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Created November 29, 2010 18:48
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Vim “Adobe” colorscheme
" Vim “Adobe” colorscheme
" Maintainer: Micah Elliott <mde AT MicahElliott DOT com>
" Version: 0.3
" Info: Adobe theme, easy on eyes.
" Philosophy: See my blog article:
" This scheme also supports detecting trailing whitespace. You should
" set this in your .vimrc:
" match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
" Color spectra used:
" Blues: 19 26 33 87 153
" Greens: 58 22 29 84
" Reds: 124 201 225
" Browns: 52 130
" Oranges: 166
" Yellows: 185 192
" Grays: 241
" Whites: 253
" NOTE: Set your terminal background color to: #B0B087, OR see Normal below
"set background=dark
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "adobe"
hi ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=9 guibg=blue
"hi Normal guibg=#afaf87 ctermbg=144 ctermfg=black
" This scheme is tuned for light backgrounds, particularly 144 (brown),
" but others can work...
" Other good “Normal” background colors: 144 (brown), 179 (orange), 180
" (peach), 187 (tan), 215 (orange), 145 or 250 (gray), 71 or 72 (green)
" Cursor
hi Cursor guibg=Yellow guifg=NONE ctermfg=white ctermbg=yellow
"hi Cursor cterm=bold ctermfg=0 ctermbg=0
"hi CursorColumn guibg=#A2955F ctermbg=143
hi CursorColumn guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
hi CursorLine guibg=#A2955F
" Search
hi Search guibg=green ctermfg=22 ctermbg=226
" Fold
hi Folded guibg=#a0a087
" Split area
hi StatusLine gui=reverse guibg=white
" Messages
hi ModeMsg gui=none
hi MoreMsg gui=reverse
hi Question gui=NONE guifg=#ffff60 guibg=NONE
" Other
hi Todo gui=underline guifg=white guibg=#4e4e4e ctermfg=239 cterm=underline ctermbg=NONE
hi NonText guifg=blue ctermfg=darkblue
hi VisualNOS gui=underline
hi Title gui=none
hi SpellBad ctermfg=245
" Diff
hi DiffDelete gui=none
hi DiffText gui=none
hi DiffAdd guibg=lightblue
" Html
hi htmlItalic ctermfg=220
hi htmlBold ctermbg=220 cterm=bold
hi htmlH1 cterm=bold ctermfg=126
hi markdownHeadingDelimiter cterm=bold
"hi htmlBoldUnderline gui=underline
"hi htmlBold gui=none
"hi htmlBoldItalic gui=none
"hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic gui=underline
" Comments
hi Comment guifg=#808080 ctermfg=244
"hi Comment cterm=bold ctermfg=0
" Special comments. See ~/.vim/ftplugin/comments.vim
hi CommentCode guifg=#800000 ctermfg=1
hi CommentDescription guifg=#8787ff ctermfg=105 cterm=bold
hi CommentKing guifg=#dadada ctermfg=253 cterm=bold
hi CommentSmart guifg=#af8787 ctermfg=138
hi CommentJavadoc guifg=#d7d7af ctermfg=187
hi CommentEpydoc guifg=#d7d7af ctermfg=187
hi CommentMajorSection guifg=#ffffff ctermfg=15 cterm=bold
hi CommentMiddleSection guifg=#eeeeee ctermfg=255
hi CommentMinorSection guifg=#dadada ctermfg=253
hi CommentInfo guifg=#87d700 ctermfg=112 cterm=bold
hi CommentDisabled guifg=#9e9e9e ctermfg=247
hi CommentEol guifg=#000080 ctermfg=blue
hi CommentTripleDirkString guifg=#005f5f ctermfg=23
hi CommentTripleTickString guifg=#9e9e9e ctermfg=247
hi CommentRestIdentifier guifg=#9e9e9e ctermfg=247
hi CommentRun ctermfg=124 cterm=bold
" Python comment extensions.
