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Created September 11, 2019 18:22
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am hoseinb127 on github.
* I am noxan75 ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASAHodjo0AT0G-bZk27FtK2MQgdSxuXnFnzTAOhQZksEUwo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
"body": {
"key": {
"eldest_kid": "012007a1d8e8d004f41be6d9936ec5b4ad8c420752c6e5e7167cd300e850664b04530a",
"host": "",
"kid": "012007a1d8e8d004f41be6d9936ec5b4ad8c420752c6e5e7167cd300e850664b04530a",
"uid": "fc94ed53fa6311c73d544c51b0f55019",
"username": "noxan75"
"merkle_root": {
"ctime": 1568226076,
"hash": "9c1297d653819926ba0e589b239d49f5df39e1a5a51e1bfb6e6a7193f8677c4d56d606db6f265fde853496a580535f44e3547b983a95ef98ea8cacef24401fae",
"hash_meta": "b1e4492abf51f5f0f9a716abda1fa43862b7c4543abd78e3efbe31f2684ea48c",
"seqno": 6784534
"service": {
"entropy": "6M+JcL08VbCGKo9cS7ZethVd",
"name": "github",
"username": "hoseinb127"
"type": "web_service_binding",
"version": 2
"client": {
"name": " go client",
"version": "4.4.0"
"ctime": 1568226029,
"expire_in": 504576000,
"prev": "2c8217d316131964b92fb153ce3288d17730cbb03c18a014a0ea2aab6fe179ee",
"seqno": 13,
"tag": "signature"
with the key [ASAHodjo0AT0G-bZk27FtK2MQgdSxuXnFnzTAOhQZksEUwo](, yielding the signature:
And finally, I am proving ownership of the github account by posting this as a gist.
### My publicly-auditable identity:
### From the command line:
Consider the [keybase command line program](
# look me up
keybase id noxan75
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