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dotnet-legacy-macOS API diff from stable
title description author ms.topic ms.assetid
Xamarin.Mac.Stable.Legacy SDK API diff: 8.1.0 vs 8.3.0
List of API changes between Xamarin.Mac.Stable.Legacy versions 8.1.0 and 8.3.0.

Xamarin.Mac.Stable.Legacy SDK API diff: 8.1.0 vs 8.3.0

Namespace AVFoundation

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVCaptionDimension

Modified fields:

-public nfloat Value;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Value;

Removed method:

public static AVCaptionDimension Create (nfloat dimension, AVCaptionUnitsType units);

Added method:

public static AVCaptionDimension Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat dimension, AVCaptionUnitsType units);

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVCaptureDevice

Added properties:

public virtual AVCaptureDevice ActivePrimaryConstituentDevice { get; }
public virtual AVCapturePrimaryConstituentDeviceRestrictedSwitchingBehaviorConditions ActivePrimaryConstituentDeviceRestrictedSwitchingBehaviorConditions { get; }
public virtual AVCapturePrimaryConstituentDeviceSwitchingBehavior ActivePrimaryConstituentDeviceSwitchingBehavior { get; }
public virtual AVCaptureDevice[] FallbackPrimaryConstituentDevices { get; set; }
public virtual AVCapturePrimaryConstituentDeviceRestrictedSwitchingBehaviorConditions PrimaryConstituentDeviceRestrictedSwitchingBehaviorConditions { get; }
public virtual AVCapturePrimaryConstituentDeviceSwitchingBehavior PrimaryConstituentDeviceSwitchingBehavior { get; }
public virtual AVCaptureDevice[] SupportedFallbackPrimaryConstituentDevices { get; }

Added methods:

protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
public virtual void SetPrimaryConstituentDeviceSwitchingBehavior (AVCapturePrimaryConstituentDeviceSwitchingBehavior switchingBehavior, AVCapturePrimaryConstituentDeviceRestrictedSwitchingBehaviorConditions restrictedSwitchingBehaviorConditions);

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVCaptureMovieFileOutput

Added properties:

public virtual AVCapturePrimaryConstituentDeviceRestrictedSwitchingBehaviorConditions PrimaryConstituentDeviceRestrictedSwitchingBehaviorConditionsForRecording { get; }
public virtual AVCapturePrimaryConstituentDeviceSwitchingBehavior PrimaryConstituentDeviceSwitchingBehaviorForRecording { get; }
public virtual bool PrimaryConstituentDeviceSwitchingBehaviorForRecordingEnabled { get; set; }

Added method:

public virtual void SetPrimaryConstituentDeviceSwitchingBehaviorForRecording (AVCapturePrimaryConstituentDeviceSwitchingBehavior switchingBehavior, AVCapturePrimaryConstituentDeviceRestrictedSwitchingBehaviorConditions restrictedSwitchingBehaviorConditions);

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVCaptureScreenInput

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ScaleFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScaleFactor { get; set; }

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVEdgeWidths

Removed constructor:

public AVEdgeWidths (nfloat left, nfloat top, nfloat right, nfloat bottom);

Added constructor:

public AVEdgeWidths (ObjCRuntime.nfloat left, ObjCRuntime.nfloat top, ObjCRuntime.nfloat right, ObjCRuntime.nfloat bottom);

Modified fields:

-public nfloat Bottom;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Bottom;
-public nfloat Left;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Left;
-public nfloat Right;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Right;
-public nfloat Top;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Top;

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVMediaTypes

Removed value:

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.8.")]
TimedMetadata = 6,

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVMetadataFaceObject

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat RollAngle { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RollAngle { get; }
-public virtual nfloat YawAngle { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat YawAngle { get; }

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVPlayerItem

Type Changed: AVFoundation.AVPlayerItem.Notifications

Removed methods:

public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveTimeJumped (System.EventHandler<AVPlayerItemTimeJumpedEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveTimeJumped (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<AVPlayerItemTimeJumpedEventArgs> handler);

Added methods:

public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveTimeJumped (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveTimeJumped (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);

Removed Type AVFoundation.AVMediaType

Removed Type AVFoundation.AVPlayerItemTimeJumpedEventArgs

New Type: AVFoundation.AVCapturePrimaryConstituentDeviceRestrictedSwitchingBehaviorConditions

public enum AVCapturePrimaryConstituentDeviceRestrictedSwitchingBehaviorConditions {
	ExposureModeChanged = 4,
	FocusModeChanged = 2,
	None = 0,
	VideoZoomChanged = 1,

New Type: AVFoundation.AVCapturePrimaryConstituentDeviceSwitchingBehavior

public enum AVCapturePrimaryConstituentDeviceSwitchingBehavior {
	Auto = 1,
	Locked = 3,
	Restricted = 2,
	Unsupported = 0,

Namespace AppKit

Type Changed: AppKit.INSCollectionLayoutVisibleItem

Modified properties:

-public abstract nfloat Alpha { get; set; }
+public abstract ObjCRuntime.nfloat Alpha { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSAlignmentFeedbackFilter

Removed methods:

public virtual INSAlignmentFeedbackToken GetTokenForHorizontalMovement (NSView view, nfloat previousX, nfloat alignedX, nfloat defaultX);
public virtual INSAlignmentFeedbackToken GetTokenForVerticalMovement (NSView view, nfloat previousY, nfloat alignedY, nfloat defaultY);

Added methods:

public virtual INSAlignmentFeedbackToken GetTokenForHorizontalMovement (NSView view, ObjCRuntime.nfloat previousX, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alignedX, ObjCRuntime.nfloat defaultX);
public virtual INSAlignmentFeedbackToken GetTokenForVerticalMovement (NSView view, ObjCRuntime.nfloat previousY, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alignedY, ObjCRuntime.nfloat defaultY);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSApplication

Removed properties:

public static Foundation.NSString ProtectedDataDidBecomeAvailableNotification { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString ProtectedDataWillBecomeUnavailableNotification { get; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSBezierPath

Modified properties:

-public nfloat DefaultFlatness { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat DefaultFlatness { get; set; }
-public nfloat DefaultLineWidth { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat DefaultLineWidth { get; set; }
-public nfloat DefaultMiterLimit { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat DefaultMiterLimit { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Flatness { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Flatness { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat LineWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineWidth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MiterLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MiterLimit { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void AppendPathWithArc (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point1, CoreGraphics.CGPoint point2, nfloat radius);
public virtual void AppendPathWithArc (CoreGraphics.CGPoint center, nfloat radius, nfloat startAngle, nfloat endAngle);
public virtual void AppendPathWithArc (CoreGraphics.CGPoint center, nfloat radius, nfloat startAngle, nfloat endAngle, bool clockwise);
public virtual void AppendPathWithRoundedRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, nfloat xRadius, nfloat yRadius);
public static NSBezierPath FromRoundedRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, nfloat xRadius, nfloat yRadius);
public void GetLineDash (out nfloat[] pattern, out nfloat phase);
public void SetLineDash (nfloat[] pattern, nfloat phase);

Added methods:

public virtual void AppendPathWithArc (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point1, CoreGraphics.CGPoint point2, ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius);
public virtual void AppendPathWithArc (CoreGraphics.CGPoint center, ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat startAngle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat endAngle);
public virtual void AppendPathWithArc (CoreGraphics.CGPoint center, ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat startAngle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat endAngle, bool clockwise);
public virtual void AppendPathWithRoundedRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat xRadius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat yRadius);
public static NSBezierPath FromRoundedRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat xRadius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat yRadius);
public void GetLineDash (out ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] pattern, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat phase);
public void SetLineDash (ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] pattern, ObjCRuntime.nfloat phase);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSBitmapImageRep

Removed method:

public virtual void Colorize (nfloat midPoint, NSColor midPointColor, NSColor shadowColor, NSColor lightColor);

Added method:

public virtual void Colorize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat midPoint, NSColor midPointColor, NSColor shadowColor, NSColor lightColor);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSBox

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat BorderWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BorderWidth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat CornerRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat CornerRadius { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSBrowser

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat DefaultColumnWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat DefaultColumnWidth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MinColumnWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinColumnWidth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat RowHeight { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RowHeight { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat TitleHeight { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat TitleHeight { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat ColumnContentWidthForColumnWidth (nfloat columnWidth);
public virtual nfloat ColumnWidthForColumnContentWidth (nfloat columnContentWidth);
public virtual nfloat GetColumnWidth (nint column);
public virtual void SetColumnWidth (nfloat columnWidth, nint columnIndex);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ColumnContentWidthForColumnWidth (ObjCRuntime.nfloat columnWidth);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ColumnWidthForColumnContentWidth (ObjCRuntime.nfloat columnContentWidth);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetColumnWidth (nint column);
public virtual void SetColumnWidth (ObjCRuntime.nfloat columnWidth, nint columnIndex);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSBrowserDelegate

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat RowHeight (NSBrowser browser, nint row, nint columnIndex);
public virtual nfloat ShouldSizeColumn (NSBrowser browser, nint columnIndex, bool userResize, nfloat suggestedWidth);
public virtual nfloat SizeToFitWidth (NSBrowser browser, nint columnIndex);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RowHeight (NSBrowser browser, nint row, nint columnIndex);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ShouldSizeColumn (NSBrowser browser, nint columnIndex, bool userResize, ObjCRuntime.nfloat suggestedWidth);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SizeToFitWidth (NSBrowser browser, nint columnIndex);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSBrowserDelegate_Extensions

Removed methods:

public static nfloat RowHeight (this INSBrowserDelegate This, NSBrowser browser, nint row, nint columnIndex);
public static nfloat ShouldSizeColumn (this INSBrowserDelegate This, NSBrowser browser, nint columnIndex, bool userResize, nfloat suggestedWidth);
public static nfloat SizeToFitWidth (this INSBrowserDelegate This, NSBrowser browser, nint columnIndex);

Added methods:

public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat RowHeight (this INSBrowserDelegate This, NSBrowser browser, nint row, nint columnIndex);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat ShouldSizeColumn (this INSBrowserDelegate This, NSBrowser browser, nint columnIndex, bool userResize, ObjCRuntime.nfloat suggestedWidth);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat SizeToFitWidth (this INSBrowserDelegate This, NSBrowser browser, nint columnIndex);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSButtonCell

Removed method:

public virtual void SetKeyEquivalentFont (string fontName, nfloat fontSize);

Added method:

public virtual void SetKeyEquivalentFont (string fontName, ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSCell

Modified properties:

-public virtual NSWritingDirection BaseWritingDirection { get; set; }
+public virtual Foundation.NSWritingDirection BaseWritingDirection { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public void DrawNinePartImage (CoreGraphics.CGRect frame, NSImage topLeftCorner, NSImage topEdgeFill, NSImage topRightCorner, NSImage leftEdgeFill, NSImage centerFill, NSImage rightEdgeFill, NSImage bottomLeftCorner, NSImage bottomEdgeFill, NSImage bottomRightCorner, NSCompositingOperation op, nfloat alphaFraction, bool flipped);
public void DrawThreePartImage (CoreGraphics.CGRect frame, NSImage startCap, NSImage centerFill, NSImage endCap, bool vertical, NSCompositingOperation op, nfloat alphaFraction, bool flipped);

Added methods:

public void DrawNinePartImage (CoreGraphics.CGRect frame, NSImage topLeftCorner, NSImage topEdgeFill, NSImage topRightCorner, NSImage leftEdgeFill, NSImage centerFill, NSImage rightEdgeFill, NSImage bottomLeftCorner, NSImage bottomEdgeFill, NSImage bottomRightCorner, NSCompositingOperation op, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alphaFraction, bool flipped);
public void DrawThreePartImage (CoreGraphics.CGRect frame, NSImage startCap, NSImage centerFill, NSImage endCap, bool vertical, NSCompositingOperation op, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alphaFraction, bool flipped);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSCollectionLayoutDimension

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Dimension { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Dimension { get; }

Removed methods:

public static NSCollectionLayoutDimension CreateAbsoluteDimension (nfloat absoluteDimension);
public static NSCollectionLayoutDimension CreateEstimatedDimension (nfloat estimatedDimension);
public static NSCollectionLayoutDimension CreateFractionalHeightDimension (nfloat fractionalHeight);
public static NSCollectionLayoutDimension CreateFractionalWidthDimension (nfloat fractionalWidth);

Added methods:

public static NSCollectionLayoutDimension CreateAbsoluteDimension (ObjCRuntime.nfloat absoluteDimension);
public static NSCollectionLayoutDimension CreateEstimatedDimension (ObjCRuntime.nfloat estimatedDimension);
public static NSCollectionLayoutDimension CreateFractionalHeightDimension (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fractionalHeight);
public static NSCollectionLayoutDimension CreateFractionalWidthDimension (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fractionalWidth);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSCollectionLayoutSection

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat InterGroupSpacing { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat InterGroupSpacing { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSCollectionLayoutSpacing

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Spacing { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Spacing { get; }

Removed methods:

public static NSCollectionLayoutSpacing CreateFixedSpacing (nfloat fixedSpacing);
public static NSCollectionLayoutSpacing CreateFlexibleSpacing (nfloat flexibleSpacing);

Added methods:

public static NSCollectionLayoutSpacing CreateFixedSpacing (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fixedSpacing);
public static NSCollectionLayoutSpacing CreateFlexibleSpacing (ObjCRuntime.nfloat flexibleSpacing);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSCollectionViewCompositionalLayoutConfiguration

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat InterSectionSpacing { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat InterSectionSpacing { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSCollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat MinimumInteritemSpacingForSection (NSCollectionView collectionView, NSCollectionViewLayout collectionViewLayout, nint section);
public virtual nfloat MinimumLineSpacing (NSCollectionView collectionView, NSCollectionViewLayout collectionViewLayout, nint section);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumInteritemSpacingForSection (NSCollectionView collectionView, NSCollectionViewLayout collectionViewLayout, nint section);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumLineSpacing (NSCollectionView collectionView, NSCollectionViewLayout collectionViewLayout, nint section);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSCollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout_Extensions

Removed methods:

public static nfloat MinimumInteritemSpacingForSection (this INSCollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout This, NSCollectionView collectionView, NSCollectionViewLayout collectionViewLayout, nint section);
public static nfloat MinimumLineSpacing (this INSCollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout This, NSCollectionView collectionView, NSCollectionViewLayout collectionViewLayout, nint section);

Added methods:

public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumInteritemSpacingForSection (this INSCollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout This, NSCollectionView collectionView, NSCollectionViewLayout collectionViewLayout, nint section);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumLineSpacing (this INSCollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout This, NSCollectionView collectionView, NSCollectionViewLayout collectionViewLayout, nint section);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSCollectionViewFlowLayout

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat MinimumInteritemSpacing { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumInteritemSpacing { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MinimumLineSpacing { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumLineSpacing { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSCollectionViewGridLayout

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat MinimumInteritemSpacing { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumInteritemSpacing { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MinimumLineSpacing { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumLineSpacing { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSCollectionViewLayoutAttributes

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Alpha { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Alpha { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSCollectionViewTransitionLayout

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat TransitionProgress { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat TransitionProgress { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat GetValue (string key);
public virtual void UpdateValue (nfloat value, string key);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetValue (string key);
public virtual void UpdateValue (ObjCRuntime.nfloat value, string key);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSColor

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat AlphaComponent { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AlphaComponent { get; }
-public virtual nfloat BlackComponent { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BlackComponent { get; }
-public virtual nfloat BlueComponent { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BlueComponent { get; }
-public virtual nfloat BrightnessComponent { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BrightnessComponent { get; }
-public virtual nfloat CyanComponent { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat CyanComponent { get; }
-public virtual nfloat GreenComponent { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GreenComponent { get; }
-public virtual nfloat HueComponent { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat HueComponent { get; }
-public virtual nfloat MagentaComponent { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MagentaComponent { get; }
-public virtual nfloat RedComponent { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RedComponent { get; }
-public virtual nfloat SaturationComponent { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SaturationComponent { get; }
-public virtual nfloat WhiteComponent { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat WhiteComponent { get; }
-public virtual nfloat YellowComponent { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat YellowComponent { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual NSColor BlendedColor (nfloat fraction, NSColor color);
public virtual NSColor ColorWithAlphaComponent (nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromCalibratedHsb (nfloat hue, nfloat saturation, nfloat brightness);
public static NSColor FromCalibratedHsba (nfloat hue, nfloat saturation, nfloat brightness, nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromCalibratedRgb (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue);
public static NSColor FromCalibratedRgba (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue, nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromCalibratedWhite (nfloat white, nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromColor (NSColorSpace space, nfloat hue, nfloat saturation, nfloat brightness, nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromColorSpace (NSColorSpace space, nfloat[] components);
public static NSColor FromDeviceCymk (nfloat cyan, nfloat magenta, nfloat yellow, nfloat black);
public static NSColor FromDeviceCymka (nfloat cyan, nfloat magenta, nfloat yellow, nfloat black, nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromDeviceHsb (nfloat hue, nfloat saturation, nfloat brightness);
public static NSColor FromDeviceHsba (nfloat hue, nfloat saturation, nfloat brightness, nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromDeviceRgb (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue);
public static NSColor FromDeviceRgba (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue, nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromDeviceWhite (nfloat white, nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromDisplayP3 (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue, nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromGamma22White (nfloat white, nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromHsb (nfloat hue, nfloat saturation, nfloat brightness);
public static NSColor FromHsba (nfloat hue, nfloat saturation, nfloat brightness, nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromRgb (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue);
public static NSColor FromRgba (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue, nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromSrgb (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue, nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromWhite (nfloat white, nfloat alpha);
public virtual void GetCmyka (out nfloat cyan, out nfloat magenta, out nfloat yellow, out nfloat black, out nfloat alpha);
public void GetComponents (out nfloat[] components);
public virtual void GetHsba (out nfloat hue, out nfloat saturation, out nfloat brightness, out nfloat alpha);
public virtual void GetRgba (out nfloat red, out nfloat green, out nfloat blue, out nfloat alpha);
public virtual void GetWhiteAlpha (out nfloat white, out nfloat alpha);
public virtual NSColor HighlightWithLevel (nfloat highlightLevel);
public virtual NSColor ShadowWithLevel (nfloat shadowLevel);

Added methods:

public virtual NSColor BlendedColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fraction, NSColor color);
public virtual NSColor ColorWithAlphaComponent (ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromCalibratedHsb (ObjCRuntime.nfloat hue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat saturation, ObjCRuntime.nfloat brightness);
public static NSColor FromCalibratedHsba (ObjCRuntime.nfloat hue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat saturation, ObjCRuntime.nfloat brightness, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromCalibratedRgb (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue);
public static NSColor FromCalibratedRgba (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromCalibratedWhite (ObjCRuntime.nfloat white, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromColor (NSColorSpace space, ObjCRuntime.nfloat hue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat saturation, ObjCRuntime.nfloat brightness, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromColorSpace (NSColorSpace space, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] components);
public static NSColor FromDeviceCymk (ObjCRuntime.nfloat cyan, ObjCRuntime.nfloat magenta, ObjCRuntime.nfloat yellow, ObjCRuntime.nfloat black);
public static NSColor FromDeviceCymka (ObjCRuntime.nfloat cyan, ObjCRuntime.nfloat magenta, ObjCRuntime.nfloat yellow, ObjCRuntime.nfloat black, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromDeviceHsb (ObjCRuntime.nfloat hue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat saturation, ObjCRuntime.nfloat brightness);
public static NSColor FromDeviceHsba (ObjCRuntime.nfloat hue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat saturation, ObjCRuntime.nfloat brightness, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromDeviceRgb (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue);
public static NSColor FromDeviceRgba (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromDeviceWhite (ObjCRuntime.nfloat white, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromDisplayP3 (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromGamma22White (ObjCRuntime.nfloat white, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromHsb (ObjCRuntime.nfloat hue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat saturation, ObjCRuntime.nfloat brightness);
public static NSColor FromHsba (ObjCRuntime.nfloat hue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat saturation, ObjCRuntime.nfloat brightness, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromRgb (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue);
public static NSColor FromRgba (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromSrgb (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static NSColor FromWhite (ObjCRuntime.nfloat white, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public virtual void GetCmyka (out ObjCRuntime.nfloat cyan, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat magenta, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat yellow, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat black, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public void GetComponents (out ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] components);
public virtual void GetHsba (out ObjCRuntime.nfloat hue, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat saturation, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat brightness, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public virtual void GetRgba (out ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public virtual void GetWhiteAlpha (out ObjCRuntime.nfloat white, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public virtual NSColor HighlightWithLevel (ObjCRuntime.nfloat highlightLevel);
public virtual NSColor ShadowWithLevel (ObjCRuntime.nfloat shadowLevel);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSColorPanel

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Alpha { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Alpha { get; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSComboBox

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ItemHeight { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ItemHeight { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSComboBoxCell

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ItemHeight { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ItemHeight { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSControl

Modified properties:

-public virtual NSWritingDirection BaseWritingDirection { get; set; }
+public virtual Foundation.NSWritingDirection BaseWritingDirection { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSDirectionalEdgeInsets

Removed constructor:

public NSDirectionalEdgeInsets (nfloat top, nfloat leading, nfloat bottom, nfloat trailing);

Added constructor:

public NSDirectionalEdgeInsets (ObjCRuntime.nfloat top, ObjCRuntime.nfloat leading, ObjCRuntime.nfloat bottom, ObjCRuntime.nfloat trailing);

Modified fields:

-public nfloat Bottom;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Bottom;
-public nfloat Leading;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Leading;
-public nfloat Top;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Top;
-public nfloat Trailing;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Trailing;

Type Changed: AppKit.NSDrawer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat LeadingOffset { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LeadingOffset { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat TrailingOffset { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat TrailingOffset { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSEdgeInsets

Removed constructor:

public NSEdgeInsets (nfloat top, nfloat left, nfloat bottom, nfloat right);

Added constructor:

public NSEdgeInsets (ObjCRuntime.nfloat top, ObjCRuntime.nfloat left, ObjCRuntime.nfloat bottom, ObjCRuntime.nfloat right);

Modified fields:

-public nfloat Bottom;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Bottom;
-public nfloat Left;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Left;
-public nfloat Right;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Right;
-public nfloat Top;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Top;

Type Changed: AppKit.NSEvent

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat DeltaX { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat DeltaX { get; }
-public virtual nfloat DeltaY { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat DeltaY { get; }
-public virtual nfloat DeltaZ { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat DeltaZ { get; }
-public virtual nfloat Magnification { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Magnification { get; }
-public virtual nfloat ScrollingDeltaX { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScrollingDeltaX { get; }
-public virtual nfloat ScrollingDeltaY { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScrollingDeltaY { get; }
-public virtual nfloat StageTransition { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat StageTransition { get; }

Removed method:

public virtual void TrackSwipeEvent (NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions options, nfloat minDampenThreshold, nfloat maxDampenThreshold, NSEventTrackHandler trackingHandler);

Added method:

public virtual void TrackSwipeEvent (NSEventSwipeTrackingOptions options, ObjCRuntime.nfloat minDampenThreshold, ObjCRuntime.nfloat maxDampenThreshold, NSEventTrackHandler trackingHandler);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSEventSubtype

Removed value:

[Obsolete ("This API is not available on this platform.")]
AWT = 16,

Added values:

MouseEvent = 0,
PowerOff = 1,
TabletPoint = 1,
TabletProximity = 2,

Type Changed: AppKit.NSEventTrackHandler

Removed methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (nfloat gestureAmount, NSEventPhase eventPhase, bool isComplete, ref bool stop, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void Invoke (nfloat gestureAmount, NSEventPhase eventPhase, bool isComplete, ref bool stop);

Added methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (ObjCRuntime.nfloat gestureAmount, NSEventPhase eventPhase, bool isComplete, ref bool stop, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void Invoke (ObjCRuntime.nfloat gestureAmount, NSEventPhase eventPhase, bool isComplete, ref bool stop);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSFont

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Ascender { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Ascender { get; }
-public virtual nfloat CapHeight { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat CapHeight { get; }
-public virtual nfloat Descender { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Descender { get; }
-public virtual nfloat ItalicAngle { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ItalicAngle { get; }
-public nfloat LabelFontSize { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat LabelFontSize { get; }
-public virtual nfloat Leading { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Leading { get; }
-public virtual nfloat PointSize { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat PointSize { get; }
-public nfloat SmallSystemFontSize { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat SmallSystemFontSize { get; }
-public nfloat SystemFontSize { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat SystemFontSize { get; }
-public virtual nfloat UnderlinePosition { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat UnderlinePosition { get; }
-public virtual nfloat UnderlineThickness { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat UnderlineThickness { get; }
-public virtual nfloat XHeight { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat XHeight { get; }

Removed methods:

public static NSFont BoldSystemFontOfSize (nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont ControlContentFontOfSize (nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont FromDescription (NSFontDescriptor fontDescriptor, nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont FromFontName (string fontName, nfloat fontSize);
public virtual NSFont GetFont (nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont LabelFontOfSize (nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont MenuBarFontOfSize (nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont MenuFontOfSize (nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont MessageFontOfSize (nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont MonospacedDigitSystemFontOfSize (nfloat fontSize, nfloat weight);
public static NSFont MonospacedSystemFont (nfloat fontSize, nfloat weight);
public static NSFont PaletteFontOfSize (nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont SystemFontOfSize (nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont SystemFontOfSize (nfloat fontSize, nfloat weight);
public static nfloat SystemFontSizeForControlSize (NSControlSize controlSize);
public static NSFont TitleBarFontOfSize (nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont ToolTipsFontOfSize (nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont UserFixedPitchFontOfSize (nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont UserFontOfSize (nfloat fontSize);

Added methods:

public static NSFont BoldSystemFontOfSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont ControlContentFontOfSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont FromDescription (NSFontDescriptor fontDescriptor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont FromFontName (string fontName, ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);
public virtual NSFont GetFont (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont LabelFontOfSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont MenuBarFontOfSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont MenuFontOfSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont MessageFontOfSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont MonospacedDigitSystemFontOfSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize, ObjCRuntime.nfloat weight);
public static NSFont MonospacedSystemFont (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize, ObjCRuntime.nfloat weight);
public static NSFont PaletteFontOfSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont SystemFontOfSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont SystemFontOfSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize, ObjCRuntime.nfloat weight);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat SystemFontSizeForControlSize (NSControlSize controlSize);
public static NSFont TitleBarFontOfSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont ToolTipsFontOfSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont UserFixedPitchFontOfSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);
public static NSFont UserFontOfSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fontSize);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSFontDescriptor

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat PointSize { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat PointSize { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual NSFontDescriptor FontDescriptorWithSize (nfloat newPointSize);
public static NSFontDescriptor FromNameSize (string fontName, nfloat size);

Added methods:

public virtual NSFontDescriptor FontDescriptorWithSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat newPointSize);
public static NSFontDescriptor FromNameSize (string fontName, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSFontManager

Removed methods:

public virtual NSFont ConvertFont (NSFont fontObj, nfloat size);
public virtual NSFont FontWithFamily (string family, NSFontTraitMask traits, nint weight, nfloat size);

Added methods:

public virtual NSFont ConvertFont (NSFont fontObj, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size);
public virtual NSFont FontWithFamily (string family, NSFontTraitMask traits, nint weight, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSFontWeight

Modified properties:

-public nfloat Black { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Black { get; }
-public nfloat Bold { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Bold { get; }
-public nfloat Heavy { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Heavy { get; }
-public nfloat Light { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Light { get; }
-public nfloat Medium { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Medium { get; }
-public nfloat Regular { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Regular { get; }
-public nfloat Semibold { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Semibold { get; }
-public nfloat Thin { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Thin { get; }
-public nfloat UltraLight { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat UltraLight { get; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSForm

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat PreferredTextFieldWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat PreferredTextFieldWidth { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void SetEntryWidth (nfloat width);
public virtual void SetInterlineSpacing (nfloat spacing);
public virtual void SetTextBaseWritingDirection (NSWritingDirection writingDirection);
public virtual void SetTitleBaseWritingDirection (NSWritingDirection writingDirection);

Added methods:

public virtual void SetEntryWidth (ObjCRuntime.nfloat width);
public virtual void SetInterlineSpacing (ObjCRuntime.nfloat spacing);
public virtual void SetTextBaseWritingDirection (Foundation.NSWritingDirection writingDirection);
public virtual void SetTitleBaseWritingDirection (Foundation.NSWritingDirection writingDirection);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSFormCell

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat PreferredTextFieldWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat PreferredTextFieldWidth { get; set; }
-public virtual NSWritingDirection TitleBaseWritingDirection { get; set; }
+public virtual Foundation.NSWritingDirection TitleBaseWritingDirection { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat TitleWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat TitleWidth { get; set; }

Removed method:

public virtual nfloat TitleWidthConstraintedToSize (CoreGraphics.CGSize aSize);

Added method:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat TitleWidthConstraintedToSize (CoreGraphics.CGSize aSize);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSGradient

Removed methods:

public virtual void DrawFromCenterRadius (CoreGraphics.CGPoint startCenter, nfloat startRadius, CoreGraphics.CGPoint endCenter, nfloat endRadius, NSGradientDrawingOptions options);
public virtual void DrawInBezierPath (NSBezierPath path, nfloat angle);
public virtual void DrawInRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, nfloat angle);
public virtual void GetColor (out NSColor color, out nfloat location, nint index);
public virtual NSColor GetInterpolatedColor (nfloat location);

