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Created October 16, 2013 22:18
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require 'formula'
class Ipopt < Formula
homepage ''
url ''
sha1 '909a7073e3e83989d1a8c5aceba2d1a96dc262d2'
depends_on 'mumps' => :build
depends_on 'openblas' => :optional
depends_on 'asl' => :optional
depends_on 'metis4' => :optional
depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build
depends_on :fortran
def install
mumps_libs = ['-ldmumps', '-lmumps_common', '-lpord']
# See whether the parallel or sequential MUMPS library was built.
opts = Tab.for_formula(Formula.factory('mumps'))
if opts.used_options.include? 'without-mpi'
mumps_libs << '-lmpiseq'
mumps_incdir = Formula.factory('mumps').libexec/'include'
# The MPI libs were installed as a MUMPS dependency.
mumps_libs += ['-lmpi_cxx', '-lmpi_f77']
mumps_incdir = Formula.factory('mumps').include
mumps_libcmd = "-L#{Formula.factory('mumps').lib} " + mumps_libs.join(' ')
args = ["--disable-debug",
if build.with? 'openblas'
args << "--with-blas-incdir=#{Formula.factory('openblas').include}"
args << "--with-blas-lib=-L#{Formula.factory('openblas').lib} -lopenblas"
args << "--with-lapack-incdir=#{Formula.factory('openblas').include}"
args << "--with-lapack-lib=-L#{Formula.factory('openblas').lib} -lopenblas"
if build.with? 'asl'
args << "--with-asl-incdir=#{Formula.factory('asl').include}/asl"
args << "--with-asl-lib=-L#{Formula.factory('asl').lib} -lasl -lfuncadd0"
if build.with? 'metis4'
args << "--with-metis-incdir=#{Formula.factory('metis4').include}"
args << "--with-metis-lib='-L#{Formula.factory('metis4').lib} -lmetis'"
system "./configure", *args
system "make"
ENV.deparallelize # Needs a serialized install
system "make test"
system "make install"
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tavert commented Oct 27, 2013

pkg-config should be optional - if it's available, then Ipopt configure will use it, but if not Ipopt can still build.

I'm having some interesting link failures with Ipopt 3.11.5 in OS X Mavericks when I configure for an entirely-static build (--disable-shared, which makes life easier when it comes to Matlab)

Edit: Found a fix for the latter, libtool was doing some strange translations of the link line, replacing -lstdc++ with the full path to the version of libstdc++.dylib inside the homebrew copy of gfortran. Since the system compilers (which I used to build the C/C++ parts of Ipopt) in Mavericks aren't GCC at all, this breaks all the C++ linking. Specifying CXXLIBS=-lc++ fixed it, might need to tweak that section in COIN-OR BuildUtils appropriately.

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