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Created November 18, 2010 03:13
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(ns desktop.htmlparser.core
(:require [clojure.contrib.string :as st]
[infer.measures :only [sparse-dot-product] :as im]
[clojure.contrib.profile :as p])
(:import [org.htmlcleaner HtmlCleaner DomSerializer]
[org.apache.commons.lang StringEscapeUtils]
[org.w3c.dom Document Node]))
; TODO: make sure there are spaces after punctuation
; TODO: Replace ' correctly
(defn do-children [node func]
"Analagous to running #map over a collection of children"
(if (not (and node (.hasChildNodes node)))
(let [children (.getChildNodes node)]
(doall (for [i (range 0 (.getLength children))]
(p/prof :inside (func (.item children i))))))))
(defn children-matching [node pred]
"Returns children matching a predicate"
(p/prof :children-matching (filter pred (do-children node identity))))
(defn count-words [string]
(count (st/split #" " string)))
(def bad-words
; Classes/IDs matching these are "bad"
(def good-words
; Classes/IDs matching these are "good"
(def punctuation
(def div-weight-map {
:child-paragraphs 150
:bad-id -150
:bad-class -150
:good-id 75
:good-class 75
:num-chars 0.1
:commas 1
:inner-divs -50
:long-text? 100.0 } )
(defn weight-div [node]
"Takes an HTML node and returns a map containing numeric 'facts' about the div that are important; will be cross-producted with the weight map above"
(let [class (.getAttribute node "class")
id (.getAttribute node "id")
text-content (.getTextContent node)]
(p/prof :child-paragraphs (count (children-matching node #(= (.getNodeName %) "p"))))
(p/prof :bad-id (count (re-seq bad-words id)))
(p/prof :bad-class (count (re-seq bad-words class)))
(p/prof :good-id (count (re-seq good-words id)))
(p/prof :good-class (count (re-seq good-words class)))
; :num-chars
; (p/prof :num-chars (count text-content))
; :commas
; (p/prof :commas (count (filter #{\,} text-content)))
;(p/prof :general-punctuation (count (re-seq punctuation (.getTextContent node))))
(p/prof :inner-divs (count (children-matching node #(= (.getNodeName %) "div"))))
(p/prof :long-text? (if (> (count text-content) 30) 1.0 0.0))}))
(defn initialize-cleaner-props [cleaner]
"Takes an HTMLCleaner object and makes it ignore comments, script tags, and style tags"
(doto (.getProperties cleaner)
(.setOmitComments true)
(.setPruneTags "script,style")))
(defn elements [^Document dom ^String tag]
"Returns a collection of elements matching the given tag name in the dom"
(let [nodes (.getElementsByTagName dom tag)]
(map identity
(for [i (range 0 (.getLength nodes))]
(.item nodes i)))))
(defn remove-children-matching [^Node node pred]
"Removes children matching a predicate and returns the node"
(doseq [child (children-matching node pred)] (.removeChild node child))
(defn attribute [^Node node ^String name]
(let [attributes (.getAttributes node)
attribute (if attributes (.getNamedItem attributes name) nil)]
(if attribute (.getValue attribute) "")))
(defn dom [url]
"Returns cleaned html source given url"
(let [
cleaner (HtmlCleaner.)
props (initialize-cleaner-props cleaner)
node (.clean cleaner (slurp url))
serializer (DomSerializer. props)
(.createDOM serializer node)))
;;;;;; These are the two functions that should really be called
(defn clean-content-divs [divs]
(doseq [div divs]
(remove-children-matching div
#(not (= 0
(+ (count (re-seq bad-words (attribute % "class")))
(count (re-seq bad-words (attribute % "id")))))))))
(defn find-content-div [dom]
"Returns the node that most likely to contain the majority of the content of the page"
(let [divs (elements dom "div")]
(if (not (= 0 (count divs)))
(let [content-div (apply max-key
(fn [div] (infer.measures/sparse-dot-product (weight-div div) div-weight-map))
(if (> (count (.getTextContent content-div)) 50) content-div nil)) nil)))
(defn clean-content [^String content]
(p/prof :clean-content (st/lower-case (st/replace-re punctuation " " (st/replace-re #"'" "'" (st/replace-re #"(\n|\r)+" " " (StringEscapeUtils/unescapeHtml content)))))))
(defn find-content [^String url]
(let [content-div (find-content-div (dom url))]
(if content-div (clean-content (.getTextContent content-div)) nil)))
(defn words [^String string]
(st/split #" " string))
Name mean min max count sum
bad-class 9285 0 98000 3156 29305000
bad-id 4298 0 65000 3156 13567000
child-paragraphs 268490 53000 14012000 3156 847356000
children-matching 177528 38000 8650000 6312 1120559000
clean-content 2953000 2953000 2953000 1 2953000
commas 16994878 7000 96418000 3156 53635837000
good-class 4702 0 61000 3156 14841000
good-id 1426 0 43000 3156 4502000
inner-divs 290466 58000 13731000 3156 916712000
inside 17265 7000 5642000 36694 633551000
long-text? 2604 0 45000 3156 8221000
"Elapsed time: 58654.433 msecs"
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