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Created December 29, 2010 17:29
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# Copyright (C) 2010 Andrew Clunis <>
# Daniel Rubin <>
# 2005-2009 Quentin Sculo <>
# This file is part of Gmusicbrowser.
# Gmusicbrowser is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation
=gmbplugin EPICRATING
name EpicRating
title EpicRating plugin - automatically update ratings
author Andrew Clunis <>
author Daniel Rubin <>
desc Automatic rating updates on configurable listening behaviour events.
# dependencies: Text::CSV, libtext-csv-perl
package GMB::Plugin::EPICRATING;
use strict;
use warnings;
Glib->install_exception_handler (sub {
warn shift;
exit -1;
use constant {
OPT => 'PLUGIN_EPICRATING_', #used to identify the plugin's options
::SetDefaultOptions(OPT, SetDefaultRatingOnSkipped => 1, SetDefaultRatingOnFinished => 1, Rules => [ {signal => 'Finished', field => "rating", value => 5}, {signal => 'Skipped', field => 'rating', value => -5 }, { signal => "Skipped", before => 15, field => "rating", value => -1}]);
my $self=bless {},__PACKAGE__;
sub IsFieldSet {
my ($self, $song_id, $field) = @_;
my $val = ::Songs::Get($song_id, $field);
my $answer = defined($val) && ($val ne "");
return $answer;
sub AddRatingPointsToSong {
my ($self, $ID, $PointsToRemove) = @_;
my $ExistingRating = ::Songs::Get($ID, 'rating');
# actually, ApplyRulesByName() skips apply the rule if the target field (ie., rating, is unset)
# Skipped rules, however, do not make such a check.
if(!($self->IsFieldSet($ID, 'rating'))) {
warn "EpicRating cannot change the rating of a song that has no rating. Ignoring.";
if(($ExistingRating + $PointsToRemove) > 100)
warn "Yikes, can't rate this song above one hundred.";
::Songs::Set($ID, rating=>100);
} elsif(($ExistingRating + $PointsToRemove) < 0) {
warn "Negative addend in EpicRating pushed song rating to below 0. Pinning at 0.";
::Songs::Set($ID, rating => 0);
} else {
warn "EpicRating changing song rating (title: " . ::Songs::Get($ID, 'title') . ", existing: " . $ExistingRating . ") by " . $PointsToRemove;
::Songs::Set($ID, rating=>($ExistingRating + $PointsToRemove));
sub GetRulesBySignal {
my ($rule_name) = @_;
my $rules = $::Options{OPT.'Rules'};
my $matched_rules = [];
foreach my $rule (@{$rules}) {
if(${$rule}{signal} eq $rule_name) {
push @{$matched_rules}, $rule;
return $matched_rules;
sub gettimeofday_us {
require Time::HiRes;
sub SaveRatingScoresCSV {
my ($self) = @_;
use Text::CSV;
my $file_chooser = Gtk2::FileChooserDialog->new(
_"Save lastplay ratingscore to file",
undef, 'save', 'gtk-save', => 'ok', 'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel');
my $save_response = $file_chooser->run();
if($save_response eq 'ok') {
my $filename = $file_chooser->get_filename();
open RSF, ">", $filename or warn("Could not save file.");
warn "Processing rating scores...";
for (0..100) {
warn "... Processing rating #" . $_;
my $filter = Filter->new("rating:e:" . $_)->filter;
my $length = @{$filter};
warn "... has " . $length . " songs.";
my @sorted_by_lastplay = sort {
my $a_played = ::Songs::Get($a, 'lastplay');
my $b_played = ::Songs::Get($b, 'lastplay');
$a_played <=> $b_played;
} @{$filter};
if($length != 0) {
my $step = 1.0 / $length;
my $used = 0.0;
foreach my $song (@sorted_by_lastplay) {
my $rating_score = $used;
my $rating = ::Songs::Get($song, "rating");
my $final_rating = ($rating * 1.0) + ($rating_score - 0.5);
$used += $step;
print RSF $rating . ", " . $final_rating . "\n";
warn "Song: " . ::Songs::Get($song, "title") . " gets ratingscore " . $rating_score;
} else {
warn "... not sorting empty rating.";
close RSF;