Added methods:

public virtual void DrawFromCenterRadius (CoreGraphics.CGPoint startCenter, ObjCRuntime.nfloat startRadius, CoreGraphics.CGPoint endCenter, ObjCRuntime.nfloat endRadius, NSGradientDrawingOptions options);
public virtual void DrawInBezierPath (NSBezierPath path, ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle);
public virtual void DrawInRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle);
public virtual void GetColor (out NSColor color, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat location, nint index);
public virtual NSColor GetInterpolatedColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat location);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSGraphics

Removed methods:

public static CoreGraphics.CGRect DrawTiledRects (CoreGraphics.CGRect aRect, CoreGraphics.CGRect clipRect, NSRectEdge[] sides, nfloat[] grays);
public static void FrameRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, nfloat frameWidth);
public static void FrameRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, nfloat frameWidth, NSCompositingOperation operation);
public static void FrameRectWithWidth (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, nfloat frameWidth);

Added methods:

public static CoreGraphics.CGRect DrawTiledRects (CoreGraphics.CGRect aRect, CoreGraphics.CGRect clipRect, NSRectEdge[] sides, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] grays);
public static void FrameRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat frameWidth);
public static void FrameRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat frameWidth, NSCompositingOperation operation);
public static void FrameRectWithWidth (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat frameWidth);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSGridColumn

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat LeadingPadding { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LeadingPadding { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat TrailingPadding { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat TrailingPadding { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Width { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Width { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSGridRow

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat BottomPadding { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BottomPadding { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Height { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Height { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat TopPadding { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat TopPadding { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSGridView

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ColumnSpacing { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ColumnSpacing { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat RowSpacing { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RowSpacing { get; set; }
-public nfloat SizeForContent { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat SizeForContent { get; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSGroupTouchBarItem

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat PreferredItemWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat PreferredItemWidth { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSImage

Removed methods:

public virtual void Draw (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point, CoreGraphics.CGRect fromRect, NSCompositingOperation op, nfloat delta);
public virtual void Draw (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, CoreGraphics.CGRect fromRect, NSCompositingOperation op, nfloat delta);
public virtual void Draw (CoreGraphics.CGRect dstSpacePortionRect, CoreGraphics.CGRect srcSpacePortionRect, NSCompositingOperation op, nfloat requestedAlpha, bool respectContextIsFlipped, Foundation.NSDictionary hints);
public void DrawInRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect dstRect, CoreGraphics.CGRect srcRect, NSCompositingOperation operation, nfloat delta);
public virtual Foundation.NSObject GetLayerContentsForContentsScale (nfloat layerContentsScale);
public virtual nfloat GetRecommendedLayerContentsScale (nfloat preferredContentsScale);

Added methods:

public virtual void Draw (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point, CoreGraphics.CGRect fromRect, NSCompositingOperation op, ObjCRuntime.nfloat delta);
public virtual void Draw (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, CoreGraphics.CGRect fromRect, NSCompositingOperation op, ObjCRuntime.nfloat delta);
public virtual void Draw (CoreGraphics.CGRect dstSpacePortionRect, CoreGraphics.CGRect srcSpacePortionRect, NSCompositingOperation op, ObjCRuntime.nfloat requestedAlpha, bool respectContextIsFlipped, Foundation.NSDictionary hints);
public void DrawInRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect dstRect, CoreGraphics.CGRect srcRect, NSCompositingOperation operation, ObjCRuntime.nfloat delta);
public virtual Foundation.NSObject GetLayerContentsForContentsScale (ObjCRuntime.nfloat layerContentsScale);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetRecommendedLayerContentsScale (ObjCRuntime.nfloat preferredContentsScale);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSImageRep

Removed method:

public virtual bool DrawInRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect dstSpacePortionRect, CoreGraphics.CGRect srcSpacePortionRect, NSCompositingOperation op, nfloat requestedAlpha, bool respectContextIsFlipped, Foundation.NSDictionary hints);

Added method:

public virtual bool DrawInRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect dstSpacePortionRect, CoreGraphics.CGRect srcSpacePortionRect, NSCompositingOperation op, ObjCRuntime.nfloat requestedAlpha, bool respectContextIsFlipped, Foundation.NSDictionary hints);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSImageSymbolConfiguration

Removed methods:

public static NSImageSymbolConfiguration Create (nfloat pointSize, double weight);
public static NSImageSymbolConfiguration Create (nfloat pointSize, double weight, NSImageSymbolScale scale);

Added methods:

public static NSImageSymbolConfiguration Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat pointSize, double weight);
public static NSImageSymbolConfiguration Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat pointSize, double weight, NSImageSymbolScale scale);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSLayerDelegateContentsScaleUpdating_Extensions

Removed method:

public static bool ShouldInheritContentsScale (this INSLayerDelegateContentsScaleUpdating This, CoreAnimation.CALayer layer, nfloat newScale, NSWindow fromWindow);

Added method:

public static bool ShouldInheritContentsScale (this INSLayerDelegateContentsScaleUpdating This, CoreAnimation.CALayer layer, ObjCRuntime.nfloat newScale, NSWindow fromWindow);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSLayoutAnchor`1

Removed methods:

public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintEqualToAnchor (AppKit.NSLayoutAnchor<AnchorType> anchor, nfloat constant);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualToAnchor (AppKit.NSLayoutAnchor<AnchorType> anchor, nfloat constant);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintLessThanOrEqualToAnchor (AppKit.NSLayoutAnchor<AnchorType> anchor, nfloat constant);

Added methods:

public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintEqualToAnchor (AppKit.NSLayoutAnchor<AnchorType> anchor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat constant);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualToAnchor (AppKit.NSLayoutAnchor<AnchorType> anchor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat constant);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintLessThanOrEqualToAnchor (AppKit.NSLayoutAnchor<AnchorType> anchor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat constant);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSLayoutConstraint

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Constant { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Constant { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Multiplier { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Multiplier { get; }

Removed methods:

public static NSLayoutConstraint Create (Foundation.NSObject view1, NSLayoutAttribute attribute1, NSLayoutRelation relation, nfloat multiplier, nfloat constant);
public static NSLayoutConstraint Create (Foundation.NSObject view1, NSLayoutAttribute attribute1, NSLayoutRelation relation, Foundation.NSObject view2, NSLayoutAttribute attribute2, nfloat multiplier, nfloat constant);
public static NSLayoutConstraint Create (ObjCRuntime.INativeObject view1, NSLayoutAttribute attribute1, NSLayoutRelation relation, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject view2, NSLayoutAttribute attribute2, nfloat multiplier, nfloat constant);

Added methods:

public static NSLayoutConstraint Create (Foundation.NSObject view1, NSLayoutAttribute attribute1, NSLayoutRelation relation, ObjCRuntime.nfloat multiplier, ObjCRuntime.nfloat constant);
public static NSLayoutConstraint Create (Foundation.NSObject view1, NSLayoutAttribute attribute1, NSLayoutRelation relation, Foundation.NSObject view2, NSLayoutAttribute attribute2, ObjCRuntime.nfloat multiplier, ObjCRuntime.nfloat constant);
public static NSLayoutConstraint Create (ObjCRuntime.INativeObject view1, NSLayoutAttribute attribute1, NSLayoutRelation relation, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject view2, NSLayoutAttribute attribute2, ObjCRuntime.nfloat multiplier, ObjCRuntime.nfloat constant);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSLayoutDimension

Removed methods:

public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintEqualToAnchor (NSLayoutDimension anchor, nfloat multiplier);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintEqualToAnchor (NSLayoutDimension anchor, nfloat multiplier, nfloat constant);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintEqualToConstant (nfloat constant);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualToAnchor (NSLayoutDimension anchor, nfloat multiplier);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualToAnchor (NSLayoutDimension anchor, nfloat multiplier, nfloat constant);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualToConstant (nfloat constant);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintLessThanOrEqualToAnchor (NSLayoutDimension anchor, nfloat multiplier);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintLessThanOrEqualToAnchor (NSLayoutDimension anchor, nfloat multiplier, nfloat constant);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintLessThanOrEqualToConstant (nfloat constant);

Added methods:

public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintEqualToAnchor (NSLayoutDimension anchor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat multiplier);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintEqualToAnchor (NSLayoutDimension anchor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat multiplier, ObjCRuntime.nfloat constant);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintEqualToConstant (ObjCRuntime.nfloat constant);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualToAnchor (NSLayoutDimension anchor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat multiplier);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualToAnchor (NSLayoutDimension anchor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat multiplier, ObjCRuntime.nfloat constant);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualToConstant (ObjCRuntime.nfloat constant);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintLessThanOrEqualToAnchor (NSLayoutDimension anchor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat multiplier);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintLessThanOrEqualToAnchor (NSLayoutDimension anchor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat multiplier, ObjCRuntime.nfloat constant);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintLessThanOrEqualToConstant (ObjCRuntime.nfloat constant);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSLayoutManager

Removed property:

public virtual NSGlyphStorageOptions LayoutOptions { get; }

Removed methods:

[Obsolete ("Use 'GetCharacterIndex' instead.")]
public virtual nuint CharacterIndexForPoint (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point, NSTextContainer container, ref nfloat fractionOfDistanceBetweenInsertionPoints);
public virtual nfloat DefaultBaselineOffsetForFont (NSFont theFont);
public virtual nfloat DefaultLineHeightForFont (NSFont theFont);
public virtual void DrawStrikethrough (Foundation.NSRange glyphRange, NSUnderlineStyle strikethroughVal, nfloat baselineOffset, CoreGraphics.CGRect lineRect, Foundation.NSRange lineGlyphRange, CoreGraphics.CGPoint containerOrigin);
public virtual void DrawUnderline (Foundation.NSRange glyphRange, NSUnderlineStyle underlineVal, nfloat baselineOffset, CoreGraphics.CGRect lineRect, Foundation.NSRange lineGlyphRange, CoreGraphics.CGPoint containerOrigin);
public virtual nfloat FractionOfDistanceThroughGlyphForPoint (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point, NSTextContainer container);
public nuint GetCharacterIndex (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point, NSTextContainer container, out nfloat fractionOfDistanceBetweenInsertionPoints);
public nuint GetLineFragmentInsertionPoints (nuint charIndex, bool alternatePosition, bool inDisplayOrder, nfloat[] positions, nint[] charIndexes);
public virtual nuint GlyphIndexForPointInTextContainer (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point, NSTextContainer container, ref nfloat fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph);

Added methods:

[Obsolete ("Use 'GetCharacterIndex' instead.")]
public virtual nuint CharacterIndexForPoint (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point, NSTextContainer container, ref ObjCRuntime.nfloat fractionOfDistanceBetweenInsertionPoints);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat DefaultBaselineOffsetForFont (NSFont theFont);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat DefaultLineHeightForFont (NSFont theFont);
public virtual void DrawStrikethrough (Foundation.NSRange glyphRange, NSUnderlineStyle strikethroughVal, ObjCRuntime.nfloat baselineOffset, CoreGraphics.CGRect lineRect, Foundation.NSRange lineGlyphRange, CoreGraphics.CGPoint containerOrigin);
public virtual void DrawUnderline (Foundation.NSRange glyphRange, NSUnderlineStyle underlineVal, ObjCRuntime.nfloat baselineOffset, CoreGraphics.CGRect lineRect, Foundation.NSRange lineGlyphRange, CoreGraphics.CGPoint containerOrigin);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FractionOfDistanceThroughGlyphForPoint (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point, NSTextContainer container);
public nuint GetCharacterIndex (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point, NSTextContainer container, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat fractionOfDistanceBetweenInsertionPoints);
public nuint GetLineFragmentInsertionPoints (nuint charIndex, bool alternatePosition, bool inDisplayOrder, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] positions, nint[] charIndexes);
public virtual nuint GlyphIndexForPointInTextContainer (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point, NSTextContainer container, ref ObjCRuntime.nfloat fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSLayoutManagerDelegate

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat GetLineSpacingAfterGlyph (NSLayoutManager layoutManager, nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect);
public virtual nfloat GetParagraphSpacingAfterGlyph (NSLayoutManager layoutManager, nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect);
public virtual nfloat GetParagraphSpacingBeforeGlyph (NSLayoutManager layoutManager, nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect);
public virtual bool ShouldSetLineFragmentRect (NSLayoutManager layoutManager, ref CoreGraphics.CGRect lineFragmentRect, ref CoreGraphics.CGRect lineFragmentUsedRect, ref nfloat baselineOffset, NSTextContainer textContainer, Foundation.NSRange glyphRange);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetLineSpacingAfterGlyph (NSLayoutManager layoutManager, nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetParagraphSpacingAfterGlyph (NSLayoutManager layoutManager, nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetParagraphSpacingBeforeGlyph (NSLayoutManager layoutManager, nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect);
public virtual bool ShouldSetLineFragmentRect (NSLayoutManager layoutManager, ref CoreGraphics.CGRect lineFragmentRect, ref CoreGraphics.CGRect lineFragmentUsedRect, ref ObjCRuntime.nfloat baselineOffset, NSTextContainer textContainer, Foundation.NSRange glyphRange);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSLayoutManagerDelegate_Extensions

Removed methods:

public static nfloat GetLineSpacingAfterGlyph (this INSLayoutManagerDelegate This, NSLayoutManager layoutManager, nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect);
public static nfloat GetParagraphSpacingAfterGlyph (this INSLayoutManagerDelegate This, NSLayoutManager layoutManager, nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect);
public static nfloat GetParagraphSpacingBeforeGlyph (this INSLayoutManagerDelegate This, NSLayoutManager layoutManager, nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect);
public static bool ShouldSetLineFragmentRect (this INSLayoutManagerDelegate This, NSLayoutManager layoutManager, ref CoreGraphics.CGRect lineFragmentRect, ref CoreGraphics.CGRect lineFragmentUsedRect, ref nfloat baselineOffset, NSTextContainer textContainer, Foundation.NSRange glyphRange);

Added methods:

public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetLineSpacingAfterGlyph (this INSLayoutManagerDelegate This, NSLayoutManager layoutManager, nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetParagraphSpacingAfterGlyph (this INSLayoutManagerDelegate This, NSLayoutManager layoutManager, nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetParagraphSpacingBeforeGlyph (this INSLayoutManagerDelegate This, NSLayoutManager layoutManager, nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect);
public static bool ShouldSetLineFragmentRect (this INSLayoutManagerDelegate This, NSLayoutManager layoutManager, ref CoreGraphics.CGRect lineFragmentRect, ref CoreGraphics.CGRect lineFragmentUsedRect, ref ObjCRuntime.nfloat baselineOffset, NSTextContainer textContainer, Foundation.NSRange glyphRange);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSLayoutXAxisAnchor

Removed methods:

public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintEqualToSystemSpacingAfterAnchor (NSLayoutXAxisAnchor anchor, nfloat multiplier);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualToSystemSpacingAfterAnchor (NSLayoutXAxisAnchor anchor, nfloat multiplier);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintLessThanOrEqualToSystemSpacingAfterAnchor (NSLayoutXAxisAnchor anchor, nfloat multiplier);

Added methods:

public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintEqualToSystemSpacingAfterAnchor (NSLayoutXAxisAnchor anchor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat multiplier);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualToSystemSpacingAfterAnchor (NSLayoutXAxisAnchor anchor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat multiplier);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintLessThanOrEqualToSystemSpacingAfterAnchor (NSLayoutXAxisAnchor anchor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat multiplier);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSLayoutYAxisAnchor

Removed methods:

public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintEqualToSystemSpacingBelowAnchor (NSLayoutYAxisAnchor anchor, nfloat multiplier);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualToSystemSpacingBelowAnchor (NSLayoutYAxisAnchor anchor, nfloat multiplier);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintLessThanOrEqualToSystemSpacingBelowAnchor (NSLayoutYAxisAnchor anchor, nfloat multiplier);

Added methods:

public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintEqualToSystemSpacingBelowAnchor (NSLayoutYAxisAnchor anchor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat multiplier);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintGreaterThanOrEqualToSystemSpacingBelowAnchor (NSLayoutYAxisAnchor anchor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat multiplier);
public virtual NSLayoutConstraint ConstraintLessThanOrEqualToSystemSpacingBelowAnchor (NSLayoutYAxisAnchor anchor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat multiplier);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSMagnificationGestureRecognizer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Magnification { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Magnification { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSMenu

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat MenuBarHeight { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MenuBarHeight { get; }
-public virtual nfloat MinimumWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumWidth { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSMenuItemCell

Removed property:

public virtual NSMenuView MenuView { get; set; }

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ImageWidth { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ImageWidth { get; }
-public virtual nfloat KeyEquivalentWidth { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat KeyEquivalentWidth { get; }
-public virtual nfloat TitleWidth { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat TitleWidth { get; }

Removed method:

public virtual nfloat StateImageWidth ();

Added method:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat StateImageWidth ();

Type Changed: AppKit.NSMutableAttributedStringAppKitAddons

Removed method:

public static void SetBaseWritingDirection (this Foundation.NSMutableAttributedString This, NSWritingDirection writingDirection, Foundation.NSRange range);

Added method:

public static void SetBaseWritingDirection (this Foundation.NSMutableAttributedString This, Foundation.NSWritingDirection writingDirection, Foundation.NSRange range);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSMutableParagraphStyle

Modified properties:

-public override NSWritingDirection BaseWritingDirection { get; set; }
+public override Foundation.NSWritingDirection BaseWritingDirection { get; set; }
-public override nfloat DefaultTabInterval { get; set; }
+public override ObjCRuntime.nfloat DefaultTabInterval { get; set; }
-public override nfloat FirstLineHeadIndent { get; set; }
+public override ObjCRuntime.nfloat FirstLineHeadIndent { get; set; }
-public override nfloat HeadIndent { get; set; }
+public override ObjCRuntime.nfloat HeadIndent { get; set; }
-public override nfloat LineHeightMultiple { get; set; }
+public override ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineHeightMultiple { get; set; }
-public override nfloat LineSpacing { get; set; }
+public override ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineSpacing { get; set; }
-public override nfloat MaximumLineHeight { get; set; }
+public override ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumLineHeight { get; set; }
-public override nfloat MinimumLineHeight { get; set; }
+public override ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumLineHeight { get; set; }
-public override nfloat ParagraphSpacing { get; set; }
+public override ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParagraphSpacing { get; set; }
-public override nfloat ParagraphSpacingBefore { get; set; }
+public override ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParagraphSpacingBefore { get; set; }
-public override nfloat TailIndent { get; set; }
+public override ObjCRuntime.nfloat TailIndent { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSOutlineView

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat IndentationPerLevel { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat IndentationPerLevel { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSOutlineViewDelegate

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat GetRowHeight (NSOutlineView outlineView, Foundation.NSObject item);
public virtual nfloat GetSizeToFitColumnWidth (NSOutlineView outlineView, nint column);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetRowHeight (NSOutlineView outlineView, Foundation.NSObject item);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetSizeToFitColumnWidth (NSOutlineView outlineView, nint column);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSOutlineViewDelegate_Extensions

Removed methods:

public static nfloat GetRowHeight (this INSOutlineViewDelegate This, NSOutlineView outlineView, Foundation.NSObject item);
public static nfloat GetSizeToFitColumnWidth (this INSOutlineViewDelegate This, NSOutlineView outlineView, nint column);

Added methods:

public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetRowHeight (this INSOutlineViewDelegate This, NSOutlineView outlineView, Foundation.NSObject item);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetSizeToFitColumnWidth (this INSOutlineViewDelegate This, NSOutlineView outlineView, nint column);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSParagraphStyle

Modified properties:

-public virtual NSWritingDirection BaseWritingDirection { get; set; }
+public virtual Foundation.NSWritingDirection BaseWritingDirection { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat DefaultTabInterval { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat DefaultTabInterval { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat FirstLineHeadIndent { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FirstLineHeadIndent { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat HeadIndent { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat HeadIndent { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat LineHeightMultiple { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineHeightMultiple { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat LineSpacing { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineSpacing { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MaximumLineHeight { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumLineHeight { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MinimumLineHeight { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumLineHeight { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParagraphSpacing { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParagraphSpacing { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParagraphSpacingBefore { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParagraphSpacingBefore { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat TailIndent { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat TailIndent { get; set; }

Removed methods:

[Obsolete ("Use the 'GetDefaultWritingDirection' method instead.")]
public static NSWritingDirection DefaultWritingDirection (string languageName);
public static NSWritingDirection GetDefaultWritingDirection (string languageName);

Added methods:

[Obsolete ("Use the 'GetDefaultWritingDirection' method instead.")]
public static Foundation.NSWritingDirection DefaultWritingDirection (string languageName);
public static Foundation.NSWritingDirection GetDefaultWritingDirection (string languageName);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSPressGestureRecognizer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat AllowableMovement { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AllowableMovement { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSPrintInfo

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat BottomMargin { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BottomMargin { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat LeftMargin { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LeftMargin { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat RightMargin { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RightMargin { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ScalingFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScalingFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat TopMargin { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat TopMargin { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSRotationGestureRecognizer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Rotation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Rotation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat RotationInDegrees { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RotationInDegrees { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSRuleEditor

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat RowHeight { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RowHeight { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSRulerMarker

Removed constructor:

public NSRulerMarker (NSRulerView ruler, nfloat location, NSImage image, CoreGraphics.CGPoint imageOrigin);

Added constructor:

public NSRulerMarker (NSRulerView ruler, ObjCRuntime.nfloat location, NSImage image, CoreGraphics.CGPoint imageOrigin);

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat MarkerLocation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MarkerLocation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ThicknessRequiredInRuler { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ThicknessRequiredInRuler { get; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSRulerMarkerClientViewDelegation

Removed methods:

public static nfloat RulerViewLocation (this NSView This, NSRulerView ruler, CoreGraphics.CGPoint locationForPoint);
public static CoreGraphics.CGPoint RulerViewPoint (this NSView This, NSRulerView ruler, nfloat pointForLocation);

Added methods:

public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat RulerViewLocation (this NSView This, NSRulerView ruler, CoreGraphics.CGPoint locationForPoint);
public static CoreGraphics.CGPoint RulerViewPoint (this NSView This, NSRulerView ruler, ObjCRuntime.nfloat pointForLocation);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSRulerView

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat BaselineLocation { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BaselineLocation { get; }
-public virtual nfloat OriginOffset { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat OriginOffset { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat RequiredThickness { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RequiredThickness { get; }
-public virtual nfloat ReservedThicknessForAccessoryView { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ReservedThicknessForAccessoryView { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ReservedThicknessForMarkers { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ReservedThicknessForMarkers { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat RuleThickness { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RuleThickness { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void MoveRulerline (nfloat oldLocation, nfloat newLocation);
public static void RegisterUnit (string unitName, string abbreviation, nfloat conversionFactor, Foundation.NSNumber[] stepUpCycle, Foundation.NSNumber[] stepDownCycle);

Added methods:

public virtual void MoveRulerline (ObjCRuntime.nfloat oldLocation, ObjCRuntime.nfloat newLocation);
public static void RegisterUnit (string unitName, string abbreviation, ObjCRuntime.nfloat conversionFactor, Foundation.NSNumber[] stepUpCycle, Foundation.NSNumber[] stepDownCycle);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSScreen

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat BackingScaleFactor { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BackingScaleFactor { get; }
-public virtual nfloat MaximumExtendedDynamicRangeColorComponentValue { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumExtendedDynamicRangeColorComponentValue { get; }
-public virtual nfloat MaximumPotentialExtendedDynamicRangeColorComponentValue { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumPotentialExtendedDynamicRangeColorComponentValue { get; }
-public virtual nfloat MaximumReferenceExtendedDynamicRangeColorComponentValue { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumReferenceExtendedDynamicRangeColorComponentValue { get; }
-public virtual nfloat UserSpaceScaleFactor { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat UserSpaceScaleFactor { get; }

Added properties:

public virtual CoreGraphics.CGRect AuxiliaryTopLeftArea { get; }
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGRect AuxiliaryTopRightArea { get; }
public virtual NSEdgeInsets SafeAreaInsets { get; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSScrollView

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat HorizontalLineScroll { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat HorizontalLineScroll { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat HorizontalPageScroll { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat HorizontalPageScroll { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat LineScroll { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineScroll { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Magnification { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Magnification { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MaxMagnification { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaxMagnification { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MinMagnification { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinMagnification { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat PageScroll { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat PageScroll { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat VerticalLineScroll { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat VerticalLineScroll { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat VerticalPageScroll { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat VerticalPageScroll { get; set; }

Removed method:

public virtual void SetMagnification (nfloat magnification, CoreGraphics.CGPoint centeredAtPoint);

Added method:

public virtual void SetMagnification (ObjCRuntime.nfloat magnification, CoreGraphics.CGPoint centeredAtPoint);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSScroller

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat KnobProportion { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat KnobProportion { get; set; }
-public nfloat ScrollerWidth { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScrollerWidth { get; }

Removed methods:

public static nfloat GetScrollerWidth (NSControlSize forControlSize, NSScrollerStyle scrollerStyle);
public static nfloat ScrollerWidthForControlSize (NSControlSize controlSize);

Added methods:

public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetScrollerWidth (NSControlSize forControlSize, NSScrollerStyle scrollerStyle);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScrollerWidthForControlSize (NSControlSize controlSize);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSScrubberFlowLayout

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ItemSpacing { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ItemSpacing { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSScrubberLayoutAttributes

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Alpha { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Alpha { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSSearchToolbarItem

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat PreferredWidthForSearchField { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat PreferredWidthForSearchField { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSSegmentedCell

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat GetWidth (nint forSegment);
public virtual void SetWidth (nfloat width, nint forSegment);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetWidth (nint forSegment);
public virtual void SetWidth (ObjCRuntime.nfloat width, nint forSegment);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSSegmentedControl

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat GetWidth (nint segment);
public virtual void SetWidth (nfloat width, nint segment);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetWidth (nint segment);
public virtual void SetWidth (ObjCRuntime.nfloat width, nint segment);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSShadow

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ShadowBlurRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ShadowBlurRadius { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSSlider

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat KnobThickness { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat KnobThickness { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSSliderCell

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat KnobThickness { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat KnobThickness { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSSliderTouchBarItem

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat MaximumSliderWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumSliderWidth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MinimumSliderWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumSliderWidth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ValueAccessoryWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ValueAccessoryWidth { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSSplitView

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat DividerThickness { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat DividerThickness { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat MaxPositionOfDivider (nint dividerIndex);
public virtual nfloat MinPositionOfDivider (nint dividerIndex);
public virtual void SetPositionOfDivider (nfloat position, nint dividerIndex);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaxPositionOfDivider (nint dividerIndex);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinPositionOfDivider (nint dividerIndex);
public virtual void SetPositionOfDivider (ObjCRuntime.nfloat position, nint dividerIndex);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSSplitViewController

Modified properties:

-public nfloat AutomaticDimension { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat AutomaticDimension { get; }
-public virtual nfloat MinimumThicknessForInlineSidebars { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumThicknessForInlineSidebars { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat ConstrainSplitPosition (NSSplitView splitView, nfloat proposedPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);
public virtual nfloat SetMaxCoordinateOfSubview (NSSplitView splitView, nfloat proposedMaximumPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);
public virtual nfloat SetMinCoordinateOfSubview (NSSplitView splitView, nfloat proposedMinimumPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ConstrainSplitPosition (NSSplitView splitView, ObjCRuntime.nfloat proposedPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SetMaxCoordinateOfSubview (NSSplitView splitView, ObjCRuntime.nfloat proposedMaximumPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SetMinCoordinateOfSubview (NSSplitView splitView, ObjCRuntime.nfloat proposedMinimumPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSSplitViewDelegate

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat ConstrainSplitPosition (NSSplitView splitView, nfloat proposedPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);
public virtual nfloat SetMaxCoordinateOfSubview (NSSplitView splitView, nfloat proposedMaximumPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);
public virtual nfloat SetMinCoordinateOfSubview (NSSplitView splitView, nfloat proposedMinimumPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ConstrainSplitPosition (NSSplitView splitView, ObjCRuntime.nfloat proposedPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SetMaxCoordinateOfSubview (NSSplitView splitView, ObjCRuntime.nfloat proposedMaximumPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SetMinCoordinateOfSubview (NSSplitView splitView, ObjCRuntime.nfloat proposedMinimumPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSSplitViewDelegate_Extensions

Removed methods:

public static nfloat ConstrainSplitPosition (this INSSplitViewDelegate This, NSSplitView splitView, nfloat proposedPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);
public static nfloat SetMaxCoordinateOfSubview (this INSSplitViewDelegate This, NSSplitView splitView, nfloat proposedMaximumPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);
public static nfloat SetMinCoordinateOfSubview (this INSSplitViewDelegate This, NSSplitView splitView, nfloat proposedMinimumPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);

Added methods:

public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat ConstrainSplitPosition (this INSSplitViewDelegate This, NSSplitView splitView, ObjCRuntime.nfloat proposedPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat SetMaxCoordinateOfSubview (this INSSplitViewDelegate This, NSSplitView splitView, ObjCRuntime.nfloat proposedMaximumPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat SetMinCoordinateOfSubview (this INSSplitViewDelegate This, NSSplitView splitView, ObjCRuntime.nfloat proposedMinimumPosition, nint subviewDividerIndex);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSSplitViewItem

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat AutomaticMaximumThickness { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AutomaticMaximumThickness { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MaximumThickness { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumThickness { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MinimumThickness { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumThickness { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat PreferredThicknessFraction { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat PreferredThicknessFraction { get; set; }
-public nfloat UnspecifiedDimension { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat UnspecifiedDimension { get; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSStackView

