title | description | author | ms.author | ms.date | ms.topic | ms.assetid | ms.prod |
Xamarin.Mac SDK API diff: 8.2.0 vs 8.11.0 |
List of API changes between Xamarin.Mac versions 8.2.0 and 8.11.0. |
spouliot |
sepoulio |
5/12/2022 |
article |
a1261876-83a7-4f6c-0c20-925a8e24f680 |
xamarin |
Added property:
public static Foundation.NSString PresetHevc7680x4320 { get; }
Modified properties:
public ---virtual--- bool SupportsVideoMaxFrameDuration { get; }
public ---virtual--- bool SupportsVideoMinFrameDuration { get; }
Added property:
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime VideoMaxFrameDuration { get; set; }
Added properties:
public virtual bool CenterStageActive { get; }
public static AVCaptureCenterStageControlMode CenterStageControlMode { get; set; }
public static bool CenterStageEnabled { get; set; }
Added properties:
public virtual bool CenterStageSupported { get; }
public virtual AVFrameRateRange VideoFrameRateRangeForCenterStage { get; }
public virtual nfloat VideoMaxZoomFactorForCenterStage { get; }
public virtual nfloat VideoMinZoomFactorForCenterStage { get; }
Added value:
BuiltInLiDarDepthCamera = 10,
Added property:
public virtual CoreMedia.CMClock SynchronizationClock { get; }
Added value:
ContainsAlphaChannel = 17,
Added values:
CodabarCode = 262144,
GS1DataBarCode = 524288,
GS1DataBarExpandedCode = 1048576,
GS1DataBarLimitedCode = 2097152,
MicroPdf417Code = 8388608,
MicroQRCode = 4194304,
Added value:
PresetHevc7680x4320 = 15,
Removed methods:
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveTimeJumped (System.EventHandler<AVPlayerItemTimeJumpedEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveTimeJumped (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<AVPlayerItemTimeJumpedEventArgs> handler);
Added methods:
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveTimeJumped (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveTimeJumped (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
Added method:
public virtual Foundation.NSValue[] GetInterstitialTimeRanges (AVPlayerPlaybackCoordinator coordinator, AVPlayerItem playerItem);
Added method:
public static Foundation.NSValue[] GetInterstitialTimeRanges (this IAVPlayerPlaybackCoordinatorDelegate This, AVPlayerPlaybackCoordinator coordinator, AVPlayerItem playerItem);
public enum AVCaptureCenterStageControlMode {
App = 1,
Cooperative = 2,
User = 0,
public class AXBrailleMap : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCoding, Foundation.INSCopying, Foundation.INSSecureCoding, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public AXBrailleMap (Foundation.NSCoder coder);
protected AXBrailleMap (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected AXBrailleMap (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGSize Dimensions { get; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public virtual void EncodeTo (Foundation.NSCoder encoder);
public virtual float GetHeight (CoreGraphics.CGPoint point);
public virtual void Present (CoreGraphics.CGImage image);
public virtual void SetHeight (float status, CoreGraphics.CGPoint point);
public interface IAXBrailleMapRenderer : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// properties
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGRect AccessibilityBrailleMapRenderRegion { get; set; }
public virtual System.Action<AXBrailleMap> AccessibilityBrailleMapRenderer { get; set; }
Added methods:
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveProtectedDataDidBecomeAvailable (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveProtectedDataDidBecomeAvailable (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveProtectedDataWillBecomeUnavailable (System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
public static Foundation.NSObject ObserveProtectedDataWillBecomeUnavailable (Foundation.NSObject objectToObserve, System.EventHandler<Foundation.NSNotificationEventArgs> handler);
Obsoleted properties:
[Obsolete ("Use 'ControlAccent' instead.")]
public static NSColor ControlAccentColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'FindHighlight' instead.")]
public static NSColor FindHighlightColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'Label' instead.")]
public static NSColor LabelColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'Link' instead.")]
public static NSColor LinkColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'PlaceholderText' instead.")]
public static NSColor PlaceholderTextColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'QuaternaryLabel' instead.")]
public static NSColor QuaternaryLabelColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'ScrubberTexturedBackground' instead.")]
public static NSColor ScrubberTexturedBackgroundColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'SecondaryLabel' instead.")]
public static NSColor SecondaryLabelColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'SelectedContentBackground' instead.")]
public static NSColor SelectedContentBackgroundColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'Separator' instead.")]
public static NSColor SeparatorColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'SystemBlue' instead.")]
public static NSColor SystemBlueColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'SystemBrown' instead.")]
public static NSColor SystemBrownColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'SystemCyan' instead.")]
public static NSColor SystemCyanColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'SystemGray' instead.")]
public static NSColor SystemGrayColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'SystemGreen' instead.")]
public static NSColor SystemGreenColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'SystemIndigo' instead.")]
public static NSColor SystemIndigoColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'SystemMint' instead.")]
public static NSColor SystemMintColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'SystemOrange' instead.")]
public static NSColor SystemOrangeColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'SystemPink' instead.")]
public static NSColor SystemPinkColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'SystemPurple' instead.")]
public static NSColor SystemPurpleColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'SystemRed' instead.")]
public static NSColor SystemRedColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'SystemTeal' instead.")]
public static NSColor SystemTealColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'SystemYellow' instead.")]
public static NSColor SystemYellowColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'TertiaryLabel' instead.")]
public static NSColor TertiaryLabelColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UnderPageBackground' instead.")]
public static NSColor UnderPageBackgroundColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UnemphasizedSelectedContentBackground' instead.")]
public static NSColor UnemphasizedSelectedContentBackgroundColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UnemphasizedSelectedTextBackground' instead.")]
public static NSColor UnemphasizedSelectedTextBackgroundColor { get; }
[Obsolete ("Use 'UnemphasizedSelectedText' instead.")]
public static NSColor UnemphasizedSelectedTextColor { get; }
Added properties:
public static NSColor ControlAccent { get; }
public static NSColor FindHighlight { get; }
public static NSColor Label { get; }
public static NSColor Link { get; }
public static NSColor PlaceholderText { get; }
public static NSColor QuaternaryLabel { get; }
public static NSColor ScrubberTexturedBackground { get; }
public static NSColor SecondaryLabel { get; }
public static NSColor SelectedContentBackground { get; }
public static NSColor Separator { get; }
public static NSColor SystemBlue { get; }
public static NSColor SystemBrown { get; }
public static NSColor SystemCyan { get; }
public static NSColor SystemGray { get; }
public static NSColor SystemGreen { get; }
public static NSColor SystemIndigo { get; }
public static NSColor SystemMint { get; }
public static NSColor SystemOrange { get; }
public static NSColor SystemPink { get; }
public static NSColor SystemPurple { get; }
public static NSColor SystemRed { get; }
public static NSColor SystemTeal { get; }
public static NSColor SystemYellow { get; }
public static NSColor TertiaryLabel { get; }
public static NSColor UnemphasizedSelectedContentBackground { get; }
public static NSColor UnemphasizedSelectedText { get; }
public static NSColor UnemphasizedSelectedTextBackground { get; }
Added interface:
Added method:
public virtual void EnumerateDraggingItems (NSDraggingItemEnumerationOptions enumOpts, NSView view, IntPtr classArray, Foundation.NSDictionary searchOptions, NSDraggingEnumerator enumerator);
Added values:
MouseEvent = 0,
PowerOff = 1,
TabletPoint = 1,
TabletProximity = 2,
Obsoleted methods:
[Obsolete ("Use 'Draw' instead.")]
public void DrawInRect (CoreGraphics.CGRect dstRect, CoreGraphics.CGRect srcRect, NSCompositingOperation operation, nfloat delta);
Added interface:
Added constructor:
public NSViewAnimation (double duration, NSAnimationCurve animationCurve);
Added interface:
Added methods:
public void SetIsMiniaturized (bool value);
public void SetIsVisible (bool value);
public void SetIsZoomed (bool value);
public interface INSUserActivityRestoring : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// methods
public virtual void RestoreUserActivityState (Foundation.NSUserActivity userActivity);
public static class NSApplication_NSServicesMenu {
// methods
public static void RegisterServicesMenu (this NSApplication This, string[] sendTypes, string[] returnTypes);
public static class NSApplication_NSStandardAboutPanel {
// methods
public static void OrderFrontStandardAboutPanel (this NSApplication This, Foundation.NSObject sender);
public static void OrderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions (this NSApplication This, Foundation.NSDictionary optionsDictionary);
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~AudioConverter ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~AudioFile ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~MusicPlayer ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~MusicSequence ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~MusicTrack ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~AUGraph ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Modified base type:
Removed interface:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed method:
public virtual void Dispose ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Added property:
public virtual bool UserInterfaceEnabled { get; }
Added method:
public static void RegisterDefaultsForAswasInSetupAssistantIfNeeded ();
Added constructor:
protected CXCallAction ();
Added constructor:
public CXCallUpdate (Foundation.NSUuid callUuid);
Modified methods:
public ---virtual--- CXCallAction[] GetPendingCallActions<T> (Foundation.NSUuid callUuid)
Modified methods:
-public abstract void CallChanged (CXCallObserver callObserver, CXCall call)
+public virtual void CallChanged (CXCallObserver callObserver, CXCall call)
Modified methods:
-public abstract void DidReset (CXProvider provider)
+public virtual void DidReset (CXProvider provider)
Added constructor:
public ChipAccountLogin (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipApplicationBasic (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added methods:
public virtual void ChangeStatus (byte status, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ChangeStatusAsync (byte status);
Added constructor:
public ChipApplicationLauncher (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added methods:
public virtual void ReadAttributeApplicationId (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeApplicationIdAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeCatalogVendorId (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeCatalogVendorIdAsync ();
Added constructor:
public ChipAudioOutput (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added methods:
public virtual void ReadAttributeCurrentAudioOutput (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeCurrentAudioOutputAsync ();
Added constructor:
public ChipBarrierControl (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipBasic (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added methods:
public virtual void ReadAttributeReachable (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeReachableAsync ();
public virtual void WriteAttributeLocalConfigDisabled (bool disabled, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeLocalConfigDisabledAsync (bool disabled);
Added constructor:
public ChipBinaryInputBasic (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added methods:
public virtual void WriteAttributeOutOfService (bool boolValue, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeOutOfServiceAsync (bool boolValue);
public virtual void WriteAttributePresentValue (bool boolValue, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributePresentValueAsync (bool boolValue);
Added constructor:
public ChipBinding (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added methods:
public virtual void Bind (ulong nodeId, ushort groupId, ushort endpointId, uint clusterId, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> BindAsync (ulong nodeId, ushort groupId, ushort endpointId, uint clusterId);
public virtual void Unbind (ulong nodeId, ushort groupId, ushort endpointId, uint clusterId, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> UnbindAsync (ulong nodeId, ushort groupId, ushort endpointId, uint clusterId);
Added constructor:
public ChipBridgedDeviceBasic (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipCluster (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipColorControl (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added methods:
public virtual void ColorLoopSet (byte updateFlags, byte action, byte direction, ushort time, ushort startHue, byte optionsMask, byte optionsOverride, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ColorLoopSetAsync (byte updateFlags, byte action, byte direction, ushort time, ushort startHue, byte optionsMask, byte optionsOverride);
public virtual void EnhancedMoveHue (byte moveMode, ushort rate, byte optionsMask, byte optionsOverride, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> EnhancedMoveHueAsync (byte moveMode, ushort rate, byte optionsMask, byte optionsOverride);
public virtual void EnhancedMoveToHue (ushort enhancedHue, byte direction, ushort transitionTime, byte optionsMask, byte optionsOverride, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual void EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation (ushort enhancedHue, byte saturation, ushort transitionTime, byte optionsMask, byte optionsOverride, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationAsync (ushort enhancedHue, byte saturation, ushort transitionTime, byte optionsMask, byte optionsOverride);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> EnhancedMoveToHueAsync (ushort enhancedHue, byte direction, ushort transitionTime, byte optionsMask, byte optionsOverride);
public virtual void EnhancedStepHue (byte stepMode, ushort stepSize, ushort transitionTime, byte optionsMask, byte optionsOverride, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> EnhancedStepHueAsync (byte stepMode, ushort stepSize, ushort transitionTime, byte optionsMask, byte optionsOverride);
public virtual void ReadAttributeColorLoopStartEnhancedHue (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeColorLoopStartEnhancedHueAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeColorLoopStoredEnhancedHueAsync ();
Added constructor:
public ChipDescriptor (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Obsoleted methods:
[Obsolete ("This method is removed.")]
public virtual bool Startup (IChipPersistentStorageDelegate storageDelegate);
Added methods:
public virtual bool GetConnectedDevice (ulong deviceID, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue, ChipDeviceConnectionCallback completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipDevice> GetConnectedDeviceAsync (ulong deviceID, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipDevice> GetConnectedDeviceAsync (ulong deviceID, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue, out bool result);
public virtual bool IsDevicePaired (ulong deviceID, out Foundation.NSError error);
public virtual bool Startup (IChipPersistentStorageDelegate storageDelegate, ushort vendorId, IChipKeypair nocSigner);
Added constructor:
public ChipDoorLock (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added value:
UnsupportedAttribute = 10,
Added constructor:
public ChipEthernetNetworkDiagnostics (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipFixedLabel (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipGeneralCommissioning (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Obsoleted methods:
[Obsolete ("This method is removed.")]
public virtual void ReadAttributeFabricId (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
[Obsolete ("This method is removed.")]
