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# Dockerfile for cpuminer
# usage: docker run creack/cpuminer --url xxxx --user xxxx --pass xxxx
# ex: docker run creack/cpuminer --url stratum+tcp:// --user creack.worker1 --pass abcdef
FROM ubuntu:16.10
RUN apt-get update -qq
# Dockerfile for cpuminer
# usage:
# docker build -t cpuminer
# docker run cpuminer --url xxxx --user xxxx --pass xxxx
# ex: docker run cpuminer --url stratum+tcp:// --user username.worker1 --pass abcdef
FROM ubuntu:16.10
If you find the following useful my donation address is: aEgoFC75sP78gT55em1QYcL8DNYZ78ewJ5
1. Go here:
2. Click: "Request Spot Instances"
3. Request type: "Request and Maintain"
4. Choose how ever many servers/vcpus you want in the "Target Capacity" section.