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Spacing { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Spacing { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat CustomSpacingAfterView (NSView aView);
public virtual void SetCustomSpacing (nfloat spacing, NSView aView);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat CustomSpacingAfterView (NSView aView);
public virtual void SetCustomSpacing (ObjCRuntime.nfloat spacing, NSView aView);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSStatusBar

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Thickness { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Thickness { get; }

Removed method:

public virtual NSStatusItem CreateStatusItem (nfloat length);

Added method:

public virtual NSStatusItem CreateStatusItem (ObjCRuntime.nfloat length);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSStatusItem

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Length { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Length { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSStringDrawingContext

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ActualScaleFactor { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ActualScaleFactor { get; }
-public virtual nfloat MinimumScaleFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumScaleFactor { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTableColumn

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat MaxWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaxWidth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MinWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinWidth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Width { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Width { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTableHeaderView

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat DraggedDistance { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat DraggedDistance { get; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTableRowView

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat IndentationForDropOperation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat IndentationForDropOperation { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTableView

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat RowHeight { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RowHeight { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTableViewColumnWidth

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual nfloat Invoke (NSTableView tableView, nint column);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Invoke (NSTableView tableView, nint column);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTableViewDelegate

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat GetRowHeight (NSTableView tableView, nint row);
public virtual nfloat GetSizeToFitColumnWidth (NSTableView tableView, nint column);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetRowHeight (NSTableView tableView, nint row);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetSizeToFitColumnWidth (NSTableView tableView, nint column);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTableViewDelegate_Extensions

Removed methods:

public static nfloat GetRowHeight (this INSTableViewDelegate This, NSTableView tableView, nint row);
public static nfloat GetSizeToFitColumnWidth (this INSTableViewDelegate This, NSTableView tableView, nint column);

Added methods:

public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetRowHeight (this INSTableViewDelegate This, NSTableView tableView, nint row);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetSizeToFitColumnWidth (this INSTableViewDelegate This, NSTableView tableView, nint column);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTableViewRowHeight

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual nfloat Invoke (NSTableView tableView, nint row);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Invoke (NSTableView tableView, nint row);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTableViewSource

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat GetRowHeight (NSTableView tableView, nint row);
public virtual nfloat GetSizeToFitColumnWidth (NSTableView tableView, nint column);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetRowHeight (NSTableView tableView, nint row);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetSizeToFitColumnWidth (NSTableView tableView, nint column);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSText

Modified properties:

-public virtual NSWritingDirection BaseWritingDirection { get; set; }
+public virtual Foundation.NSWritingDirection BaseWritingDirection { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextAttachment

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat LineLayoutPadding { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineLayoutPadding { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextBlock

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ContentWidth { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ContentWidth { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat GetValue (NSTextBlockDimension dimension);
public virtual nfloat GetWidth (NSTextBlockLayer layer, NSRectEdge edge);
public virtual void SetContentWidth (nfloat val, NSTextBlockValueType type);
public virtual void SetValue (nfloat val, NSTextBlockValueType type, NSTextBlockDimension dimension);
public virtual void SetWidth (nfloat val, NSTextBlockValueType type, NSTextBlockLayer layer);
public virtual void SetWidth (nfloat val, NSTextBlockValueType type, NSTextBlockLayer layer, NSRectEdge edge);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetValue (NSTextBlockDimension dimension);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetWidth (NSTextBlockLayer layer, NSRectEdge edge);
public virtual void SetContentWidth (ObjCRuntime.nfloat val, NSTextBlockValueType type);
public virtual void SetValue (ObjCRuntime.nfloat val, NSTextBlockValueType type, NSTextBlockDimension dimension);
public virtual void SetWidth (ObjCRuntime.nfloat val, NSTextBlockValueType type, NSTextBlockLayer layer);
public virtual void SetWidth (ObjCRuntime.nfloat val, NSTextBlockValueType type, NSTextBlockLayer layer, NSRectEdge edge);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextContainer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat LineFragmentPadding { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineFragmentPadding { get; set; }

Removed method:

public virtual CoreGraphics.CGRect GetLineFragmentRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect proposedRect, nuint characterIndex, NSWritingDirection baseWritingDirection, ref CoreGraphics.CGRect remainingRect);

Added method:

public virtual CoreGraphics.CGRect GetLineFragmentRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect proposedRect, nuint characterIndex, Foundation.NSWritingDirection baseWritingDirection, ref CoreGraphics.CGRect remainingRect);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextField

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat PreferredMaxLayoutWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat PreferredMaxLayoutWidth { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextInputClient

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat GetBaselineDelta (nuint charIndex);
public virtual nfloat GetFractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetBaselineDelta (nuint charIndex);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetFractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextInputClient_Extensions

Removed methods:

public static nfloat GetBaselineDelta (this INSTextInputClient This, nuint charIndex);
public static nfloat GetFractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph (this INSTextInputClient This, CoreGraphics.CGPoint point);

Added methods:

public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetBaselineDelta (this INSTextInputClient This, nuint charIndex);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetFractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph (this INSTextInputClient This, CoreGraphics.CGPoint point);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextLayoutFragment

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat BottomMargin { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BottomMargin { get; }
-public virtual nfloat LeadingPadding { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LeadingPadding { get; }
-public virtual nfloat TopMargin { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat TopMargin { get; }
-public virtual nfloat TrailingPadding { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat TrailingPadding { get; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextLayoutManagerEnumerateTextSegmentsDelegate

Removed methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (NSTextRange textSegmentRange, CoreGraphics.CGRect textSegmentFrame, nfloat baselinePosition, NSTextContainer textContainer, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual bool Invoke (NSTextRange textSegmentRange, CoreGraphics.CGRect textSegmentFrame, nfloat baselinePosition, NSTextContainer textContainer);

Added methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (NSTextRange textSegmentRange, CoreGraphics.CGRect textSegmentFrame, ObjCRuntime.nfloat baselinePosition, NSTextContainer textContainer, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual bool Invoke (NSTextRange textSegmentRange, CoreGraphics.CGRect textSegmentFrame, ObjCRuntime.nfloat baselinePosition, NSTextContainer textContainer);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextLineFragment

Removed method:

public virtual nfloat GetFractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point);

Added method:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetFractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextSelection

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat AnchorPositionOffset { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AnchorPositionOffset { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextSelectionDataSourceEnumerateCaretOffsetsDelegate

Removed methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (nfloat caretOffset, INSTextLocation location, bool leadingEdge, out bool stop, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void Invoke (nfloat caretOffset, INSTextLocation location, bool leadingEdge, out bool stop);

Added methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (ObjCRuntime.nfloat caretOffset, INSTextLocation location, bool leadingEdge, out bool stop, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void Invoke (ObjCRuntime.nfloat caretOffset, INSTextLocation location, bool leadingEdge, out bool stop);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextTab

Removed constructors:

public NSTextTab (NSTextTabType type, nfloat location);
public NSTextTab (NSTextAlignment alignment, nfloat location, Foundation.NSDictionary options);

Added constructors:

public NSTextTab (NSTextTabType type, ObjCRuntime.nfloat location);
public NSTextTab (NSTextAlignment alignment, ObjCRuntime.nfloat location, Foundation.NSDictionary options);

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Location { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Location { get; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextView

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat GetBaselineDelta (nuint charIndex);
public virtual nfloat GetFractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point);
public virtual nfloat RulerViewWillAddMarker (NSRulerView ruler, NSRulerMarker marker, nfloat location);
public virtual nfloat RulerViewWillMoveMarker (NSRulerView ruler, NSRulerMarker marker, nfloat location);
public virtual void SetBaseWritingDirection (NSWritingDirection writingDirection, Foundation.NSRange range);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetBaselineDelta (nuint charIndex);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetFractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RulerViewWillAddMarker (NSRulerView ruler, NSRulerMarker marker, ObjCRuntime.nfloat location);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RulerViewWillMoveMarker (NSRulerView ruler, NSRulerMarker marker, ObjCRuntime.nfloat location);
public virtual void SetBaseWritingDirection (Foundation.NSWritingDirection writingDirection, Foundation.NSRange range);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextViewDelegate

Removed method:

public virtual void DraggedCell (NSTextView view, NSTextAttachmentCell cell, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, NSEvent theevent);

Added method:

public virtual void DraggedCell (NSTextView view, NSTextAttachmentCell cell, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, NSEvent event, nuint charIndex);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextViewDelegate_Extensions

Removed method:

public static void DraggedCell (this INSTextViewDelegate This, NSTextView view, NSTextAttachmentCell cell, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, NSEvent theevent);

Added method:

public static void DraggedCell (this INSTextViewDelegate This, NSTextView view, NSTextAttachmentCell cell, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, NSEvent event, nuint charIndex);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextViewDraggedCellEventArgs

Removed constructor:

public NSTextViewDraggedCellEventArgs (NSTextAttachmentCell cell, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, NSEvent theevent);

Added constructor:

public NSTextViewDraggedCellEventArgs (NSTextAttachmentCell cell, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, NSEvent event, nuint charIndex);

Removed property:

public NSEvent Theevent { get; set; }

Added properties:

public nuint CharIndex { get; set; }
public NSEvent Event { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTextViewportLayoutController

Removed methods:

public virtual void AdjustViewport (nfloat verticalOffset);
public virtual nfloat RelocateViewport (INSTextLocation textLocation);

Added methods:

public virtual void AdjustViewport (ObjCRuntime.nfloat verticalOffset);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RelocateViewport (INSTextLocation textLocation);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat FullScreenMinHeight { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FullScreenMinHeight { get; set; }

Type Changed: AppKit.NSTypesetter

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat LineFragmentPadding { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineFragmentPadding { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat GetBaselineOffset (NSLayoutManager layoutManager, nuint glyphIndex);
public virtual void GetLineFragment (out CoreGraphics.CGRect lineFragment, out CoreGraphics.CGRect lineFragmentUsed, out CoreGraphics.CGRect remaining, nuint startingGlyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect proposedRect, nfloat lineSpacing, nfloat paragraphSpacingBefore, nfloat paragraphSpacingAfter);
public virtual nfloat GetLineSpacingAfterGlyph (nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect proposedLineFragmentRect);
public virtual nfloat GetParagraphSpacingAfterGlyph (nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect proposedLineFragmentRect);
public virtual nfloat GetParagraphSpacingBeforeGlyph (nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect proposedLineFragmentRect);
public virtual NSTextTab GetTextTab (nfloat glyphLocation, NSWritingDirection direction, nfloat maxLocation);
public virtual void SetLineFragment (CoreGraphics.CGRect fragmentRect, Foundation.NSRange glyphRange, CoreGraphics.CGRect usedRect, nfloat baselineOffset);
public virtual void WillSetLineFragment (ref CoreGraphics.CGRect lineRect, Foundation.NSRange glyphRange, ref CoreGraphics.CGRect usedRect, ref nfloat baselineOffset);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetBaselineOffset (NSLayoutManager layoutManager, nuint glyphIndex);
public virtual void GetLineFragment (out CoreGraphics.CGRect lineFragment, out CoreGraphics.CGRect lineFragmentUsed, out CoreGraphics.CGRect remaining, nuint startingGlyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect proposedRect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat lineSpacing, ObjCRuntime.nfloat paragraphSpacingBefore, ObjCRuntime.nfloat paragraphSpacingAfter);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetLineSpacingAfterGlyph (nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect proposedLineFragmentRect);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetParagraphSpacingAfterGlyph (nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect proposedLineFragmentRect);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetParagraphSpacingBeforeGlyph (nuint glyphIndex, CoreGraphics.CGRect proposedLineFragmentRect);
public virtual NSTextTab GetTextTab (ObjCRuntime.nfloat glyphLocation, Foundation.NSWritingDirection direction, ObjCRuntime.nfloat maxLocation);
public virtual void SetLineFragment (CoreGraphics.CGRect fragmentRect, Foundation.NSRange glyphRange, CoreGraphics.CGRect usedRect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat baselineOffset);
public virtual void WillSetLineFragment (ref CoreGraphics.CGRect lineRect, Foundation.NSRange glyphRange, ref CoreGraphics.CGRect usedRect, ref ObjCRuntime.nfloat baselineOffset);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSView

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat AlphaValue { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AlphaValue { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat BaselineOffsetFromBottom { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BaselineOffsetFromBottom { get; }
-public virtual nfloat BoundsRotation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BoundsRotation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat FirstBaselineOffsetFromTop { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FirstBaselineOffsetFromTop { get; }
-public virtual nfloat FrameCenterRotation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FrameCenterRotation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat FrameRotation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FrameRotation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat HeightAdjustLimit { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat HeightAdjustLimit { get; }
-public virtual nfloat LastBaselineOffsetFromBottom { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LastBaselineOffsetFromBottom { get; }
-public nfloat NoIntrinsicMetric { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat NoIntrinsicMetric { get; }
-public virtual nfloat WidthAdjustLimit { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat WidthAdjustLimit { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void AdjustPageHeightNew (ref nfloat newBottom, nfloat top, nfloat proposedBottom, nfloat bottomLimit);
public virtual void AdjustPageWidthNew (ref nfloat newRight, nfloat left, nfloat proposedRight, nfloat rightLimit);
public virtual void RotateByAngle (nfloat angle);

Added methods:

public virtual void AdjustPageHeightNew (ref ObjCRuntime.nfloat newBottom, ObjCRuntime.nfloat top, ObjCRuntime.nfloat proposedBottom, ObjCRuntime.nfloat bottomLimit);
public virtual void AdjustPageWidthNew (ref ObjCRuntime.nfloat newRight, ObjCRuntime.nfloat left, ObjCRuntime.nfloat proposedRight, ObjCRuntime.nfloat rightLimit);
public virtual void RotateByAngle (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle);

Type Changed: AppKit.NSWindow

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat AlphaValue { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AlphaValue { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat BackingScaleFactor { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BackingScaleFactor { get; }
-public virtual nfloat UserSpaceScaleFactor { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat UserSpaceScaleFactor { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat ContentBorderThicknessForEdge (NSRectEdge edge);
public static nfloat MinFrameWidthWithTitle (string aTitle, NSWindowStyle aStyle);
public virtual void SetContentBorderThickness (nfloat thickness, NSRectEdge edge);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ContentBorderThicknessForEdge (NSRectEdge edge);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinFrameWidthWithTitle (string aTitle, NSWindowStyle aStyle);
public virtual void SetContentBorderThickness (ObjCRuntime.nfloat thickness, NSRectEdge edge);

Removed Type AppKit.NSAlertType

Removed Type AppKit.NSEventMouseSubtype

Removed Type AppKit.NSGlyphStorageOptions

Removed Type AppKit.NSKey

Removed Type AppKit.NSMenuView

Removed Type AppKit.NSSystemDefinedEvents

Removed Type AppKit.NSWritingDirection

Namespace AudioToolbox

Type Changed: AudioToolbox.AudioConverter

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~AudioConverter ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Type Changed: AudioToolbox.AudioFile

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

protected AudioFile (bool x);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~AudioFile ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Type Changed: AudioToolbox.MidiMetaEvent

Modified base type:


Type Changed: AudioToolbox.MidiRawData

Modified base type:


Type Changed: AudioToolbox.MusicPlayer

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~MusicPlayer ();

Type Changed: AudioToolbox.MusicSequence

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~MusicSequence ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Type Changed: AudioToolbox.MusicTrack

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~MusicTrack ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Type Changed: AudioToolbox.SystemSound

Removed interface:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Added property:

public uint SoundId { get; }

Removed Type AudioToolbox._MidiData

New Type: AudioToolbox.MidiData

public abstract class MidiData {
	// constructors
	protected MidiData ();
	// fields
	protected IntPtr buffer;
	protected byte[] data;
	protected int len;
	protected int start;
	// methods
	public void SetData (byte[] Data);
	public void SetData (int len, IntPtr buffer);
	public void SetData (int len, int start, byte[] Data);

Namespace AudioUnit

Type Changed: AudioUnit.AUGraph

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~AUGraph ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Type Changed: AudioUnit.AudioComponent

Modified base type:


Added interface:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Type Changed: AudioUnit.AudioUnit

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed method:

public virtual void Dispose ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Namespace AuthenticationServices

Type Changed: AuthenticationServices.ASAuthorizationAppleIdButton

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat CornerRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat CornerRadius { get; set; }

Namespace CoreAnimation

Type Changed: CoreAnimation.CAAnimation

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat FadeInDuration { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FadeInDuration { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat FadeOutDuration { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FadeOutDuration { get; set; }

Added property:

public virtual CAFrameRateRange PreferredFrameRateRange { get; set; }

Type Changed: CoreAnimation.CAConstraint

Removed constructor:

public CAConstraint (CAConstraintAttribute attribute, string relativeToSource, CAConstraintAttribute srcAttr, nfloat scale, nfloat offset);

Added constructor:

public CAConstraint (CAConstraintAttribute attribute, string relativeToSource, CAConstraintAttribute srcAttr, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, ObjCRuntime.nfloat offset);

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Scale { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Scale { get; }

Removed methods:

public static CAConstraint Create (CAConstraintAttribute attribute, string relativeToSource, CAConstraintAttribute srcAttr, nfloat offset);
public static CAConstraint Create (CAConstraintAttribute attribute, string relativeToSource, CAConstraintAttribute srcAttr, nfloat scale, nfloat offset);

Added methods:

public static CAConstraint Create (CAConstraintAttribute attribute, string relativeToSource, CAConstraintAttribute srcAttr, ObjCRuntime.nfloat offset);
public static CAConstraint Create (CAConstraintAttribute attribute, string relativeToSource, CAConstraintAttribute srcAttr, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, ObjCRuntime.nfloat offset);

Type Changed: CoreAnimation.CAEmitterCell

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat AccelerationX { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AccelerationX { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat AccelerationY { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AccelerationY { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat AccelerationZ { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AccelerationZ { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ContentsScale { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ContentsScale { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat EmissionLatitude { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat EmissionLatitude { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat EmissionLongitude { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat EmissionLongitude { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat EmissionRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat EmissionRange { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Scale { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Scale { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ScaleRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScaleRange { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ScaleSpeed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScaleSpeed { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Spin { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Spin { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat SpinRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SpinRange { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Velocity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Velocity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat VelocityRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat VelocityRange { get; set; }

Type Changed: CoreAnimation.CAEmitterLayer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Depth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Depth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ZPosition { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ZPosition { get; set; }

Type Changed: CoreAnimation.CAGradientLayer

Removed method:

public CoreGraphics.CGColor CreateColor (IntPtr p);

Type Changed: CoreAnimation.CALayer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat AnchorPointZ { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AnchorPointZ { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat BorderWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BorderWidth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ContentsScale { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ContentsScale { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat CornerRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat CornerRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat RasterizationScale { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RasterizationScale { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ShadowRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ShadowRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ZPosition { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ZPosition { get; set; }

Removed method:

public static nfloat GetCornerCurveExpansionFactor (CACornerCurve curve);

Added method:

public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetCornerCurveExpansionFactor (CACornerCurve curve);

Type Changed: CoreAnimation.CAShapeLayer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat LineDashPhase { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineDashPhase { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat LineWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineWidth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MiterLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MiterLimit { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat StrokeEnd { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat StrokeEnd { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat StrokeStart { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat StrokeStart { get; set; }

Type Changed: CoreAnimation.CASpringAnimation

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Damping { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Damping { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat InitialVelocity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat InitialVelocity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Mass { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Mass { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Stiffness { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Stiffness { get; set; }

Type Changed: CoreAnimation.CATextLayer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat FontSize { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FontSize { get; set; }

Type Changed: CoreAnimation.CATransform3D

Modified fields:

-public nfloat m11;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m11;
-public nfloat m12;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m12;
-public nfloat m13;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m13;
-public nfloat m14;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m14;
-public nfloat m21;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m21;
-public nfloat m22;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m22;
-public nfloat m23;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m23;
-public nfloat m24;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m24;
-public nfloat m31;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m31;
-public nfloat m32;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m32;
-public nfloat m33;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m33;
-public nfloat m34;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m34;
-public nfloat m41;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m41;
-public nfloat m42;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m42;
-public nfloat m43;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m43;
-public nfloat m44;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat m44;

Removed methods:

public static CATransform3D MakeRotation (nfloat angle, nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat z);
public static CATransform3D MakeScale (nfloat sx, nfloat sy, nfloat sz);
public static CATransform3D MakeTranslation (nfloat tx, nfloat ty, nfloat tz);
public CATransform3D Rotate (nfloat angle, nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat z);
public CATransform3D Scale (nfloat s);
public CATransform3D Scale (nfloat sx, nfloat sy, nfloat sz);
public CATransform3D Translate (nfloat tx, nfloat ty, nfloat tz);

Added methods:

public static CATransform3D MakeRotation (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat z);
public static CATransform3D MakeScale (ObjCRuntime.nfloat sx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat sy, ObjCRuntime.nfloat sz);
public static CATransform3D MakeTranslation (ObjCRuntime.nfloat tx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat ty, ObjCRuntime.nfloat tz);
public CATransform3D Rotate (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat z);
public CATransform3D Scale (ObjCRuntime.nfloat s);
public CATransform3D Scale (ObjCRuntime.nfloat sx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat sy, ObjCRuntime.nfloat sz);
public CATransform3D Translate (ObjCRuntime.nfloat tx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat ty, ObjCRuntime.nfloat tz);

New Type: CoreAnimation.CAFrameRateRange

public struct CAFrameRateRange {
	// fields
	public float Maximum;
	public float Minimum;
	public float Preferred;
	// properties
	public static CAFrameRateRange Default { get; }
	// methods
	public static CAFrameRateRange Create (float minimum, float maximum, float preferred);
	public bool IsEqualTo (CAFrameRateRange other);

Namespace CoreAudioKit

Type Changed: CoreAudioKit.AUAudioUnitViewConfiguration

Removed constructor:

public AUAudioUnitViewConfiguration (nfloat width, nfloat height, bool hostHasController);

Added constructor:

public AUAudioUnitViewConfiguration (ObjCRuntime.nfloat width, ObjCRuntime.nfloat height, bool hostHasController);

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Height { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Height { get; }
-public virtual nfloat Width { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Width { get; }

Namespace CoreBluetooth

Type Changed: CoreBluetooth.CBCentralManager

Removed property:

public virtual CBCentralManagerState State { get; }

Removed events:

public event System.EventHandler<CBPeripheralsEventArgs> RetrievedConnectedPeripherals;
public event System.EventHandler<CBPeripheralsEventArgs> RetrievedPeripherals;

Removed methods:

[Obsolete ("Empty stub (not a public API).")]
public virtual void RetrieveConnectedPeripherals ();

[Obsolete ("Always throws 'NotSupportedException' (not a public API).")]
public void RetrievePeripherals (CBUUID peripheralUuid);

[Obsolete ("Always throws 'NotSupportedException' (not a public API).")]
public void RetrievePeripherals (CBUUID[] peripheralUuids);

Type Changed: CoreBluetooth.CBCentralManagerDelegate

Removed methods:

public virtual void RetrievedConnectedPeripherals (CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral[] peripherals);
public virtual void RetrievedPeripherals (CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral[] peripherals);

Type Changed: CoreBluetooth.CBCentralManagerDelegate_Extensions

Removed methods:

public static void RetrievedConnectedPeripherals (this ICBCentralManagerDelegate This, CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral[] peripherals);
public static void RetrievedPeripherals (this ICBCentralManagerDelegate This, CBCentralManager central, CBPeripheral[] peripherals);

Type Changed: CoreBluetooth.CBMutableCharacteristic

Removed property:

[Obsolete ("The setter is an empty stub, it is not mutable.")]
public override CBUUID UUID { get; set; }

Type Changed: CoreBluetooth.CBMutableService

Removed properties:

[Obsolete ("The setter is an empty stub, it is not mutable.")]
public override bool Primary { get; set; }

[Obsolete ("The setter is an empty stub, it is not mutable.")]
public override CBUUID UUID { get; set; }

Type Changed: CoreBluetooth.CBPeripheral

Removed property:

public virtual bool IsConnected { get; }

Removed events:

public event System.EventHandler<CBServiceEventArgs> DiscoveredCharacteristic;
public event System.EventHandler InvalidatedService;

Added event:

public event System.EventHandler<CBServiceEventArgs> DiscoveredCharacteristics;

Type Changed: CoreBluetooth.CBPeripheralDelegate

Removed methods:

public virtual void DiscoveredCharacteristic (CBPeripheral peripheral, CBService service, Foundation.NSError error);
public virtual void InvalidatedService (CBPeripheral peripheral);

Added method:

public virtual void DiscoveredCharacteristics (CBPeripheral peripheral, CBService service, Foundation.NSError error);

Type Changed: CoreBluetooth.CBPeripheralDelegate_Extensions

Removed methods:

public static void DiscoveredCharacteristic (this ICBPeripheralDelegate This, CBPeripheral peripheral, CBService service, Foundation.NSError error);
public static void InvalidatedService (this ICBPeripheralDelegate This, CBPeripheral peripheral);

Added method:

public static void DiscoveredCharacteristics (this ICBPeripheralDelegate This, CBPeripheral peripheral, CBService service, Foundation.NSError error);

Type Changed: CoreBluetooth.CBPeripheralManager

Removed properties:

public static CBPeripheralManagerAuthorizationStatus AuthorizationStatus { get; }
public virtual CBPeripheralManagerState State { get; }

Type Changed: CoreBluetooth.CBService

Modified properties:

 public virtual bool Primary { get; ---set;--- }

Type Changed: CoreBluetooth.CBUUID

Removed properties:

public static Foundation.NSString AppearanceString { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString DeviceNameString { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString GenericAccessProfileString { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString GenericAttributeProfileString { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString PeripheralPreferredConnectionParametersString { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString PeripheralPrivacyFlagString { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString ReconnectionAddressString { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString ServiceChangedString { get; }

Removed Type CoreBluetooth.CBPeripheralManagerAuthorizationStatus

Removed Type CoreBluetooth.CBPeripheralsEventArgs

Namespace CoreFoundation

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFAllocator

Modified base type:


Removed constructors:

public CFAllocator (IntPtr handle);
public CFAllocator (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CFAllocator ();

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFArray

Added methods:

public static T[] ArrayFromHandle<T> (IntPtr handle, bool releaseHandle);
public static T[] ArrayFromHandleFunc<T> (IntPtr handle, System.Func<System.IntPtr,T> createObject);
public static T[] ArrayFromHandleFunc<T> (IntPtr handle, System.Func<System.IntPtr,T> createObject, bool releaseHandle);
public static IntPtr Create (string[] values);
public static CFArray FromStrings (string[] items);
public static string[] StringArrayFromHandle (IntPtr handle, bool releaseHandle);

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFBundle

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CFBundle ();

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFMachPort

Modified base type:


Removed constructors:

public CFMachPort (IntPtr handle);
public CFMachPort (IntPtr handle, bool ownsHandle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
public virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CFMachPort ();

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFMessagePort

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

protected void Check ();
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~CFMessagePort ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFMutableString

Removed constructors:

protected CFMutableString (IntPtr handle);
protected CFMutableString (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFNotificationCenter

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CFNotificationCenter ();

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFPropertyList

Modified base type:


Removed constructors:

public CFPropertyList (IntPtr handle);
public CFPropertyList (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
public virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CFPropertyList ();

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFReadStream

Removed constructor:

public CFReadStream (IntPtr handle);

Added interface:


Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFRunLoop

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CFRunLoop ();

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFRunLoopSource

Modified base type:


Removed constructors:

public CFRunLoopSource (IntPtr handle);
public CFRunLoopSource (IntPtr handle, bool ownsHandle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CFRunLoopSource ();

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFSocket

Added interface:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~CFSocket ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFStream

Removed constructor:

protected CFStream (IntPtr handle);

Added constructor:

protected CFStream (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Added interface:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~CFStream ();

Obsoleted methods:

 [Obsolete ("Call 'GetCheckedHandle ()' instead.")]
 protected void CheckHandle ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFString

Removed constructors:

public CFString (IntPtr handle);
protected CFString (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFType

Modified base type:


Added interfaces:


Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFUrl

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CFUrl ();

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.CFWriteStream

Added interface:


Type Changed: CoreFoundation.DispatchData

Removed constructors:

public DispatchData (IntPtr handle);
public DispatchData (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue

Removed constructor:

public DispatchQueue (IntPtr handle);

Type Changed: CoreFoundation.NativeObject

Modified base type:


Added constructor:

protected NativeObject (IntPtr handle, bool owns, bool verify);

Removed property:

protected override IntPtr Handle { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
public IntPtr GetCheckedHandle ();
protected virtual void InitializeHandle (IntPtr handle);
protected override void ~NativeObject ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Namespace CoreGraphics

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform

Removed constructor:

public CGAffineTransform (nfloat xx, nfloat yx, nfloat xy, nfloat yy, nfloat x0, nfloat y0);

Added constructor:

public CGAffineTransform (ObjCRuntime.nfloat xx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat yx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat xy, ObjCRuntime.nfloat yy, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x0, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y0);

Modified fields:

-public nfloat x0;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat x0;
-public nfloat xx;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat xx;
-public nfloat xy;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat xy;
-public nfloat y0;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat y0;
-public nfloat yx;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat yx;
-public nfloat yy;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat yy;

