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Created November 26, 2010 22:46
Prime numbers manipulation
"""Prime number generation and number factorization."""
import bisect, itertools, random, sys
_primes = [2]
_miller_rabin_limit = 48611 # 5000th prime
_miller_rabin_security = 7
def modpow (a, b, c):
"""Efficiently compute (a^b)%c where a, b and c are positive integers."""
if b == 1: return a % c
d = b//2
x = modpow (a, d, c)
x = x*x%c
if b % 2 == 1: x = x*a%c
return x
def miller_rabin (n, t = _miller_rabin_security):
"""Apply Miller-Rabin primality test to detect whether n is prime or not.
The test is run t times."""
if n % 2 == 0: return False
r = (n-1)//2
for s in itertools.count (1):
if r % 2: break
r //= 2
for tt in xrange (t):
a = int (random.uniform (2, n-1))
y = modpow (a, r, n)
if y != 1 and y != n-1:
for j in xrange (1, s):
y = y**2 % n
if y == 1: return False
if y == n-1: break
if y != n-1: return False
return True
def _is_prime (i):
if i > _miller_rabin_limit: return miller_rabin (i)
s = int (i**0.5)
for j in _primes:
if i % j == 0: return False
if j > s: return True
return True
def _gen_primes ():
for i in xrange (3, sys.maxint, 2):
if _is_prime (i):
_primes.append (i)
yield i
_primary = _gen_primes ()
def _gen_primes (minval):
i = 0
if minval:
l = _primes[-1]
if minval > l:
while minval > l: l ()
i = len (_primes) - 1
i = bisect.bisect_left (_primes, minval)
for i in itertools.count (i):
if i == len (_primes): yield ()
else: yield _primes[i]
def gen_primes (maxval = None, minval = None):
"""Prime numbers generator. If minval is given, only primes greater or
equal to minval are returned. If maxval is given, only primes smaller
or equal to maxval are returned.
>>> for p in gen_primes(5): print p
if maxval:
return itertools.takewhile (lambda x: x<=maxval, _gen_primes (minval))
return _gen_primes (minval)
def gen_factors (n, duplicates = True):
"""Generator for factors of n (n > 1). If duplicates is False, do not
send the same factor more than once."""
assert n > 1
if n > _miller_rabin_limit and miller_rabin (n):
yield n
s = int (n**0.5)
for i in gen_primes ():
if i > s:
yield n
if n % i == 0:
yield i
n //= i
while n % i == 0:
if duplicates: yield i
n //= i
if n == 1: return
if n > _miller_rabin_limit and miller_rabin (n):
yield n
s = int (n**0.5)
def factors (n):
"""Factorize n (n > 1) into its prime factors. Return a dictionary where
keys are prime factors and values are powers.
>>> factors(18)
{2: 1, 3: 2}"""
l = {}
for i in gen_factors (n):
try: l[i] += 1
except KeyError: l[i] = 1
return l
def factorslist (n):
"""Return a list of prime factors of n (n > 1).
>>> factorslist(18)
[2, 3, 3]"""
return list (gen_factors (n))
def is_prime (n):
"""Check whether n is prime or not."""
if n < 2: return False
return gen_factors(n).next() == n
def ufactors (n):
"""Return the list of unique prime factors of n (n > 1).
>>> ufactors(100)
[2, 5]"""
return list (gen_factors(n, duplicates = False))
def nfactors (n):
"""Return the number of unique prime factors of n."""
return len (ufactors (n))
def totient (n):
"""Euler's totient function. Returns the number of integers between
1 and n-1 relatively prime to n (n > 0).
>>> totient(6)
(6 is relatively prime to 1 and 5)"""
if n == 1: return 0
num = den = 1
for p in gen_factors (n, duplicates = False):
num *= (p-1)
den *= p
return n * num // den
_s = {1: 1}
def s (n):
"""Sum of divisors of n (n > 0).
>>> s(6)
(divisors of 6 are 1, 2, 3 and 6, summing to 12)"""
if not _s.has_key (n):
t = 1
for (p, k) in factors(n).items():
t *= (p**(k+1)-1)//(p-1)
_s[n] = t
return _s[n]
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Quick test -- add primes up to 100,000 and compare to J result to:
# +/p:i.(p:^:_1)100000x
assert sum (gen_primes (100000)) == 454396537
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