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeFabricIdAsync ();
Added methods:
public virtual void ReadAttributeBasicCommissioningInfoList (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeBasicCommissioningInfoListAsync ();
Added constructor:
public ChipGeneralDiagnostics (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipGroupKeyManagement (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipGroups (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipIdentify (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipKeypadInput (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipLevelControl (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipLowPower (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipMediaInput (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added methods:
public virtual void ReadAttributeCurrentMediaInput (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeCurrentMediaInputAsync ();
Added constructor:
public ChipMediaPlayback (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added methods:
public virtual void MediaSeek (ulong position, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> MediaSeekAsync (ulong position);
Added constructor:
public ChipNetworkCommissioning (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added methods:
public virtual void ReadAttributeFeatureMap (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeFeatureMapAsync ();
Added constructor:
public ChipOnOff (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added methods:
public virtual void OffWithEffect (byte effectId, byte effectVariant, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> OffWithEffectAsync (byte effectId, byte effectVariant);
public virtual void OnWithRecallGlobalScene (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> OnWithRecallGlobalSceneAsync ();
public virtual void OnWithTimedOff (byte onOffControl, ushort onTime, ushort offWaitTime, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> OnWithTimedOffAsync (byte onOffControl, ushort onTime, ushort offWaitTime);
public virtual void ReadAttributeFeatureMap (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeFeatureMapAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeGlobalSceneControl (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeGlobalSceneControlAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeOffWaitTime (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeOffWaitTimeAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeOnTime (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeOnTimeAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeStartUpOnOff (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeStartUpOnOffAsync ();
public virtual void WriteAttributeOffWaitTime (ushort value, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeOffWaitTimeAsync (ushort value);
public virtual void WriteAttributeOnTime (ushort value, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeOnTimeAsync (ushort value);
public virtual void WriteAttributeStartUpOnOff (byte value, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeStartUpOnOffAsync (byte value);
Added constructor:
public ChipOperationalCredentials (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Obsoleted methods:
[Obsolete ("This method is removed.")]
public virtual void RemoveAllFabrics (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
[Obsolete ("This method is removed.")]
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> RemoveAllFabricsAsync ();
[Obsolete ("This method is removed.")]
public virtual void RemoveFabric (ulong fabricId, ulong nodeId, ushort vendorId, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
[Obsolete ("This method is removed.")]
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> RemoveFabricAsync (ulong fabricId, ulong nodeId, ushort vendorId);
[Obsolete ("This method is removed.")]
public virtual void SetFabric (ushort vendorId, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
[Obsolete ("This method is removed.")]
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> SetFabricAsync (ushort vendorId);
Added methods:
public virtual void AddNoc (Foundation.NSData nocArray, Foundation.NSData iPKValue, ulong caseAdminNode, ushort adminVendorId, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> AddNocAsync (Foundation.NSData nocArray, Foundation.NSData iPKValue, ulong caseAdminNode, ushort adminVendorId);
public virtual void AddTrustedRootCertificate (Foundation.NSData rootCertificate, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> AddTrustedRootCertificateAsync (Foundation.NSData rootCertificate);
public virtual void ReadAttributeCommissionedFabrics (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeCommissionedFabricsAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeSupportedFabrics (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeSupportedFabricsAsync ();
public virtual void RemoveFabric (byte fabricIndex, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> RemoveFabricAsync (byte fabricIndex);
public virtual void RemoveTrustedRootCertificate (Foundation.NSData trustedRootIdentifier, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> RemoveTrustedRootCertificateAsync (Foundation.NSData trustedRootIdentifier);
public virtual void UpdateNoc (Foundation.NSData nocArray, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> UpdateNocAsync (Foundation.NSData nocArray);
Added constructor:
public ChipPumpConfigurationAndControl (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipRelativeHumidityMeasurement (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipScenes (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added methods:
public virtual void AddScene (ushort groupId, byte sceneId, ushort transitionTime, string sceneName, uint clusterId, byte length, byte value, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> AddSceneAsync (ushort groupId, byte sceneId, ushort transitionTime, string sceneName, uint clusterId, byte length, byte value);
Added constructor:
public ChipSoftwareDiagnostics (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipSwitch (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipTargetNavigator (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipTemperatureMeasurement (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipTestCluster (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added methods:
public virtual void ReadAttributeCharString (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeCharStringAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeLongCharString (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeLongCharStringAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeLongOctetString (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeLongOctetStringAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeUnsupported (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeUnsupportedAsync ();
public virtual void TestAddArguments (byte arg1, byte arg2, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> TestAddArgumentsAsync (byte arg1, byte arg2);
public virtual void WriteAttributeBoolean (bool boolValue, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeBooleanAsync (bool boolValue);
public virtual void WriteAttributeCharString (string value, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeCharStringAsync (string value);
public virtual void WriteAttributeLongCharString (string value, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeLongCharStringAsync (string value);
public virtual void WriteAttributeLongOctetString (Foundation.NSData value, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeLongOctetStringAsync (Foundation.NSData value);
public virtual void WriteAttributeUnsupported (bool boolValue, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeUnsupportedAsync (bool boolValue);
Added constructor:
public ChipThermostat (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added methods:
public virtual void ReadAttributeAbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeAbsMaxCoolSetpointLimitAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeAbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeAbsMaxHeatSetpointLimitAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeAbsMinCoolSetpointLimit (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeAbsMinCoolSetpointLimitAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeAbsMinHeatSetpointLimit (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeAbsMinHeatSetpointLimitAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeFeatureMap (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeFeatureMapAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeMaxCoolSetpointLimit (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeMaxCoolSetpointLimitAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeMaxHeatSetpointLimit (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeMaxHeatSetpointLimitAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeMinCoolSetpointLimit (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeMinCoolSetpointLimitAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeMinHeatSetpointLimit (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeMinHeatSetpointLimitAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeNumberOfDailyTransitions (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeNumberOfDailyTransitionsAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeNumberOfWeeklyTransitions (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeNumberOfWeeklyTransitionsAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeStartOfWeek (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeStartOfWeekAsync ();
public virtual void WriteAttributeMaxCoolSetpointLimit (short value, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeMaxCoolSetpointLimitAsync (short value);
public virtual void WriteAttributeMaxHeatSetpointLimit (short value, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeMaxHeatSetpointLimitAsync (short value);
public virtual void WriteAttributeMinCoolSetpointLimit (short value, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeMinCoolSetpointLimitAsync (short value);
public virtual void WriteAttributeMinHeatSetpointLimit (short value, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeMinHeatSetpointLimitAsync (short value);
Added constructor:
public ChipTvChannel (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipWakeOnLan (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
Added constructor:
public ChipWindowCovering (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
public class ChipAdministratorCommissioning : Chip.ChipCluster {
// constructors
protected ChipAdministratorCommissioning (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected ChipAdministratorCommissioning (IntPtr handle);
public ChipAdministratorCommissioning (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual void OpenBasicCommissioningWindow (ushort commissioningTimeout, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> OpenBasicCommissioningWindowAsync (ushort commissioningTimeout);
public virtual void OpenCommissioningWindow (ushort commissioningTimeout, Foundation.NSData pAKEVerifier, ushort discriminator, uint iterations, Foundation.NSData salt, ushort passcodeId, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> OpenCommissioningWindowAsync (ushort commissioningTimeout, Foundation.NSData pAKEVerifier, ushort discriminator, uint iterations, Foundation.NSData salt, ushort passcodeId);
public virtual void ReadAttributeClusterRevision (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeClusterRevisionAsync ();
public virtual void RevokeCommissioning (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> RevokeCommissioningAsync ();
public sealed delegate ChipDeviceConnectionCallback : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public ChipDeviceConnectionCallback (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (ChipDevice device, Foundation.NSError error, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (ChipDevice device, Foundation.NSError error);
public class ChipDiagnosticLogs : Chip.ChipCluster {
// constructors
protected ChipDiagnosticLogs (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected ChipDiagnosticLogs (IntPtr handle);
public ChipDiagnosticLogs (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual void RetrieveLogsRequest (byte intent, byte requestedProtocol, Foundation.NSData transferFileDesignator, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public class ChipElectricalMeasurement : Chip.ChipCluster {
// constructors
protected ChipElectricalMeasurement (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected ChipElectricalMeasurement (IntPtr handle);
public ChipElectricalMeasurement (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual void ReadAttributeActivePower (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeActivePowerAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeActivePowerMax (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeActivePowerMaxAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeActivePowerMin (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeActivePowerMinAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeClusterRevision (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeClusterRevisionAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeMeasurementType (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeMeasurementTypeAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRmsCurrent (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRmsCurrentAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRmsCurrentMax (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRmsCurrentMaxAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRmsCurrentMin (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRmsCurrentMinAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRmsVoltage (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRmsVoltageAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRmsVoltageMax (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRmsVoltageMaxAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRmsVoltageMin (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRmsVoltageMinAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTotalActivePower (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTotalActivePowerAsync ();
public class ChipFlowMeasurement : Chip.ChipCluster {
// constructors
protected ChipFlowMeasurement (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected ChipFlowMeasurement (IntPtr handle);
public ChipFlowMeasurement (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual void ReadAttributeClusterRevision (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeClusterRevisionAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeMaxMeasuredValue (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeMaxMeasuredValueAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeMeasuredValue (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeMeasuredValueAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeMinMeasuredValue (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeMinMeasuredValueAsync ();
public abstract class ChipKeypair : Foundation.NSObject, IChipKeypair, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
protected ChipKeypair ();
protected ChipKeypair (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected ChipKeypair (IntPtr handle);
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSData EcdsaSignHash (Foundation.NSData hash);
public virtual IntPtr GetPubKeyRef ();
public virtual bool Initialize ();
public class ChipOccupancySensing : Chip.ChipCluster {
// constructors
protected ChipOccupancySensing (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected ChipOccupancySensing (IntPtr handle);
public ChipOccupancySensing (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual void ConfigureAttributeOccupancy (ushort minInterval, ushort maxInterval, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ConfigureAttributeOccupancyAsync (ushort minInterval, ushort maxInterval);
public virtual void ReadAttributeClusterRevision (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeClusterRevisionAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeOccupancy (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeOccupancyAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeOccupancySensorType (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeOccupancySensorTypeAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeOccupancySensorTypeBitmap (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeOccupancySensorTypeBitmapAsync ();
public virtual void ReportAttributeOccupancy (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReportAttributeOccupancyAsync ();
public class ChipOnOffSwitchConfiguration : Chip.ChipCluster {
// constructors
protected ChipOnOffSwitchConfiguration (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected ChipOnOffSwitchConfiguration (IntPtr handle);
public ChipOnOffSwitchConfiguration (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual void ReadAttributeClusterRevision (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeClusterRevisionAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeSwitchActions (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeSwitchActionsAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeSwitchType (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeSwitchTypeAsync ();
public virtual void WriteAttributeSwitchActions (byte value, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeSwitchActionsAsync (byte value);
public class ChipOtaSoftwareUpdateProvider : Chip.ChipCluster {
// constructors
protected ChipOtaSoftwareUpdateProvider (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected ChipOtaSoftwareUpdateProvider (IntPtr handle);