Removed methods:

public static CGAffineTransform MakeRotation (nfloat angle);
public static CGAffineTransform MakeScale (nfloat sx, nfloat sy);
public static CGAffineTransform MakeTranslation (nfloat tx, nfloat ty);
public void Rotate (nfloat angle);
public static CGAffineTransform Rotate (CGAffineTransform transform, nfloat angle);
public void Rotate (nfloat angle, MatrixOrder order);
public void Scale (nfloat sx, nfloat sy);
public static CGAffineTransform Scale (CGAffineTransform transform, nfloat sx, nfloat sy);
public void Scale (nfloat sx, nfloat sy, MatrixOrder order);
public void Translate (nfloat tx, nfloat ty);
public static CGAffineTransform Translate (CGAffineTransform transform, nfloat tx, nfloat ty);
public void Translate (nfloat tx, nfloat ty, MatrixOrder order);

Added methods:

public static CGAffineTransform MakeRotation (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle);
public static CGAffineTransform MakeScale (ObjCRuntime.nfloat sx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat sy);
public static CGAffineTransform MakeTranslation (ObjCRuntime.nfloat tx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat ty);
public void Rotate (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle);
public static CGAffineTransform Rotate (CGAffineTransform transform, ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle);
public void Rotate (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle, MatrixOrder order);
public void Scale (ObjCRuntime.nfloat sx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat sy);
public static CGAffineTransform Scale (CGAffineTransform transform, ObjCRuntime.nfloat sx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat sy);
public void Scale (ObjCRuntime.nfloat sx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat sy, MatrixOrder order);
public void Translate (ObjCRuntime.nfloat tx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat ty);
public static CGAffineTransform Translate (CGAffineTransform transform, ObjCRuntime.nfloat tx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat ty);
public void Translate (ObjCRuntime.nfloat tx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat ty, MatrixOrder order);

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGColor

Modified base type:


Removed constructors:

public CGColor (IntPtr handle);
public CGColor (CGColor source, nfloat alpha);
public CGColor (CGColorSpace colorspace, nfloat[] components);
public CGColor (nfloat gray, nfloat alpha);
public CGColor (CGColorSpace colorspace, CGPattern pattern, nfloat[] components);
public CGColor (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue);
public CGColor (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue, nfloat alpha);

Added constructors:

public CGColor (CGColor source, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public CGColor (CGColorSpace colorspace, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] components);
public CGColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat gray, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public CGColor (CGColorSpace colorspace, CGPattern pattern, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] components);
public CGColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue);
public CGColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Modified properties:

-public nfloat Alpha { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Alpha { get; }
-public nfloat[] Components { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] Components { get; }

Removed methods:

public static CGColor CreateCmyk (nfloat cyan, nfloat magenta, nfloat yellow, nfloat black, nfloat alpha);
public static CGColor CreateGenericGrayGamma2_2 (nfloat gray, nfloat alpha);
public static CGColor CreateSrgb (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue, nfloat alpha);
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGColor ();

Added methods:

public static CGColor CreateCmyk (ObjCRuntime.nfloat cyan, ObjCRuntime.nfloat magenta, ObjCRuntime.nfloat yellow, ObjCRuntime.nfloat black, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static CGColor CreateGenericGrayGamma2_2 (ObjCRuntime.nfloat gray, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static CGColor CreateSrgb (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGColorConversionInfo

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGColorConversionInfo ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGColorSpace

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGColorSpace (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public static CGColorSpace CreateCalibratedGray (nfloat[] whitepoint, nfloat[] blackpoint, nfloat gamma);
public static CGColorSpace CreateCalibratedRGB (nfloat[] whitepoint, nfloat[] blackpoint, nfloat[] gamma, nfloat[] matrix);
public static CGColorSpace CreateICCProfile (nfloat[] range, CGDataProvider profile, CGColorSpace alternate);
public static CGColorSpace CreateLab (nfloat[] whitepoint, nfloat[] blackpoint, nfloat[] range);
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGColorSpace ();

Added methods:

public static CGColorSpace CreateCalibratedGray (ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] whitepoint, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] blackpoint, ObjCRuntime.nfloat gamma);
public static CGColorSpace CreateCalibratedRGB (ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] whitepoint, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] blackpoint, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] gamma, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] matrix);
public static CGColorSpace CreateICCProfile (ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] range, CGDataProvider profile, CGColorSpace alternate);
public static CGColorSpace CreateLab (ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] whitepoint, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] blackpoint, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] range);
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGContext

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGContext (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public void AddArc (nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat radius, nfloat startAngle, nfloat endAngle, bool clockwise);
public void AddArcToPoint (nfloat x1, nfloat y1, nfloat x2, nfloat y2, nfloat radius);
public void AddCurveToPoint (nfloat cp1x, nfloat cp1y, nfloat cp2x, nfloat cp2y, nfloat x, nfloat y);
public void AddLineToPoint (nfloat x, nfloat y);
public void AddQuadCurveToPoint (nfloat cpx, nfloat cpy, nfloat x, nfloat y);
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
public void DrawRadialGradient (CGGradient gradient, CGPoint startCenter, nfloat startRadius, CGPoint endCenter, nfloat endRadius, CGGradientDrawingOptions options);
public void MoveTo (nfloat x, nfloat y);
public void RotateCTM (nfloat angle);
public void ScaleCTM (nfloat sx, nfloat sy);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9 use the 'CoreText' API instead.")]
public void SelectFont (string name, nfloat size, CGTextEncoding textEncoding);
public void SetAlpha (nfloat alpha);
public void SetCharacterSpacing (nfloat spacing);
public void SetFillColor (nfloat[] components);
public void SetFillColor (nfloat gray, nfloat alpha);
public void SetFillColor (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue, nfloat alpha);
public void SetFillColor (nfloat cyan, nfloat magenta, nfloat yellow, nfloat black, nfloat alpha);
public void SetFillPattern (CGPattern pattern, nfloat[] components);
public void SetFlatness (nfloat flatness);
public void SetFontSize (nfloat size);
public void SetLineDash (nfloat phase, nfloat[] lengths);
public void SetLineDash (nfloat phase, nfloat[] lengths, int n);
public void SetLineWidth (nfloat w);
public void SetMiterLimit (nfloat limit);
public void SetShadow (CGSize offset, nfloat blur, CGColor color);
public void SetStrokeColor (nfloat[] components);
public void SetStrokeColor (nfloat gray, nfloat alpha);
public void SetStrokeColor (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue, nfloat alpha);
public void SetStrokeColor (nfloat cyan, nfloat magenta, nfloat yellow, nfloat black, nfloat alpha);
public void SetStrokePattern (CGPattern pattern, nfloat[] components);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9 use the 'CoreText' API instead.")]
public void ShowGlyphsAtPoint (nfloat x, nfloat y, ushort[] glyphs);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9 use the 'CoreText' API instead.")]
public void ShowGlyphsAtPoint (nfloat x, nfloat y, ushort[] glyphs, int count);
public void ShowTextAtPoint (nfloat x, nfloat y, byte[] bytes);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9 use the 'CoreText' API instead.")]
public void ShowTextAtPoint (nfloat x, nfloat y, string str);
public void ShowTextAtPoint (nfloat x, nfloat y, byte[] bytes, int length);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9 use the 'CoreText' API instead.")]
public void ShowTextAtPoint (nfloat x, nfloat y, string str, int length);
public void StrokeRectWithWidth (CGRect rect, nfloat width);
public void TranslateCTM (nfloat tx, nfloat ty);
protected override void ~CGContext ();

Added methods:

public void AddArc (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat startAngle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat endAngle, bool clockwise);
public void AddArcToPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x1, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y1, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x2, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y2, ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius);
public void AddCurveToPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat cp1x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cp1y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cp2x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cp2y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
public void AddLineToPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
public void AddQuadCurveToPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat cpx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cpy, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
public void DrawRadialGradient (CGGradient gradient, CGPoint startCenter, ObjCRuntime.nfloat startRadius, CGPoint endCenter, ObjCRuntime.nfloat endRadius, CGGradientDrawingOptions options);
public void MoveTo (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
public void RotateCTM (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle);
public void ScaleCTM (ObjCRuntime.nfloat sx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat sy);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9 use the 'CoreText' API instead.")]
public void SelectFont (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, CGTextEncoding textEncoding);
public void SetAlpha (ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public void SetCharacterSpacing (ObjCRuntime.nfloat spacing);
public void SetFillColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] components);
public void SetFillColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat gray, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public void SetFillColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public void SetFillColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat cyan, ObjCRuntime.nfloat magenta, ObjCRuntime.nfloat yellow, ObjCRuntime.nfloat black, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public void SetFillPattern (CGPattern pattern, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] components);
public void SetFlatness (ObjCRuntime.nfloat flatness);
public void SetFontSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat size);
public void SetLineDash (ObjCRuntime.nfloat phase, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] lengths);
public void SetLineDash (ObjCRuntime.nfloat phase, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] lengths, int n);
public void SetLineWidth (ObjCRuntime.nfloat w);
public void SetMiterLimit (ObjCRuntime.nfloat limit);
public void SetShadow (CGSize offset, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blur, CGColor color);
public void SetStrokeColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] components);
public void SetStrokeColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat gray, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public void SetStrokeColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public void SetStrokeColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat cyan, ObjCRuntime.nfloat magenta, ObjCRuntime.nfloat yellow, ObjCRuntime.nfloat black, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public void SetStrokePattern (CGPattern pattern, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] components);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9 use the 'CoreText' API instead.")]
public void ShowGlyphsAtPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ushort[] glyphs);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9 use the 'CoreText' API instead.")]
public void ShowGlyphsAtPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ushort[] glyphs, int count);
public void ShowTextAtPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, byte[] bytes);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9 use the 'CoreText' API instead.")]
public void ShowTextAtPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, string str);
public void ShowTextAtPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, byte[] bytes, int length);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9 use the 'CoreText' API instead.")]
public void ShowTextAtPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, string str, int length);
public void StrokeRectWithWidth (CGRect rect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat width);
public void TranslateCTM (ObjCRuntime.nfloat tx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat ty);

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGDataConsumer

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGDataConsumer (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGDataConsumer ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGDataProvider

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGDataProvider (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGDataProvider ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGEvent

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGEvent (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
public void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGEvent ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGEventSource

Modified base type:


Removed constructors:

public CGEventSource (IntPtr handle);
public CGEventSource (IntPtr handle, bool ownsHandle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
public void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGEventSource ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGFont

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Modified properties:

-public nfloat ItalicAngle { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat ItalicAngle { get; }
-public nfloat StemV { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat StemV { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
public CoreText.CTFont ToCTFont (nfloat size);
public CoreText.CTFont ToCTFont (nfloat size, CGAffineTransform matrix);
protected override void ~CGFont ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
public CoreText.CTFont ToCTFont (ObjCRuntime.nfloat size);
public CoreText.CTFont ToCTFont (ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, CGAffineTransform matrix);

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGFunction

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGFunction (nfloat[] domain, nfloat[] range, CGFunction.CGFunctionEvaluate callback);

Added constructor:

public CGFunction (ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] domain, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] range, CGFunction.CGFunctionEvaluate callback);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGFunction ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGFunction.CGFunctionEvaluate

Removed methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (nfloat* data, nfloat* outData, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void Invoke (nfloat* data, nfloat* outData);

Added methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (ObjCRuntime.nfloat* data, ObjCRuntime.nfloat* outData, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void Invoke (ObjCRuntime.nfloat* data, ObjCRuntime.nfloat* outData);

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGGradient

Modified base type:


Removed constructors:

public CGGradient (CGColorSpace colorspace, nfloat[] components);
public CGGradient (CGColorSpace colorspace, CGColor[] colors, nfloat[] locations);
public CGGradient (CGColorSpace colorspace, nfloat[] components, nfloat[] locations);

Added constructors:

public CGGradient (CGColorSpace colorspace, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] components);
public CGGradient (CGColorSpace colorspace, CGColor[] colors, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] locations);
public CGGradient (CGColorSpace colorspace, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] components, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] locations);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGGradient ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGImage

Modified base type:


Removed constructors:

public CGImage (IntPtr handle);
public CGImage (int width, int height, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerPixel, int bytesPerRow, CGColorSpace colorSpace, CGBitmapFlags bitmapFlags, CGDataProvider provider, nfloat[] decode, bool shouldInterpolate, CGColorRenderingIntent intent);
public CGImage (int width, int height, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerPixel, int bytesPerRow, CGColorSpace colorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo alphaInfo, CGDataProvider provider, nfloat[] decode, bool shouldInterpolate, CGColorRenderingIntent intent);

Added constructors:

public CGImage (int width, int height, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerPixel, int bytesPerRow, CGColorSpace colorSpace, CGBitmapFlags bitmapFlags, CGDataProvider provider, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] decode, bool shouldInterpolate, CGColorRenderingIntent intent);
public CGImage (int width, int height, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerPixel, int bytesPerRow, CGColorSpace colorSpace, CGImageAlphaInfo alphaInfo, CGDataProvider provider, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] decode, bool shouldInterpolate, CGColorRenderingIntent intent);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Modified properties:

-public nfloat* Decode { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat* Decode { get; }

Removed methods:

public static CGImage CreateMask (int width, int height, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerPixel, int bytesPerRow, CGDataProvider provider, nfloat[] decode, bool shouldInterpolate);
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
public static CGImage FromJPEG (CGDataProvider provider, nfloat[] decode, bool shouldInterpolate, CGColorRenderingIntent intent);
public static CGImage FromPNG (CGDataProvider provider, nfloat[] decode, bool shouldInterpolate, CGColorRenderingIntent intent);
public CGImage WithMaskingColors (nfloat[] components);
protected override void ~CGImage ();

Added methods:

public static CGImage CreateMask (int width, int height, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerPixel, int bytesPerRow, CGDataProvider provider, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] decode, bool shouldInterpolate);
public static CGImage FromJPEG (CGDataProvider provider, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] decode, bool shouldInterpolate, CGColorRenderingIntent intent);
public static CGImage FromPNG (CGDataProvider provider, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] decode, bool shouldInterpolate, CGColorRenderingIntent intent);
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
public CGImage WithMaskingColors (ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] components);

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGLayer

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGLayer ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGPDFArray

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGPDFArray (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public bool GetFloat (int idx, out nfloat result);
public bool GetFloat (nint idx, out nfloat result);

Added methods:

public bool GetFloat (int idx, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat result);
public bool GetFloat (nint idx, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat result);

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGPDFContentStream

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGPDFContentStream (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGPDFContentStream ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGPDFDictionary

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGPDFDictionary (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed method:

public bool GetFloat (string key, out nfloat result);

Added method:

public bool GetFloat (string key, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat result);

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGPDFDocument

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGPDFDocument (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGPDFDocument ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGPDFObject

Removed constructor:

public CGPDFObject (IntPtr handle);

Removed method:

public bool TryGetValue (out nfloat value);

Added method:

public bool TryGetValue (out ObjCRuntime.nfloat value);

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGPDFOperatorTable

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGPDFOperatorTable (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGPDFOperatorTable ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGPDFPage

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGPDFPage (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGPDFPage ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGPDFScanner

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGPDFScanner (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
public bool TryPop (out nfloat value);
protected override void ~CGPDFScanner ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Added method:

public bool TryPop (out ObjCRuntime.nfloat value);

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGPDFStream

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGPath

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGPath (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public void AddArc (nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat radius, nfloat startAngle, nfloat endAngle, bool clockwise);
public void AddArc (CGAffineTransform m, nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat radius, nfloat startAngle, nfloat endAngle, bool clockwise);
public void AddArcToPoint (nfloat x1, nfloat y1, nfloat x2, nfloat y2, nfloat radius);
public void AddArcToPoint (CGAffineTransform m, nfloat x1, nfloat y1, nfloat x2, nfloat y2, nfloat radius);
public void AddCurveToPoint (nfloat cp1x, nfloat cp1y, nfloat cp2x, nfloat cp2y, nfloat x, nfloat y);
public void AddCurveToPoint (CGAffineTransform transform, nfloat cp1x, nfloat cp1y, nfloat cp2x, nfloat cp2y, nfloat x, nfloat y);
public void AddLineToPoint (nfloat x, nfloat y);
public void AddLineToPoint (CGAffineTransform transform, nfloat x, nfloat y);
public void AddQuadCurveToPoint (nfloat cpx, nfloat cpy, nfloat x, nfloat y);
public void AddQuadCurveToPoint (CGAffineTransform transform, nfloat cpx, nfloat cpy, nfloat x, nfloat y);
public void AddRelativeArc (nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat radius, nfloat startAngle, nfloat delta);
public void AddRelativeArc (CGAffineTransform m, nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat radius, nfloat startAngle, nfloat delta);
public void AddRoundedRect (CGRect rect, nfloat cornerWidth, nfloat cornerHeight);
public void AddRoundedRect (CGAffineTransform transform, CGRect rect, nfloat cornerWidth, nfloat cornerHeight);
public CGPath CopyByDashingPath (nfloat[] lengths);
public CGPath CopyByDashingPath (CGAffineTransform transform, nfloat[] lengths);
public CGPath CopyByDashingPath (nfloat[] lengths, nfloat phase);
public CGPath CopyByDashingPath (CGAffineTransform transform, nfloat[] lengths, nfloat phase);
public CGPath CopyByStrokingPath (nfloat lineWidth, CGLineCap lineCap, CGLineJoin lineJoin, nfloat miterLimit);
public CGPath CopyByStrokingPath (CGAffineTransform transform, nfloat lineWidth, CGLineCap lineCap, CGLineJoin lineJoin, nfloat miterLimit);
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
public static CGPath FromRoundedRect (CGRect rectangle, nfloat cornerWidth, nfloat cornerHeight);
public static CGPath FromRoundedRect (CGRect rectangle, nfloat cornerWidth, nfloat cornerHeight, CGAffineTransform transform);
public void MoveToPoint (nfloat x, nfloat y);
public void MoveToPoint (CGAffineTransform transform, nfloat x, nfloat y);
protected override void ~CGPath ();

Added methods:

public void AddArc (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat startAngle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat endAngle, bool clockwise);
public void AddArc (CGAffineTransform m, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat startAngle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat endAngle, bool clockwise);
public void AddArcToPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x1, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y1, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x2, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y2, ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius);
public void AddArcToPoint (CGAffineTransform m, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x1, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y1, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x2, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y2, ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius);
public void AddCurveToPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat cp1x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cp1y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cp2x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cp2y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
public void AddCurveToPoint (CGAffineTransform transform, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cp1x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cp1y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cp2x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cp2y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
public void AddLineToPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
public void AddLineToPoint (CGAffineTransform transform, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
public void AddQuadCurveToPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat cpx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cpy, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
public void AddQuadCurveToPoint (CGAffineTransform transform, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cpx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cpy, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
public void AddRelativeArc (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat startAngle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat delta);
public void AddRelativeArc (CGAffineTransform m, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat startAngle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat delta);
public void AddRoundedRect (CGRect rect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cornerWidth, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cornerHeight);
public void AddRoundedRect (CGAffineTransform transform, CGRect rect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cornerWidth, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cornerHeight);
public CGPath CopyByDashingPath (ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] lengths);
public CGPath CopyByDashingPath (CGAffineTransform transform, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] lengths);
public CGPath CopyByDashingPath (ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] lengths, ObjCRuntime.nfloat phase);
public CGPath CopyByDashingPath (CGAffineTransform transform, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] lengths, ObjCRuntime.nfloat phase);
public CGPath CopyByStrokingPath (ObjCRuntime.nfloat lineWidth, CGLineCap lineCap, CGLineJoin lineJoin, ObjCRuntime.nfloat miterLimit);
public CGPath CopyByStrokingPath (CGAffineTransform transform, ObjCRuntime.nfloat lineWidth, CGLineCap lineCap, CGLineJoin lineJoin, ObjCRuntime.nfloat miterLimit);
public static CGPath FromRoundedRect (CGRect rectangle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cornerWidth, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cornerHeight);
public static CGPath FromRoundedRect (CGRect rectangle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cornerWidth, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cornerHeight, CGAffineTransform transform);
public void MoveToPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
public void MoveToPoint (CGAffineTransform transform, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGPattern

Removed constructors:

public CGPattern (IntPtr handle);
public CGPattern (CGRect bounds, CGAffineTransform matrix, nfloat xStep, nfloat yStep, CGPatternTiling tiling, bool isColored, CGPattern.DrawPattern drawPattern);

Added constructor:

public CGPattern (CGRect bounds, CGAffineTransform matrix, ObjCRuntime.nfloat xStep, ObjCRuntime.nfloat yStep, CGPatternTiling tiling, bool isColored, CGPattern.DrawPattern drawPattern);

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGPoint

Removed constructor:

public CGPoint (nfloat x, nfloat y);

Added constructor:

public CGPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);

Modified properties:

-public nfloat X { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat X { get; set; }
-public nfloat Y { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Y { get; set; }

Removed method:

public void Deconstruct (out nfloat x, out nfloat y);

Added method:

public void Deconstruct (out ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGRect

Removed constructor:

public CGRect (nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat width, nfloat height);

Added constructor:

public CGRect (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat width, ObjCRuntime.nfloat height);

Modified properties:

-public nfloat Bottom { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Bottom { get; }
-public nfloat Height { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Height { get; set; }
-public nfloat Left { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Left { get; }
-public nfloat Right { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Right { get; }
-public nfloat Top { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Top { get; }
-public nfloat Width { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Width { get; set; }
-public nfloat X { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat X { get; set; }
-public nfloat Y { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Y { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public bool Contains (nfloat x, nfloat y);
public void Deconstruct (out nfloat x, out nfloat y, out nfloat width, out nfloat height);
public static CGRect FromLTRB (nfloat left, nfloat top, nfloat right, nfloat bottom);
public void Inflate (nfloat x, nfloat y);
public static CGRect Inflate (CGRect rect, nfloat x, nfloat y);
public void Offset (nfloat x, nfloat y);

Added methods:

public bool Contains (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
public void Deconstruct (out ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat width, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat height);
public static CGRect FromLTRB (ObjCRuntime.nfloat left, ObjCRuntime.nfloat top, ObjCRuntime.nfloat right, ObjCRuntime.nfloat bottom);
public void Inflate (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
public static CGRect Inflate (CGRect rect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
public void Offset (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGShading

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGShading (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public static CGShading CreateRadial (CGColorSpace colorspace, CGPoint start, nfloat startRadius, CGPoint end, nfloat endRadius, CGFunction function, bool extendStart, bool extendEnd);
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGShading ();

Added methods:

public static CGShading CreateRadial (CGColorSpace colorspace, CGPoint start, ObjCRuntime.nfloat startRadius, CGPoint end, ObjCRuntime.nfloat endRadius, CGFunction function, bool extendStart, bool extendEnd);
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGSize

Removed constructor:

public CGSize (nfloat width, nfloat height);

Added constructor:

public CGSize (ObjCRuntime.nfloat width, ObjCRuntime.nfloat height);

Modified properties:

-public nfloat Height { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Height { get; set; }
-public nfloat Width { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Width { get; set; }

Removed method:

public void Deconstruct (out nfloat width, out nfloat height);

Added method:

public void Deconstruct (out ObjCRuntime.nfloat width, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat height);

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.CGVector

Removed constructor:

public CGVector (nfloat dx, nfloat dy);

Added constructor:

public CGVector (ObjCRuntime.nfloat dx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat dy);

Modified fields:

-public nfloat dx;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat dx;
-public nfloat dy;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat dy;

Type Changed: CoreGraphics.RectangleFExtensions

Removed methods:

public static void Divide (this CGRect self, nfloat amount, CGRectEdge edge, out CGRect slice, out CGRect remainder);
public static nfloat GetMaxX (this CGRect self);
public static nfloat GetMaxY (this CGRect self);
public static nfloat GetMidX (this CGRect self);
public static nfloat GetMidY (this CGRect self);
public static nfloat GetMinX (this CGRect self);
public static nfloat GetMinY (this CGRect self);
public static CGRect Inset (this CGRect self, nfloat dx, nfloat dy);

Added methods:

public static void Divide (this CGRect self, ObjCRuntime.nfloat amount, CGRectEdge edge, out CGRect slice, out CGRect remainder);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetMaxX (this CGRect self);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetMaxY (this CGRect self);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetMidX (this CGRect self);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetMidY (this CGRect self);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetMinX (this CGRect self);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetMinY (this CGRect self);
public static CGRect Inset (this CGRect self, ObjCRuntime.nfloat dx, ObjCRuntime.nfloat dy);

Namespace CoreImage

Type Changed: CoreImage.CIColor

Removed constructors:

public CIColor (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue);
public CIColor (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue, CoreGraphics.CGColorSpace colorSpace);
public CIColor (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue, nfloat alpha);
public CIColor (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue, nfloat alpha, CoreGraphics.CGColorSpace colorSpace);

Added constructors:

public CIColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue);
public CIColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, CoreGraphics.CGColorSpace colorSpace);
public CIColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public CIColor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha, CoreGraphics.CGColorSpace colorSpace);

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Alpha { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Alpha { get; }
-public virtual nfloat Blue { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Blue { get; }
-public nfloat[] Components { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] Components { get; }
-public virtual nfloat Green { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Green { get; }
-public virtual nfloat Red { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Red { get; }

Removed methods:

public static CIColor FromRgb (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue);
public static CIColor FromRgb (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue, CoreGraphics.CGColorSpace colorSpace);
public static CIColor FromRgba (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue, nfloat alpha);
public static CIColor FromRgba (nfloat red, nfloat green, nfloat blue, nfloat alpha, CoreGraphics.CGColorSpace colorSpace);

Added methods:

public static CIColor FromRgb (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue);
public static CIColor FromRgb (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, CoreGraphics.CGColorSpace colorSpace);
public static CIColor FromRgba (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha);
public static CIColor FromRgba (ObjCRuntime.nfloat red, ObjCRuntime.nfloat green, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha, CoreGraphics.CGColorSpace colorSpace);

Type Changed: CoreImage.CIImage

Removed methods:

public virtual void Draw (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point, CoreGraphics.CGRect srcRect, AppKit.NSCompositingOperation op, nfloat delta);
public virtual void Draw (CoreGraphics.CGRect dstRect, CoreGraphics.CGRect srcRect, AppKit.NSCompositingOperation op, nfloat delta);

Added methods:

public virtual void Draw (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point, CoreGraphics.CGRect srcRect, AppKit.NSCompositingOperation op, ObjCRuntime.nfloat delta);
public virtual void Draw (CoreGraphics.CGRect dstRect, CoreGraphics.CGRect srcRect, AppKit.NSCompositingOperation op, ObjCRuntime.nfloat delta);

Type Changed: CoreImage.CIVector

Removed constructors:

public CIVector (nfloat x);
public CIVector (nfloat[] values);
public CIVector (nfloat x, nfloat y);
public CIVector (nfloat[] values, nint count);
public CIVector (nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat z);
public CIVector (nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat z, nfloat w);

Added constructors:

public CIVector (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x);
public CIVector (ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] values);
public CIVector (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
public CIVector (ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] values, nint count);
public CIVector (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat z);
public CIVector (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat z, ObjCRuntime.nfloat w);

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat W { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat W { get; }
-public virtual nfloat X { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat X { get; }
-public virtual nfloat Y { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Y { get; }
-public virtual nfloat Z { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Z { get; }

Removed methods:

public static CIVector Create (nfloat x);
public static CIVector Create (nfloat x, nfloat y);
public static CIVector Create (nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat z);
public static CIVector Create (nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat z, nfloat w);
public static CIVector FromValues (nfloat[] values);

Added methods:

public static CIVector Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x);
public static CIVector Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y);
public static CIVector Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat z);
public static CIVector Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat z, ObjCRuntime.nfloat w);
public static CIVector FromValues (ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] values);

Namespace CoreML

Type Changed: CoreML.MLMultiArray

Added constructor:

public MLMultiArray (CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer pixelBuffer, Foundation.NSNumber[] shape);

Added property:

public virtual CoreVideo.CVPixelBuffer PixelBuffer { get; }

Type Changed: CoreML.MLMultiArrayDataType

Added value:

Float16 = 65552,

Type Changed: CoreML.MLPredictionOptions

Added property:

public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary OutputBackings { get; set; }

Namespace CoreMedia

Type Changed: CoreMedia.CMBlockBuffer

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CMBlockBuffer ();

Type Changed: CoreMedia.CMBufferQueue

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~CMBufferQueue ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Type Changed: CoreMedia.CMClock

Removed constructor:

public CMClock (IntPtr handle);

Type Changed: CoreMedia.CMClockOrTimebase

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CMClockOrTimebase (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CMClockOrTimebase ();

Type Changed: CoreMedia.CMFormatDescription

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CMFormatDescription ();

Type Changed: CoreMedia.CMMemoryPool

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CMMemoryPool ();

Type Changed: CoreMedia.CMSampleBuffer

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~CMSampleBuffer ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Type Changed: CoreMedia.CMTimebase

Removed constructor:

public CMTimebase (IntPtr handle);

Type Changed: CoreMedia.CMVideoCodecType

Added values:

DepthHevc = 1684369512,
DisparityHevc = 1684632424,

Namespace CoreServices

Type Changed: CoreServices.CFHTTPAuthentication

Added interface:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

protected void CheckHandle ();
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CFHTTPAuthentication ();

Type Changed: CoreServices.CFHTTPMessage

Added interface:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

protected void CheckHandle ();
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CFHTTPMessage ();

Type Changed: CoreServices.CFHTTPStream

Added interface:


Type Changed: CoreServices.FSEventStream

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~FSEventStream ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Namespace CoreText

Type Changed: CoreText.CTFont

Modified base type:


