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Created December 18, 2010 17:49
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Save cmilfont/746701 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var grid;
var win;
Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget = 'side';
var ProjectStore = new FactoryStore({
root: 'project',
url: '/projects.sencha',
storeId: 'id',
autoLoad: false,
autoSave: false,
remoteSort: true,
autoDestroy: false,
baseParams: {sort: 'name', dir: 'ASC'},
fields: [
{name: 'id', mapping: 'id', allowBlank: false},
{name: 'name', mapping: 'name', allowBlank: true}
var FeatureFields = [
{name: 'id', mapping: 'id'},
{name: 'title', mapping: 'title', allowBlank: true},
{name: 'project_id', mapping: 'project_id', allowBlank: true},
{name: 'project_name', mapping: '', allowBlank: true},
{name: 'so_that', mapping: 'so_that', allowBlank: true},
{name: 'as_a', mapping: 'as_a', allowBlank: true},
{name: 'i_want', mapping: 'i_want', allowBlank: true},
{name: 'created_at', mapping: 'created_at', allowBlank: true},
{name: 'updated_at', mapping: 'updated_at', allowBlank: true},
{name: 'status', mapping: 'status', allowBlank: true}
var FeatureRecord =;
var FeatureStore = new FactoryStore({
root: 'feature',
url: '/features.sencha',
storeId: 'id',
autoLoad: true,
autoSave: true,
remoteSort: true,
autoDestroy: true,
baseParams: {sort: 'name', dir: 'ASC', project_id: 1},
fields: FeatureFields
var MilfontBasicForm = Ext.extend(Ext.form.BasicForm, {
factoryRecord: null,
privateRecord: null,
getRecord: function() {
return this.privateRecord;
loadRecord : function(record){
this.privateRecord = record;
return this;
submit : function(options){
if(!this.factoryRecord) {
throw new Error("FactoryRecord not existing!");
if(!this.privateRecord && this.factoryRecord) {
this.privateRecord = new this.factoryRecord( this.getValues() );
var MilfontFormPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.FormPanel, {
store: {},
constructor: function(config) {
config.monitorValid = true;
config.xtype = 'form';
config.width = 340;
config.border = true;
config.frame = true;
config.defaults = {width: 200, allowBlank: false};
config.defaultType= 'textfield';
config.buttons = [
formBind: true, text: 'Salvar',
handler: function(button) {
record = button.ownerCt.ownerCt.getForm().getRecord();
if(record.phantom) {, record);
Ext.apply(this, config);;
var config_form = Ext.applyIf({listeners: {}}, this.initialConfig);
config_form.factoryRecord = config.factoryRecord;
this.form = new MilfontBasicForm(null, config_form);
var cadastrar = function(title) {
var win = new Ext.Window({
title: title, /*height: 250, width: 400,*/ modal: true,
items: [ new MilfontFormPanel({
factoryRecord: FeatureRecord,
items: [
{fieldLabel: 'Project id', name: 'project_id' },
{fieldLabel: 'Title', name: 'title' },
{fieldLabel: 'So That', name: 'so_that'},
{fieldLabel: 'As a', name: 'as_a'},
{fieldLabel: 'I Want', name: 'i_want'}
store: FeatureStore
var editar = function(title) {
var win = new Ext.Window({
title: title, /*height: 250, width: 400,*/ modal: true,
items: [ new MilfontFormPanel({
factoryRecord: FeatureRecord,
items: [
{fieldLabel: 'Id', name: 'id', readonly:true },
{fieldLabel: 'Project id', name: 'project_id' },
{fieldLabel: 'Title', name: 'title' },
{fieldLabel: 'So That', name: 'so_that'},
{fieldLabel: 'As a', name: 'as_a'},
{fieldLabel: 'I Want', name: 'i_want'}
store: FeatureStore
var record = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
Ext.Msg.alert('Status', 'Por favor, selecione uma linha do grid!');
} else {
var excluir = function() {
var rec = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelected();
Ext.Msg.alert('Status', 'Por favor, selecione uma linha do grid!');
var pagingBar = new Ext.PagingToolbar({
pageSize: 5, store: FeatureStore, displayInfo: true,
displayMsg: 'Mostrando {0} - {1} of {2}',
items: [
{xtype: 'button', text: 'Cadastrar', handler: cadastrar.createCallback('Cadastro') },
{xtype: 'button', text: 'Editar', handler: editar.createCallback('Edição')},
{xtype: 'button', text: 'Excluir', handler: excluir}
grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
loadMask: {msg: 'Loading Features...'}
, renderTo: 'grid_features'
, store: FeatureStore
, cm: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
defaults: { width: 120, sortable: true}
, columns: [
{id: 'id', header: 'id', width: 20, dataIndex: 'id'}
, {header: 'title', width: 200, dataIndex: 'title'}
, {header: 'Project', width: 150, dataIndex: 'project_name'}
, {header: 'So That', width: 100, dataIndex: 'so_that'}
, {header: 'As a', width: 100, dataIndex: 'as_a'}
, {header: 'I want', width: 100, dataIndex: 'i_want'}
// instead of specifying renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y') use xtype
, {header: 'created_at', width: 130, dataIndex: 'created_at', xtype: 'datecolumn', format: 'd/m/yy'}
, {header: 'updated_at', width: 130, dataIndex: 'updated_at', xtype: 'datecolumn', format: 'd/m/yy'}
, {header: 'status', width: 80, dataIndex: 'status'}
, viewConfig: {forceFit: true}
, sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true})
, width: 800, height: 200, frame: true, autoShow: true
, title: 'Grid de Features', iconCls: 'icon-grid', bbar: pagingBar
var configStoreDefault ={
root: 'data',
url: '/',
storeId: 'companies',
autoLoad: false,
autoSave: false,
remoteSort: true,
autoDestroy: false,
baseParams: {sort: 'name', dir: 'ASC'},
fields: [
{name: 'id', mapping: '_id'},
{name: 'name'}
var FactoryStore = function(configStore) {
var configStore = configStore || configStoreDefault;
var reader = new{
id: "id",
idProperty: "id",
root: configStore.root,
totalProperty: 'total',
successProperty: 'success',
messageProperty: 'message'
, fields: configStore.fields
//, sortInfo: {field: 'name', direction: 'ASC'}
}, configStore.fields);
var temp = function() {
console.log("arguments - begin");
console.log("arguments - end");
var writer = new{
encode: false,
//writeAllFields : true,
//listful : true,
//updateRecord : temp,
//createRecord : temp
//destroyRecord : temp
var proxy = new{
url: configStore.url
var abstractStore = new{
//pruneModifiedRecords : true,
//storeId: configStore.storeId,
autoLoad: configStore.autoLoad,
autoSave: configStore.autoSave,
remoteSort: configStore.remoteSort,
autoDestroy: configStore.autoDestroy,
baseParams: configStore.baseParams,
reader: reader,
proxy: proxy,
writer: writer/*,
listeners: {
add: function() {
write : function( store, action, result, res, rs ) {
return abstractStore;
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