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Created June 28, 2016 06:35
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Option Explicit
Const WIDTH_POS As Long = 18
Const HEIGHT_POS As Long = 22
Sub ReadBMP()
Dim openFileName As String '開くファイル名
Dim a() As Byte 'Byte列読み込み
Dim File_Size As Long '読み込むファイルのサイズ
Dim Image_Width_Pixel As Long '画像の横のPixel数
Dim Image_Height_Pixel As Long '画像の縦のPixel数
Dim Line_Width_Size As Long '横ラインのByte数
Dim Line_Last_Size As Long '横ラインの最後につけられたByte数
Dim Image_Data_Pos As Long 'イメージデータの開始位置
Dim image() As Byte '画像の配列
Application.ErrorCheckingOptions.BackgroundChecking = False
ChDir ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
openFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("BMP画像,*.bmp")
If openFileName = "False" Then
MsgBox "BMPファイルを選択してください"
Exit Sub
End If
Open openFileName For Binary As #1
File_Size = LOF(1)
ReDim a(File_Size)
Get #1, , a()
Close #1
Image_Width_Pixel = myHex2Dec(a(), WIDTH_POS, WIDTH_POS + 3)
Image_Height_Pixel = myHex2Dec(a(), HEIGHT_POS, HEIGHT_POS + 3)
Line_Width_Size = myCalcLineSize(Image_Width_Pixel)
Line_Last_Size = Line_Width_Size - Image_Width_Pixel * 3
Image_Data_Pos = myHex2Dec(a(), 10, 13)
ReDim image(Image_Width_Pixel - 1, Image_Height_Pixel - 1, 3 - 1)
Call WriteImage2Array(image(), a(), File_Size)
Call ChangeColumnWidth(image())
Call WriteArray2Cells(image())
'Call WriteImage2Jpeg(image())
End Sub
'16To10変換 (Byte配列, 最初のByte位置, 終わりのByte位置)
' 複数バイトの16進数を10進数に変換する
Function myHex2Dec(a() As Byte, First As Long, Last As Long) As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim str As String
str = ""
For i = Last To First Step -1
str = str & Right("00" & Hex(a(i)), 2)
myHex2Dec = CInt("&H" & str)
End Function
Function myCalcLineSize(Width_Pixel As Long) As Long
Dim Width_Byte As Long
Width_Byte = Width_Pixel * 3
If Width_Byte Mod 4 <> 0 Then
Width_Byte = Width_Byte + (4 - (Width_Byte Mod 4))
End If
myCalcLineSize = Width_Byte
End Function
Function WriteArray2Cells(a() As Byte)
Dim r As Long
Dim c As Long
Dim color As Long
Dim rMax As Long
Dim cMax As Long
rMax = UBound(a, 2)
cMax = UBound(a, 1)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For r = 0 To rMax
For c = 0 To cMax
Cells(r + 1, c + 1).Interior.color = RGB(a(c, r, 0), a(c, r, 1), a(c, r, 2))
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Function
Function WriteImage2Array(image() As Byte, a() As Byte, fileSize As Long)
Dim r As Long
Dim c As Long
Dim color As Long
Dim rMax As Long
Dim cMax As Long
Dim i As Long
rMax = UBound(image, 2)
cMax = UBound(image, 1)
i = fileSize - 1
For r = 0 To rMax
For c = cMax To 0 Step -1
For color = 0 To 2
image(c, r, color) = a(i)
i = i - 1
End Function
'height 1pix = 0.75, width 1pix = 0.118
Function ChangeColumnWidth(image() As Byte)
Dim r As Long
Dim c As Long
r = UBound(image, 2) + 1
c = UBound(image, 1) + 1
Range(Columns(1), Columns(c)).ColumnWidth = 0.1
Range(Rows(1), Rows(r)).RowHeight = 1 * 0.75
End Function
Function WriteImage2Jpeg(image() As Byte)
Dim r As Long
Dim c As Long
r = UBound(image, 2) + 1
c = UBound(image, 1) + 1
Dim rc As Long
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(r, c)).CopyPicture
rc = Shell("mspaint", vbNormalFocus)
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")
SendKeys "^v", True
SendKeys "^s", True
End Function
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