public ChipOtaSoftwareUpdateProvider (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual void ApplyUpdateRequest (Foundation.NSData updateToken, uint newVersion, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ApplyUpdateRequestAsync (Foundation.NSData updateToken, uint newVersion);
public virtual void NotifyUpdateApplied (Foundation.NSData updateToken, uint currentVersion, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> NotifyUpdateAppliedAsync (Foundation.NSData updateToken, uint currentVersion);
public virtual void QueryImage (ushort vendorId, ushort productId, ushort imageType, ushort hardwareVersion, uint currentVersion, byte protocolsSupported, string location, bool requestorCanConsent, Foundation.NSData metadataForProvider, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> QueryImageAsync (ushort vendorId, ushort productId, ushort imageType, ushort hardwareVersion, uint currentVersion, byte protocolsSupported, string location, bool requestorCanConsent, Foundation.NSData metadataForProvider);
public virtual void ReadAttributeClusterRevision (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeClusterRevisionAsync ();
public class ChipPressureMeasurement : Chip.ChipCluster {
// constructors
protected ChipPressureMeasurement (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected ChipPressureMeasurement (IntPtr handle);
public ChipPressureMeasurement (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual void ConfigureAttributeMeasuredValue (ushort minInterval, ushort maxInterval, short change, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ConfigureAttributeMeasuredValueAsync (ushort minInterval, ushort maxInterval, short change);
public virtual void ReadAttributeClusterRevision (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeClusterRevisionAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeMaxMeasuredValue (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeMaxMeasuredValueAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeMeasuredValue (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeMeasuredValueAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeMinMeasuredValue (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeMinMeasuredValueAsync ();
public virtual void ReportAttributeMeasuredValue (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReportAttributeMeasuredValueAsync ();
public class ChipThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration : Chip.ChipCluster {
// constructors
protected ChipThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected ChipThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration (IntPtr handle);
public ChipThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual void ReadAttributeClusterRevision (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeClusterRevisionAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeKeypadLockout (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeKeypadLockoutAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeScheduleProgrammingVisibility (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTemperatureDisplayMode (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTemperatureDisplayModeAsync ();
public virtual void WriteAttributeKeypadLockout (byte value, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeKeypadLockoutAsync (byte value);
public virtual void WriteAttributeScheduleProgrammingVisibility (byte value, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeScheduleProgrammingVisibilityAsync (byte value);
public virtual void WriteAttributeTemperatureDisplayMode (byte value, ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> WriteAttributeTemperatureDisplayModeAsync (byte value);
public class ChipThreadNetworkDiagnostics : Chip.ChipCluster {
// constructors
protected ChipThreadNetworkDiagnostics (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected ChipThreadNetworkDiagnostics (IntPtr handle);
public ChipThreadNetworkDiagnostics (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual void ReadAttributeActiveNetworkFaultsList (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeActiveNetworkFaultsListAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeAttachAttemptCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeAttachAttemptCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeBetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeBetterPartitionAttachAttemptCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeChannel (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeChannelAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeChannelMask (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeChannelMaskAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeChildRoleCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeChildRoleCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeClusterRevision (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeClusterRevisionAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeDataVersion (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeDataVersionAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeDetachedRoleCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeDetachedRoleCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeExtendedPanId (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeExtendedPanIdAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeLeaderRoleCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeLeaderRoleCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeLeaderRouterId (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeLeaderRouterIdAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeMeshLocalPrefix (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeMeshLocalPrefixAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeNeighborTableList (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeNeighborTableListAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeNetworkName (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeNetworkNameAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeOperationalDatasetComponents (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeOperationalDatasetComponentsAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeOverrunCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeOverrunCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributePanId (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributePanIdAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeParentChangeCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeParentChangeCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributePartitionId (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributePartitionIdAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributePartitionIdChangeCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributePartitionIdChangeCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRouteTableList (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRouteTableListAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRouterRoleCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRouterRoleCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRoutingRole (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRoutingRoleAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxAddressFilteredCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxAddressFilteredCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxBeaconCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxBeaconCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxBeaconRequestCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxBeaconRequestCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxBroadcastCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxBroadcastCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxDataCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxDataCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxDataPollCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxDataPollCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxDestAddrFilteredCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxDestAddrFilteredCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxDuplicatedCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxDuplicatedCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxErrFcsCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxErrFcsCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxErrInvalidSrcAddrCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxErrNoFrameCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxErrNoFrameCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxErrOtherCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxErrOtherCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxErrSecCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxErrSecCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxErrUnknownNeighborCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxErrUnknownNeighborCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxOtherCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxOtherCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxTotalCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxTotalCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRxUnicastCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRxUnicastCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeSecurityPolicy (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeSecurityPolicyAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeStableDataVersion (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeStableDataVersionAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxAckRequestedCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxAckRequestedCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxAckedCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxAckedCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxBeaconCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxBeaconCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxBeaconRequestCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxBeaconRequestCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxBroadcastCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxBroadcastCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxDataCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxDataCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxDataPollCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxDataPollCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxErrAbortCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxErrAbortCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxErrBusyChannelCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxErrBusyChannelCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxErrCcaCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxErrCcaCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxNoAckRequestedCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxNoAckRequestedCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxOtherCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxOtherCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxRetryCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxRetryCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxTotalCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxTotalCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeTxUnicastCount (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeTxUnicastCountAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeWeighting (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeWeightingAsync ();
public virtual void ResetCounts (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ResetCountsAsync ();
public class ChipThreadOperationalDataset : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public ChipThreadOperationalDataset (Foundation.NSData data);
protected ChipThreadOperationalDataset (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected ChipThreadOperationalDataset (IntPtr handle);
public ChipThreadOperationalDataset (string networkName, Foundation.NSData extendedPanId, Foundation.NSData masterKey, Foundation.NSData PSKc, ushort channel, Foundation.NSData panId);
// properties
public virtual ushort Channel { get; set; }
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSData ExtendedPanId { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSData MasterKey { get; }
public virtual string NetworkName { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSData PSKc { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSData PanId { get; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSData GetAsData ();
public class ChipWiFiNetworkDiagnostics : Chip.ChipCluster {
// constructors
protected ChipWiFiNetworkDiagnostics (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected ChipWiFiNetworkDiagnostics (IntPtr handle);
public ChipWiFiNetworkDiagnostics (ChipDevice device, ushort endpoint, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue queue);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual void ReadAttributeBssid (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeBssidAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeChannelNumber (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeChannelNumberAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeClusterRevision (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeClusterRevisionAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeRssi (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeRssiAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeSecurityType (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeSecurityTypeAsync ();
public virtual void ReadAttributeWiFiVersion (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ReadAttributeWiFiVersionAsync ();
public virtual void ResetCounts (ChipResponseHandler responseHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ChipReadAttributeResult> ResetCountsAsync ();
public interface IChipKeypair : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSData EcdsaSignHash (Foundation.NSData hash);
public virtual IntPtr GetPubKeyRef ();
public virtual bool Initialize ();
Added value:
None = 1000,
Added value:
InvalidAccountCredentials = 10,
Added property:
public virtual bool ShouldRefetchContacts { get; set; }
Added property:
public virtual CAFrameRateRange PreferredFrameRateRange { get; set; }
Obsoleted fields:
[Obsolete ("Use 'M11' instead.")]
public nfloat m11;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M12' instead.")]
public nfloat m12;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M13' instead.")]
public nfloat m13;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M14' instead.")]
public nfloat m14;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M21' instead.")]
public nfloat m21;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M22' instead.")]
public nfloat m22;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M23' instead.")]
public nfloat m23;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M24' instead.")]
public nfloat m24;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M31' instead.")]
public nfloat m31;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M32' instead.")]
public nfloat m32;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M33' instead.")]
public nfloat m33;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M34' instead.")]
public nfloat m34;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M41' instead.")]
public nfloat m41;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M42' instead.")]
public nfloat m42;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M43' instead.")]
public nfloat m43;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M44' instead.")]
public nfloat m44;
Added properties:
public nfloat M11 { get; set; }
public nfloat M12 { get; set; }
public nfloat M13 { get; set; }
public nfloat M14 { get; set; }
public nfloat M21 { get; set; }
public nfloat M22 { get; set; }
public nfloat M23 { get; set; }
public nfloat M24 { get; set; }
public nfloat M31 { get; set; }
public nfloat M32 { get; set; }
public nfloat M33 { get; set; }
public nfloat M34 { get; set; }
public nfloat M41 { get; set; }
public nfloat M42 { get; set; }
public nfloat M43 { get; set; }
public nfloat M44 { get; set; }
public struct CAFrameRateRange {
// fields
public float Maximum;
public float Minimum;
public float Preferred;
// properties
public static CAFrameRateRange Default { get; }
// methods
public static CAFrameRateRange Create (float minimum, float maximum, float preferred);
public bool IsEqualTo (CAFrameRateRange other);
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CFRunLoop ();
Modified base type:
Modified constructors:
-public CFRunLoopSource (IntPtr handle, bool ownsHandle)
+public CFRunLoopSource (IntPtr handle, bool owns)
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CFRunLoopSource ();
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~CFSocket ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Removed constructor:
protected CFStream (IntPtr handle);
Added constructor:
protected CFStream (IntPtr handle, bool owns);
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~CFStream ();
Obsoleted methods:
[Obsolete ("Call 'GetCheckedHandle ()' instead.")]
protected void CheckHandle ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CFUrl ();
Modified base type:
Added constructor:
protected NativeObject (IntPtr handle, bool owns, bool verify);
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
protected override IntPtr Handle { get; set; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
public IntPtr GetCheckedHandle ();
protected virtual void InitializeHandle (IntPtr handle);
protected override void ~NativeObject ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Obsoleted fields:
[Obsolete ("Use 'Tx' instead.")]
public nfloat x0;
[Obsolete ("Use 'A' instead.")]
public nfloat xx;
[Obsolete ("Use 'C' instead.")]
public nfloat xy;
[Obsolete ("Use 'Ty' instead.")]
public nfloat y0;
[Obsolete ("Use 'B' instead.")]
public nfloat yx;
[Obsolete ("Use 'D' instead.")]
