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Created March 26, 2018 04:04
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A common pattern in most web applications is hiding unnecessary data behind tabs. However in defining these tabs you should make the data accessible in the event the user bookmarks, or shares the link. The method to share on the web is with a URL. Whether it's a absolute path, or a query param you should provide a mechanism to get back to the tab the user selected.

React Router supports this and allows for you to use normal React patterns to accomplish it.

Setup Router

First off we need to setup a router to render our app. We import our BrowserRouter, render a Switch to select between our routes. We only really have a single route that we give a path /home to and our component is our App.

Don't worry too much about the Redirect it's merely so that when navigating to / it will redirect to our route. Essentially it's for demonstration purposes only.

Create Tabs

Inside of our App.js file we need to create some tabs. These are going to be tab routes, they'll be the components that we render based upon the URL.

These components are just normal function React components.

Create our Links

Now we need to setup links that will be our tab controls. We need to setup our to links to be absolute paths so that is why we need to add the /home to both /comments and /contact. The / is taken care of by the redirect up above.

Setup Nested Tabs

Now we need to setup our tabs. React Router allows us to setup routes anywhere, so we don't need a static route config up top. We setup our route path to map to our to links. The exact prop on the first profile route means that whenever we want to match the Profile tab route we must be exactly at /home. Otherwise without the exact prop it won't render the other 2 tab routes.

Make Tab Routes Dynamic

One problem with this structure is that our routes need to be absolute paths. So if we wanted to change our base route from /home to something else we would need to change it everywhere on every link, ever Route, etc.

So rather than statically defining them we can dynamically configure our route paths based upon the Route that was matched from above. The match prop that is passed in will always be whatever we have defined here <Route path="/home" component={App} />.

Here you can see our to on our Link is defined dynamically. Our Route tabs that we setup are all defined dynamically based upon our match.path. Then we can append the additional path that we want to match for each of our tabs.

Not only does it allow us to dynamically route but it makes our Tabs reusable. Imagine if we wanted to render tab routes with the same endings but the top would match differently. This allows for you to reuse the tabs and adjust automatically for the top level.

Change Top Level

So with this setup it doesn't matter what we define at the top level. We can change it from /home, to something like /crazyCoolNewRoute. Something more practical like /profile would work to.


Overall this just scratches the surface of some of the power that React Router provides. We've defined dynamic tabs here, but all paths can be dynamic.

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