# apply the action this rule specifies.
sub ApplyRule {
my ($self, $rule, $song_id) = @_;
$self->AddRatingPointsToSong($song_id, ${$rule}{value});
# lasso all rules with a given signal and apply them all. does not evalulate conditions.
sub ApplyRulesByName {
my ($self, $rule_name, $song_id) = @_;
my $rules = $::Options{OPT.'Rules'};
my $matched_rules = GetRulesBySignal($rule_name);
foreach my $matched_rule (@{$matched_rules}) {
my $value = ::Songs::Get($song_id, ${$matched_rule}{field});
# if the target field is unset, skip it.
if((defined $value) && ($value ne "")) {
$self->ApplyRule($matched_rule, $song_id);
sub Played {
my ($self, $song_id, $finished, $start_time, $seconds, $coverage_ratio, $played_segments) = @_;
if(!$finished) {
$self->Skipped($song_id, $played_segments->[-1]);
} else {
# Finished playing song (actually PlayedPercent or more, neat eh?)
sub Finished {
my ($self, $song_id) = @_;
warn 'EpicRating has noticed that a song has finished!';
my $rules = $::Options{OPT.'Rules'};
my $DefaultRating = $::Options{"DefaultRating"};
my $song_rating = Songs::Get($song_id, 'rating');
if(!($self->IsFieldSet($song_id, 'rating')) && $::Options{OPT."SetDefaultRatingOnFinished"}) {
::Songs::Set($song_id, rating=>$DefaultRating);
$self->ApplyRulesByName('Finished', $song_id);
sub Skipped {
my ($self, $song_id, $play_time) = @_;
warn 'EpicRating has noticed that a song has been skipped!';
my $DefaultRating = $::Options{"DefaultRating"};
my $rules = $::Options{OPT.'Rules'};
# we apply the default if the checkbox is enabled regardless
# of rules.
warn "Getting rating of song #" . $song_id;
my $song_rating = Songs::Get($song_id, 'rating');
if(!($self->IsFieldSet($song_id, 'rating')) && $::Options{OPT."SetDefaultRatingOnSkipped"}) {
::Songs::Set($song_id, rating=>$DefaultRating);
my $all_skip_rules = GetRulesBySignal('Skipped');
foreach my $skip_rule (@{$all_skip_rules}) {
my $before = ${$skip_rule}{'before'};
my $after = ${$skip_rule}{'after'};
# takes a list of expressions
# if an expression is true, OR an operand is nil, AND it with the others.
# return true
# meh, maybe not useful
my $after_exists = defined($after) && $after ne "";
my $before_exists = defined($before) && $before ne "";
if(!$before_exists && !$after_exists) {
# neither
# warn "Evalauted skip rule... neither after or before constraints.";
$self->ApplyRule($skip_rule, $song_id);
} elsif($before_exists && $after_exists) {
# both
# warn "Evaluated skip rule... there's a range.";
if(($play_time >= $after) && ($play_time <= $before)) {
$self->ApplyRule($skip_rule, $song_id);
} elsif($before_exists) {
# only before
# warn "Evaluated skip rule... only before constraint.";
if($play_time <= $before) {
$self->ApplyRule($skip_rule, $song_id);
} elsif($after_exists) {
# only after
# warn "Evaluated skip rule... only after constraint.";
if($play_time => $after) {
$self->ApplyRule($skip_rule, $song_id);
} else {
warn "wow, um, I missed a case?";
sub Start {
::Watch($self, Played => \&Played);
sub Stop {
::UnWatch($self, 'Played');
