wasapi.dll
23:08:12.098: win-mf.dll
23:08:12.098: win-dshow.dll
23:08:12.098: win-decklink.dll
23:08:12.098: win-capture.dll
23:08:12.098: vlc-video.dll
23:08:12.098: text-freetype2.dll
23:08:12.098: rtmp-services.dll
23:08:12.098: obs-x264.dll
23:08:12.098: obs-transitions.dll
23:08:12.098: obs-text.dll
23:08:12.098: obs-qsv11.dll
23:08:12.098: obs-outputs.dll
23:08:12.098: obs-filters.dll
23:08:12.098: obs-ffmpeg.dll
23:08:12.098: obs-browser.dll
23:08:12.098: image-source.dll
23:08:12.098: frontend-tools.dll
23:08:12.098: enc-amf.dll
23:08:12.098: coreaudio-encoder.dll
23:08:12.098: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
23:08:12.106: All scene data cleared
23:08:12.106: ------------------------------------------------
23:08:12.121: WASAPI: Device 'VoiceMeeter Input (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO)' initialized
23:08:12.130: WASAPI: Device 'CABLE-A Input (VB-Audio Cable A)' initialized
23:08:12.143: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (2- Logitech G930 Gaming Headset)' initialized
23:08:12.144: adding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 21 milliseconds
23:08:12.146: WASAPI: Device 'CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)' initialized
23:08:12.275: Switched to scene 'TheHunter'
23:08:12.276: ------------------------------------------------
23:08:12.276: Loaded scenes:
23:08:12.276: - scene 'TheHunter':
23:08:12.276: - source: 'HUNTER' (game_capture)
23:08:12.276: ------------------------------------------------
23:08:12.308: adding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 42 milliseconds
23:08:12.485: Update check: last known remote version is 0.16.6
23:09:22.648: adding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 64 milliseconds
23:09:26.472: [game-capture: 'HUNTER'] attempting to hook process: theHunter.exe
23:09:26.473: [game-capture: 'HUNTER'] using helper (direct hook)
23:09:26.492: [game-capture: 'HUNTER'] Hooked to process: theHunter.exe
23:09:26.492: [game-capture: 'HUNTER'] (half life scientist) everything.. seems to be in order
23:09:26.492: [game-capture: 'HUNTER'] Hooked D3D9
23:09:30.505: [game-capture: 'HUNTER'] attempting to hook process: theHunter.exe
23:11:15.534: [AMF Encoder] Starting up...
23:11:15.633: [AMF Encoder] -- AMD Advanced Media Framework Encoder --
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Initialization Properties:
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Type: AVC
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Video API: DirectX11
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Video Adapter: AMD Radeon (TM) R9 390 Series
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] OpenCL: Disabled
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Color Format: NV12
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Startup Properties:
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Usage: Transcoding
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Quality Preset: Quality
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Profile: Constrained Baseline 3.1
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Frame Properties:
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Color Profile: 601
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Color Range: Partial
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Resolution: 1280x720
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Frame Rate: 30/1
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Scan Type: Progressive
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Rate Control Properties:
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Method: Constant Bitrate (CBR)
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Bitrate:
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Target: 6000000 bits
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Peak: 6000000 bits
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Quantization Parameter:
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Minimum: 0
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Maximum: 51
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] I-Frame: 22
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] P-Frame: 22
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] B-Frame: 22
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] VBV Buffer:
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Size: 6000000 bits
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Initial Fullness: 100.000000%
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Flags:
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Filler Data: Enabled
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Frame Skipping: Disabled
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Enforce HRD Restrictions: Enabled
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Picture Control Properties:
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] IDR Period: 60 frames
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] B-Frame Pattern: 0
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] B-Frame Delta QP: 4
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] B-Frame Reference: Disabled
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] B-Frame Reference Delta QP: 2
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Miscellaneous Properties:
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Deblocking Filter: Enabled
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Motion Estimation: Half & Quarter Pixel
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Experimental Properties:
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Maximum MB/s: 616680
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Coding Type: Default
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Wait For Task: Disabled
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Pre-Analyiss Pass: Disabled
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] VBAQ: Disabled
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Header Insertion Spacing: 0 frames
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Maximum Long-Term Reference Frames: 0
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Maximum Access Unit Size: 0 bits
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Maximum Reference Frames: 4
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Aspect Ratio: 1:1
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] GOP Size: 0
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] GOP Alignment: Enabled
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Intra-Refresh Macroblocks Pro Slot: 0
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Intra-Refresh Number Of Stripes: 0
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Slices Per Frame: 1
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Slice Mode: Horizontal
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Maximum Slice Size: 2147483647
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Slice Control Mode: Off
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Slice Control Size: 0
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Capabilities for Device 'AMD Radeon (TM) R9 390 Series' on API Direct3D 11:
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] AVC (Acceleration: Hardware)
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Limits
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Profile: High
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Profile Level: 5.1
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Bitrate: 100000000
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Reference Frames: 1 (min) - 16 (max)
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Features
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] B-Frames: Supported
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Fixed Slice Mode: Not Supported
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Instancing
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] # of Streams: 16
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] # of Instances: 1
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Input
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Resolution: 64x64 - 1920x1920
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Vertical Alignment: 32
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Interlaced: Not Supported
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Formats: NV12 (Native), YUV420P, YV12, BGRA, RGBA, ARGB,
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Memory Types: DX11 (Native), OPENCL, OPENGL, HOST,
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Output
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Resolution: 64x64 - 1920x1920
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Vertical Alignment: 32
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Interlaced: Not Supported
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Formats: NV12 (Native),
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Memory Types: DX11 (Native), OPENCL, OPENGL, HOST,
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] Capabilities for Device 'AMD Radeon (TM) R9 390 Series' on API Direct3D 11:
23:11:15.634: [AMF Encoder] SVC (Acceleration: Hardware)
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Limits
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Profile: High
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Profile Level: 5.1
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Bitrate: 100000000
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Reference Frames: 1 (min) - 16 (max)
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Temporal Layers: 3
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Features
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] B-Frames: Not Supported
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Fixed Slice Mode: Not Supported
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Instancing
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] # of Streams: 16
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] # of Instances: 1
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Input
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Resolution: 64x64 - 1920x1920
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Vertical Alignment: 32
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Interlaced: Not Supported
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Formats: NV12 (Native), YUV420P, YV12, BGRA, RGBA, ARGB,
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Memory Types: DX11 (Native), OPENCL, OPENGL, HOST,
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Output
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Resolution: 64x64 - 1920x1920
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Vertical Alignment: 32
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Interlaced: Not Supported
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Formats: NV12 (Native),
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] Memory Types: DX11 (Native), OPENCL, OPENGL, HOST,
23:11:15.635: [AMF Encoder] -- AMD Advanced Media Framework VCE Encoder --
23:11:15.636: [CoreAudio AAC: 'Track1']: settings:
23:11:15.636: mode: AAC
23:11:15.636: bitrate: 128
23:11:15.636: sample rate: 48000
23:11:15.636: cbr: on
23:11:15.636: output buffer: 1536
23:11:15.636: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
23:11:15.661: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Interface: Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V (ethernet, 1000 mbps)
23:11:15.891: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// successful
23:11:15.894: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
23:11:15.985: [AMF Encoder] First submission took 0 nanoseconds.
23:13:50.914: adding 21 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 85 milliseconds
23:19:15.939: [game-capture: 'HUNTER'] capture window no longer exists, terminating capture
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