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Last active May 25, 2024 10:21
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Drools ammonite case class support ? / published by #17497a70-de09-4646-84ce-a492fb4b4582/6b7f6894ec1ad2ea77705894af75a6fe938f79f6
// summary : Drools ammonite case class support ?
// keywords : scala, drools, mvel, scalatest, ai, case-classes
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : 17497a70-de09-4646-84ce-a492fb4b4582
// created-on : 2018-09-12T21:11:39+02:00
// managed-by :
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep "fr.janalyse::drools-scripting:1.1.0"
//> using dep "org.scalatest::scalatest:3.2.16"
// ---------------------
import fr.janalyse.droolscripting._, org.scalatest._, flatspec._, matchers._, OptionValues._
object namespace1 {
object namespace2 {
case class DummyA(name: String, value: Int)
case class DummyB(name:String, value:Int)
object DroolsWithScalaCaseClassesTest extends AnyFlatSpec with should.Matchers {
override val suiteName = "DroolsWithScalaCaseClassesTest"
"drools" should "manage right regular case classes, but unfortunately not those created from ammonite or scala-cli" in {
val dummyAType = new namespace1.namespace2.DummyA("truc", 42).getClass.getName
val dummyBType = new DummyB("truc", 42).getClass.getName
val Array(dummyAPackage, dummyAClassName) = dummyAType.split("[.](?=[^.]*$)", 2)
val Array(dummyBPackage, dummyBClassName) = dummyBType.split("[.](?=[^.]*$)", 2)
val drl =
s"""package testdrools
|import $dummyAType
|rule "hello dummy"
| $dummyAClassName($$name:name)
| System.out.println("HELLO "+$$name);
val engine = DroolsEngine(drl)
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