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Last active August 15, 2018 01:36
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【iOS】バーコードリーダーをSwiftで作ってみた ref:
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
final class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var captureView: UIView?
private lazy var captureSession: AVCaptureSession = AVCaptureSession()
private lazy var captureDevice: AVCaptureDevice = AVCaptureDevice.defaultDeviceWithMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo)
private lazy var capturePreviewLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer = {
let layer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: self.captureSession)
return layer
private var captureInput: AVCaptureInput? = nil
private lazy var captureOutput: AVCaptureMetadataOutput = {
let output = AVCaptureMetadataOutput()
output.setMetadataObjectsDelegate(self, queue: dispatch_get_main_queue())
return output
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
capturePreviewLayer.frame = self.captureView?.bounds ?? CGRectZero
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
// MARK: - private
private func setupBarcodeCapture() {
do {
captureInput = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: captureDevice)
captureOutput.metadataObjectTypes = captureOutput.availableMetadataObjectTypes
capturePreviewLayer.frame = self.captureView?.bounds ?? CGRectZero
capturePreviewLayer.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspectFill
} catch let error as NSError {
private func convartISBN(value: String) -> String? {
let v = NSString(string: value).longLongValue
let prefix: Int64 = Int64(v / 10000000000)
guard prefix == 978 || prefix == 979 else { return nil }
let isbn9: Int64 = (v % 10000000000) / 10
var sum: Int64 = 0
var tmpISBN = isbn9
for var i = 10; i > 0 && tmpISBN > 0; i -= 1 {
let divisor: Int64 = Int64(pow(10, Double(i - 2)))
sum += (tmpISBN / divisor) * Int64(i)
tmpISBN %= divisor
var i = 10
while i > 0 && tmpISBN > 0 {
let divisor: Int64 = Int64(pow(10, Double(i - 2)))
sum += (tmpISBN / divisor) * Int64(i)
tmpISBN %= divisor
i -= 1
let checkdigit = 11 - (sum % 11)
return String(format: "%lld%@", isbn9, (checkdigit == 10) ? "X" : String(format: "%lld", checkdigit % 11))
extension ViewController: AVCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate {
func captureOutput(captureOutput: AVCaptureOutput!, didOutputMetadataObjects metadataObjects: [AnyObject]!, fromConnection connection: AVCaptureConnection!) {
guard let objects = metadataObjects as? [AVMetadataObject] else { return }
var detectionString: String? = nil
let barcodeTypes = [AVMetadataObjectTypeEAN8Code, AVMetadataObjectTypeEAN13Code]
for metadataObject in objects {
loop: for type in barcodeTypes {
guard metadataObject.type == type else { continue }
guard self.capturePreviewLayer.transformedMetadataObjectForMetadataObject(metadataObject) is AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject else { continue }
if let object = metadataObject as? AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject {
detectionString = object.stringValue
break loop
var text = ""
guard let value = detectionString else { continue }
text += "読み込んだ値:\t\(value)"
text += "\n"
guard let isbn = convartISBN(value) else { continue }
text += "ISBN:\t\(isbn)"
resultTextLabel?.text = text
let URLString = String(format: "", isbn)
guard let URL = NSURL(string: URLString) else { continue }
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