public nfloat yy;
Added properties:
public nfloat A { get; set; }
public nfloat B { get; set; }
public nfloat C { get; set; }
public nfloat D { get; set; }
public nfloat Tx { get; set; }
public nfloat Ty { get; set; }
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGColorConversionInfo ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGColorSpace ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Added properties:
public static Foundation.NSString ItuR_2020_sRgbGamma { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString ItuR_709_PQ { get; }
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGContext ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGDataConsumer ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
public void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGEvent ();
Modified base type:
Modified constructors:
-public CGEventSource (IntPtr handle, bool ownsHandle)
+public CGEventSource (IntPtr handle, bool owns)
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
public void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGEventSource ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGFont ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGGradient ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGImage ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGLayer ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interface:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGPDFContentStream ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interface:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGPDFDocument ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGPDFOperatorTable ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGPDFPage ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~CGPDFScanner ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interface:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGPath ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGShading ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Added method:
public override string ToString ();
public static class CGDisplayStreamKeys {
// properties
public static Foundation.NSString ColorSpace { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString DestinationRect { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString MinimumFrameTime { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString PreserveAspectRatio { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString QueueDepth { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString ShowCursor { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString SourceRect { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString YCbCrMatrix { get; }
public static class CGDisplayStreamYCbCrMatrixOptionKeys {
// properties
public static Foundation.NSString Itu_R_601_4 { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString Itu_R_709_2 { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString Smpte_240M_1995 { get; }
Added property:
public CIImage InputImage { get; set; }
Added property:
public CIImage InputImage { get; set; }
Added property:
public CIImage InputImage { get; set; }
Added property:
public CIImage InputImage { get; set; }
Added property:
public CIImage InputImage { get; set; }
Added property:
public CIImage InputImage { get; set; }
Added property:
public CIImage InputImage { get; set; }
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CMClockOrTimebase ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CMMemoryPool ();
Modified base type:
Removed interface:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~CMSampleBuffer ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
protected void CheckHandle ();
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CFHTTPAuthentication ();
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
protected void CheckHandle ();
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CFHTTPMessage ();
Added property:
public ulong FileId { get; }
Added constructor:
public FSEventStream (FSEventStreamCreateOptions options);
Added property:
public ulong DeviceBeingWatched { get; }
Removed method:
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
Added methods:
public void SetDispatchQueue (CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue dispatchQueue);
public void UnscheduleFromRunLoop (CoreFoundation.CFRunLoop runLoop);
public void UnscheduleFromRunLoop (Foundation.NSRunLoop runLoop);
public void UnscheduleFromRunLoop (CoreFoundation.CFRunLoop runLoop, Foundation.NSString runLoopMode);
public void UnscheduleFromRunLoop (Foundation.NSRunLoop runLoop, Foundation.NSString runLoopMode);
public sealed class FSEventStreamCreateOptions {
// constructors
public FSEventStreamCreateOptions ();
public FSEventStreamCreateOptions (FSEventStreamCreateFlags flags, System.TimeSpan latency, string[] pathsToWatch);
public FSEventStreamCreateOptions (FSEventStreamCreateFlags flags, System.TimeSpan latency, ulong deviceToWatch, string[] pathsToWatchRelativeToDevice);
// properties
public CoreFoundation.CFAllocator Allocator { get; set; }
public ulong? DeviceToWatch { get; set; }
public FSEventStreamCreateFlags Flags { get; set; }
public System.TimeSpan Latency { get; set; }
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<string> PathsToWatch { get; set; }
public ulong? SinceWhenId { get; set; }
// methods
public FSEventStream CreateStream ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTFont ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTFontCollection ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTFontDescriptor ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTFrame ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTFramesetter ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTGlyphInfo ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTLine ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTParagraphStyle ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTRun ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTTextTab ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CTTypesetter ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CVBuffer ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~CVDisplayLink ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CVMetalTexture ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CVMetalTextureCache ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CVPixelBufferPool ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~Message ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~SystemLog ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Added value:
VersionNoLongerAvailable = -2009,
public interface INSFileProviderPartialContentFetching : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSProgress FetchPartialContents (string itemIdentifier, NSFileProviderItemVersion requestedVersion, NSFileProviderRequest request, Foundation.NSRange requestedRange, nuint alignment, NSFileProviderFetchContentsOptions options, NSFileProviderPartialContentFetchingCompletionHandler completionHandler);
public enum NSFileProviderFetchContentsOptions {
StrictVersioning = 1,
public enum NSFileProviderMaterializationFlags {
KnownSparseRanges = 1,
public sealed delegate NSFileProviderPartialContentFetchingCompletionHandler : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public NSFileProviderPartialContentFetchingCompletionHandler (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (Foundation.NSUrl fileContents, INSFileProviderItem item, Foundation.NSRange retrievedRange, NSFileProviderMaterializationFlags flags, Foundation.NSError error, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (Foundation.NSUrl fileContents, INSFileProviderItem item, Foundation.NSRange retrievedRange, NSFileProviderMaterializationFlags flags, Foundation.NSError error);
Added method:
protected string[] GetStringArrayValue (NSString key);
Added methods:
public static T[] ArrayFromHandle<T> (IntPtr handle, System.Converter<System.IntPtr,T> creator, bool releaseHandle);
public static NSArray FromStrings (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<string> items);
Added method:
public void LowlevelSetObject (string str, IntPtr key);
Added interface:
Added methods:
public virtual bool Equals (NSRange other);
public override bool Equals (object obj);
public override int GetHashCode ();
Added method:
public override string ToString ();
Added methods:
public virtual void SetModeFeedback (GCDualSenseAdaptiveTriggerPositionalResistiveStrengths positionalResistiveStrengths);
public virtual void SetModeSlopeFeedback (float startPosition, float endPosition, float startStrength, float endStrength);
public virtual void SetModeVibration (GCDualSenseAdaptiveTriggerPositionalAmplitudes positionalAmplitudes, float frequency);
Added value:
SlopeFeedback = 4,
Added values:
SlopeFeedbackApplyingLoad = 8,
SlopeFeedbackFinished = 9,
SlopeFeedbackReady = 7,
public struct GCDualSenseAdaptiveTriggerPositionalAmplitudes {
// constructors
public GCDualSenseAdaptiveTriggerPositionalAmplitudes (float[] values);
// fields
public float[] Values;
public struct GCDualSenseAdaptiveTriggerPositionalResistiveStrengths {
// constructors
public GCDualSenseAdaptiveTriggerPositionalResistiveStrengths (float[] values);
// fields
public float[] Values;
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGImageDestination ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGImageMetadata ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGImageMetadataTag ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGImageSource ();
Added property:
public virtual bool RemovedOnCompletion { get; set; }
Added property:
public virtual Foundation.NSNumber MaxBiometryFailures { get; set; }
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~MTAudioProcessingTap ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Obsoleted fields:
[Obsolete ("Use 'macOS_GPUFamily1_v1' instead.")]
OSX_GPUFamily1_v1 = 10000,
[Obsolete ("Use 'macOS_GPUFamily1_v2' instead.")]
OSX_GPUFamily1_v2 = 10001,
[Obsolete ("Use 'macOS_ReadWriteTextureTier2' instead.")]
OSX_ReadWriteTextureTier2 = 10002,
[Obsolete ("Use 'tvOS_GPUFamily1_v1' instead.")]
TVOS_GPUFamily1_v1 = 30000,
Added value:
tvOS_GPUFamily1_v1 = 30000,
Added property:
public virtual MPSDataType KernelWeightsDataType { get; }
Added method:
public static MPSDataType GetKernelWeightsDataType (this IMPSCnnConvolutionDataSource This);
Added methods:
public static MPSNDArray Create (Metal.IMTLDevice device, System.ReadOnlySpan<float> values, int[] shape);
public void Read (System.Span<float> values);
public void Write (System.ReadOnlySpan<float> values);
Added methods:
public NWConnection ExtractConnection (NWEndpoint endpoint, NWProtocolOptions protocolOptions);
public NWProtocolMetadata GetProtocolMetadata (NWContentContext context);
public NWProtocolMetadata GetProtocolMetadata (NWContentContext context, NWProtocolDefinition definition);
public void SetNewConnectionHandler (System.Action<NWConnection> handler);
public bool TryReinsertExtractedConnection (NWConnection connection);
Added method:
public NWInterfaceRadioType get_path_radio_type (uint pathIndex);
Added method:
public void EnumerateResolutionReports (System.Action<NWResolutionReport> handler);
Added method:
public void SetNewConnectionGroupHandler (System.Action<NWConnectionGroup> handler);
Added property:
public NWParametersAttribution Attribution { get; set; }
Added methods:
public static NWParameters CreateQuic (System.Action<NWProtocolOptions> configureQuic);
public void SetPrivacyContext (NWPrivacyContext privacyContext);
Added method:
public void ProhibitInterfaceType (NWInterfaceType interfaceType);
Added method:
public static NWProtocolDefinition CreateQuicDefinition ();
Added method:
public void DisableMulticastLoopback (bool disable);
Added property:
public bool IsQuic { get; }
Added property:
public bool IsQuic { get; }
Added method:
[Obsolete ("Use the 'NWProtocolQuicOptions' class methods and constructors instead.")]
public static NWProtocolOptions CreateQuic ();
Added method:
public void ForceMultipathVersion (NWMultipathVersion version);
public enum NWInterfaceRadioType {
CellCdma = 135,
CellEndcMmw = 130,
CellEndcSub6 = 129,
CellEvdo = 136,
CellGsm = 134,
CellLte = 128,
CellNrSaMmw = 132,
CellNrSaSub6 = 131,
CellWcdma = 133,
Unknown = 0,
WifiA = 2,
WifiAC = 5,
WifiAX = 6,
WifiB = 1,
WifiG = 3,
WifiN = 4,
public enum NWMultipathVersion {
Unspecified = -1,
Version0 = 0,
Version1 = 1,
public class NWMultiplexGroup : Network.NWMulticastGroup {
// constructors
public NWMultiplexGroup (NWEndpoint endpoint);
public enum NWParametersAttribution {
Developer = 1,
User = 2,
public class NWPrivacyContext : CoreFoundation.NativeObject {
// constructors
public NWPrivacyContext (string description);
public NWPrivacyContext (IntPtr handle, bool owns);
// properties
public static NWPrivacyContext Default { get; }
// methods
public void DisableLogging ();
public void FlushCache ();
public void RequireEncryptedNameResolution (bool requireEncryptedNameResolution, NWResolverConfig fallbackResolverConfig);
public class NWProtocolQuicOptions : Network.NWProtocolOptions {
// constructors
public NWProtocolQuicOptions ();
// properties
public uint IdleTimeout { get; set; }
public ulong InitialMaxData { get; set; }
public ulong InitialMaxStreamDataBidirectionalLocal { get; set; }
public ulong InitialMaxStreamDataBidirectionalRemote { get; set; }
public ulong InitialMaxStreamDataUnidirectional { get; set; }
public ulong InitialMaxStreamsBidirectional { get; set; }
public ulong InitialMaxStreamsUnidirectional { get; set; }
public ushort MaxUdpPayloadSize { get; set; }
public Security.SecProtocolOptions SecProtocolOptions { get; }
public bool StreamIsUnidirectional { get; set; }
// methods
public void AddTlsApplicationProtocol (string applicationProtocol);
public class NWQuicMetadata : Network.NWProtocolMetadata {
// constructors
public NWQuicMetadata (IntPtr handle, bool owns);
// properties
public System.ValueTuple<System.UInt64,System.String> ApplicationError { get; set; }
public ulong ApplicationErrorCode { get; }
public string ApplicationErrorReason { get; }
public ushort KeepaliveInterval { get; set; }
public ulong LocalMaxStreamsUnidirectional { get; set; }
public ulong MaxStreamsBidirectional { get; set; }
public ulong RemoteIdleTimeout { get; }
public ulong RemoteMaxStreamsBidirectional { get; }
public ulong RemoteMaxStreamsUnidirectional { get; }
public Security.SecProtocolMetadata SecProtocolMetadata { get; }
public ulong StreamApplicationError { get; set; }
public ulong StreamId { get; }
public enum NWReportResolutionProtocol {
Https = 4,
Tcp = 2,
Tls = 3,
Udp = 1,
Unknown = 0,
public class NWResolutionReport : CoreFoundation.NativeObject {
// properties
public uint EndpointCount { get; }
public ulong Milliseconds { get; }
public NWEndpoint PreferredEndpoint { get; }
public NWReportResolutionProtocol Protocol { get; }
public NWReportResolutionSource Source { get; }
public NWEndpoint SuccessfulEndpoint { get; }
public class NWResolverConfig : CoreFoundation.NativeObject {
// constructors
public NWResolverConfig (NWEndpoint urlEndpoint, NWResolverConfigEndpointType endpointType);
public NWResolverConfig (IntPtr handle, bool owns);
// methods
public void AddServerAddress (NWEndpoint serverAddress);
public enum NWResolverConfigEndpointType {
Https = 0,
Tls = 1,
Modified fields:
-public const string SdkVersion = "12.0";
+public const string SdkVersion = "12.3";
-public const string Version = "8.2.0";
+public const string Version = "8.11.0";
Added fields:
public static const string MetalPerformanceShadersGraphLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.framework/MetalPerformanceShadersGraph";
public static const string ScreenCaptureKitLibrary = "/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenCaptureKit.framework/ScreenCaptureKit";
Obsoleted constructors:
[Obsolete ("Use the overload that takes '(major, minor, subminor)', since macOS is always 64-bit.")]
