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Created November 22, 2010 06:53
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use v5.8;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $loud = 1;
my $TEST_FILE = shift or die 'Usage: tdd-harness <testfile>';
my $SLEEP_TIME = 2;
$ENV{PERL6LIB} = './lib';
my @files = qw<
my %modifications = map { $_ => -M $_ } @files;
my $checkpoint_time = time();
my %mode_messages = ('implementation' => 'back to coding',
'build' => 'compiling',
'control' => 'testing',
'checkpoint' => 'checkpoint, oh yay!');
sub set_mode {
my ($mode) = @_;
print '=== ', uc $mode, " MODE\n";
$loud and system("say " . $mode_messages{$mode});
sub check_passes {
my ($file) = @_;
`perl -ne'print /^ok/ || /# TODO/ ? 1 : /^not ok/ ? 0 : ""' $file`;
sub compare_passes {
my ($new, $old) = @_;
my ($passing_new_tests, $passing_old_tests)
= map { /^(1*)/ and length $1 } $new, $old;
return $passing_new_tests <=> $passing_old_tests;
sub run_tests {
system( "alpha $TEST_FILE | tee test.log" );
my $results = check_passes('test.log');
return $results;
set_mode 'control';
my $last_passes = run_tests();
while (1) {
set_mode 'implementation';
while (1) {
sleep $SLEEP_TIME;
for my $file (keys %modifications) {
if ($modifications{$file} > -M $file) {
$modifications{$file} = -M $file;
set_mode 'build';
my $build_successful = !system("make");
last WAIT unless $build_successful;
set_mode 'control';
my $these_passes = run_tests();
my $cmp = compare_passes($these_passes, $last_passes);
if ($cmp < 0) {
print "++ Regression\n";
elsif ($cmp == 0) {
print "++ Nope, that wasn't it\n";
else {
set_mode 'checkpoint';
my $t = time() - $checkpoint_time;
printf "Elapsed time: %d s (%d m %d s)\n",
$t, $t/60, $t % 60;
$checkpoint_time = time();
sleep 4;
system('git ci ' . join ' ', @files);
$last_passes = $these_passes;
last WAIT;
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