Removed constructors:

public CTFont (CTFontDescriptor descriptor, nfloat size);
public CTFont (string name, nfloat size);
public CTFont (CoreGraphics.CGFont font, nfloat size, CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform transform);
public CTFont (CoreGraphics.CGFont font, nfloat size, CTFontDescriptor descriptor);
public CTFont (CTFontDescriptor descriptor, nfloat size, ref CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform matrix);
public CTFont (CTFontDescriptor descriptor, nfloat size, CTFontOptions options);
public CTFont (CTFontUIFontType uiType, nfloat size, string language);
public CTFont (string name, nfloat size, ref CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform matrix);
public CTFont (string name, nfloat size, CTFontOptions options);
public CTFont (CoreGraphics.CGFont font, nfloat size, CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform transform, CTFontDescriptor descriptor);
public CTFont (CTFontDescriptor descriptor, nfloat size, CTFontOptions options, ref CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform matrix);
public CTFont (string name, nfloat size, ref CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform matrix, CTFontOptions options);

Added constructors:

public CTFont (CTFontDescriptor descriptor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size);
public CTFont (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size);
public CTFont (CoreGraphics.CGFont font, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform transform);
public CTFont (CoreGraphics.CGFont font, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, CTFontDescriptor descriptor);
public CTFont (CTFontDescriptor descriptor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, ref CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform matrix);
public CTFont (CTFontDescriptor descriptor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, CTFontOptions options);
public CTFont (CTFontUIFontType uiType, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, string language);
public CTFont (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, ref CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform matrix);
public CTFont (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, CTFontOptions options);
public CTFont (CoreGraphics.CGFont font, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform transform, CTFontDescriptor descriptor);
public CTFont (CTFontDescriptor descriptor, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, CTFontOptions options, ref CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform matrix);
public CTFont (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, ref CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform matrix, CTFontOptions options);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Modified properties:

-public nfloat AscentMetric { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat AscentMetric { get; }
-public nfloat CapHeightMetric { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat CapHeightMetric { get; }
-public nfloat DescentMetric { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat DescentMetric { get; }
-public nfloat LeadingMetric { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat LeadingMetric { get; }
-public nfloat Size { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Size { get; }
-public nfloat SlantAngle { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat SlantAngle { get; }
-public nfloat UnderlinePosition { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat UnderlinePosition { get; }
-public nfloat UnderlineThickness { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat UnderlineThickness { get; }
-public nfloat XHeightMetric { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat XHeightMetric { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
public nint GetLigatureCaretPositions (ushort glyph, nfloat[] positions);
public CTFont WithAttributes (nfloat size, CTFontDescriptor attributes);
public CTFont WithAttributes (nfloat size, CTFontDescriptor attributes, ref CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform matrix);
public CTFont WithFamily (nfloat size, string family);
public CTFont WithFamily (nfloat size, string family, ref CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform matrix);
public CTFont WithSymbolicTraits (nfloat size, CTFontSymbolicTraits symTraitValue, CTFontSymbolicTraits symTraitMask);
public CTFont WithSymbolicTraits (nfloat size, CTFontSymbolicTraits symTraitValue, CTFontSymbolicTraits symTraitMask, ref CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform matrix);
protected override void ~CTFont ();

Added methods:

public nint GetLigatureCaretPositions (ushort glyph, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] positions);
public CTFont WithAttributes (ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, CTFontDescriptor attributes);
public CTFont WithAttributes (ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, CTFontDescriptor attributes, ref CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform matrix);
public CTFont WithFamily (ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, string family);
public CTFont WithFamily (ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, string family, ref CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform matrix);
public CTFont WithSymbolicTraits (ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, CTFontSymbolicTraits symTraitValue, CTFontSymbolicTraits symTraitMask);
public CTFont WithSymbolicTraits (ObjCRuntime.nfloat size, CTFontSymbolicTraits symTraitValue, CTFontSymbolicTraits symTraitMask, ref CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform matrix);

Type Changed: CoreText.CTFontCollection

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTFontCollection ();

Type Changed: CoreText.CTFontDescriptor

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CTFontDescriptor (string name, nfloat size);

Added constructor:

public CTFontDescriptor (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat size);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
public CTFontDescriptor WithVariation (uint variationIdentifier, nfloat variationValue);
protected override void ~CTFontDescriptor ();

Added method:

public CTFontDescriptor WithVariation (uint variationIdentifier, ObjCRuntime.nfloat variationValue);

Type Changed: CoreText.CTFrame

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTFrame ();

Type Changed: CoreText.CTFramesetter

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTFramesetter ();

Type Changed: CoreText.CTGlyphInfo

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTGlyphInfo ();

Type Changed: CoreText.CTLine

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
public CTLine GetJustifiedLine (nfloat justificationFactor, double justificationWidth);
public nfloat GetOffsetForStringIndex (nint charIndex);
public nfloat GetOffsetForStringIndex (nint charIndex, out nfloat secondaryOffset);
public double GetPenOffsetForFlush (nfloat flushFactor, double flushWidth);
public double GetTypographicBounds (out nfloat ascent, out nfloat descent, out nfloat leading);
protected override void ~CTLine ();

Added methods:

public CTLine GetJustifiedLine (ObjCRuntime.nfloat justificationFactor, double justificationWidth);
public ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetOffsetForStringIndex (nint charIndex);
public ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetOffsetForStringIndex (nint charIndex, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat secondaryOffset);
public double GetPenOffsetForFlush (ObjCRuntime.nfloat flushFactor, double flushWidth);
public double GetTypographicBounds (out ObjCRuntime.nfloat ascent, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat descent, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat leading);

Type Changed: CoreText.CTParagraphStyle

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTParagraphStyle ();

Type Changed: CoreText.CTParagraphStyleSettings

Modified properties:

-public nfloat? DefaultTabInterval { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? DefaultTabInterval { get; set; }
-public nfloat? FirstLineHeadIndent { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? FirstLineHeadIndent { get; set; }
-public nfloat? HeadIndent { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? HeadIndent { get; set; }
-public nfloat? LineHeightMultiple { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? LineHeightMultiple { get; set; }
-public nfloat? LineSpacing { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? LineSpacing { get; set; }
-public nfloat? LineSpacingAdjustment { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? LineSpacingAdjustment { get; set; }
-public nfloat? MaximumLineHeight { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? MaximumLineHeight { get; set; }
-public nfloat? MaximumLineSpacing { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? MaximumLineSpacing { get; set; }
-public nfloat? MinimumLineHeight { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? MinimumLineHeight { get; set; }
-public nfloat? MinimumLineSpacing { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? MinimumLineSpacing { get; set; }
-public nfloat? ParagraphSpacing { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? ParagraphSpacing { get; set; }
-public nfloat? ParagraphSpacingBefore { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? ParagraphSpacingBefore { get; set; }
-public nfloat? TailIndent { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? TailIndent { get; set; }

Type Changed: CoreText.CTRun

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
public double GetTypographicBounds (Foundation.NSRange range, out nfloat ascent, out nfloat descent, out nfloat leading);
protected override void ~CTRun ();

Added method:

public double GetTypographicBounds (Foundation.NSRange range, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat ascent, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat descent, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat leading);

Type Changed: CoreText.CTTextTab

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTTextTab ();

Type Changed: CoreText.CTTypesetter

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTTypesetter ();

Namespace CoreVideo

Type Changed: CoreVideo.CVBuffer

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CVBuffer ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: CoreVideo.CVDisplayLink

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CVDisplayLink (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~CVDisplayLink ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: CoreVideo.CVMetalTexture

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CVMetalTexture ();

Type Changed: CoreVideo.CVMetalTextureCache

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CVMetalTextureCache ();

Type Changed: CoreVideo.CVPixelBufferPool

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CVPixelBufferPool ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Namespace CoreWlan

Type Changed: CoreWlan.CWConfiguration

Removed properties:

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool AlwaysRememberNetworks { get; set; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool DisconnectOnLogout { get; set; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual CWWirelessProfile[] PreferredNetworks { get; set; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSSet RememberedNetworks { get; set; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool RequireAdminForIBSSCreation { get; set; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool RequireAdminForNetworkChange { get; set; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool RequireAdminForPowerChange { get; set; }

Type Changed: CoreWlan.CWInterface

Removed properties:

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSData BssidData { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber Channel { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber InterfaceState { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public static CWInterface MainInterface { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual string Name { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber Noise { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber OpMode { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber PhyMode { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool Power { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool PowerSave { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber Rssi { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber SecurityMode { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber[] SupportedChannels { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public static string[] SupportedInterfaces { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber[] SupportedPhyModes { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool SupportsAesCcm { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool SupportsHostAP { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool SupportsIbss { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool SupportsMonitorMode { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool SupportsPmgt { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool SupportsShortGI20MHz { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool SupportsShortGI40MHz { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool SupportsTkip { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool SupportsTsn { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool SupportsWep { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool SupportsWme { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool SupportsWow { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool SupportsWpa { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool SupportsWpa2 { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber TxPower { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber TxRate { get; }

Removed methods:

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool AssociateToNetwork (CWNetwork network, Foundation.NSDictionary parameters, out Foundation.NSError error);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool CommitConfiguration (CWConfiguration config, out Foundation.NSError error);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool EnableIBSSWithParameters (Foundation.NSDictionary parameters, out Foundation.NSError error);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public static CWInterface FromName (string name);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool IsEqualToInterface (CWInterface intface);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual CWNetwork[] ScanForNetworksWithParameters (Foundation.NSDictionary parameters, out Foundation.NSError error);

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool SetChannel (nuint channel, out Foundation.NSError error);

Type Changed: CoreWlan.CWNetwork

Removed properties:

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSData BssidData { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber Channel { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSData IeData { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual bool IsIBSS { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber Noise { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber PhyMode { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber Rssi { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber SecurityMode { get; }

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.9.")]
public virtual CWWirelessProfile WirelessProfile { get; }

Namespace Darwin

Type Changed: Darwin.Message

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~Message ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Type Changed: Darwin.SystemLog

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~SystemLog ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Namespace FileProvider

Type Changed: FileProvider.NSFileProviderItemVersion

Added property:

public static Foundation.NSData BeforeFirstSyncComponent { get; }

Type Changed: FileProvider.NSFileProviderItem_Extensions

Removed method:

[Obsolete ("This API was removed from macOS in Xcode 12.2 beta 2.")]
public static Foundation.NSNumber GetFavoriteRank (this INSFileProviderItem This);

Removed Type FileProvider.INSFileProviderItemFlags

Namespace Foundation

Type Changed: Foundation.DictionaryContainer

Added method:

protected string[] GetStringArrayValue (NSString key);

Type Changed: Foundation.NSAffineTransform

Removed methods:

public virtual void RotateByDegrees (nfloat angle);
public virtual void RotateByRadians (nfloat angle);
public virtual void Scale (nfloat scale);
public virtual void Scale (nfloat scaleX, nfloat scaleY);
public virtual void Translate (nfloat deltaX, nfloat deltaY);

Added methods:

public virtual void RotateByDegrees (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle);
public virtual void RotateByRadians (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle);
public virtual void Scale (ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale);
public virtual void Scale (ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleX, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleY);
public virtual void Translate (ObjCRuntime.nfloat deltaX, ObjCRuntime.nfloat deltaY);

Type Changed: Foundation.NSArray

Added method:

public static T[] ArrayFromHandle<T> (IntPtr handle, System.Converter<System.IntPtr,T> creator, bool releaseHandle);

Type Changed: Foundation.NSAutoreleasePool

Modified constructors:

-public NSAutoreleasePool (NSObjectFlag t)
+protected NSAutoreleasePool (NSObjectFlag t)
-public NSAutoreleasePool (IntPtr handle)
+protected NSAutoreleasePool (IntPtr handle)

Type Changed: Foundation.NSEnumerator`1

Removed constructor:

public NSEnumerator`1 ();

Type Changed: Foundation.NSNetService

Removed methods:

public virtual void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, string forMode);
public virtual void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, string forMode);

Added methods:

public virtual void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSString forMode);
public virtual void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSString forMode);

Type Changed: Foundation.NSNetServiceBrowser

Removed methods:

public virtual void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, string forMode);
public virtual void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, string forMode);

Added methods:

public virtual void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSString forMode);
public virtual void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSString forMode);

Type Changed: Foundation.NSNumber

Removed constructor:

public NSNumber (nfloat value);

Added constructor:

public NSNumber (ObjCRuntime.nfloat value);

Modified properties:

-public nfloat NFloatValue { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat NFloatValue { get; }

Removed method:

public static NSNumber FromNFloat (nfloat value);

Added method:

public static NSNumber FromNFloat (ObjCRuntime.nfloat value);

Type Changed: Foundation.NSObject

Modified constructors:

-public NSObject (IntPtr handle)
+protected NSObject (IntPtr handle)
-public NSObject (IntPtr handle, bool alloced)
+protected NSObject (IntPtr handle, bool alloced)

Type Changed: Foundation.NSStream

Removed methods:

public virtual void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, string mode);
public virtual void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, string mode);

Added methods:

public virtual void Schedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSString mode);
public virtual void Unschedule (NSRunLoop aRunLoop, NSString mode);

Type Changed: Foundation.NSUrlProtocol

Removed constructor:

[Obsolete ("Use the overload that takes an 'INSUrlProtocolClient' instead.")]
public NSUrlProtocol (NSUrlRequest request, NSCachedUrlResponse cachedResponse, NSUrlProtocolClient client);

Removed property:

[Obsolete ("Use 'Client' instead.")]
public virtual NSObject WeakClient { get; }

Type Changed: Foundation.NSUrlSessionTaskTransactionMetrics

Modified properties:

-public virtual Security.SslCipherSuite? NegotiatedTlsCipherSuite { get; }
+public virtual Security.TlsCipherSuite? NegotiatedTlsCipherSuite { get; }

Type Changed: Foundation.NSZone

Removed constructors:

public NSZone (IntPtr handle);
public NSZone (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Removed Type Foundation.NSUrlProtocolClient

Namespace GLKit

Type Changed: GLKit.GLKTextureLoader

Removed methods:

public virtual void BeginTextureLoad (string name, nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary<Foundation.NSString,Foundation.NSNumber> options, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue, GLKTextureLoaderCallback block);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<GLKTextureInfo> BeginTextureLoadAsync (string name, nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary<Foundation.NSString,Foundation.NSNumber> options, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
public static GLKTextureInfo FromName (string name, nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary<Foundation.NSString,Foundation.NSNumber> options, out Foundation.NSError outError);

Added methods:

public virtual void BeginTextureLoad (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary<Foundation.NSString,Foundation.NSNumber> options, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue, GLKTextureLoaderCallback block);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<GLKTextureInfo> BeginTextureLoadAsync (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary<Foundation.NSString,Foundation.NSNumber> options, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
public static GLKTextureInfo FromName (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary<Foundation.NSString,Foundation.NSNumber> options, out Foundation.NSError outError);

Namespace GameController

Type Changed: GameController.GCMotion

Modified properties:

-public virtual OpenTK.Quaterniond Attitude { get; }
+public virtual GCQuaternion Attitude { get; }
-public virtual OpenTK.Vector3d Gravity { get; }
+public virtual GCAcceleration Gravity { get; }
-public virtual OpenTK.Vector3d RotationRate { get; }
+public virtual GCRotationRate RotationRate { get; }
-public virtual OpenTK.Vector3d UserAcceleration { get; }
+public virtual GCAcceleration UserAcceleration { get; }

New Type: GameController.GCProductCategory

public static class GCProductCategory {
	// properties
	public static Foundation.NSString CoalescedRemote { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString ControlCenterRemote { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString DualSense { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString DualShock4 { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString Keyboard { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString MFi { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString Mouse { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString SiriRemote1stGen { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString SiriRemote2ndGen { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString UniversalElectronicsRemote { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString XboxOne { get; }

Namespace ImageCaptureCore

Type Changed: ImageCaptureCore.ICScannerFeatureRange

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat CurrentValue { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat CurrentValue { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat DefaultValue { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat DefaultValue { get; }
-public virtual nfloat MaxValue { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaxValue { get; }
-public virtual nfloat MinValue { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinValue { get; }
-public virtual nfloat StepSize { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat StepSize { get; }

Type Changed: ImageCaptureCore.ICScannerFunctionalUnit

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ScanProgressPercentDone { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScanProgressPercentDone { get; }

Namespace ImageIO

Type Changed: ImageIO.CGImageDestination

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGImageDestination ();

Type Changed: ImageIO.CGImageMetadata

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGImageMetadata (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGImageMetadata ();

Type Changed: ImageIO.CGImageMetadataTag

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGImageMetadataTag (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGImageMetadataTag ();

Type Changed: ImageIO.CGImageSource

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGImageSource ();

Namespace ImageKit

Type Changed: ImageKit.IKImageBrowserCell

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Opacity { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Opacity { get; }

Type Changed: ImageKit.IKImageView

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat RotationAngle { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RotationAngle { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ZoomFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ZoomFactor { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void SetImageZoomFactor (nfloat zoomFactor, CoreGraphics.CGPoint centerPoint);
public virtual void SetRotation (nfloat rotationAngle, CoreGraphics.CGPoint centerPoint);

Added methods:

public virtual void SetImageZoomFactor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat zoomFactor, CoreGraphics.CGPoint centerPoint);
public virtual void SetRotation (ObjCRuntime.nfloat rotationAngle, CoreGraphics.CGPoint centerPoint);

Namespace LocalAuthentication

Type Changed: LocalAuthentication.LABiometryType

Removed value:

[Obsolete ("Use 'FaceId' instead.")]
TypeFaceId = 2,

Type Changed: LocalAuthentication.LAContext

Removed property:

public static Foundation.NSString ErrorDomain { get; }

Added property:

public virtual Foundation.NSNumber MaxBiometryFailures { get; set; }

Type Changed: LocalAuthentication.LAStatus

Removed values:

TouchIDLockout = -8,
TouchIDNotAvailable = -6,
TouchIDNotEnrolled = -7,

Namespace MailKit

Type Changed: MailKit.IMEMessageEncoder

Removed methods:

public virtual void EncodeMessage (MEMessage message, bool shouldSign, bool shouldEncrypt, System.Action<MEMessageEncodingResult> completionHandler);
public virtual void GetEncodingStatus (MEMessage message, System.Action<MEOutgoingMessageEncodingStatus> completionHandler);

Added methods:

public virtual void EncodeMessage (MEMessage message, MEComposeContext composeContext, System.Action<MEMessageEncodingResult> completionHandler);
public virtual void GetEncodingStatus (MEMessage message, MEComposeContext composeContext, System.Action<MEOutgoingMessageEncodingStatus> completionHandler);

Type Changed: MailKit.IMEMessageSecurityHandler

Added methods:

public virtual MEExtensionViewController GetExtensionViewController (Foundation.NSData messageContext);
public virtual void SetPrimaryActionClicked (Foundation.NSData messageContext, System.Action<MEExtensionViewController> completionHandler);

Type Changed: MailKit.MEComposeSession

Added property:

public virtual MEComposeContext ComposeContext { get; }

Type Changed: MailKit.MEDecodedMessage

Removed constructor:

public MEDecodedMessage (Foundation.NSData rawData, MEMessageSecurityInformation securityInformation);

Added constructors:

public MEDecodedMessage (Foundation.NSData rawData, MEMessageSecurityInformation securityInformation, Foundation.NSData context);
public MEDecodedMessage (Foundation.NSData rawData, MEMessageSecurityInformation securityInformation, Foundation.NSData context, MEDecodedMessageBanner banner);

Added properties:

public virtual MEDecodedMessageBanner Banner { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSData Context { get; }

Type Changed: MailKit.MEExtensionManager

Added method:

public static void ReloadVisibleMessages (System.Action<Foundation.NSError> completionHandler);

Type Changed: MailKit.MEMessage

Added property:

public virtual MEMessageEncryptionState EncryptionState { get; }

Type Changed: MailKit.MEMessageAction

Added methods:

public static MEMessageAction SetBackgroundColorAction (MEMessageActionMessageColor color);
public static MEMessageAction SetFlagAction (MEMessageActionFlag flag);

New Type: MailKit.MEComposeContext

public class MEComposeContext : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSObjectProtocol, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable, System.IEquatable<Foundation.NSObject> {
	// constructors
	protected MEComposeContext (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected MEComposeContext (IntPtr handle);
	// properties
	public virtual MEComposeUserAction Action { get; }
	public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSUuid ContextId { get; }
	public virtual bool IsEncrypted { get; }
	public virtual bool IsSigned { get; }
	public virtual MEMessage OriginalMessage { get; }
	public virtual bool ShouldEncrypt { get; }
	public virtual bool ShouldSign { get; }

New Type: MailKit.MEComposeUserAction

public enum MEComposeUserAction {
	Forward = 4,
	NewMessage = 1,
	Reply = 2,
	ReplyAll = 3,

New Type: MailKit.MEDecodedMessageBanner

public class MEDecodedMessageBanner : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSCopying, Foundation.INSObjectProtocol, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable, System.IEquatable<Foundation.NSObject> {
	// constructors
	public MEDecodedMessageBanner (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected MEDecodedMessageBanner (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected MEDecodedMessageBanner (IntPtr handle);
	public MEDecodedMessageBanner (string title, string primaryActionTitle, bool dismissable);
	// properties
	public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual bool Dismissable { get; }
	public virtual string PrimaryActionTitle { get; }
	public virtual string Title { get; }
	// methods
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
	public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);

New Type: MailKit.MEMessageActionFlag

public enum MEMessageActionFlag {
	Blue = 6,
	DefaultColor = 1,
	Gray = 8,
	Green = 5,
	None = 0,
	Orange = 3,
	Purple = 7,
	Red = 2,
	Yellow = 4,

New Type: MailKit.MEMessageEncryptionState

public enum MEMessageEncryptionState {
	Encrypted = 2,
	NotEncrypted = 1,
	Unknown = 0,

New Type: MailKit.MEMessageSecurityErrorCode

public enum MEMessageSecurityErrorCode {
	DecodingError = 1,
	EncodingError = 0,

New Type: MailKit.MEMessageSecurityErrorCodeExtensions

public static class MEMessageSecurityErrorCodeExtensions {
	// methods
	public static Foundation.NSString GetDomain (this MEMessageSecurityErrorCode self);

Namespace MapKit

Type Changed: MapKit.MKCircleRenderer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat StrokeEnd { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat StrokeEnd { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat StrokeStart { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat StrokeStart { get; set; }

Type Changed: MapKit.MKGradientPolylineRenderer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat[] Locations { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] Locations { get; }

Removed method:

public virtual void SetColors (AppKit.NSColor[] colors, nfloat[] locations);

Added method:

public virtual void SetColors (AppKit.NSColor[] colors, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] locations);

Type Changed: MapKit.MKMapCamera

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Pitch { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Pitch { get; set; }

Removed method:

public static MKMapCamera CameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate (CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D centerCoordinate, double locationDistance, nfloat pitch, double locationDirectionHeading);

Added method:

public static MKMapCamera CameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate (CoreLocation.CLLocationCoordinate2D centerCoordinate, double locationDistance, ObjCRuntime.nfloat pitch, double locationDirectionHeading);

Type Changed: MapKit.MKMultiPoint

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat GetLocation (nuint pointIndex);
public virtual nfloat[] GetLocations (Foundation.NSIndexSet indexes);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetLocation (nuint pointIndex);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] GetLocations (Foundation.NSIndexSet indexes);

Type Changed: MapKit.MKOverlayPathRenderer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat LineDashPhase { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineDashPhase { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat LineWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineWidth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MiterLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MiterLimit { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void ApplyFillPropertiesToContext (CoreGraphics.CGContext context, nfloat zoomScale);
public virtual void ApplyStrokePropertiesToContext (CoreGraphics.CGContext context, nfloat zoomScale);

Added methods:

public virtual void ApplyFillPropertiesToContext (CoreGraphics.CGContext context, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zoomScale);
public virtual void ApplyStrokePropertiesToContext (CoreGraphics.CGContext context, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zoomScale);

Type Changed: MapKit.MKOverlayRenderer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Alpha { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Alpha { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ContentScaleFactor { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ContentScaleFactor { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual bool CanDrawMapRect (MKMapRect mapRect, nfloat zoomScale);
public virtual void DrawMapRect (MKMapRect mapRect, nfloat zoomScale, CoreGraphics.CGContext context);
public virtual void SetNeedsDisplay (MKMapRect mapRect, nfloat zoomScale);

Added methods:

public virtual bool CanDrawMapRect (MKMapRect mapRect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zoomScale);
public virtual void DrawMapRect (MKMapRect mapRect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zoomScale, CoreGraphics.CGContext context);
public virtual void SetNeedsDisplay (MKMapRect mapRect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zoomScale);

Type Changed: MapKit.MKOverlayView

Removed method:

public static nfloat MKRoadWidthAtZoomScale (nfloat zoomScale);

Added method:

public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat MKRoadWidthAtZoomScale (ObjCRuntime.nfloat zoomScale);

Type Changed: MapKit.MKPolygonRenderer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat StrokeEnd { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat StrokeEnd { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat StrokeStart { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat StrokeStart { get; set; }

Type Changed: MapKit.MKPolylineRenderer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat StrokeEnd { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat StrokeEnd { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat StrokeStart { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat StrokeStart { get; set; }

Type Changed: MapKit.MKTileOverlayPath

Modified fields:

-public nfloat ContentScaleFactor;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat ContentScaleFactor;

Namespace MediaAccessibility

Type Changed: MediaAccessibility.MACaptionAppearance

Removed methods:

public static nfloat GetBackgroundOpacity (MACaptionAppearanceDomain domain, ref MACaptionAppearanceBehavior behavior);
public static nfloat GetForegroundOpacity (MACaptionAppearanceDomain domain, ref MACaptionAppearanceBehavior behavior);
public static nfloat GetRelativeCharacterSize (MACaptionAppearanceDomain domain, ref MACaptionAppearanceBehavior behavior);
public static nfloat GetWindowOpacity (MACaptionAppearanceDomain domain, ref MACaptionAppearanceBehavior behavior);
public static nfloat GetWindowRoundedCornerRadius (MACaptionAppearanceDomain domain, ref MACaptionAppearanceBehavior behavior);

Added methods:

public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetBackgroundOpacity (MACaptionAppearanceDomain domain, ref MACaptionAppearanceBehavior behavior);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetForegroundOpacity (MACaptionAppearanceDomain domain, ref MACaptionAppearanceBehavior behavior);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetRelativeCharacterSize (MACaptionAppearanceDomain domain, ref MACaptionAppearanceBehavior behavior);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetWindowOpacity (MACaptionAppearanceDomain domain, ref MACaptionAppearanceBehavior behavior);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetWindowRoundedCornerRadius (MACaptionAppearanceDomain domain, ref MACaptionAppearanceBehavior behavior);

Namespace MediaToolbox

Type Changed: MediaToolbox.MTAudioProcessingTap

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~MTAudioProcessingTap ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Namespace MetalKit

Type Changed: MetalKit.MTKTextureLoader

Removed methods:

public virtual void FromName (string name, nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options, MTKTextureLoaderCallback completionHandler);
public virtual Metal.IMTLTexture FromName (string name, nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options, out Foundation.NSError error);
public void FromName (string name, nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options, MTKTextureLoaderCallback completionHandler);
public Metal.IMTLTexture FromName (string name, nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options, out Foundation.NSError error);
public virtual void FromName (string name, nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options, MTKTextureLoaderCallback completionHandler);
public virtual Metal.IMTLTexture FromName (string name, nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options, out Foundation.NSError error);
public void FromName (string name, nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options, MTKTextureLoaderCallback completionHandler);
public Metal.IMTLTexture FromName (string name, nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options, out Foundation.NSError error);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture> FromNameAsync (string name, nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options);
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture> FromNameAsync (string name, nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture> FromNameAsync (string name, nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options);
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture> FromNameAsync (string name, nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options);
public virtual void FromNames (string[] names, nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options, MTKTextureLoaderArrayCallback completionHandler);
public void FromNames (string[] names, nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options, MTKTextureLoaderArrayCallback completionHandler);
public virtual void FromNames (string[] names, nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options, MTKTextureLoaderArrayCallback completionHandler);
public void FromNames (string[] names, nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options, MTKTextureLoaderArrayCallback completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture[]> FromNamesAsync (string[] names, nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options);
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture[]> FromNamesAsync (string[] names, nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture[]> FromNamesAsync (string[] names, nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options);
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture[]> FromNamesAsync (string[] names, nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options);

Added methods:

public virtual void FromName (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options, MTKTextureLoaderCallback completionHandler);
public virtual Metal.IMTLTexture FromName (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options, out Foundation.NSError error);
public void FromName (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options, MTKTextureLoaderCallback completionHandler);
public Metal.IMTLTexture FromName (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options, out Foundation.NSError error);
public virtual void FromName (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options, MTKTextureLoaderCallback completionHandler);
public virtual Metal.IMTLTexture FromName (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options, out Foundation.NSError error);
public void FromName (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options, MTKTextureLoaderCallback completionHandler);
public Metal.IMTLTexture FromName (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options, out Foundation.NSError error);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture> FromNameAsync (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options);
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture> FromNameAsync (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture> FromNameAsync (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options);
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture> FromNameAsync (string name, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options);
public virtual void FromNames (string[] names, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options, MTKTextureLoaderArrayCallback completionHandler);
public void FromNames (string[] names, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options, MTKTextureLoaderArrayCallback completionHandler);
public virtual void FromNames (string[] names, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options, MTKTextureLoaderArrayCallback completionHandler);
public void FromNames (string[] names, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options, MTKTextureLoaderArrayCallback completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture[]> FromNamesAsync (string[] names, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options);
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture[]> FromNamesAsync (string[] names, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture[]> FromNamesAsync (string[] names, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, Foundation.NSDictionary options);
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Metal.IMTLTexture[]> FromNamesAsync (string[] names, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scaleFactor, AppKit.NSDisplayGamut displayGamut, Foundation.NSBundle bundle, MTKTextureLoaderOptions options);

