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vivdub/ Secret

Created January 10, 2011 06:47
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Getting error with code............
public class GameDB {
private static String _DB_NAME = "GAME_FRAMEWORK.db";
private static int _DB_VERSION =1;
private Context _context;
private DBHelper _helper;
public GameDB(Context context){
this._context = context;
this._helper = new DBHelper(this._context, this._DB_NAME, null, this._DB_VERSION);
this._helper = new DBHelper(this._context);
SQLiteDatabase sqdb = this._helper.getWritableDatabase();
/**This will save the user game, loss, of a particular game across a session, if record already exists for
* same session and same game, it will be updated( wins and losses added after the present ones ) */
public void saveGameRecord(String session_id, GAME game,int win, int loss){
if(recordExistsForThisSessionAndGame(session_id, game))
updateUserRecordForThisSession(session_id, game, win, loss);
insertUserGameRecord(session_id, game, win, loss);
}catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
private boolean recordExistsForThisSessionAndGame(String session_id, GAME game){
SQLiteDatabase sqdb;
sqdb = this._context.openOrCreateDatabase(this._DB_NAME, this._context.MODE_PRIVATE, null);
String query= " select * from "+TABLE.GAME_RECORD+" where "+GAME_RECORD.SESSION_ID+"="+session_id+" and "+GAME_RECORD.GAME_ID+"="+game+" ";
Cursor c=sqdb.rawQuery(query, null);
int count=0;
c.close(); sqdb.close();
if(count>0) return true;
}catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
return false;
private void updateUserRecordForThisSession(String session_id, GAME game, int win, int loss){
SQLiteDatabase sqdb= this._context.openOrCreateDatabase(this._DB_NAME, this._context.MODE_PRIVATE, null);
String query;
query = " update "+TABLE.GAME_RECORD+" set "+GAME_RECORD.LOSS+" = ("+GAME_RECORD.LOSS+"+"+loss+"), "+GAME_RECORD.WIN+" = ("+GAME_RECORD.WIN+"+"+win+") where "+GAME_RECORD.SESSION_ID+" = "+session_id+" and "+GAME_RECORD.GAME_ID+" = "+game+" ; ";
}catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
private void insertUserGameRecord(String session_id, GAME game, int win, int loss){
SQLiteDatabase sqdb= this._context.openOrCreateDatabase(this._DB_NAME, this._context.MODE_PRIVATE, null);
String query = " insert into "+TABLE.GAME_RECORD+" ("+GAME_RECORD.SESSION_ID+", "+GAME_RECORD.GAME_ID+", "+GAME_RECORD.WIN+", "+GAME_RECORD.LOSS+") values ("+session_id+", "+game+", "+win+", "+loss+") ";
}catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
private static class DBHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper{
public DBHelper(Context context){
super(context, GameDB._DB_NAME, null, GameDB._DB_VERSION);
Log.i("message","inside helper constructor");
public DBHelper(Context context, String name, CursorFactory factory,int version) {
super(context, name, factory, version);
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
Log.i("message","inside oncreate");
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
/**This creates following tables:<br>
* <ul>
* <li>
* Game Record : fields (record_id, session_id, game_id, win, loss)
* </li>
*</ul> */
private void createTables(SQLiteDatabase db){
String query;
query = "Create table if not exists "+TABLE.GAME_RECORD+" ("+GAME_RECORD.RECORD_ID+" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "+GAME_RECORD.GAME_ID+" varchar(50), "+GAME_RECORD.WIN+" int(15), "+GAME_RECORD.LOSS+" int(15)) ";
}catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
class TABLE{
public static final String GAME_RECORD = "game_record";
public static final String RECORD_ID = "RECORD_ID";
public static final String GAME_ID = "GAME_ID";
public static final String SESSION_ID = "SESSION_ID";
public static final String WIN = "WIN";
public static final String LOSS = "LOSS";
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