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Created December 13, 2015 18:35
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Attachments to Doctrine Jira Issue DDC-1392 -
namespace Doctrine\Tests\ORM\Functional\Ticket;
use Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../TestInit.php';
class DDC1392Test extends \Doctrine\Tests\OrmFunctionalTestCase
protected function setUp()
try {
$this->_em->getClassMetadata(__NAMESPACE__ . '\DDC1392File'),
$this->_em->getClassMetadata(__NAMESPACE__ . '\DDC1392Picture'),
} catch(\Exception $ignored) {}
public function testFailingCase()
// Remove all data so we can count in the end
$this->_em->createQuery("DELETE FROM " . __NAMESPACE__ . '\DDC1392Picture')->execute();
$this->_em->createQuery("DELETE FROM " . __NAMESPACE__ . '\DDC1392File')->execute();
$file = new DDC1392File;
$picture = new DDC1392Picture;
$em = $this->_em;
$fileId = $file->getFileId();
$pictureId = $picture->getPictureId();
$this->assertTrue($fileId > 0);
$picture = $em->find(__NAMESPACE__ . '\DDC1392Picture', $pictureId);
$this->assertEquals(UnitOfWork::STATE_MANAGED, $em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityState($picture->getFile()), "Lazy Proxy should be marked MANAGED.");
$file = $picture->getFile();
// With this activated there will be no problem
// $file->__load();
$q = $this->_em->createQuery("SELECT COUNT(e) FROM " . __NAMESPACE__ . '\DDC1392File e');
$result = $q->getSingleScalarResult();
self::assertEquals(1, $result);
* @Entity
class DDC1392Picture
* @Column(name="picture_id", type="integer")
* @Id @GeneratedValue
private $pictureId;
* @ManyToOne(targetEntity="DDC1392File", cascade={"persist", "remove"})
* @JoinColumns({
* @JoinColumn(name="file_id", referencedColumnName="file_id")
* })
private $file;
* Get pictureId
public function getPictureId()
return $this->pictureId;
* Set file
public function setFile($value = null)
$this->file = $value;
* Get file
public function getFile()
return $this->file;
* @Entity
class DDC1392File
* @Column(name="file_id", type="integer")
* @Id
* @GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
public $fileId;
* Get fileId
public function getFileId()
return $this->fileId;
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