Namespace MetalPerformanceShaders

Type Changed: MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSImageConversion

Removed constructor:

public MPSImageConversion (Metal.IMTLDevice device, MPSAlphaType srcAlpha, MPSAlphaType destAlpha, nfloat[] backgroundColor, CoreGraphics.CGColorConversionInfo conversionInfo);

Added constructor:

public MPSImageConversion (Metal.IMTLDevice device, MPSAlphaType srcAlpha, MPSAlphaType destAlpha, ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] backgroundColor, CoreGraphics.CGColorConversionInfo conversionInfo);

Namespace Network

Type Changed: Network.NWAdvertiseDescriptor

Removed constructor:

public NWAdvertiseDescriptor (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Type Changed: Network.NWConnection

Removed constructor:

public NWConnection (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Type Changed: Network.NWConnectionGroup

Modified constructors:

-protected NWConnectionGroup (IntPtr handle, bool owns)
+protected NWConnectionGroup (IntPtr handle, bool owns)

Added methods:

public NWConnection ExtractConnection (NWEndpoint endpoint, NWProtocolOptions protocolOptions);
public NWProtocolMetadata GetProtocolMetadata (NWContentContext context);
public NWProtocolMetadata GetProtocolMetadata (NWContentContext context, NWProtocolDefinition definition);
public void SetNewConnectionHandler (System.Action<NWConnection> handler);
public bool TryReinsertExtractedConnection (NWConnection connection);

Type Changed: Network.NWContentContext

Removed constructor:

public NWContentContext (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Type Changed: Network.NWDataTransferReport

Added method:

public NWInterfaceRadioType get_path_radio_type (uint pathIndex);

Type Changed: Network.NWEndpoint

Removed constructor:

public NWEndpoint (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Type Changed: Network.NWError

Removed constructor:

public NWError (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Type Changed: Network.NWEstablishmentReport

Added method:

public void EnumerateResolutionReports (System.Action<NWResolutionReport> handler);

Type Changed: Network.NWInterface

Removed constructor:

public NWInterface (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Type Changed: Network.NWListener

Removed constructor:

public NWListener (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Added method:

public void SetNewConnectionGroupHandler (System.Action<NWConnectionGroup> handler);

Type Changed: Network.NWParameters

Removed constructor:

public NWParameters (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Added property:

public NWParametersAttribution Attribution { get; set; }

Added methods:

public static NWParameters CreateQuic (System.Action<NWProtocolOptions> configureQuic);
public void SetPrivacyContext (NWPrivacyContext privacyContext);

Type Changed: Network.NWPath

Removed constructor:

public NWPath (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Type Changed: Network.NWPathMonitor

Removed constructor:

public NWPathMonitor (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Added method:

public void ProhibitInterfaceType (NWInterfaceType interfaceType);

Type Changed: Network.NWProtocolDefinition

Removed constructor:

public NWProtocolDefinition (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Added method:

public static NWProtocolDefinition CreateQuicDefinition ();

Type Changed: Network.NWProtocolIPOptions

Added method:

public void DisableMulticastLoopback (bool disable);

Type Changed: Network.NWProtocolMetadata

Removed constructor:

public NWProtocolMetadata (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Added property:

public bool IsQuic { get; }

Type Changed: Network.NWProtocolOptions

Removed constructor:

public NWProtocolOptions (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Added property:

public bool IsQuic { get; }

Added method:

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos12.0 Use the 'NWProtocolQuciOptions' class methods and constructors instead.")]
public static NWProtocolOptions CreateQuic ();

Type Changed: Network.NWProtocolStack

Removed constructor:

public NWProtocolStack (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Type Changed: Network.NWProtocolTcpOptions

Added method:

public void ForceMultipathVersion (NWMultipathVersion version);

New Type: Network.NWInterfaceRadioType

public enum NWInterfaceRadioType {
	CellCdma = 135,
	CellEndcMmw = 130,
	CellEndcSub6 = 129,
	CellEvdo = 136,
	CellGsm = 134,
	CellLte = 128,
	CellNrSaMmw = 132,
	CellNrSaSub6 = 131,
	CellWcdma = 133,
	Unknown = 0,
	WifiA = 2,
	WifiAC = 5,
	WifiAX = 6,
	WifiB = 1,
	WifiG = 3,
	WifiN = 4,

New Type: Network.NWMultipathVersion

public enum NWMultipathVersion {
	Unspecified = -1,
	Version0 = 0,
	Version1 = 1,

New Type: Network.NWMultiplexGroup

public class NWMultiplexGroup : Network.NWMulticastGroup, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NWMultiplexGroup (NWEndpoint endpoint);

New Type: Network.NWParametersAttribution

public enum NWParametersAttribution {
	Developer = 1,
	User = 2,

New Type: Network.NWPrivacyContext

public class NWPrivacyContext : CoreFoundation.NativeObject, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NWPrivacyContext (string description);
	// properties
	public static NWPrivacyContext Default { get; }
	// methods
	public void DisableLogging ();
	public void FlushCache ();
	public void RequireEncryptedNameResolution (bool requireEncryptedNameResolution, NWResolverConfig fallbackResolverConfig);

New Type: Network.NWProtocolQuicOptions

public class NWProtocolQuicOptions : Network.NWProtocolOptions, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NWProtocolQuicOptions ();
	// properties
	public uint IdleTimeout { get; set; }
	public ulong InitialMaxData { get; set; }
	public ulong InitialMaxStreamDataBidirectionalLocal { get; set; }
	public ulong InitialMaxStreamDataBidirectionalRemote { get; set; }
	public ulong InitialMaxStreamDataUnidirectional { get; set; }
	public ulong InitialMaxStreamsBidirectional { get; set; }
	public ulong InitialMaxStreamsUnidirectional { get; set; }
	public ushort MaxUdpPayloadSize { get; set; }
	public Security.SecProtocolOptions SecProtocolOptions { get; }
	public bool StreamIsUnidirectional { get; set; }
	// methods
	public void AddTlsApplicationProtocol (string applicationProtocol);

New Type: Network.NWQuicMetadata

public class NWQuicMetadata : Network.NWProtocolMetadata, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public System.ValueTuple<System.UInt64,System.String> ApplicationError { get; set; }
	public ulong ApplicationErrorCode { get; }
	public string ApplicationErrorReason { get; }
	public ushort KeepaliveInterval { get; set; }
	public ulong LocalMaxStreamsUnidirectional { get; set; }
	public ulong MaxStreamsBidirectional { get; set; }
	public ulong RemoteIdleTimeout { get; }
	public ulong RemoteMaxStreamsBidirectional { get; }
	public ulong RemoteMaxStreamsUnidirectional { get; }
	public Security.SecProtocolMetadata SecProtocolMetadata { get; }
	public ulong StreamApplicationError { get; set; }
	public ulong StreamId { get; }

New Type: Network.NWReportResolutionProtocol

public enum NWReportResolutionProtocol {
	Https = 4,
	Tcp = 2,
	Tls = 3,
	Udp = 1,
	Unknown = 0,

New Type: Network.NWResolutionReport

public class NWResolutionReport : CoreFoundation.NativeObject, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// properties
	public uint EndpointCount { get; }
	public ulong Milliseconds { get; }
	public NWEndpoint PreferredEndpoint { get; }
	public NWReportResolutionProtocol Protocol { get; }
	public NWReportResolutionSource Source { get; }
	public NWEndpoint SuccessfulEndpoint { get; }

New Type: Network.NWResolverConfig

public class NWResolverConfig : CoreFoundation.NativeObject, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	public NWResolverConfig (NWEndpoint urlEndpoint, NWResolverConfigEndpointType endpointType);
	// methods
	public void AddServerAddress (NWEndpoint serverAddress);

New Type: Network.NWResolverConfigEndpointType

public enum NWResolverConfigEndpointType {
	Https = 0,
	Tls = 1,

Namespace ObjCRuntime

Type Changed: ObjCRuntime.BaseWrapper

Modified base type:


Modified constructors:

-public BaseWrapper (IntPtr handle, bool owns)
+protected BaseWrapper (IntPtr handle, bool owns)

Removed property:

protected override IntPtr Handle { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~BaseWrapper ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: ObjCRuntime.Class

Removed constructor:

public Class (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Type Changed: ObjCRuntime.Constants

Removed field:

public static const string QTKitLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/QTKit.framework/QTKit";

Modified fields:

-public const string Version = "8.1.0";
+public const string Version = "8.3.0";

Added field:

public static const string IntentsUILibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/IntentsUI.framework/IntentsUI";

Type Changed: ObjCRuntime.Dlfcn

Removed methods:

public static nfloat GetNFloat (IntPtr handle, string symbol);
public static void SetNFloat (IntPtr handle, string symbol, nfloat value);

[Obsolete ("Use 'SetInt64' for long values instead.")]
public static void SetUInt64 (IntPtr handle, string symbol, long value);

Added methods:

public static nfloat GetNFloat (IntPtr handle, string symbol);
public static System.UIntPtr GetUIntPtr (IntPtr handle, string symbol);
public static void SetNFloat (IntPtr handle, string symbol, nfloat value);
public static void SetUIntPtr (IntPtr handle, string symbol, System.UIntPtr value);

Type Changed: ObjCRuntime.NativeObjectExtensions

Added method:

public static IntPtr GetCheckedHandle (this INativeObject self);

Type Changed: ObjCRuntime.PlatformHelper

Removed method:

public static bool CheckSystemVersion (int major, int minor);

Type Changed: ObjCRuntime.Runtime

Removed method:

public static void ChangeToOriginalWorkingDirectory ();

New Type: ObjCRuntime.DisposableObject

public abstract class DisposableObject : INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// constructors
	protected DisposableObject ();
	protected DisposableObject (IntPtr handle, bool owns);
	protected DisposableObject (IntPtr handle, bool owns, bool verify);
	// properties
	protected override IntPtr Handle { get; set; }
	protected bool Owns { get; }
	// methods
	protected void ClearHandle ();
	public virtual void Dispose ();
	protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
	public IntPtr GetCheckedHandle ();
	protected virtual void InitializeHandle (IntPtr handle);
	protected override void ~DisposableObject ();

New Type: ObjCRuntime.NMath

public static class NMath {
	// fields
	public static nfloat E;
	public static nfloat PI;
	// methods
	public static nfloat Abs (nfloat value);
	public static nint Abs (nint value);
	public static nfloat Acos (nfloat d);
	public static nfloat Asin (nfloat d);
	public static nfloat Atan (nfloat d);
	public static nfloat Atan2 (nfloat y, nfloat x);
	public static long BigMul (nint a, nint b);
	public static nfloat Ceiling (nfloat value);
	public static nfloat Cos (nfloat d);
	public static nfloat Cosh (nfloat value);
	public static nint DivRem (nint a, nint b, out nint result);
	public static nfloat Exp (nfloat d);
	public static nfloat Floor (nfloat d);
	public static nfloat IEEERemainder (nfloat x, nfloat y);
	public static nfloat Log (nfloat d);
	public static nfloat Log (nfloat a, nfloat newBase);
	public static nfloat Log10 (nfloat d);
	public static nfloat Max (nfloat val1, nfloat val2);
	public static nint Max (nint val1, nint val2);
	public static nuint Max (nuint val1, nuint val2);
	public static nfloat Min (nfloat val1, nfloat val2);
	public static nint Min (nint val1, nint val2);
	public static nuint Min (nuint val1, nuint val2);
	public static nfloat Pow (nfloat x, nfloat y);
	public static nfloat Round (nfloat a);
	public static nfloat Round (nfloat value, int digits);
	public static nfloat Round (nfloat value, System.MidpointRounding mode);
	public static nfloat Round (nfloat value, int digits, System.MidpointRounding mode);
	public static int Sign (nfloat value);
	public static int Sign (nint value);
	public static nfloat Sin (nfloat a);
	public static nfloat Sinh (nfloat value);
	public static nfloat Sqrt (nfloat d);
	public static nfloat Tan (nfloat a);
	public static nfloat Tanh (nfloat value);
	public static nfloat Truncate (nfloat d);

New Type: ObjCRuntime.nfloat

public struct nfloat, System.IComparable, System.IComparable<nfloat>, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable<nfloat>, System.IFormattable {
	// constructors
	public nfloat (double v);
	public nfloat (float v);
	// fields
	public static nfloat Epsilon;
	public static nfloat MaxValue;
	public static nfloat MinValue;
	public static nfloat NaN;
	public static nfloat NegativeInfinity;
	public static nfloat PositiveInfinity;
	public static int Size;
	// methods
	public virtual int CompareTo (nfloat value);
	public virtual int CompareTo (object value);
	public static void CopyArray (nfloat[] source, int startIndex, IntPtr destination, int length);
	public static void CopyArray (IntPtr source, nfloat[] destination, int startIndex, int length);
	public virtual bool Equals (nfloat obj);
	public override bool Equals (object obj);
	public override int GetHashCode ();
	public virtual System.TypeCode GetTypeCode ();
	public static bool IsInfinity (nfloat f);
	public static bool IsNaN (nfloat f);
	public static bool IsNegativeInfinity (nfloat f);
	public static bool IsPositiveInfinity (nfloat f);
	public static nfloat Parse (string s);
	public static nfloat Parse (string s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles style);
	public static nfloat Parse (string s, System.IFormatProvider provider);
	public static nfloat Parse (string s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles style, System.IFormatProvider provider);
	public override string ToString ();
	public virtual string ToString (System.IFormatProvider provider);
	public string ToString (string format);
	public virtual string ToString (string format, System.IFormatProvider provider);
	public static bool TryParse (string s, out nfloat result);
	public static bool TryParse (string s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles style, System.IFormatProvider provider, out nfloat result);
	public static nfloat op_Addition (nfloat l, nfloat r);
	public static nfloat op_Decrement (nfloat v);
	public static nfloat op_Division (nfloat l, nfloat r);
	public static bool op_Equality (nfloat l, nfloat r);
	public static byte op_Explicit (nfloat v);
	public static char op_Explicit (nfloat v);
	public static System.Decimal op_Explicit (nfloat v);
	public static short op_Explicit (nfloat v);
	public static int op_Explicit (nfloat v);
	public static long op_Explicit (nfloat v);
	public static IntPtr op_Explicit (nfloat v);
	public static sbyte op_Explicit (nfloat v);
	public static float op_Explicit (nfloat v);
	public static ushort op_Explicit (nfloat v);
	public static uint op_Explicit (nfloat v);
	public static ulong op_Explicit (nfloat v);
	public static nfloat op_Explicit (System.Decimal v);
	public static nfloat op_Explicit (double v);
	public static nfloat op_Explicit (IntPtr v);
	public static bool op_GreaterThan (nfloat l, nfloat r);
	public static bool op_GreaterThanOrEqual (nfloat l, nfloat r);
	public static double op_Implicit (nfloat v);
	public static nfloat op_Implicit (byte v);
	public static nfloat op_Implicit (char v);
	public static nfloat op_Implicit (short v);
	public static nfloat op_Implicit (int v);
	public static nfloat op_Implicit (long v);
	public static nfloat op_Implicit (sbyte v);
	public static nfloat op_Implicit (float v);
	public static nfloat op_Implicit (ushort v);
	public static nfloat op_Implicit (uint v);
	public static nfloat op_Implicit (ulong v);
	public static nfloat op_Increment (nfloat v);
	public static bool op_Inequality (nfloat l, nfloat r);
	public static bool op_LessThan (nfloat l, nfloat r);
	public static bool op_LessThanOrEqual (nfloat l, nfloat r);
	public static nfloat op_Modulus (nfloat l, nfloat r);
	public static nfloat op_Multiply (nfloat l, nfloat r);
	public static nfloat op_Subtraction (nfloat l, nfloat r);
	public static nfloat op_UnaryNegation (nfloat v);
	public static nfloat op_UnaryPlus (nfloat v);

Namespace OpenGL

Type Changed: OpenGL.CGLContext

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGLContext (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGLContext ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: OpenGL.CGLPixelFormat

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public CGLPixelFormat (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGLPixelFormat ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Namespace PassKit

Type Changed: PassKit.PKPaymentButton

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat CornerRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat CornerRadius { get; set; }

Type Changed: PassKit.PKPaymentNetwork

Added properties:

public static Foundation.NSString Nanaco { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString Waon { get; }

Namespace PdfKit

Type Changed: PdfKit.PdfAreaOfInterest

Added value:

AnyArea = 9223372036854775807,

Type Changed: PdfKit.PdfBorder

Modified properties:

-public nfloat[] DashPattern { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] DashPattern { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat HorizontalCornerRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat HorizontalCornerRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat LineWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineWidth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat VerticalCornerRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat VerticalCornerRadius { get; set; }

Type Changed: PdfKit.PdfDestination

Modified properties:

-public nfloat UnspecifiedValue { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat UnspecifiedValue { get; }
-public virtual nfloat Zoom { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Zoom { get; set; }

Type Changed: PdfKit.PdfView

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat GreekingThreshold { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GreekingThreshold { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MaxScaleFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaxScaleFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MinScaleFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinScaleFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ScaleFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScaleFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ScaleFactorForSizeToFit { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScaleFactorForSizeToFit { get; }

Type Changed: PdfKit.PdfViewDelegate

Removed method:

public virtual nfloat WillChangeScaleFactor (PdfView sender, nfloat scale);

Added method:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat WillChangeScaleFactor (PdfView sender, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale);

Type Changed: PdfKit.PdfViewDelegate_Extensions

Removed method:

public static nfloat WillChangeScaleFactor (this IPdfViewDelegate This, PdfView sender, nfloat scale);

Added method:

public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat WillChangeScaleFactor (this IPdfViewDelegate This, PdfView sender, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale);

Type Changed: PdfKit.PdfViewScale

Removed methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (PdfView sender, nfloat scale, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual nfloat EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual nfloat Invoke (PdfView sender, nfloat scale);

Added methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (PdfView sender, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Invoke (PdfView sender, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale);

Namespace PencilKit

Type Changed: PencilKit.PKDrawing

Removed method:

public virtual AppKit.NSImage GetImage (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, nfloat scale);

Added method:

public virtual AppKit.NSImage GetImage (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale);

Type Changed: PencilKit.PKFloatRange

Removed constructor:

public PKFloatRange (nfloat lowerBound, nfloat upperBound);

Added constructor:

public PKFloatRange (ObjCRuntime.nfloat lowerBound, ObjCRuntime.nfloat upperBound);

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat LowerBound { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LowerBound { get; }
-public virtual nfloat UpperBound { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat UpperBound { get; }

Type Changed: PencilKit.PKInkingTool

Removed constructors:

public PKInkingTool (PKInk ink, nfloat width);
public PKInkingTool (PKInkType type, AppKit.NSColor color, nfloat width);

Added constructors:

public PKInkingTool (PKInk ink, ObjCRuntime.nfloat width);
public PKInkingTool (PKInkType type, AppKit.NSColor color, ObjCRuntime.nfloat width);

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Width { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Width { get; }

Removed methods:

public static nfloat GetDefaultWidth (PKInkType inkType);
public static nfloat GetMaximumWidth (PKInkType inkType);
public static nfloat GetMinimumWidth (PKInkType inkType);

Added methods:

public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetDefaultWidth (PKInkType inkType);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetMaximumWidth (PKInkType inkType);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetMinimumWidth (PKInkType inkType);

Type Changed: PencilKit.PKStrokePath

Removed methods:

public virtual void EnumerateInterpolatedPointsByDistanceStep (PKFloatRange range, nfloat distanceStep, PKInterpolatedPointsEnumeratorHandler enumeratorHandler);
public virtual void EnumerateInterpolatedPointsByParametricStep (PKFloatRange range, nfloat parametricStep, PKInterpolatedPointsEnumeratorHandler enumeratorHandler);
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGPoint GetInterpolatedLocation (nfloat parametricValue);
public virtual PKStrokePoint GetInterpolatedPoint (nfloat parametricValue);
public virtual nfloat GetParametricValue (nfloat parametricValue, double timeStep);
public virtual nfloat GetParametricValue (nfloat parametricValue, nfloat distanceStep);

Added methods:

public virtual void EnumerateInterpolatedPointsByDistanceStep (PKFloatRange range, ObjCRuntime.nfloat distanceStep, PKInterpolatedPointsEnumeratorHandler enumeratorHandler);
public virtual void EnumerateInterpolatedPointsByParametricStep (PKFloatRange range, ObjCRuntime.nfloat parametricStep, PKInterpolatedPointsEnumeratorHandler enumeratorHandler);
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGPoint GetInterpolatedLocation (ObjCRuntime.nfloat parametricValue);
public virtual PKStrokePoint GetInterpolatedPoint (ObjCRuntime.nfloat parametricValue);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetParametricValue (ObjCRuntime.nfloat parametricValue, ObjCRuntime.nfloat distanceStep);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetParametricValue (ObjCRuntime.nfloat parametricValue, double timeStep);

Type Changed: PencilKit.PKStrokePoint

Removed constructor:

public PKStrokePoint (CoreGraphics.CGPoint location, double timeOffset, CoreGraphics.CGSize size, nfloat opacity, nfloat force, nfloat azimuth, nfloat altitude);

Added constructor:

public PKStrokePoint (CoreGraphics.CGPoint location, double timeOffset, CoreGraphics.CGSize size, ObjCRuntime.nfloat opacity, ObjCRuntime.nfloat force, ObjCRuntime.nfloat azimuth, ObjCRuntime.nfloat altitude);

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Altitude { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Altitude { get; }
-public virtual nfloat Azimuth { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Azimuth { get; }
-public virtual nfloat Force { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Force { get; }
-public virtual nfloat Opacity { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Opacity { get; }

Namespace Photos

Type Changed: Photos.IPHLivePhotoFrame

Modified properties:

-public abstract nfloat RenderScale { get; }
+public abstract ObjCRuntime.nfloat RenderScale { get; }

Namespace PhotosUI

Type Changed: PhotosUI.PHProjectMapElement

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Pitch { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Pitch { get; }

Namespace PrintCore

Type Changed: PrintCore.PMPrintCoreBase

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~PMPrintCoreBase ();

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Namespace QuickLookThumbnailing

Type Changed: QuickLookThumbnailing.QLFileThumbnailRequest

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Scale { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Scale { get; }

Type Changed: QuickLookThumbnailing.QLThumbnailGenerationRequest

Removed constructor:

public QLThumbnailGenerationRequest (Foundation.NSUrl url, CoreGraphics.CGSize size, nfloat scale, QLThumbnailGenerationRequestRepresentationTypes representationTypes);

Added constructor:

public QLThumbnailGenerationRequest (Foundation.NSUrl url, CoreGraphics.CGSize size, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, QLThumbnailGenerationRequestRepresentationTypes representationTypes);

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat MinimumDimension { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumDimension { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Scale { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Scale { get; }

Namespace SceneKit

Type Changed: SceneKit.ISCNAnimatable

Removed method:

public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat duration);

Added method:

public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);

Type Changed: SceneKit.ISCNBoundingVolume

Removed method:

public virtual bool GetBoundingSphere (ref SCNVector3 center, ref nfloat radius);

Added method:

public virtual bool GetBoundingSphere (ref SCNVector3 center, ref ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius);

Type Changed: SceneKit.ISCNCameraControlConfiguration

Modified properties:

-public abstract nfloat FlyModeVelocity { get; set; }
+public abstract ObjCRuntime.nfloat FlyModeVelocity { get; set; }
-public abstract nfloat PanSensitivity { get; set; }
+public abstract ObjCRuntime.nfloat PanSensitivity { get; set; }
-public abstract nfloat RotationSensitivity { get; set; }
+public abstract ObjCRuntime.nfloat RotationSensitivity { get; set; }
-public abstract nfloat TruckSensitivity { get; set; }
+public abstract ObjCRuntime.nfloat TruckSensitivity { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNAccelerationConstraint

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Damping { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Damping { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat DecelerationDistance { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat DecelerationDistance { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MaximumLinearAcceleration { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumLinearAcceleration { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MaximumLinearVelocity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumLinearVelocity { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNAction

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Speed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Speed { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public static SCNAction FadeOpacityBy (nfloat factor, double durationInSeconds);
public static SCNAction FadeOpacityTo (nfloat opacity, double durationInSeconds);
public static SCNAction MoveBy (nfloat deltaX, nfloat deltaY, nfloat deltaZ, double durationInSeconds);
public static SCNAction RotateBy (nfloat angle, SCNVector3 axis, double durationInSeconds);
public static SCNAction RotateBy (nfloat xAngle, nfloat yAngle, nfloat zAngle, double durationInSeconds);
public static SCNAction RotateTo (nfloat xAngle, nfloat yAngle, nfloat zAngle, double durationInSeconds);
public static SCNAction RotateTo (nfloat xAngle, nfloat yAngle, nfloat zAngle, double durationInSeconds, bool shortestUnitArc);
public static SCNAction ScaleBy (nfloat scale, double durationInSeconds);
public static SCNAction ScaleTo (nfloat scale, double durationInSeconds);

Added methods:

public static SCNAction FadeOpacityBy (ObjCRuntime.nfloat factor, double durationInSeconds);
public static SCNAction FadeOpacityTo (ObjCRuntime.nfloat opacity, double durationInSeconds);
public static SCNAction MoveBy (ObjCRuntime.nfloat deltaX, ObjCRuntime.nfloat deltaY, ObjCRuntime.nfloat deltaZ, double durationInSeconds);
public static SCNAction RotateBy (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle, SCNVector3 axis, double durationInSeconds);
public static SCNAction RotateBy (ObjCRuntime.nfloat xAngle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat yAngle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zAngle, double durationInSeconds);
public static SCNAction RotateTo (ObjCRuntime.nfloat xAngle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat yAngle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zAngle, double durationInSeconds);
public static SCNAction RotateTo (ObjCRuntime.nfloat xAngle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat yAngle, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zAngle, double durationInSeconds, bool shortestUnitArc);
public static SCNAction ScaleBy (ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, double durationInSeconds);
public static SCNAction ScaleTo (ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, double durationInSeconds);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNActionNodeWithElapsedTimeHandler

Removed methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (SCNNode node, nfloat elapsedTime, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void Invoke (SCNNode node, nfloat elapsedTime);

Added methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (SCNNode node, ObjCRuntime.nfloat elapsedTime, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void Invoke (SCNNode node, ObjCRuntime.nfloat elapsedTime);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNAnimatable

Removed methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Added methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNAnimatable_Extensions

Removed methods:

public static void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (this ISCNAnimatable This, nfloat duration);
public static void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (this ISCNAnimatable This, Foundation.NSString key, nfloat blendOutDuration);
public static void SetSpeed (this ISCNAnimatable This, nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Added methods:

public static void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (this ISCNAnimatable This, ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public static void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (this ISCNAnimatable This, Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blendOutDuration);
public static void SetSpeed (this ISCNAnimatable This, ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNAnimation

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat RepeatCount { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RepeatCount { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNAnimationEvent

Removed method:

public static SCNAnimationEvent Create (nfloat keyTime, SCNAnimationEventHandler eventHandler);

Added method:

public static SCNAnimationEvent Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat keyTime, SCNAnimationEventHandler eventHandler);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNAnimationPlayer

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat BlendFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BlendFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Speed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Speed { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Added methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNAvoidOccluderConstraint

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Bias { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Bias { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNBoundingVolume

Removed method:

public virtual bool GetBoundingSphere (ref SCNVector3 center, ref nfloat radius);

Added method:

public virtual bool GetBoundingSphere (ref SCNVector3 center, ref ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNBox

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ChamferRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ChamferRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Height { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Height { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Length { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Length { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Width { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Width { get; set; }

Removed method:

public static SCNBox Create (nfloat width, nfloat height, nfloat length, nfloat chamferRadius);

Added method:

public static SCNBox Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat width, ObjCRuntime.nfloat height, ObjCRuntime.nfloat length, ObjCRuntime.nfloat chamferRadius);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNBufferBindingHandler

Removed methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (ISCNBufferStream buffer, SCNNode node, SCNShadable shadable, SCNRenderer renderer, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void Invoke (ISCNBufferStream buffer, SCNNode node, SCNShadable shadable, SCNRenderer renderer);

Added methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (ISCNBufferStream buffer, SCNNode node, ISCNShadable shadable, SCNRenderer renderer, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void Invoke (ISCNBufferStream buffer, SCNNode node, ISCNShadable shadable, SCNRenderer renderer);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNCamera

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Aperture { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Aperture { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat AverageGray { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AverageGray { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat BloomBlurRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BloomBlurRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat BloomIntensity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BloomIntensity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat BloomIterationSpread { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BloomIterationSpread { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat BloomThreshold { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BloomThreshold { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ColorFringeIntensity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ColorFringeIntensity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ColorFringeStrength { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ColorFringeStrength { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Contrast { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Contrast { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ExposureAdaptationBrighteningSpeedFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ExposureAdaptationBrighteningSpeedFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ExposureAdaptationDarkeningSpeedFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ExposureAdaptationDarkeningSpeedFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ExposureOffset { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ExposureOffset { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat FStop { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FStop { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat FieldOfView { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FieldOfView { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat FocalBlurRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FocalBlurRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat FocalDistance { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FocalDistance { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat FocalLength { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FocalLength { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat FocalSize { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FocalSize { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat FocusDistance { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FocusDistance { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat GrainIntensity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GrainIntensity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat GrainScale { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GrainScale { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MaximumExposure { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumExposure { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MinimumExposure { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumExposure { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MotionBlurIntensity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MotionBlurIntensity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Saturation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Saturation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionBias { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionBias { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionDepthThreshold { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionDepthThreshold { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionIntensity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionIntensity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionNormalThreshold { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionNormalThreshold { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat SensorHeight { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SensorHeight { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat VignettingIntensity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat VignettingIntensity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat VignettingPower { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat VignettingPower { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat WhiteBalanceTemperature { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat WhiteBalanceTemperature { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat WhiteBalanceTint { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat WhiteBalanceTint { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat WhitePoint { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat WhitePoint { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Added methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNCameraController

Removed method:

public virtual void ContinueInteraction (CoreGraphics.CGPoint location, CoreGraphics.CGSize viewport, nfloat sensitivity);

Added method:

public virtual void ContinueInteraction (CoreGraphics.CGPoint location, CoreGraphics.CGSize viewport, ObjCRuntime.nfloat sensitivity);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNCapsule

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat CapRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat CapRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Height { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Height { get; set; }

Removed method:

public static SCNCapsule Create (nfloat capRadius, nfloat height);

Added method:

public static SCNCapsule Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat capRadius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat height);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNCone

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat BottomRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BottomRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Height { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Height { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat TopRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat TopRadius { get; set; }

Removed method:

public static SCNCone Create (nfloat topRadius, nfloat bottomRadius, nfloat height);

Added method:

public static SCNCone Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat topRadius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat bottomRadius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat height);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNConstraint

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat InfluenceFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat InfluenceFactor { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Added methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNCylinder

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Height { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Height { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Radius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Radius { get; set; }

Removed method:

public static SCNCylinder Create (nfloat radius, nfloat height);

Added method:

public static SCNCylinder Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat height);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNDistanceConstraint

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat MaximumDistance { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumDistance { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MinimumDistance { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumDistance { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNFloor

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Length { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Length { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ReflectionFalloffEnd { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ReflectionFalloffEnd { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ReflectionFalloffStart { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ReflectionFalloffStart { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ReflectionResolutionScaleFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ReflectionResolutionScaleFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Reflectivity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Reflectivity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Width { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Width { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNGeometry

Removed methods:

public virtual bool GetBoundingSphere (ref SCNVector3 center, ref nfloat radius);
public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Added methods:

public virtual bool GetBoundingSphere (ref SCNVector3 center, ref ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius);
public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNGeometryElement

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat MaximumPointScreenSpaceRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumPointScreenSpaceRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MinimumPointScreenSpaceRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumPointScreenSpaceRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat PointSize { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat PointSize { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNGeometryTessellator

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat EdgeTessellationFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat EdgeTessellationFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat InsideTessellationFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat InsideTessellationFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MaximumEdgeLength { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumEdgeLength { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat TessellationFactorScale { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat TessellationFactorScale { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNIKConstraint

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat GetMaxAllowedRotationAngle (SCNNode node);
public virtual void SetMaxAllowedRotationAnglet (nfloat angle, SCNNode node);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetMaxAllowedRotationAngle (SCNNode node);
public virtual void SetMaxAllowedRotationAnglet (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle, SCNNode node);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNLevelOfDetail

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ScreenSpaceRadius { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScreenSpaceRadius { get; }
-public virtual nfloat WorldSpaceDistance { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat WorldSpaceDistance { get; }

Removed methods:

public static SCNLevelOfDetail CreateWithScreenSpaceRadius (SCNGeometry geometry, nfloat screenSpaceRadius);
public static SCNLevelOfDetail CreateWithWorldSpaceDistance (SCNGeometry geometry, nfloat worldSpaceDistance);

Added methods:

public static SCNLevelOfDetail CreateWithScreenSpaceRadius (SCNGeometry geometry, ObjCRuntime.nfloat screenSpaceRadius);
public static SCNLevelOfDetail CreateWithWorldSpaceDistance (SCNGeometry geometry, ObjCRuntime.nfloat worldSpaceDistance);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNLight

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat AttenuationEndDistance { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AttenuationEndDistance { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat AttenuationFalloffExponent { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AttenuationFalloffExponent { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat AttenuationStartDistance { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AttenuationStartDistance { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Intensity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Intensity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MaximumShadowDistance { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumShadowDistance { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat OrthographicScale { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat OrthographicScale { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ShadowBias { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ShadowBias { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ShadowCascadeSplittingFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ShadowCascadeSplittingFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ShadowRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ShadowRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat SpotInnerAngle { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SpotInnerAngle { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat SpotOuterAngle { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SpotOuterAngle { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Temperature { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Temperature { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ZFar { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ZFar { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ZNear { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ZNear { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Added methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNMaterial

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat FresnelExponent { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FresnelExponent { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Shininess { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Shininess { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Transparency { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Transparency { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Added methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNMaterialProperty

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Intensity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Intensity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MaxAnisotropy { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaxAnisotropy { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Added methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNMatrix4

Removed constructor:

public SCNMatrix4 (nfloat m00, nfloat m01, nfloat m02, nfloat m03, nfloat m10, nfloat m11, nfloat m12, nfloat m13, nfloat m20, nfloat m21, nfloat m22, nfloat m23, nfloat m30, nfloat m31, nfloat m32, nfloat m33);

Added constructor:

public SCNMatrix4 (ObjCRuntime.nfloat m00, ObjCRuntime.nfloat m01, ObjCRuntime.nfloat m02, ObjCRuntime.nfloat m03, ObjCRuntime.nfloat m10, ObjCRuntime.nfloat m11, ObjCRuntime.nfloat m12, ObjCRuntime.nfloat m13, ObjCRuntime.nfloat m20, ObjCRuntime.nfloat m21, ObjCRuntime.nfloat m22, ObjCRuntime.nfloat m23, ObjCRuntime.nfloat m30, ObjCRuntime.nfloat m31, ObjCRuntime.nfloat m32, ObjCRuntime.nfloat m33);

Modified properties:

-public nfloat Determinant { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Determinant { get; }
-public nfloat M11 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M11 { get; set; }
-public nfloat M12 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M12 { get; set; }
-public nfloat M13 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M13 { get; set; }
-public nfloat M14 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M14 { get; set; }
-public nfloat M21 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M21 { get; set; }
-public nfloat M22 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M22 { get; set; }
-public nfloat M23 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M23 { get; set; }
-public nfloat M24 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M24 { get; set; }
-public nfloat M31 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M31 { get; set; }
-public nfloat M32 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M32 { get; set; }
-public nfloat M33 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M33 { get; set; }
-public nfloat M34 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M34 { get; set; }
-public nfloat M41 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M41 { get; set; }
-public nfloat M42 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M42 { get; set; }
-public nfloat M43 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M43 { get; set; }
-public nfloat M44 { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat M44 { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public static SCNMatrix4 CreateFromAxisAngle (SCNVector3 axis, nfloat angle);
public static void CreateFromAxisAngle (SCNVector3 axis, nfloat angle, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreateOrthographic (nfloat width, nfloat height, nfloat zNear, nfloat zFar);
public static void CreateOrthographic (nfloat width, nfloat height, nfloat zNear, nfloat zFar, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreateOrthographicOffCenter (nfloat left, nfloat right, nfloat bottom, nfloat top, nfloat zNear, nfloat zFar);
public static void CreateOrthographicOffCenter (nfloat left, nfloat right, nfloat bottom, nfloat top, nfloat zNear, nfloat zFar, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView (nfloat fovy, nfloat aspect, nfloat zNear, nfloat zFar);
public static void CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView (nfloat fovy, nfloat aspect, nfloat zNear, nfloat zFar, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreatePerspectiveOffCenter (nfloat left, nfloat right, nfloat bottom, nfloat top, nfloat zNear, nfloat zFar);
public static void CreatePerspectiveOffCenter (nfloat left, nfloat right, nfloat bottom, nfloat top, nfloat zNear, nfloat zFar, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreateRotationX (nfloat angle);
public static void CreateRotationX (nfloat angle, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreateRotationY (nfloat angle);
public static void CreateRotationY (nfloat angle, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreateRotationZ (nfloat angle);
public static void CreateRotationZ (nfloat angle, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreateTranslation (nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat z);
public static void CreateTranslation (nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat z, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 LookAt (nfloat eyeX, nfloat eyeY, nfloat eyeZ, nfloat targetX, nfloat targetY, nfloat targetZ, nfloat upX, nfloat upY, nfloat upZ);
public static SCNMatrix4 Scale (nfloat scale);
public static SCNMatrix4 Scale (nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat z);

Added methods:

public static SCNMatrix4 CreateFromAxisAngle (SCNVector3 axis, ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle);
public static void CreateFromAxisAngle (SCNVector3 axis, ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreateOrthographic (ObjCRuntime.nfloat width, ObjCRuntime.nfloat height, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zNear, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zFar);
public static void CreateOrthographic (ObjCRuntime.nfloat width, ObjCRuntime.nfloat height, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zNear, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zFar, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreateOrthographicOffCenter (ObjCRuntime.nfloat left, ObjCRuntime.nfloat right, ObjCRuntime.nfloat bottom, ObjCRuntime.nfloat top, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zNear, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zFar);
public static void CreateOrthographicOffCenter (ObjCRuntime.nfloat left, ObjCRuntime.nfloat right, ObjCRuntime.nfloat bottom, ObjCRuntime.nfloat top, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zNear, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zFar, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fovy, ObjCRuntime.nfloat aspect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zNear, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zFar);
public static void CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView (ObjCRuntime.nfloat fovy, ObjCRuntime.nfloat aspect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zNear, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zFar, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreatePerspectiveOffCenter (ObjCRuntime.nfloat left, ObjCRuntime.nfloat right, ObjCRuntime.nfloat bottom, ObjCRuntime.nfloat top, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zNear, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zFar);
public static void CreatePerspectiveOffCenter (ObjCRuntime.nfloat left, ObjCRuntime.nfloat right, ObjCRuntime.nfloat bottom, ObjCRuntime.nfloat top, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zNear, ObjCRuntime.nfloat zFar, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreateRotationX (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle);
public static void CreateRotationX (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreateRotationY (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle);
public static void CreateRotationY (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreateRotationZ (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle);
public static void CreateRotationZ (ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 CreateTranslation (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat z);
public static void CreateTranslation (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat z, out SCNMatrix4 result);
public static SCNMatrix4 LookAt (ObjCRuntime.nfloat eyeX, ObjCRuntime.nfloat eyeY, ObjCRuntime.nfloat eyeZ, ObjCRuntime.nfloat targetX, ObjCRuntime.nfloat targetY, ObjCRuntime.nfloat targetZ, ObjCRuntime.nfloat upX, ObjCRuntime.nfloat upY, ObjCRuntime.nfloat upZ);
public static SCNMatrix4 Scale (ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale);
public static SCNMatrix4 Scale (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat z);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNMorpher

Removed methods:

public virtual nfloat GetWeight (string targetName);
public virtual nfloat GetWeight (nuint targetIndex);
public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);
public virtual void SetWeight (nfloat weight, string targetName);
public virtual void SetWeight (nfloat weight, nuint targetIndex);

Added methods:

public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetWeight (string targetName);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetWeight (nuint targetIndex);
public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);
public virtual void SetWeight (ObjCRuntime.nfloat weight, string targetName);
public virtual void SetWeight (ObjCRuntime.nfloat weight, nuint targetIndex);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNNode

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Opacity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Opacity { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual bool GetBoundingSphere (ref SCNVector3 center, ref nfloat radius);
public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat duration);
public void RemoveAnimation (string key, nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Added methods:

public virtual bool GetBoundingSphere (ref SCNVector3 center, ref ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius);
public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public void RemoveAnimation (string key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNParticlePropertyController

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat InputBias { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat InputBias { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat InputScale { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat InputScale { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNParticleSystem

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat BirthRate { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BirthRate { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat BirthRateVariation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat BirthRateVariation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat DampingFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat DampingFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat EmissionDuration { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat EmissionDuration { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat EmissionDurationVariation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat EmissionDurationVariation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat FresnelExponent { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FresnelExponent { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat IdleDuration { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat IdleDuration { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat IdleDurationVariation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat IdleDurationVariation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ImageSequenceFrameRate { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ImageSequenceFrameRate { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ImageSequenceFrameRateVariation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ImageSequenceFrameRateVariation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ImageSequenceInitialFrame { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ImageSequenceInitialFrame { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ImageSequenceInitialFrameVariation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ImageSequenceInitialFrameVariation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleAngle { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleAngle { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleAngleVariation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleAngleVariation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleAngularVelocity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleAngularVelocity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleAngularVelocityVariation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleAngularVelocityVariation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleBounce { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleBounce { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleBounceVariation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleBounceVariation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleCharge { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleCharge { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleChargeVariation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleChargeVariation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleFriction { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleFriction { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleFrictionVariation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleFrictionVariation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleIntensity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleIntensity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleIntensityVariation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleIntensityVariation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleLifeSpan { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleLifeSpan { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleLifeSpanVariation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleLifeSpanVariation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleMass { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleMass { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleMassVariation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleMassVariation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleSize { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleSize { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleSizeVariation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleSizeVariation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleVelocity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleVelocity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleVelocityVariation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleVelocityVariation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat SpeedFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SpeedFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat SpreadingAngle { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SpreadingAngle { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat StretchFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat StretchFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat WarmupDuration { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat WarmupDuration { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Added methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNPhysicsBody

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat AngularDamping { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AngularDamping { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat AngularRestingThreshold { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AngularRestingThreshold { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Charge { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Charge { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ContinuousCollisionDetectionThreshold { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ContinuousCollisionDetectionThreshold { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Damping { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Damping { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Friction { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Friction { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat LinearRestingThreshold { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LinearRestingThreshold { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Mass { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Mass { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Restitution { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Restitution { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat RollingFriction { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RollingFriction { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNPhysicsConeTwistJoint

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat MaximumAngularLimit1 { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumAngularLimit1 { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MaximumAngularLimit2 { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumAngularLimit2 { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MaximumTwistAngle { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumTwistAngle { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNPhysicsContact

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat CollisionImpulse { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat CollisionImpulse { get; }
-public virtual nfloat PenetrationDistance { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat PenetrationDistance { get; }
-public virtual nfloat SweepTestFraction { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SweepTestFraction { get; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNPhysicsField

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat FalloffExponent { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FalloffExponent { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MinimumDistance { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumDistance { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Strength { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Strength { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public static SCNPhysicsField CreateNoiseField (nfloat smoothness, nfloat speed);
public static SCNPhysicsField CreateTurbulenceField (nfloat smoothness, nfloat speed);

Added methods:

public static SCNPhysicsField CreateNoiseField (ObjCRuntime.nfloat smoothness, ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed);
public static SCNPhysicsField CreateTurbulenceField (ObjCRuntime.nfloat smoothness, ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNPhysicsSliderJoint

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat MaximumAngularLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumAngularLimit { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MaximumLinearLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumLinearLimit { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MinimumAngularLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumAngularLimit { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MinimumLinearLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumLinearLimit { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MotorMaximumForce { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MotorMaximumForce { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MotorMaximumTorque { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MotorMaximumTorque { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MotorTargetAngularVelocity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MotorTargetAngularVelocity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MotorTargetLinearVelocity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MotorTargetLinearVelocity { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNPhysicsVehicle

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat SpeedInKilometersPerHour { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SpeedInKilometersPerHour { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void ApplyBrakingForce (nfloat value, nint index);
public virtual void ApplyEngineForce (nfloat value, nint index);
public virtual void SetSteeringAngle (nfloat value, nint index);

Added methods:

public virtual void ApplyBrakingForce (ObjCRuntime.nfloat value, nint index);
public virtual void ApplyEngineForce (ObjCRuntime.nfloat value, nint index);
public virtual void SetSteeringAngle (ObjCRuntime.nfloat value, nint index);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNPhysicsVehicleWheel

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat FrictionSlip { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FrictionSlip { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MaximumSuspensionForce { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumSuspensionForce { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MaximumSuspensionTravel { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaximumSuspensionTravel { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Radius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Radius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat SuspensionCompression { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SuspensionCompression { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat SuspensionDamping { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SuspensionDamping { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat SuspensionRestLength { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SuspensionRestLength { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat SuspensionStiffness { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat SuspensionStiffness { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNPhysicsWorld

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Speed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Speed { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNPlane

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat CornerRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat CornerRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Height { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Height { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Width { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Width { get; set; }

Removed method:

public static SCNPlane Create (nfloat width, nfloat height);

Added method:

public static SCNPlane Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat width, ObjCRuntime.nfloat height);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNProgram

Removed method:

public void HandleBinding (string name, SCNBufferFrequency frequency, SCNBufferBindingHandler2 handler);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNPyramid

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Height { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Height { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Length { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Length { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Width { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Width { get; set; }

Removed method:

public static SCNPyramid Create (nfloat width, nfloat height, nfloat length);

Added method:

public static SCNPyramid Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat width, ObjCRuntime.nfloat height, ObjCRuntime.nfloat length);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNQuaternion

Removed constructors:

public SCNQuaternion (SCNVector3 v, nfloat w);
public SCNQuaternion (nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat z, nfloat w);

Added constructors:

public SCNQuaternion (SCNVector3 v, ObjCRuntime.nfloat w);
public SCNQuaternion (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat z, ObjCRuntime.nfloat w);

Modified properties:

-public nfloat W { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat W { get; set; }
-public nfloat X { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat X { get; set; }
-public nfloat Y { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Y { get; set; }
-public nfloat Z { get; set; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Z { get; set; }

Removed method:

public void ToAxisAngle (out SCNVector3 axis, out nfloat angle);

Added method:

public void ToAxisAngle (out SCNVector3 axis, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat angle);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNScene

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat FogDensityExponent { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FogDensityExponent { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat FogEndDistance { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FogEndDistance { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat FogStartDistance { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FogStartDistance { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ScreenSpaceReflectionMaximumDistance { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScreenSpaceReflectionMaximumDistance { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ScreenSpaceReflectionStride { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ScreenSpaceReflectionStride { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNShape

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ChamferRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ChamferRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ExtrusionDepth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ExtrusionDepth { get; set; }

Removed method:

public static SCNShape Create (AppKit.NSBezierPath path, nfloat extrusionDepth);

Added method:

public static SCNShape Create (AppKit.NSBezierPath path, ObjCRuntime.nfloat extrusionDepth);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNSliderConstraint

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Radius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Radius { get; set; }

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNSphere

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Radius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Radius { get; set; }

Removed method:

public static SCNSphere Create (nfloat radius);

Added method:

public static SCNSphere Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNTechnique

Removed methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Added methods:

public virtual void RemoveAllAnimationsWithBlendOutDuration (ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimation (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat duration);
public virtual void RemoveAnimationUsingBlendOutDuration (Foundation.NSString key, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blendOutDuration);
public virtual void SetSpeed (ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed, Foundation.NSString key);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNText

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ChamferRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ChamferRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ExtrusionDepth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ExtrusionDepth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Flatness { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Flatness { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public static SCNText Create (Foundation.NSAttributedString attributedString, nfloat extrusionDepth);
public static SCNText Create (Foundation.NSObject str, nfloat extrusionDepth);
public static SCNText Create (string str, nfloat extrusionDepth);

Added methods:

public static SCNText Create (Foundation.NSAttributedString attributedString, ObjCRuntime.nfloat extrusionDepth);
public static SCNText Create (Foundation.NSObject str, ObjCRuntime.nfloat extrusionDepth);
public static SCNText Create (string str, ObjCRuntime.nfloat extrusionDepth);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNTorus

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat PipeRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat PipeRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat RingRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RingRadius { get; set; }

Removed method:

public static SCNTorus Create (nfloat ringRadius, nfloat pipeRadius);

Added method:

public static SCNTorus Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat ringRadius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat pipeRadius);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNTube

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Height { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Height { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat InnerRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat InnerRadius { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat OuterRadius { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat OuterRadius { get; set; }

Removed method:

public static SCNTube Create (nfloat innerRadius, nfloat outerRadius, nfloat height);

Added method:

public static SCNTube Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat innerRadius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat outerRadius, ObjCRuntime.nfloat height);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNVector3

Removed constructor:

public SCNVector3 (nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat z);

Added constructor:

public SCNVector3 (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat z);

Modified fields:

-public nfloat X;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat X;
-public nfloat Y;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Y;
-public nfloat Z;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Z;

Modified properties:

-public nfloat Length { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Length { get; }
-public nfloat LengthFast { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat LengthFast { get; }
-public nfloat LengthSquared { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat LengthSquared { get; }

Removed methods:

public static SCNVector3 BaryCentric (SCNVector3 a, SCNVector3 b, SCNVector3 c, nfloat u, nfloat v);
public static void BaryCentric (ref SCNVector3 a, ref SCNVector3 b, ref SCNVector3 c, nfloat u, nfloat v, out SCNVector3 result);
public static nfloat CalculateAngle (SCNVector3 first, SCNVector3 second);
public static void CalculateAngle (ref SCNVector3 first, ref SCNVector3 second, out nfloat result);
public static SCNVector3 Divide (SCNVector3 vector, nfloat scale);
public static void Divide (ref SCNVector3 vector, nfloat scale, out SCNVector3 result);
public static nfloat Dot (SCNVector3 left, SCNVector3 right);
public static void Dot (ref SCNVector3 left, ref SCNVector3 right, out nfloat result);
public static SCNVector3 Lerp (SCNVector3 a, SCNVector3 b, nfloat blend);
public static void Lerp (ref SCNVector3 a, ref SCNVector3 b, nfloat blend, out SCNVector3 result);
public static SCNVector3 Multiply (SCNVector3 vector, nfloat scale);
public static void Multiply (ref SCNVector3 vector, nfloat scale, out SCNVector3 result);
public static SCNVector3 op_Division (SCNVector3 vec, nfloat scale);
public static SCNVector3 op_Multiply (SCNVector3 vec, nfloat scale);
public static SCNVector3 op_Multiply (nfloat scale, SCNVector3 vec);

Added methods:

public static SCNVector3 BaryCentric (SCNVector3 a, SCNVector3 b, SCNVector3 c, ObjCRuntime.nfloat u, ObjCRuntime.nfloat v);
public static void BaryCentric (ref SCNVector3 a, ref SCNVector3 b, ref SCNVector3 c, ObjCRuntime.nfloat u, ObjCRuntime.nfloat v, out SCNVector3 result);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat CalculateAngle (SCNVector3 first, SCNVector3 second);
public static void CalculateAngle (ref SCNVector3 first, ref SCNVector3 second, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat result);
public static SCNVector3 Divide (SCNVector3 vector, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale);
public static void Divide (ref SCNVector3 vector, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, out SCNVector3 result);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat Dot (SCNVector3 left, SCNVector3 right);
public static void Dot (ref SCNVector3 left, ref SCNVector3 right, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat result);
public static SCNVector3 Lerp (SCNVector3 a, SCNVector3 b, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blend);
public static void Lerp (ref SCNVector3 a, ref SCNVector3 b, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blend, out SCNVector3 result);
public static SCNVector3 Multiply (SCNVector3 vector, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale);
public static void Multiply (ref SCNVector3 vector, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, out SCNVector3 result);
public static SCNVector3 op_Division (SCNVector3 vec, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale);
public static SCNVector3 op_Multiply (ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, SCNVector3 vec);
public static SCNVector3 op_Multiply (SCNVector3 vec, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale);

Type Changed: SceneKit.SCNVector4

Removed constructors:

public SCNVector4 (SCNVector3 v, nfloat w);
public SCNVector4 (nfloat x, nfloat y, nfloat z, nfloat w);

Added constructors:

public SCNVector4 (SCNVector3 v, ObjCRuntime.nfloat w);
public SCNVector4 (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, ObjCRuntime.nfloat z, ObjCRuntime.nfloat w);

Modified fields:

-public nfloat W;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat W;
-public nfloat X;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat X;
-public nfloat Y;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Y;
-public nfloat Z;
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Z;

Modified properties:

-public nfloat Length { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat Length { get; }
-public nfloat LengthFast { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat LengthFast { get; }
-public nfloat LengthSquared { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat LengthSquared { get; }

Removed methods:

public static SCNVector4 BaryCentric (SCNVector4 a, SCNVector4 b, SCNVector4 c, nfloat u, nfloat v);
public static void BaryCentric (ref SCNVector4 a, ref SCNVector4 b, ref SCNVector4 c, nfloat u, nfloat v, out SCNVector4 result);
public static SCNVector4 Div (SCNVector4 a, nfloat f);
public static void Div (ref SCNVector4 a, nfloat f, out SCNVector4 result);
public static SCNVector4 Divide (SCNVector4 vector, nfloat scale);
public static void Divide (ref SCNVector4 vector, nfloat scale, out SCNVector4 result);
public static nfloat Dot (SCNVector4 left, SCNVector4 right);
public static void Dot (ref SCNVector4 left, ref SCNVector4 right, out nfloat result);
public static SCNVector4 Lerp (SCNVector4 a, SCNVector4 b, nfloat blend);
public static void Lerp (ref SCNVector4 a, ref SCNVector4 b, nfloat blend, out SCNVector4 result);
public static SCNVector4 Mult (SCNVector4 a, nfloat f);
public static void Mult (ref SCNVector4 a, nfloat f, out SCNVector4 result);
public static SCNVector4 Multiply (SCNVector4 vector, nfloat scale);
public static void Multiply (ref SCNVector4 vector, nfloat scale, out SCNVector4 result);
public static SCNVector4 op_Division (SCNVector4 vec, nfloat scale);
public static nfloat* op_Explicit (SCNVector4 v);
public static SCNVector4 op_Multiply (SCNVector4 vec, nfloat scale);
public static SCNVector4 op_Multiply (nfloat scale, SCNVector4 vec);

Added methods:

public static SCNVector4 BaryCentric (SCNVector4 a, SCNVector4 b, SCNVector4 c, ObjCRuntime.nfloat u, ObjCRuntime.nfloat v);
public static void BaryCentric (ref SCNVector4 a, ref SCNVector4 b, ref SCNVector4 c, ObjCRuntime.nfloat u, ObjCRuntime.nfloat v, out SCNVector4 result);
public static SCNVector4 Div (SCNVector4 a, ObjCRuntime.nfloat f);
public static void Div (ref SCNVector4 a, ObjCRuntime.nfloat f, out SCNVector4 result);
public static SCNVector4 Divide (SCNVector4 vector, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale);
public static void Divide (ref SCNVector4 vector, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, out SCNVector4 result);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat Dot (SCNVector4 left, SCNVector4 right);
public static void Dot (ref SCNVector4 left, ref SCNVector4 right, out ObjCRuntime.nfloat result);
public static SCNVector4 Lerp (SCNVector4 a, SCNVector4 b, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blend);
public static void Lerp (ref SCNVector4 a, ref SCNVector4 b, ObjCRuntime.nfloat blend, out SCNVector4 result);
public static SCNVector4 Mult (SCNVector4 a, ObjCRuntime.nfloat f);
public static void Mult (ref SCNVector4 a, ObjCRuntime.nfloat f, out SCNVector4 result);
public static SCNVector4 Multiply (SCNVector4 vector, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale);
public static void Multiply (ref SCNVector4 vector, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, out SCNVector4 result);
public static SCNVector4 op_Division (SCNVector4 vec, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat* op_Explicit (SCNVector4 v);
public static SCNVector4 op_Multiply (ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, SCNVector4 vec);
public static SCNVector4 op_Multiply (SCNVector4 vec, ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale);

Removed Type SceneKit.SCNBufferBindingHandler2

Namespace SearchKit

Type Changed: SearchKit.SKDocument

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SKDocument ();

Type Changed: SearchKit.SKIndex

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~SKIndex ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Added methods:

protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();

Type Changed: SearchKit.SKSearch

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SKSearch ();

Type Changed: SearchKit.SKSummary

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SKSummary ();

Namespace Security

Type Changed: Security.Authorization

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~Authorization ();

Added method:

protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);

Type Changed: Security.SecAccessControl

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SecAccessControl ();

Type Changed: Security.SecAccessControlCreateFlags

Modified fields:

-ApplicationPassword = -2147483648
+ApplicationPassword = 2147483648

Type Changed: Security.SecCertificate

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public SecCertificate (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SecCertificate ();

Type Changed: Security.SecCertificate2

Removed constructor:

public SecCertificate2 (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Type Changed: Security.SecIdentity

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public SecIdentity (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SecIdentity ();

Type Changed: Security.SecIdentity2

Removed constructor:

public SecIdentity2 (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Type Changed: Security.SecKey

Modified base type:


Removed constructors:

public SecKey (IntPtr handle);
public SecKey (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SecKey ();

Type Changed: Security.SecPolicy

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public SecPolicy (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SecPolicy ();

Type Changed: Security.SecProtocolMetadata

Removed property:

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.15 use 'NegotiatedTlsCipherSuite' instead.")]
public SslCipherSuite NegotiatedCipherSuite { get; }

Type Changed: Security.SecProtocolOptions

Removed method:

