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Created September 8, 2017 10:22
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Awesome capture перевод

Awesome capture перевод

Больше Перевод документов и сайтов Корпоративные решения Проверка орфографии. Войти Войти через Facebook. Присоединяйтесь к Reverso, это удобно и бесплатно! Through that door, an awesome power will emerge. One of the aims of this series was to capture the awesome power of these natural forces from underwater. Our genes seem to have awesome power over our destinies. We finally harnessed the awesome power of the potato! Only you have the awesome power to lift someone up into the heavens and create a new star. We are only just beginning to understand the awesome power that can raise mountains, form the continents, open and close the seas. Listen, do I lie awake fantasizing about personally taking down an institution that is the single greatest stain on the American collective conscience since slavery with the awesome power of my words? The awesome power of evolution transformed the ravenous wolf into the faithful shepherd who protects the herd and drives the wolf away. The source of this awesome power lies deep inside the heart of the beast a heart of darkness a super massive black hole, as heavy as a billion suns. Deliver your awesome power and transform my potion. But only he who is deemed worthy can harness its awesome power. Mas apenas aquele considerado digno pode utilizar o seu poder fenomenal. Witness the awesome power of the pardoned turkey. Testemunha o poder impressionante do peru perdoado. Because they fear its awesome power. Porque temem o seu grandioso poder. Our dilithium crystals represent awesome power. Os nossos cristais representam um enorme poder. You will bow to my awesome power. I finally harnessed the awesome power of the hook. Finalmente venci o poder do gancho. I hesitate to share this secret with you. Hesitei partilhar este segredo convosco, pelo seu estrondoso poder. Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть больше примеров. Разработано Prompsit Language Engineering для Softissimo Что такое контекстный словарь Скачать приложение Контакты Правовые вопросы.

англо-русский перевод "capture"

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