hi def link pythonTripleDirkString CommentTripleDirkString
hi def link pythonTripleTickString CommentTripleTickString
hi def link pythonRestIdentifier CommentRestIdentifier
" General Programming
hi Statement guifg=orange4 gui=none ctermfg=brown
hi Type guifg=#878700 gui=none cterm=bold ctermfg=100
hi String guifg=#000087 ctermfg=22 cterm=italic " torn on making this 19 to brighten up
hi PreProc guifg=#d7ff87 ctermfg=191
hi Special guifg=#875faf ctermfg=97
hi Constant guifg=#af0000 ctermfg=124
hi Identifier guifg=#0000af ctermfg=19
hi Function guifg=#afd7ff gui=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=153
hi Underlined guifg=#d7ff87 ctermfg=192
hi Conditional guifg=#0087ff ctermfg=33
hi Repeat guifg=#00af00 ctermfg=34
hi Operator guifg=#afff5f ctermfg=118
hi Include guifg=#af8700 ctermfg=136
"hi Keyword guifg=yellow guibg=blue ctermfg=yellow
"hi Exception guifg=yellow ctermfg=yellow
"hi Define guifg=yellow ctermfg=yellow
"hi Macro guifg=yellow ctermfg=yellow
"hi PreCondit guifg=brown guibg=yellow
"hi StorageClass guifg=yellow ctermfg=yellow
"hi Structure guifg=yellow ctermfg=yellow
"hi Typedef guifg=yellow ctermfg=yellow
"hi Tag guifg=yellow ctermfg=yellow
"hi SpecialChar guifg=yellow ctermfg=yellow
"hi Delimiter guifg=pink ctermfg=yellow
"hi SpecialComment guifg=yellow ctermfg=yellow
"hi Debug guifg=yellow ctermfg=yellow
" Mail
hi mailQuoted1 guifg=red4 ctermfg=red
hi mailQuoted2 guifg=blue3 ctermfg=lightblue
hi mailQuoted3 guifg=orange4 ctermfg=yellow
hi mailQuoted4 guifg=purple3 ctermfg=darkred
hi mailQuoted5 guifg=white ctermfg=white
" Perl
hi PerlPOD guifg=purple4 ctermfg=99
hi perlVarPlain guifg=blue4 ctermfg=69
hi perlIdentifier guifg=purple ctermfg=93
hi perlPackageRef guifg=pink2 ctermfg=177
hi perlMethod guifg=red4 ctermfg=160
hi perlFunctionName gui=bold guifg=darkblue ctermfg=63
hi perlVarMember guifg=lightblue4 ctermfg=87
" Python
"hi pythonStatement xxx links to Statement
"hi pythonFunction xxx links to Function
"hi pythonRepeat xxx links to Repeat
"hi pythonConditional xxx links to Conditional
hi pythonImport guifg=yellow1 ctermfg=yellow
"hi pythonException xxx links to Exception
"hi pythonOperator xxx links to Operator
"hi pythonTodo xxx links to Todo
"hi pythonComment xxx links to Comment
"hi pythonRun xxx links to Special
"hi pythonCoding xxx links to Special
"hi pythonError xxx links to Error
"hi pythonIndentError xxx links to Error
"hi pythonEscape xxx links to Special
"hi pythonEscapeError xxx links to Error
"hi pythonString xxx links to String
"hi pythonDocTest2 xxx links to Special
"hi pythonDocTest xxx links to Special
"hi pythonUniEscape xxx links to Special
"hi pythonUniEscapeError xxx links to Error
"hi pythonUniString xxx links to String
"hi pythonRawEscape xxx cleared
"hi pythonRawString xxx links to String
"hi pythonUniRawEscape xxx links to Special
"hi pythonUniRawEscapeError xxx links to Error
"hi pythonUniRawString xxx links to String
"hi pythonStrFormat xxx links to Special
"hi pythonNumber xxx links to Number
"hi pythonFloat xxx links to Float
"hi pythonOctalError xxx links to Error
"hi pythonBuiltinObj xxx links to Structure
hi pythonBuiltinFunc guifg=#ffd7ff gui=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=225
"hi pythonExClass xxx links to Structure
" Moin
hi moinHeader ctermfg=18
hi moinItalic ctermfg=26
hi moinBold ctermfg=33
hi moinBoldItalic ctermfg=87
hi moinUnderline ctermfg=153
"hi moinSubscript ctermfg=58
"hi moinSuperscript ctermfg=22
hi moinTypewriter ctermfg=29
hi moinMacro ctermfg=84
hi moinPreformatted ctermfg=124
hi moinWikiWord ctermfg=201
hi moinBracketLink ctermfg=225
hi moinSubLink ctermfg=52
hi moinNormalURL ctermfg=130
hi moinEmail ctermfg=166
hi moinBulletList ctermfg=185
hi moinNumberedList ctermfg=192
hi moinAlphalist ctermfg=241
hi moinRomanlist ctermfg=223
hi moinBigromanlist ctermfg=233
hi moinDescriptionlist ctermfg=243
hi moinRule ctermfg=13
hi moinComment ctermfg=23
hi moinPragma ctermfg=253
hi moinInterLink ctermfg=1
" Markdown
" Missing from tpope's syntax file.
"hi def link markdownCodeBlock String
"hi def link markdownCode String
" Diff
hi diffRemoved ctermfg=124 cterm=bold
hi diffAdded ctermfg=22 cterm=bold
hi gitcommitBranch ctermfg=159 ctermbg=06 cterm=bold
" Selection Menu.
