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Created January 7, 2011 11:58
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Toy illustration of SQL joins with Venn diagrams in R
# Time-stamp: <2011-01-07 12:41:47 chl>
# Some illustrations of SQL joins with R.
# Inspiration: Jeff Atwood,
tableA <- data.frame(id=1:4, name=c("Pirate","Monkey","Ninja","Spaghetti"))
tableB <- data.frame(id=1:4, name=c("Rutabaga","Pirate","Darth Vader","Ninja"))
plot.venn <- function(fill=c("#0000ff75",NA,"#0000ff75",NA),
title=NULL, border=F) {
# Barely adapted from the `venneuler' package.
# The fill parameter allows to show the outer/inner part of each circle, so
# fill[1] = outer part of A, fill[2] = intersected part of A with B,
# fill[3] = outer part of B, and fill[4] = intersected part of B with A.
k <- 1e4 # high resolution
p <- / k * 2 * pi
px <- cos(p) / 2
py <- sin(p) / 2
d <- 1
x1 <- 0.25 + d * px
y1 <- 0.5 + d * py
x2 <- 0.75 + d * px
y2 <- 0.5 + d * py
opar <- par(mar=c(1,1,1,1))
plot.window(c(-.25,1.25), c(-.25,1.25), "", asp = 1)
polygon(x1, y1, col=fill[1], border=ifelse(border, fill[1], NA))
polygon(x2, y2, col=fill[3], border=ifelse(border, fill[3], NA))
polygon(x1[x1>=.5], y1[x1>=.5], col=fill[2],
border=ifelse(border, fill[2], NA))
polygon(x2[x2<=.5], y2[x2<=.5], col=fill[4],
border=ifelse(border, fill[4], NA))
text(0.15, 0.5, "A")
text(0.85, 0.5, "B")
plot.syntax <- function() {
# should look better if we rely on expr that can be injected afterwards
vf <- c("sans serif", "bold")
opar <- par(mar=c(1,1,1,1), cex=.6)
plot.window(c(0,10), c(0,5), "", asp = 1)
text(rep(1,5), c(5,4,3,2,0.5), paste("(", letters[1:5], ")", sep=""),
col="blue", pos=2)
text(1, 5, "merge(tableA, tableB, by='name', all=FALSE)",
vfont=vf, pos=4)
text(1, 4, "merge(tableA, tableB, by='name', all=TRUE)",
vfont=vf, pos=4)
text(1, 3, "merge(tableA, tableB, by='name', all.x=TRUE)",
vfont=vf, pos=4)
text(1, 2, "res <- merge(tableA, tableB, by='name', all.x=TRUE)",
vfont=vf, pos=4)
text(1, 1.5, "res[apply(res, 2,[,3],]",
vfont=vf, pos=4)
text(1, 0.5, "res <- merge(tableA, tableB, by='name', all=TRUE)",
vfont=vf, pos=4)
text(1, 0, "res[apply(res, 1, function(x) any(,]",
vfont=vf, pos=4)
# SQL syntax
# (1) Inner join
merge(tableA, tableB, by="name", all=FALSE)
# (2) Full outer join
merge(tableA, tableB, by="name", all=TRUE)
# (3) Left outer join
merge(tableA, tableB, by="name", all.x=TRUE)
# (4) Records in A, but not in B
res <- merge(tableA, tableB, by="name", all.x=TRUE)
res[apply(res, 2,[,3],]
# or
# intersect(tableA$name, tableB$name)
# (5) Records unique to A and B
res <- merge(tableA, tableB, by="name", all=TRUE)
res[apply(res, 1, function(x) any(,]
# Visuals
# The PNG output produces good looking results, but let's stick
# on PDF for nice vectorized shapes.
pdf("venn.pdf", fillOddEven=TRUE)
layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,4,6,6,5,6,6), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE))
plot.venn(c("white","#0000ff75","white","#0000ff75"), border=F,
title="(a)") # (1)
plot.venn(title="(b)") # (2)
plot.venn(c("#0000ff75",NA,NA,NA), border=T, title="(c)") # (3)
plot.venn(c("#0000ff75",NA,"white",NA), border=T, title="(d)") # (4)
plot.venn(c("#0000ff75","white","#0000ff75","white"), border=T,
title="(e)") # (5)
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A quick and dirty adaptation of Jeff Atwood's Venn diagrams for SQL joins. The idea of translating it in R originates from J.D. Long (@CMastication on Tweeter).
A PNG preview is available, although the above script generates a higher-quality PDF output.

Remark: Still imperfect, though.

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