public MacAttribute (byte major, byte minor, PlatformArchitecture arch);
Added method:
public static IntPtr GetCheckedHandle (this INativeObject self);
Added methods:
public static void ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (string argumentName, string message);
public static void ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (string argumentName, object actualValue, string message);
public abstract class DisposableObject : INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
protected DisposableObject ();
protected DisposableObject (IntPtr handle, bool owns);
protected DisposableObject (IntPtr handle, bool owns, bool verify);
// properties
protected override IntPtr Handle { get; set; }
protected bool Owns { get; }
// methods
protected void ClearHandle ();
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
public IntPtr GetCheckedHandle ();
protected virtual void InitializeHandle (IntPtr handle);
protected override void ~DisposableObject ();
public sealed class NativeNameAttribute : System.Attribute {
// constructors
public NativeNameAttribute (string name);
// properties
public string NativeName { get; set; }
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGLContext ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~CGLPixelFormat ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified constructors:
-public NMatrix2 (float r0c0, float r0c1---m12---, float r1c0---m21---, float r1c1---m22---)
+public NMatrix2 (float m11, float +++r0c1+++m12, float +++r1c0+++m21, float +++r1c1+++m22)
Obsoleted fields:
[Obsolete ("Use 'M11' instead.")]
public float R0C0;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M12' instead.")]
public float R0C1;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M21' instead.")]
public float R1C0;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M22' instead.")]
public float R1C1;
Added properties:
public float M11 { get; set; }
public float M12 { get; set; }
public float M21 { get; set; }
public float M22 { get; set; }
Added method:
public float GetDeterminant ();
Modified constructors:
-public NMatrix3 (float r0c0, float r0c1---m12---, float r0c2---m13---, float r1c0---m21---, float r1c1---m22---, float r1c2---m23---, float r2c0---m31---, float r2c1---m32---, float r2c2---m33---)
+public NMatrix3 (float m11, float +++r0c1+++m12, float +++r0c2+++m13, float +++r1c0+++m21, float +++r1c1+++m22, float +++r1c2+++m23, float +++r2c0+++m31, float +++r2c1+++m32, float +++r2c2+++m33)
Obsoleted fields:
[Obsolete ("Use 'M11' instead.")]
public float R0C0;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M12' instead.")]
public float R0C1;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M13' instead.")]
public float R0C2;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M21' instead.")]
public float R1C0;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M22' instead.")]
public float R1C1;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M23' instead.")]
public float R1C2;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M31' instead.")]
public float R2C0;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M32' instead.")]
public float R2C1;
[Obsolete ("Use 'M33' instead.")]
public float R2C2;
Added properties:
public float M11 { get; set; }
public float M12 { get; set; }
public float M13 { get; set; }
public float M21 { get; set; }
public float M22 { get; set; }
public float M23 { get; set; }
public float M31 { get; set; }
public float M32 { get; set; }
public float M33 { get; set; }
Modified methods:
-public NMatrix3 Transpose (NMatrix3 mat)
+public NMatrix3 Transpose (NMatrix3 matrix)
Added method:
public float GetDeterminant ();
Added property:
public static NVector3 Zero { get; }
Added property:
public static NVector3d Zero { get; }
Added property:
public static Foundation.NSString RecoveredPasses { get; }
Obsoleted fields:
[Obsolete ("Use 'Book2'.")]
Book = 5,
[Obsolete ("Use 'Checkout2'.")]
Checkout = 6,
Added values:
Book2 = 6,
Checkout2 = 5,
Added property:
public static Foundation.NSString Dankort { get; }
Added value:
AnyArea = 9223372036854775807,
Added value:
LibraryInFileProviderSyncRoot = 5423,
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~PMPrintCoreBase ();
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified properties:
-public SCNVector4 Column0 { get; set; }
+public SCNVector4 Column0 { get; }
-public SCNVector4 Column1 { get; set; }
+public SCNVector4 Column1 { get; }
-public SCNVector4 Column2 { get; set; }
+public SCNVector4 Column2 { get; }
-public SCNVector4 Column3 { get; set; }
+public SCNVector4 Column3 { get; }
Added methods:
public static SCNMatrix4 CreateFromColumns (SCNVector4 column0, SCNVector4 column1, SCNVector4 column2, SCNVector4 column3);
public static void CreateFromColumns (SCNVector4 column0, SCNVector4 column1, SCNVector4 column2, SCNVector4 column3, out SCNMatrix4 result);
Obsoleted methods:
[Obsolete ("Use 'GetApplication' instead.")]
public static T FromBundleIdentifier<T> (string ident);
[Obsolete ("Use 'GetApplication' instead.")]
public static SBApplication FromBundleIdentifier (string ident);
[Obsolete ("Use 'GetApplication' instead.")]
public static T FromProcessIdentifier<T> (int pid);
[Obsolete ("Use 'GetApplication' instead.")]
public static SBApplication FromProcessIdentifier (int pid);
[Obsolete ("Use 'GetApplication' instead.")]
public static T FromURL<T> (Foundation.NSUrl url);
[Obsolete ("Use 'GetApplication' instead.")]
public static SBApplication FromURL (Foundation.NSUrl url);
Added methods:
public static T GetApplication<T> (Foundation.NSUrl url);
public static SBApplication GetApplication (Foundation.NSUrl url);
public static T GetApplication<T> (int pid);
public static SBApplication GetApplication (int pid);
public static T GetApplication<T> (string ident);
public static SBApplication GetApplication (string ident);
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SKDocument ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~SKIndex ();
Modified methods:
-protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
+protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
Added methods:
protected override void Release ();
protected override void Retain ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SKSearch ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SKSummary ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected override void ~Authorization ();
Added method:
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SecAccessControl ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SecCertificate ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SecIdentity ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SecKey ();
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SecPolicy ();
Added property:
public bool UseDataProtectionKeychain { get; set; }
Modified base type:
Removed interfaces:
Removed property:
public virtual IntPtr Handle { get; }
Removed methods:
public virtual void Dispose ();
protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing);
protected override void ~SecTrust ();
Obsoleted methods:
[Obsolete ("This API is not available in .NET, use Buffer.MemoryCopy instead.")]
public static void CopyArray (IntPtr source, nfloat[] destination, int startIndex, int length);
[Obsolete ("This API is not available in .NET, use Buffer.MemoryCopy instead.")]
public static void CopyArray (nfloat[] source, int startIndex, IntPtr destination, int length);
Obsoleted methods:
[Obsolete ("This API is not available in .NET, use Buffer.MemoryCopy instead.")]
public static void CopyArray (IntPtr source, nint[] destination, int startIndex, int length);
[Obsolete ("This API is not available in .NET, use Buffer.MemoryCopy instead.")]
public static void CopyArray (nint[] source, int startIndex, IntPtr destination, int length);
Obsoleted methods:
[Obsolete ("This API is not available in .NET, use Buffer.MemoryCopy instead.")]
public static void CopyArray (IntPtr source, nuint[] destination, int startIndex, int length);
[Obsolete ("This API is not available in .NET, use Buffer.MemoryCopy instead.")]
public static void CopyArray (nuint[] source, int startIndex, IntPtr destination, int length);
Added property:
public static Foundation.NSString OutputBitDepth { get; }
Removed methods:
public void Dispose ();
protected override void ~VTCompressionSession ();
Modified methods:
-public VTStatus EncodeFrame (CoreVideo.CVImageBuffer imageBuffer, CoreMedia.CMTime presentationTimestampe, CoreMedia.CMTime duration, Foundation.NSDictionary frameProperties, IntPtr sourceFrame, out VTEncodeInfoFlags infoFlags)
+public VTStatus EncodeFrame (CoreVideo.CVImageBuffer imageBuffer, CoreMedia.CMTime presentationTimestamp, CoreMedia.CMTime duration, Foundation.NSDictionary frameProperties, IntPtr sourceFrame, out VTEncodeInfoFlags infoFlags)
Added method:
public VTStatus EncodeFrame (CoreVideo.CVImageBuffer imageBuffer, CoreMedia.CMTime presentationTimestamp, CoreMedia.CMTime duration, Foundation.NSDictionary frameProperties, CoreVideo.CVImageBuffer sourceFrame, out VTEncodeInfoFlags infoFlags);
Added property:
public static Foundation.NSString Hevc_Main42210_AutoLevel { get; }
Added properties:
public virtual bool ElementFullscreenEnabled { get; set; }
public virtual bool SiteSpecificQuirksModeEnabled { get; set; }
Added property:
public virtual WKFullscreenState FullscreenState { get; }
Added methods:
[Obsolete ("Use 'CloseAllMediaPresentations (Action completionHandler)' instead.")]
public virtual void CloseAllMediaPresentations ();
[Obsolete ("Use 'SetAllMediaPlaybackSuspended' instead.")]
public virtual void ResumeAllMediaPlayback (System.Action completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task ResumeAllMediaPlaybackAsync ();
[Obsolete ("Use 'SetAllMediaPlaybackSuspended' instead.")]
public virtual void SuspendAllMediaPlayback (System.Action completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task SuspendAllMediaPlaybackAsync ();
public enum WKFullscreenState {
EnteringFullscreen = 1,
ExitingFullscreen = 3,
InFullscreen = 2,
NotInFullscreen = 0,
public class MPSGraph : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public MPSGraph ();
protected MPSGraph (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraph (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual MPSGraphOptions Options { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphTensor[] PlaceholderTensors { get; }
// methods
public virtual MPSGraphExecutable Compile (MPSGraphDevice device, Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphShapedType> feeds, MPSGraphTensor[] targetTensors, MPSGraphOperation[] targetOperations, MPSGraphCompilationDescriptor compilationDescriptor);
public static MPSGraph Create ();
public virtual void Encode (MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSCommandBuffer commandBuffer, Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> feeds, MPSGraphOperation[] targetOperations, Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> resultsDictionary, MPSGraphExecutionDescriptor executionDescriptor);
public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> Encode (MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSCommandBuffer commandBuffer, Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> feeds, MPSGraphTensor[] targetTensors, MPSGraphOperation[] targetOperations, MPSGraphExecutionDescriptor executionDescriptor);
public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> Run (Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> feeds, MPSGraphTensor[] targetTensors, MPSGraphOperation[] targetOperations);
public virtual void Run (Metal.IMTLCommandQueue commandQueue, Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> feeds, MPSGraphOperation[] targetOperations, Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> resultsDictionary);
public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> Run (Metal.IMTLCommandQueue commandQueue, Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> feeds, MPSGraphTensor[] targetTensors, MPSGraphOperation[] targetOperations);
public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> RunAsync (Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> feeds, MPSGraphTensor[] targetTensors, MPSGraphOperation[] targetOperations, MPSGraphExecutionDescriptor executionDescriptor);
public virtual void RunAsync (Metal.IMTLCommandQueue commandQueue, Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> feeds, MPSGraphOperation[] targetOperations, Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> resultsDictionary, MPSGraphExecutionDescriptor executionDescriptor);
public virtual Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> RunAsync (Metal.IMTLCommandQueue commandQueue, Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> feeds, MPSGraphTensor[] targetTensors, MPSGraphOperation[] targetOperations, MPSGraphExecutionDescriptor executionDescriptor);
public class MPSGraphCompilationDescriptor : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public MPSGraphCompilationDescriptor ();
protected MPSGraphCompilationDescriptor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphCompilationDescriptor (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public virtual void DisableTypeInference ();
public sealed delegate MPSGraphCompletionHandler : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public MPSGraphCompletionHandler (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> resultsDictionary, Foundation.NSError error, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> resultsDictionary, Foundation.NSError error);
public sealed delegate MPSGraphControlFlowDependencyBlock : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public MPSGraphControlFlowDependencyBlock (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual MPSGraphTensor[] EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual MPSGraphTensor[] Invoke ();
public class MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor ();
protected MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout DataLayout { get; set; }
public virtual nuint DilationRateInX { get; set; }
public virtual nuint DilationRateInY { get; set; }
public virtual nuint Groups { get; set; }
public virtual nuint PaddingBottom { get; set; }
public virtual nuint PaddingLeft { get; set; }
public virtual nuint PaddingRight { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphPaddingStyle PaddingStyle { get; set; }
public virtual nuint PaddingTop { get; set; }
public virtual nuint StrideInX { get; set; }
public virtual nuint StrideInY { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout WeightsLayout { get; set; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public static MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor Create (nuint strideInX, nuint strideInY, nuint dilationRateInX, nuint dilationRateInY, nuint groups, MPSGraphPaddingStyle paddingStyle, MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout dataLayout, MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout weightsLayout);
public static MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor Create (nuint strideInX, nuint strideInY, nuint dilationRateInX, nuint dilationRateInY, nuint groups, nuint paddingLeft, nuint paddingRight, nuint paddingTop, nuint paddingBottom, MPSGraphPaddingStyle paddingStyle, MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout dataLayout, MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout weightsLayout);
public virtual void SetExplicitPadding (nuint paddingLeft, nuint paddingRight, nuint paddingTop, nuint paddingBottom);
public class MPSGraphCreateSparseOpDescriptor : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public MPSGraphCreateSparseOpDescriptor ();
protected MPSGraphCreateSparseOpDescriptor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphCreateSparseOpDescriptor (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType DataType { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphSparseStorageType SparseStorageType { get; set; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public static MPSGraphCreateSparseOpDescriptor Create (MPSGraphSparseStorageType sparseStorageType, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType dataType);
public class MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution2DOpDescriptor : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution2DOpDescriptor ();
protected MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution2DOpDescriptor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution2DOpDescriptor (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout DataLayout { get; set; }
public virtual nuint DilationRateInX { get; set; }
public virtual nuint DilationRateInY { get; set; }
public virtual nuint PaddingBottom { get; set; }
public virtual nuint PaddingLeft { get; set; }
public virtual nuint PaddingRight { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphPaddingStyle PaddingStyle { get; set; }
public virtual nuint PaddingTop { get; set; }
public virtual nuint StrideInX { get; set; }
public virtual nuint StrideInY { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout WeightsLayout { get; set; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public static MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution2DOpDescriptor Create (MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout dataLayout, MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout weightsLayout);
public static MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution2DOpDescriptor Create (nuint strideInX, nuint strideInY, nuint dilationRateInX, nuint dilationRateInY, nuint paddingLeft, nuint paddingRight, nuint paddingTop, nuint paddingBottom, MPSGraphPaddingStyle paddingStyle, MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout dataLayout, MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout weightsLayout);
public virtual void SetExplicitPadding (nuint paddingLeft, nuint paddingRight, nuint paddingTop, nuint paddingBottom);
public class MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution3DOpDescriptor : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution3DOpDescriptor ();
protected MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution3DOpDescriptor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution3DOpDescriptor (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public virtual nint ChannelDimensionIndex { get; set; }
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual int[] DilationRates { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphPaddingStyle PaddingStyle { get; set; }
public virtual int[] PaddingValues { get; set; }
