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Last active June 18, 2016 20:36
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New Year's Card - Criminality
year Nederland Noord-Nederland Oost-Nederland Midden-Nederland Noord-Holland Amsterdam Den Haag Rotterdam Zeeland - West-Brabant Oost-Brabant Limburg
2005 82.7 61.4 70.4 89.2 78.1 130 85.2 93.4 79.7 83.7 86.8
2006 80.3 61.1 67.5 88.2 76.4 128.8 81.7 90.3 76.6 80.3 83.8
2007 79.7 61.3 65.8 85.4 75 125.6 85.5 88.9 78.2 79.4 83.7
2008 77.9 60.1 63.8 82.9 70.3 122.1 85.6 89.3 75.6 77.8 82.1
2009 76.1 59.8 63.4 76.2 71.7 117.5 81.1 87 76.9 76.6 80.8
2010 72.1 55.7 60.7 71.9 70.4 116.7 81 77 69.9 70.5 75.8
2011 71.7 54.8 59.9 69.1 69.1 117.6 80 81.5 68.9 69.4 76.8
2012 68 52.4 57.4 65.2 64.2 112.9 73.6 75.9 66.8 67.5 72.9
2013 64.8 49.6 54.3 62.9 62 111.5 68.5 72.1 61.4 65.8 68.5
2014 59.8 45.8 48.7 58.2 57.5 103.6 63.7 66.7 57.3 59.5 65.7
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return {
name: name,
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return {
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// })
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return x(d.year) + randomFloat(-25,25);
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return y(d["Nederland"]) + randomFloat(-25,25);
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return randomFloat(2,12);
.style("fill", function(d) {
return redColors[randomIntFromInterval(0,redColors.length-1)];
.style("opacity", function(d) {
return randomFloat(0.4,0.8);
//Place the Netherlands as a total line on top
var lineNL = svg.selectAll(".linesNL")
.data(regionLines.filter(function(d) {
return === "Nederland";
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function randomFloat(min, max) {
return Math.random() * (min - max) + max;
function randomIntFromInterval(min,max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);
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