# rule editor.
# - event
# - value
# - operator
my $editor_signals = ['Finished', 'Skipped'];
my $editor_fields = ['rating'];
# perl, sigh.
# sub indexOfStr {
# my ($arr, $matey) = @_;
# for(my $idx = 0; $idx <= $#{$arr}; $idx ++) {
# return $idx if $arr eq $matey;
# }
# }
sub indexOfRef {
my ($arr, $matey) = @_;
for(my $idx = 0; $idx <= $#{$arr}; $idx ++) {
return $idx if $arr == $matey;
# sub deleteStrFromArr {
# my ($arr, $strval) = @_;
# splice($arr, indexOfStr($strval), 1);
# }
sub deleteRefFromArr {
my ($arr, $ref) = @_;
splice(@$arr, indexOfRef($arr, $ref), 1);
sub RulesListAddRow {
my $rule = $_[0]; # hash reference
my $rule_editor = GMB::Plugin::EPICRATING::Editor->new($rule);
$self->{rules_table}->add_with_properties($rule_editor, "expand", ::FALSE);
$self->{current_row} += 1;
sub NewRule {
my $new_rule = { signal => "", field => "", value => 0};
my $options_rules_array = $::Options{OPT.'Rules'};
push(@$options_rules_array, $new_rule);
return $new_rule;
sub PopulateRulesList {
my $rules = $::Options{OPT.'Rules'};
$self->{current_row} = 0;
foreach my $rule (@{$rules}) {
sub prefbox {
# TODO validate good values?E!??!
my $big_vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(::FALSE, 2);
my $rules_scroller = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new();
$rules_scroller->set_policy('never', 'automatic');
# $self->{rules_table} = Gtk2::Table->new(1, 4, ::FALSE);
$self->{rules_table} = Gtk2::VBox->new();
# force some debug fixtures in
# $::Options{OPT.'Rules'} = [ {signal => 'Finished', field => "rating", value => 5}, {signal => 'Skipped', field => 'rating', value => -5 }, { signal => "SkippedBefore15", field => "rating", value => -1}];
my $add_rule_button = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-add');
$add_rule_button->signal_connect('clicked', sub {
my $rule = NewRule();
# manually add the new rule, no point in repopulating everything
my $default_rating_box = Gtk2::VBox->new();
my $set_default_rating_label = Gtk2::Label->new(_"Apply your default rating to files when they are first played (required for rating update on files with default rating):");
my $set_default_rating_skip_check = ::NewPrefCheckButton(OPT."SetDefaultRatingOnSkipped", _"... on skipped songs");
my $set_default_rating_finished_check = ::NewPrefCheckButton(OPT."SetDefaultRatingOnFinished", _"... on played songs");
my $song_dump_button = Gtk2::Button->new("CSV dump of songs");
my $produce_ratingscore_button = Gtk2::Button->new("Emit CSV of heuristic rating scores");
$produce_ratingscore_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub {
warn "Ready to begin calculating rating scores.";
my $rating_scores = $self->SaveRatingScoresCSV();
use Text::CSV;
$song_dump_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub {
my $file_chooser = Gtk2::FileChooserDialog->new(
_"Save gmusicbrowser song stats CSV dump as...",
undef, 'save', 'gtk-save' => 'ok', 'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel');
my $response = $file_chooser->run();
if($response eq 'ok') {
my $csv_filename = $file_chooser->get_filename();
open CSVF, ">", $csv_filename or warn "Couldn't open CSV output!";
use Data::Dumper;
my $csv = Text::CSV->new ({binary => 1 });
my $all_songs = Filter->new("")->filter;
for my $song_id (@{$all_songs}) {
my $rating = ::Songs::Get($song_id, 'rating');
my $title = ::Songs::Get($song_id, 'title');
my $playcount = ::Songs::Get($song_id, 'playcount');
my $skipcount = ::Songs::Get($song_id, 'skipcount');