public virtual int[] Strides { get; set; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public static MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution3DOpDescriptor Create (MPSGraphPaddingStyle paddingStyle);
public static MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution3DOpDescriptor Create (int[] strides, int[] dilationRates, int[] paddingValues, MPSGraphPaddingStyle paddingStyle);
public class MPSGraphDevice : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public MPSGraphDevice ();
protected MPSGraphDevice (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphDevice (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual Metal.IMTLDevice MetalDevice { get; }
public virtual MPSGraphDeviceType Type { get; }
// methods
public static MPSGraphDevice Create (Metal.IMTLDevice metalDevice);
public enum MPSGraphDeviceType {
Metal = 0,
public class MPSGraphExecutable : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public MPSGraphExecutable ();
protected MPSGraphExecutable (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphExecutable (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual MPSGraphTensor[] FeedTensors { get; }
public virtual MPSGraphOptions Options { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphTensor[] TargetTensors { get; }
// methods
public virtual MPSGraphTensorData[] Encode (MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSCommandBuffer commandBuffer, MPSGraphTensorData[] inputsArray, MPSGraphTensorData[] resultsArray, MPSGraphExecutableExecutionDescriptor executionDescriptor);
public virtual MPSGraphTensorData[] Run (Metal.IMTLCommandQueue commandQueue, MPSGraphTensorData[] inputsArray, MPSGraphTensorData[] resultsArray, MPSGraphExecutableExecutionDescriptor executionDescriptor);
public virtual MPSGraphTensorData[] RunAsync (Metal.IMTLCommandQueue commandQueue, MPSGraphTensorData[] inputsArray, MPSGraphTensorData[] resultsArray, MPSGraphExecutableExecutionDescriptor executionDescriptor);
public virtual void Specialize (MPSGraphDevice device, MPSGraphType[] inputTypes, MPSGraphCompilationDescriptor compilationDescriptor);
public sealed delegate MPSGraphExecutableCompletionHandler : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public MPSGraphExecutableCompletionHandler (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (MPSGraphTensorData[] results, Foundation.NSError error, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (MPSGraphTensorData[] results, Foundation.NSError error);
public class MPSGraphExecutableExecutionDescriptor : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public MPSGraphExecutableExecutionDescriptor ();
protected MPSGraphExecutableExecutionDescriptor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphExecutableExecutionDescriptor (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual MPSGraphExecutableCompletionHandler CompletionHandler { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphExecutableScheduledHandler ScheduledHandler { get; set; }
public virtual bool WaitUntilCompleted { get; set; }
public sealed delegate MPSGraphExecutableScheduledHandler : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public MPSGraphExecutableScheduledHandler (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (MPSGraphTensorData[] results, Foundation.NSError error, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (MPSGraphTensorData[] results, Foundation.NSError error);
public class MPSGraphExecutionDescriptor : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public MPSGraphExecutionDescriptor ();
protected MPSGraphExecutionDescriptor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphExecutionDescriptor (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual MPSGraphCompletionHandler CompletionHandler { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphScheduledHandler ScheduledHandler { get; set; }
public virtual bool WaitUntilCompleted { get; set; }
public sealed delegate MPSGraphForLoopBodyBlock : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public MPSGraphForLoopBodyBlock (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (MPSGraphTensor index, MPSGraphTensor[] iterationArguments, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual MPSGraphTensor[] EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual MPSGraphTensor[] Invoke (MPSGraphTensor index, MPSGraphTensor[] iterationArguments);
public sealed delegate MPSGraphIfThenElseBlock : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public MPSGraphIfThenElseBlock (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual MPSGraphTensor[] EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual MPSGraphTensor[] Invoke ();
public enum MPSGraphLossReductionType {
Axis = 0,
Mean = 2,
Sum = 1,
public static class MPSGraphMemoryOps_Extensions {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor Constant (this MPSGraph graph, float scalar);
public static MPSGraphTensor Constant (this MPSGraph graph, System.ReadOnlySpan<float> values, int[] shape);
public static MPSGraphTensor Variable (this MPSGraph graph, System.ReadOnlySpan<float> initialValues, int[] shape, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Variable (this MPSGraph graph, float initialValue, int[] shape, string name);
public class MPSGraphOperation : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
protected MPSGraphOperation (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphOperation (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual MPSGraphOperation[] ControlDependencies { get; }
public virtual MPSGraph Graph { get; }
public virtual MPSGraphTensor[] InputTensors { get; }
public virtual string Name { get; }
public virtual MPSGraphTensor[] OutputTensors { get; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public enum MPSGraphOptions {
Default = 1,
None = 0,
SynchronizeResults = 1,
Verbose = 2,
public enum MPSGraphPaddingMode {
AntiPeriodic = 6,
ClampToEdge = 3,
Constant = 0,
Periodic = 5,
Reflect = 1,
Symmetric = 2,
Zero = 4,
public enum MPSGraphPaddingStyle {
Explicit = 0,
ExplicitOffset = 3,
Same = 2,
Valid = 1,
public class MPSGraphPooling2DOpDescriptor : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public MPSGraphPooling2DOpDescriptor ();
protected MPSGraphPooling2DOpDescriptor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphPooling2DOpDescriptor (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public virtual bool CeilMode { get; set; }
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout DataLayout { get; set; }
public virtual nuint DilationRateInX { get; set; }
public virtual nuint DilationRateInY { get; set; }
public virtual bool IncludeZeroPadToAverage { get; set; }
public virtual nuint KernelHeight { get; set; }
public virtual nuint KernelWidth { get; set; }
public virtual nuint PaddingBottom { get; set; }
public virtual nuint PaddingLeft { get; set; }
public virtual nuint PaddingRight { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphPaddingStyle PaddingStyle { get; set; }
public virtual nuint PaddingTop { get; set; }
public virtual nuint StrideInX { get; set; }
public virtual nuint StrideInY { get; set; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public static MPSGraphPooling2DOpDescriptor Create (nuint kernelWidth, nuint kernelHeight, nuint strideInX, nuint strideInY, MPSGraphPaddingStyle paddingStyle, MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout dataLayout);
public static MPSGraphPooling2DOpDescriptor Create (nuint kernelWidth, nuint kernelHeight, nuint strideInX, nuint strideInY, nuint dilationRateInX, nuint dilationRateInY, nuint paddingLeft, nuint paddingRight, nuint paddingTop, nuint paddingBottom, MPSGraphPaddingStyle paddingStyle, MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout dataLayout);
public virtual void SetExplicitPadding (nuint paddingLeft, nuint paddingRight, nuint paddingTop, nuint paddingBottom);
public class MPSGraphPooling4DOpDescriptor : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public MPSGraphPooling4DOpDescriptor ();
protected MPSGraphPooling4DOpDescriptor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphPooling4DOpDescriptor (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public virtual bool CeilMode { get; set; }
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual int[] DilationRates { get; set; }
public virtual bool IncludeZeroPadToAverage { get; set; }
public virtual int[] KernelSizes { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphPaddingStyle PaddingStyle { get; set; }
public virtual int[] PaddingValues { get; set; }
public virtual int[] Strides { get; set; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public static MPSGraphPooling4DOpDescriptor Create (int[] kernelSizes, MPSGraphPaddingStyle paddingStyle);
public static MPSGraphPooling4DOpDescriptor Create (int[] kernelSizes, int[] strides, int[] dilationRates, int[] paddingValues, MPSGraphPaddingStyle paddingStyle);
public enum MPSGraphRandomDistribution {
Normal = 1,
TruncatedNormal = 2,
Uniform = 0,
public enum MPSGraphRandomNormalSamplingMethod {
BoxMuller = 1,
InvCdf = 0,
public class MPSGraphRandomOpDescriptor : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public MPSGraphRandomOpDescriptor ();
protected MPSGraphRandomOpDescriptor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphRandomOpDescriptor (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType DataType { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphRandomDistribution Distribution { get; set; }
public virtual float Max { get; set; }
public virtual nint MaxInteger { get; set; }
public virtual float Mean { get; set; }
public virtual float Min { get; set; }
public virtual nint MinInteger { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphRandomNormalSamplingMethod SamplingMethod { get; set; }
public virtual float StandardDeviation { get; set; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public static MPSGraphRandomOpDescriptor Create (MPSGraphRandomDistribution distribution, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType dataType);
public enum MPSGraphReductionMode {
ArgumentMax = 5,
ArgumentMin = 4,
Max = 1,
Min = 0,
Product = 3,
Sum = 2,
public enum MPSGraphResizeMode {
Bilinear = 1,
Nearest = 0,
public enum MPSGraphScatterMode {
Add = 0,
Div = 3,
Max = 5,
Min = 4,
Mul = 2,
Set = 6,
Sub = 1,
public sealed delegate MPSGraphScheduledHandler : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public MPSGraphScheduledHandler (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> resultsDictionary, Foundation.NSError error, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual void EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual void Invoke (Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensorData> resultsDictionary, Foundation.NSError error);
public class MPSGraphShapedType : MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphType {
// constructors
public MPSGraphShapedType ();
protected MPSGraphShapedType (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphShapedType (IntPtr handle);
public MPSGraphShapedType (int[] shape, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType dataType);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType DataType { get; set; }
public virtual int[] Shape { get; set; }
// methods
public virtual bool IsEqualTo (MPSGraphShapedType object);
public enum MPSGraphSparseStorageType {
Coo = 0,
Csc = 1,
Csr = 2,
public class MPSGraphStencilOpDescriptor : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public MPSGraphStencilOpDescriptor ();
protected MPSGraphStencilOpDescriptor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphStencilOpDescriptor (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public virtual MPSGraphPaddingMode BoundaryMode { get; set; }
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual int[] DilationRates { get; set; }
public virtual int[] ExplicitPadding { get; set; }
public virtual int[] Offsets { get; set; }
public virtual float PaddingConstant { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphPaddingStyle PaddingStyle { get; set; }
public virtual MPSGraphReductionMode ReductionMode { get; set; }
public virtual int[] Strides { get; set; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public static MPSGraphStencilOpDescriptor Create (MPSGraphPaddingStyle paddingStyle);
public static MPSGraphStencilOpDescriptor Create (int[] explicitPadding);
public static MPSGraphStencilOpDescriptor Create (int[] offsets, int[] explicitPadding);
public static MPSGraphStencilOpDescriptor Create (MPSGraphReductionMode reductionMode, int[] offsets, int[] strides, int[] dilationRates, int[] explicitPadding, MPSGraphPaddingMode boundaryMode, MPSGraphPaddingStyle paddingStyle, float paddingConstant);
public class MPSGraphTensor : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
protected MPSGraphTensor (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphTensor (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType DataType { get; }
public virtual MPSGraphOperation Operation { get; }
public virtual int[] Shape { get; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public class MPSGraphTensorData : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public MPSGraphTensorData ();
public MPSGraphTensorData (Foundation.NSArray<MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSImage> imageBatch);
protected MPSGraphTensorData (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
public MPSGraphTensorData (MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSMatrix matrix);
public MPSGraphTensorData (MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSNDArray ndarray);
public MPSGraphTensorData (MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSVector vector);
protected MPSGraphTensorData (IntPtr handle);
public MPSGraphTensorData (MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSMatrix matrix, nuint rank);
public MPSGraphTensorData (MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSVector vector, nuint rank);
public MPSGraphTensorData (Metal.IMTLBuffer buffer, int[] shape, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType dataType);
public MPSGraphTensorData (MPSGraphDevice device, Foundation.NSData data, int[] shape, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType dataType);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType DataType { get; }
public virtual MPSGraphDevice Device { get; }
public virtual MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSNDArray MPSNDArray { get; }
public virtual int[] Shape { get; }
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensorData Create (MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSImage[] imageBatch);
public static MPSGraphTensorData Create (Metal.IMTLDevice device, System.ReadOnlySpan<float> values, int[] shape);
public void Read (System.Span<float> values);
public enum MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout {
Chw = 4,
Hw = 6,
Hwc = 5,
Hwio = 3,
Nchw = 0,
Nhwc = 1,
Oihw = 2,
public class MPSGraphType : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSCopying, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public MPSGraphType ();
protected MPSGraphType (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphType (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual Foundation.NSObject Copy (Foundation.NSZone zone);
public class MPSGraphVariableOp : MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphOperation {
// constructors
protected MPSGraphVariableOp (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected MPSGraphVariableOp (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType DataType { get; }
public virtual int[] Shape { get; }
public sealed delegate MPSGraphWhileAfterBlock : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public MPSGraphWhileAfterBlock (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (MPSGraphTensor[] bodyBlockArguments, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual MPSGraphTensor[] EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual MPSGraphTensor[] Invoke (MPSGraphTensor[] bodyBlockArguments);
public sealed delegate MPSGraphWhileBeforeBlock : System.MulticastDelegate {
// constructors
public MPSGraphWhileBeforeBlock (object object, IntPtr method);
// methods
public virtual System.IAsyncResult BeginInvoke (MPSGraphTensor[] inputTensors, Foundation.NSMutableArray<MPSGraphTensor> resultTensors, System.AsyncCallback callback, object object);
public virtual MPSGraphTensor EndInvoke (System.IAsyncResult result);
public virtual MPSGraphTensor Invoke (MPSGraphTensor[] inputTensors, Foundation.NSMutableArray<MPSGraphTensor> resultTensors);
