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Created October 26, 2010 21:46
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Reflects over a class and generates an interface, and an interface wrapper for your class
<#@ template debug="false" hostspecific="true" language="C#" #>
<#@ output extension="Generated.cs" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #>
<#/* Modify the following assembly reference(s) to include the classes you are interested in: */#>
<#@ assembly name="c:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\Silverlight\v4.0\Profile\WindowsPhone\System.Xml.dll" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Reflection" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging" #>
/* Modify the following types to include the classes you are interested in: */
Type[] types = {
var flags = BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public;
Func<MethodInfo, bool> methodFilter = x => !x.IsSpecialName
&& x.DeclaringType != typeof(object)
&& !"Equals,GetHashCode".Split(',').Contains(x.Name);
namespace <#=CallContext.LogicalGetData("NamespaceHint") #>
foreach(Type t in types)
var interfaceNames = t.GetInterfaces().Select(x=>TypeDef(x)).ToArray();
string interfaces = interfaceNames.Length == 0 ? "" : " : "+string.Join(", ", interfaceNames);
public interface I<#=t.Name + interfaces#>
foreach(MethodInfo m in t.GetMethods(flags).Where(methodFilter))
<#= TypeDef(m.ReturnType) #> <#= m.Name #>(<#= FormalParameters(m) #>);
foreach(EventInfo e in t.GetEvents(flags).Where(x=>!x.IsSpecialName))
event <#= TypeDef(e.EventHandlerType) #> <#= e.Name #>;
foreach(PropertyInfo p in t.GetProperties(flags).Where(x=>!x.IsSpecialName && x.GetIndexParameters() == null))
<#= TypeDef(p.PropertyType) #> <#= p.Name #> { <# if (p.GetGetMethod() != null) { #>get; <# } if (p.GetSetMethod() != null) { #>set; <# } #>}
public class <#=t.Name#>Wrapper : I<#=t.Name#>
readonly <#=t.FullName#> wrappedObject;
public <#=t.Name#>Wrapper(<#=t.FullName#> wrappedObject)
this.wrappedObject = wrappedObject;
foreach(MethodInfo m in t.GetMethods(flags).Where(methodFilter))
public <#= TypeDef(m.ReturnType) #> <#= m.Name #>(<#= FormalParameters(m) #>)
<# if (m.ReturnType != typeof(void)) { #>return <# } #>wrappedObject.<#= m.Name #>(<#= ParameterNames(m) #>);
foreach(EventInfo e in t.GetEvents(flags).Where(x=>!x.IsSpecialName))
public event <#= TypeDef(e.EventHandlerType) #> <#= e.Name #>
wrappedObject.<#= e.Name #> += value;
wrappedObject.<#= e.Name #> -= value;
foreach(PropertyInfo p in t.GetProperties(flags).Where(x=>!x.IsSpecialName && x.GetIndexParameters() == null))
public <#= TypeDef(p.PropertyType) #> <#= p.Name #>
if (p.GetGetMethod() != null)
return wrappedObject.<#= p.Name #>;
if (p.GetSetMethod() != null)
wrappedObject.<#= p.Name #> = value;
public static string TypeDef(Type t)
if (t == typeof(void))
return "void";
else if (t.IsGenericType)
string name = t.FullName.Split('`')[0];
var args = string.Join(", ", t.GetGenericArguments().Select(TypeDef).ToArray());
return name + "<" + args + ">";
return t.FullName;
public string FormalParameters(MethodInfo method)
var v = method.GetParameters().Select(x => TypeDef(x.ParameterType) + " " + x.Name);
return string.Join(", ", v.ToArray());
public string ParameterNames(MethodInfo method)
var v = method.GetParameters().Select(x => x.Name);
return string.Join(", ", v.ToArray());
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