$csv->combine(@{[$song_id, $title, $rating, $playcount, $skipcount]});
print CSVF $csv->string . "\n";
close CSVF;
$big_vbox->add_with_properties($add_rule_button, "expand", ::FALSE);
$big_vbox->add_with_properties($default_rating_box, "expand", ::FALSE);
$big_vbox->add_with_properties($song_dump_button, "expand", ::FALSE);
$big_vbox->add_with_properties($produce_ratingscore_button, "expand", ::FALSE);
return $big_vbox;
package GMB::Plugin::EPICRATING::Editor;
use Gtk2;
use base 'Gtk2::Frame';
sub ExtraFieldsEditor {
my ($self) = @_;
my $hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new();
if($self->{rule}{signal} eq "Skipped") {
my $b_label = Gtk2::Label->new(_"Before: ");
my $b_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new();
$b_entry->set_text($self->{rule}{before}) if defined($self->{rule}{before});
$b_entry->signal_connect('changed', sub {
$self->{rule}{before} = $b_entry->get_text();
my $a_label = Gtk2::Label->new(_"After: ");
my $a_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new();
$a_entry->set_text($self->{rule}{after}) if defined($self->{rule}{after});
$a_entry->signal_connect('changed', sub {
$self->{rule}{after} = $a_entry->get_text();
$hbox->add_with_properties($b_label, "expand", ::FALSE);
$hbox->add_with_properties($b_entry, "expand", ::FALSE);
$hbox->add_with_properties($a_label, "expand", ::FALSE);
$hbox->add_with_properties($a_entry, "expand", ::FALSE);
return $hbox;
sub rebuild_extra_fields {
my $self = shift;
$self->{editor_hbox}->remove($self->{extra_hbox}) unless(!defined($self->{extra_hbox}));
$self->{extra_hbox} = $self->ExtraFieldsEditor();
$self->{editor_hbox}->add_with_properties($self->{extra_hbox}, "expand", ::FALSE);
sub new {
my ($class, $rule) = @_;
my $self = bless Gtk2::Frame->new;
$self->{rule} = $rule;
$self->{editor_hbox} = Gtk2::HBox->new();
$self->{extra_hbox} = undef;
my $extra_fields = [];
my $signal_combo = Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text();
my $signal_idx = 0;
foreach my $signal (@{$editor_signals}) {
if($signal eq ${$rule}{signal}) {
$signal_combo->signal_connect('changed', sub {
${$rule}{signal} = $signal_combo->get_active_text();
# shit, gotta repopulate the entire special-fields area
# even better just to repopulate the whole thing?
my $field_combo = Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text();
my $field_idx = 0;
foreach my $field (@{$editor_fields}) {
if($field eq ${$rule}{field}) {
$field_combo->signal_connect('changed', sub {
${$rule}{field} = $field_combo->get_active_text();
my $value_entry = Gtk2::Entry->new();
$value_entry->signal_connect('changed', sub {
${$rule}{value} = $value_entry->get_text();
$self->{editor_hbox}->add_with_properties(Gtk2::Label->new(_"Signal: "), "expand", ::FALSE);
$self->{editor_hbox}->add_with_properties($signal_combo, "expand", ::FALSE);
$self->{editor_hbox}->add_with_properties(Gtk2::Label->new(_"Field: "), "expand", ::FALSE);
$self->{editor_hbox}->add_with_properties($field_combo, "expand", ::FALSE);
$self->{editor_hbox}->add_with_properties(Gtk2::Label->new(_"Differential: "), "expand", ::FALSE);
$self->{editor_hbox}->add_with_properties($value_entry, "expand", ::FALSE);
my $remove_button = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-delete');
$remove_button->signal_connect('clicked', sub {
GMB::Plugin::EPICRATING::deleteRefFromArr($::Options{ GMB::Plugin::EPICRATING::OPT.'Rules'}, $rule);
$self->{editor_hbox}->pack_end($remove_button, ::FALSE, ::FALSE, 1);
return $self;
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