public static class MPSGraph_GatherNDOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor GatherND (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor updatesTensor, MPSGraphTensor indicesTensor, nuint batchDimensions, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_GatherOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor Gather (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor updatesTensor, MPSGraphTensor indicesTensor, nuint axis, nuint batchDimensions, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphActivationOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor LeakyReLU (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MPSGraphTensor alphaTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor LeakyReLU (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, double alpha, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor LeakyReLUGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor gradient, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphTensor alphaTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReLU (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReLUGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor gradient, MPSGraphTensor source, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Sigmoid (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor SigmoidGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor gradient, MPSGraphTensor source, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor SoftMax (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, nint axis, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor SoftMaxGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor gradient, MPSGraphTensor source, nint axis, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphArithmeticOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor Absolute (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Acos (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Acosh (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Addition (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Asin (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Asinh (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Atan (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Atan2 (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Atanh (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Ceil (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Clamp (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MPSGraphTensor minValueTensor, MPSGraphTensor maxValueTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Cos (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Cosh (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Division (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor DivisionNoNaN (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor EqualTo (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Erf (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Exponent (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ExponentBase10 (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ExponentBase2 (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Floor (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor FloorModulo (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor GreaterThan (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor GreaterThanOrEqualTo (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Identity (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor IsFinite (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor IsInfinite (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor IsNaN (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor LessThan (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor LessThanOrEqualTo (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Logarithm (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor LogarithmBase10 (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor LogarithmBase2 (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor LogicalAnd (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor LogicalNand (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor LogicalNor (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor LogicalOr (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor LogicalXnor (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor LogicalXor (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Maximum (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor MaximumWithNaNPropagation (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Minimum (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor MinimumWithNaNPropagation (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Modulo (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Multiplication (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Negative (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Not (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor NotEqualTo (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Power (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Reciprocal (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReverseSquareRoot (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Rint (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Round (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Select (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor predicateTensor, MPSGraphTensor truePredicateTensor, MPSGraphTensor falseSelectTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Sign (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Signbit (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Sin (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Sinh (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Square (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor SquareRoot (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Subtraction (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Tan (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Tanh (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphControlFlowOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor[] ControlDependency (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphOperation[] operations, MPSGraphControlFlowDependencyBlock dependentBlock, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor[] For (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor numberOfIterations, MPSGraphTensor[] initialBodyArguments, MPSGraphForLoopBodyBlock body, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor[] For (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor lowerBound, MPSGraphTensor upperBound, MPSGraphTensor step, MPSGraphTensor[] initialBodyArguments, MPSGraphForLoopBodyBlock body, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor[] If (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor predicateTensor, MPSGraphIfThenElseBlock thenBlock, MPSGraphIfThenElseBlock elseBlock, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor[] While (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor[] initialInputs, MPSGraphWhileBeforeBlock before, MPSGraphWhileAfterBlock after, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphConvolutionOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor Convolution2D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphTensor weights, MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Convolution2DDataGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor gradient, MPSGraphTensor weights, MPSGraphTensor outputShapeTensor, MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor forwardConvolutionDescriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Convolution2DDataGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor incomingGradient, MPSGraphTensor weights, int[] outputShape, MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor forwardConvolutionDescriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Convolution2DWeightsGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor gradient, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphTensor outputShapeTensor, MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor forwardConvolutionDescriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Convolution2DWeightsGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor incomingGradient, MPSGraphTensor source, int[] outputShape, MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor forwardConvolutionDescriptor, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphConvolutionTransposeOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor ConvolutionTranspose2D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphTensor weights, MPSGraphTensor outputShape, MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ConvolutionTranspose2D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphTensor weights, int[] outputShape, MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ConvolutionTranspose2DDataGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor incomingGradient, MPSGraphTensor weights, MPSGraphTensor outputShape, MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor forwardConvolutionDescriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ConvolutionTranspose2DDataGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor incomingGradient, MPSGraphTensor weights, int[] outputShape, MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor forwardConvolutionDescriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ConvolutionTranspose2DWeightsGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor incomingGradientTensor, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphTensor outputShape, MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor forwardConvolutionDescriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ConvolutionTranspose2DWeightsGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor incomingGradientTensor, MPSGraphTensor source, int[] outputShape, MPSGraphConvolution2DOpDescriptor forwardConvolutionDescriptor, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolutionOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor DepthwiseConvolution2D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphTensor weights, MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution2DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor DepthwiseConvolution2DDataGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor incomingGradient, MPSGraphTensor weights, int[] outputShape, MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution2DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor DepthwiseConvolution2DWeightsGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor incomingGradient, MPSGraphTensor source, int[] outputShape, MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution2DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor DepthwiseConvolution3D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphTensor weights, MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution3DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor DepthwiseConvolution3DDataGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor incomingGradient, MPSGraphTensor weights, int[] outputShape, MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution3DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor DepthwiseConvolution3DWeightsGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor incomingGradient, MPSGraphTensor source, int[] outputShape, MPSGraphDepthwiseConvolution3DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphGradientOps {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSDictionary<MPSGraphTensor,MetalPerformanceShadersGraph.MPSGraphTensor> Gradients (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor of, MPSGraphTensor[] with, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphLossOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor SoftMaxCrossEntropy (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphTensor labels, nint axis, MPSGraphLossReductionType reductionType, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor SoftMaxCrossEntropyGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor gradientTensor, MPSGraphTensor sourceTensor, MPSGraphTensor labelsTensor, nint axis, MPSGraphLossReductionType reductionType, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphMatrixMultiplicationOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor MatrixMultiplication (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor primaryTensor, MPSGraphTensor secondaryTensor, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphNormalizationOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor Mean (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, int[] axes, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Normalization (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MPSGraphTensor mean, MPSGraphTensor variance, MPSGraphTensor gamma, MPSGraphTensor beta, float epsilon, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor NormalizationBetaGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor incomingGradientTensor, MPSGraphTensor sourceTensor, int[] axes, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor NormalizationGammaGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor incomingGradientTensor, MPSGraphTensor sourceTensor, MPSGraphTensor meanTensor, MPSGraphTensor varianceTensor, int[] axes, float epsilon, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor NormalizationGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor incomingGradientTensor, MPSGraphTensor sourceTensor, MPSGraphTensor meanTensor, MPSGraphTensor varianceTensor, MPSGraphTensor gamma, MPSGraphTensor gammaGradient, MPSGraphTensor betaGradient, int[] axes, float epsilon, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Variance (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, int[] axes, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Variance (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MPSGraphTensor meanTensor, int[] axes, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphOneHotOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor OneHot (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor indicesTensor, nuint depth, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor OneHot (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor indicesTensor, nuint depth, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType dataType, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor OneHot (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor indicesTensor, nuint depth, nuint axis, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor OneHot (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor indicesTensor, nuint depth, nuint axis, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType dataType, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor OneHot (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor indicesTensor, nuint depth, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType dataType, double onValue, double offValue, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor OneHot (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor indicesTensor, nuint depth, nuint axis, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType dataType, double onValue, double offValue, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphOptimizerOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphOperation ApplyStochasticGradientDescent (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor learningRate, MPSGraphVariableOp variable, MPSGraphTensor gradient, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor StochasticGradientDescent (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor learningRate, MPSGraphTensor values, MPSGraphTensor gradient, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphPoolingOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor AvgPooling2D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphPooling2DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor AvgPooling2DGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor gradient, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphPooling2DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor AvgPooling4D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphPooling4DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor AvgPooling4DGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor gradient, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphPooling4DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor L2NormPooling4D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphPooling4DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor L2NormPooling4DGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor gradient, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphPooling4DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor MaxPooling2D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphPooling2DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor MaxPooling2DGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor gradient, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphPooling2DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor MaxPooling4D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphPooling4DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor MaxPooling4DGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor gradient, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphPooling4DOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphRandomOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor Dropout (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MPSGraphTensor rate, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Dropout (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, double rate, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Random (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor shapeTensor, MPSGraphRandomOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Random (this MPSGraph This, int[] shape, MPSGraphRandomOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor[] Random (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor shapeTensor, MPSGraphRandomOpDescriptor descriptor, MPSGraphTensor state, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Random (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor shapeTensor, MPSGraphRandomOpDescriptor descriptor, nuint seed, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor[] Random (this MPSGraph This, int[] shape, MPSGraphRandomOpDescriptor descriptor, MPSGraphTensor state, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Random (this MPSGraph This, int[] shape, MPSGraphRandomOpDescriptor descriptor, nuint seed, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor RandomPhiloxState (this MPSGraph This, nuint seed, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor RandomPhiloxState (this MPSGraph This, nuint counterLow, nuint counterHigh, nuint key, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor RandomUniform (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor shapeTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor RandomUniform (this MPSGraph This, int[] shape, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor[] RandomUniform (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor shapeTensor, MPSGraphTensor state, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor RandomUniform (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor shapeTensor, nuint seed, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor[] RandomUniform (this MPSGraph This, int[] shape, MPSGraphTensor state, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor RandomUniform (this MPSGraph This, int[] shape, nuint seed, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphReductionOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor ReductionArgMaximum (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, nint axis, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReductionArgMinimum (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, nint axis, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReductionMaximum (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, int[] axes, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReductionMaximum (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, nint axis, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReductionMaximumPropagateNaN (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, int[] axes, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReductionMaximumPropagateNaN (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, nint axis, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReductionMinimum (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, int[] axes, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReductionMinimum (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, nint axis, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReductionMinimumPropagateNaN (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, int[] axes, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReductionMinimumPropagateNaN (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, nint axis, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReductionProduct (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, int[] axes, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReductionProduct (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, nint axis, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReductionSum (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, int[] axes, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ReductionSum (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, nint axis, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphResizeOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor Resize (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor imagesTensor, MPSGraphTensor size, MPSGraphResizeMode mode, bool centerResult, bool alignCorners, MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout layout, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Resize (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor imagesTensor, int[] size, MPSGraphResizeMode mode, bool centerResult, bool alignCorners, MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout layout, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ResizeGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor gradient, MPSGraphTensor input, MPSGraphResizeMode mode, bool centerResult, bool alignCorners, MPSGraphTensorNamedDataLayout layout, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphScatterOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor Scatter (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor dataTensor, MPSGraphTensor updatesTensor, MPSGraphTensor indicesTensor, nint axis, MPSGraphScatterMode mode, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Scatter (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor updatesTensor, MPSGraphTensor indicesTensor, int[] shape, nint axis, MPSGraphScatterMode mode, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphSparseOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor Sparse (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphCreateSparseOpDescriptor sparseDescriptor, MPSGraphTensor[] inputTensorArray, int[] shape, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Sparse (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphSparseStorageType sparseStorageType, MPSGraphTensor[] inputTensorArray, int[] shape, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType dataType, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphStencilOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor Stencil (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphTensor weights, MPSGraphStencilOpDescriptor descriptor, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphTensorShapeOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor Broadcast (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MPSGraphTensor shapeTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Broadcast (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, int[] shape, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Cast (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType type, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Concat (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MPSGraphTensor tensor2, nint dimensionIndex, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ConcatTensors (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor[] tensors, nint dimensionIndex, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ConcatTensors (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor[] tensors, nint dimensionIndex, bool interleave, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor DepthToSpace2D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MPSGraphTensor widthAxisTensor, MPSGraphTensor heightAxisTensor, MPSGraphTensor depthAxisTensor, nuint blockSize, bool usePixelShuffleOrder, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor DepthToSpace2D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, nuint widthAxis, nuint heightAxis, nuint depthAxis, nuint blockSize, bool usePixelShuffleOrder, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Flatten2D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MPSGraphTensor axisTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Flatten2D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, nint axis, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Pad (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MPSGraphPaddingMode paddingMode, int[] leftPadding, int[] rightPadding, double constantValue, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor PadGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor incomingGradientTensor, MPSGraphTensor sourceTensor, MPSGraphPaddingMode paddingMode, int[] leftPadding, int[] rightPadding, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Reshape (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MPSGraphTensor shapeTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Reshape (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, int[] shape, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Reverse (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Reverse (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MPSGraphTensor axesTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Reverse (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, int[] axes, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Shape (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Slice (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, int[] starts, int[] ends, int[] strides, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Slice (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, nuint dimensionIndex, nint start, nint length, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Slice (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, int[] starts, int[] ends, int[] strides, uint startMask, uint endMask, uint squeezeMask, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor SliceGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor inputGradientTensor, MPSGraphTensor fwdInShapeTensor, int[] starts, int[] ends, int[] strides, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor SliceGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor inputGradientTensor, MPSGraphTensor fwdInShapeTensor, int[] starts, int[] ends, int[] strides, uint startMask, uint endMask, uint squeezeMask, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor SpaceToDepth2D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, MPSGraphTensor widthAxisTensor, MPSGraphTensor heightAxisTensor, MPSGraphTensor depthAxisTensor, nuint blockSize, bool usePixelShuffleOrder, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor SpaceToDepth2D (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, nuint widthAxis, nuint heightAxis, nuint depthAxis, nuint blockSize, bool usePixelShuffleOrder, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Tile (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, int[] multiplier, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor TileGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor incomingGradientTensor, MPSGraphTensor sourceTensor, int[] multiplier, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Transpose (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor tensor, nuint dimensionIndex, nuint dimensionIndex2, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphTopKGradientOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor TopKGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor gradient, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphTensor kTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor TopKGradient (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor gradient, MPSGraphTensor source, nuint k, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MPSGraphTopKOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor[] TopK (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor source, MPSGraphTensor kTensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor[] TopK (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor source, nuint k, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_MemoryOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphOperation Assign (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor variable, MPSGraphTensor tensor, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Constant (this MPSGraph This, double scalar, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType dataType);
public static MPSGraphTensor Constant (this MPSGraph This, Foundation.NSData data, int[] shape, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType dataType);
public static MPSGraphTensor Constant (this MPSGraph This, double scalar, int[] shape, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType dataType);
public static MPSGraphTensor Placeholder (this MPSGraph This, int[] shape, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Placeholder (this MPSGraph This, int[] shape, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType dataType, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Read (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor variable, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor Variable (this MPSGraph This, Foundation.NSData data, int[] shape, MetalPerformanceShaders.MPSDataType dataType, string name);
public static class MPSGraph_ScatterNDOps {
// methods
public static MPSGraphTensor ScatterND (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor updatesTensor, MPSGraphTensor indicesTensor, int[] shape, nuint batchDimensions, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ScatterND (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor dataTensor, MPSGraphTensor updatesTensor, MPSGraphTensor indicesTensor, nuint batchDimensions, MPSGraphScatterMode mode, string name);
public static MPSGraphTensor ScatterND (this MPSGraph This, MPSGraphTensor updatesTensor, MPSGraphTensor indicesTensor, int[] shape, nuint batchDimensions, MPSGraphScatterMode mode, string name);
public interface ISCStreamDelegate : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
public interface ISCStreamOutput : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
public class SCContentFilter : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected SCContentFilter (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
public SCContentFilter (SCWindow window);
protected SCContentFilter (IntPtr handle);
public SCContentFilter (SCDisplay display, SCWindow[] windows, SCContentFilterOption option);
public SCContentFilter (SCDisplay display, SCRunningApplication[] applications, SCWindow[] exceptingWindows, SCContentFilterOption option);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public enum SCContentFilterOption {
Exclude = 1,
Include = 0,
public class SCDisplay : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected SCDisplay (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected SCDisplay (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual uint DisplayId { get; }
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGRect Frame { get; }
public virtual nint Height { get; }
public virtual nint Width { get; }
public enum SCFrameStatus {
Blank = 2,
Complete = 0,
Idle = 1,
Started = 4,
Stopped = 5,
Suspended = 3,
public class SCRunningApplication : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected SCRunningApplication (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected SCRunningApplication (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public virtual string ApplicationName { get; }
public virtual string BundleIdentifier { get; }
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual int ProcessId { get; }
public class SCShareableContent : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected SCShareableContent (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected SCShareableContent (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public virtual SCRunningApplication[] Applications { get; }
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual SCDisplay[] Displays { get; }
public virtual SCWindow[] Windows { get; }
// methods
public static void GetShareableContent (System.Action<SCShareableContent,Foundation.NSError> completionHandler);
public static void GetShareableContent (bool excludeDesktopWindows, bool onScreenWindowsOnly, System.Action<SCShareableContent,Foundation.NSError> completionHandler);
public static void GetShareableContentAboveWindow (bool excludeDesktopWindows, SCWindow onScreenWindowsOnlyAboveWindow, System.Action<SCShareableContent,Foundation.NSError> completionHandler);
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<SCShareableContent> GetShareableContentAboveWindowAsync (bool excludeDesktopWindows, SCWindow onScreenWindowsOnlyAboveWindow);
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<SCShareableContent> GetShareableContentAsync ();
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<SCShareableContent> GetShareableContentAsync (bool excludeDesktopWindows, bool onScreenWindowsOnly);
public static void GetShareableContentBelowWindow (bool excludeDesktopWindows, SCWindow onScreenWindowsOnlyBelowWindow, System.Action<SCShareableContent,Foundation.NSError> completionHandler);
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<SCShareableContent> GetShareableContentBelowWindowAsync (bool excludeDesktopWindows, SCWindow onScreenWindowsOnlyBelowWindow);
public class SCStream : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected SCStream (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected SCStream (IntPtr handle);
public SCStream (SCContentFilter contentFilter, SCStreamConfiguration streamConfig, ISCStreamDelegate aDelegate);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
// methods
public virtual bool AddStreamOutput (ISCStreamOutput output, SCStreamOutputType type, CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue sampleHandlerQueue, out Foundation.NSError error);
public virtual bool RemoveStreamOutput (ISCStreamOutput output, SCStreamOutputType type, out Foundation.NSError error);
public virtual void StartCapture (System.Action<Foundation.NSError> completionHandler);
public virtual void StopCapture (System.Action<Foundation.NSError> completionHandler);
public virtual void UpdateConfiguration (SCStreamConfiguration streamConfig, System.Action<Foundation.NSError> completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task UpdateConfigurationAsync (SCStreamConfiguration streamConfig);
public virtual void UpdateContentFilter (SCContentFilter contentFilter, System.Action<Foundation.NSError> completionHandler);
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task UpdateContentFilterAsync (SCContentFilter contentFilter);
public class SCStreamConfiguration : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
public SCStreamConfiguration ();
protected SCStreamConfiguration (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected SCStreamConfiguration (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGColor BackgroundColor { get; set; }
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGRect DestinationRect { get; set; }
public virtual nuint Height { get; set; }
public virtual CoreMedia.CMTime MinimumFrameInterval { get; set; }
public virtual CoreVideo.CVPixelFormatType PixelFormat { get; set; }
public virtual nint QueueDepth { get; set; }
public virtual bool ScalesToFit { get; set; }
public virtual bool ShowsCursor { get; set; }
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGRect SourceRect { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSString WeakColorMatrix { get; set; }
public virtual Foundation.NSString WeakColorSpaceName { get; set; }
public virtual nuint Width { get; set; }
// methods
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
public class SCStreamDelegate : Foundation.NSObject, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, ISCStreamDelegate, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public SCStreamDelegate ();
protected SCStreamDelegate (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected SCStreamDelegate (IntPtr handle);
// methods
public virtual void DidStop (SCStream stream, Foundation.NSError error);
public static class SCStreamDelegate_Extensions {
// methods
public static void DidStop (this ISCStreamDelegate This, SCStream stream, Foundation.NSError error);
public enum SCStreamErrorCode {
AttemptToConfigState = -3810,
AttemptToStartStreamState = -3807,
AttemptToStopStreamState = -3808,
AttemptToUpdateFilterState = -3809,
FailedApplicationConnectionInterrupted = -3805,
FailedApplicationConnectionInvalid = -3804,
FailedNoMatchingApplicationContext = -3806,
FailedToStart = -3802,
InternalError = -3811,
InvalidParameter = -3812,
MissingEntitlements = -3803,
NoCaptureSource = -3815,
NoDisplayList = -3814,
NoWindowList = -3813,
RemovingStream = -3816,
UserDeclined = -3801,
public static class SCStreamErrorCodeExtensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSString GetDomain (this SCStreamErrorCode self);
public static class SCStreamFrameInfoKeys {
// properties
public static Foundation.NSString ContentRect { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString ContentScale { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString DirtyRects { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString DisplayTime { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString InfoScaleFactor { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString Status { get; }
public enum SCStreamOutputType {
Screen = 0,
public static class SCStreamOutput_Extensions {
// methods
public static void DidOutputSampleBuffer (this ISCStreamOutput This, SCStream stream, CoreMedia.CMSampleBuffer sampleBuffer, SCStreamOutputType type);
public class SCWindow : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected SCWindow (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected SCWindow (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual CoreGraphics.CGRect Frame { get; }
public virtual bool OnScreen { get; }
public virtual SCRunningApplication OwningApplication { get; }
public virtual string Title { get; }
public virtual uint WindowId { get; }
public virtual nint WindowLayer { get; }