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Created May 23, 2019 15:50
wrong indented flow sequence
=VAL :nested
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
+SEQ []
=VAL :flow style sequence
=VAL :nested
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
parsing error near byte offset Pos {posByteOffset = 21, posCharOffset = 21, posLine = 3, posColumn = 8} (Unexpected '
b: [
flow style sequence
=VAL :nested
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
+SEQ []
=VAL :flow style sequence
"nested": {
"a": {
"b": [
"flow style sequence"
=VAL :nested
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
=VAL :nested
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
=VAL :flow style sequence
=VAL :nested
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
=VAL :flow style sequence
Line : 4
Column : 1
Message : Bad indendation in FLOWSEQ
Where : /lib/perl5/YAML/PP/ line 178
YAML : "flow style sequence\n"
at /bin/perl5-pp-event line 19.
=VAL :nested
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
=VAL :nested
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
=VAL :flow style sequence
=VAL :nested
=VAL :a
=VAL :b
=VAL :flow style sequence
"nested": {
"a": {
"b": [
"flow style sequence"
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