" Select item is bold and bright green to be super-obvious.
hi Pmenu ctermfg=white ctermbg=251
hi PmenuSel ctermfg=28 ctermbg=118 cterm=bold
"hi TabLine cterm=underline ctermfg=15 ctermbg=242
hi TabLine cterm=underline ctermfg=242 ctermbg=238
hi TabLineSel cterm=bold ctermfg=28
hi def link zshVariable Identifier
hi def link zshFunction Function
hi def link zshOperator Operator
" Not doing anything.
hi zshParentheses cterm=bold ctermfg=red
hi zshBrackets cterm=bold ctermfg=red
"zshTodo xxx links to Todo
"zshComment xxx links to Comment
"zshPreProc xxx links to PreProc
"zshQuoted xxx links to SpecialChar
"zshStringDelimiter xxx links to zshString
"zshString xxx links to String
"zshPOSIXString xxx links to zshString
"zshJobSpec xxx links to Special
"zshPrecommand xxx links to Special
"zshDelimiter xxx links to Keyword
"zshConditional xxx links to Conditional
"zshRepeat xxx links to Repeat
"zshException xxx links to Exception
"zshKeyword xxx links to Keyword
"zshRedir xxx links to Operator
"zshHereDoc xxx links to String
"zshVariableDef xxx links to zshVariable
"zshShortDeref xxx links to zshDereferencing
"zshLongDeref xxx links to zshDereferencing
"zshDeref xxx links to zshDereferencing
"zshCommands xxx links to Keyword
"zshTypes xxx links to Type
"zshNumber xxx links to Number
"zshSubst xxx links to PreProc
"zshOldSubst xxx links to zshSubst
"zshMathSubst xxx links to zshSubst
"zshSubstDelim xxx links to zshSubst
"zshParentheses xxx cleared
"zshHereDocSync xxx cleared
"zshHereDocEndSync xxx cleared
"zshDereferencing xxx links to PreProc
"zshSwitches xxx links to Special
" Comments
"se background=dark
"let g:solarized_termcolors=256
"colorscheme solarized
" This scheme also supports detecting trailing whitespace. You should
" set this in your .vimrc:
" match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
hi ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=white guibg=white
"hi Comment guifg=#808080 ctermfg=244
"hi Comment cterm=bold ctermfg=0
"set background="dark"
"echo &background
if &background == "light"
"echo "comments: using light bg"
"echo "comments: using dark bg"
"echo "in colors/comments.vim" | sleep 1
" Special comments. See ~/.vim/ftplugin/comments.vim
hi CommentCode guifg=#800000 ctermfg=1
hi CommentDescription guifg=#8787ff ctermfg=105 cterm=bold
hi CommentKing guifg=#dadada ctermfg=253 cterm=bold
hi CommentSmart guifg=#af8787 ctermfg=138
hi CommentJavadoc guifg=#d7d7af ctermfg=187
hi CommentEpydoc guifg=#d7d7af ctermfg=187
hi CommentMajorSection guifg=#ffffff ctermfg=15 cterm=bold
hi CommentMiddleSection guifg=#eeeeee ctermfg=255
hi CommentMinorSection guifg=#dadada ctermfg=253
hi CommentInfo guifg=#87d700 ctermfg=112 cterm=bold
hi CommentDisabled guifg=#9e9e9e ctermfg=247
hi CommentEol guifg=#000080 ctermfg=blue
hi CommentTripleDirkString guifg=#005f5f ctermfg=23
hi CommentTripleTickString guifg=#9e9e9e ctermfg=247
hi CommentRestIdentifier guifg=#9e9e9e ctermfg=247
hi CommentRun ctermfg=124 cterm=bold
" Python comment extensions.
hi link pythonTripleDirkString CommentTripleDirkString
hi link pythonTripleTickString CommentTripleTickString
hi link pythonRestIdentifier CommentRestIdentifier
" Special non-standard comment types, to rainbow-ify your code.
" For languages that use #, like Ruby, Zsh, Python.
" See for
" details.
echo "in syntax/comments.vim" | sleep 1
syn match CommentCode "\s*##\w.*$" display
syn match CommentKing "\s*### .*$" display
syn match CommentMajorSection "\s*####*$" display
syn match CommentMiddleSection "\s*#===*$" display
syn match CommentMinorSection "\s*#---*$" display
syn match CommentSmart "\s*###\w.*$" display
syn match CommentInfo "\s*#\s[A-Z][a-z]\+: \+.*$" display
syn match CommentDisabled "\s*#\w.*$" display
syn match CommentJavadoc ".* \+@\w\+:" display
syn match CommentEpydoc ".* \+:\w\+:.*" display
syn match CommentRun "\%^#!.*$"
syn match CommentDescription "# [[:alpha:]-]\+ — \w.*$" display
"syn region CommentEol start="\w.* \+# \w.*$" end="$" display excludenl
syn match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
"echo "done with syntax/comments.vim" | sleep 1
" Missing language syntaxes
hi link markdownCodeBlock String
hi link markdownCode String
hi htmlItalic cterm=italic
hi htmlBold cterm=bold
hi htmlH3 cterm=NONE ctermfg=166
hi htmlH4 cterm=italic ctermfg=166
hi link htmlH5 htmlH4
" Special overrides.
" Need urxvt to take advantage of multiple fonts.
hi String cterm=italic
hi Function cterm=bold
"hi Identifier cterm=bold
" Enable terminal’s transparent BG.
"hi Normal ctermbg=NONE
" Standout search: red on yellow
hi Search ctermfg=196 ctermbg=226
hi Title cterm=bold
" Override for dull.
hi MatchParen ctermbg=237
" Brighten up visual mode.
hi Visual ctermbg=238
" EOL column marker
hi ColorColumn ctermbg=232
" Rainbow-parenthesis
hi level16c ctermfg=red cterm=bold
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