[Obsolete ("Starting with macos10.15 use 'AddTlsCipherSuite (TlsCipherSuite)' instead.")]
public void AddTlsCipherSuite (SslCipherSuite cipherSuite);

Type Changed: Security.SecTrust

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

public SecTrust (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SecTrust ();

Type Changed: Security.SecTrust2

Removed constructor:

public SecTrust2 (IntPtr handle, bool owns);

Type Changed: Security.SslContext

Modified base type:


Removed properties:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
public SslCipherSuite NegotiatedCipher { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
public System.Collections.Generic.IList<SslCipherSuite> GetEnabledCiphers ();
public System.Collections.Generic.IList<SslCipherSuite> GetSupportedCiphers ();
public SslStatus SetEnabledCiphers (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<SslCipherSuite> ciphers);
protected override void ~SslContext ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Removed Type Security.SslCipherSuite

Namespace Social

Type Changed: Social.SLComposeServiceViewController

Removed method:

public virtual void DraggedCell (AppKit.NSTextView view, AppKit.NSTextAttachmentCell cell, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, AppKit.NSEvent theevent);

Added method:

public virtual void DraggedCell (AppKit.NSTextView view, AppKit.NSTextAttachmentCell cell, CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, AppKit.NSEvent event, nuint charIndex);

Namespace SoundAnalysis

Type Changed: SoundAnalysis.SNTimeDurationConstraint

Modified properties:

-public virtual Foundation.NSValue[] EnumeratedDurations { get; }
+public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime[] EnumeratedDurations { get; }

Namespace SpriteKit

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKAction

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Speed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Speed { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public static SKAction ColorizeWithColor (AppKit.NSColor color, nfloat colorBlendFactor, double sec);
public static SKAction ColorizeWithColorBlendFactor (nfloat colorBlendFactor, double sec);
public static SKAction CreateApplyAngularImpulse (nfloat impulse, double duration);
public static SKAction CreateApplyTorque (nfloat torque, double duration);
public static SKAction FadeAlphaBy (nfloat factor, double sec);
public static SKAction FadeAlphaTo (nfloat alpha, double sec);
public static SKAction FollowPath (CoreGraphics.CGPath path, nfloat speed);
public static SKAction FollowPath (CoreGraphics.CGPath path, bool offset, bool orient, nfloat speed);
public static SKAction MoveBy (nfloat deltaX, nfloat deltaY, double sec);
public static SKAction MoveToX (nfloat x, double sec);
public static SKAction MoveToY (nfloat y, double sec);
public static SKAction ReachTo (CoreGraphics.CGPoint position, SKNode rootNode, nfloat velocity);
public static SKAction ReachToNode (SKNode node, SKNode rootNode, nfloat velocity);
public static SKAction ResizeByWidth (nfloat width, nfloat height, double duration);
public static SKAction ResizeTo (nfloat width, nfloat height, double duration);
public static SKAction ResizeToHeight (nfloat height, double duration);
public static SKAction ResizeToWidth (nfloat width, double duration);
public static SKAction RotateByAngle (nfloat radians, double sec);
public static SKAction RotateToAngle (nfloat radians, double sec);
public static SKAction RotateToAngle (nfloat radians, double sec, bool shortedUnitArc);
public static SKAction ScaleBy (nfloat scale, double sec);
public static SKAction ScaleBy (nfloat xScale, nfloat yScale, double sec);
public static SKAction ScaleTo (nfloat scale, double sec);
public static SKAction ScaleTo (nfloat xScale, nfloat yScale, double sec);
public static SKAction ScaleXTo (nfloat scale, double sec);
public static SKAction ScaleYTo (nfloat scale, double sec);
public static SKAction SpeedBy (nfloat speed, double sec);
public static SKAction SpeedTo (nfloat speed, double sec);

Added methods:

public static SKAction ColorizeWithColor (AppKit.NSColor color, ObjCRuntime.nfloat colorBlendFactor, double sec);
public static SKAction ColorizeWithColorBlendFactor (ObjCRuntime.nfloat colorBlendFactor, double sec);
public static SKAction CreateApplyAngularImpulse (ObjCRuntime.nfloat impulse, double duration);
public static SKAction CreateApplyTorque (ObjCRuntime.nfloat torque, double duration);
public static SKAction FadeAlphaBy (ObjCRuntime.nfloat factor, double sec);
public static SKAction FadeAlphaTo (ObjCRuntime.nfloat alpha, double sec);
public static SKAction FollowPath (CoreGraphics.CGPath path, ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed);
public static SKAction FollowPath (CoreGraphics.CGPath path, bool offset, bool orient, ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed);
public static SKAction MoveBy (ObjCRuntime.nfloat deltaX, ObjCRuntime.nfloat deltaY, double sec);
public static SKAction MoveToX (ObjCRuntime.nfloat x, double sec);
public static SKAction MoveToY (ObjCRuntime.nfloat y, double sec);
public static SKAction ReachTo (CoreGraphics.CGPoint position, SKNode rootNode, ObjCRuntime.nfloat velocity);
public static SKAction ReachToNode (SKNode node, SKNode rootNode, ObjCRuntime.nfloat velocity);
public static SKAction ResizeByWidth (ObjCRuntime.nfloat width, ObjCRuntime.nfloat height, double duration);
public static SKAction ResizeTo (ObjCRuntime.nfloat width, ObjCRuntime.nfloat height, double duration);
public static SKAction ResizeToHeight (ObjCRuntime.nfloat height, double duration);
public static SKAction ResizeToWidth (ObjCRuntime.nfloat width, double duration);
public static SKAction RotateByAngle (ObjCRuntime.nfloat radians, double sec);
public static SKAction RotateToAngle (ObjCRuntime.nfloat radians, double sec);
public static SKAction RotateToAngle (ObjCRuntime.nfloat radians, double sec, bool shortedUnitArc);
public static SKAction ScaleBy (ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, double sec);
public static SKAction ScaleBy (ObjCRuntime.nfloat xScale, ObjCRuntime.nfloat yScale, double sec);
public static SKAction ScaleTo (ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, double sec);
public static SKAction ScaleTo (ObjCRuntime.nfloat xScale, ObjCRuntime.nfloat yScale, double sec);
public static SKAction ScaleXTo (ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, double sec);
public static SKAction ScaleYTo (ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale, double sec);
public static SKAction SpeedBy (ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed, double sec);
public static SKAction SpeedTo (ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed, double sec);

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKActionDurationHandler

Removed methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (SKNode node, nfloat elapsedTime, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void Invoke (SKNode node, nfloat elapsedTime);

Added methods:

public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (SKNode node, ObjCRuntime.nfloat elapsedTime, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void Invoke (SKNode node, ObjCRuntime.nfloat elapsedTime);

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKEmitterNode

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat EmissionAngle { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat EmissionAngle { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat EmissionAngleRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat EmissionAngleRange { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleAlpha { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleAlpha { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleAlphaRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleAlphaRange { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleAlphaSpeed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleAlphaSpeed { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleBirthRate { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleBirthRate { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleColorAlphaRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleColorAlphaRange { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleColorAlphaSpeed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleColorAlphaSpeed { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleColorBlendFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleColorBlendFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleColorBlendFactorRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleColorBlendFactorRange { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleColorBlendFactorSpeed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleColorBlendFactorSpeed { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleColorBlueRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleColorBlueRange { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleColorBlueSpeed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleColorBlueSpeed { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleColorGreenRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleColorGreenRange { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleColorGreenSpeed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleColorGreenSpeed { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleColorRedRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleColorRedRange { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleColorRedSpeed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleColorRedSpeed { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleLifetime { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleLifetime { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleLifetimeRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleLifetimeRange { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleRotation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleRotation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleRotationRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleRotationRange { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleRotationSpeed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleRotationSpeed { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleScale { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleScale { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleScaleRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleScaleRange { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleScaleSpeed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleScaleSpeed { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleSpeed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleSpeed { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleSpeedRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleSpeedRange { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleZPosition { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleZPosition { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleZPositionRange { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleZPositionRange { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ParticleZPositionSpeed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ParticleZPositionSpeed { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat XAcceleration { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat XAcceleration { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat YAcceleration { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat YAcceleration { get; set; }

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKFieldNode

Removed methods:

public static SKFieldNode CreateNoiseField (nfloat smoothness, nfloat speed);
public static SKFieldNode CreateTurbulenceField (nfloat smoothness, nfloat speed);

Added methods:

public static SKFieldNode CreateNoiseField (ObjCRuntime.nfloat smoothness, ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed);
public static SKFieldNode CreateTurbulenceField (ObjCRuntime.nfloat smoothness, ObjCRuntime.nfloat speed);

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKKeyframeSequence

Removed methods:

public virtual void AddKeyframeValue (Foundation.NSObject value, nfloat time);
public virtual nfloat GetKeyframeTime (nuint index);
public virtual Foundation.NSObject SampleAtTime (nfloat time);
public virtual void SetKeyframeTime (nfloat time, nuint index);
public virtual void SetKeyframeValue (Foundation.NSObject value, nfloat time, nuint index);

Added methods:

public virtual void AddKeyframeValue (Foundation.NSObject value, ObjCRuntime.nfloat time);
public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GetKeyframeTime (nuint index);
public virtual Foundation.NSObject SampleAtTime (ObjCRuntime.nfloat time);
public virtual void SetKeyframeTime (ObjCRuntime.nfloat time, nuint index);
public virtual void SetKeyframeValue (Foundation.NSObject value, ObjCRuntime.nfloat time, nuint index);

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKLabelNode

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ColorBlendFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ColorBlendFactor { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat FontSize { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FontSize { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat PreferredMaxLayoutWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat PreferredMaxLayoutWidth { get; set; }

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKLightNode

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Falloff { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Falloff { get; set; }

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKNode

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Alpha { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Alpha { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Speed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Speed { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat XScale { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat XScale { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat YScale { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat YScale { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ZPosition { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ZPosition { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat ZRotation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ZRotation { get; set; }

Removed method:

public virtual void SetScale (nfloat scale);

Added method:

public virtual void SetScale (ObjCRuntime.nfloat scale);

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKPhysicsBody

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat AngularDamping { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AngularDamping { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat AngularVelocity { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat AngularVelocity { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Area { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Area { get; }
-public virtual nfloat Charge { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Charge { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Density { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Density { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Friction { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Friction { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat LinearDamping { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LinearDamping { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Mass { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Mass { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Restitution { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Restitution { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void ApplyAngularImpulse (nfloat impulse);
public virtual void ApplyTorque (nfloat torque);
public static SKPhysicsBody CreateCircularBody (nfloat radius);
public static SKPhysicsBody CreateCircularBody (nfloat radius, CoreGraphics.CGPoint center);

Added methods:

public virtual void ApplyAngularImpulse (ObjCRuntime.nfloat impulse);
public virtual void ApplyTorque (ObjCRuntime.nfloat torque);
public static SKPhysicsBody CreateCircularBody (ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius);
public static SKPhysicsBody CreateCircularBody (ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius, CoreGraphics.CGPoint center);

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKPhysicsContact

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat CollisionImpulse { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat CollisionImpulse { get; }

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKPhysicsJoint

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ReactionTorque { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ReactionTorque { get; }

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKPhysicsJointLimit

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat MaxLength { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MaxLength { get; set; }

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKPhysicsJointPin

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat FrictionTorque { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat FrictionTorque { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat LowerAngleLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LowerAngleLimit { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat RotationSpeed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat RotationSpeed { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat UpperAngleLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat UpperAngleLimit { get; set; }

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKPhysicsJointSliding

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat LowerDistanceLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LowerDistanceLimit { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat UpperDistanceLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat UpperDistanceLimit { get; set; }

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKPhysicsJointSpring

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Damping { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Damping { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat Frequency { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Frequency { get; set; }

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKPhysicsWorld

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Speed { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Speed { get; set; }

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKRange

Removed constructor:

public SKRange (nfloat lowerLimit, nfloat upperLimier);

Added constructor:

public SKRange (ObjCRuntime.nfloat lowerLimit, ObjCRuntime.nfloat upperLimier);

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat LowerLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LowerLimit { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat UpperLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat UpperLimit { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public static SKRange Create (nfloat lower, nfloat upper);
public static SKRange CreateConstant (nfloat value);
public static SKRange CreateWithLowerLimit (nfloat lower);
public static SKRange CreateWithUpperLimit (nfloat upper);
public static SKRange CreateWithVariance (nfloat value, nfloat variance);

Added methods:

public static SKRange Create (ObjCRuntime.nfloat lower, ObjCRuntime.nfloat upper);
public static SKRange CreateConstant (ObjCRuntime.nfloat value);
public static SKRange CreateWithLowerLimit (ObjCRuntime.nfloat lower);
public static SKRange CreateWithUpperLimit (ObjCRuntime.nfloat upper);
public static SKRange CreateWithVariance (ObjCRuntime.nfloat value, ObjCRuntime.nfloat variance);

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKReachConstraints

Removed constructor:

public SKReachConstraints (nfloat lowerAngleLimit, nfloat upperAngleLimit);

Added constructor:

public SKReachConstraints (ObjCRuntime.nfloat lowerAngleLimit, ObjCRuntime.nfloat upperAngleLimit);

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat LowerAngleLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LowerAngleLimit { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat UpperAngleLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat UpperAngleLimit { get; set; }

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKShapeNode

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat GlowWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat GlowWidth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat LineLength { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineLength { get; }
-public virtual nfloat LineWidth { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat LineWidth { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat MiterLimit { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MiterLimit { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public static SKShapeNode FromCircle (nfloat radius);
public static SKShapeNode FromRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, nfloat cornerRadius);
public static SKShapeNode FromRect (CoreGraphics.CGSize size, nfloat cornerRadius);

Added methods:

public static SKShapeNode FromCircle (ObjCRuntime.nfloat radius);
public static SKShapeNode FromRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect rect, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cornerRadius);
public static SKShapeNode FromRect (CoreGraphics.CGSize size, ObjCRuntime.nfloat cornerRadius);

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKSpriteNode

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ColorBlendFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ColorBlendFactor { get; set; }

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKTexture

Removed methods:

public virtual SKTexture CreateTextureByGeneratingNormalMap (nfloat smoothness, nfloat contrast);
public static SKTexture FromTextureNoise (nfloat smoothness, CoreGraphics.CGSize size, bool grayscale);
public static SKTexture FromTextureVectorNoise (nfloat smoothness, CoreGraphics.CGSize size);

Added methods:

public virtual SKTexture CreateTextureByGeneratingNormalMap (ObjCRuntime.nfloat smoothness, ObjCRuntime.nfloat contrast);
public static SKTexture FromTextureNoise (ObjCRuntime.nfloat smoothness, CoreGraphics.CGSize size, bool grayscale);
public static SKTexture FromTextureVectorNoise (ObjCRuntime.nfloat smoothness, CoreGraphics.CGSize size);

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKTileDefinition

Removed constructors:

public SKTileDefinition (SKTexture[] textures, CoreGraphics.CGSize size, nfloat timePerFrame);
public SKTileDefinition (SKTexture[] textures, SKTexture[] normalTextures, CoreGraphics.CGSize size, nfloat timePerFrame);

Added constructors:

public SKTileDefinition (SKTexture[] textures, CoreGraphics.CGSize size, ObjCRuntime.nfloat timePerFrame);
public SKTileDefinition (SKTexture[] textures, SKTexture[] normalTextures, CoreGraphics.CGSize size, ObjCRuntime.nfloat timePerFrame);

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat TimePerFrame { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat TimePerFrame { get; set; }

Removed methods:

public static SKTileDefinition Create (SKTexture[] textures, CoreGraphics.CGSize size, nfloat timePerFrame);
public static SKTileDefinition Create (SKTexture[] textures, SKTexture[] normalTextures, CoreGraphics.CGSize size, nfloat timePerFrame);

Added methods:

public static SKTileDefinition Create (SKTexture[] textures, CoreGraphics.CGSize size, ObjCRuntime.nfloat timePerFrame);
public static SKTileDefinition Create (SKTexture[] textures, SKTexture[] normalTextures, CoreGraphics.CGSize size, ObjCRuntime.nfloat timePerFrame);

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKTileMapNode

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat ColorBlendFactor { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat ColorBlendFactor { get; set; }

Type Changed: SpriteKit.SKTransformNode

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat XRotation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat XRotation { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat YRotation { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat YRotation { get; set; }

Namespace System

Type Changed: System.nint

Removed methods:

public static nint op_Explicit (nfloat v);
public static nfloat op_Implicit (nint v);

Added methods:

public static nint op_Explicit (ObjCRuntime.nfloat v);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat op_Implicit (nint v);

Type Changed: System.nuint

Removed methods:

public static nuint op_Explicit (nfloat v);
public static nfloat op_Implicit (nuint v);

Added methods:

public static nuint op_Explicit (ObjCRuntime.nfloat v);
public static nuint op_Explicit (UIntPtr v);
public static UIntPtr op_Explicit (nuint v);
public static ObjCRuntime.nfloat op_Implicit (nuint v);

Removed Type System.NMath

Removed Type System.nfloat

Namespace SystemConfiguration

Type Changed: SystemConfiguration.NetworkReachability

Modified base type:


Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~NetworkReachability ();

Namespace VideoToolbox

Type Changed: VideoToolbox.VTCompressionSession

Removed constructor:

protected VTCompressionSession (IntPtr handle);

Type Changed: VideoToolbox.VTDecompressionSession

Removed constructor:

protected VTDecompressionSession (IntPtr handle);

Removed methods:

public void Dispose ();
protected override void ~VTDecompressionSession ();

Type Changed: VideoToolbox.VTFrameSilo

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

protected VTFrameSilo (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~VTFrameSilo ();

Type Changed: VideoToolbox.VTMultiPassStorage

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

protected VTMultiPassStorage (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~VTMultiPassStorage ();

Modified methods:

-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)

Type Changed: VideoToolbox.VTSession

Modified base type:


Removed constructor:

protected VTSession (IntPtr handle);

Removed property:

public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }

Removed methods:

public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~VTSession ();

Namespace Vision

Type Changed: Vision.VNFaceLandmarkRegion2D

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat[] PrecisionEstimatesPerPoint { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat[] PrecisionEstimatesPerPoint { get; }

Type Changed: Vision.VNFaceObservation

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat? Pitch { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat? Pitch { get; }
-public virtual nfloat? Roll { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat? Roll { get; }
-public virtual nfloat? Yaw { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat? Yaw { get; }

Removed methods:

public static VNFaceObservation FromBoundingBox (VNFaceObservationRequestRevision requestRevision, CoreGraphics.CGRect boundingBox, nfloat? roll, nfloat? yaw);
public static VNFaceObservation FromBoundingBox (VNFaceObservationRequestRevision requestRevision, CoreGraphics.CGRect boundingBox, nfloat? roll, nfloat? yaw, nfloat? pitch);

Added methods:

public static VNFaceObservation FromBoundingBox (VNFaceObservationRequestRevision requestRevision, CoreGraphics.CGRect boundingBox, ObjCRuntime.nfloat? roll, ObjCRuntime.nfloat? yaw);
public static VNFaceObservation FromBoundingBox (VNFaceObservationRequestRevision requestRevision, CoreGraphics.CGRect boundingBox, ObjCRuntime.nfloat? roll, ObjCRuntime.nfloat? yaw, ObjCRuntime.nfloat? pitch);

Type Changed: Vision.VNHorizonObservation

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Angle { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Angle { get; }

Type Changed: Vision.VNTrajectoryObservation

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat MovingAverageRadius { get; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MovingAverageRadius { get; }

Namespace WebKit

Type Changed: WebKit.WKPreferences

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat MinimumFontSize { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat MinimumFontSize { get; set; }
-public virtual bool TextInteractionEnabled { get; set; }
+public bool TextInteractionEnabled { get; set; }

Type Changed: WebKit.WKUIDelegate

Added method:

public virtual void RequestMediaCapturePermission (WKWebView webView, WKSecurityOrigin origin, WKFrameInfo frame, WKMediaCaptureType type, System.Action<WKPermissionDecision> decisionHandler);

Type Changed: WebKit.WKUIDelegate_Extensions

Added methods:

public static void RequestMediaCapturePermission (this IWKUIDelegate This, WKWebView webView, WKSecurityOrigin origin, WKFrameInfo frame, WKMediaCaptureType type, System.Action<WKPermissionDecision> decisionHandler);
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<WKPermissionDecision> RequestMediaCapturePermissionAsync (this IWKUIDelegate This, WKWebView webView, WKSecurityOrigin origin, WKFrameInfo frame, WKMediaCaptureType type);

Type Changed: WebKit.WKWebView

Modified properties:

-public virtual nfloat Magnification { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat Magnification { get; set; }
-public virtual nfloat PageZoom { get; set; }
+public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat PageZoom { get; set; }

Added properties:

public virtual WKMediaCaptureState CameraCaptureState { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSObject InteractionState { get; set; }
public virtual WKMediaCaptureState MicrophoneCaptureState { get; }
public virtual AppKit.NSColor ThemeColor { get; }
public virtual AppKit.NSColor UnderPageBackgroundColor { get; set; }

Removed method:

public virtual void SetMagnification (nfloat magnification, CoreGraphics.CGPoint centerPoint);

Added methods:

[Obsolete ("Use 'CloseAllMediaPresentations (Action completionHandler)' instead.")]
public virtual void CloseAllMediaPresentations ();
public virtual void CloseAllMediaPresentations (System.Action completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task CloseAllMediaPresentationsAsync ();
public virtual WKNavigation LoadFileRequest (Foundation.NSUrlRequest request, Foundation.NSUrl readAccessURL);
public virtual WKNavigation LoadSimulatedRequest (Foundation.NSUrlRequest request, string htmlString);
public virtual WKNavigation LoadSimulatedRequest (Foundation.NSUrlRequest request, Foundation.NSUrlResponse response, Foundation.NSData data);
public virtual void PauseAllMediaPlayback (System.Action completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task PauseAllMediaPlaybackAsync ();
public virtual void RequestMediaPlaybackState (System.Action<WKMediaPlaybackState> completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<WKMediaPlaybackState> RequestMediaPlaybackStateAsync ();

[Obsolete ("Use 'SetAllMediaPlaybackSuspended' instead.")]
public virtual void ResumeAllMediaPlayback (System.Action completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task ResumeAllMediaPlaybackAsync ();
public virtual void SetAllMediaPlaybackSuspended (bool suspended, System.Action completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task SetAllMediaPlaybackSuspendedAsync (bool suspended);
public virtual void SetCameraCaptureState (WKMediaCaptureState state, System.Action completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task SetCameraCaptureStateAsync (WKMediaCaptureState state);
public virtual void SetMagnification (ObjCRuntime.nfloat magnification, CoreGraphics.CGPoint centerPoint);
public virtual void SetMicrophoneCaptureState (WKMediaCaptureState state, System.Action completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task SetMicrophoneCaptureStateAsync (WKMediaCaptureState state);

[Obsolete ("Use 'SetAllMediaPlaybackSuspended' instead.")]
public virtual void SuspendAllMediaPlayback (System.Action completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task SuspendAllMediaPlaybackAsync ();

Type Changed: WebKit.WKWebViewConfiguration

Added property:

public virtual bool UpgradeKnownHostsToHttps { get; set; }

Type Changed: WebKit.WKWindowFeatures

Modified properties:

-public nfloat? Height { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? Height { get; }
-public nfloat? Width { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? Width { get; }
-public nfloat? X { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? X { get; }
-public nfloat? Y { get; }
+public ObjCRuntime.nfloat? Y { get; }

New Type: WebKit.WKMediaCaptureState

public enum WKMediaCaptureState {
	Active = 1,
	Muted = 2,
	None = 0,

New Type: WebKit.WKMediaCaptureType

public enum WKMediaCaptureType {
	Camera = 0,
	CameraAndMicrophone = 2,
	Microphone = 1,

New Type: WebKit.WKPermissionDecision

public enum WKPermissionDecision {
	Deny = 2,
	Grant = 1,
	Prompt = 0,

Removed Namespace QTKit

New Namespace IntentsUI

New Type: IntentsUI.IINUIAddVoiceShortcutButtonDelegate

public interface IINUIAddVoiceShortcutButtonDelegate : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// methods
	public virtual void PresentAddVoiceShortcut (INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController addVoiceShortcutViewController, INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton addVoiceShortcutButton);
	public virtual void PresentEditVoiceShortcut (INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController editVoiceShortcutViewController, INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton addVoiceShortcutButton);

New Type: IntentsUI.IINUIAddVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate

public interface IINUIAddVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// methods
	public virtual void DidCancel (INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController controller);
	public virtual void DidFinish (INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController controller, Intents.INVoiceShortcut voiceShortcut, Foundation.NSError error);

New Type: IntentsUI.IINUIEditVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate

public interface IINUIEditVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
	// methods
	public virtual void DidCancel (INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController controller);
	public virtual void DidDelete (INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController controller, Foundation.NSUuid deletedVoiceShortcutIdentifier);
	public virtual void DidUpdate (INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController controller, Intents.INVoiceShortcut voiceShortcut, Foundation.NSError error);

New Type: IntentsUI.INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton

public class INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton : AppKit.NSButton, AppKit.INSAccessibility, AppKit.INSAccessibilityButton, AppKit.INSAccessibilityElementProtocol, AppKit.INSAppearanceCustomization, AppKit.INSDraggingDestination, AppKit.INSTouchBarProvider, AppKit.INSUserInterfaceCompression, AppKit.INSUserInterfaceItemIdentification, AppKit.INSUserInterfaceValidations, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSObjectProtocol, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable, System.IEquatable<Foundation.NSObject> {
	// constructors
	public INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	public INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton (INUIAddVoiceShortcutButtonStyle style);
	protected INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton (IntPtr handle);
	// properties
	public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual ObjCRuntime.nfloat CornerRadius { get; set; }
	public IINUIAddVoiceShortcutButtonDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
	public virtual Intents.INShortcut Shortcut { get; set; }
	public virtual INUIAddVoiceShortcutButtonStyle Style { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
	// methods
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
	public virtual void SetStyle (INUIAddVoiceShortcutButtonStyle style);

New Type: IntentsUI.INUIAddVoiceShortcutButtonDelegate

public abstract class INUIAddVoiceShortcutButtonDelegate : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSObjectProtocol, IINUIAddVoiceShortcutButtonDelegate, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable, System.IEquatable<Foundation.NSObject> {
	// constructors
	protected INUIAddVoiceShortcutButtonDelegate ();
	protected INUIAddVoiceShortcutButtonDelegate (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected INUIAddVoiceShortcutButtonDelegate (IntPtr handle);
	// methods
	public virtual void PresentAddVoiceShortcut (INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController addVoiceShortcutViewController, INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton addVoiceShortcutButton);
	public virtual void PresentEditVoiceShortcut (INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController editVoiceShortcutViewController, INUIAddVoiceShortcutButton addVoiceShortcutButton);

New Type: IntentsUI.INUIAddVoiceShortcutButtonStyle

public enum INUIAddVoiceShortcutButtonStyle {
	Automatic = 4,
	AutomaticOutLine = 5,
	Black = 2,
	BlackOutline = 3,
	White = 0,
	WhiteOutline = 1,

New Type: IntentsUI.INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController

public class INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController : AppKit.NSViewController, AppKit.INSEditor, AppKit.INSSeguePerforming, AppKit.INSTouchBarProvider, AppKit.INSUserInterfaceItemIdentification, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSExtensionRequestHandling, Foundation.INSObjectProtocol, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable, System.IEquatable<Foundation.NSObject> {
	// constructors
	public INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	public INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController (Intents.INShortcut shortcut);
	protected INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController (IntPtr handle);
	// properties
	public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
	public IINUIAddVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
	// methods
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);

New Type: IntentsUI.INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate

public abstract class INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSObjectProtocol, IINUIAddVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable, System.IEquatable<Foundation.NSObject> {
	// constructors
	protected INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate ();
	protected INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate (IntPtr handle);
	// methods
	public virtual void DidCancel (INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController controller);
	public virtual void DidFinish (INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController controller, Intents.INVoiceShortcut voiceShortcut, Foundation.NSError error);

New Type: IntentsUI.INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController

public class INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController : AppKit.NSViewController, AppKit.INSEditor, AppKit.INSSeguePerforming, AppKit.INSTouchBarProvider, AppKit.INSUserInterfaceItemIdentification, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSExtensionRequestHandling, Foundation.INSObjectProtocol, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable, System.IEquatable<Foundation.NSObject> {
	// constructors
	public INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
	protected INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	public INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController (Intents.INVoiceShortcut voiceShortcut);
	protected INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController (IntPtr handle);
	// properties
	public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
	public IINUIEditVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate Delegate { get; set; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSObject WeakDelegate { get; set; }
	// methods
	protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);

New Type: IntentsUI.INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate

public abstract class INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSObjectProtocol, IINUIEditVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable, System.IEquatable<Foundation.NSObject> {
	// constructors
	protected INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate ();
	protected INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate (IntPtr handle);
	// methods
	public virtual void DidCancel (INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController controller);
	public virtual void DidDelete (INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController controller, Foundation.NSUuid deletedVoiceShortcutIdentifier);
	public virtual void DidUpdate (INUIEditVoiceShortcutViewController controller, Intents.INVoiceShortcut voiceShortcut, Foundation.NSError error);
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