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Created July 9, 2012 09:48
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Starting couchdb if not running and creating a db named isd if it doesn't exist in Node.js
request = require 'request'
db = new((require 'cradle').Connection)().database('isd')
startCouchDB = =>
childproc = require "child_process"
couchdb = childproc.spawn "couchdb"
couchdb.stdout.setEncoding "utf8"
buffer = ""
couchdb.stdout.on "data", (data) =>
lines = (buffer + data).split(/\r?\n/)
buffer = lines.pop()
lines.forEach (line, index) ->
if line.match('Apache CouchDB has started on')
console.log line
couchdb.stdout.on "end", ->
if buffer.length > 0
console.log buffer
buffer = ""
console.log 'process ended'
insert = ->
request uri: "", (e, r, b) =>
if e? and e.code is "ECONNREFUSED"
console.log "couchdb is not running, attempting to start"
console.log b
await db.exists defer e, exists
await db.create defer {} unless exists
#more code here...
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
(function() {
var db, insert, request, startCouchDB,
_this = this;
request = require('request');
db = new (require('cradle')).Connection().database('isd');
startCouchDB = function() {
var buffer, childproc, couchdb;
childproc = require("child_process");
couchdb = childproc.spawn("couchdb");
buffer = "";
couchdb.stdout.on("data", function(data) {
var lines;
lines = (buffer + data).split(/\r?\n/);
buffer = lines.pop();
return lines.forEach(function(line, index) {
if (line.match('Apache CouchDB has started on')) {
return console.log(line);
return couchdb.stdout.on("end", function() {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
buffer = "";
return console.log('process ended');
insert = function() {
var _this = this;
return request({
uri: ""
}, function(e, r, b) {
if ((e != null) && e.code === "ECONNREFUSED") {
console.log("couchdb is not running, attempting to start");
return startCouchDB();
} else {
return db.exists(function(e, exists) {
if (!exists) {
return db.create(function(_arg) {
// Generated by IcedCoffeeScript 1.3.1b
(function() {
var db, iced, insert, request, startCouchDB, __iced_k, __iced_k_noop,
_this = this;
iced = require('iced-coffee-script').iced;
__iced_k = __iced_k_noop = function() {};
request = require('request');
db = new (require('cradle')).Connection().database('isd');
startCouchDB = function() {
var buffer, childproc, couchdb;
childproc = require("child_process");
couchdb = childproc.spawn("couchdb");
buffer = "";
couchdb.stdout.on("data", function(data) {
var lines;
lines = (buffer + data).split(/\r?\n/);
buffer = lines.pop();
return lines.forEach(function(line, index) {
if (line.match('Apache CouchDB has started on')) insert();
return console.log(line);
return couchdb.stdout.on("end", function() {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
buffer = "";
return console.log('process ended');
insert = function() {
var _this = this;
return request({
uri: ""
}, function(e, r, b) {
var e, exists, ___iced_passed_deferral, __iced_deferrals, __iced_k;
__iced_k = __iced_k_noop;
___iced_passed_deferral = iced.findDeferral(arguments);
if ((e != null) && e.code === "ECONNREFUSED") {
console.log("couchdb is not running, attempting to start");
return __iced_k(startCouchDB());
} else {
(function(__iced_k) {
__iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
filename: "./forgiving-couchdb-code.iced"
assign_fn: (function() {
return function() {
e = arguments[0];
return exists = arguments[1];
lineno: 31
})(function() {
(function(__iced_k) {
if (!exists) {
(function(__iced_k) {
__iced_deferrals = new iced.Deferrals(__iced_k, {
parent: ___iced_passed_deferral,
filename: "./forgiving-couchdb-code.iced"
lineno: 31
} else {
return __iced_k();
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